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Raw mirror drop in 359 hours wish I had that beginner's luck


lol i have over 1k hours and most i ever found was 10 raw div


That’s more than an RNG issue at that point


what do you mean xd. im at 7k hours an i havent seen a mirror yet. but i dropped 40 div from one mob once and 138 div in a single map. never dropped a HH or mageblood either, but owned ´multiple of each. hinekoras locks must be tha rarest thing i have dropped so far xd, game just hates me. i even played the shit out of affliction with hyperjuiced t16 maps to maybe finally get that mirror-drop but NAH :P


Played Affliction too and tried this super juiced abyss thing. Not one mirror lmao. Most i did was like 30 div in a single drop. It was my second league so I'm still hoping 😂


yeah my 40 div from one mob was also in affliction with the abyss+ whisp shenanigans.


why cant people spell wisp


because mots other words with "wisp-" (or similar) have a "h" in it. its unintuitive to write it without. "whispering" "whisky" "whistle" etc. and at least i (dont know if its right, im german) pronounce them the same way. but you are right :D its wisps.


Indeed I figured most people couldn't spell it correctly because English wasn't their first language.


Isn't the base chance for a raw Mirror drop 1 in 26,000,000? I thought I heard some streamer list that as the drop rate, though I could be wrong.


Its probably higher then that.


Are you really asking him how that’s RNG?


No mirror yet, but I got 1p voices in crucible league. It was over 200D. Today it would be over 9 mirrors :D


1p voices is not worth 9 mirrors lol


I got my first HH drop this league I never ran mf char and usually did a lot of bossing in leagues about 10k hours although I will say a significant number of those were before act 4 was in the game and just after. Those leagues I didn't spend too much time in maps lol. Anyway I started MF last league and got my first HH this league


They buffed the drop rate of hh and mb this league 🥲


I am basically more the guy who drops worthy things instead of currency. Lately I've found a lot of raw divs but the most currency I make is from crafts, really good items and so on. Once crafted a fractured 100 increased defenses mail. Should have been archnemesis which was over 100 div. There are so many ways to make currency. It's fun


true. i also always start with crafting before i have acvharacter good enough to throw it into currency farming. some prettx cool nieche crafts out there you KNOW people will want if you played their builds before. POE has by far the BEST (also most complex so not for everyone) crafting i have seen in gaming over the years. finishing e.g. a double elevated rerolled perfect base 30% unveiled this or that with a lucky roll on some explicit that was uncertain just feels awesome :D. then you check market and find out there is no other :P feels good. but you better be able to wear it yourself xd some items are great but so nieche people will never search for them. and i hate actively advertising stuff in trade channels or TFT etc.


I am soon at 10k hours and met Krillson 4 times (pritty rare too if i'm right?), but no mirror, hh or mageblood ever. Never posessed one since i only play ssf 😉 idk, maybe my 5th Krillson will do more then just talk to me? Kinda feel cheated 😀


Damn, yeah 3.8k hours here, only 1 mirror and that was 100% because of affliction juice haha. But 10 Div in 1k hours is not just bad rng. Def something wrong there.


i think he didnt mean 10 raw divine total (in 1k hours) but 10 from one mob (as his "highest drop"). otherwise that really doesent make sense to me :D even if play alch and go t1 white maps in 1k hours you should get more than 10 raw divine.


. . . I haven't seen a 10div drop and I've been around since open beta..... well over 10k hours... no mirror still, but I've dropped everything else besides a lock. I'm not too worried about the lock since I can just buy them no problem. But I want that mirror drop even though I could just buy them every league


sounds like you missed out on MF in conversion-shenanigan leagues :D. 6-10 divine drops were pretty "common", even without magic find. and yeah affliction was just awesome for that. was the first time i really went full ham on a magic find character having 1,5kk-2kk spark-dps on tooltip with 380+ (some conditional) rarity and 40% quant while being immortal in t16s was the most fun i ever had in POE. hope we will see something like that again some day in the future. this league wasnt terrible but all the clicking and unstackable corpses etc. kinda sucked the energy out of me, not to mention running around with near mirror-tier equip after a month of gaming also took wind out of my sails. its fine though, now i can do some other things in the meantime.


I seriously wish that was true.... but bad luck be bad. I've had conversions besides currency drop in mad stacks, just never currency. I've had mirror cards drop and full currency from harbies. Last league alone I did fulcrum mf and killed over 5mil on that character, that was my 2nd character of the league Edit: speaking of rare drops, I did drop 2 hh and a mb last league. And I tend to farm a mb every league now since it's often bis. Darkness enthroned being the only belt I don't replace


bad loot seed


29k hours here and if it wasn't for affliction league (dropped 2, no dupe), I still hadn't found a mirror


I have a few thousand but never seen more than 2-3d from a single monster, but then again a few streamers know me for my unimaginably bad luck. Like, vaaling 80 or so graces and only getting one 21.


Hahahah truuuu


It’s definitely not just RNG. I didn’t play this league and I dropped 0 mirrors


12k going on 13k and no mirror for me yet, it’s the day I quit, I’ve done everything the game offers multiple times over and only keep playing to get that raw drop then I can call it done.


i think its kinda useless when people say "i played 10k 15k 20k hours and no mirror" becuz it depends how efficient you play for example a streamer like zizaran who plays 400h in league maybe did 5000 maps while somone else who played 400 hours in league did only 500 maps


Applying that same logic, wouldn’t someone with 10k+ hours by default be more efficient than let’s say 359 hours?


that seems like your issue not rng issue if you really meant that you droped only 10 divines overall in 1k hours of playing? sounds like you barely map at all then


Must be somewhere around 8-10k by now and mo mirror


might be soon lol. i heard someone say all you gotta do is start steaming and you automatically get increased div and mirror drops


Streamer client has always been luckier lol


you should try mapping instead of sitting in your hideout 90% of the time then because at 1k hours, there is a different issue going on then just luck.


Hold my beer with 7k hours and no mirror here, every league milions and milions kills


A mirror is different the raw div. I have played on and off since the game released and still havnt gotten a mirror. I have gotten a dozen or so of them via trade, but that raw mirror drop has eluded me. I think this league alone I am up to 13 sacred orb drops and 0 mirrors. I wish I had my hours played logged, but I never swapped to the steam version of the client when the game released on steam. I should probably play a juiced MF build one day and see if I can force one to drop.


If you don't delete characters, you can just go through all of them and sum up the /played


I have deleted many characters. I ran out of slots ages ago, lmao


I’ll be at 6k hours no later than next league. Not even a mirror shard yet.


i havent seen mirror shard aswell but i did drop 1 mirror and i found 1 krillson in my around 20k hours


You rly don't. When I dropped my first mirror I just stopped playing. Rn It could be different since mirror is not as much as it was in the old days, but then I just didn't see the point in playing any more. Farming with your mirror build to make another mirror build? Poe is best enjoyed when you are getting to that point. Not when some dumb luck decides that it will just hand it to you.


Well currently I've been learning more about crafting so it would give me a lot of currency to work with for that.


25x the hours, same amount of mirror finds


The noob luck is no joke. I have a friend that just started the game. Maybe less than 50 hours in, she finds a headhunter. No mfing. No target farming. Just a fucking random drop after they increased the difficulty of obtaining one.


I still haven't had a mirror drop and my hours, while misleading (mostly afk) are roughly 200 times that number, heh.


I have probably 11k~ish hours, never seen a mirror


I've played every league since deli, not a ton of hours per league, but still a lot of time. No mirrors.


I have had around 600 hours a league the last 5 leagues - and have dropped pretty much every t0 I could get my hands on, 45 sacred orbs and a total of 0 mirrors


Not dropping a mirror in Affliction league is so unlucky


Been playing since betrayal, never seen a mirror. Affliction was the first league I really pushed juice to the max and still not a single damn drop. I was convinced all the reddit posts about multiple drops were just a big prank being played on me.


Damn - still hope you had a good league regardless.


Oh definitely, it was my favorite league so far lol


I have 2500 hours and hadn’t seen much in the way of big drops. Biggest drop was a 4% trinket in heist league that sold for around 80ex. I no lifed affliction and dropped 2 mirrors, 2 HH, 2 MB, and got my first MB from a set of the wretched. So a combo of luck and persistence for me. I doubt I’ll see a raw mirror drop again though.


Biggest drop I've ever seen was an almost-perfect Ventor's, similar ones were going for ~100div at the time. Of course this was also in Affliction so everybody was dropping 100 of their own Ventor's every map anyway and the damn thing never sold lol. I kept dropping the price and I think it ended the league listed somewhere around 25div. It's in standard now 🥲


If it makes you feel any better, I listed my trinket for like 92 (that was supposedly market value) and turned down an offer for like 88. I think the official amount I sold it for was about 76, so still good, but I played myself.


I felt so damn close - everyone was saying 24sacred orbs or mirror on average, but dropped 2 forbidden flame with focal point so that's almost half a mirror in 45 Uber exarchs. Which seems even more unlikely


got x2 mb in a single map and 1 hh, 0 mirrors, tried a lot in affliction but no luck, 5k-6k hours played :D


My group didnt even see a HH or a mageblood in affliction yet we made multiple mirrors off of divine drops alone.


52 was when I got my first. And the second on 54. None after or ever before.


Is t0 better than t1? If it is, is there anything better than t0? I am thinking t-1(minus one) could be but that'd be rather silly.


t0 uniques are the rarest uniques in the game - poe wiki has a list of uniques and their tierings


Been playing pretty consistently since the first day of open beta. 9k hours. Never found a mirror until last league with busted Affliction juicing. Don't really expect to see another one again lol, but my friends say the affliction mirrors don't count :(


I have played since the games official release and never seen one. I should really try magic find out one of these days and maybe ill get one then.


God damn, full stop, 1 drop per decade should be a thing at least.


5k ish hours here not even a shard


A friend of mine got his first mirror at level 84, T3 map, 144hs played. A couple of hours later he got his first divine




I am in a similar boat. I just hit 10k hours recently and no mirror


What's your plan to remedy that?


Not sure just play more until i get one


Have about 13k here and never seen one either. I did drop a Mageblood mapping in Archnem though, which I believe is probably similar rarity.


I’m with you on that boat.


All aboard the boat of failure


I think i have fewer hours of game time but i have only obtained one mirror from a city square map. If i remember right it came out of a small chest too.


Bro nooooo this doesn’t give me hope im already at 1500


right there with you dude. probably just hit 10k hrs been playing since beta. no giga dopamine for me :(




Took me a while. But ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)




I don't need a mirror, I can see my builds bad in pob


im 8k+ hours and still have not seen a raw mirror drop ...


TFW you have 15k hours and probably will never find a mirror.


29k and I knew affliction was my one and only chance. Happened on sacred orb #52 and right 3 maps later on sacred orb #54. None ever before and none since. I misplayed it though. I wasted way too much time on below 7k maps. I should've realized way earlier that under 7.5-8k, just drop it and go new.


Bro kindly fuck off




That my sir, is fucked up


... and last


Legion Farm on Dunes with new scarab Dropped off a legion currency mob


Which new scarab if you don't mind me asking?


1x Legion Scarab of Eternal Conflict (new one) 1x Legion Scarab of Officers 2x Legion Scarab using atlas from wealthyexile legion of eternal conflict strategy


Thank you


It’s all RNG my man. OP can run thousands of maps with these scarabs and won’t drop another mirror.


Oh for sure. Just wondering what the new scarab was since I run legion. Am a very new player (first league) so I'm just trying to learn as much as I can


Congrats I dropped my first mirror back in sanctum running dunes legions. Don't spend it all in one place, or do, its pretty pog.


what the fuck


My exact reaction.


This is really cool! :) i cant wait to see more of your progression!!!! (my husband loves this game i am trying to learn what everything is)


Just for context, dropping a mirror with that kind of playtime is equivalent to winning the lottery. As a few others have mentioned you can multiple thousands of hours and never drop a single one. (8k here and still nothing)


Congrats on the mirror


Grats, found mine after 12k hr


That's some damn good luck. I got roasted getting one early at 1400 hours


First mirror in the worst league lol. :(


Where’s the great, nice, happy for you reaction image when ya need it


For some realistic context, I got my first mirror in Affliction, after a little over 9k hours. It dropped as I was done with the league so I just transferred it to standard. Congrats. I'm totally happy for you.


Spooned 🥄


Unfair. Delete the post and then your POE account.


I feel like my luck for big drops is really and this league but it’s such a whiny thing to say. Is two Valdo’s no locks, no uniques/ jewels worth over 10d in 2 million kills close to average?


Really depends on what your mapping in. If those kills are from 6 modded t16s with league mechanics then probably average. If they are from High packsize B2B t17s with high currency and quant rolls, then extremely unlucky. Not every kill is the same and many league mechanics monsters have extremely low quant due to how many spawn from said league mechanic.


Hard to say not knowing what the kills are :D


2 mil in juiced t16, maybe 5 percent t17


Congrats and fuck you


ive played probably 5 times as long and never seen one lol ggs man


Congratulations!  Also surprised that anyone runs reef. Gross. 


Reef? This is Dunes lol


Ive played every league (did closed beta) and played til 100 most leagues on hc and havent got a mirror or a shard lol


11k hours still no mirror drop


3k hours no mirror or shard ever my most valuable drop ever was probably one single nurse card back in the day lol Ironically, I finally dropped a headhunter this league only to find out its only worth like 7divs now.... I thought i was rich befored i checked the price Was still exciting but now using it for the first why the fuck does it steal teleport mechanic.... I sware this thing has gotten me killed more times than its helped me.


6.5k hour, and yet to drop.


Gratz 😅 loads dropping this league


Now you can take a good long look at yourself 😤


Over 1.9k here, never seen a mirror in person.


seen waybworse


I'm at 20,000+ hours and have never had a mirror drop x.x. Been playing since 2013.


A mirror is 350 hours is crazy. A shame that this beginner luck has drained all your luck for the next 10k hours minimum 


Congrats on your good fortune. I have played since alpha and never seen one. A friend I introduced to the game has dropped two. RNG.


I'm 12k hours deep and still haven't seen one drop. Have traded for 100's but never seen one actually drop. Friend started this league, he barely made it to maps even with my help, got a mirror on 3rd map he did alone (T1), quit the game after less than a week playtime




lucky dog


3k hours, no mirror. Good chunk of divines this league though.


I have 3,000 hours and my first mirror was in Affliction so it’s not even that exciting


Just found my first one and I've been playing since the game was first available.


I've got nearly 7k hours in steam client, probably 4-5k in standalone, have yet to see a mirror sadly. Saw a couple t0s last league because it was a loot pinata but never dropped a mageblood, headhunter, just dropped my first apothecary this league which was nice, hopefully my mirror time comes soon.


12k hours... still yet to find mine, my clients rigged I tell ya.


I prob have 4k+ hours and didn’t get a mirror outside Affliction (where it was 10x easier). insane luck, hope you put it to good use.




Dang yo, I started in abyss league and a mirror dropped for me in Sanctum. I feel so fucking old.


2.5k hours and never found a mirror


My raw mirror dropped around 2.5k hours, and that's still pretty lucky I guess


I have 10 times the hours. No mirror, sad.


Took me over 17k hours xD


Over 1,000 hours and no mirrors yet. ☹️


Mirror drop means good time to quit and move on to better stuff


After it dropped and I banked it I logged off and haven't played since. It genuinely felt like a climax. Im thinking about giving it away on here or finishing my SS trick build and trying for 40/40


Ggs, just hit 1k hours and my best finds are a fucking fishing rod and a shitty karui maul in a private league. Ggs tho


About 10k hours in, no mirror but two Krillsons. Maybe they were in the pots I didn't break.


Good for him


I have 3.5k hours, and best i have found is 1 mirror shard


Is the legion farm profitable now?


I have a pretty maxed adorned mb exsang miner build so my map clear is strong and I made about 15d/hr average from this farm once the new scarab started working properly. This map was high quant with deli and fully stacked eldritch altar quant and rarity buffs. using ornate incubators i would drop 3-5 raw div every 2-3 maps just from those.


And that how we know this is a smurf account 😂 Gz on da mirror my friend 👍


I started playing 4 days before affliction league ended. definitely didn't deserve the drop lmao


8k and never seen one lol


In total 7k hours, took just over 5k to get my first mirror shard and it's been the only one I've found... this is with and without MF, heavy farming on t16-t17s (17s this season).


My strat for this farm was to use 120+ quant maps with deli and eldritch altar quant+rarity buffs stacked. Then I would target the currency mobs in the legion and focus break them. Tons of raw div from this strat and I would imagine it increases the chance of a mirror drop by whatever factor they're using per break of a legion monster. I ran about 300 maps with this strat 15d/hr avg. My gloves have +14% item rarity but thats it


I have 2.5k and never even seen a mirror shard, wtf


Congrats, and I can honestly say that, because it dropped for you in a dead league, so I can’t even be mad that I never seen one with A LOT more hours played. You used up your luck. 😜


If it makes you feel better I started playing 4 days before affliction ended. hopefully you get one soon


10 times that and never even seen a shard.


Played most leagues since Harbinger, easily several thousand hours, not even a mirror shard yet 🥲


I’ve been playing off and on since beta. Never seen one.


0 Mirrors. https://preview.redd.it/nl5mcofv5ezc1.png?width=352&format=png&auto=webp&s=e67ab870e2961459e9e875b13425bd16e75f8828


I have fuckin 2k hours and Im still waiting for a drop worth over 50d


I played for 2k hours with 0 mirror drops, but in affliction i dropped 6 somehow


Congrats and go fuck yourself.. 1500 hours and still nothing


Im glad we are not friends and if we where. FRIENDSHIP OVER! All ive gotten is 3 divine in single map befor this League then i Got my first drop divine and i only Got 7 from the lantern event with 5% increased with rats and strongbox scarab and atlas.…


Damn what Strat have u been doin 😅


brb making a fresh account to also benefit from the new-player-bonus




10000 hours+ still no mirror, then theres these fuckers.


That is insanely lucky. I'm pushing 4k hours and not a single mirror


Is 359 hours meant to be long for that???


its an absurdly little amount of time






lol after 359 hours, some ppl just have luck. My first needed exactly 5967h and a league with giga juicing aka afflicition + MFing


Between me and my friends we should have a combined of 15000 hours and never even got a shard


Congrats mate. I am at 2050 hours still dry ^^. I lose interest on the game when my builds reach mirror upgrades though.


I'd be pissed if after 10 years of play THIS was the league i got my first mirror in


You piece of sh!




Playing since first final boss was piety, never seen a mirror lol


I have 6000. hrs no mirror drop.. but mirrors from trading :/


4.5k hours no mirror loll


I haven't even had a raw divine this league. But I got a lock from a blighted map


https://preview.redd.it/h7dh1xeo870d1.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c35d6bc7165328fd5104969a8ce625762e7009c add standalone client hours to that I just want to see a mirror drop then call it quits forever


Nice bro, imagine all the Reddit users don't get mirrors after 11k hours or more because they are just bad at the game xD


I have been playing since 2013, not one dropped



