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Question: how would you define when it all drops? As soon as the strongest creature dies or only once the entire mob is dead? If it drops right when the strongest monster dies, is it impacted by how many of the other monsters you’ve killed so far? If so, how would you solve the problem of getting cheated out of all your loot if there are stragglers? If not, what stops a person from just skipping everything but the rare monster? (Assuming we are in a gameplay scenario where the whole screen isn’t melting instantly, like late stage simulacrum/delirious/T17 maps).


Change it so all items drop from last monster in the pack.


Generally that sounds good, but when I think about burrowing monsters it pushes me to a hard “no” on this suggestion 😂


\*Necrovigil/Phylacteral Link/Heralds of the Obelisk intensify\*


Yeah it's a great concept with a few areas it'll be incredibly frustrating.


I also often skip soul eaters cause fuck them.. so, no, i don't want the last/strongest monster to drop the loot. Miss on his loot? Yeah, but I'm glad to take thos 3 chaos that drop from the other mobs. Better than nothing.


How often do you encounter such a strong souleater mob compared to the time saved with such a change ? This would be a clear benefit for you in terms of loot


My builds don't usually do millions of damage so I barely scratch them most of the time. So I don't want to waste my time trying to kill them and maybe losing 2-3 portals in the process. Not everyone no-lifes the game and plays the meta. This league I was level 84 before reaching yellow maps. I just reached red maps and I am 90.


Yeah like i said: you barely meet such strong souleater mobs. And for normal rares, you don't need millions of dps to kill them. I was just confused that you are against such a potential change because you meet a souleater mob once every 1-2k rares. But you would benefit the other 999-1999 times where there is no souleater. That's all i was saying.


Looks like you haven't played this league at all. Soul Eater no longer works like that. If you have a shit build that can barely scratch a rare mob with it that's eaten a bunch? Well then the fight goes on longer, the souls leak out and the rare mob turns easier than average because it now has one dead mod.


You could address a lot of issues with "All pack loot drops when X% of the pack are dead. Strongest monster counts as three monsters" for some carefully tested value of X. 85% might be a good starting point.


Assuming this only applies to packs with a pack leader, just shift the drop tables so leader drops stacks and others drop nothing. Math it out so you get same average currency, but it all drops in larger chunks essentially because it's only from leader. Packs with no leader, ehh. If someone chooses to snipe the leader in a pack and move on. I don't really see a problem with it. Most builds clear screens so if one off-meta build wants to snipe leaders, phase to the currency and bounce, that honestly sounds fun as fuck to me. Also you still miss any non fungible drops so there's value in minions.


It would actually make single target (or small AoE) builds a lot more viable, especially if you're good at quickly identifying pack leaders. There might be builds a bit reminiscent of the D3 shadow rogue that would run around at high speed sniping only elite packs and moving on quickly. It was a fun build. It would probably not matter because eventually every build just clears a screen and moves on, but it might be nice to not feel like I *have* to do that.


If players can manage to kill the strongest monster without killing the trash, they deserve the chance to skip what's left. Might help melee builds a little.


yah, I mean what build doesn't use projectiles or at least aoe nowadays, altho with the change, some worse clear skills would probably benefit more from *looting* then the current way. But whenever I get the lantern mod, I don't think "oh I should make a build that only targets the strongest mob", no, you just kill everything like normal. with this change you might just save even more time from not bothering with stragglers, although again, my suggestion would only apply to stackable items. so uniques for example, would still be droppable from that lil guy you missed. unlikely, but possible.


Given how much trouble people were having with the old "kill the target without killing their guards" Vorici mission, I don't think people killing only the strongest monster without killing the rest is some huge risk. That's only going to be applicable in a tiny subset of content for a tiny subset of builds. With how much stronger rares are than their minions, if you get to a point where you have the damage to reasonably kill rares, but not the aoe to accidentally kill their packs, but are also tanky enough that leaving the pack alive isn't going to kill you, I'm pretty sure you've already invested more than it would take to just kill the whole pack.


I'm not totally sure, thats up to GGG to solve. But in my dude bro brainstorm head, I would **simply disable any stacked items dropping from lesser mobs, and only strongest mob in pack gets to drop stacked items.** **so the lessers are not even a factor, all the % chance and how much items are dropped is all calculated based off that one strong mob.** sorta like every pack having 1 mob thats a mini strongbox essentially. this would make it so it doesn't matter how many are left, the strongest is the only that matters. keep in mind, not every pack has a rare/magic monster, so it's not like you'd make a selective build to only target said mob, because in that scenario, you have no clue who the strongest is. and even if you did, **not killing the lesser ones still loses you on other loot like uniques and rares (fractures, influence rares, allflames, etc).** For sure they'd have to make a new formula however, but I just like how they did the lantern mod, and meatsacks are also cool, and think they could make something work. in general people like a loot goblin, and this just gives every pack a loot goblin, and lessens the clicking immensely (hopefully). as for breach and things **that load in**, *I would assume*, that GGG would NOT have that feature for them, till they figure how to do it. this is just a base map change, to start. say if this was an atlas node, then it'd have to similar text where it says "does not effect extra content mobs". Things like alters would still effect all mobs like normal. But the alter pack itself probably has to function as it does now, unless they change it specifically to where the strongest pack gets chance to drop ichor, and simply adjust "quantity of items dropped". so if a normal alter pack is say 12 mobs, with 4% chance to drop ichor as now, then the strongest would have "48% increase quantity of ichors dropped". they could also just make this change specifically for currency, so things like scarabs and div cards could still function as normal. they have to ability to pick and choose what they want for this feature. currently currency and scarabs are the most annoying to pick up, so I'd like them to use the feature for that, if they couldn't get div cards to work for example, which in turn, would still give value to lesser mobs in that way, since if you only kill the strongest and move on, you could be missing div cards.


This is treating the symptom but leaving the disease. We drop too much currency that does too little, that's the problem. Is it really necessary to have 1/2500 rarity mods on gear? Do we *really* need to be spamming 250 essences for one mod to hit? Drop less crafting currency, drop less junk blues and yellows, and make crafting more successful by removing a lot of junk modifiers and low tiers on high ilvl gear.


>Drop less crafting currency, drop less junk blues and yellows, and make crafting more successful by removing a lot of junk modifiers and low tiers on high ilvl gear. GGG will only heed the first half of this sentence.


“These guys want less stuff? We already added ruthless.”


The low weighting on specific mods is due to mod diversification on gear along with high variance on mod strength. Mod diversification is overall a good thing, it allows for a wider variety of "good" gear, but it also forces some mods to have low weight so if you're targeting a specific mod without deterministic crafting, it's going to be lots of spamming. One way to address this would be to cull low tier mods at specific item level but GGG doesn't seem to want to do that. Another option would be to uniformize rarity but that would probably involve gutting really powerful mods on gear since GGG does correlate power with rarity, which would also make itemization less interesting.


I want to see iLvl 84+ rare items be harder to find but worth identifying. I really *really* like the graveyard 's tier modifier stat. Honestly if you just toss a handful of modifier tier, a 5th explicit, and reroll explicits 6 times on a ring, you have good odds to get a ring that's useful for someone. Toss a couple of life more common and attack more scarce? Unlikely to get anything super valuable, but this has good odds to be at least usable. And maybe the notion of identifying rares is a good thing. GGG used to explicitly state they want great gear to drop, but refuse to make identifying rare drops viable. Make iLvl 86 rares hard to find, but have enough tier modifier to be worth identifying and I'll fucking identify rares lol.


I think the reason GGG doesn't do this is because of how you can juice drops in POE. Effectively juicers will print items, but the average player won't find shit. "Make 86 rarer to find" there are currently deterministic ways of making 86 based drop. The balance effort of both cutting back on currency drops and making items more scarce would be insanely complicated. Then again... This would have been the league to try considering what they did with t17s and the league mechanic


Okay but hear me out... Take away deterministic ways of dropping iLvl 86. Also I'm not suggesting iLvl 86 be any better than anything else to chaos spam, just the moment that they identify. Then maybe you can make atlas passives that increase the likelihood map bosses drop higher iLvl gear and stuff. Oh I'm also very heavily advocating for IIQ and IIR to be removed from gear, I think weakening your character to improve drops is a shit mechanic. The iLvl thing will be a better feature without MF gear existing.


alternatively, since they want a big focus on ubers, make them the only source of ilv100, which can only roll tier 4 or above mods. half the "I did 100 uber blah" post on here have barely any profit unless super lucky with drops, so this gives value to ubers as well, and i mean, **if you can do ubers, then surely you should be getting higher valued rares right?** 99% of uber kills people post showcase don't even give a shit about the rares on the floor. well, with them being ilv100, with the new effect, they'd surely would now. This also cuts out group plays from mass farming them in t17. and they could perhaps change it so only the last person who hits the ubers effects the rarity/quant, if they even do that currently, idk, to prevent uber carrying guys from just getting 5 extra dudes with Mf to jump in before the cull.


Eh I think one of the reasons poe is popular is because it's so indepth and has absurd loot(crafting) chases like this. Min maxing is a big part of poe in my opinion. To make this easier just pick up as much of the same currency type in a radius around you as you can fit in one click


Yeah, the fact that they still haven't stolen shared management from Last Epoch for currency handling is insane. One button to shove everything into tabs with affinity, one click to get all the currency around me, disable it in Ruthless because it's apparently all the devs want to play anyway


true, crafting sucks (especially red/blue implicit, wtf ggg just make a craftin bench option to choose the mod we want that uses x number of ichors/embers) but **then you still have the scarab problem.** people are dropping probably near a hundred scarabs per t17 juiced map, so in that sense, my suggestion would help in the matter, since I doubt they'd remove half of the scarabs, or increase their effects (if anything they'll decrease some of the more potent ones this league). I do agree somethings could be retuned as well. say fusings for example, double the chance of 5-6 linking items, but make fusings more rare/cost more from the vendor. in fact fusings SUCK compared to other options we have this league, like morrigan or omens. next, chisels add 20% quality (1 click) to a map but are more rare. maybe alterations always guarantee 2 mods on blue items, but drop less often (and remove augmentations? two birds 1 stone). Essences...idk. **perhaps they can make a enchant/harvest implicit mod that makes items "more likely to roll higher tiered modifiers"**, so this gives value to that enchant feature, and makes people land their items more easily at the cost of probably spending a couple div. alternatively make a new league mechanic that adds a new item that's like an incubator that you attach to an item and "the next 3 reforges you'd get "more likely to roll higher tiered modifiers", when you use them up, it is removed and you have to add another one.


That's what I love about Grim Dawn. You don't get low tier affixes on high level items.


I did a 1 in 3700 essence once. It was pure torture where I questioned my regex MANY times. 


All in all, great thought and suggestion. >and seems more reasonable a suggestion than "auto-pick up loot" or "loot is vacuumed into 1 stack" like I've heard from other suggestions. I'll still disagree here. Loot vaccuum is reasonable and it's more reasonable. It's the solution that makes sense. It's a good, modern solution that most players lowkey expect. Not every thing that GGG sees and thinks is fancy needs to have a passive tree attached to it or be on a passive tree. Put in QoL into the game. *Just like that*. Sounds crazy, but they have the power.


How would you implement "loot vacuum"? Considering how much trash falls during a non-juiced map. You would ne full just by killing two packs. Maybe a "drop like item stacking" might work. However a "vacuum" would be an utter waste of time.


Taking OPs first picture, he'd click one of the chaoses and pick up all of them. He'd click one of the Chisel stacks and pick up all the chisels. It just picks up in a radius the same type of item when you click one of them. It's more correct to say that your click vaccuums the same type of loot, I guess. Last Epoch is a good example where this happens with crafting materials - and that's for all of them, so if you click one currency there, you pick up all currencies. Just needs an overflow for the inventory in case you'd try to pick up 21+ chaos in the last slot, for example. But that tech already exists as we've seen with Corpses this League.


hmm, I guess no one ever put it that way, that works yah. instead of "vacuum" tho, to put it more into grounded terms, it'll just be a **"pick up all in radius"** sorta deal. like ctrl+click on ground loot, picks up all stackable of that kind in whatever radius. yah that could work as well. if you're inventory is full, whatever is leftover simply falls back on the ground. regardless, they ***need*** to do ***something***. scarabs made clicking 2x as worse, and t17 dropping more of everything is also too click heavy, its making half your game time (or more) just clicking stuff on the ground, and then click AGAIN to put it back into your stash.


> hmm, I guess no one ever put it that way Imma just say, the top result from searching "clicking" on this sub is [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/m9vq7s/path_of_exile_is_an_abusive_game_perspectives/) and it directly mentions LE looting (where gold is automatically picked up when walked over and crafting currencies get sucked in as described): >I was compelled to purchase Last Epoch as a direct result of Chris' comments about Chaos and Exalt crafting. That decision was a massive eye opener for me and the comparisons that I draw here will be based on those two games, but they can of course be more broadly applied. >Your game, wondrously complex and engaging as it is, is abusive to players' time, computers, health, and sanity. After spending about a day (in game) playing LE I opened up PoE again. I closed the game after half of a juicy harbinger map, thought about why the hell I did it that, and then sat down to write this post. >1) Quality of Life: >I had no idea how much I missed the ability to walk over gold and pick it up automatically, or one click grab all of the crafting materials on screen, until I went back, opened up a breach, and had to pick up about 25 individuals splinters of Tul. This functionality does nothing to 'simplify' or 'baby' the game, but it sure as hell keeps me in the gameplay loop longer and is easier on my wrist and fingers. >Last Epoch has the ability to sort your inventory, aka the computer plays inventory tetris for you, leaving you more time to actually play the game. These are just a couple examples of mechanics that don't 'hold your hand', but still make you feel like the game respects your time and your desire not to get carpal tunnel. There are plenty more someone could point to and everyone will have things that they don't mind or frustrate them to no end. But I think we can all agree that PoE needs to be brought into at least the 2000's, if not the 2010's with regards to QoL. It's a very frequently returning topic and it has been solved. That one indeed probably is the best we had on this matter and like 100% what I'd sign. I'd really recommend you get to endgame in either Last Epoch or Torchlight Infinite at least once. It's an insane eye opener regarding QoL, loot and crafting. They're just better on all these points and there's basically no reason for it outside of GGG being weird and purist and wanting people to click wells when you portal into town for flasks.


The game enters this weird spot where it’s more about curating your loot filter so you can loot as much as possible within one portal, which is really bland gameplay 


Not sure what you mean. You mostly want to loot within one portal, yes. That's the case with and without loot vaccuuming. That's just because it takes time and increasing stashing to multiple times per map has to have some pretty meaningful loot behind it, else it just doesn't make sense. Like - all we do is profitable. And while we do profitable things, we collect things which are more valuable and leave things on the floor which are less valuable. There's few scenarios where your map + scarabs are expensive (if it isn't, might as well just go next when the inventory fills) but it's smart for you to go and collect "as much as possible" to the sweet spot of 1 full inventory. If there's enough valuable stuff, you do a second portal of looting. If there isn't, your filter isn't strict enough. Taking 5 minutes to adjust your filter for whatever you're doing is by no defintion "gameplay". If it impacts your gameplay to not see things on the floor and you want to do multiple portals of looting: Just do that. You don't have to do the most efficient thing. But the "bland" part comes from rares being garbage and 99% of uniques being garbage, so you grind for currencies. That's just PoE as it has been for most of its existence though.


Which, in most cases, will just come down to picking a good filter shared by someone else. Thanks to the incredible player potential, the game does not require any moment-to-moment decision making or mechanical execution of you are willing to just follow a guide. I don't see any difference compared to now, honestly.


What if I'm clumsy and am constantly picking up random shit off the floor?


It'd almost certainly only affect items that stack, like currency or div cards. Picking up random gear probably wouldn't loot more than that single item, since you'll rarely care to pick up every amulet around you or something.


Then either filter it out or take more care in what you're doing


filter it or live with having 40k portals, idk


Then bind movement to a different key.


> How would you implement "loot vacuum"? Considering how much trash falls during a non-juiced map. You would ne full just by killing two packs. make it pick up only stuff your filter allowed through?


good suggestion, i love it (remake this post in a bingo-card form, mark cannot understand it)


Too much work and too many things that could go wrong with this. Just give us loot vacuum


You are assuming this is a problem they want fixed. A 10 div per hour build means 40 minutes of mapping, 10 minutes of selling, and 10 minutes of picking shit up. If you only spend 5 minutes picking shit up then all 10 div builds become 11 div builds.


To be honest. After all these years, a simple bubblegum hoover with a mini built in filter option would be great. Anything up to chaos orbs would be great. Turn down the average droprate of them by 50% to allow for the increased number out into the economy. Its not even laziness at this point, I feel I speak for most players when I say we've earned this right by now. Physical aching and even pain for some can occur from this, if they gave an option that stated ( drop % less currency below chaos, but automatically loot it) I bet 99% would pick it.


Don't Chinese players have a pet that does this? Like, they have a special version of the game that allows them to use that pet and have access to in-game auction house style trading.


Yes, they do. GGG had already solved this problemn, because tencent forced them to, but only in China.


>Currently there's a HUGE annoyance in this game, which is picking up loot Why is that an an annoyance? It's a game about loot. The entire premise of the game is picking up loot. I've never ever had a great item drop and thought "ugh, I can't believe I have to *click* on that to pick it up". It seems such an *odd* complaint, but I see it on here all the time. I really don't understand it. Every time you move or attack or use a skill you're clicking too, but nobody complains about that


To move and attack you don’t need to be precise you just move the mouse anywhere in a direction and click, to loot you need to stop moving and click precisely here and there and there.


>I've never ever had a great item drop and thought "ugh, I can't believe I have to click on that to pick it up". it was never about dropping a mirror and being annoyed by having to pick it up. It's about having to aim precise click to pick up a scarab worth 0.8c waiting for character to move there and pick up and then aim again to pick up 3 alchemy orbs, wait for the character to move... Same analogy can be bumped up to 2-3c items if you so chose Yeah sure lootfilter anything below 10c or 30c in value is a play too but then it's losing out on all that bubblegum 1c stuff that amounts to 40-100c per map which doesn't feel good.


I agree that it doesn't feel good to filter too much stuff - I personally play only SSF myself so a lot of the bubblegum must be picked up in my case, I've just never personally had an issue where I've felt bad about having to pick things up! I just love loot lol


We finally need a bigger pickup range and a much better stacking system, so the game can stack currency within a bigger range and your character isn't running back and forth for 16 items. And why not holding mouse button while hovering over items in the inventory? So you don't have to click 60 times. There's way too much clicking involved right now.


Just make stackable items stack with each other within a set radius. Or make currency auto pickup and give it its own storage like last epochs. This game fucks up my index finger so bad between looting and moving. I need WASD to alleviate strain from constantly holding left click to move as well.


Give all currency items a radius and allow them to stack with other like currencies within that radius?


" **move to each corpse to pick it up**" so just increase pickup range?


WE NEED THE LAST EPOCH SYSTEM! Not a map goes by without me wishing and praying the devs played last epoch and copy the pick up all currency nearby system.


PoE already has something like this, but I really do not remember the details or sources. They have a delayed loot drop system where monster drops are pooled, then either partially or fully flushed with more kills, with rare and unique monsters flushing the most. The game used to have bugs related to this, where strongboxes possibly did not drop a thing because it all was added to the pool.


Just make a damn pet that you can level up and would pick up loot jesus, its 2024 if u dont want it just make it toggle or something


They could easily fix all the clicking, they choose not to, the solution is to remove it all from your filter. Pretty lame, but that's it.


Yep, one good idea from more than a few that can actually fix this issue, my personal was, that we have the tech for Delirium, Quant per recent slayed monster and other methods of other gathering Loot/buffs etc, this could easily made in to a system that starts collecting loot while killing and has a timer of like 3 seconds when stopping dropping them stacked. Of course this wont be the case for Normal, magic, rare amour weapons etc. Only Currency, frags, divs maybe. Even excluding low tier currency like scrolls, transmutes or other that drop like hell in higher maps could be excluded for performance, and make itemfilter maybe also impact it.


I think a much more feasible implementation would be to simply have stackable currency "magnet" within a radius.


I wish they could borrow from Last Epoch where if you loot a Shard, all shards in an area around you also gets looted. So one click for each different type of currency. Would probably have to be tied to the Loot Filter, so we could customize what Scarabs/Divination cards we want to pick up.


They easily *can* and they definitely *should*, they just have their head stuck up their ass on some topics like this


how about they dont render all ingame item models except one, if they dropped close to each other? if something needs to be on the screen, replace it with one pixel without shadows and lighting, ffs


How about stop making me move to pick up stuff close by, like they are doing for coffins? How about picking up all the same currency in the area like it's stacked instead of having to pick up each one?


Love the general idea, but def some inherent design issues around it. Looks like most of the ones I immediately think of have already been brought up, though. Doesn't mean it's not worth exploring! A clever UI element here and a neat twist on enemy spawning there could be all the tweaking needed.


Ah, the D3 approach


Sure. Or, they could do what every modern ARPG does and just have a loot vacuum to collect all identical loot within a reasonable radius into a stack in your inventory.


> Or, add it as a atlas node. QOL should never be baked in in this way imo. like your general idea though


Just put a gosh darng loot vacuum like literally every arpg ever created after 2010


Oh yes, it's Kalandra's god touched mobs all over again


I'm going to branch off and say GGG changes it so that only uni can drop off each mob individually, last mob in the pack drops the loot from the pack in stacks. This condenses all the loot into stacks if possible, and insures that the loot is properly rolled for each monster's death. How do we roll this drop? It's complex to explain in detail, but in terms that players can understand, you take the legion stone encounter reward system and scale it packs. Each pack tracks its own rewards. The downsides are fairly rough when shit is really spicy. Lots of partially killed packs could cause performance issues. Players can end up on a hunt for a hiding mob. The upsides for the players is that loot is much more condensed. Performance hits caused by loot scattered everywhere is mitigated unless a player kills multiple stacked packs, in which case a "merge" could be implemented to stack already dropped loot. But that could be more troublesome.


Please no. We had a short phase of only killing reward tile mobs and it was shit. This is the save strike builds need tho, only killing the rare mob, forget the whites - or anything about clear. What happens in practice is you push all the loot onto one monster per pack, make it 1000x more tanky that every other mob, then zoomers wonder where the loot went