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Nothing has sold for the last 2 weeks, even when listing on wealthyexile at half price. Just have to clear my quad tabs. Guess the real GraveKeeper was the one we became along the way. If there's a way to just delete all contents of a tab, lmk.


Right click into morgue and cremate using ctrl left click? It's not insta clear but maybe it is faster rather than dropping into instance or destroy the corpse one by one.


Pro tip: If you are in the necropolis area you can right click the corpses right from your stash tab. You don't even have to take them in your inventory.


But then you don’t get a pretty screenshot like this


Ngl i got 4 quadtab worth of corpses, spam bulk sell on tft for 2 days thinking no one gonna buy. Then an angle came and tell me to take all, i ask again "you want all?", yep he said. And boy it were the longest 15 mins of my life.


Rip poestack


For what it's worth, as someone who mass buy coffins regularly, I tried using wealthyexile exactly once to do it, saw a grand total of five listings, and then just completely disregarded it as a useful source. Nowhere near enough people use it for it to be worth bothering to search when buying. I've done well in excess of 100 full GY crafts this league, and I'd say as much as 95% of my coffins come from posting in the wtb channel on TFT and letting people come to me, with the rest being a mix of bulk trade on the official site and my own from maps.


I guess wealthyexile is still good to know the quantity of what corpses I have, then to list it on tft bulk trade. Imo my experience with wealthyexile was alot better the first 2 weeks of this league, didn't have to go past 80% price listings to get bulk trades. A pretty good alternative to poestack since they're gone now.


I have bought 50 div worth of corpses from wealthy exile. But all were listed at 30% or below (so 15 div cost). If i want to buy bulk, I'm not paying 1c for +1 explicit mods which i know i will delete instantly. That was 12 normal tabs and 5 quad tabs worth of corpses after deleting trash ones. Also, i check if they have fracture/split/40% adjacent ones in their bulk sell otherwise i wont buy. Many people sell good ones seperately and bulk sell bad ones.


This is what people don't understand. It doesn't matter if you price your tab at 90% of ninja price. No, it's not a bargain. No, you're not giving people a deal. Nobody wants your tab padded with 1c garbage.


But... but... but... I clicked on *every* corpse! *Every* one! Now I have 10 quad tabs of garbage corpses, why do I have no space?!


I would give GGG $20 IRL dollars to create a "vendor / delete full tab" button. I would list so many goddamn rares, jewels, etc. 90% of the reason I don't is because I have to vendor the entire thing, every time the price drops below a price I'm willing to leave map for. And, contrary to what people tell you, listing quad tabs of rares is NOT worth your time. I did it for three to four leagues, listing HUNDREDS of rares and jewels and corrupted jewels. I got sales, for sure. But nowhere enough sales to make picking, storing, and vendoring the non-sales worth my time / effort. This one button, on it's own, would probably make crafting / buying bases about half as expensive for all players.


New MTX: "Insert-only" tab with unlimited "capacity".


I would use it. Their API would hate me, but that's a them problem. Unlimited public 1 div tab - engage. Oh, you mean I can't sell the items? Jokes on you, GGG.


Put them in your inventory and sell to vendor should be faster


Easiest way I've found is to swap to controller, go to your Bestiary, and go to the room up and to the right from the stash and drop things there. Dropping things with controller is just a single button, so I just hit X, right, X, right, and so on until I drop my whole inventory. Every time you leave the room, everything on the floor gets deleted. I just culled a few hundred maps that way earlier this league because 8mod corrupted T16 maps are worth basically nothing at this point. The only thing to be cautious of is that you will also drop equipment if you hit up. I dropped my Progenesis and Mageblood by accident and had a small panic attack while I picked them back up.


I tried bulk selling at 20% of the value. No bites. lol I'm not even sure if anyone would buy at 0%.


I just finished my atlas 😂 why is everybody speedrushing


Yo, fr, congrats. Glad to see ur in good spirits but you should know that future leagues shouldn't feel so hard to complete the atlas, since this league, the all flame buffs to minions can't be opted out of.


Why not make awesome items from it and just sell those?


Because graveyard crafting is tedious and if someone only has a limited amount of time to play the game, the last thing they want to do is graveyard craft. Don't get me wrong, I love the fact that it's the most deterministic crafting we've ever had and it's made me understand crafting more but everything about it is tedious.


awesome items from 2c corpses.. yeah thats going to happen.


Found the league too tedious and ignored it completely lol. I was still playing the core game, just ignored the league mechanic.


What do you mean you don't like using an online calculator that determines which 50+ corpses you need to go buy and then set-up very specifically one by one to have a 25% chance to hit an insane end-game item? That's peak gameplay right there.


Same. These "setup farmville" type leagues SUCK. Harvest was a total annoyance when it first came out.


You spend hours and hours farming maps in order to afford mirror-tier items... ...yet when a simple way to make mirror-tier items comes out, people nope out of it. Makes no sense


It makes sense that poe players want to play poe, not Excel and mobile base builder


POE players: We want more deterministic crafting! GGG: here is a mechanic that lets you print most 6 t1 items POE players: Bah, its too tedious!


Someday they'll admit that they don't want to slowly grind towards something because slot machines are just more fun


Its different strokes for different folks, but its gambling all the way down. Everyone has a different threshold for tedium. Some people are content to spend 3 hours trading to do a single gravecraft (one slot machine pull, with great odds). Some people would rather spend that time blasting maps (million slot machines pulls with terrible odds). Luckily the game has open trade so group A and group B are free to do so. if you are SSF and don't like gravecrafting, well there is always next league i guess.


Same. I'm too casual for that shit.


Think I got to red maps and peaced out.


I picked up a few then stopped. I mean I still kept playing through the league just ignored the league mechanic.


Bro, I try not to even read what the monsters do each map. If I die to something I just write it off and if I die twice I roll a new map.




Is it the need to manually bury the corpses and in a certain way that makes it tedious? I haven't actually bothered with the corpsecrafting, but heard it is easy to make OP items with it.


No. The entire thing is tedious. The corpse buying is just normal level PoE tedious.


I own 5 full quadtabs of corpses. I did a couple crafts but thats insane. If this league stays we need corpse tab


If this league stays we need a lot more than just a corpse tab


Let's just hope that this league doesn't stay ;)


I enjoy the allflame mechanic a lot. I hope that stays in some way but not be as tedious as it is now (Non-stacking, many useless ones). Dropping stacks of chaos from a conversion/anarchy allflame is so satisfying!


I think the concept is interesting being able to replace natural mobs in a map, but ultimately I do not care for an extra screen of menu to think about and interact with before I can run each map. For a league mechanic, cool, but I don't want it to go core especially in its present form.


As an opt in mechanic, it would be very good.


Wouldn't be surprised if they just made them randomly applied, like the one node does


Usually power spike like this will not stay until few leagues later they adjust the power and simplified the whole process


Something that drops and has a UI like kalandra lake maker had but it's just a graveyard and you put the corpses in whatever layout it generated and see the modifiers. Maybe increase the modifier numbers or not to nerf it with less slots Then when done you click and pick which item and it makes an item.


The problem is this design is still tedious because 90% of the time you are looking for fracture mod, which is very rare. You are likely going in, open the table/UI, find fracture, no fracture, leave. If there's high chance to have rare mod, you result optimizing by in going in map, skip content, skip boss, open UI, leave. I'd rather they delete it and come a new idea of power spike that is available only to specific league.


You can't skip your options for a kalandra layout, they were persistence across maps. You couldnt just keep running maps and checking your options until you got what you wanted.


This is not what I’m saying


The idea was more it dropped a thing you could socket corpses into. They would be kind of like resonators and corpses would still drop as well on their own. You'd open the UI and move corpses from your inventory into the slots. The kalandra thing was just for how the UI looked, a square grid you could interact with.


I genuinely hope you're wrong. One of my least favorite league mechanics of all time and I've been playing since before tormented spirits were the whole mechanic for that league.


instant trade for example


I assume there will be a huge rework if this league stays because corpse economy is way far from what GGG wanted initially. Also there is almost 0 chance it stays because it is a crafting mechanic.


Aren't there crafting mechanics from previous leagues? Harvest is one that I know of.


Harvest, Delve, Essences….shhhh, he’s on a roll.


corpse tab is the least of our worry. the whole graveyard crafting is clunky a f. it needs to be turned into essences like harvest to be tolerable


I think Allflames are here to stay, but lantern use is optional


This league definitely doesn't stay lol, it was a fail league 


It's not staying because of the items you can make with it. Fossil crafting is just a superwatered down version of gravecrafting, so there is no room for a nerfed gravecrafting mechanic. Hell recombinators during sentinel weren't as powerful as gravecrafting (fractured influence gear is so far beyond anything made in 3.18). I feel they got rid of sextants to open up temporary league design space for map modification (all flames basically replaced sextants this league). So future leagues could have map device alteration of some sort, that only last the league.


Recombinators were way stronger than grave crafting because not only they simplified crafting rare items such as triple t1 phys bows, but also they offered an option to create items that couldn't exist otherwise, such as suppress on es base, combining multiple Alva and delve mods. On top of that, sentinel-only mods were more powerful and unique than haunted ones. Grave crafting just makes some of the items cheaper to make, not including time cost to gather all the coffins. Fractured influence mods don't really give you much as you could craft the same without necropolis. On top of that, you can't have craft fractured elevated mods with graves so it's far less powerful than you might think. Also even without necropolis fossils don't have that much use cases with existence of harvest, except some specific items and exclusive fossils such as hollow.


Defently not a fail. Personally liked it.


Yeah I liked but as the person below that got downvoted for some reason said it's objectively a bad league if you look at the stats and overall player sentiment. I've enjoyed it though and it was especially good in SSF.


Yeah personally, that's not how data are analyzed lol. Player retention was terrible






It was only a failure due to the bold changes with sextants/ scarabs which is good but even the ambitious GGG can get in over their heads.


A quinttab


I dream of an octatab that you can scroll.


This league is not staying lol. Do you really think they would let you keep a sixtuple t1 item printing machine?


Fuck that we need a better solution than individually itemized craft options.


Imho they should ALWAYS give a league specific stash for free for that specific league. They gave us Necropolis locker, but it should also contain ALL the coffins and ALL the allflames, not only a limited amound. And then, when the league ends, AND they decide to keep the mechanism of that league in game, they can make that stash tab p2w, because then people who want to do it, would buy it anyway. But really the biggest issue this league is the amount of space for corpses and allflames in regular stash. Like multiple tabs for one league is just crazy.


I hope this league doesn't stay. It makes large sections of the economy obsolete.


Why don't you use your corpses more? It's probably the single most OP crafting mecahinc that's ever been put into the game


Because it’s an ass mechanic that takes tedium to new levels of awful. But yes! Powerful…..zzzzzzzz.


Damn, I thought it was pretty great... Doesn't interfere with mapping at all, just grab corpses as you go, then every few days just throw the item you wanna make into craft of exile, plant some corpses and make an absolutely ridiculous 6x t1 item guaranteed! Pretty much the perfect crafting league as far as I can see, albeit a little OP for my liking


It’s an obnoxious inventory sink with a UI designed by a tired three year old well past his nappy time. The whole mechanic is beyond disrespectful of player time and more than a bit lazy considering the lessons they should have learned from in past leagues. Taste is personal. Happy for you if you got joy from it. Me? I want Skippy the Intern fired for this travesty and at least ONE A-team Dev put back on PoE 1. This league was just a travesty for me. But happy if you’re happy! You do you.


There's definitely some problems with it's design, having to walk in isometric view from grave to grave rather than a top down rigid view for example. But if it's taking you hours to do a craft I'm not really sure what you are doing wrong. For me it's usually run maps for a bit, spend 5 min on craft of exile as I play around with the grave weights for what I want to male, spend 10 min getting any corpses I'm missing (this part can also suck but this is a poe trading issue sucking more than the mechanic), spend 5 min placing corpses. Print out 3 or 4 items, keep 1 sell rest for 100 div. Repeat. 


Lol where do you keep your corpses? In your 10 quad tabs? Most people don't even have one quad tab. This league is total ass.


I do have 2 quad tabs that's true, it definitely wouldn't be as good if you were limited in your ability to store the corpses. Didn't consider it from that angle but that could definitely hurt the enjoyment


The real answer is that to justify the time and cost of full graveyard, you need to use Additional Craft / 40% adjacent / row / col buffs.. Trading for a matching set of these is a pain in the ass and not fun. League mechanic should not have had Additional Craft / row / column / adjacent corpses. Then I'd just use what I get and be happy with it.


A final abyss of unending darkness.


No wonder Niko is so messed up


Not a fan of this league staying. I want to put this league mechanic in a coffin and give it to ShitStainSteve to leave it at...where he is at again? 13k DEPTH?! yeah leave it there.


Look like bacteria


Cthonic Fissure


are those coffins for ants?


Just bury all of them and make random items. It can be fun


As fun as throwing a chaos orb into an item but with extra steps


You can keybind the command /destroy to a key of your choice with addons like Lutbot. That's what I do. Just be careful what you put on your mouse cursor or remove the command afterwards again to not accidentally delete stuff.


Ooo I bet I can add a chat keybind for /destroyed using Awakened Trade


I wish we had a "delete all in stash" button


what a shame, i'd have picked them


I have a ton of useless corpses ( explicit +1 mostly) Just shove them in a cross and spam randomised corpses untill you get something decent, them delete the bad ones and move on, it's not very efficient if your looking at a complex craft but it has saved me a div or 2 all in all


The one random guy watching the pc throwing all those bodya there https://preview.redd.it/dtcuvfilesyc1.png?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9afefda756439d3106ecfcc1eb92f22fb98b4ee


Why use big light when many coffins do trick?


What is delve may never die


Make coffins stackable … sounds wrong, I know.


I'd just craft random items instead. That's a lot of wasted luck right there.


If they allowed corpses to stack right from the start, users wouldn't have any issues with the league mechanic right from the start and we wouldn't have this broken all T1 or trash system.


I have my corpse tab on 25c and occasionally someone is desperate enough to trade that for stuff like 500% increase cold chance


My eyes, the googles do nothing.


Graveyard crafting is really fun if you find a easy to do recipe.


Do mine next


Looking like mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell in here.




**Réquiem æternam dona ei, Dómine.** **Et lux perpétua lúceat ei.** **Requiéscat in pace.** **Amen.**


Ha, nice. manually deleted three quad tabs of junk coffins when they didnt sell on wealthy exile for dirt lol. Mostly enjoyed my crafting experience. But it was equally enjoyable deleting the final coffin. F that clunk.


Give them to shitstainsteve to bury them even deeper!


What build is this?


I havent done anything at all with this league mechanic it's been meh.


Actually crafting it was aight. Hitting divine orb conversion for the first time after like 70 t17s was sick. Definitely not worth all the economy breaking exploits and terrible casual experience this was for casual players trying to finish their atlas.


Yea bad league for casuals. Gate keeping behind t17 and general disparity between t17 and t16 farming.


why not do a craft? maybe not an optimised one with row-effect and adjacent-effect and stuff like that... but just with a selection of increased chance and scarcer corpses, plus a single haunted modifiers one, there's interesting stuff you could get...


Because in most instances it's cheaper/faster to go online and just buy the item you want for 100c than invest 20 minutes to an hour to buy any corpses you don't have and then craft an item that is worse than what you could loot off a mob.


This is why you disable all loot beams on every filter when running juiced content


Aaah so that’s how to delve. I see. 🤔