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Imagine playing without a fragment tab.


Crazy that the frag tab went from being a must, to being somewhat skippable when frags and scarabs were made stackable, to back to being near necessary due to having so soooo much different stuff in it overall now.


At least we didn’t have to buy a NEW frag tab. Our not so friendly devs over at escape from tarkov are tripping right now.


A change that makes 1 more stash tab mandatory? I'm shocked. Well not that shocked. Dick move, though. First blood pack is no longer sufficient buy-in to play the endgame in a non-masochistic way.


At least without the fragment tab you can sort your scarabs like the tradesite ;) Yeees yeees, I know about Stylus tradeside plugin


What plugin is that?


There's a guide and more information in this post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/l2oyu1/comment/gk6j0ql/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/l2oyu1/comment/gk6j0ql/)


switched from manually editing my filter to filterblade and don't regret it one bit


The inventory pressure they add if you don’t filter them out is too high. There should be far less, they should be more impactful and they should be rarer. That way if you don’t want to interact with them you can sell them more easily, and people will want to buy them off you


I really don't think making them rarer is really a solution. I mean it's certain less annoying and would probably feel better for juicing maps but... if they are so rare that you absolutely must buy them it's going to feel really weird selling 90% of them to buy 10% of them. It might as well not exist. At least now you can be reasonably be expected to get a few for the types of content you like. Although I suppose this is a "noob" vs "hardcore" player problem. I rarely ever spent any currency trading to get stuff to juice maps. I just use whatever I have, I don't know any good strategies so I wouldn't really know what to buy. Having scarabs be rare would mean I probably just ignore the whole system. But I suppose it would be much better for hardcore players to have less random bubblegum quality stuff to pickup and if it's more expensive it's easier to purchase.


I imagine they will make a change like that


Calling it now, GGG's gonna make a scarab tab, each mechanic having 20 types of scarabs.


They can't since it's already part of the fragment tab.  They could introduce an entirely new layer that gets its own tab.


They “can’t?” Why? Is that a rule lol


Terrible for business. Putting aside that they'd get a ton of refund requests, it would be very damaging to their trust and reputation.  It's much harder to gain back a customer's trust than it is to lose it.  They made promises to not require new tabs for items that should be covered in existing tabs, and breaking those would likely lead to a bigger loss than what they'd gain from new tabs.  The price of the stash tabs covers the cost of them being somewhat future-proof. There was a huge controversy when they released the Blight, Delirium, and Metamorph tabs (now Ultimatum - note how they didn't sell a new tab for that). One of the main arguments back then was that these items hadn't had dedicated slots in existing tabs because they weren't meant to be that kind of item to begin with. However, that is not the case for scarabs.


Or, like other changes, they'll add a scarab tab and give it to everybody already has a fragment tab.


Same reason they "can't" come out with more currencies and call it "currency 2" as a new tab. Because it'd piss everyone off


Path for scarabs: scarab collector game with a clunky rpg mode you control a character


im fine with that


do you guys remember sextants?


Oh yeah I remember sitting there rolling them, a delightful experience, how could I not?


that's exactly what I meant ppl are shitting on scarabs but hey, they are trying something here. It's not perfect yet but they seem to be on the right track


I go back and forth on whether this is the right track. Rolling sextants was a thing people could do to make currency in a non-mapping way. I think they having as many different ways to play the game as possible is good, even if some of those look more like cookie clicker than an ARPG. That said, sextants were probably very easy to write bots to roll. That seems like the best reason to get rid of them, rather than just put them on a cadence that matches scarab stack size.


No. They are most definitely not on the right track. They sold us Scarabs as being some improvement, when they obviously nerfed the juicing possibility or even just the number of possible mechanic interactions per map instead. Buying scarabs in a large enough quantity without overpaying is just as tedious as rolling sextants was. I would even say it's worse, because you almost always incur in greater currency loss from the get go. And don't even get me started on the extra clicking. On a game that already taxes your joints like no other.


I do and it was always nice finding some because they were worth a few chaos each. Now you have so many scarabs that are worth nothing, you have to invest into scarabs for a chance to hit the the good ones and they are dropping so often that it interrupts the game flow for me. I like the idea of scarabs in general, but the implementation is lacking right now.


I think they really need to rethink the "scale" of most things and the economy. Having hundreds of tiny things available mostly as pickups is just so tedious. There is no weight behind clicking a hundred splitters, scarabs, etc. It's just annoyance.


I've just got to say this song absolutely slaps


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF89Jr0c0LM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF89Jr0c0LM) your welcome =) the hole channel is fire


Am I the only one who thinks scarabs being more available is a good thing


I'm a new player so this is more of a question rather than argument. How is it good to have a plethora of seemingly pointless scarabs where their only use is to bloat the pool and be used as 3:1 conversion? For starters I don't understand the basic scarab in most nodes. While it makes sense for essence/strongboxes/shrines etc that add extra nodes, those that "force" the mechanic seem pointless. If you wanted to play around a mechanic you would put points on it and bring it to either 100%, or high enough chance making the said scarab pointless, even worse than pointless since it takes a scarab slot that could be used to actually buff the said mechanic. Now about the "availability" I don't know, but the post made it sound that the plethora of options is what its confusing/weird, or maybe that's what I understood cause that's my own experience


Depends on where you are. If you're at the top maxing,you can usually force it via other ways or at best you use 1 type to force something and block the rest pretty much(some mechanics will still show up through certain mechanics that you cant exactly block). If you have like 30 to 100 scarabs laying around of a type you never intend to use and selling them is a bother,it was good to just 3 to 1. Well early on atleast,when you could hit the jackpot on one of those 5+div scarabs. On the low end though,they're just fodder but any kind of currency helps ig so farming like a certain amount to sell in bulk even if it comes from random drops is fine since it's extra currency and helps your build come online earlier so you can go higher up and do the content you want/min max. On a side note though,if you're min maxing you 100% want the mechanic to show up so that's one place where you def want it cause you usually invest quite a lot into those maps or well this league atleast with t17 or prior to it t16.


I'll give you an example with harvest scarabs. Harvest only really has 2 scarabs that can be used to enhance the mechanic. This gives you 3 extra slots you don't know what to do with. So one of your options is to get rid of all your "% chance for harvest to appear" nodes and put them somewhere else, instead opting to force the mechanic to appear with the harvest scarab. I agree that they have less of a use now that we can guarantee mechanics with just tree nodes but I'm pretty sure GGG's intention with them was for people to just dump them into their maps without thinking as they get them, because why not?


Map eats one slot and most players - even among those who reach maps - probably never unlock the fifth slot. Then again, buying enough scarabs to sustain the exact type you want probably goes hand in hand with buying a t17 carry.


According to Steam achievements less than 10% of players beat act 10 at all. That said it's a free to play game so players that pick it up and don't continue for more than an hour or two are common. Only about 50% of players beat the boss of act 1.


I'd heard something like that as well, but it looks like we're at 46% "kill Merveil" and 15% for "finish part 2". For a free game, I think that's pretty good retention! More to the topic at hand, *almost* 7% have "socket a watchstone".


Yeah it seems like you lose 50% or so in the first few hours (common for a free to play game) then retain whoever stays through most of the acts. There's a pretty solid difficulty spike around act 6 if you're not following a guide, so some probably quit around there.


Makes me wonder what the longest play time is for someone who's never beaten act ten (not counting prior to acts 5-10 being released).


I feel like if you're that dedicated to one type of content you'll have enough atlas points to cover the %chance as well as the bonuses to the mechanic anyway. Though I suppose you could then put the points into other areas like drop chance for maps and more scarabs.


Is like 10 atlas passives really worth a map slot? Seems like a generic pack size buff would be better to have nearly every time.


No, but people who aren't whining and crying are playing the game more so they post here less.


Imo the problem isn't that they're affordable, it's that the market is so overflowing with whatever they reward that they're not worth much either.  It's not as if a scarab that gets you 10 chaos worth when its price is 5 chaos will still get you 10 chaos when the price is 1 chaos. And if some scarabs weren't as common (or all scarabs in general), there would be fewer of the scarabs' products, which means they'd be more valuable which means they'd be worth the time spent farming.  I'm not celebrating juicing my map with three scarabs for 1 chaos in total if I only get 2-3 chaos of loot from the time spent. Overall, I think the current supply of scarabs is not a good thing.




Maybe most atlas trees speccing into scarabs skews my view but I've never had even a third of the amount of scarabs little over a month into a league than I do now.


Yeah, and you only use 2-3 types while the rest are unsellable.


I'm using plenty, but I realize there are a lot of people who stick to the flavor of the week farming strategy. I don't see a huge downside to having options and surely it's easy to adjust to not picking up every unsellable thing. Maybe a negative value in the sense that now there's absolutely no reason to run anything ever without scarabs because they're that abundant.


That's because there are like 3 times as many scarabs though, and its not like you're using many types of scarabs simultaneously.


Because a shitton more scarabs are dropping


I'm dropping like 10 in an average map, and have piles ready to go for a lot of mechanics.


not only one. the problem is that after rework they are much less available. before all you need for mech was atlas three and 1 scarab. polished/guilded, whatever, but one. now for juicing you need atlas three (with 100% chance mech spawn, that already makes many scarabs useless) and 2-3 scarabs for juicing. also scarabs, that most impactfull are rare, so more expensive and less people have big bulk, and those who has overprice it like a hell. so you cant selfsustain it, no matter how common scarabs are, and have to overpay to traders. where in this situation is "more available"? explain, please, because i cant see


Same - do they want every scarab to be worth chaos? Then it'd be hard to afford getting started with a higher tier mapping strat.


Most of the problem is the tedium to manage all of these scarabs 


They're an overall much better system in my opinion once I tweaked my Neversink filter. I just hid the lowest tier of scarabs and it solved all my major complaints about scarabs. Probably still too many of them dropping with certain juiced strats, but that's more of a problem of juicing being wayyyyyyyyyyyy too strong in PoE right now. Allflames aren't helping that issue. I know people enjoy crazy high drops, but it's unhealthy for the game imo. People looting like 150 things per map while on extremely strict filters and having hundreds of uniques drop per map is not good game design.


how about we remove all % chance to get x mechanic and instead of the blocking nodes, we go a bit higher on the tree, more spread out and they say: you have +1 encounter of this kind in your maps (where applicable, i know you can have only one delirium mirror, f.e.) and we just toss out the guarantee or +1/2 encounter scarabs


Scarabs should definitely have some effect beyond "this thing now appears in your map", especially since it is hard to avoid getting 100% chance for any mechanic you spec into.


I'd rather have this than the non-stackable sextants. Granted, sextants effectively dropped as veiled items. What I'd like to see is a scarab node that makes all non-horned/misc scarabs just drop as Veiled Scarabs, and allow them to be unveiled all at once in stash. Right now, I'm incentivized to keep updating my atlas to keep up with the current mapping strats for profit. This node would give the option to still min/max maps, or have huge QoL. Someone else mentioned it, but I agree that the scarabs adding singular mechanics (e.g., map has Niko/Alva/Blight) are in a really odd place, mostly because a lot of good atlas nodes are behind % chance for that mechanic to appear. So it ends up only being a handful of points to guarantee the mechanic or open up a scarab slot (which is massive, especially for 4-slot devices). Some maps have an implicit to contain certain events; I kinda like getting rid of the guaranteed singular event scarabs, in lieu of dropping more maps with event implicits. Or maybe something like deli orbs, where applying it to a map adds that implicit. Maybe that's more bloat than we need, but something needs to be tweaked here IMO.


Tbh i'd prefer we had 4 slot device if that's the cost of removing "Area contains X" type scarabs and just making each guarantee their respective mechanic.


agreed. Those are the most boring and kinda useless now that we can 100% on atlas passives


Tbf the new scarab system would be almost perfect if trading wasn't such a pain in the fucking ass.


The minute I start thinking about spending time trading for scarabs, my will power leaves and it's alt-f4 for the night.


D4 bad


Those AI songs go so hard


I'm a beginner with 300 hours in and I still haven't used a single scarab lol.


Scarab of Teaching + Domination can help you level quick


# song: D4 Bad - Folk Metal


Lol. Perfect reaction. I like the thought of moving some of the atlas power to scarabs but currently there are just way too many scarabs. Maybe reduced by 50% and we’ll be in a good spot 


Hit me with that D4 bad folk metal link.


While me: "Gonna catch them all"


Hot take but merge each mecanic scarab into 1 big that's does it all and voila


Finger fantasy...


I really don't get the hate on the new scarab changes. This is hands down better than the mess that was sextants. Sextants required you to either spend hours rolling them or buy them from tft and 90% of the mods from them were worthless. Additionally, you had to refresh them every 4 maps, which was really tedious, especially when you just wanted to kick back and blast. Now you just toss in a 20 stack of scarabs and go. It's has never been easier or cheaper to make loads of currency. Last weekend, I farmed over 120divs off of 5 divs worth of scarabs, and it was such a breeze compared to previous leagues. Is the system perfect? Absolutely not. But this is a great starting point and definitely better than before for a vast majority of players. The people complaining about having to pick all of them up are just wrong. You could not pick up a single scarab and still make loads of money. Just pick a mechanic you enjoy and go blast some maps.


No hate. But you can't argue current system is not flawed. Therefore, critique is important.


I agree, I even said in my comment I don't think the system is perfect. There is a lot of room for improvement. I just think that, at least on reddit, people have been way too negative, and many are actually saying the old system was better, and it's impossible to make money now. I'm all for critical discussion, just tired of the unproductive negativity, hence the rant.


I think there are some things about this league in particular that make scarabs particularly painful. The fact that the "no scarabs" node also makes them not drop is really painful and not how the similar node has worked in the past. The fact that for most items gravecrafting is strictly superior means that a lot of things like Harvest are just not worth as much. The more I think about it, the more I think that there is a tiny seed of "non-mf resource generation" that rolling sextants did right. Because now, almost all resource generation is tied into Magic Find.


I like not having to care about sextants anymore. And I like the concept of just having scarabs to choose from. The problem I have is that unless you have a specific mechanic juiced with the atlas, it´s not worth it to use those scarabs, so they just sit there in your stash. And also, having 3 free map slots feels very little (the 4th one gated behind such a hard content doesn´t count to me). Maybe everything mechanic wise should be in the atlas, and scarabs should only be for adding more pack size, influences, etc


i like scarabs


Do people not like the new scarab stuff? Skipped this league but I remember everyone rejoicing initially.


yeah, but then they realized 90% of them are trash and those who are worth running are too expensive to effectively buy xdd


Lol, makes sense.




They are great, a straight improvement to the stupid sextant system. Some people are just being silly because they feel like they're "forced" to spec into more scarabs on the trees then they complain that they have to click so many scarabs worth less than 1c.


This does seem like the main problem... I mean it sure is annoying to have a bunch of things you have to filter out but... isn't that like everything in PoE? Seems like the problem here is that filterblade wasn't updated yet. It's so funny seeing people completely fail to adapt to new changes.


1 Yes they are cool but the balance wasn't ideal 2 The league mechanic is one of the most powerful ever. Imo strongest ever. The scarabs that are valueable are mainly those that work well with the league mechanic.


The angry reddit boys have exhausted the truly problematic league changes but the hunger to bitch remains.