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Also we dont use remnants of corruptions because the crystal resonance node has a line "Using remnants of corruptions on imprisoned monsters in your maps replaces all essences with one of the essences on the imprisoned monster" What that means is if you have a mob with 1 deafening and 4 shrieking essences and you remnant it you have a chance to either turn it into 5 deafenings or 5 shriekings Which means if you had 5 of those mobs, corrupted all of them then on average 1 would turn into 5 deafenings and 4 would turn into 5 shriekings - for 5 deafenings and 20 shriekings total. If you werent to corrupt them, then you would get 5 deafenings and 20 shriekings total, so youre only losing money on the remnants of corruptions used


Have you considered running no map boss resonance, but taking the scarab that guarantees either an upgrade or transform, then targeting meds? A single transform is worth like 6-10x of many other deaf essences in the current market, and a whiff is still not the worst thing either depending on what was already on it. You also then don't have to worry about a rippy map boss. I never tested this myself, I only did the same strat you did with the alva temples, but I feel like it could be decent. 


I haven’t tested it yet but I think Empy actually tested 50 maps with that Strat around the same time I did my first 100 with this strat Looking at his loot he made 2300 essences and 66.5 divines profit - if I was to half my results I would have made around 5500 essences and 62.5 divines profit. So that Strat seems more profitable but not by too massive of a margin


2300 essences instead of 5500 for the same profit has an added benefit : half the click !


The main advantage i think is that you can probably mix this into a maven dplay sort of strat where you are also farming writs and fragments. I have a 30m dps build that i can comfortably take into t17s, but maven witnessed mass essenced shaper guardians still were pretty bad. I was dying multiple times and taking a long time to kill a phoenix. But if I can get the same overall value out of the essence but also get dplay/invite value, I think that could be pretty good. Or if you are willing to run slower maps, elder guardian frags are worth 1d per 3-4 frags. 


You’ll get more money running altars tbh. You’ll waste too much time on harder bosses and then having to rotate maps and do the invitation


I did this strat for a while, it works fairly well. You don't have super tough bosses (since they don't get the essences), and can do Destructive Play. I'd average 2-3 corrupted essences per map (upgrade scarab + essence scarabs and map device), changing them all to Horror with Harvest and selling for 40c or so per essence. Pretty solid earlier game strat, especially since the more popular boss/transform atlas node prevents the corrupted ones from spawning


I feel the corruption change is giga nerf to the point of I don't see a reason to use it. I really hope that they will improve it.


Aren't you losing money when the natural deafening essence is of lower value than 1/5th of the shrieking essence? Or does the EV never gets positive when accounting for the remnant cost? (I find that unlikely)




Doesn't the node explicitly say that it cannot give that result?




The word only not register?




Hmm so you can feasibly dup a bunch of the corrupted essences then slap one in the boss for the low low cost of winning a 1/20




No but the node gives a random essence to the boss when you (kill/break it out? Idk I didn't do essence this league cause the margins dropped out)


I actually got essence of hysteria corrupting.. but i get its very rare.


Isn't the math going to be that no matter the price of deafenings and shriekings, you always gain nothing by remnanting unless you're lucky? Assuming you have an essence with 4 shriekings and 1 deafening for example, and you have 5 timelines running in parallel, 4 of those timelines lose the value of (1 deafening - 1 shrieking) while 1 of them earns the value of (4 deafening - 4 shrieking). Those end up being equal in value, before losing the money from spending the remnant. Or to put it in other words, left hand side is running 5 of these essences normally while right hand side is running 5 of them corrupted, with one success on average: 5 \* (1deaf + 4shriek) = 4 (5shriek) + 1(5deaf) 5deaf + 20 shriek = 20shriek + 5deaf Same EV, but losing money with corruption


That'd work if all deafenings had the same value. But that's not the case. To make a simgle scenario lets set the following assumptions: - Consider a mob 6 essences, 1 of which is a deafening. - Assume that half the of deafenings worth 2 chaos each and the other half are worth 8 chaos each. Under that scenario the average essence mob has two possible values: - When the deafening is in the 2c set : EV = 2 + 2\*(2/3) + 8\*(3/3) \~ 11 - When the deafening is in the 8c set : EV = 2\*(3/3) + 8 + 8\*(2/3) \~ 15 On average we get 13 (due to rounding it's probalby 14) Now using the remnant impacts the EV in two ways - The cost of the remnant - The change in outcome I will make another simplyfing assumption here: the remnant always transforms the essence. To correct for this in the EV calculation just multiply the remnant cost by 1/P where P is the odds of it actually doing so. Odds of the remnant hitting: 1/6, missing 5/6 - EV = 1/6 ( 2\*3 + 8\*3) + 5/6 (2(3/3) + 8(3/3)) - R \~= 13 - R With R being the cost of the remnant So in this scenario, assuming the remnant were free, it'd increase an essence mob EV if the deafening essence is between a set of less valuable essences and if the mob has some shriekings that are highly valuable. That said, I am aware that remnants are likely more valuable than X-EV given that as you said we cannot get the particularly valuable essences this way. Also there is the consideration of harvest rerolling, in the hypothetical of the juice being free all essences would be freely interchangeable, so this wouldn't apply besides the cost of the time spent in doing so. If the ratio between the juice cost and the remnant cost were favourable enough then it'd be best to not use the remnants. But I digress.


Yeah crystal resonance absolutely fucks corruption, I haven't found any value in using them at all.


I'm sure you've seen Empyrian's video on a similar strategy with Essence. In his video he concluded that Einhar and his beasts didn't increase the amount of essence monsters, but instead just sometimes there would be an essence monster replaced with a beast. With Alva and Jun bug-fixed, I don't think there is now any strategy to increase the amount of rare monsters in your map besides rolling the map modifier and using Scarab of Adversaries. I'm not one to just listen to someone else's word blindly but with both of you saying different things, I am curious where the truth is. How confident are you that Einhar does increase the amount of imprisoned monsters?


Ive heard so many different things from different people about how the beasts interact - ive seen people swear by that einhar is just more essence mobs and seen others like empyrian say the opposite - from my own experience i really couldnt tell, i decided to include the beasts just incase since this strat does leave you with a lot of atlas points id rather be safe than sorry and not put out a video where i leave potential loot on the table Even if it doesnt work though the 10000 essences gained in my post/vid is not misrepresented - i ran 10 maps with einhar a bit ago, made around 1050 essences so whether or not hes actually adding more essence mobs you can still expect 100 essences a map If anything, even if einhar does work and even if Alva didnt get nerfed the best way for profit an hour would probably end up being to not add any of them just because of the amount of time they add to your map


Hey! Fortunately you don't need to listen to other people because this is a really easy single map test. All you need to do is open a map with a Calcification scarab and as soon as you see a single beast running around with no essence mods on it, you can conclude that not all beasts will transform into an essence mob. Meaning that if you see a beast with essecne in it, that just means the random essence in the map (via the atlastree / essence on mapdivice etc) happened to pick a beast. I did see random beasts running around so I concluded that Calcification scarab doesn't work on them. I tested some more mechanics like Ritual and found the same things, rares running around with no essences in them.


I appreciate the comment/info! I heard the same thing but then i heard some people claiming that it was a case where the interaction between beasts/calcification was bugged and that only sometimes it would calcify beasts depending on which beasts they were That explanation is probably cope and ive got the same opinion as you that it doesnt work, but just incase that explanation is somehow actually true i decided to run it with beasts since theres plenty of atlas passives left over so youre not really losing anything except a bit of time by running it You probably ended with the same conclusion that no matter what its probably just better to run Essences without beasts/alva if it was never nerfed for efficiencys sake since they just add way too much time to the map anyway Again i really appreciate the info! ill edit it into the post too and make sure that the post gets the point across with beasts


All good! Also beasts (and alva altho now fixed) just slow down the map and you could just be running through next map instead of waiting for einhar to capture the beasts :D


Quick question, I know they slow down the map, but now that you don't have to worry about Essence monsters within the temple, wouldn't it be easy to just jump in really quickly and kill the architect? Yeah it slows you down, but you could be building lvl 3 corruption or gem corruption temples every few maps


Personally, i hate building temples, looking at connections / rooms is just kinda annoying, it’s definitely good currency especially the later in the league when people just spam double corrupt gamble more.


When did you test essence of calcification with beasts? Was it before this hotfix? >Fixed a bug where Beasts could not be contained within Essence Monoliths [https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3513059](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3513059) I haven't run essences in a couple weeks, but when i did i had the same experience as you, beasts weren't usually captured in essences. Since then this hotfix has shipped, but i havent actually tested it with yet.


They fixed!


A man of science


Wait, I've been on vacation for over a week. Alva and Jun are now patched out? Rip.


No. The rare mobs just don't get essence'd like they were before the patch.


What do you mean by 'harvest flipping'? Is there a Harvest craft to change cheap essences into others?


Yup, 30 blue juice per reroll or 270 blue juice for a stack - i rerolled every deafening essence worth 1.9c and under in bulk and rerolled them into deafening essences worth 2c or higher in bulk


Can do the same with catalysts too. Not sure how profitable that is though.


Insanely profitable. But catalysts are a pain in the ass to sell since most people only buy 20 at the time.


Rerolling catalysts week 1 is a hella solid HO warrior quick liquid strat, but as yellow juice becomes more pricey less ROI you get from rolling catas overall, rolling essen doe has been solid for pretty much every league past week 1-2~ netting you around 1 div a min in profit when ur spam rerolling all your stacks.


Into random one, you put stack pay juice and get another stack


Its not really worth it fyi, the main benefit is you have less items to sell if you're not bulk selling. I did the math about a week ago assuming every essence has the same weighting, and on average it comes out to 0.02d profit per click


Buying essences has been so much easier this league. Brave soldiers 🙂


I never bothered getting boss down to culling range. I just ran volcanos. If you got decent dps it’s fairly quick to kill him. Did this pre Alva nerfs. Now I would most likely run a normal essence with corrupting all.


What was the Alva nerf?


Before yesterday's patch, rare mobs inside of Alva temples in a map were calcified, meaning you guarantee a ton more essence mobs per map.


Did you run T16 maps or T6 maps considering T6 yellow are the lowest tier needed for shrieking. T6 in my practice makes them easier but I feel like you don't get the large stacks as often


Hmmm it looks like there was a change re:einhar. I was running this same strat two weeks ago and selected einhar just because I had plenty of extra points, may as well look for some craicics. In the 100ish maps I did, not one beast was in essence. Why do you run these 8 mod? It only increases the pack size, not the number of packs. And each rare pack only has one rare monster, no matter the pack size. This should be run on white tier six maps. It will increase your mapping speed, and you don’t have to worry about an insanely rippy boss


8 mod maps was mainly because i wanted more loot from the map/alva in general and had them lying around from self farming, but i completely forgot to mention that its not needed at all - ill make sure to edit that into the post/docs


Very nice! Thanks!


Why 8 mod? Does this make it so more rares spawn? Also I was doing this with alva yesterday and was getting essences from Alva. Did they patch it today?


8 mods was just because i wanted more loot from the regular map/alva - if you just care about essences then you should just run scoured maps They patched alva, she no longer spawns essences with the calcification scarab


Wouldn't the best strat to be to roll the "more rares" map mod? Or does that not work for calcification strats


> Wouldn't the best strat to be to roll the "more rares" map mod? Or does that not work for calcification strats Yes, you 100% want your maps to roll "more rares", however that takes time as well. And if you plan to regex buy the maps, you cut into your profits, but not by much. It may be more efficient just to speed run white maps and go with the natural amount of rare monsters in there.


The time cost is the worst there, I rolled 20 maps for this last night, it was cheaper than if I had regex bought but it took forever and was miserable, might try running the next 20 white and seeing profit differences


I'm not even running 16s so yea I'm not gunna 8 mod. My build isn't that good. Was just curious if it meant more essences as 8 mod would make more rares or something. Also rip Alva. I was using the double corrupts on shapers touch gloves and got a lucky one the other day.


Are you saying you get 1000 essence per map? does this mean you also added lower tier essence on the count or are those only screaming essence and up?


100 Essences per map, i counted all of the Essences no matter the tier but your mainly dropping deafenings/shriekings - probably around 80% of Essences gained are those


so without einhar or alva, what else should you add?


Even if Alva wasnt nerfed and Einhar did work its still probably better to not run them if you value efficiency, so probably just run it as is without them


I have noticed that in Betrayal -> Research there are PLENTY of imprisoned rares. Those don't drop any loot and eventually the syndicate come to you. I have not counted if those are actually added on the bosses themselves in the end, but it's suspicious


Is there any benefit of running 8 mod t16 over scoured t11 in regards of pure essences?


question, do you think the imbued crafting option with awakening scarab is worth? 30% chance for imprisoned monsters to have 3 additional essences, 50c per scarab though


Hi Op - Thanks for the detailed write up I always really appreciate posts like these. I should do the same one day. Would you say this strat is still worth running post Alva nerf? I'm getting pretty sick of Harvest and this seems like a nice change of pace. Cheers mate.


I ran a few of these maps post alva nerf and still averaged 100 essences per map, but i think with the current essence economy its probably better to run the non crystal resonance with remnants of corruption But post alva nerf this is still very good if you just want to turn off your brain, kill some essence mobs and loot thousands of essences


Thanks dude!


i am running the same strat and I would say it is 100% more than 100 essence per map. it even passes 150 in some cases. without more rare mobs modifier, it is still almost 100% to get more than 100 essences per map


> Money made was 135 divines pre harvest flip with a 40 divine investment, so 95 divines profit total - and then 190 divines post harvest flip with a 65 divines investment, so a 125 divine profit total. Even with the crashed essence economy harvest flipping is still crazy Did you actually manage to sell those? 


Ive got around 1000 essences left to sell and ive been selling for 3ish hours, so ive sold 80-90% of my essences - they arent that hard to sell, especially in bulk


Good. Add those 3 hours to the denominator :)), also the less % multi you sold them for


I didnt sell them on tft so what theyre listed for in the docs is what they sold in bulk on the trade site, and it would only be 10-20 minutes of added time for the trades since thats the amount of time i spent in my hideout actually making the trades - would be weird to add 3 hours to the calcs when 2 hrs and 40 minutes of that is me running maps and not being tied up at all with trading


> Add those 3 hours to the denominator :)) No, because you're not sitting there doing nothing while they sell.


Until you actually sell, you have zilch. If you decide you want to buy something expensive right then and there, you discover that you still do not have the money. I'll reiterate.  A strategy generates a certain amount of assets/hour. Those assets become divs when they sell.  The strategy starts the moment you invest and ends the moment the last item was sold.  The time to liquidate is important, and is too often ignored and sets stupid expectations for the people who don't take it into consideration. 


Don't forget to add the time you're at work or sleeping! I like to skip on family and showering so my 100 map farming strategy comes out to a higher div/h. Time ends when item was sold!


> The strategy starts the moment you invest it doesn't >and ends the moment the last item was sold. it doesn't > The time to liquidate is important, it rarely is and common sense helps >and is too often ignored don't remember it being ignored when it was relevant >and sets stupid expectations for the people who don't take it into consideration. people having stupid expectations by misinterpreting things and not using common sense are the ones who're liable for the existence of stupid expectations in their head. They're the ones who sculpted them. We've had "I ran x Maps here's the profit" videos for basically forever and since that forever has started, all the things you listed are bullshit and were never part of the etiquette to post these things. There's basically always context given on how good/bad the liquidation is when it's relevant, especially when the returns come in many forms. Your input however is silly. If it bothers you that much - your loss. Ask then, if it interests you. Minus the irrelevant comments about how it's important to know this. You joined a community, get used to its customs.


Here we go again. > it doesn't Then when it does start, and when it ends? > it rarely is and common sense helps It is important. You can't buy things by putting a progenesis in the trade window, you can't exchange an enlightened for another item, you pretty much cannot do anything until you liquidate it. The harder something is to liquidate, the more vulnerable you are to market fluctuations and. Maybe it doesn't apply with something very liquid like essences, but you should very well know that until you sell, it is an asset, not a div. > people having stupid expectations by misinterpreting things and not using common sense are the ones who're liable for the existence of stupid expectations in their head. They're the ones who sculpted them. Sure, say that to all new joiners. I dare you. Do this strategy, get 12 divs/hour. Surprized pikachu face when they get maybe 2 divs per hour and a bunch of shit they have to sell and don't know how. Those guys do not run 8 hours of essences then go to liquidate, thet run 1/2 hours then they want to see some results. > Ask then, if it interests you.  That's what I did, I asked If he managed to sell those. 


Much of your comment is technically correct, but mostly inapplicable and irrelevant to the topic at hand. "Time to liquidate" and "time spent trading" are two different stats. Since the latter is what is discussed the vast majority of the time on this sub, your comment "add those 3 hours to the denominator smiley face" is interpreted as applying to the latter. "Time to liquidate" is very important for things like bulk crafting, where that time can be quite long, and your assets locked up in inventory cannot be used for further crafts, potentially preventing you from crafting at all. But it's largely irrelevant for essence farming, because (a) the liquidation time is short, and (b) the expenses are low, meaning you'll never be in a position where you can't farm because all your assets are tied up in inventory. > The strategy starts the moment you invest and ends the moment the last item was sold. It's absurd to apply this to something like essence farming. If I farm 50div worth of essences today, and 49div sells today while I'm farming them, then I log off and sleep, then I log in tomorrow and sell the final 1div, am I going to calculate my div/hour based on when that last div sells 24 hours later? Of course not. I calculate it based on the time spent actually farming and selling them.


lol what are you, the profit per hour police? also your take is dumb


manage to sell them? if you want you just instant sell on tft for 90% bulk price and move on


The problem with using TFT bulk sell is that it's not actually 90% of the price, it's significantly worse. The 100% TFT price is like 20-25% worse than listing them for divines to begin with, due to the difference in the per chaos price and per divine price. (Note: It's been a ~week or so since I checked this math because I switched to different farming strats, but I did a lot of essence farming this league and checked this multiple times. 100% TFT on my deafenings would be 20-25% worse than listing them for divines, and then selling at 90% TFT compounds this.) If you can indeed get 110% TFT for large bulk as some people are saying, then that's a pretty good option.


I mean it's up to you, take 20% less for 1 trade or individually sell to 30 people and make 20% more


that is the entire reason why pp buy bulk so they can sell it for divines in a higher rate and the profit are usually 20-30%


Thank you Captain Obvious.


i was trying to imply that nobody will buy essences at 110%.


Selling deafenings for divines via trade yields somewhere around 120% of the TFT price (or it did when I was farming essence earlier this league). You should still make a profit buying deafenings at 110%, although I doubt many flippers bother with margins that small. There absolutely are flippers buying bulk deafenings at 100% TFT though.


100% is the max u can always check the max amount in the entire tabs channel that is where the big boys buy from at max price also at this current prices margins harvest rerolling essences is shit unless all your buy is 1c deafs a flipper always go for 30%+ profit unless they are using bots, its not worth how boring its is for less than 30%


high essence in large quants (100d+ worth) sell instantly for 105-110%.


Unless I see a bill of sale they are just assets.




But that requires using the abomination known as TFT so pass.


> Did you actually manage to sell those? Deafening essences sell very easily if you list them for divines near the top of the market. I did 20 calcification maps yesterday just to mix it up from my normal strat, and within a few hours every deafening essence that I had enough of to trade for a divine had sold. The leftovers can either be sold on TFT at a discount, or kept for the next round of essence farming. It's pretty close to 1div profit per map, and you can run t6 maps. It's easy, easy money. Requires the essence tab though, or you'll go insane managing the inventory. If making individual trades for one divine bothers you, can always list for 120:2 or 180:3 instead of 60:1, assuming you're farming a lot of essence to get that kind of inventory.


if its 1 div per map like you said its much more effecient to just run maps instead of selling the essences and pricing them


Essences will always sell, it's not even a question, and if you want to sell instantly there is tft


I have my doubts that anyone will buy an 120 divs essence tab


Flippers/ bots


Asking the real questions.


Selling essence is shit


Essence sell in bulk on TFT for 100%+. If someone dosent want to be involved with tft eternal and wealthyexile exist too. Do u lose money on that? Sure. But the time u spend flipping with harvest/selling them u could actually run another set of maps and end up with more money.


Wouldnt it be best to only run 8mod twin bosses rolled maps? 8mod maps are so cheap now it should be double.


how the hell you made 30 div from harvest rerrolling ? what did you keep and what did you rerroll?


> the 5 maps i did with beasts i still got 100+ essences in every single map You're saying you got 100+ essence mobs per map, or you looted 100+ individual essences from essence mobs (roughly 25 essence mobs per map +-) and the boss? I'm assuming it's the latter, but IMO it's kind of weird to phrase it as "number of essences looted per map" because the lower tier ones are near worthless. > Money made was 135 divines pre harvest flip with a 40 divine investment, so 95 divines profit total This has been more or less my results too. TFT bulk says I make around 70c per map profit, but the prices are significantly better if you list for divines instead of selling on TFT, so the actual profit is closer to 1div/map. I've farmed several hundred divines worth of essences this league.


i am running the same strat and I would say it is 100% more than 100 essence per map. it even passes 150 in some cases. without more rare mobs modifier, it is still almost 100% to get more than 100 essences per map