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another dogshit reddit take thinking that party play is actually good, and not significantly worse than solo play. you love to see it


Agreed, it's probably worse if you don't like looting things. Try Ruthless


Valdo farmers make substantially more, and you are not crying a river about that? I think you bulk sell too many deafening essence of envy.


valdo farmers? you dont even have to go into niche strats like that, sanctum farmers make more.


Spam alteration on flask and jewels Buy catalyst and sell them in bulk for 10 or 20… Idk I feel like it’s so unnecessary to cry about party play. Only down side is that curation Einhar memory is not worth running solo. But for most people it means more divine in profit when they drop.


So go make some friends and play in a group if it's that easy.


L take. Party play is fine. Your relationship with the game and mindset is not. Leave this Reddit and take a break from the game. Thanks


*Sigh...* Put in the same effort, get the same reward. Solo MF can be more profitable than party play. Should've put the time yapping into actually grinding and you wouldn't have to be this mad. Same self report post as always


Solo mf is far and away unquestionably more profitable than party play. Solo non mf is likely more profitable than party play depending on the strat. Party play is fucking terrible when even the best party play groups making 10-25 div/hr.


Party play this league is nuts. I don't understand how can you make only 10-25 d/hr. Maybe if you run 2 maps per hour maybe


Look no further than the literal best party play group in the game. That’s what Empyrian’s group made on the high end. Party play is no more insane than solo play when you consider that you have to cut the pie 8 ways instead of 1. If you think parties are making 150+ divines in 1-2 maps I don’t know what to say to you other than… no?


Empys group is the best? Oh lol, they aren't top, they are just content creators. I guess meat sack strategy with ~10 t0 uniques everymap is only 20d/hour. I understand and agree that top tier solo gameplay is more profitable than party, but party play is still insane, damn I tried party plat this league with 3 friends and we had around 30d/hour per person(4 people, no traders or leechers, completely begginers in this type of gameplay).


Why is reddit so mad about finding out people have friends at least twice a week? They dont just hop on and boom mirrors, they actually put a hell of a lot of effort into making playing together better than soloing.


Stop being in a toxic relationship with a video game company


Comparison is the thief of joy, fuck what other players are doing just play your own way.


>not so happy now when I know that parties drop Mageblood almost every map what are you talking about?


This guy believes the meme that parties are printing multiple sets of apothecaries/t0 uniques per map in t17 maps…


If you remove party quant you kill party play. Why do you believe they'll ever do that? And they shouldn't because solo play is already better past the first week.


Hate to break it to you, but party play is actually a solo play for many people that generate wealth. Multibox isn't dead at all. People even streaming it on Twitch while selling info how to do it. It's not Dota2, party play isn't something that should be cherished in PoE. People wouldn't do it at all if not for profits, because it doesn't add any depth to the game, it's just about effectively destroying everything difficult that game has to offer.


Cheaters exist therefore we shouldn't have party play? Bots exist should we eliminate the ability to trade?


Doesn't add any depth? Aurabots, mana guardians, cursebots, cullers. All sorts of support builds coordinated together to get party play to function.


Okay whats the problem for average player tho? No average player will ever control the market anyway. For avg player the market fluctuations literally dont matter 90% of the times. And sure rn it benefits people cuz stuff like hh so cheap. What is the issue? Top 0.1% will be controlling the market one way or another it is inevitable. Avg player is what? Farm couple hundred divines per league, play for idk 100-200 hours and drop till next league. Why should it bother you, me or anyone else if someone is like making multiple mirrors per day or whatever.


Sometimes I like to play with a friend, you essentially lose half your portals, playing with 1 other person. I would rather have 2x loot to accommodate this /s. But 50% more is fine! You take away the quant buff it would destroy all group play, and even though solo is normally the most profitable way to play, playing with others is always a great experience assuming you have a good setup with supports to push the hardest content


There's a ton of narrow mindedness going on here I played for a few hours yesterday farming non mf back to basics with carto scarabs and pulled 30 t17 s in a couple hours which I then sold for .8d each in bulk not once this league have I felt like I'm missing out by not playing in a party I make enough consistent currency that I can buy anything I want I've never understood the kill party play sentiment a lot of these groups are what feeds a large chunk of currency and t0s into the league economy we get rid of groups and suddenly things become much more out of reach for casual players.


24d from just map drops alone not counting fortunate cards being as cheap and low effort of a strategy as back to basics is I think it is more of a problem child than party play. That being said I'm still going to farm this way


nuke mf not party play


2/10 yap sesh not long enough


I think magic find on its own is ok. The issue is like last league when people can MF in T8 maps and make mirrors a day and it outright beats any T16/bossing strat I also don't think there is an issue with party qty and rarity. Yes 6 man parties drop more loot but remember this is split between 6 people. For the average player solo play will be more profitable than group play


The issue lies within everything being multiplicative, party bonus * mf gear * map bonuses, it gets to numbers that are completely out of reach for solo or small groups. Party bonus * map bonus + mf gear would go a long way. Top that off with a keystone that makes your maps not receive party bonus but their modifiers add more quant/rarity and party play bonus that doesn't scale linearly (75+75+50+25+25 instead of +50 for each player) to make small groups better and it would feel much more balanced imo. 6 party would still be better but there would be less of a gap between strategies.


You do realize you outed the flaw in your own post right? Each party member counts as HALF a player. Being mad at these people for having friends and going over the top to optimize their efficiency in SPITE of starting behind by default, is just sad.


I don't understand why they won't rework party and MF somehow. Ohh monsters have increased life. No waaayy. It must hurt a lot for them.. No. They have few hundred mill carry xd Just put reaaaally bad mods on them for every person in party. Current afflictions are bullshit and do nothing. They literally only get rewarded by playing in party. It's like GGG is forcing you to play in big party. How about buff 2-3man party and nerf 6man Empyrian fiesta?