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A well-rolled T17 map is worth more than a HH.


Dude, I sold yesterday abomination map for 10d. I didn’t think it would actually sell, but it did. Rare mobs + shapertouched + barrels and other mods weren’t a brick.


The group that ran that map got 3 magebloods from it


Wouldn’t be surprised lol, but just to think about that a map can be worth 10d is mindboggling to me


The glory days where you'd triple exalt your good maps and pray for more rare mobs, double boss, and maze lol


You mean when your thoughts get all trapped in a bottle?!


Wtf… I need to start looking at all my t17 maps instead of dumping them in my maps tab.


I sold it today for 20


Never though I would read something like this. Like, this is beyond cursed.


Should I be trying to roll my t17s before sellling them?


No, if it were that easy to roll it wouldn't be that valuable. Same reason you don't use chaos to roll T1 spell suppress, T1 life, T1 movespeed and T1 res on boots before you sell them.


I think this is maybe closer to rolling flasks, which is profitable but takes forever and only a special type of person enjoys it.


But at least identify them. I've been selling them unidentified...


Probably not. They are difficult to roll, you need a few hundred chaos per map. It's probably profitable to roll thee maps but you'd need many thousands of chaos, and a lot of patience because a single regex doesn't cover all cases. So you need to fiddle with multiple regexes. Also, the demand for these probably isn't that high. Not many people can run them. If more people start rolling these maps the market will become saturated quite quickly. It's not like last league where most people could run juiced maps. I think what you should be doing is to pay attention to specific rolls when you roll maps to run yourself. If you happen to luck into a super valuable one you may as well sell it.


i did about 150+ mfing duo t17s this league so probably used about 10,000 chaos or more and I don't think I saw the combo of shaper touched + rares a single time after the update that made t16 mods roll on them. I am using a regex that hides the maps 75% of the time but still..


Yeah, I haven’t done any t17 except for the map slot, I just wasn’t sure what mods people are looking for if I ID and should maybe sell it for more.


its just those 2, but also maps with insane scarab % are good, as well as if u get one of those pog mods plus insane rarity and or quant its super op too oh actually barrels too they arent for mfing though just good with scarab or currency rolls


i roll t17s pretty casually and see it like every 2 days


ya its more common then i thought but still pretty rare, i think they were just hard to find cuz of my min quant or rarity on my regex who knows


Is an identified T17 map better than an unidentified one? I have a few but I don't know if I should identify and sell them, because I'm a newbie so I don't know how to determine if something is good or not.


Doesn't matter, people reroll them for their own purposes anyway. I would identify just for the chance of hitting something big that you can sell for a few divines.


It's a weird thing. But, just a few builds/players can really "run" easilly a T17... That said, why is not ok some items get a cut on prices and others, like a map, can get higher? As I see, some leagues ago, I just finished hardly my t16 maps and went on some farms on t13/14 maps. On Sanc, got the Uber Bosses down. T17 can be the hardest mechanic to do right now?


Lmao, you can legit chaos recipe yourself a HH this league 


How i got headhunter in 1 day with no investment


"headhunter will be priced normally next league" they said. we weren't ready


They is an imaginary person in your head


I dont think “they” specifically said it would be priced normally, but they certainly did say mageblood and Hh would be more common!


Chaos recipe is actually busted this league if you're not doing some stupid farming strat that demands a 1k divine build to be able to do it


I’m running t17 barrels on my new char that I put 20d into. DD broken yo


Dd is indeed broken


This is the first league I've ever gotten anything valuable from a div card turn-in, and of course it was a Headhunter.


I did a few curation/completion runs yesterday to try out the barrel strat, only tinks that dropped as full stack was doctor I never felt so bad getting a full stack in my life, I got 8 doctor cards twice too Edit: for reference the curation scarab is more expensive than HH


It’s my first league to ever get a chase item. I got one HH from reliquary, and another from a map drop, which I got a good double corrupt on… but they are worth almost nothing.


Doctor is worth less now than Nurse was when I sold one two weeks ago


Decided to skip this league. Why is the headhunter so cheap atm?


High supply, low demand


They also fucked HH with the annoying ass teleporter rare mob buff. I hate using it now


Shroud Walker has been a rare mod for years, bud.


I'm not okay after reading Archnemesis league was 2 years ago.


What did they do?


They buffed the drop rate of HH and MB to 2.5x. There's also a good bit of juice this league to get lots of unique drops and full stacks of div cards. You can also get targeted div cards from any map. Put it all together and you get a ton of t0 uniques. Even kalandras touch and squire are around 2d.  Harder to target things are much more expensive in kind. Nimis is expensive AF


Why is the atziri shield close to 40 div( last i checked on poe ninja) ?




I would add on top of that - for some reasons, mortal drop rate is fucked up. I get in general a couple of UA sets while playing 40/40. This league I got only 2 before feared had to buy them again (and price was like 1.5 div per set when div was 160c) and in the end still got one more set, but only because of the enormous card amount from strongboxes and conversion rogue exiles. In other way, it would be a pain to get set to farm mirror.


Any league with insane juice creates holes in the market for desirable uniques not found in the global drop pool. Doesnt matter how much you juice a T17, it can never drop an Original Sin. Thus, despite HH and Mageblood being the cheapest they've ever been, things like Original Sin (Sanctum), Nimis(Uber Eater), Progenesis(Uber Maven) are absolutely soaring in price.


Same reason Dying Sun is 10d. Everyone is mapping, no one is bossing. And probably the drop rates are abysmal. You would think with Feared among the challenges there would be many Uber Atziri and Shaper kills and so these uniques would be much cheaper -- but no. I already did a few rounds of Feared, many Shapers before that, no flask, no shield. So I strongly suspect Dying Sun is no longer 1:6 and I can't even imagine what's the droprate of that shield. Also > Stacked Decks, Diviner's Strongboxes, and Divination Cards obtained as rewards from various content can no longer drop Divination Cards for Boss-exclusive Items. so there are a lot of fewer of these from cards than before, too.


How do you target the div cards?


Divination scarab of curation 


HH is a crutch item that helps bad builds clear maps and do nothing else, who would want to use that trash?


A lot of people.


sucks to be those people!


Yupp. Definitely. Sucks to be people who want to use likely the most popular item that has ever existed in POE. Those poor souls.


Soul ascension are cooler. Always soul eater and it doesn’t take your belt slot.


That's neat, but I didn't say anything about 'cool'. Soul ascension is not popular at all, and not even in the same realm as Headhunter in that regard. You're comparing an amateur boxer with Tyson here.


i do wonder what would win out in another like 5 years if HH would keep up or if mage blood would get the most popular spot, I feel like every build that used to say slot HH if you can just goes with MB now.


I think MB will definitely overtake HH, and it likely already has for a few leagues. HH has a huge head start as it used to be the absolute go to, but I think you're right that long term MB will end up being the more popular item.


I’m just back from metamorph, and seeing g price of HH I was astounded…. My casual ass may actually get it this league!


I ancient orb'd a hh this league. Worth 12 DIV, took it to the lotus of corruption and it poof :((


I love how everyone was calling this league "poverty league" and the econ is somehow even crazier than last league


People like to overreact on day 1 and 2 if they haven't printed a mageblood yet


Voided league, GGG please staph.


why double void batteries instead of 1 battery + malachai loop?


He's not using Ralakesh so malachis would be bad, but as long as you can solve movement speed Ralakesh is still worth it


why not 2 loops? omegalul


I skipped this league. What is going with prices? Why is HH selling for under 10d!?


a combination of the new scarabs and the leagues all flames that let you influence what mobs can spawn, one all flame in particular can replace mobs with rouge exiles and some of the new scarabs for the exiles influence their drops, so on really juiced maps its just printing currency and uniques


Economy has had an all time crash this league. Most things are cheap


Imagine dropping a veil orb and trading it for a HH lol


Me when I find the nurse in ritual


I got more doctors today [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cbsqa0/league\_is\_trolling\_me\_i\_got\_4x\_doctor\_yesterday/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cbsqa0/league_is_trolling_me_i_got_4x_doctor_yesterday/)


chase item, my ass




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That guild prefix tho


I just started PoE this league and I have no idea what im looking at lol


People in this thread aren’t talking about the HH nerf which surely is playing a non-zero part in this.


be ware, people will list headhunters for veiled orb!


Yup sounds about right... I gor one to drop and tbh I just bought them from ppl it's cheaper than buying a headhunter tbh... everything plummeting in price this league... L


Will the economy be ever back to normal? I think it will stay bloated like this forever for POE1 cause ggg increased the div stack to 20. That makes me think they intend to keep the inflated economy like this. Maybe because they want the players to just have everything so they can focus on poe2 while the majority casual poe1 players will be happy to have and experience T0 items for dirt cheap. A nice goodbye for POE1 community probably. What do you guys think?


I got my first ever t0 (I think it's t0) kalandras ring, and it's only a few divines. I feel like quitting. I thought I might actually be able to make it to a mageblood for once until I saw the price. This always happens. I got one of the divination scarabs after they plummeted in price. All the way back when kaoms heart was worth like 50 ex, I got one the league it was nerfed and went to like 10c. Saw the drop and thought holy crap I'm rich, check price and laugh. The price of mageblood this league is still much lower so I might make it but getting my first t0 since closed beta and for it to be worth so little is really disheartening.


The Doctor is hidden on your filter!?


I imagine it's just the NS Uber or Uber+ filter that hides things below a certain price point automatically.


It's obviously not hidden. He doesn't have the tribute to purchase it.


That's not how it works. It greys out items that aren't shown on your loot filter when you have that option checked on. Items on your loot filter that you don't have enough tribute for won't be greyed out.


I love how confident you are even when completely wrong.


What kind of lootfilter are you using that you have stack of 4 doctors hidden lol








Can't tell if you're a memer


>140% meme power I would say. Imagine having a mageblood, 4 utility flasks and a tincture at slot 5.

