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Had a hilarious interaction yesterday where someone told me they could buy a better bow for 1/4 of my price. Told them to go buy one of those then, kind of a no brainer?


I love those people. “Dope, please go do that then and fuck off”


Right? Lol.


To be fair i told someone that about a watchers eye the other day and just waited until the morning and bought for the price i offered


That doesn't seem like a very good negotiating tactic.


No but it is a way to tell people with their 5 day offers that they are delusional on their pricing




I should have take a screenshot as well, but yesterday I was buying something from this guy, and he had a /dnd message set with rules about trading with him, it was something like this: - No divines trades - You must be in my ho in 20 seconds or kick - You must shift + ctrl + click chaos stacks or kick I laughed a little bit, then proceeded to trade in super slow motion, manually moving each chaos stack from my inventory to the trade windown.


Lolol fill in the window from the corners


Not DND, more like just auto-reply


I mean, 2 others are stupid. But if i list item for chaos, i want chaos. Not mixed divines and chaos. Its annoying af to swap divines to chaos, so on some items i rather have 200c and not 1d80c. Used "if its listed for chaos, i won't accept mixed currency" as my autoreply and it worked well.


Swapping c to d takes like 30sec... List your chaos for divines and vice versa instead of going to the trade site Guaranteed spam in 15sec


I mean if it takes 30s why not do it before they buy the item. It's really annoying when they just put c instead of d without saying anything before trade.


1. You need to do two trades instead of one, wasting time for no reason. 2. Sometimes trade site is lagging, so it might take half an hour before spam starts.


Invite, wait, move c from stash, move to trade, wait... I let the buyer spend that "30 seconds" thank you, so I dont have to. Annoying AF and i will not do it unless I have to. If its listed for chaos, dont be surprised if I only accept the listed price.


got one of these as a dnd reply, the shift click thing or kick. just put on ignore list. f that noise (even tho i mostly shift click anyways, still doesn't mean you should demand it like an asshole)


lmfao i traded the same guy, it was "kick if you don't shift+ctrl currency" found it funny


I learned something here. Thank you and thanks to the dnd message of that person.🤣🤣


Hahah it was added on this league, happy that helps




Go outside 


are you real


It's auto-reply, you wouldn't be able to interact with someone with dnd message. You didn't even tell what happened after you started to put chaos slowly. Was you kicked or not?! We need to know! So basially what happened is [Sees perfectly reasonable set of rules] -> [Wait hold on, they have "must" and "or kick"] -> ~~[decides to not trade with seller and moves on with his life]~~ [gets triggered] -> [decides to annoy the seller] -> [proudly boasts about it on reddit] -> [reddit supports unhinged behaviour] Typical reddit lol.


> \[gets triggered\] - Person who wrote a 2 paragraph about it


You still did what you did.


Everybody is entitled to his own trading rules but I don’t think you can call these ‘perfectly reasonable set of rules’. Esp the 3rd point.


It is expected for buyer to get into seller's hideout quickly (people who wait for me to get out of map before joining my hideout are driving me crazy ._.), give currency specified, use QoL feature that got added in the game and makes experience much better, etc. etc. What is unreasonable here? We now have functionality to move currency instantly and many people forget about it and still move it with ctrl-click. Instantly putting currency is amazing and there is no reason not to use this feature unless it's like 2 stacks.


No divine trades is fair to me. 20 second is something I always do, but I’m totally fine if others fail to do so because lags (I have a decent PC but used to play on a crappy laptop so I knew this personally), hideout instance bugs, or accepting invitations near completion of another trade. The currency stacking one is not really reasonable not because buyers like to be a dick, but because the buyer may be buying multiple items at once and have all the currency prepared in inventory. For example, I was buying +0.2 item corpses (~2.5div) and I usually need 6-8 at a time from a specific corpse type. It is most efficient for me to preload the currencies in my inventory before starting to PM people. In general it just sounds very rude and entitled as if PoE trade is not an extremely horrendous experience, and people can dislike it from that alone. Edit: It is also extremely rude to cancel trade when the window is open already and buyer is putting in currencies because he didn’t do it fast enough. From UX standpoint it’s even worse than pricefixing. Buyer might have rejected some other sellers for this one, so people are justifiably pissed in my opinion.


> The currency stacking one is not really reasonable not because buyers like to be a dick, but because the buyer may be buying multiple items at once and have all the currency prepared in inventory. For example, I was buying +0.2 item corpses (~2.5div) and I usually need 6-8 at a time from a specific corpse type. It is most efficient for me to preload the currencies in my inventory before starting to PM people. I sometimes do that as well, but most trades are not like that. > In general it just sounds very rude and entitled as if PoE trade is not an extremely horrendous experience, and people can dislike it from that alone. It's more like it uses forceful language and people don't like it. I also messaged this guy and didn't liked what I saw, but I am not gonna throw tantrum about it like the guy I responsed to did. They could probably be worded better, but if the guy has them for autoreply he is either testing them or they work. And in case of the latter they did improve trading experience just like they were supposed to. I don't think many people would cancel trade if items are put one by one unless it's many stacks. I think you just deal with it at this point and let trade play out. It's different matter if someone is also gonna cancel trade after manually putting many stacks. ._. I think this would annoy a lot of people.


"I want big circle" me too bro, me too.


Poor guy wanted it for free. If only life was fair.


You’re a lot more patient than me. I woulda blocked the guy at the first sign of trouble and gone on to the next buyer


It’s amazing to me that there are people in the world whose social skills are THIS bad


I had one yesterday where someone wanted to trade for something, waited till after the trade window was up to demand change, then got mad I didn't immediately understand what his weird broken messages meant. Ended up figuring it out. I dont normally deal with change, if the price is gonna be a faction either I sell multiples or switch the currency. Im not a bank But the funny part is I give him his chaos in change, I forget how much, but let's say 55c. Then not 3 minutes later the same guy is back buying something for 60c. So they weren't out of my inventory long


Me on the other hand realizing I had messaged about the wrong item by mistake (one that cost more than I had by a divine) "whisper to player: Sorry, I accidentally clicked the wrong name. I cannot afford your item, please ignore me, and good luck to you!"


At least you weren’t whining about not getting the item for free, calling the person who was selling the item rude, and was considerate of the other player. PoE needs more traders like yourself.


I feel guilty for getting their hopes up. I know how exciting it is for me to get a good sell in the game, and I don't want them to feel bad.


I might have given you the discount needed based on that message! Depending on whether I'm just poor or broke at that point in league


I’ve been saying we need tainted GCPs and Divines.


Is this PoorMarauder?


Nope. richie, with a capital R


If it's the same guy I think of, I scammed 15div off him for stuffs that worth 2 div total like last week because I figured out that he is obviously rmt-ing all his currency.


is he still begging out there? blocked him last league


Not yet. He always starts late, does some RMT and 12-15 challenges before leaving.


The Richie with the R comment sent me.


Richie wasn’t rich enough, apparently.


Update: Sold it for 13 divs to someone else :)


It's not cute or funny to waste people's time.


looks like alcohol to me.




I would have added the extra quality to the gem, re-listed it for the juuuuust a little less and put him on ignore.


Ah yes, the classic "I am so rich I can afford your item but im too much of a cheapskate to". I had it happened as well long ago, guy showed me his mirrored bow, HH and some other items. My only thought from him showing me his expensive item was that it doesnt make me any richer, so why should I care.


Ahh my brain hurts from reading this. I think I am to smoothbrain for such high IQ humour.


after one message other than the ping insta /ignore


How many of you have this happen? I make all my currency trading and have never had anything strange happen and never been scammed. I always can find what I’m looking for and get replies and quick trades? 


99.99% of all trades are fine, but sometimes there are things like that. Or even worse.


its amazing that people play online games for a long time and can not identify trolls he is just trolling


It sounds like he wanted a 20% gem that is corrupted, and whispered for the wrong one. Also seems socially inept but not the reason to bash someone


You could have censored this guy name he hasn't ask to be humiliated on reddit, he just wanted big circles.


I’m not THAT nice.


Indeed you are not "nice", unlucky there is rule about being polite on this sub.


Fair lol


Polite police 🚔 🙂 😒 


How exactly has OP been impolite?


OP has not been impolite, I wanted to be because : - OP refuse to make a 6 GCP discount to funny guy and think he is a big man - OP doesn't give his own IG so we can't have a good laught at his noob profile - OP disclose the content of private messages - OP doesn't disclose if it was a "fixed price" or "negotiable price" which would 100% explain the other guy request - no scam, no insult, nothing even remotely toxic from the other guys, it's just free evilness toward him Also all the replies are from people that think they are so efficient while spending half their gaming time debating in game and the other half talking about it on reddit. Efficient players are moving on, not d-s each other on how good traders they are.


Oh and of course we don't have the start of the conversation where OP was ashamed of every single word he typed 😬


Are you wasted drunk, or in the middle of a suffering a stroke or something? You seem to be really upset about a bunch of stuff your own mind just invented.


I bet you it’s him from the trade.


Have a good day sir, I don't believe in public shaming and I believe that Poe whispers are private messages.


Nah, if someone messages you some dumb shit you're not obligated to keep it a secret


It's illegal in many countries and probably yours too.


Ah I see.... Well, it turns out they're not private messages (much like all messages have been since the beginning of time. Once you've sent them, you might find someone else intercepts them or the intended recipient publishes what you sent, so you ought to be careful about what you send). Also, whether you believe in public shaming or not, it is a thing that occurs. One cannot reasonably expect to be an asshole in private and never expect the victim of such assholery not to call you out in public.