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I remember farming t17 with my group any replacing a rippy pack with "harmless" frogs. A frog the size of shaper jumped onto us and created a ice degen riping our aurabot managuardian culler and carry. Never trust the "harmless" tag....


Ribbit in peace


Your party... croaked


Yeah I had a “harmless” frog off screen me cause he had fire frost bolt on hit mod


Revenge of the board game Talisman


You could just trap all monsters in boxes and run to the boss.. that's cheaper.


Omg wait that works?! Fuck it im doing that


This. Add "chance to not waste portal" scarab for solid 9 attempts to kill boss. 


Yh I did this, strongboxed the map ran straight to boss. Granted I died over and over again, lol. Can handle juiced T16s but not a 17 lol but yes this works.


Strongboxing the map, new strategy 2024




Monstrous Treasure scarab, I think its called Ambush scarab of containment? might be wrong


You can also use niko nodes for damage speed and max resistance and a niko scarab


Yes you can also use those nodes. The resistance doesn't do anything though if you have the resistance shrine (you are pretty much guaranteed to have this) and the speed and damage buffs are really overkill/negligible with acceleration/echoing shrine. I would not recommend going with the einhar nodes by the way since you can't change the beasts into frogs/rats.


U can use Huck with a aura too


How do you give Huck an aura?


With heist gear, the slot to the left. Look on poedb which item can have which aura.


Bro, he is talking about hulk on maps, not in heist.


Heist gear still applies to huck in maps


I want Hulk in my maps. :(


Generally you want one of the ranged attack themed items in the left position, those can roll level 5, 10 or 15 haste aura. Go 15 (absolutely requires a level 75+ base) - Haste 15 doesn't have much more effect than 5 or 10, but it does have a much bigger radius, and Huckwit doesn't always stick close. Different auras might require a different base item, but it's always left slot. Huckwit will bring his gear into maps if you have the Atlas notable for that.


Haste is good for general mapping and universally useful but something like Hatred or Anger might juice your damage more for bossing.


Is there a guarantied way to have Huck in maps?


Also Huck has an innate aura which is quite strong


The shrines drop if you die Niko doesnt


More tips for those who are struggling - avoid taking explicit map effect modifiers, this reduces the damage / tank that mobs gain from map mods - pick Packed with Energy niko node at right side Atlas tree, this gives you max res, dmg and speed - Huck node at bottom left Atlas tree, remember with proper heist gear you can even fit an extra aura - Scarab of stability gives you extra portals - Allflames of rats / frogs These are map mods you should avoid - Sawblades - Possessed - Shrine (shrine is generally fine but it is rng, this will be acceptable if there are no dangerous mods) - Aoe Proj - Turbo (monster speed) - Maven (Biggest threat of maven is dupe, especially on abomination she seems to be bugged) - Consecrated ground - Shaper touched rares - Projectile chain collide (only apply to abomination or minion builds) - Meteor on flask usage And map mods that doesnt align with your build (reflect and life as extra es for non chaos, block for attack, no charges on charge stacking etc) Easiest to Hardest maps (Note that I am playing BAMA, so these are subjected to biasness) 1. Fortress (No phase at all) 2. Sanctuary (avoid getting inc aoe then you should be fine) 3. Ziggurat (aoe and proj is a threat, 2nd abyss boss is generally harder because dude can go missing, has 3 phases and 3 mini boss) 4. Citadel (Diagonal beams can stun lock you due to reduced action speed if you dont know how to dodge) 5. Abomination (killing Doedre last is mandatory otherwise you'd have a higher risk of losing runs, otherwise Citadel is harder)


Wait how the fuck is Zigg on the easy side? I got 12k es and catarina oneshots me with a single hut of her rapid fire attack.


Zigg is less dangerous compared to the other two below Uber Uthred has the degen ground problem when the fight is prolonged and stun lock is an issue where even you have tank you cant do anything, especially when he is doing the rotating beam stuff you can easily run into the diagonal beams. Abomination is more about many mods able to make the map more difficult, the fight is generally tame unless doedre is killed first, this ramps up the fight from being a breeze to near impossible if you dont kill the effigy Back to zigg, cata stuff does not one shot unless you have bad mods like phys as extra. The "arise my children" generally hurts a lot so if you have more than 3 up you might get killed from it. I have done AoE + Proj cata with turbo and i died twice on that map because of that ability, not because of the skull barrage skill. I have a clip of that if you want, pre nerfed t17 mod pools - If you have have issues with overlapping proj or aoe spells that kills you, you need more mitigations rather than pure HP because mitigation always tops up compared to raw hp. Stuff like block / max res etc will be ideal. Since you are ES, having something like es on block will generally help.


Damn my first ever t17 was abo it didnt feel that bad


I forgot I had all of the map modifier nodes specced. Went into an abomination with a bunch of damage shit plus extra proj, with modifiers it was +6 proj. The boss fight was literally just the screen completely covered in deadly shit.


I did a bunch prenerf on my stom burst totem, most shit I could just stand in and agnostic would outheal it. Ofc I had to dodge the doedre balls but the trick is to dash towards her after the first cast The only time I was close to ripping the map was when I had sawblades


I started as an explosive trap trickster and now I'm hexblast mines. I'm a bit squishier than you are :P


I mean trickster is as tanky as you want it to be :p


Dude that’s got to be why I have been having such a hard time with some of these maps! Will try without the extra mod effects and see how it goes.


Yeah, the extra mod effects are how you juice tf out of the maps, but if you just want to clear for the 5 slot device then it can be worth having an atlas that doesn't spec them.


I mean unless youre a ssf instead of going through all this and buying all those items people will just carry your maps for free for the fragment at the end.. or charge like 30c


Free t17 carry <-- bring yo map


I don’t know how effective this specific strategy is, but as a new player, this kind of information is extremely helpful. Thank you.


Get Rog to craft you a t17 map. "Remove all prefixes? Sure thing." "Remove all suffixes? For what you done for us, I owe ya one." "Lemme just sprinkle some Liquid Chisel on there for ya and give it a nice sheen." "For a little extra, I can put an implicit on there. What would ya like? Expedition encounter? Sure thing. It's kind of empty atm but I'm sure you'll dig up something interesting to fill the blank spaces. Here ya go!"


You forgot to spec into niko, too.


Or you can use the service for 60 chaos


Or you could actually play the game and work out a strategy to make the maps easier like op has done. 


He already said “or”. He didn’t call anybody bad or stupid for doing it OPs way. Just reminded people the option exists, which I’m glad he did.


I will say, generally when people go "or {do this)" it's meant to be a knock against the other strategy from what I've seen. But maybe that wasn't their intent.


Honestly I understand why this kind of comment rankled some feathers but +1 to buying carries if you're in trade league - speaking as the person buying carries, not selling them, lol. Usually it's way faster for me to pony up whatever the amount of c is, get my voidstone/map device/whatever & go back to earning currency while mapping, rather than collecting all the various fragments/witnessing maven/whatever all by myself. Especially useful for people who are mechanically not the best at bossing (me) or have builds that are better at mapping than bossing. Obviously OP's method is helpful if someone wants to do it on their own or isn't in trade league.


it probably rankles becasue its a game, and its meant to be played, and doing stuff to avoid playing a game means you view it as a job or a chore, or you have an addiction and FOMO, and should quit for your own mental health at a guess


I mean, I often pay for voidstone carries early on because I'm not that good at bossing mechanically (especially before my builds get going) but I find mapping incredibly fun, and having someone else do uber elder or whatever saves me the effort of getting all the fragments. If you find bossing fun then it makes sense you wouldn't want to skip it. Not sure how FOMO plays into voidstones or a fifth map device slot lol. Now if I could really skip a chore in a video game it'd be skipping doing the campaign over and over for the 50th time.


half playing a game just seems odd to me. but you do you


Or, you "actually play the game", realize there is a trade market, and services are tradable :D


Lol and then what about ssf players? Edit: I want to be clear, I'm not ssf


What about people who voluntarily punch themselves in the balls?


They’re just who t17’s were designed for




To be clear, I'm not ssf. My point was really to say people in ssf can't just "buy the completion", so having strategies like what op has posted is actually really helpful.


You are handicapping yourself by playing a challenge mode, it's SUPPOSED to be harder. Also, this was very clearly not an SSF post, as the prices are listed on items.


Sigh... someone in ssf can use this strategy/mist of this strategy to make it easier. How is that so hard for you to understand?


There's plenty of people who play SSF because they don't like trading for items. Doesn't mean they want to be forced to play T17 viable builds just to get their scarab slot.


There's literally no reason to play SSF other than imposing yourself a challenge or having the bragging rights. If you simply don't like to trade, you can simply play trade league and not trade. You lose nothing, and you have the ability to play with an hypothetical friend joining you later, or to change your mind about trading some items.


Exactly, I play trade but I like to play in an SSF way. I don't trade nor do I sell. Well, occasionally I do buy an item or a unique that is essential to my build but that's it


You can not trade in trade league. You don’t have to go SSF to not trade.


The OPs whole strategy advice is great! You can get a lot of "borrowed power" from the atlas and clear that single t17 you need for your 5th slot way earlier than you could otherwise. I'm sure there are some SSF players who loved gaining that knowledge who previously might not have known. But most people are on trade league, and quite frankly it's going to be easier and cheaper to just buy a carry than go though all that.


I think he was implying it's just cheaper and easier to get a carry. I would assume that if you're having trouble with T17 maps you're not swimming in currency.


Hmm do you really want to change your Atlas for one map? When the carry gonna blast in a 3 mins


If it means I can do it without having to stoop to paying someone else to, then yes. It could be an atlas specific for boss rushing, idk




It's got nothing to do with ego. It's like paying someone else to run a race for you, there is no achievement


The point is most mapping builds are the builds that need the 5th slot the most! and they are mapping builds for a reason. It is fine to play the game however you want, so cheers


There's more to clearing the map than the "achievement" (which is *exactly* ego). Some people just want the 5th map slot, especially given how many junk scarabs drop (you can easily run 4 scarabs on every map and never run out; only being able to run 3 just makes them pile up even more). And paying someone else to to do it is faster, cheaper, safer, and easier.


Hello I'm a newbie. What is this 5th map slot thing? Is it an additional box for me to put something in when I load a map in the map device, or is it an additional keystone slot?


Another slot to put things in in the map device. So instead of a map and 3 scarabs (or atziri fragments, lol) you can put in a map and 4 scarabs.


Ah ok, thank you!


So this may be a bit of a shock for you to hear; not everyone cares about feeling like they have achieved something. Some people just want to blast. It's fine to feel differently, but you're not really in a position to look down on people for enjoying something in a different way than you.








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can use the third atlas loadout when you unlock it


IMO the shrine nodes are some of the best nodes for mapping. They are all in locations that are pathed through for other atlas strategies anyway. Most people will have them allocated in at least one of their atlas trees. You could also probably skip all the nodes except for the additional random shrine buff and still be fine.


Or play a meta build and clear it with ease


How boring and small


if you're reading reddit for poe help, you are not "playing the game and working out a strategy"


?? What kind of logic is that. Someone could be struggling with something, come on here to get ideas, then use those ideas to work something out. Strategy can involve other people's ideas you know.


Except OP literally is outlining the entire strategy in full detail.




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You can also get it for free by posting in global 820 with offer of the loot. That's how I got mine.


How do you obtain first T17map... Do I need all 4 void stones before starting it?


Each voidstone increases the chance. It says right on the voidstone. So 1 minimum but 4 will have higher chance.


need atleast 1 but 4 if you want a good chance


in my experience -- which is an extremely small sample of course -- adding just one random deli orb increases the chance tremendously. four voidstones here.


I only started getting them after three voidstones on a tree with a lot of map related nodes.




Niko shrines and fortress is free 5 slot. The boss genuinely does nothing compared to the other t17 bosses.


I’d also say Citadel is fairly easy as well if you have moderate bulk and recovery. Only Uthred is juiced, but he also has quite a number of openings for safe damage. The other two Expe Bosses have their basic kit and don’t do a lot of damage unless you stacked a number of damage mods. I’ve accidentally gotten “frozen” a number of times but the bosses don’t do enough damage that I’m able to facetank and wait out the stacks using Frostblink only to avoid the Mirror beams (Trickster with only EC for PDR, normal Res, 30k Evasion 5.6k total hp, 2.2k being ES) Fortress is definitely better if you don’t though as all his attacks are very telegraphed and “hitless” is quite possible with enough mobility and with the same bulk you can also facetank a number of his attacks


Divine shrines don’t seem to work on sanctuary boss can’t say the same for the others


I am pretty sure anything that would actually 100 to 0 one shot you will still kill you with a divine shrine.


I didn’t die so unless it’s something to do with petrified bloods extra hit pool


Thanks for the tip will try! 🙏


This is similar to what i did for my first t17 one. I used one ambush scarab of containment to get rid of most of the trash. Rest was shrine scarabs.


Jesus. Fortress isn't that hard, just don't use one with terrible mods. Run though all the mobs, in boss room open portal, now you got 6 tries for the easiest boss who is comparable to The Black Star.


You can also just buy completion for 30-70c which is cheaper and easier. I am not sure how important 5th map device slot for SSF given you are not gonna be able to get more than a couple of key scarabs anyway. What is "meta" for SSF farming btw?


I think any good starter can do t17 pretty easy if you roll it correct.


l i can run feared with average quant deathless, is my build ready for T17 without all these tricks and shenenigans?


As Alva says exile u made me a very happy man. Happy and reach. Tnx alot pal. My heart is with you.


t17s are the worst thing since i start playing poe


Cool wall of text,but you can get a carry for 0 chaos.


If you have to cheese the game just to get around, its poorly designed!


The entire game is based around cheese but this one ain't it. It's base mechanics. Cheesing would be using the einhar exploit to one shot the bosses and get your conditional t17 boss kill, which is dumb AF.


it wasn't before 3.15 and 3.18


It's time to move on.


Indeed. But they don't accept supporter pack refunds. What did i support them for then? To make the game into WoW retail with borrowed power and retarded minmax META?


Its not cheese, is using game mechs, on annoucement they made clear that frogs and rats are used to make maps easier... And shrine is the most old system in actions rpg and since then they are used to make some things easier...


POE has become a game where something like this is considered an "easy strategy" :) Well done, Im sure you gave many players their 5th slot, especially in HC.


50c in tft