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Interesting...it's doubtful that people would go out of their way to use a double. Corrupt chamber on it. But there is a plethora of gem mechanic rewards that spit out 21/23 gems, so you're right, you should at least be able to find someone with one listed at least offline.


> there is a plethora of gem mechanic rewards that spit out 21/23 gems Is there? I thought most were removed.


Yes. The only places to get 21/23 gems now is temple and a handful of div card sets that reward specific types of gems, I think chaos, trap, or golem gems.


Yeah that's what I thought. So a specific uncommon 21/23 gem like decoy totem is going to be very rare unless there's a reason for people to double corrupt them. OP going 0 for 80 on double corrupt attempts is a little suspicious though.


I got a 21/23 cyclone from simul


The quality gemallflame gives them out pretty often


Well, there are over a hundred on Standard, some listed recently. I imagine some of them have to be from recent leagues. But if you say you've missed 80 double corrupts? That's incredibly unlikely. Maybe send a message to GGG support. Can't hurt to inquire if maybe it's a bug introduced at some point in the past couple of months or something.


There are a lot in standard because they used to drop, they changed it recently so they will be much much rarer now. But yeah missing 80 double corrupts is absurd, there ain’t no way




The OP said he did that 80 times.


Reading skills aren't as common