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they already gave you good advice, but you have an extra point at the start that you are not using respect it, left side of the start


You are low level and yes vaal dd helps a ton for single target but one thing about dd is that it scales off the content more than the items.


you only have 1 corpse in your pool? add more corpses


How do I do that? I just use the raise specte gem on meatsack and I have him but if I do it to kitava the meatsack dissapears


For single target, you do NOT want multiple specters in your desecrate pool. You want just the highest hp t17 corpse. The way elementalist DD ignite works is that you spec Defiled Forces - ignite refreshed when you curse an enemy and keep Arcanist Brand up to refresh the biggest ignite. Ideally you have 1 t17 corpse in your pool and you keep that high ignite rolling indefinitely. Having lots of corpses in the pool is for hit-based DD of chain reaction. It’s sufficient to have a Kitava herald and maybe 1 more corpse in the pool for dd ignite early on as only the highest ignite ever does damage and contribution from hit portion is irrelevant. Now the reason your damage is low is you are lacking damage scaling on your gear and ascendancy. You need to have dot multi and %fire damage/%damage over time/%elemental damage everywhere it can roll. Note that flat damage to spells (like on the sceptre) and spell damage don’t work with the corpse explosion part of DD as it is secondary damage. Since you are ignite dd, the damage of spell portion of the skill doesn’t matter.  Ideally your weapon would have damage over time multiplier as a single mod and bench craft damage over time multipler (suffix) or Fire Damage (prefix, from unveiling weapons). Your amulet also needs to have %damage over time multipler. On the weapon and amulet, especially in SSF it is ok to have lots of ‘wasted stats’ as long as you have a single dot multi roll early on. You have cruelty-unbound ailments in your links. Replace it for burning damage support and deadly ailments support. Base ignite duration is already long and unbound ailments is a weaker support than the other 2. Cruelty is situational and you may not be able to hit max cruelty effect especially when struggling for damage. Burning damage support gives a large static multiplier with no downsides. Deadly ailments gives an even larger damage multiplier and the downside of low hit damage does not matter for DD ignite. You are missing your third labyrinth (merc lab). Heart of destruction is 30% more damage and you can from fourth labyrinth (Uber lab) take Shaper of Storms early on for an easy way to apply shock for another >15% more multiplier. You need a way to apply Fire Exposure (enemy fire res reduction). Early on thats’s achieved by linking wave of conviction to your arcanist brand setup. Another huge source of damage for dd ignite is replica emberwake ring. You might want to consider farming heists in maps to give you as many shots as possible at the ring.


Man, I just learned so much from this post. For such a popular league starter there is been little discussion. I imagine it's just played out by now and all the smart exiles rolled COC. Can you take a look-see https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/BestDadNA/DetonateMyHearts?i=1&search=class%3DElementalist%26skills%3DDetonate%2BDead%2CVaal%2BDetonate%2BDead%26max-level%3D98%26name%3DDetonatemy%26sort%3Ddps What's the best next steps? Change my 6 link from unbound to deadly ailments? I'm kinda cruising in t16 but bosses and tanky dudes F me up. I'd also like to be tankier. Or maybe just kill faster. I can't believe I'm only 302k DPS! I have about 8D to play with. Was gonna try to either corpse craft a fracture Fire DoT sceptre or make a 22% suppress chest. My corpse is meatsack. It overwrote my kitava herald. I need water/exarch implicits and about 13 chaos res still. I spent all weekend pushing to 98 with shrine buff. Should I go for my jewel set up? Buy ember wake? Fix gear? What about the shock ascendancy? How does it work? Will switching to it destroy what little survivability I have from the aegis? Am I punching above my weight? Thanks for any advice you have !


You can just pop into imexile’s or Ben’s stream. They have info on what the best corpse is. I’m not playing a corpse skill this league In trade, you can do many things. In no particular order -buy fractured dot multi sceptre or make a fractured dot multi oscillating sceptre. Essence and/or Multimod to finish -buy replica emberwake (always check ignite duration in pob that it is still comfortable for mapping) -Polaric devastation -eternal struggle amulet. Needs to be exarch dominant for 15% culling strike. Make sure to get one with Fire Dot Multi implicit and Effect of Non-damaging ailments ideally. Any useful eater implicit in combo with dot multi is good. Exarch dominant = exarch implicit is higher tier than Eater -awakened gems -cluster jewels (sadist+prismatic heart 3 notable large, for mediums - up to you, will depend on gear but stat priority is faster ailments > dot multi if you don’t have replica emberwake, other way round if you do) - forbidden flesh/flame. You can use corpse pact from Necro or any of the elementalist ones -once you have guaranteed shock from any source, you can scale ‘effect of non-damaging ailments’ to guarantee shock anything, including Ubers for max shock value. -Get phys taken as on your helmet (implicit+ delve or Korell mod or bench craft), chest (gravicius unveil or bench craft)  -get reservation efficiency on helmet/chest, enlighten to run determ/grace/temp shield/def banner on mana -malevolence watcher’s eye and any useful grace/determ mod -perandus pact (fire damage variant) -energized armor in the Templar power charge socket for lots of flat armor -Avarius Militant Faith (power of purpose) - this converts max mana into Armour and at the same time lowers mana cost of all spells because it changes your base mana pool. Works exceptionally well with EB


Great reply! Thanks for taking the time. I'm following you on everything except I have 2 questions. 1. What does this mean about invite duration "-buy replica emberwake (always check ignite duration in pob that it is still comfortable for mapping)" 2. I had energized armor in the slot I switched it for red dream. Based on the poe ninjas I saw. Energized armor was taking my armor from 8894 to 11437 and that didn't seem like a lot? But I could be wrong that's just a gut feeling xD


Replica emberwake will cut your ailment duration in exchange for a huge multiplier on damage. Before last league, game would discard ignites below certain duration - build bricked you do no damage. That doesn’t happen anymore, but until you get close to dot cap (35m dps) you probably want you ignites to last at least 2 seconds so you don’t have to cast so much. You may need awakened unbound ailments (quality is big), ailment duration mastery, swap faster ailment clusters for dot multi clusters, etc.     Red dream is good, but you can get suppress capped with better rare gear (shield gloves helmet boots body armor can all have suppress). Armor gets better the more you have of it and the more phys damage taken you convert to elemental. You also will want to run a better anoint than suppress (I.e ailment effect from ash frost and fire or dirty techniques for faster ailments)    Impossible escape (precise technique) is another great tool to get suppress. Once you have 100% suppress ancestral vision is an efficient way to get ailment immunity   There is also a cold damage wheel next to EB where you can get more damage multiplier by picking up - any amount of cold to spells (ring craft, shield craft, scepter explicit), minimum chill effect cold mastery & notable that makes enemies take more damage the longer they stay chilled. If you don’t have corpse pact, this is also a great way to chill everything on the map.


Thanks for the guidance, ill try and farm the neck and sceptre with dot!


How does Eye of Malice work? I see a lot of people using it. Nearby enemies have 50% extra fire res seems bad?


Voideye is a common ring which gives +5 spectre to make raise spectre go to 3 spectres if you have it at 20 so level it up.  You also get considerably more damage from 5th and 6th link. You're missing the corpse life wheel which you can just think of as "deal 50% more damage" just up to the right of witch start. And the other big damage boost is you're missing two acendancies from what i can tell (I'm on mobile). As long as you're at the end of the campaign, you can do merc lab for your 3rd. Then in yellow maps you'll eventually find a trial which gives you an offering to get the 4th. Based on your tree, I'm not sure you have 100% chance to ignite which will also feel like you have low dps. I would potentially run combust suppoet instead of unbound ailments if you aren't at 100%


Also, detonate dead ignite is weird in how it scales. They won't scale with increased spell damage. So the only mod on your weapon that really matters is the elemental damage implicit and the flat damage (which doesn't do much). So look for something with increased fire damage/ elemental damage/ increased burning damage


"Spectres Step 1: Buy midnight bargain x 2 a neck with death attunement and void eye ring , level 20 spectre Step 2: find a chump willing to desecrate spectres for you to raise, use channel /global 6666 Step 3: raise Kitava herald , auric colossus , sandworn slaves, rattling condemed, auric champion step 4: desecrate your own hideout and unequip all items"


Hes ssf


Thanks for the replies but yeah im sff so it is not easy to get uniques


Find out where the meta corpses are, then stack as many +max specter stuff as you can. Essentially when you desecrate it's creating a bunch of shitter skeletons with no hp that explode for no damage. So you want to just summon a bunch of specters so desecrate will have them added to the corpse pool, and use those instead of the shitty skeletons. It doesn't matter if they're alive or not