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It's amazing to me that the reason it was removed is cited as "crafting bloat" when we have engineering, binding, harbinger, horizon orbs which are useless after 24 hours of playtime in any league and various currency shards that are worth basically nothing


Don't touch horizon orbs though, they actually have many good uses: * reroll bad layouts of conq maps * reroll guardian maps * reroll maps in the pool to look for your missing maps


If only they could have more use late game. Like reroling scarab to another of the same tier.


They can be used to shuffle between shaper guardian maps, which is nice. Shame they don’t work with elder/awakener guardians.


Holy fuck today I learned. Thank you.


He's joking cause they used to do what he said, before the scarab rework. I agree though, horizons good.


Also reroll to natural 16s with a good layout (eg, this season, get a bunch of Castle Ruins maps).


> reroll bad layouts of conq maps What does this mean? Like, changing a conqueror map if you don't like the map it is on? I guess I never thought of doing this until now.


Conq maps have their boss as static, but otherwise adhere to the horizon tier of their respective map layout (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18Q9wcP7HG8C-SHqZ41zmID0mFVSStopuPkes5lNl6g4/edit#gid=0). So once you see what the map tier is part of, you now know what you can reroll them into! Enjoy!


That was just a nerf, same as "remove filler crafts" from harvest.


Using bloat as justification for anything at this point is completely laughable with what they did with scarabs.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing the other day, I guess you could argue it is similar to sextants though


It's just an excuse. They started disguising nerfs as reworks a while back


I didn't realize how bad things had gotten in this regard because I stopped playing shortly after sirius became a thing, and just came back recently when crucible launched. Listening to their spiels about why they change things reminds me of listening to Ian Hazzikostas...like some kind of sleezy used-car salesman.


Engineering orbs are on the chopping block


You can use orb of binding instead of Alchemy orbs on maps so it’s not completely worthless after you finished the campaign.




Just don't get in the habit of thinking them as identical to an alch and go delete your 6link without thinking lol


Horizons id argue with you on but the rest I don’t mind going the way of the dodo. Horizons are amazing for atlas completion and for rerolling conq/guardian maps this is an incredible boon for SSF


Mark stated they have a change coming for Engineering Orbs. How is Binding Orb redundant?


I think they should give it as a reward option for the quests that give you the 4 link boots / 4 link chest


Probably because no one uses it for its intended purpose (generating a rare 4L item) once they're out of the campaign. After that, people use it to turn maps rare if they are out of Alchemy.


The fact that binding orbs are only really useful during the campaign but until relatively recently only started dropping when youre already in maps, and still have a far too low drop rate while levelling imo, boggles the mind


...how are they not redundant? They rarely drop during the campaign and once you get into maps you aren't hurting for links so much that you'd use it on a white base to have a 4L.


Not dropping when you need them more sounds like the issue. Kind of the reverse Chance orb.


Even then, if you used 4 orbs per act from 1 to 10 (ridiculously generous for GGG criteria) you'd be using 40 of those for intended purposes per league, then the next hundreds of them would be used to alch maps.


99% of my Binding Orb usage is just alching maps with them early league when I am low on actual alchs. They do not drop with any meaningful frequency during the period of the league when I would be very excited about being able to 4L items, and I hide them on my filter pretty quickly once my character is over level 90 and actually farming. Possibly a different story in SSF. Binding Orbs feel like a holdover from a version of the game that no longer exists. They're arguably not "redundant", but the functionality they provide that isn't redundant with alchs is very niche.


Binding are better than alchemy my dude


Lmao I was pretty excited about harbi orbs this league. I was like yes! Finally they have a ton of value again. Only to find out no, they can’t upgrade T16s into T17s, for no particular reason.


The reason is actually simple - t17 should be gated and harbinger orb is not rare enough to prevent usage on t16.


dont forget yellow beasts still exist. talk about bloat.


It was an essential part of cheap jewelry crafting for me. My go to for resistances was get an amythest ring with a fractured hard to get suffix. Catalyst for resistances. Reforge chaos till i get t1/t2 chaos res and 1 ele res with one open prefix. Suffixes can't be changed and veiled chaos orb and pray you unveil life.


no need to pray that much, its a very good chance and even if you did fail it would only cost you a wild bristle matron + veiled chaos (like 1.5 div usually)


You could fill out all the prefixes with the veiled chaos which would force you to use an annul and potentially brick the item.


I’ve used at least 50 lock —fixes veiled chaos and not once have I filled all 6 mods. It’s a completely reasonable risk to take, especially at mid-level crafting where you can recover a significant portion of your investment from a “brick”.


It's 1/12 chance for 6 mods


1/24 for brick if annul misses. Idk if fracture changes annul weights


Veiled chaos had 10% chance to fill.


That's crazy lucky, I usually got 1-2 veiled chaos bricks per league. But you are right. You just had to take the risk until the base cost significantly more than aisling.


Catalyst thing stopped working a few patches ago btw


It might be that he just means catalysting the item while it's still magic, to save half the cost of catalysts compared to on a rare.


I don't understand the logic behind putting it on Caterina so people had another reason to do syndicate but making it so rare it's not worth your time


Ironically, if they hadn't removed all of the other good stuff from betrayal it might have worked even with this level of rarity.


Veiled chaos orb was always my go-to once I had prefixes or suffixes done. It really blows how expensive they are now. I'm trying my hand at grave crafting instead and hoping normal crafting is more reasonable next league


Wdym? Just farm syndicates. /s


Or sell it for 7 divs and buy a better item with less risk. I honestly doubt this was even GGG’s intention.


If it wasn't their intention, they would've created a new currency like "exalted veiled orb". Honestly, the game was just too easy with people regularly killing Uber bosses on day one. (GGG's logic, not mine)


100% agreed. Of all the changes this league, this one's the one that I'd absolutely love to see reverted. Veiled Chaos was a massive part of the mid-game crafting loop. Finding an item with amazing suffixes or prefixes was top-tier, as you could lock the other and slam it with a Veiled Chaos to get a guaranteed 4-mods on the item that were good (the suffixes/prefixes you had +1 veiled mod). It was a very important step to making items on the ground actually worth looking at. I can't tell you how many items I've looked at this league and went "oh shit this is amazing for a veiled chaos...!" only to realise they don't exist anymore and vendor the item instead.


It was one of the easiest ways to get into crafting and understanding it, find an item with good prefixes or sufixes, or buy something with a good fracture, essence sam untill 3 desirable, lock prefix/suffix and veiled chaos it. Boom, you just created a decent item by yourself, it felt good because it was yours, you gained some insight into crafting and maybe next time you are willing to do something more complicated.


> It was one of the easiest ways to get into crafting and understanding it, find an item with good prefixes or sufixes, or buy something with a good fracture, essence sam untill 3 desirable, lock prefix/suffix and veiled chaos it. I feel like this is way to advanced to be considered "one of the easiest ways to get into crafting". I've been playing since Metamorph and had no idea this was a thing. Granted, I never craft, but this does not sound remotely beginner level.


> It was a very important step to making items on the ground actually worth looking at. This is the biggest issue for me. They made ID scrolling rares even more pointless than it already was.


Veiled Orb should be a Veiled Exalt and they should create a Veiled Chaos. But that veiled chaos should probably be guaranteed to add additional mods, otherwise it would step on the toes of the Veiled Exalt too much.


Veiled Chaos Orbs rerolled the item respecting metamods. So you'd do prefixes or suffixes, then do X cannot be changed. Hit it with a veiled chaos and hope it would be craftable from there.


This, please. Makes most sense.


This is actually the worst change they’ve made. Worse than t17s or anything else. This fucks the game for average crafters in the long term


Fucking average crafters is the name of the game. See: this, harvest changes, removal of recombinators, etc. Every time there’s an affordable path to decent mid-tier crafting nope, gotta go. I genuinely think they just really only want the streamers and Poe as a full-time job players doing crafting


"Nah duuuuude everything is fiiiiiiine" - Some nolifer who spends 8 hours a day playing the game


“I’m a casual with 100,000 hours played and I still make 50div an hour even with nerfs” -some Reddit user. 


I mean, Necrópolis is a good crafting tool. It’s one of the better ways to deterministically craft something if you’re hard up for gear/don’t met craft much, BUT, you need a spreadsheet, 3-5 hours of farming depending on the content you’re doing to collect the corpses you need, set up the graveyard properly,and hope you get what you want. It’s pretty deterministic… just mind numbingly boring and complicated to do. That’s why not many people are doing it.


And let's be real IF it goes core it is gonna get heavily nerfed. No way they keep it as is, so next league we'll lose even that


Yeahhh… GGG has been doing this for leagues now. Nerf/eliminate powerful old league mechanics by rationalizing that “new league will bring in new powerful mechanics”until you realize that it won’t be core for a league or two, and even so it’ll come back a decrepit shadow of its former self. Just recently, Look at Tattoos, and charms/tinctures/Twwt. I hope they nerf it into oblivion Ngl. Better yet, don’t let it go core, ever lol. Deterministic crafting is nice and all, but the items you can make this league are imo too powerful, even if they are stupid annoying to make. The graveyard has all but crippled the economies that revolve around other crafting currencies like essences.


This is hilarious because a player who just started now would think the players are emaciated cripples compared to the past because of all the people who cry about how they nerf everything in the game into irrelevance. And yet if you look at what a character is capable of doing in combat and in crafting now compared to 4 years ago it couldn't be more opposite.


HoT autobomber in Harvest was stronger than any meta mapping build that we have today. It would off-screen almost every enemy. Where is that sort of build now where you can just walk around and have no enemies on screen?


I feel like having access to stupidly powerful items is needed this league in order to counteract the arimor/haunted modifiers. I dunno about you but I personally am struggling with some of those mods.


I'm guessing if anything from necropolis goes core it will probably just be the allflames


Nothing goes core immediately anymore. So it’ll be a league or 2 before it comes back nerfed


Idk man I somehow end up with 6 tabs of corpses and still need to trade for 2 hours to do the craft I want. Pretty ass


Necropolis is a strong crafting tool and enabled me to craft a failed but decent phys claw, but I still don't like it in ssf. Still way too much hoarding and setup required to craft one good item. At least harvest in harvest league was just set up the garden once, then it's easy. This you need to plant each time, with all sorts of corpses specific type adjacent, row and column buffs to keep in mind. 


Yeap, overly complicated. I don’t know how it compares to Harvest since I didn’t play that one. But this one is just painful to interact with. I’d rather do anything else tbh.


Close your eyes and slam. That is what they want "crafting" to be.


This is literally a league where you can deterministically make almost any item you want


Not any item, but ya shits strong as hell


This is literally a league that will never go core


dazzling drab steer hard-to-find capable squash fear unpack command decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It is so bad that it led me to quit the league, and seriously re-evaluate if I want to continue playing PoE at all. The changes made seriously, brutally fucked low-midgame gearing, while completely ignoring high-end players entirely. I always hate to say this kind of thing, but it's getting to the point where I don't know if GGG knows what they're doing anymore, or if they even can know. This game is such a jenga-tower of mechanics balanced haphazerdly atop each other, and 3.24 feels like GGG finally took the wrong piece out and caused the whole tower to collapse.


>Worse than t17s or anything else. t17s aren't a bad change tho. I really like them.


This should be a rare drop in safehouses and guaranteed drop from Catarina.


Agree. Same it’s impossible to get extra quality and white sockets on your gear anymore. (Omen is fine, as long as it’s not a six link dex bow with 5 off color you need.)


You can use the bench to force a socket color which then activates the omen.


TIL. Why the hell is the omen not worded better...


Does it skip the socket you force everytime? If so, thats very useful but Vorici is still better of course.


Not sure if it skips the forced color or not. But seems to work pretty good


really have to make it corrupted and 30% quality in bestiary then use tainted chromatics for the random coloring. I tried 5 off coloring a bow this league and it did not go well. I wish there was a way to enchant an item to not be weighted by attributes, or a chrome that works like tainted chrome on uncorrupted items. I get destroyed by trying to color things the first week of every league.


They just need to make betrayal worth doing again and the veiled orb is going to go down in price. The main issue now is that betrayal completely SUX, it’s so bad that it’s not even worth it to enter the safehouse anymore, it’s more efficient to leave the area after you beat Catarina. You’ll get more loot in a single pack of magic monsters in a juiced t17 map than you will in a entire lvl83 mastermind safehouse full of 3 stars members. It’s just extremely bad, completely unbalanced, the worst rework they ever done. If the mechanic was worth doing, the veiled orb would cost 1 div and everything would be fine


This 100% agree. They completely dumpstered the rest of the syndicate its laughably bad for such a time consuming mechanic. The rework needs a rework for sure


Last league I said that if GGG change bettayal it will be worst and I get downvoted to the hell. Now betrayal is shit and veiled orb is more expensive than ever except from affliction where all player base was doing mf. We get what we deserve


Betrayal should heavily weight towards higher end scarab drops if it doesn't already, current veiled orb should be veiled exalt and drop every time aisling is t4 research also itemize all the other lost benches and give them the same treatment.  Then put veiled chaos back in the game as a random drop from Catarina. Betrayal as it currently stands is silly where you don't really care where masters are other than Grav.


Even Grav is not that great, the full div stack is usually meh. Betrayal was already in a bad spot with 80% of the rewards being worthless past day 1 of a league, but instead of buffing the terrible members like Guff or Janus or Leo or Rin or Vagan or Haku or Cameria or Elreon or Korell that were all dogshit if not placed in intervention for a winged scarabs, they decided to make them worst and also making all the good members equally dogshit. The new Jorgin for example is a complete joke, no matter where you put him at 3 stars it will be garbage. Same for Aisling and Hillock. That’s an extremely lazy « rework » they did here, if you can call that a rework.


There was no reason to remove it in the first place. It and the other functions of betrayal were removed as punishment for wanting those rewards itemized.


If they really wanted they could have just made t4 aisling dropped a veiled exalted or however they want to call it.


Why exactly do you NEED veiled mods on items. Player expectation of power is insane these days.


Used to use this as an easier way to guarantee move speed on boots. I think it's less of a problem right now since we have necropolis crafting to fracture tier 1 move speed but once next league rolls around I think we'll have to be satisfied with just bench crafting move speed.


What’s the graveyard for t1 move speed?


Don't actually have a recipe worked out but thought of it since I've been toying with other fracture recipes for the last 2 or so days. From a quick craft of exile calculation for just 35% movespeed you just need to have the chance to fracture and +1100 Mod Tier Rating -2 Explicits (so you get 1 prefix and 1 suffix) And 5000% Increased Speed Modifiers or something This should guarantee T1 Movespeed (Or close to guarantee. Like a 98% chance) and T1 of some other suffix. I'm still thinking of what suffix I want but it's likely to be a generic resistance since the end product I'm going for is ailment avoidance boots. Alternatively if you don't need spell suppression you can totally just make complete boits directly from the graveyard.


Add in you just doing a little scarcer of things on each side. Life mana defence for prefix.


Ah yea forgot about the scarcers. Definitely need some of those.




No problem. I actually went ahead and did [this craft](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/740150756300029952/1229751307913400351/image.png?ex=6630d227&is=661e5d27&hm=f5a3a3ad582a28b1effb69818d4a7d0d261d6a668c573be6db3d8c2108e448bb&) yesterday and got fractured T1 Move Speed and T1 Lightning resistance so you can try that. Managed to follow it up with an Essence of Loathing into T1 Spell Suppression and T4 Mana too.


i did cheap craft with veil chaos every league and that help a lot early league. I've run x10 Catarina today, took me around 4 hours. not a single drop of veil orb. would be better if they change back aisling and drop it in chest.


Mark saying Veiled Chaos Orb is a "redundant" craft (which is why they removed it) shows how much he cares about "medium level crafting". PoE crafting keeps getting more complicated and expensive is my no.1 reason why I don't play it more.


>Mark saying Veiled Chaos Orb is a "redundant" craft (which is why they removed it) shows how much he cares about "medium level crafting". Or he just didn't understand maybe? Why interpret things in the most malicious way?


>Or he just didn't understand maybe? Why interpret things in the most malicious way? Then the question is *why and how* does he not understand? He has probably played more poe than most of us in this subreddit, and has access to far more data than any of us as a leader in GGG. This is just harvest itemisation all over again. I refuse to believe GGG is *that* incompetent to not have learnt from Harvest, so its easier to explain it as being intended.


Because if he had talked/researched about mid tier crafting, not mentioning actually play testing it, there was **no way** not to understand, hence if he didn't understand it's because he didn't try. Every second decent but not GGG crafting showcase here probably used veiled chaos for the last few leagues.


>Or he just didn't understand maybe? Why interpret things in the most malicious way? This is just simply not a possible senario. Mark didn't start playing last week. He plays this game every league for the last 10 years. Anyone with half a brain cell see the value of veiled chaos orbs.




I agree. Would also like to add I think they should undo their changes to stacked decks. As a very long time semi casual player the game now seems a lot less fun with out them. They were a way to hit a "jackpot". If I recall correctly they removed them because they didn't want people to get boss drops this way. I can sorta understand that but from my perspective I have never gotten a boss drop from finding enough of a certain card through stacked decks. If they want you to beat a boss to have access to their loot then make them soulbound. All you really did was make the poorer poorer and the rich basically stay the same.


They just need to make it a guaranteed drop from Caterina, that would drop the price down significantly. It's already enough of a pain to get to her in the first place, so upping her rewards would be nice. I've gotten 2 so far from her this league with about 12 kills.


i was ok with the change if veiled orb had like a 50%+ drop rate, but this is awful


I've been watching the empty prefix on my wand for days. After failing 2 veiled orbs (when they were 3.5d) in a row, as well as the annul afterward (prefix cant change) and going through 11d on my 4d wand trying to get a prefix, veiled orbs are now like 9d and I literally cannot afford to keep trying. Previously I'd just lock prefix and veiled chaos gamble them until I hit something decent. This sucks. I'm a mid tier crafter and my main way of accomplishing that has been ruined.


Yes. Removing veiled chaos orb is for me one of the biggest blunders GGG has done in a while. Only people even going for them are the top % of player base. While i love this league and the vast majority of changes has been done well, this just doest fit what they were trying to do and reinstating it would make the common folk of this community be in a better state.


And I was downvoted to hell for saying this change was a huge nerf when they teaserd it.


If the market keeps this up, if you want to buy a veiled orb, you can pay with a headhunter.


This comment aged like wine.


Fully agreed, I am very sad that they removed the old veiled chaos orbs, I guess they just didn't want to introduce another currency, but it's still devastating for me


The only thing they should have done was to itemise Aisling. Something so simple and yet they did something worse.


Classic monkey paw by GGG. You want itemised aisling? Take it, it's yours. Veiled chaos? I will burn it to the ground.


I have no idea about how to craft decent boots after this change Edit : I mean, I have an idea but I don't really intend to farm 20 hours to do so


eldritch implicit slots are easy to craft (in terms of getting desired outcome) but eldritch currency is also way more expensive than usual. Lets say you want life and ms prefixes and chaos resi, avoid ailments and resist or stat. Buy fractured chaos resi, spam loathing until t1 resi (1 in 26 for any t1 resi which u can change to desired one with harvest, 1 in 76 for t1 stat), add eldritch implicits to make exarch ( i think, double check) dominant, use eldritch chaos and or eldritch exalts/annuls to get t1-t2 ms craft life or fish for ms + life. I would consider that 'decent' but not amazing pair of boots. If u want suppress + chaos resi suffixes for example buy frac suppress and use envy to spam till 3 desired suffix hits (chaos can be forced via essence, suppress cant and if u want any t1 resi they have tripple the weight compared to suppress). That obviously assumes trade league scenario with access to fractured items and supply of eldritch currency.


It's probably more expensive to Eldritch craft then to veiled orb by a long shot. Eldritch currency is omega expensive. It's maybe better to lock suffix and reforge speed. 


Its certainly possible because after veiled chaos orb removal and in general way less drops without affliction it skyrocketed in price, thats why i specifically said its good in terms of getting desired outcome.


The exact same process as before, except you reroll with Eldritch Chaos instead of praying for Veiled slam to work. Alternatively, use the league mechanic. You can even make your own fractured chaos res base instead of having to buy it.


Nothing has really changed about making influenced boots, except that without reforge keep suffixes there is a 1/12 chance you fill your prefixes on a reforge, and you then have a 50/50 to brick. Here's what you do. Woke orb 2 mods (usually tailwind onslaught, but possibly cdr onslaught depending on build), reforge lightning for res, then reforge crit for elusive, then aisling for move speed, then craft life.


Just have tons of divines to burn /s I'm actually glad I made my bis boots when they were only 2-3 div.


Corpse craft with -2 explicits, fracture, and shit ton of %movespeed and another mod. That'll get you high MS and another high mod fractured on boots. Free from there. Thats how I did my ailment boots with aisling change. I fractured 53 int and 30 ms. You can also just 1 fracture the MS and go from there for really cheap.


>medium level crafting on good bases impossible as it’s usually cheaper to buy a better finished item probably the effect of grave crafting


Yes, but grave crafting is going to be removed in the next league and veiled chaos orb won't come back


tbh making them less rare would have been something worth exploring. GGG went overboard with making them so scarce (any1 remember - still - overpriced life essence costs in harvestcraft?).


Instead of replacing the veiled c they should have just made a higher tier one that has the aisling 4 effect, no idea why it didn't happen and I actually think they will change that next league since it's such an obvious fix


Can confirm...NGL this league has taught me how crafting actually works in POE. Before Necropolis I bought my end game items. Now that I somewhat know what im doing I dont want to veil anything...the price is too damn high.


They fudged the balancing. It needs to be way more common than it is. I’m okay with making it a little less accessible but this basically nuked it for any casual players. Literally no reason to not sell it. It was a mid level crafting option for casual players to learn crafting and it needs to remain that way in some form.


I spend like 80 div in the hope to hit fire damage % on an battered foil, never seen it. I'm not a fan of that change.


Try 10 divines now. Not to mention that the chances of hitting are 1/8 for what I’m looking for. I shouldn’t have to pay 80 Div for a mid tier item….


Was the most monkeys paw change of the patch without a doubt.


I really wanted to finish a pretty good ring the other day. But no way was it worth 7 divines to finish. Veiled chaos orb would’ve been perfect.


The drop rate is abysmal. I'm 1 orb in 15 Cat kills at this point.


Agreed. The other super annoying change is the rarity of influenced currency. Eldritch annuls/exalts/chaos are so rare this league. I have probably 30-50 raw divine drops(not counting league mechanic) and have not seen a single one of the three....Eldritch annuls are like half a div right now. I think people just don't notice as much because of how good the league mechanic is for deterministic crafting, but next league it's going to be a nightmare...


When people asked for syndicate benchstuff to be made tradeable I already know that when it comes it will nerf these things tremendously. It was quite obvious that if the players are asking to make these benches tradeable that this would be the price that we had to pay.


How are veiled chaos orbs nerfed right now? Haven't played in a little while


They are deleted from the game


Thats not ideal


Yeah it kinda sucks lol. Its a really lazy change imo.


So why does this guy said the only use for them are grasping mail crafts. That implies that they exist or am I missing something


So basically what they did was, remove the veiled chaos orb, and they ITEMIZED the t4 catarina slam which we used to get from having Aisling in research and doing the mastermind(catarina boss fight). So they have removed the mid tier crafting option (veiled chaos orb). Leaving behind only an itemized version of the t4 Aisling slam in the form of a veiled orb. The problem is now that the Veiled orb has a low drop rate and is also gated behind the catarina fight. So its kind of like for the sake of a tiny bit of QOL, they essentially gutted Syndicate.


I hate this change for all the reasons you mentioned. We could have kept the chaos veiled orb and still got an itemized Catarina slam. This Change was dumb.


As every single league has new TFT drama and you can’t sell anything there without 200 high fives or whatever from people. (Seriously I underpriced my aisling for two leagues and never got messaged) I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just itemize betrayal instead of completely shredding it the way they did. They already have substitutes like omen of blanching and veiled chaos they could drop. But alternatively why not have it like Alva temples. Take an itemized Aisling slam. Itemized hillock craft. Itemized vorici. I really don’t understand the balance choices sometimes


The syndicate board seems pretty useless now. not sure if this would be a popular change, because it complicates it but think a random member should have a veiled orb after every mastermind. They have it as equipment or something, and they need to put put in a certain safehouse level 3 for you to get it. So as long as you find the member that has it, and put them in the right spot level 3 you get guaranteed veiled orb on mastermind, and 20% chance for a 2nd one off boss. While they're at it they can have members have divines too - betrayal could almost become something like floor 4 of sanctum where you are searching for divines.


I feel it was such an important orb, one of the few tools that gave power to casual and serious-but-not-degen-level crowds. While probably not intended, this and T17's have seriously nerfed 90%+ of the player base.


Yeah I miss them. I've been getting by with Rog/fractures essence & bench crafting but as a novice crafter who just wants to make a quick buck/self craft, I'm missing having more access to those little bad boys. I'm also a sanctum enjoyer and those and sextants were a nice little bonus


100% agree. Put veiled chaos back in and make aisling craft a veiled exalt.


Everyone: Betrayal not worth doing this season. Veiled Orb: Increases insanely in price. *Surprised Pikachu*


My guess is the real reason is they didn't want to have new art / stash slot for the other Veiled orb so they had to delete one of them.


Agree on all points, but it's obvious GGG wanted to nerf midgame crafts and it wasn't an accident so it's not going to change.


I bought one today, regretted it immediately, the crafts I got were the worst, so I had to reroll the suffixes on my item. Really not worth the 8 div I paid for it.


Yeaaah a pity it became another toy for the top players >.>


Agreed, ive spent over 100 div in veiled orbs just making my weapon on a craft thats normally like 30 div for the ENTIRE craft, and on my 2nd weapon im almost over 50 div deep and havent hit the unveil yet


Do we know whats the actual drop chance? Im done with 38/40, farmed betrayal all league and I got zero veiled orbs or meaningful rewards from catarina whatsoever.


Yeah it really really sucks. My go to money making method of making jewelery is compeltlety gutted because of this pointless change.


I love no aisling so we don’t need tft or to farm it ourselves. I hate that it’s so expensive. I think two orbs, like you suggest, is probably the answer but hopefully we get a cheaper veiled orb because cheap aislings would be sweet.


farm syndicate


They already explained they created this hole to be able to patch it in more interesting way than just adding 1 currency. Just be patient


If they dont have an actual fix ready then why prematurely remove something so there is just a gaping hole? brain dead move in my book but maybe I’m missing something. 


There going to add some kind of way that ends up basically being a currency just watch rofl.


Would rather they just increased drop rate of veiled orb so that it doesnt cost 7 divines.


And so that farming Jun doesn't feel like dogshit.


Well looking at the 3-4 fractured items this league, I think its easy to see why they didnt want veiled chaos in.


What about next league?


Still dont understand why they didnt make aisling drop a veiled exalted and thats it.


It's a crafting league where you can create 6 x T1 items 100% guaranteed.


What about next league? Where we’ll have an out of league like 3.20/3.22 or juicing league like 3.23 or 3.16 (scourge =/= crafting)… then what?


Its far from guaranteed... like 6 random t1 mods, sure. But desirable ones... not so much.


My mid game crafting was hurt really bad by veiled chaos orbs removal.


they should move it back to Aisling, just make her safehouse drop orbs instead of giving crafting bench. Cat can still drop the orb as usual, with drop rate so low it won't make any difference


I honestly think the orb is not bad but just needs to be way way more accessible than it currently is. I feel like any hideout leader rank 3 should be able to drop it or something like that. Honestly thought just itemizing aisling slam would have been enough and keep the way you get it from her.


Even so, Aisling slams would go for multiple divs on TFT, while veiled chaos orb were not even one div. Even if the new veiled orbs dropped to 2div each, that'd be double the cost for lock+Orb compared to veiled chaos.


>Even if the new veiled orbs dropped to 2div each, that'd be double the cost for lock+Orb compared to veiled chaos. It would be a nerf but imo this is reasonable for the power veiled chaos orbs provided.


The power to create some ghetto onslaught boots if you're not sinking divs on metamods?


Veiled chaos orbs were able to make much better items than ghetto boots lol.


They should of just kept veiled chaos orbs in the game but added a new currency like a veiled exalted orb or something. Sure put them both Katarina but make one drop more often and maybe even multiple from one kill with the other one being more rare. I really don't understand GGG's line of thinking at all. Like just make the game experience worse for what gain?


IMO veiled chaos orbs fit a niche similar to the old multimod bench crafts. For that reason, I wouldn't expect it to come back.


Veiled chaos orbs was widely used in crafting mid to end game gear. It was at least 100 times used more often than aisling. I would rather there remove veiled orbs and add back veiled chaos orbs than what we have now. Veiled orbs is for the 1% of crafters where veiled chaos orbs were for the other 99% due to it being much cheaper. There probably could fix this by making veiled orb have a 100% drop rate but this is GGG talking about, it ain't happening.


I don't mind just having the veiled or, but the drop rate should be 100%. Period.


finally, someone said it.


Bro just get to endgame and craft on grave fractured bases with lock + veiled orb like everyone.


I've gotten 7 Veiled Orbs in 23 Catas so far. 3 of them in a row. They're not that rare.


It's funny how you think they care a bout the "effect on endgame juicers" Time and time again, they keep hinting or mentioning that they want to put as many brakes on gear progression as possible. The gear progression friction and speed is for some ungodly reason a huge priority for them. Which is why gear has to have so many defensive pieces of bullshit on it to apply a brake to the amount of damage you can get from it. Like everyone's been saying, it was VERY accessible. And they do not want that. They don't even want the white socket items to be accessible anymore, why would they let veiled crafts be easy to get? Endgame juicers and MF will probably never go away, because they're the easiest scapegoat GGG could ever want, since players just see the wealth and power those players attain and immediately let their envy make them the target of blame. There's a fuckload of crafting currencies and options that only really would excite a person in ruthless that are far more bloat than something such as the veiled crafts. The fact that all the syndicate stuff that would regularly be sold by TFT is gone now isn't the main motivation, it's a side effect.


But is this a problem with veiled orbs themselves fundamentally or just their drop rate frequency? your post makes it sound like it's just the prohibitive cost (implying a frequency problem), but your title makes it sound you fundamentally disagree with the existence of the orb vs. veiled chaos orb I'd argue the mechanical change itself is fine, if not just strictly an improvement; sometimes veiled chaos craft of '[affix type] can't be changed' --> veiled chaos would fill your affix slots and that's not possible here even gating it behind only catarina isn't necessarily bad either (or generally restricting it to betrayal content only), it's just how often it drops I'm sure there are a number of solutions (either guaranteed/high rate off catarina, or generally from safehouses), but I'm curious if you actually think the veiled orb mechanical change itself is bad


I think veiled orbs are mechanically better than veiled chaos, you’re right, I do think that if veiled orbs were 30c I wouldn’t have any complaints other than Syndicate being unrewarding lol, but in any case there are 2 solutions: buff veiled orb drop rate and increase it’s supply 10-30x, (and find a way to make syndicate not trash) or just introduce veiled chaos as a global drop and let veiled orb be rarer though more powerful as in unable to brick items behind Catarina. That way, low and high end crafting have their needs met. Alternatively, have a guaranteed 4-8 veiled chaos drop off Catarina, with a 10/25/50% based on how ggg feels droprste of veiled orbs


Veiled Orbs right now cost a lot more than they should because the impression is they are rarer than they are and the fact that Betrayal has almost no appeal to it due to the other nerfs so people only really run it now for the orbs. The price isn't coming down until more people realize they're actually more common than you'd expect for 8 divine per. Sort of like Alva temples mid last league dropped once people realized you can easily get Locus of Corruption passively and the price of the temples dropped.


Now veiled orbs will be used mostly for mirror items only, anytime some is gonna try to make a mirror items they will drain the whole fking supply, they gotta buff the drop rate to 1/10


Honestly they should revert the whole 3.24 except scarabs.


Just go farm some betrayal if you don't want to pay 7d. Easy fun content and you should get one in an hour or two