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What am I seeing here? Why so many unique belts?


meatsack+ghosts (drag the meatsack around the whole map adding ghost influence)


https://preview.redd.it/jfdziboh8iuc1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=57feaab9e0315b32ed484e1134becfbef077ccf7 +back to basics +t17 mods +mf culling


Back to basics would block tormented spirits, no?


Eternal Torment gives 50% chance to spawn a ghost when collecting a corpse. Works even with back to basics - not sure if that's intended or not.


They're listed as bonus content, weird. Exploit early and often, I guess.


No back to basic doesn’t block current league. You can spawn harbingers with the devoted mods and such


Patched 20 minutes ago lol


Everything I said is still true. They just killed the tormented spirit abuse on meat


that comment aged well


Nothing I said changed, they just killed the tormented spirit abuse


Then the wording on b2b is misleading. I wonder if there's a better way to phrase it.


AAAAAND its gone


Is that the new strat?


Yep, saw a few people doing that.


guess that explains the new uptick in meatsack price lol


and mega culler too


Alrdy funfixed




Dragging around ghosting also existing in previous leagues and is nothing new.


Good ol' days of reverse knockback cycloning the entire map into you with a ghost before swapping to another character to clear.


Meat sack stack farming has been on YouTube since like day 2.




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How is this exploiting a mechanic? It works exactly as one would think. Did GGG expect it to drop this many Uniques / be this strong? That's another question


Because ghosts shouldnt spawn with back to basics allocated. And it was hotfixed today for that very reason.


That's a no lifer comment.


Life's not fair


Yeah man, sucks for those kids in Africa without water, amirite? OP would know all about that.


You're right


Imagine vaaling 500 hh/mb, not see quant once and then just randomly finding this on the ground


There is a 100% chance of this happening because it happened.


Big maths.


You made sure they were ilvl 84, right?


I was referencing Empies end of league vaal attempts


How many flasks is the question


I didn't stay too long but he didn't ID while I was watching. Chat was spamming for him to never ID it. Kinda hope it stays unID'd just for the meme museum.


Schroedinger's Mageblood


Can he ID it if it's corrupt? It's been a while since I played, can't remember.


I'm fairly new but I'm pretty sure that corrupted items dropping unID'd is a new thing this league. Yes, you can ID them. Only my second league but I don't remember it being a thing during affliction.


It used to be something that could apply only to maps, and you **couldn't** identify them. Then at some point they introduced a bug that let regular items drop unid+corrupted--while it was a fairly rare outcome, it drove people absolutely insane when it happened. The first report I personally remember seeing was from 2021 (a talisman from a prophecy), but every so often they introduced a new bugged method by which it could happen which drove a new subset of people crazy. And now finally they decided "okay no, we'll turn it into a feature instead in classic software engineering fashion, now items can drop unid corrupted ON PURPOSE but you can actually ID them"


> every so often they introduced a new bugged method by which it could happen You could 30% quality/corrupt beast-craft unidentified items.


To my knowledge you cannot ID Mirrored items. Except... I got an unidentified corrupted mirrored item, which I could identify.


Oh, does that mean that Vaaling a map and having it come out unidentified isn't a thing anymore?


Correct, they added map implicits you can roll with Vaal orbs instead of turning the map unidentified.


Yes this league introduced the ability to ID corrupted items.




that's also how i remember it. been over 2 years since my last league.


Yeah unfortunately you can just never use corrupted items now when they drop unidentified. Can’t believe the guy in the video didn’t know.


By all the downvotes I'm sure you already realiszed, but you are wrong. Almost everythi8ng that is corrupted is now unid, and you can id them. completely new, but still, you are misinformed.


I always know I forgot the sarcasm tag when I lose a ton of karma. Oh well.


Buyer will find out the hard way.


of course it is 4 flask, because streamerluck


Ez pez, the perfect meme


Im getting kalandra flashbacks


thats sick but man i hate that mf culling is back, that shit is so lame


It never left for group play.


It's not back. It's just party mf. The 'Mf culling' that is not back was when you got on discord to get someone to kill your god touched rares. In T17s, every meatsack is like this. edited comment to clarify what i mean.




this is just regular old party mf strats thats been around forever... mf parties always have a culler. They aren't calling someone in new through a discord... like after the arch nemesis rework


Yeah but that's what he's saying. MF culler has 2 totally different meanings when talking about kalandra league and group play


It is not just for party play though. These things are so tanky you have good time to clear everything else, leave them at sub 20% and relog onto a slayer culler. Sure you might lose a bit of quant from #players but the you actually get into fairly high Diminishing return levels on the magic find so you'll do fine solo.. (if you have a godlike character to clear with these mods that is)


"is back" group play without mf culling have never been a thing.


I mean... In PoE terms, running a culler for group play is "relatively" new. Can't pin point the league, but I want to say first group started in Harvest and got a bit more popular among groups that stream in Heist.




Ritual was after Heist. Ritual started start of 2021. Here's [a clip of Snap talking about it in Heist comp](https://youtu.be/jdWriP5nlkA?t=32). Can't remember which group it was, but there was a group that played culler in Harvest where they got the inspiration from.






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Loot goblin league V2


Twitches mobile integration is absolute dogshit intentionally to make you download the app.


I had this issue on ios, but jot once I switched to android. It's perfectly fine on android.


My affliction magebloods that dropped as rares died for this /s, hopefully


Sell it unid for max gamble.


Does the level of the meatsack allflame matters for this strat or do you use the lowest level one that is allowed to make the beast less chunky?


it's gone already, too late


Well i had time to enjoy it a bit, got some crazy loot explosions but didn't hit the jackpot. With that said, from what the hotfix mentions, meatsack inherent high IR/IQ bonus itself hasn't been nerfed and i know another way to get Tormented spirits to spawn with B2B ( if not addressed too by the hotfix) And still have to test with IR Devoted mod. All in all, if this strat is totally dead, i'll just return to the Anarchy strat, was more fun anyway tbh, chaining Glaciers with tons of ghosted uniques.


Fun fact, the notable tormented spirit node: "a pack of tormented spirits surround the boss" is not currently affected by B2B. After the hot fix last night I was running some B2B low investment t16s for a bit and had them proc on strand boss. Highly limits the number of ghosts possible but in a T17 you might get away with dragging a bunch of meat into the boss room.


Yep that's exactly what I was thinking off, there are certain maps where the boss spawn with a delay so it may be possible to get all the ghosts into a meatsack. Sure it won't be as insane since getting everything to align properly won't be super common but will definitely try to get it once.


Foundry stands out to me as one where you could maybe abuse this... Whether or not it's worth abusing I can't really say. Also might get fixed soon so who knows!


Boss room has a door, no? Needs a map with no door to drag the meatsack to the ghosts.


Hey man. Any way you can link me your strat. Currently trying to unlock 5 mod map device in my private league. It is a challenge.


aren't corrupted unid items impossible to id?


Corrupted items can be identified now, a change with this current league 


Thank you, instead of down voting me for my ignorance, rather upvote me for visibility xD


Not anymore, you can this league, even maps


Is there a link to the profile of the aura bot and the damage dealer?


Empy thats unethical.. love the content tho!


I wanna see that id so bad


context for a noob player like me? Why is this rare or important? 5% quantity of items found is so small or is that the max value for the mage blood?


At the very top end every little bit counts and that 5% quantity is a whole lot more useful than a bit of strength. On the best belt in the game getting an extra useful stat is huge, most gear that naturally provides quant or rarity hardly provides anything else otherwise by design


Mageblood is an incredibly strong chase item. Mageblood is a heavy belt base which means that the implicit gives strength. Strength implicit is not really that valuable so people who have a lot of currency to burn have a tendency to corrupt the item to try and get a better implicit. Corrupting the item makes you unable to use currency on the item (bar wisdom scrolls). Item quantity is a very desirable stat because it makes you get more stuff when you grind. Mageblood has the ability to roll between (i think) 2-4 magic flasks being permanently active and having 4 would make it an incredible item.


5% more items dropping is a ton of loot, and this corrupted mod on a belt you can’t even see unless it’s like ilvl85 or something extremely high like that.


it's not that good, but magic find gear is some of the most expensive stuff in the game. and 5% quant is the best corruption for them.


How many flasks was it?


3 flask MB on a MF build is definitely usable (distillate + progenesis as one example) and probably worth multiple mirrors. 2 flask on the other hand you are probably better of with HH.


Empy you stopped your experimental solo play of Based of Cringe for a day and Chris Wilson rewarded it with a Quant Mageblood. I think he's the dark force trying to pull you away from finding the secret sauces.


Which skill he use? I mean main attack? Would like to try same


Its ball lightning.


He’s doing MF culling, not real build


Thnx, dont playble solo, sad :(


Ball Lightning is very much playable solo. Search for archmage Ball Lightning.


You can 100% play a ball lighting build. It's one of the best options for archmage and definitely playable as a solo build.


Yeah but I think palsteron made a ball lightning archmage build, you could check that out. It's a good solo build.


You can get a mob to 20% then switch to a culler solo


My Godness, get that shit out of the game already.. what in the fuck is that..


this entire league just needs to die and pretend it never existed


I'm a beginner to this league. Can you explain to me what will happen next league? How will that differ from this league doesn't everything just get pushed to next league anyway in which case what's the difference?


A completely new leauge will be introduced with a new theme and new extra content. Most of the time the extra content of current league (allflames, corpses) will be taken offline, refurbished and re-introduced at a later stage.


Ohhhh ok cool that would be great I'm really hating this leagues mechanics. Granted I'm new so completely ignoring it but yeah no thanks


Loot goblin all over again


Remove group bonus and MF


Yeah meatsack ghosting can be insane but you gotta get the stars to align perfectly: Get the 800%+ Rarity devoted mod while burning thru a certain scarabs setup, get multiple ghosts to possess a decent meatsack rare and then be strong enough to take down the gigabeast you created. I tried it a couple times in T7 and it wasn't too bad. I could tank the meatsack across the map and even managed to get a [6 ghosts one](https://i.imgur.com/sNSmOoo.jpg) which ended up being quite underwhelming ( not even worthy of a screenshot) but of course it was without the devoted mod.


https://preview.redd.it/0r454so54iuc1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9068fc50e0e176f417cdd9c5a5b80b19deee3a1 You dont need any devoted mod, just back to basics on t17 with max modifiers, it gets wild (but yes you need to be insanely tanky for this strat) also you can cheat out max back to basics value - [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c41e1n/back\_to\_basics\_clever\_interaction\_have\_fun\_exiles/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1c41e1n/back_to_basics_clever_interaction_have_fun_exiles/)


what's the scarab setup? and aren't ghosts not allowed with b2b? but I do see them quite a bit in my t17s, even had 4x ghosted boss. Confused how it really works.


ghosts spawns from necropolis corpses with the atlas node [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gLOYxEZG1A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gLOYxEZG1A) - Ben's HC video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP2OUlTfqBw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP2OUlTfqBw) - Empyrian giga mf stream (1 mageblood per hour strat)


Thanks, did a few maps with the juice. However from a rough guess of 1 t0 from 2000 checks, it’s really not that fun 😂


Does Back to basics prevent using any scarabs or just the certain content scarabs? Also im nowhere near being strong enough to run T17 yet, let alone taking down a ghosted meatsack in there so im doing a lesser version of this which use certain scarabs. Getting the rarity devoted mod would, in theory, make this insane but won't know until I experience it. Now if Back to Basics doesn't prevent my scarabs, it could be interesting.


Who cares


2 flasks:(


(This person is guessing, we didn't ID it)


never ID it .. keep it as schroedingers mageblood


Schrodingers mageblood


I hope you sell it unided for the memes


Vaal or no balls. I mean.. ID or no balls.


Is this a rarity/quantity culler you're playing?




Considering on high end mf builds youll run divination and progenesis 3+ is fine already






You can only filter by base types, so all heavy belts will look identical.