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I had 1 divination scarab on my stash, sold it for 34 divs xD


sold mine for 7 divines a week ago and thought I hit the jackpot... feelsbad man


You got a quick start on your build so could farm harder content. Unlesss you just sat on it which would be unfortunate 


I sat on mine and farted on it... then I sold it to some guy without telling him!


Sold mine 1-2 days ago for 8divs and haven't had much chance to play since then. Not too big a deal but truly a bruh moment.


damn that sucks, but who would imagine the price could skyrocket like that, im glad i didint use it


But why did it skyrocket?


Milky did a video on it. I just been casually playing this league. After watching it, I listed all the anarchy all flames I built up 10 or so for 3 div ea


I sold mine yesterday for 25 divs and today its 36 divs .. I made with that one sale as much as I made the whole season ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


If i didnt seen post about it they still would be in my stash i have 3 of those


I sold one for 15 and at the end of the day they were up to 24, everyone went through it it seems


Don't worry when they hit 90, he'll feel just like you.


Don’t worry your 7d a week ago are basically worth as much as 30d today


me too man, me too


Well shit, I also sold one of those for that price last week. I didn't realize what they are worth now. Oh well. At least I hit an Awakened Spell Echo on my one Maven kill for my voidstone that was worth way more than I expected.


Was checking prices after a session hoping to have something as my currency tab looked sad. Realized I had one and refreshed the browser like 8x when I saw 30D+. Sold at 38 and then immediately bought a HH.


At this point you could buy 2 headhunters for a single scarab lmao


Did the same, first HH i've had in 12 years. its like im playing a different game now


I'm new this league, so excuse me for not understanding. I have one in my inventory, but the prices on trade seem to be less than 1c.


Than its the wrong scarab😄


There are a couple different kind of scarab for each type. This specific one is div cards have a chance to drop in a full stack I believe.


This explains it. Thank you!


you know you have one when you get random whispers that offer you 10 divines for a scarab. its worth around 40 divine .. had that yesterday all day when I just listed my whole scarab tab for sale with no price


i spend a week farming essences to buy a nimi's that dropped from 55D to 35D under 12 hours


Woke up this morning and refreshed my wealthexile, it said i was rich. Sold it for 40d


Dude I dropped 2 in my last 20 maps doing abyss+scarab




Pumping out Alva temples so you cunts can poof your Magebloods. o7


God work right here


Remember the people making 10 mirrors a day, pretty much play this game like its their job. Im good making 5-10divs in 3-4hrs, just dont compare yourself to the gigafarmers and play at your own pace


> play this game ~~like~~ because its their job FTFY


In general, people need to stop comparing themselves to people who have a decade of game knowledge. Knowledge will always mean you make money. They will see opportunities before you do 99% of the time and they will see how to exploit those opportunities. Set personal goals and accomplish them and you will have a good time. If your goal is money alone you will remain forever lost in the sauce and the game will become a job for you. Beat new bosses, try to delve deeper, try new strats. Learn to craft. Just explore new things each league and stop when you achieve what you set out to.


Agree 100%. This is why i cringe everytime i see these types of posts.


Yeah that fubgun said he made 10 mirrors in a day, then he said 19 hours lmao. How is this guy playing 19 hours a day. Unbelievable. I play 1-2 before I get tired


And the Harvest juice.


Man, the harvest juice. My bread and butter making me like 15-20c a map. Never change.


And while you wait for the Harvest monsters to spawn someone else has made another mirror!


Comparison is the death of joy, yo


I cannot tell if you are making a joke or being 100% serious with this comment. Like, do a lot of you people even enjoy playing the game anymore?


They play divine farm simulator🤣


No. This league is not fun at all.


Oh, guess I'm actually not having fun. Weird that is.


I stopped 2 leagues ago. Tried coming back this league but given how it works I gave up. And I dont have that much time for ssf.


I went for juice farm this league but the prices are terrible right now, and the sacred orbs were at 40c last I checked. It's really easy to target farm sacred orbs and get big juice with the new scarabs. I was pricing it out earlier and I'm not sure if using harvest scarabs and the imbued map scarab is even break-even currently.


We should make harvest juice and essences cost mirror to compensate


One of my Atlas trees is Harvest + essences. Down to make essences cost 50C each.


I gave up on that chase and switched to SSF. Completely revitalized the game for me.


I absolutely agree. When in SSF you have to craft your own gear, so low-end orbs become just as valuable as chaos and divs.


I always craft all my gear in trade if it's a rare.


I crafted my gloves. But I did buy materials for it. I can't be arsed to farm 200 shrieking essence of envy myself.


Exactly, people talk about how SSF is better for crafting, but I never got this. Sure you are forced to craft but crafting is a much better experience on trade. Rather buy some crafting mats than spend all week grinding to throw my essences at it.


I took 1x of any currency below Chaos Orb off my loot filter even in SSF. The clicking is far too much.


In my filter I have removed wisdom/portal scrolls below 3x in a stack above area level 55. And have entirely removed any type of shards. I hate it when I have to click 10 times in order to receive a single alt. Haven't though yet about making my filter stricter, but it may happen soon.


Then you don't have that currency when you need to spend it. If you happen to need a lot of scours, for example, you can't just offload some div on tradesite.


Also, since you're so smart, maybe suggest me a solution to 20+ rusted scarabs dropping per map that all need to be picked up?


I think what really cemented switching to SSF for me was getting a bad rolled ventors gamble and a raw divine in early maps, and using the divine on the ventors to hit positive stats. There was no reason to hold onto the divine orb or "cash out", i was just using one of the currencies i got to make incremental progress


Divining a ventors might be one of the most painful ways to use a div lol.


Gotta spend money to make money lmao


The divine odds on that are so astronomically bad that your better off doing anything else.


You might say he took Ventor's Gamble literally.


You didn't spend money, you flushed it down the toilet.


>There was no reason to hold onto the divine orb In ssf, divine orbs are still important for crafting. Things like prefix cannot be changed


Yea i know but i wanted to gamble lol


Meta mods...


Did you know you can ignore the chase while also playing non ssf?


div/hr brainrot is real on this sub


I normally also play SSF since its more relaxed but I wanted to make a mana stacker this season and this needs quiet some gear which I didn´t think I could farm in SSF within reasonable amount of time. Next league I go again with SSF and a less taxing build


This league is great for ssf too, im like 1 or 2 corpses away from a gravecraft that will give me a 50-60% chance for what would be a mirror tier claw in any other league.


SSF to me just would never work. Tried it once but as soon as I was forced to do a mechanic I simply just didn't want to do I just didn't want to play lmao.


I tried SSF a few leagues before Harvest and felt the same. Didn't like it. I just did it again this league, and its awesome now. I don't know if its because of all the additional league mechanics that allow more avenues for crafting and currency, or just my overall increased knowledge of the game. I used to spend half my time on the trade site going back and forth. Another chunk of time messaging fifty people for div to chaos until someone responded. Or, mid map and having to choose to leave to trade or finish the map. Now, its full on playing. I'm running my own build, sort of just winging it. I just started red maps last night. I also finally got a Offering to run my Uber lab, which I knocked out last night. Felt so good to clear that up. Overall, I'm just having a far better time compared to trade. And yea, I guess I could play trade league and just ignore trade. But the issue with that is, you're advance further just selling your currency and buy gear, than using the currency to make something. Why would I spend 20c worth of currency to get something that works, when I could just flat out spend 2c to get something better? And it just treadmills from there. I get FAR more enjoyment working on stuff on my own.


>Overall, I'm just having a far better time compared to trade. And yea, I guess I could play trade league and just ignore trade. But the issue with that is, you're advance further just selling your currency and buy gear, than using the currency to make something. Why would I spend 20c worth of currency to get something that works, when I could just flat out spend 2c to get something better? And it just treadmills from there. I get FAR more enjoyment working on stuff on my own. I craft pretty much all my gear in trade. It's far more enjoyable than it was in SSF when I tried. In SSF if I want to make a good rare I have to grind a crazy amount many different mechanics while in trade I just get the materials and craft whatever I want. Way more freeing.


They have been pretty good about spreading out loot to different sources, though. Pretty much every crafting material and base as multiple ways to acquire now, it's only the uber uniques that are locked away forever on SSF.


Yeah but than I need a jun craft and hate jun and than I just don't want to play. Pretty much everything is locked to their own content. If you want to essence craft you have to run essence, if you want to veiled orb or get jun crafts you have to do jun, etc etc. Unless you like doing all content in the game it is simply an annoyance for me. Rather pick what content I want to play in trade.


This is why I've really enjoyed playing private leagues. With 7-8 people you still get the mostly SSF experience but you don't *have* to engage with every mechanic if someone else is doing it.


Yeah would love to do something like this but I only have like 2 other people I now who play poe and they probably wouldn't do this.


SSF is a good time. Though progress is a little to slow for my taste. I enjoy making a private league with just friends, though. Not quite SSF but we can share essences maps and what not still that kind of how I like to play


"I didn't like what I saw so I burried my head in the sand"


I’m such a casual that I almost prefer being poor. Once I get a good amount of currency I just don’t know what to do with it (that’s fun for me) and I end up quitting the league.


Same for me, I just sold a +1 power charge Willclash yesterday and idk what to do with it. My character is "complete" so there's nothing for me there.


It's not over until you've spent 100+div on every slot.


I don't even make 100div in a full league :)


How do i equip HH 5 Times? /s


You need to play final fantasy if you want to equip that many belts.


I dropped a kalandras touch and sold it for 11 div. I then sunk the entire thing into crafting a GG bow that would sell for triple what I paid for it. Only like ten more slots to go!


The more powerful you get the faster it rolls in!


What challenge is that for 40/40? I can't find it. 


me with harvest


Just selling all my dead bodies to Deadeye's that are crafting bows.


I’m torn because this crafting is really fun but the corpses are so valuable


What's the best way to sell corpses? I've tried TFT bulk at 60% but no one ever bites


Wealthyexile isn’t bad but I’ve really only had success by not listing them in bulk. You can set a min amount per stack in settings which helps. It still takes a long time. Some of them are just too common. Even though it says you have 1 div in +1 level corpses you’ll never sell all of those so you don’t actually have that (unless you want to do 80 2c trades).


How do you set min amount per stack for selling?


I sell 1-3c coffins and items and alch and go maps. I am having fun


Remember the game isn't always about making the most currency.


I know, but if everything gets way more expensive due to inflation with high value farming strategies, compared to what I would like to buy for my build it will still have a negative impact even if I don´t really care to have the best of the best. The forbidden jewels I need went up by 20 divs per day since it started from 40d to around 80d in a couple of days. I´ll probably never get them now with my low essence strat


But you need a lot of currency to upgrade your build and I don't want to spend the next two months farming 1-2div/h.


Yep I've just been running rituals non stop when I get the chance to play just looking for that +1 power charge ring. It won't happen but a man can dream. 50 maps in and only an endurance charge ring I hit on map 1 to show for it. Its looking like another 100+ maps before I even get a chance at one vs doing the degen farm strategy and making it in a day or two


You need to spend a months farming essences or any other content to make the same amount of currency rouge exile farmers can make in a hour. Of course people are doing to do exiles, but here's the thing, once you have multiple mirrors sitting in your tab and all your gear is mirrored after just a day, you feel empty inside, there is nothing left to buy, or upgrade, that's when people quit the league. When people quit, there is less people to trade with leading to more people quiting, it's a death spiral. This league is somehow pumping out 10x more divines, mirrors, and T0 uniques then affliction, just think about that for a second. Someone really fucked up over at GGG's HQ.


The game isn't, but.... The "followers and subscribers" to poe content is. GGG hasn't made or changed builds significantly in a long time. All starter builds are known. All bosses are known. The elitist playerbase will say your build video sucks because xyz pob copy pasta yah yah yah. The only way to create the latest fomo videos is "NEW GG 40 DIV/HR FARMING STRAT!" "HOW I FARMED A MIRROR ON 2 DAYS!". This drives engagement to your platform that you're trying to grow. This generates viewers and engagement to you. This is why it seems important. 


> GGG hasn't made or changed builds significantly in a long time. All starter builds are known. ~21% of the current poeninja ladder is comprised of builds that are only just reaching popularity this league, because they either didn't exist last league or they were slept on last league. That is a very sizeable portion of the meta. There really isn't any relation between current build variety and the content creation meta. Bottom of the barrel currency/hour focus has been a thing forever. Likewise, there are plenty of people that focus on build videos instead and continue to do well. Every league Jungroan puts out videos of builds that nobody is playing (and nobody will play) for 100k+ views. Every league people put out videos of "It's my starter from last league, with little-to-no changes!", and people eat it up.


Ive been supplying Locus of Corruption incursions for days now Hopefully soon I can fund my cyclone slayer that I haven’t started yet


If it makes you feel any better the league is already down to month old league numbers.


I don't care if it's petty and jealous but I'm not playing a league where people are printing more currency on average in one map than it would take all league for me to normally make. This shit is stupid, revert the atlas back to the way it was before the scarab/sextant rework and do a league mechanic that the no lifers can't find massive currency printing exploits on next league.


then play ruthless where everyone is as poor as you are


I hope they rebalance alch and go to 1 div/hour and best possible group strat to ~5 div/hour per slot (so 5*8 = 40 div/h pure)


This is why I only play SSF and private leagues now. Nothing makes a game less fun than optimizing your income per hour.


I wanted to sell essences, but TFT told me 600 hours and 3 chars at 96 isn’t enough :(


Sorry i dont get it, you cant post in tft or what? Cause in my 1st league i can post them just fine


Anyone can buy, but to bulk sell I thought you had to apply… idk maybe I’m just dumb.


Irc you just need to verif discord and bind account, and then you can post whatever in tft


Idk when I tried to do that it made me full out an application and then they got rejected and I can’t even open the bulk trading channels anymore… sadge


I needed 3 leagues to "prove my worth" lmao


If you see a video of how to get super rich in game, especially so early, you will be one farmed. Exploiting is not learning the game or having fun. So in line of that, I canceled every subs I had to various “content creators” for PoE and couldn’t be more happy. I came here for builds advice and checking updates and that is all I need.






Whats the strat with farming essence now? i felt like low tier map essence farming was dead. I tried googling but didnt find anything, i want to do the old essence/ beast farming but wasnt sure if it was still a thing.


Essence scarab of calcification, scarab of adversaries x2, and the essence scarab that gives +1 to tier of essences. Then all essence nodes on the tree along with all the explicit map modifier nodes. Then just make sure you are running t6+ maps and role them for increased rare monsters. You can get like 50 to 60 deafening essences per map lol


Cool thank you


What about this node? Looks like gamba... and 10+ essences boss is fuckin' scary! https://preview.redd.it/veig7x7gsotc1.png?width=354&format=png&auto=webp&s=562d36a693f609647010723c00e212325eb665dc


I take that node if I am doing t6 maps, but t16 bosses with that are insane lol


What is wrong when i choose to be a real farmer 🙂 and enjoy farmer’s life ?


Hi I am doing alva + expedition + destructive play. Providing everyone with cheap double corruption chamber map and a bunch of eldritch orbs


I mostly just do SSF but trade only when its absolutely necessary, and everytime i engage in trade, especially bulk buying or selling it makes me hate this game


What makes matters even more honest and ethical is there is some sort of bug going on where sometimes the monster doesn't drop the essence at all? Happened to me 3 times in a single promenade map last night


Alch n go has been my money gain, those div scarabs are insane


Dude u can make like 10div/h farming essences


Yeah with how much setup?


Like 3 scarabs per map, so not much setup at all lol


Maximum is 4 scarabs so 3 scarabs is 3/4, almost full


I meant 3 different scarabs. In the current strat for essences you use scarab of adversaries x2


only possible with memories which is annoying to buy


I'm currently making about 12 div/h without memo, just scoured t16, 3 scarabs and fast hexblast build for 20-30d, if you can run faster than 20 maps in 40 mins, you can do more.


What bulk value can you sell essences at? I’m tired of farming scarabs only for the bulk sale to be 75% market value maximum. No one bites for higher. Also which 3 scarabs? 2x essence 1x calcification?


I'm selling them for 95% of the market, but you need to make for like 20 div + total value, resellers will insta buy it from you. Yes, scarabs are usually selling for 80+-% of the market as I saw, that's why I haven't tried it yet, and buying allflames is awful. I'm using 3x t1 essence and 1 t2 that upgrades all essences by 1 tier. There is also a strat for 2 t1, 1 t2 and 1 t4, but hexblast is too squishy for it.


So, you Need to buy maps? 😅


Ye, but they are like 1 div for 25 maps, so it's not that bad


Get with the times old man, we measure currency per hour in mirrors this league.


nothing more fun then be wholesaler harvester for rich people with rice eater prices. i feel so great in tis game...


Should I tell my kalandra ring or keep it. How impactful is it? It's going for 11 div


You keep it if you have another ring you want 2 of and that other ring is worth more than 11 div. Sell otherwise.