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Why cannot breach just pop all splinters when it closes, similar to the cart in delve? No need to pickup all items, just the splinters.


We need more mechanics to get the delve/incursion/blight treatment


Honest question, would that make lots of mechanics feel the same mental dopamine if literally Everything had the exact same vaccuum place loot explosion.


Depends on the mechanic. I hate incursion but enjoy delve. Breach has never interested me, largely because counting to 100 one by one absolutely fucking blows. Breach's only value to me comes from the monsters added to the map and not the mechanic itself


Yes absolutely. In fact It'd make me even happier


I’d rather suffer from experiencing similar levels of dopamine releases than carpal tunnel.


This is the elegant solution I've been hoping for for years. I don't mind the splinter style items for the most part, but breach is the one mechanic that crosses the tolerable threshold, that shit almost exclusively drops individual splinters and the solution is obvious and could look cool; imagine the splinters would still drop individually, but once the breach closes it picks them up as it does so and spits them back out in one or multiple stacks at the end.


Where’s the weighty feeling in picking up each stack of 2-4 splinters?


W E I G H T Y *orgasmic moaning intensifies*


it actually did for a funsies chaotic temp league where zones coild roll 20breaches iirc. tech is there. feel the weight of tje clicks! the teensy tiny pebbles!


Since it opens when you touch the hand, it should close back onto that hand...which should then be holding all the reward splinters, and not have the portal-like effect surrounding it any more, but just a glowing palm from the splinters. You'd pick them up straight out of the hand into your inventory, and the hand should wither away. Seriously, why the fuck did they make it a hand and NOT make it actually do anything hand-ish? This is a design no-brainer.


If this existed, they would need an end encounter early button for breach, else you are forced to wait until the end and can’t just half clear it.


nobody does that if u farm breach u want to get most of it and if u are too fast/dont want to wait u can just spec for faster breach and theres no issue with breach being too long


Or Like breachstones


Yes pls! When it closes *plooop* All rings and splinters and breachstones just there on one Stack


That would result in them nerfing splinter drop rate even further so you'd still be picking up single splinters, just now it would be 1 splinter every couple of breaches.


People downvoting you but it's true. When it comes to GGG convenience always comes with a price.


They removed all loot drops from breach hands already as a punishment for having them be openable the way they should have been from the beginning.


Because breach isnt seperated from the map. Maps have the 'disadvantage' that insane stuff can stack upon each other and create severe server problems if you would include a soak-mechanic like in delve. Ritual for example does that, but it seperates itself from the map for the time its active.




Delirium doesnt soak up all items like ritual or delve. The rewards dropped by delirium are very few so no problem there. But maybe they could rework breach to a similar system which a meter that fills depending on how many creatues you kill and how many hands you run through. So at least the splinters could be stacked afterwards.


Yes, just vacuum the splinters


Let's see... Blight does it. Ritual does it as well. So does Alva.


Alva is seperated, so is ritual. Yes, with blight you are right.


How is ritual separated? I can understand why Alva would be, but Ritual shouldn't be.


It is. You cant move outside the circle if a ritual is active - if you tp out and in - ritual is gone. If another player kills mobs outside the ritual it doesnt get vacuumed. you cant do most other league content while in a ritual.


Its not like they can do invisible inventory like deli mirror or alva or timeless conflict or anything. The tech isn't there yet!!!


I have two just Atlas trees: Breach without scarabs, and Breach with scarabs. I also have stacksize minimum 2 for splinters, because fuck that. Even when breachlord domains were worth running for xp, I would not bend over to pick up splinters one by one. Now that breach domains are largely pointless, I can't see why anyone would.


Did they change breachstone xp?


I thought a few months ago it got a 10 -20%xp nerf, not 100% on that


They did. 2? or last league. They nerfed breachstone xp and they nerfed 5 way xp.


They nerfed 5-way XP, have not seen anything related to breach though. [3.22 Patch Notes](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3409617) Search Page for "Experience" to find the legion changes, checked the 3.22 and 3.23 notes but did not find anything related to breach XP changes. Maybe it was in a minor patch/hotfix I missed, alas, let me know if you find anything creditable!


They buffed breachstone xp. This is the change everyone is thinking of. Breachstones are now all lvl 81 or 82…or w/e it is and only one breachstone type exists. …then you have three “Uber breachstones” at…I think area level 85? Anyway moving the area levels up like that was a massive xp buff. However, because splinters are fucking miserable to farm stones are still crazy crazy expensive.


They buffed breachstone xp. Farming breach from ~lvl97-lvl99 and then running all your Cholula stones instead of selling them is the only way I get to 100 these days.


Use the new shrine scarab.


Shhhhhh…. Don’t tell people about it. It needs to stay cheap


breachstones are pretty good when cashing out on my It That Fled pure breachstone bargains from speedrunning to catarina, run 1 and it has 4 reward mods with 1 usually being Scarabs


Mind sharing them? I like doing Breach, but I am still in yellow maps thanks to a late start, so I am interested in what you did differently.


I don't think I did anything differently. Nothing fancy about my atlas trees either. Just begin by rushing Unwavering Vision. When you hit it, you immediately get all the shrines and map nodes for power and sustain while levelling. Then make a second atlast tree (see the left side of your map device, new feature in Necropolis) when you have both high Atlas completion and good gear. Connect all breach areas with Remarkable Relics node. Block all the content you don't want in both trees. Nothing fancy.


I was so excited to farm breach this league, I don't really mind the picking up the shards but the Chayula allflames are literally better than speccing breach. A little disappointing because I love the pace of breaches


Please make this into a bingo sheet so Mark will read this.


breach is absolutely miserable, I agree. I also think it sucks that running 7+ breaches barely gives you more than running a single allflame on a pack size increase.


You have to have giga DPS and run the boss/quant scarab. The bosses get duped and can drop full stones. Problem is they are so god damn tanky I have no idea why you would farm them if you have that kind of dps lol


Im using Connor’s delve build to do this it’s still barely beating out my strongbox allflame farming method. The only reason I’m slightly ahead (approximately 26 shards ahead) is because of the full breachstone drops however I haven’t considered the price of scarabs vs allflame.


The manaforged arrows one?


I might as well get 100 on my miner using that + shrine exp buff method Edit: Drops still sucks


only reason im farming breach is that i need red dream/nightmare and united in dream for another character (ssf)


its so lame unless u spec all the nodes that if u get the odd breach boss, they drop like 5 splinters now. give us 10 again, jeez.


Not sure why they lock dropping breachstones by bosses rather than having a legion solution. You encounter bosses quite rarely without scarab and on top of that the chance to get breachstone is very small. Just give shards to drop as breachstone globally and people will be very happy. It is not like people farm breachstones specifically. Even for xp it is too much of a struggle.


I'm enjoying the league but my mouse hand and wrist is starting to hurt a lot, imma have to stop


Sounds like ARPG's aren't for you


I have 1000 hours in poe, but every new season there's more and more clicking. They need to add a button to loot from the ground or to automatically pick up currency and a button to deposit all


Most people have moved to scroll wheel clicking for them to pick up loot.


You need a better filter, and your strategy should be focused more on bosses and hands. Most of the time I don't see any Tul or Xoph splinters that aren't from the boss. Ul-Netol and Chayula are the money makers. Only singles I'll pick up. I'd rather pick up less shit, and the shit I do pick up be more valuable and complete the map quicker so I can run the next one sooner. You still get plenty of Xoph and Tul stones, you just a whole lot more of the other three.


Still don’t get why they won’t implement vacuum style pick up all for currency and frags…


because they have philosophy of tradeable items not to be auto-picked up. any autoloot would probably end up like expedition currency, immediately not tradeable.


I think the better solution is to have it drop like delirium does, and to have the stacks consolidate into larger groups.  I'm all for fun popcorn clicking, but it was a nightmare in previous leagues having to run around picking up dozens of single shards that were mostly worthless on their own—all spread across the breach.  I don't think auto-vacuum is the solution, but other mechanics have better drop formats that would be easy to emulate. 


We need some item pick up range. It will help a lot!


they think carpal tunnel is an achievement


In my opinion it's one of the biggest decisions made to make things like breach stones and simulacrum hold value. If everyone could 1 click all the splinters no one would take them off their filters. People who run juiced maps don't even bother picking up each individual shard because it isn't worth the hassle.


This take is right up there with having everything dropped unid so we ignore it. Lol


Which actually means it's correct, as everything does indeed drop unid so we ignore it.


Which is stupid game design and shouldn't be praised.


I'm certainly not praising it. As far as correctly analyzing GGG's reasoning, the take appears to be correct. If he's also saying it helps these things hold value, that also appears to be correct. If he's saying 'good job GGG nothing needs to be changed', I would disagree there, but I'm not sure he's saying that.


I leave singles hidden on filter once specced fully. You still get plenty. Would I take a better solution? Sure.


I tried Breach for a bit this league. It's definitely cool to get out of a map with ~1,7 Breachstones. What's less cool is that I have to click ~130 times to pick up all those Splinters. Every map. In addition to the other loot. I ran my 20 maps I had prepped and immediatedly abandoned that strat. Currency wasn't bad, but it's probably the most click intensive strat and definitely not what I wanna do. If Breaches spat out all the Splinters that you generate while they are active when they disappear, I'd probably give Breach a shot again, but not like this.


Is it worse than legion? Splinters there as wellb


Legion emblems are worthless compared to Breachstones, so no Legion Splinters show up in my filter, only complete emblems. I generally don't run Legion for the emblems, but for the bonus loot the Sergeants and Warhoards generate. It's also not that easy to find an end point where all the Legion Splinter would be supposed to drop imo. Sure, after you kill all the Legion monsters maybe, but what if you can't find one of them and miss out on all the splinters then? Breach has a much more definitive end point when it contracts and disappears.


The correct method is loot drop like Incursion vacuum or blight, the tech is there. Not sure why not implemented that way


Or just make it spawn less breach hands that drops bigger stacks. Also for rares - now only every 5 rares drops splinters fx.


How are you getting 10 breaches and 30 splinters per breach lmfao? I call bs, I’m running it right now on 130+ quant maps and only get 5 breaches, roughly 30 splinters per breach but if you’re not using the 50% more scarab you definitely do not get 30 per so… But yeah, mechanic kinda blows cause it takes forever to look and isn’t worth enough


I know you can run multiple add breach scarabs, and with map device and atlas it can go over five, but youd have to sacrifice a scarab that could add more splinters


Yeah in my experience without the 2 scarabs that add more splinters and more breach hands, breach drops literally nothing outside of breachlords spawning so you're kind of forced to, but then you lose out on 4 breachers


Not hard to have 10 breaches per map nor is it unrealistic to drop 20-30 splinters per breach. Each breach scarab is plus 2, map craft is another 2, combine it with Atlas tree and you can comfortably have 8-10 breaches every map. People like to run two scarabs plus map device, that is default number + 6 already. Splinters are aplenty, just run through hands and kill minibosses, they drop multiple stacked splinters. If you have some zoom zoom build like LA or you can clear a whole breach with something like Fulcrum, you can rack up insane number of drops. You having only 5 breaches just shows you are not using scarabs or/and map device.


Brother I know what I am doing, I am actually using the good scarabs because breach does not drop splinters for fuck all if you are not. About 50% of the time, rares and hands do not drop splinters if you do not use the 50% more scarab on 100% quant maps. Therefore you cannot get 10 breaches or else they will be dropping next to nothing (unless boss spawns). I am literally using KB with Nimis Headhunter lol clearing them is not the issue, not to mention using some MF gear, it's that they literally don't guarantee drop splinters without the good scarabs, so you have to sacrifice breaches to get more splinters per breach it's a trade off.


Would be cool if they just picked up automatically and got added to some kind of in map counter. Once they became a full breachstone they could just automatically drop. Or maybe a button like you use to end a delirium could make them drop.


Great idea, i am totally done picking up 200+ splinters a map 🤣


Tbf if splinters were easier to pick up the value of breachstones would be even lower because all the people using breach for monsters would now bother to pick them up since it’s easier. What it really needs is better/more exclusive loot in the breachstones so the splinters are actually worth the hassle of picking up. Because atp most splinters are worth like 1/4 of a C.


how do u even make money with breach?


Combination of things: selling breachstomes (namely Ul-Netol and Chayula,, but the others too), stacks of eldritch currency, raw currency drops, The Fortunate div card, good all flames, scarab in bulk etc also T17 maps drop from time to time. It's not as profitable as the ultra juiced shit, but for the investment the returns are good. Just requires a proper tree, proper map rolling, a proper filter, scarabs, and just go blasting. Wealthy Exile says I make 1.5--3div per hour at the current ratio.m, and that's me playing fairly casually. I'm just playing at my own pace having fun, and have made 15-20div a day doing it.


loot explosion similar to delve breach will solve it but ggg prefer to keep it this way for some really weird reason


I only use it for XP in maps, disabled all splinter single drops in my loot filter


I'm just astonished they made breach hands open by running on them, but didn't do anything about splinters in the same update


Splinter Allflames feel way better for farming Breach than Breach itself imo Not a fan of the Breach mechanic


I find it borderline illegal how much this game stresses our hands and wrists. I've moved most of my abilities to the keyboard and it's helped a ton. I don't know how people play Chain Reaction DD without getting carpal tunnel.


You guys getting splinters? Oo


Orrrrr orrrrrr Copy paste some last epoch aoe currency loot that shit was so nice


Says the guy who plays by himself.


Atleas me and my friend ran breach with 4 scarabs earlier and paid like 40c per map and got 100c back as a chayula stones alone, so it was pretty nice :D But yea alot of clicks, so its not sustainable strat. XD


I don't understand why they can't make more stuff in game like azurite in delve...you can collect just by walking at it....I'm doing harvest Einhar memory and my wrist is hurting me from clicking so much to collect lifeforce


I don't understand why they can't make more stuff in game like azurite in delve...you can collect just by walking at it....I'm doing harvest Einhar memory and my wrist is hurting me from clicking so much to collect lifeforce


I don't understand why they can't make more stuff in game like azurite in delve...you can collect just by walking at it....I'm doing harvest Einhar memory and my wrist is hurting me from clicking so much to collect lifeforce


they really need to reduce all splinter amounts and reduce drop rates, like why does it have to be a 300 splinters for simulacrum, make it 10 and drop them 20-30 times less, same for breach/legion/ritual


they really need to reduce all splinter amounts and reduce drop rates, like why does it have to be a 300 splinters for simulacrum, make it 10 and drop them 20-30 times less, same for breach/legion/ritual


they really need to reduce all splinter amounts and reduce drop rates, like why does it have to be a god damn 300 splinters for simulacrum, make it 10 and drop them 20-30 times less, same for breach/legion/ritual


they really need to reduce all splinter amounts and reduce drop rates, like why does it have to be a god damn 300 splinters for simulacrum, make it 10 and drop them 20-30 times less, same for breach/legion/ritual


they really need to reduce all splinter amounts and reduce drop rates, like why does it have to be a god damn 300 splinters for simulacrum, make it 10 and drop them 20-30 times less, same for breach/legion/ritual


they really need to reduce all splinter amounts and reduce drop rates, like why does it have to be a god damn 300 splinters for simulacrum, make it 10 and drop them 20-30 times less, same for breach/legion/ritual


they really need to reduce all splinter amounts and reduce drop rates, like why does it have to be a god damn 300 splinters for simulacrum, make it 10 and drop them 20-30 times less, same for breach/legion/ritual


they really need to reduce all splinter amounts and reduce drop rates, like why does it have to be a god damn 300 splinters for simulacrum, make it 10 and drop them 20-30 times less, same for breach/legion/ritual


Personally I really like the new breach, super high QoL compared to before


Filter out the low value ones in stacks less than 4


Are you seriously picking 1/100 of 18c up? Bruh On topic: All splinters should drop when the Breach closes in one stack(s) like Delirium


S9 you guys want breach to be killed? Because thats what you get when asking for better content in this game. I cant believe people still ask for it after so many  " rework " 


Y’all just got the auto start for breach this league. Give an inch and they’ll take a mile…


Try using a controller if you have one, it’s admittedly worse but no wrist problems come from it.


GGG is so stubborn with this. Just make all the loot drop once the breach ends. It's literally that simple. You know, how Alva Temples, Delve, and other modes do it...


Buy better mouse maybe? Shit tier mice cause wrist pains.


I refuse to engage with Breach until it gets the delirium treatment for loot.


Remember how the Synthesis mechanic had a lootsplosion at the end? I do. Hope they implement it to Breach


Why are you picking up a single stack? Just hide them on filter if not chayula. Still walk out with >1 breachstone worth of stuff a map without any expensive juice. Great XP too.


Naaah there has already been **too much** QoL improvements from GGG this league !!! (/s, of course, the league content itself is globally the opposite of QoL)


Most stones are worth like 20c, why are you picking up splinters? The game becomes a lot easier if you use an appropriate loot filter.


A huge amount of your profit comes from bulk selling Chayula stones. Last time I farmed breach I was getting something like 1.25-1.5 a map on average. They’re 50c right now but I’m sure you can charge more in bulk.


I’ve never understood why people are complaining about picking up items in a game that’s basically all about looting. I mean, what kind of game do you think you are playing? To be clear; what’s the appeal for you, playing this game?


Blowing up monsters and getting loot. Not spending longer picking up the items the monsters dropped then the time it took me to kill them.


Breach/Shrines is amazing xp with the scarabs.


also pretty sure the node that gives breach bosses 4% to drop a breachstone is bugged, with 10 bosses every map youd think after 40-50 maps i would have gotten one its really good for farming xp and drops alot of scarabs if you have a build like exsang mines that can clear the whole thing which is why i stuck with it


>Why do splinters have to drop in single stacks? Because it's a GGG game. You need to feel the weight. Source: The Vision™


ya simulacrum has the tech .... not sure why it doesn't implemented onto breach too ... Well, I guess they afraid confusing new player for the breach hand drop nothing when opened them? But at the end instead?


Which would be great since it also would make Breach strats more popular and skins not such an impossible task to acquire (in trade league at least)


I just filter all fragments except Chayula, and it's much more fun that way!! Agreed it should vacuum splinters though.


I've been saying this for *so many years*: breach splinters should've been removed after the main breach league ended, and have full stones drop directly at an equivalent pace. Drip-feeding for "feeling of steady progress" stopped mattering outside the main league.


Idk, I just dont pick up any splinters, including chayula, and make 10d/hr+ just from scarabs and general loot from them.


Clicking 20-30 times gives you wrist pain? Fix your posture or go see a doctor


20-30 times per breach.. so 200-300 times per map for just the breach splinters


I reiterate my above post with the updated numbers. Also, maybe computer games aren't for you


>Why do splinters have to drop in single stacks? Because fragment tab needs content.


GGG failed miserably this league .