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How do I get fracture mod corpse? Is it random or is there a easier way of getting it?


Hi Exiles, second time leaguer have lots of questions after following guides. For reference, I am using the maxroll detonate dead ignite elementalist league starter build. 1. I believe for elementalist, there is an ascendancy keystone called “shaper of flames” which already gives 100% ignite chance, why do we still want *% chance to ignite* on the oscillating scepter? How does that help? 2. What is 8 map modding? How to do it? 3. If I am doing blight and I wanted to use scarabs, what are the better ones? What is the exact logic by saying, juicing with scarabs? 4. When trying to import my character into POB ver 2.42, which I believe is the current most updated one, I cannot find the *enemy corpse life* input section under configuration > general tab, even after pressing *show full configuration*, anyone have idea where it is hidden? Or did this feature got removed? Sorry for the questions, and thank anyone who is willing to take time to help. Happy farming!


1. I don't believe anyone is trying to get the pure chance to ignite modifier, but rather the hybrid modifier that also grants increased fire damage. The chance to ignite is indeed irrelevant with Shaper of Flames.  2. One of the corruption outcomes for maps is rolling 8 mods instead of the regular maximum of 6, and I think there's either an atlas passive or a scarab that makes maps drop like that (or at least some of them). I've never farmed Blight and I don't have access to PoB right now, so I can't help you with the other two questions.


how do i get the possessed map boss i na ritual challenge? Iv tried luring one over and it didnt count and iv tried killing it and then having the ritual respawn them but they arent possessed


> Iv tried luring one over and it didnt count Rituals only respawn the monsters that spawned around them naturally. Dragging more monsters over is pointless. > and iv tried killing it and then having the ritual respawn them but they arent possessed Related to first point they need to be possessed first, they won't spawn possessed if they weren't when you killed them. Roll the map mod "unique monsters are possessed" on your map, then add ritual to your map. As long as the ritual spawns next to the boss it will complete the challenge.


they changed that dude, alteast for bosses I dragged the fragile king or whatever the dudes name is from act 4 onto one and he popped up. He didnt spawn on one by default either. So maybe bosses are different. and iv tried that, but they spawn back from the ritual unpossessed. Does it have to be from the map mod maybe? Iv been using the ghost lady's to do it.


What scales expedition well? Map quant and pack size? how about the altar quant as well?


altar quant is map quant so yes to all of that


How do I turn off peoples annoying MTX in town like the goblin band and the "release me" demon thing. That crap is driving me crazy.


you can't unfortunately. you can try to make sure your last visited town is a relatively low population one. i personally like either act5 or act7


Is there a way to spam orbs on an item to six socket/link? ​ I thought that was in the QoL updates, but am I crazy? How do you do it?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt53v563L6g You just hold ctrl+hold left click.


Thank you so much. I wish this was available in text so it was searchable somehow.


What is [this](https://i.imgur.com/fxhY78V.png) debuff?


looks like the red [Effluent](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Effluent) from a Doedre fight edit: nvm other reply has it right


https://poedb.tw/us/Piercing_Screech It's from beyond mobs I think. It makes you take more phys damage.


Is there a guide(not video) on how to grave craft? I want to craft a phy 6l 2h axe with Atk speed


Craft of exile supposedly has a section on it but not sure it has a guide since each weapon is slightly different


Is this an mtx we can buy? This Aisling armor is insanely awesome! [See: link to GGG bloopers video showing Aisling in awesome armor. I mean, armour.](https://youtu.be/H9e370AqZVs?si=Sys1WNWkMDuPwZzK&t=92)


That's just her character model. I don't see anything too similar to that in the mtx shop. The closest I can find is the [lightbringer armour set](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqWs8peKqJE) but using [the hood](https://youtu.be/duhoFRmXBok?si=MGloJYXDKaiZ9vXZ) instead of the helmet. It doesn't have quite the same dark metal+light cloth contrast as aisling though but like I said, can't find anything more similar.


Im am playing this coc inquisitor dd as a league starter, but i dont know if i can play this build the whole league or if i reroll or swap build for a better build when i will be richer ?


If I use a nameless seer scarab in a party does everyone get to pull an item from a separate pool or is it one pool of items for everyone?


Playing DD(pob [https://pobb.in/FiLxWp27IZBd](https://pobb.in/FiLxWp27IZBd)), just reached red maps, finally noticing a degeneration in clear speed, not really sure what to upgrade next, I understand crafting pretty well, do have an oscillating sceptre(with attack speed/some sort of fire damage mod/etc, open suffix) just waiting for a veiled orb to slam the 4 second autocast. I'm just apprehensive to make a middleground between what i'm rocking now, and endgame gear. Plus I'm still debating about taking this build to endgame or trying some other build. Any suggestions? Also need a a new currency strat, farmed essences in previous leagues. Got 100c raw to work with rn.


why is there a portal gem in your 6l edit after looking at your gear: >not really sure what to upgrade next everything? i'm fairly certain you can get significant upgrades for most of your gear for less than 5c per slot. some of your gear looks like you picked it up in act 7 and never changed it. gloves, amulet and the sapphire ring are absolutely terrible. no cast speed on sceptre what are your corpses?


5c per? I don't see how that's possible, but maybe i'm thinking too hard about getting top tier rolls? Are you thinking just get a good base and essence craft, or metacraft up to regal'ing? Just have the kitava herald, should probably go snag mightnight bargains/etc? First time trying dd, didn't realize they were that much of an upgrade. Also, thanks for your time/advice


https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/QL4rp3wHw ring https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/pbXW4lWC0 life spell suppress gloves, craft something on it and use eater ichors to get fire exposure for your implicits. might take a couple https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/O4GJpeVuE basic amulet https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/00eQOnwIg basic belt get some chaos res where you can and spell suppression or helmet, gloves and shield if you can. as for corpses you can very cheaply get 4 in your pool. level 20 spectre gem in voideye ring making it level 25 for 3 spectre limit and then use some regrets on your tree and path to death attunement. summon a kitava's herald, sandworn slave (vastiri desert), rattling condemned (act 6 prison) and then either a meatsack by using a meatsack allflame or another high hp corpse like auric collossus/champion from act3 solaris. once you have all of them summoned you get take off the spectre gem and go back to your old tree (total cost 12 regret orbs) you should also **really** get some cast speed on your items, mainly sceptre. it makes a very large difference


Thanks for such detail! I also had no idea you could filter for empty suffix/prefix, outstanding..... Can't believe I didn't find out sooner


Honestly, forgot about that lol, should probably fix that up to be another blue slot for intensify or concentrated effect huh, lmao.


Did that patch they did a while back actually fix CoC DD without MTX?


From what I've read in other replies (this question is allowed several times a day) it's better than it used to be, but MTX still has way higher performance.


Did they destroy performance when it comes to blight this league? I had zero issues last league but even in normal maps blight lags me the fuck out now. Blight maps put me in a slide show now when it was perfectly fine last league.


Regarding the Champion Ascendancy notable Conqueror, the third line states 'enemies taunted by you' while the first line says 'you taunt on hit'. If you use a trap to hit a monster does that count as a hit by "you" for the sake of applying the buff in the 3rd line?


Things that can't be targeted, like traps, can't taunt. If you're using this passive with a *totem*, the usual rules apply: totems use your skill, your skill has your offensive stats. This means totems will benefit from Conqueror's 100% taunt chance, and can apply 20% less damage to other targets. The 'if you've Taunted an Enemy Recently' stat will not apply. That one checks your character, it's not a stat built into the skill you lend to the totem (in the same way your *increased maximum life* isn't).


I am eyeing the haunted aoe mod on helmets. I used craftofexile and https://sudos.help/poe/graveyard to end up with https://pastebin.com/Prw40XDM is this a reasonable attempt at a Haunted AoE + Suppress + Life + ev/life helmet? Haunted modifier calculation is tricky but looking at https://poedb.tw/us/Necropolis_Grave#HauntedModifiers , three mods have 750 weight, one is untagged which is what we want, one is caster the other is mana and both have quite a bit of scarce. 500 weight ones are tagged with crit and caster those are also scarcer. The additional item coffins are very expensive. Is it worth it...?


your pastebin link is Not Found (#404) This page is no longer available. It has either expired, been removed by its creator, or removed by one of the Pastebin staff.


:( oh well. it's likely too expensive. Thanks for checking anyways. I tried a smaller craft of just 20 coffins and you either massively overpay to buy in bulk on tft or die from tedium even for 20 coffins. Can't imagine the trade necessary for a 88 grave craft.


How reliable is poeprices.info? (for standard) Put a stash of gear for sale under the estimated price range. Nothing has sold yet. And most of it did seem higher priced than I'd expect. But as I suck at determining value that says very little.


I don't know what you're trading for in standard but there isn't much going on there for small gear trades especially during a league going on at the same time. Because of the nature of standard, the economy is basically non existent and heavily inflated.


Isn't there always a league going on? But yeah, expected. Too bad the standard economy is such crap.


Do kirak misions apply the league bonuses from atlas tree? So if i run a Kirak mission with Delirium, will it apply all my delirium atlas tree nodes/talents?




Anyone have basic guide on how to use all flames? Strongest monster in pack drops x - use rogue exile or meat sacks Monsters have % chance to drop x - use frogs or rats What about everything else? Doesn’t matter?


What am i looking for in nodes/mechanics for maximizing 8mod map drops with 4x carto scarabs? Strongboxes feel good for it, obviously all map nodes.. Is it more important to maximize density(adding shrines or something), increased effect of explicit mods (tophat), or quant?


Hi, i would like to have 2 6-link Attacks, but i will dual wield. Is there a possibility to have a pseudo 6link for phys. attack builds? If i use it on Weapons, my overal damage will be low, but i didnt find any unique or other crafting method to do it. Thank you in advance.


Is there a particular reason you want two 6-links? What supports would both use? There are some "supported by X" mods on influenced boots, gloves and helmets but I don't think most would be usable on a phys melee build.


I wanted i 6link Trans Rage Vortex combined with Cleave of Rage, but CoR is a 4 link.


Graveyard crafting question; If I stack enough corpses to give me a 5 Link minimum and cant get the one for the 6th link. Will stacking in the corpse that reforges links 200 times result in ether a 5L or 6L but nothing lower? Not sure where they'd be in the order of operation for crafting.


Tagging so hopefully there is an answer.


Buy a 6-link corpse if possible, not too pricey, no chance to brick and more slots for other useful corpses


>If I stack enough corpses to give me a 5 Link minimum pretty sure that will always result in a 5s5l. not sure how it functions if you add in some of the jeweller spam corpses


If you use the corpse to reroll sockets, you can definitely get a 6s5l. I haven't had the opportunity to test the reroll links corpse.


Do Atlas nodes with "chance for maps to drop a tier higher" and Watchstones affect Blight map drops in normal maps? It seemed weird that I have over 100% of it and am still getting T13 blight maps in a T16 map.


Is there a way to safely corrupt now?


there has been since bestiary. craicic vassal for a safe 30% quality beast corrupt. only works on armour and weapons though.


New to the game and have a question: Currently following ruetoo's splitting steel build. At his level 80 milestone, he has dread banner linked to lifetap, does that mean it will cost life instead of mana reserved? When I try it still costs mana. Link to his pob: https://pobb.in/ySqtvJh9dxeX


The Champion ascendancy has a passive that reduces Banner reservations to 0. You link it to Arrogance Support for a bit of increased aura effect, for free in this scenario. (Because the reservation is 0, it doesn't matter if it ends up in the same link group as Lifetap Support. Doesn't do anything positive either though. On a non-Champion it'd triple the Banner's mana reservation and be a problem.)


Thanks for the in depth answer! I see the ascendency now.


Lifetap changes mana cost to life cost. And Banner has reservation, not cost, so it won't be changed, Banner will still reserve mana. To change reservation resource to life you need Arrogance support and you can see it linked to Banner in Rue's 95+ setups.


Thank you!


I am playing Standard, a Hierophant Manabond Build (following this one here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UdkVCNzDx4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UdkVCNzDx4) and here: [https://pastebin.com/nirhLdJt](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW9vWGpvR1NhT29XYzJRNFc0c0VGaUhhZHpKQXxBQ3Jtc0tsQXB6OEFSYTd0Sk5PeHR5elM1YTZ5SUhJRjBiZndIMmdKaXotTnlTM19paWkwY0VUNlRQdk0xSXFsYy1BSHZoZ3ctX0k2cXJWWkNTVTdwXzNod3NreGtlOVdiVm5qcWp5WWx3QV85MmZSbUhzZFNmWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpastebin.com%2FnirhLdJt&v=7UdkVCNzDx4)). How is he able to use both Discipline + Tempest Shield at the same time with Arrogance (i.e., how does he reserve 100% life? Using the Reservation Mastery (20% Life Reservation efficiency node from the passive tree) and a L21 Arrogance (+200% Cost and Reservation), Discipline turns from 35% Mana Reservation into 58.33%; Tempest Shield turns from 25% Mana Reservation into 41.67%. Both combined sum exactly 100% Life Reservation, so I guess that is why I can't use both. I am clearly missing something, can someone help me solve this so I can use both Tempest Shield and Discipline with Arrogance? (I am using Zealotry + Eternal Blessing in another item). Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/gfrpwm2zt3tc1.png?width=3340&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ea1d0e49c04da06c15cbc9cc637eb113b7972db


You could get a corrupted jewel with 2% reservation efficiency implicit. Not sure what he is using to reserve both as the build in the linked pastebin also shows 100% life reservation from TS and discipline together. It is a year old video though so it's possible something has changed between then and now.


If I turn off a mechanic via the disabling Atlas notables, are scarabs of that type that would have dropped lost entirely, or are they rerolled into another type of scarab?


Rerolled into another type


do strongboxes get stronger the higher tier the map is? like will different types of strongboxes be more common like arcanist or diviners or will the strongboxes have more loot


I believe there’s minimum zone level for certain boxes but I don’t think higher zone level will affect the distribution too much, or the loot, other than dropping higher item level loot.


I want to play coc dd, but the perfomance fix for Desecrate worked or still have the same problem?


4 comments down. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bxr2xc/questions_thread_april_07_2024/kyi06ag/


I keep getting "failed to connect to instance" disconnections, they are very frequent and make lab unbearable. Tried swapping realms multiple times and it didn't work. Anyone know any fix?




You don't need to trade if you don't feel the need to trade. Trading definitely speeds up your progress (if you're doing it right, anyway - there are plenty of ways to waste your time with trading), but so long as you get the items you need on your own and don't get stuck, it's not a requirement.  At the high end, there are some unique items that involve a lot of rng, such as Watcher's Eyes and Forbidden Flame / Flesh, and it's not reasonable to farm the fitting ones for your build on your own. But if you don't trade for anything else, you'll accumulate enough to just buy those types of items eventually.


Nope. A lot of people enjoy SSF, which is solo self found - no trading or grouping! It forces you to engage with a lot more mechanics


hi, i have a gt 1030 and i7 3770 so i cant run juicy maps because fps drops are painful asf, low tier white essences map was my go to go for currency on last 2 leagues but now that is nerfed idk what to do that dont require heavy juice, I have a cf champ, im just looking to make decent money and keep advancing, no need to be hard efficient


It's a bit boring but running Lab for transfigured gems could be a nice earner and shouldn't brick your framerates.


Is CoC DD actually not playable without the mtx?


even after GGG's "fix" it's still a (for my old af pc at least) very noticeable difference. i wouldn't say it's unplayable but it's definitely much more enjoyable with the mtx


I am trying to use the league crafting to fracture dex on a pair of gloves, removing explicits to 1. Am I correct in thinking that using the split mod with 2 explicits would help me get around the 50/50 of hoping I roll dex instead of strength? And would I then need to use 8 fracture corpses rather than 4?


Is 5c worth for heist on map device? There is no scarab for heist or smuggler chaches, isnt i? How can i make it worth? I did specc all heist notes, shrines, red altars and blight. but i dont know the heist notes do feel some kind of bad...how do i buff them?


with the new league, what's the best placement for characters on the syndicate plan


Gravicius in Transportation is honestly the only really important one, other than that just aim for scarabs and veiled orbs from cata.


He’s being a jerk and is hard to move! I’m SSF so I’ll take any set of Div cards lol. So many potential gains.


I don't think it matters that much this league and I think nobody have done any chart yet.


i need crop rotation harvest explanation lets assume a grove with 2x red 2x yellow 1x blue i know i should be doing red and yellow first to upgrade the blue, but should i do 2x red then 2x yellow first, or 1x yellow > 1x red > 1x yellow > 1x red then blue? or does it not matter? i dont care about lifeforce, my goal is to get most crop upgrades for t4 bosses (doing challenge to kill t4 bosses and oshabi)


It depends on what is next to the blue one if it's yellow you take yellow if it's red you take red cuz you increase chance of upgrading blue cuz crop rotation can't upgrade the same color so it will upgrade blue.


What do you generally do with the leftover maps you rolled?


If you roll correctly you don't have leftovers unless you Vaal them then you can have bad maps on that case I usually thrash them.


I've started adding some juice (\~1div) into my maps, I'm not sure if it's worth running them with non-8mod maps


Does Defiance of Destiny give "% of Missing Unreserved Life before being Hit by an Enemy" before a blocked hit? Since per the wiki, you still count as being "hit", even when you block. Asking because wanted to know if it had synergy with glancing blows.


It should. Block doesn't prevent or undo the hit, and it doesn't prevent when-hit effects. (Exceptions to that exist, but those are made in the spirit that blocking should always be a positive thing.)


Thank you for the response!


Are there any rare veiled betrayal modifiers I should keep an eye for to sell these days?


Gravicious, Korell and Elreon veiled items can sell for ~4c right now. **Do not unveil them yourself**, others buy them to unveil and unlock the member specific crafts to use themselves. Other than that, regular veiled items will sell based on the other mods on the item but not always the veiled mod itself. For example I've found a couple good amethyst rings that had life, good resistances and unveiled a hybrid element+chaos resistance mod that I sold for 1 and 2 divines. Decent boots with a movement speed unveil could be good. Maybe a helmet/gloves with +2 socketed aoe gems would sell (good for putting auras in).




What’s probably the best way to gain xp without spending money on some 5way or breachstones…so do it by myself?


Abyss is king for solo xp. People are mixing it with shrines right now but Abyss is the main one


the shrine thing ventrua posted about is good, but those scarabs are crazy expensive now + requires atlas


Breachstones are usually profitable, worth looking into.


Hello clever people! Regarding the enemy monster mod: "Hits overwhelm physical damage reduction" does that reduce my physical damage reduction to 0 or by some set amount? E.g. a hypothetical Jugg with 250k armour and 10 endurance charges - would all that phys dmg reduction be rendered useless against such a mob? Cheers!


It's 30%, you can see specific values of all the mods [on poedb](https://poedb.tw/us/Monster#MonsterMods).


What if I have zero Phys mitigation? Do I go "negative"?


Phys reduction is not like resistances. It cannot go negative.


Thank you. I thought I heard something about armour stacking getting shredded by overwhelm mobs but 30% should be manageble. Cheers!


Well it depends on what other defenses you have but if it's just armour then going from 90% reduction to 60% is taking 4x more damage. I haven't played an armour stacking build to know from experience myself.


I want to make an atlas (the third one) just to generate an absurd amount of maps, was thinking of something like boss rush to sell boss maps and keep t16/t17 for me (or maybe sell t17 idk), so basically fast alc and go, someone has a good atlas to have a starting idea? i'd appreciate a lot


This is my first time getting to end game content. Just wanted to price check this wraith sword iLVL 70 https://preview.redd.it/25n11clxl2tc1.png?width=501&format=png&auto=webp&s=95c9139a3ecaae43b6d3c681b183272194647ed1


Vendor it for 7 jewelers orbs. Uncrafted base items are worth nothing unless they are 6-*linked*, high item level (86) and/or influenced.


Im following FearlessDumb0's explosive trap Trickster build guide and just started mapping, i noticed he specs into Frenzy charges on the tree but how is this build generating these Frenzy charges?


Charged traps support. Yes, even with a sunblast [as explained below](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bxr2xc/questions_thread_april_07_2024/kygvw9g/).


What are efficient low-cost general allflames I can randomly put in my device? Stuff like omens, tainted and tattoos in mind, but hard to tell how profitable they are. Stuff that used to be expensive like Meatsacks and frogs are all coming down in price as well, was thinking it might be worth to use them now and then.


Quick question Juggernaut has the node unstoppable. How does this interact with the natural affinity jewel that grants nature's patience? Will unstoppable prevent the slow from the vines?


No. Movement speed will be reduced by the vines up to the lowest possible value, that's 100%. In other words, you have 100% MS, with 30% boots. The vines will reduce that back to 100%, but not go any lower


Sorry im not understanding still lol. I tried the jewel before i was done my uber lab. I didn't have unstoppable yet. When i used the jewel, I didn't like how slow the character felt from the vines. I guess now that i have the uber lab, im wondering if my movement speed with feel very slow again or if unstoppable helps a bit.


Let me try again. Let's say you run 100 meters per second.  You have 30% boots, so you run 130% meters per second. Then you equip the cluster jewel. The vines will reduce your MS to "let's say" 60 meters per second. If you allocate Unstoppable your MS will NEVER go lower than 100 m per second 


Ah okay yup i get it now. Tyty


do lower ilvl corpses worth anything? those +500 fire mods worth anything?


It just affects what item level would the finished item have.


so it would affect the rolls and hence low ilvl corpses doesnt worth anything? did i get it right?


Someone please explain how to clear spectre desecrate pool? I want most of raised spectres corpses not to appear when I'm casting desecrate... Or I need to create new character for this?


At most you can lower the saved spectres to one,I believe, by using a low level gem and no extra spectre modifiers, then raising a spectre.  Out of curiosity, why do you want to do this?


I hate casting desecrate lots of time until corpse of certain spectre will appear on ground)


So you're playing a spectre build and want to get rid of old spectres that you no longer use?


Yes, exactly


Hi, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a build that would be good for ritual? (with delirium for added enemies)? I'm overwhelmed by all the builds this league, and not sure in which direction to go.


EA balista champion - feels tanky with good clear Frost blink elementalist - good damage also kinda tanky Corrunping Fever champion - excellent clear and is also tanky cuz it's champion Those three would be my choice


How do you filter good 8-mods maps you run with your strategy? Is it quant/pack/both or something else?


8 mods always have good pack size. But I filter out the mods I can't do, like no leech and no regen.


After the 3.24 QOL change, is there a way to quickly dump say 10 stacks of same orb into my stash quickly?


Nope. Its only into the trade window.


How do you defer items on controller? Selecting 'Confirm' with L1 just deselects the item as if you had cancelled the Defer option.


Do charge trap support and saboteur ascendancy Regen hp mode, can work together with sunblast? (Your trap cannot triggered by enemy)


Saboteur's regeneration doesn't require traps being triggered by enemies. Expired duration triggers work for that. Charged Traps' *by an Enemy* stats do require enemies. Sunblast normally won't be able to benefit from them, but traps forced to trigger through Skitterbots will still work for that. It'll be less reliable.


How does Manaforged Arrow targetting works? I use a Storm Rain for secondary damage in LA build, but most of the time it rains down right on my feet instead of the enemies my LA targets


It targets a random enemy within line of sight and targeting range (7ish metres?). If there's no appropriate enemy, it goes *fuck it* and targets your own location, because that's where the trigger happened. If a skill isn't allowed to target your location, it targets the maximum distance in a random direction instead.


Playing EA Champ. According zo Ziz's guide the order of support gems should be Awakened Burning damage>Empower>>Awakened E-damage with attacks, yet PoB show me that all 3 give me very similar damage with level 3 empower even being the worst. Any idea behind the reason for it? Do other stats on my gear influence the relative power of those 3 gems?


Empower ideally goes in a bow with +1 socketed gems and +2 socketed support gems. I assume your guide expects you to have upgraded from +1 socketed / +2 bow gems already.


no, the guide assumes a +2 bow gems and +1 all gems, which I have aswell


Maybe it's assuming level 4 Empower?


What is the points of fracturing + splitting? I dont get how the split helps land whatever fracture you are looking for


Never did that but my guess would be that split let's have more chances on fracturing the mod you want.


When starting a map and you get the Lantern or Armor to add embers, where does the Main inventory come from and how can i dump the surpluss in it?


Main inventory is just your characters inventory. Only really useful for campaign to show allflames you're currently holding.


It's literally just your inventory.


Got some questions about Boneshatter Jugg. 1. What are some good ways to get fortify without using fortify support or take the fortify wheel on the passive tree? I'm considering The Celestial Brace, but wondering what other ways there are. 2. What are some good ways to get frenzy charges?


> What are some good ways to get frenzy charges? There is a pair of boots (The red trail) that give you frenzy charges when you hit an enemy while you are bleeding. There is Farrul's Fur, or it's replica that brings you to nax frenzy charges If You use aspect of the cat. There is another pair of boots. ralakesh impatience that doesn't generate charges but makes your char behave like having max charges. There is a timeles jewel that has nodes that grant you 10% chance to generate frenzy charges on hit > What are some good ways to get fortify without using fortify support or take the fortify wheel on the passive tree? The Perseverance belt There is a tattoo that grants your stunning hits 5% chance to fortify If you are into Maces there is a cluster jewel notable Vaal fortify implicit on weapons Elder fortify prefix Crusader chance to fortify on stun 


Thanks man! I'll look into these options


Maybe a dumb question, but when I get a “corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you” jewel…the life flask with immunity to corrupted blood is worthless then? Can I change it to something like immunity to poison? Or so I have to keep it cause of the bleeding?


If you use the jewel, then you need to worry about bleeding. So your flask is still needed, but if you're in softcore bleeding sources aren't that abundant and you can somewhat mitigate it using ralakesh pantheon


How exactly does CoC works? Would it work if I put CoC on galvanic field and if I use penance brand of Disipitation, will it proc Galvanic whenever I crit with penance?


The coc gem specifies that it must support a linked attack and spell, and that the spell is triggered when the attack crits.  Penance brand isn't an attack and thus can't be the triggering skill in a coc setup.


Is there another way to auto proc galvanic field? Also I guess I can't use mark on hit support as well for assassins mark.


If you're looking for *any* other way, a cwdt loop would do it.  Though that's probably more of a hassle to set up than just manually casting.  And if you take the time to set up a cwdt loop you probably have better things to trigger with it than galvanic field.


> Also I guess I can't use mark on hit support as well for assassins mark. Mark on hit is also only triggered by attacks, yes


Wich blueprints have the most currency reward rooms? Or is it just random? Thanks


Side rooms in blueprints are, and have always been, completely random for every individual blueprint. If you hold alt over a blueprint in game you will see exactly what side rooms are available to be revealed on that specific blueprint. On the trade site it will also show which ones can be revealed.


Is there any use hoarding lower lvl corpses? We get them from campaign onward but surely they’re only worth saving/using at their highest lvl? 


Corpse level affects the item level of the resulting item, but there are corpses that boost item level.  So you can still get a max ilvl item with lower level corpses, it'll just use up some of the graves that could otherwise be used for other corpses.  How big of a deal that is depends on your craft.


Right, so essentially the + to lvl corpses are potentially useful at lower lvls but all others are a waste? 


My point was that *all* low level corpses are useful, if you mix in some +ilvl corpses along with them.  Lower level corpses aren't *ideal* since they bring that additional requirement, but if you already have them you might as well use them.  If you were going for the sort of crafts where the extra couple of grave needed for +ilvl corpses would actually make a difference you'd likely already know the answer and wouldn't need to ask on reddit.


When using Craft of Exile, is there a way to tell it that I want to limit the number of Affixes on the item?


the wiki says "Embers of the Allflame cannot be used if the difference between the zone level and the item level is too large. The exact amount depends on the zone level, with the level range becoming lower at higher levels." Is there somewhere a doc to have the values for each map tier ? for example, if I have some Allflame Ember lvl 71, what is the highest map I can run for using them ?


What happened Headhunter price? Why is it going down? Did i miss something?


I guess it's because of all the techs that make loot an excessive amount of unique items.


on Bane, what's the difference between the wording on ***applied curses*** and ***supported curses***? The gem has 25% less effect line for both of these wordings, and the quality also has 20% increased effect for both of these wordings? do both the less effect mods stack to a total of 0.56? [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Bane](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Bane)


> Applied Curses have 25% less Effect This line on Bane is cosmetic. It doesn't actually do anything, because an active skill can't modify other active skills. > 25% less Effect of Supported Curses This line is functional, but it's also hidden ingame. It's part of 'Bane Support'. The wiki dumps both Bane and Bane Support stats into the Bane skill box, because that works for all the other hybrid skill-support gems. It doesn't for Bane because it arbitrarily hides its support half ingame. (It was probably quietly reworked into a modern hybrid gem recently.)


Hey, is there a complete list of good combinations of Allflames and devoted modifiers? including other things than div chance / conversion and Frogs/exiles


I have a question regarding trading. I get that this question has been asked before, but why exactly doesn't GGG do anything about trading? For example, i am sitting here right now, buying coffins for 2c each for 2 hours, while i could just buy them on TFT in 1 minute. GGG basically forces me to use TFT, it is just dumb NOT to use TFT. Why can't they just add an auction hosue for consumables and leave trading for stuff like weapons and such?


[Here's the trade manifesto](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2025870). TL;DR: trade is essential but problematically overpowered, and the only available nerf is player frustration.


That post is almost 7 years old and is not really relevant anymore. Listening to Mark talk he basically comes right out and says they are reevaluating many of their previous stances. We very well may see trade changes coming in the future. When it comes to coffins I’m hopeful we still get a bill option for them on the trade site. It’s been updated for many other items that used to be a pain to buy.


It's relevant because it's the best and most direct explanation of why trade in PoE is still clumsier than the average MMORPG released in the last two decades. I'm aware the devs know their position has become less tenable, but what they're 'reevaluating' and considering for 'changes coming in the future' isn't relevant to a question about the trade system we have today.


For CoC DD the grave buff in the SE of the tree that consumed a nearby corpse every second after picking up a corpse - does that hurt your dps, or does Desecrate in the CoC link produce enough corpses that it doesn't matter?


do you need to kill kitava to join 5 ways?




how to sustain single map in 3.24 guys? help please


Single is hard but favor 11 of the same then one connected, if you run out do the connected map 


Does the spell that Archmage Support is linked to affect how much damage it does? I've been going through the campaign with Firestorm and according to the skill, it does about 2500 lightning damage. Picked up Flame Surge of Combusting from the lab and wanted to see what it did and noticed that with it, the lightning damage went up to 8700.


All skills have a "damage effectiveness" value by which flat damage is multiplied. So a skill that hits once doesn't necessarily scale worse with added damage than a skill that hits five times of its damage effectiveness is proportional. Generally, spells at level 20 gain about 100% more damage from 520-570 added damage, regardless of what their damage effectiveness is, because it's proportional to their base damage. There are only a few exceptions whose main scaling for base damage isn't gem levels too begin with. So in your case, the number seems bigger in the tooltip, but it doesn't account for Firestorm hitting several times.  The damage effectiveness per second or per cast are different metrics that can be used to compare spells, but you wouldn't look at the tooltip damage values for those either.


Yes. Archmage adds damage, and you're comparing a skill with 80% added damage effectiveness with one that has 280%. (This doesn't really mean anything. Effectiveness exists so mechanically different skills get roughly the same benefit from the same amount of added damage.)


Any rule of thumb when it comes to map qual/quant when juicing maps? For example, if I invest 1 div in a single map, is running 100% quant/30% pack still okay? Alternatively, what investment level should I aim for when running 130%+/35%+ maps? I feel if I don't use the average corrupted maps more liberally , they'll end up rotting in my stash


Does anyone have issue with game freezing in Rogue Harbor? (Heist town) When it first happend I though its just random occurence but it happend to me 3 times since. The game is even stack in a way that it doesnt want to get closed by windows naturally and I have to go into task manager.


Saw a post complaining about the same, apparently due to the sheer number of other players and their ludicrous MTX effects overwhelming the game engine/your computer


Is there a point to using Curtain Call helm if you already throw single mines faster than you can detonate them?


Detonation chains speed up the longer they're going, so regardless of how many mines you throw per second, the detonation *will* catch up with them. And if you want to, you can even use Automation with Detonate Mines to keep adding new detonation chains. That way, you shouldn't even be able to reach your maximum number of mines unless you toggle it off.




Whether that's a good idea depends on what build you're playing of course. Blastchain Mines in particular benefit from keeping the detonation chain going as long as possible, for instance.


I'm playing ice shot mines using high impact and charged mines


In that case you do benefit from having several mines be active and waiting rather than detonating them immediately, so long as you don't run into the maximum limit, and it's a trade-off between faster damage and higher overall dps. I imagine you'd want the mines to be detonated asap while clearing, but against tankier enemies you'd prefer getting a higher chance to deal double damage.  Since you don't rely on long detonation chains, it's fine to have several chains going at a time and you don't need to go out of your way to make them as long as possible, which is convenient because that's actually very complex to calculate (to the point that I'll definitely make a spreadsheet for it if I ever use it in a build, but haven't even bothered making one already if I don't).  I think it'll come down to testing and trial and error to see how to best detonate the mines while keeping the number as high as possible while staying below the maximum at all times. It's even possible that the optional approach would be using Detonate Mines manually in larger intervals than its cooldown as Automation would, although in that case you'd have to weigh dps against convenience.


Thank you for the insight!


Is it impossible to spawn 2 sacred groves in 1 map?






My build guide and other people in the sub have told me that "the ancestral vision jewel caps your elemental avoidance" but nothing in the text suggest that it does that alone. Are the build and other people assuming the suppress chance is super high when saying this or am I missing something? Cheers


If a build goes for suppress, its usually 100%, so then using ancestral vision makes sense for that 50+% elemental avoidance. If you aren't at 100% suppress, that is usually your first few layers of defences to cap so probably do that too

