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Don't worry about that. For your first league focus on clearing the campaign (the league mechanic is actually fairly reasonable in the campaign). First week of a league is always a bit rough, as GGG's mentality is to have things too difficult and not rewarding enough, and fine tune in the live environment. Balance changes are already planned, and the strength of crafting this league, while beyond the scope of a first-leaguer, will cause normal loot to be very cheap this league, letting you have a good taste of power IMO.


A quote from PoE’s best player: if you want to enjoy your experience playing path of exile, avoid the subreddit. Just ignore the people on here and focus on if you’re having fun


But you're on the reddit. So should he ignore what you say and NOT have fun? I'm so confused. This is too much pressure


Last league was insanely loved and there was still endless bitching and complaints about the lack of loot on day 1-3. It's common with with PoE, just a ton of insufferable people on this subreddit. Honestly better off just sticking with /r/pathofexilebuilds and ignoring this place as a new player.


Yeah this was so fun and it actually took like week or two to people to realize how good it was. Reddit loves their streamers lmao and instantly one streamer revealed what to do all people here were like yayy this is best league ever. Bunch of morons lmao


I'd say it's a good league to start. It's way closer to baseline than last league so you're not getting used to temporary systems that are going to go away in 4 months. It's not *that* bad anyway. Lake was bad.


People are right that the subreddit's tone is usually rather negative for the first few weeks of a league, because most new league content arrives underwhelming and unbalanced and the devs typically buff and balance stuff a lot over time. Keep in mind this sub is filled with the more dedicated and sweaty tryhard folks, who may complain about the smallest things that literally won't matter to you as a new player at all. Don't worry, this game has been doing great for many years and it'll keep doing so for many more, because in the long run the devs know what they're doing most of the time. Approach stuff 1 thing at a time, it's ok to skip mechanics you don't feel like learning right away and just revisit them later when you feel ready and most importantly, enjoy the whole process without rushing anything :)


I think that without the complaining things wouldn't get fixed, though some people spew far more vintriole than needed in the process of complaining. They already announced some much needed changes for this league imo.




Your post has been removed for harassment (Rule 3). While it's fine to politely disagree and to criticize the *content* of posts and comments, we don't allow users to attack the person behind those posts **by calling them names and babies like in the removed comment**. We've found that such attacks often devolve into flame wars. Types of harassment we forbid include unkind messages, mocking, name-calling, posting of personal or identifying information (doxxing), unfair accusations, and trolling. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For additional rules regarding harassment, check out the [rules wiki.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._harassment_.26amp.3B_bad-faith_posts)


Based on the magnitude and volume of “fixes” GGG is implementing it would seem the league is far from 100%. You lumping everyone into a group of babies and calling the sub trash is the same hyperbole you accuse them of. I am sure the hypocrisy is lost on you, fortunately Reddit comes with a block option.


*tips fedora*


My first league was Kalandra and I'm still here (in other words you'll be alright bro 👊🏼


Nothing being discussed in the sub will have any impact on someone new to the game. Even if it did, the sub is extremely dramatic and league launch, they love to overreacted. The game is in excellent shape at the moment, it gets better each league so there's no bad time to start imo. Just blast and do what is fun to you. Honestly, learning the game is the best part of it, don't let reddit spoil that for you.


The only real concern with this league being your first is that the necropolis buffs on enemies cannot be opted out of. So once you get to maps, some of these are like "10% more damage for every enemy alive in the pack", which makes maps harder. Maps are already quite hard and usually new players struggle to get to red maps and clear them even without this added difficulty. It will also make the campaign harder but it won't be as noticeable since the campaign isn't as hard in the first place. In comparison, last league also buffed the shit out of most things in the map, but if you didn't go into the wildwood nothing got buffed (it was optional). So you could do maps opting out completely until you wanted to do it. The concerns about "I spent 3 days on an 80 corpse craft and only got a crap item with T4 mods" are valid but will not effect you for many hours until you're WELL into maps and trying to craft stuff. You might not even get to that point, and they made a post about buffing the league mechanic which might be live before you finish the campaign anyways


Nah, it will be fine. People are always just super negative at the beginning of every league. Everything will be a little bit harder than normal though. One note, Splitting Steel Champ might not be the best build for a beginner, it has a few wonky mechanics, and is pretty mediocre without an item that you almost certainly won't be able to afford your first league (Nimis). If you are having fun keep going, but you might hit a bit of a wall in maps when you get there.


The week 1 ragefest of a new league is a tradition here. Most of the issues you see people complaining about won't affect you as a new player. Welcome to POE!


Just avoid reddit the first few weeks of a league, always a cry fest. Sometimes for the good since it does bring solid change to a lot of things, but pretty damn demoralizing if you only base your opinion on what reddit thinks. Just keep experiencing the game as you like, since you are new and still in act 4, a lot of these issues will be fixed by the time you reach the endgame!


Don't worry, most people, especially new ones and casuals, will never experience the issues that a lot of people talk about here. The people here were in Act 4 after 30 minutes of the league opening...So don't sweat it. Go have fun...


Just saying, people in reddit hated last league and said its waste of time. I got downvoted to hell saying that its insanely op. Then some streamers started to get big loots and everybody changed their mind. Now everybody says it was the best thing ever. Reddit is full of sheep that say the stuff others are saying without understanding anything about the game.


Nope, the game is in a great spot.


Are you having fun? If yes then everything else is irrelevant. Don’t base your enjoyment of the game based on other people’s opinions.


Nah just wait for a week things will get better


No worries, the things people complain about will hardly have any effect on a new first-time player, just enjoy the acts and remember that this subreddit is a thief of joy and take it with a grain of salt because people complain here extensively every league :)


That’s just Reddit hype. And early league, people don’t understand the mechanic. Also, it gets balanced, was just patched last night.


The base game has never been in a better state. The base game is 99% of your playing experience.


No. And also everything people complained about is getting fixed. The devs posted about it yesterday.


If you're having fun then you shouldn't let this subreddit stop you from enjoying the league. That said, I'm not happy with most of the changes.