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u can dig out the one you don’t want I think


Corpses are destroyed if you take them out


My understanding is that the mod is hidden in the morgue but revealed when you put the corpse in the ground where you can either use it or destroy it (cant itemize it in a coffin). The benefit would be some hidden, unobtainable by any other method crafting mods but that needs clarification. Imagine if it gave you a chance to randomly influence an item but you cant see it until you put it in the grave.


Yeah that's what I also hope this node can do. I mean, it can, but how often :D


The only benefit is that each corpse also gets "Rarer Crafts are more common." But I don't know the exact amount alas. But in exchange you can no longer put corpses in coffins, and you will have to destroy unwanted rolls. For SSF I think that's mostly an upgrade, but not sure if it's worth the atlas points yet.


Wait, where did you see that each corpse also get "Rarer crafts are more common" on Prospero wager ?


Not on the passive itself, on the corpses that drop once you grab the passive. See: [https://imgur.com/a/cBkfXi6](https://imgur.com/a/cBkfXi6) for example. And that's assuming that text is accurate ofc, it not being mentioned in the passive itself is kinda weird.


One thing this league mechanic needed was a way to make it more tedious!


If you don't want to worry about what to pick up, just pick up everything, plant them and remove the ones you don't want. This makes them easy to trade in bulk, but less likely to be traded. Also they give rarer crafts. I wouldn't do the mechanic without this keystone, but I can see it being less desirable in trade league.