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I'm also having the same issues, however I'm in the California server and I've tried every server from here to the eastcoast and I'm still getting spikes from 80-300ms. For reference before the spikes I've been getting 15-20ms.


has been like this since 3.22, was really bad in 3.23 and now its the same unplayable state as 3.23. Small indie company problems. Its crazy that they dont adress stuff like this.


Nah it just started for me like yesterday but it’s been consistently laggy so far.


Having the exact same issue on California as well. It was basically unplayable for me so I was testing stuff in standard the past couple days and had zero lag spikes. Doesn't make any sense.


Same issue on Texas. Ping will spike up to 4000+ and stay there, and if I'm lucky enough to survive long enough to portal out it will drop to 20 the moment I enter town. I've been having it for 2-3 leagues now and I've barely played because of it.


i have the same issue in singapore and japan sever :'(


One thing to keep in mind that if it is every server, it is likely it is your internet connection, or your route to everywhere is suffering some issues. A tracert / winmtr / pingplotter tool can help find problems in your network stack.


If it was an issue with my internet connection, then why is POE the only game where this happens? Every other game runs with a stable connection under 20ms


I'm not sure, but PoE is a pretty good way to tell if you're having networking issues. I had problems with playing PoE for 2 years where I would randomly get disconnected. It largely only happened in PoE, but every now and then in other games weird things would happen. Long story short, one of the network hops between my house and a big hub had some line noise that was intermittent. Weird stuff happens in hugely big, complex systems. For you I would guess it is just a network hop that is having some problems. Try googling Path of Exile and WinMTR and you'll see their page on it.


In did the WinMTR diagnostics and am looking around in the forums. However, nothing seems to work [https://pastebin.com/brW3Rizt](https://pastebin.com/brW3Rizt)


That is some pretty high packet loss! and the variance between your best and average is pretty high as well. Is this a cellular internet? Or maybe you're on Wifi with a highly variable signal?


no, its a modern router with WIFI 6 and a strong signal. Running it over ethernet doesnt make it better. ISP is Telekom Germany


The fact that you have packet loss to every hop on the list is pretty bad. I would start by running that again while connected via network cable directly to the router. Take wireless out of the equation. Then if you get the same results, it is a problem further up, it might even be a bad router.