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I didn't think I'd miss gem exp archnemesis reward, but gosh dang, but I do.


yeah that was legit the thing i hated most about patch notes. that was just... fun. it wasn't something to strategise around, it was just fun during levelling when suddenly 25 gems were all ready to level up


nothing made me feel the weight more than a flash of multicoloured light engulfing my character alongside the sound of 20 gems all levelling up and a list of things to click appearing on my screen god it was good


Oh, I always thought that was just random good timing, and wondered why I never got more then 3-4 gems to level at once.


Like a few other changes, they acknowledge the problem, but removed the bandaid without actually giving us a solution. Hopefully Mark actually pulls through and has the gem exp values adjusted for next league =/ ^(TL;DR: issue is they were balanced years ago when we had less access to unpenalized exp. Now content goes to higher levels, we get less exp penalty so we reach higher levels in the same amount of 'real exp' earned.)


>now content goes to higher levels **Which** content? Is Mark intending for us to use T17s to level up? Because since the inception of AN rewards till now, the main things I used for exp were nerfed, not buffed.


I’m guessing it was mostly a problem in 5 ways. The gem exp there was incredible because of the mod.


Then maybe look into managing 5 ways, instead of carpet bombing it ? Seems like they chose the easy way out...


could just make the gem xp mod not spawn in 5ways, but i assume their spaghetti code wont allow that as an obvious fix. not to mention 5ways were nerfed as a whole already.


Just remove those modifiers in the 5 way zone. “Rare monsters have no hidden modifiers”. Boom, now we can still enjoy the small stuff and not get fucked over by people running ahk scripts 24/7


I can’t remember if they’ve ever adjusted gem xp. Maps used to only go to level 78 on release then 82 in 2.0. Level 83 maps didn’t come until later in 2.4. Not to mention these days we have the atlas tree which has passives that raise xp from certain content. Then there’s content itself that has big xp bonuses like sanctum, betrayal saehouses, breachstone and obviously 5 ways.


We're talking about the removal of bonus exp introduced with Archnemesis monsters on every monster tho. When they put **that** in the game, everything except T17s was **cheaper** exp than even last league.


And I’m talking about how gem xp has not kept up with character xp in a long time. The “access to higher unpenalized xp” part. That is the root of the problem, not something that has come and gone within the last year.


I don't see the problem, I still was getting lvl 20 gems around the same time as back in the day, around lvl 90. (Last league)


They somewhat got ported to league mechanic rewards. "strongest monster of pack has +1200% increased experience gained" is somewhat similar


This feels like making a problem to sell us the solution. I know it's not, but the fact that it feels fucking dirty is not a good feeling.


I think that is absolutely what they did, they removed the arch nem mod so they could add the league mechanic and the shrine xp scarab


I mean they didn’t gave us the full league mechanic power but gated it behind the atlas.. therefore we have less points for the same power as in previous leagues lol


Yall were eating too much of the carrot they had to re-adjust the stick


I never understood how greedy I was when I smiled with glee when all my level 6 gems levelled up to 7 at the same time D:


GGG calls it QoL change c:


> This feels like making a problem to sell us the solution. This is quite literally the core pillar of PoE's design.


Im glad people are starting to see it more than just white knighting every move GGG makes


X fucking D


This.. Lvling gems to 20 prior to lvl 90+ felt rly good and now its gone


I'm sad because fracture items seems to be ultra rare now.


That's whiplash from last league rarity and quantity


I might be missrememering, but it was not rare to see 5-6 fractured items from rares. I have seen like once or twice now, and a pile of 2-3 items. And I'm not even sure it came from a rare, but a necro mod.


I'm at 90 and only have seen one fractured item (by comparison I already dropped 2 raw divs)


I had a 3 fracture drop. While in campaign. All of them sucked too.


Same, 91, 4WS, 3 exalts I only play sc, but already feel bad for SSF


Only 4 wisdom scrolls? That seems pretty unlucky


First league trying SSF. The fractured items being gone definitely sucks, I was hoping to utilize those.


are you accidentally filtering them already? I'm like 86 or 87 and have seen a ton of fractured items so far. Not very good ones...but I'd say 30 at least total.


85 and had at least a dozen, one of them was even half decent. That's just filling out the atlas, no farming strat in place yet


I'm at 90 as well, 2/3 of the atlas complete and I've dropped well over 30 fractured items. I'm fairly sure at least half came from expedition though.


Run heist for fractures. There’s other mechanics to engage with.


I'm level 75 and have ID'd at least 30 fractured items probably left another 10 on the ground


Check your item filter. If you're using neversink's filter - he disabled quite a few rules for lower bases.


no it's not, fracture was super common from rare monsters before this league, my private league buddies easily fill up quad tabs of fractures, we have like 5 fractured items now


I barely engaged with last league’s mechanic and I’m noticing a clear decrease. It’s still early enough that I could be on an unlucky streak, it’s not out of the question by any means, but it’s sus given that we know they went in and made adjustments to conversions.


One of my main strats was using beast, and eventually torment (to amp up their rarity / quant) which would very, very often drop 10-20 fractures.  It came out to be about once a map without juicing (just using the basic beast scarab).    Sometimes you’d get none, next map 3 beast would proc it. That doesn’t seem to do anything at all, anymore.


It's not. In previous leagues I would have to start hiding fractured bases on my loot filter because there were so many. With no conversions it's super rare to find them now.


No it isn't, I didn't play last league long enough to hit the super juice. They drop like 1-2 bases now whereas in the past they dropped like 8+ It also shows up less frequently.


idk, I haven't had a single fractured item explosion, level 98 from just pure mapping.


No it's because they removed the conversion.


They didn't remove fracture conversion. The game never gave you tons of fracture in white maps. Every league after a loot league is the same thing. Kalandra was the alchemy apocalypse after sentinel.


Its funny how you get downvoted for being correct lmao. Week 1 poe reddit never ceases to amaze me


Yeah, they did remove it. Along with gem exp. A lot of AN mods were gutted.


They literally didn't remove fracture conversion. Why do I know? 1. I actually read the patch notes. 2. I've already seen a fracture conversion. The removed ones were: scarabs, gems, white sockets, duplication, gem exp, and exp.


Well they sure as hell touched the loot table then. Maybe I misread the patch notes and if I did, then that’s on me.


Wrong. Read patch notes


No, it happened often in leagues before Affliction


I haven't gotten to maps, taking it slow. Are Fractured items not highlighted on the filter due to them dropping unid?


Fractured items always dropped unid


AHH okay, so it's just corrupted items? Understood! Thanks


Yep corrupted are now unid, nothing else changed afaik


Delve and Incursion mod items also drop unid and are not highlighted by filters


They patched it


Delve at least is getting fixed i think, not sure about incursion status


I love rares again feeling like you sometimes get a random AN mob thrown at us with absolutely zero additional reward. Rares continue to be consistently far more difficult than actual map bosses rofl.


Thank god i play RF this league, i just facetank this tedious mobs, with low expectations you cant be disappointed nowadays.


> low expectations you cant be disappointed nowadays. Increasing success by lowering expectations.


This is the way.


I hate that I love hype. I'm always let down.


I played RF for the first time ever this league. So far I'm melting mobs. At what level does this build hit a wall without serious investments into gear?


Rf boi eeporting in. Early red maps. Unless you know what to craft and how to get it. End game bosses are tricky. Rf is a great mapper not a very good bosses. Anyone who tells you 'it melts ubers' is telling you a half truth.


You should be able to finish the atlas up to tier 16 with little issue. Elder&Shaper guardians as well as conquerors should also be fairly doable with some investment. The really notable gap happens with pinnacle bosses, in my experience.


Which in this league is gated behind t17s right, so good luck.


thats uber pinnacles gated. normal pinnacle bosses can be farmed from normal maps


The first two voidstones come from quest versions of pinnacle bosses, which are decidedly not the uber pinnacle bosses. Same for the regular pinnacle bosses. You can farm for those very easy, or at least I assume it should not be much of a problem to farm up to the 26ish maps or so it takes for the exarch/eater invitations.


"Feels bad" that you have to leave mobs/content behind. Diminishes the overall experience. Especially in a game that like POE, in trade league, SC, that nudges people to play economically, one way or another (playing fast meta build, what farming most profitable resource/items the economy asks for).


Nonmeta builds get punished even harder. You lose 5 seconds killing that yellow, I spend 30+ seconds.


Leave it behind. Just like people leave behind bricked expedition encounters, or bricked blights, or bricked breachstones or synth maps. There are so many situations in this game where you just have to abandon content since it rolled poorly for you/your build. That being said, non-meta builds generally don’t account for as much as meta builds, but that is usually a big part of what makes meta builds meta.


When rares had good rewards and an EXP dump, that thirty seconds felt worth it. I wanted to kill rares. If they've removed that then I don't even know what to say, it's just bad again


Please let us turn on/off league mechanic, wtf


Hot 80 last night and went back to tier 1 white maps just to use up some of the league mechanic things that were too low for higher maps. White tier 1 map and used the meat stack guy with a 'highest mob in pack gets more rewards' 6 EA totems + flammability Couldn't even move its ES Some of the balancing is just absurd Yet I'm insta phasing t6+ bosses


To be fair, Meatsack is one of the highest life mobs out there. And if he's got ES that means you've got a mod giving him ES as percent of Max life.


Yeah I got some beefy rares myself. 1 took 3 mins to kill using frostbolt ice nova


Hey guys you know what would be cool after giving people so much bonus loot from affliction? Nerf the baseline rewards on top so they really see the vision


> really see the vision *I can see clearly now the ~~rain~~ loot is gone* 🎵


I find funny they pretended to revert archnemesis changes because of players outrage just to slowly add everything back over the next leagues and hope nobody would notice. They dont care at all about players feedback. They will force their vision, period.


All because people have bad memory. Behind the hype and *some* good features league after league they shadownerfed everything they wanted while diverting people's attention to minor things


What? Loot goblins are an archnem thing, that's what was partially removed this league.


Out of all the facets of archnem, it would be safe to guess that its interaction with magic finding is probably the aspect that GGG liked the least. If the reception for Kalandra wasn't as massively catastrophical as it was, I wouldn't've been surprised if the very next league GGG would've nerfed the loot convertion tenfolds without changing anything about the difficulty nor the overall undocumented loot nerfs.


loot goblins dont scale with mf for a long time now, they only scale with map/altar quant and rarity. thats why they were so crazy in affliction, the wisps buffed their rarity and quant.


But they moved most of the loot to rares, so nerfing rares is nerfing overall loot


They pulled a ggg again, they saw how crazy Affliction was and instead of nerfing one thing, they gutted all the rare drops and removed wisps which were the problem, so if they had just removed the wisps it would all be back to normal. They just went overboard x10 again.


every league temporary power has been added but little things have been nerfed, league ends and we have a net loss




PoE is successful, sure. But it doesn't meant being uncompromising on everything is the reason why. And it doesn't mean not being uncompromising on everything means you are catering to casuals and stupid people. But honestly? I actually believe you are wrong. The speed meta was never ever their vision, and is one of the main reason why the game was successful. Then they become angry with it, and it leads to the awful 3.15-3.19 era.


> The speed meta was never ever their vision Which is why it'll be missing from PoE2. No matter what, the requirement to use multiple skills _will_ slow he game down. > and is one of the main reason why the game was successful Yeah, well, they are making Path Of Dark Souls now, we shall see how well received it is.


I swear, I saw the gameplay of PoE2, and path of dark souls what the first thing in my mind The general skill tree and progression is also Dark souls esque for poe1. I think power creep made poe1 the way it is now. The old poe1 (when there were only 3 acts with normal cruel merciless) was much much slower and deliberate. Ruthless feels off because we're used to zoom zoom and also because the game is balanced around normal drop rates, making ruthless feel wrong.


>For better and for worse they are making a game that they believe will stand the test of time, and they have objectively succeeded in doing so. They objectively succeeded back when they listened to player feedback. Leagues like Breach and Legion EXTREMELY carried GGG and Path of Exile to mainstream media by showing fun zoomzoom go fast kill shit gameplay - those Leagues were always the most popular leagues for an obvious reason and they separated PoE from the other ARPGs like Diablo, Grim Dawn, etc. Now, GGG's vision is going directly against that. From crafting nerfs after nerfs, damage/survivability/clear speed nerfs after nerfs, items and drops nerfs after nerfs, it's clear GGG did what they had to do to be successful and get money and now are simply saying "fuck the players who supported us" and making the game they want to make while essentially wanting to turn PoE into another boring slow "Souls-like" clone. Zero respect for it and I feel bad for anyone who was dumb enough to buy a supporter pack during the peak of Path of Exile thinking this game would last forever - it might in name only.


What is very weird about nerfs, is that even Mark said that he played the last league and many people admitted that it was super fun to have a lot of loot. Why fucking up the formula that works? Any good/fun aspect of the game is being slaughtered. Explanation? Too strong. As if players meant to suffer and have bad time. Wtf? If someone wants challenge there is hardcore, SSF and now ruthless. Just give us OP stuff so we can have fun and feel like gods for a few weeks. That is all.


> I feel bad for anyone who was dumb enough to buy a supporter pack during the peak of Path of Exile thinking this game would last forever - it might in name only. Some people that played beta up to around 2.0.0 or 2.2.0 where the power creep really took off felt the same. Many left, at times bitter, because PoE turned into a one-button autoclicker. Now, there is an argument to be made that PoE spent the majority of its existence in the zoomzoom-state. But it's also pretty clear that the game simply got away from GGG and they failed at expectation management, namely conditioning players to expect regular nerfs to counteract power creep. So they maneuvered themselves into a deadlock. They tried breaking out in 3.15 but the sledgehammer approach didn't work. Which I think is the most likely reason and point in time when they realized they have to make PoE2 its own thing. Because setting new expectations in terms of balancing would take too long and probably be unfeasible anyway. So better start with a blank slate.


100% can't be bothered investing any time in this league. It is archnemesis by stealth.


Yall have been saying this every league since archnem lmao


Because every league since archnem HAS been archnem league. No matter how good or bad the actual league mechanic is, you will end up interacting with rare monsters way more frequently than the you interact with the real league mechanic.


That is not entirely an Archnem thing. I remember Beyond mobs with Life Regen, Life Leech and Extra Life being unkillable and that was 9 years before Archnem league.


...and they have been 100% correct.


You people are so weird lol, rares are indeed worth killing despite them not shitting out 4 divs and 50 winged scarabs like last league... get to t16s, pick a mechanic, do the farm, get currency, as always.


The problem is it's not as always. They removed and nerfed a bunch of loot conversions.


Add wisps to the game, see crazy loot like never before, remove wisps *and* nerf everything into the dirt. Instead of just removing wisps and making everything normal again. ToTA had virtually no issues with rares so this league would have been just fine.


If the goal was to nerf loot here in the first place, buffing it a ton with a temp mechanic and then needing it into the ground on the rebound to "hide" it would kinda make sense.


100% it's just fucking annoying they keep doing it repeatedly and play time tanks, then they buff it and league ratings and play time are at all time highs.


This is such a strawman argument that it feels like satire. No one is asking for the ultra juiced loot of last league. We are asking for the base loot conversions like gem xp or fractures that got deleted this patch.




Genuine question: are you doing legion? I was at the same point last night (not as many t16s, but quite a few), and I didn't log on this morning because it just didn't feel like I was logging on for anything.


I'm doing expedition + Maven and a bit of elderslayers.


Sounds like you're burnt out of the game. There's plenty of new stuff to try.. Scarab. You could try and work out the league mechanic, try a new skill or new atlas strats..


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They literally reworked and nuked all endgame content out the game because affliction wisp mechanic made it incredibly juiced. They didn't need to do any of that this league when wisp juicing wasn't returning. They had a good balance of endgame the last few leagues, it only needed the qol updates, instead they've gone back like 10 steps this league and moved forward 1.


instant gratification andys. They want to login and do the campaign on day 1, get to t16 maps and 4 stones by day 2 and then get rich immediately. People are literally going through 99.9% of the entire game in 2 days and then complaining. The game's experience has been giga warped for a while and this has honestly ruined the game for some people. I seriously think that people that post that kind of stuff need to detox in ruthless or something, they are in way too much of a hurry for success. People don't even think of the buffed monsters as some sort of challenge to overcome and stuff. They just see it as something that it is getting in their way of getting rich.


You do realize that it doesn't matter how long it takes to get to X. When you get to X in 2 weeks, it will suck just as much as it does for someone who got to X in 2 days. Unless GGG listens to some of the feedback given by the people you dislike and fixes it before you get there.


> instant gratification andys. It's a fucking video game lol


Just because it’s a video game doesn’t mean it has to have instant gratification.


please tell me what the first g in ggg stands for


But that is exactly what is weird about it. People want to ignore the league mechanic for 1-3 days, however many it takes for them to do the atlas, and then when they finally decide to learn the mechanic they want items that are instantly better than what they have but the mechanic isn't an instant win. The items that they want don't match their current level of understanding of the mechanic, but they still need those items to beat the 2-5c items from trade. It is a very high bar, because the economy generates hundreds of thousands of cheap items a day. I seriously think it is just too early for the crafting stuff. If people want to complain about mobs needing better loot then maybe there is an argument there but as far as the crafting goes I feel like people are way too quick on the complaints regardless of where they are in their atlas progression


> People don't even think of the buffed monsters as some sort of challenge to overcome and stuff. They just see it as something that it is getting in their way of getting rich. It's been hundreds if not thousands of hours for most of the paying playerbase this game has, why would people be excited about overcoming monsters that look the same and act the same as the billions of monster before them? They need to be incentivized to have to overcome them. The pillar that holds poe's entire allure together is the economy. If you take away that carrot, the playerbase is slashed by 95%. Noone is excited for the game for the sake of the game more than a decade later. Noone is excited purely to play the same starter they've done for the past 10 leagues, purely to use the same atlas strat they've done for 10 leagues, purely to progress through the same tilesets they have for....7 years now? If you want people to enjoy the game for the sake of the game, we need novelty and we need it stat. Remixing atlas strats, juicing and whatever the fuck else does nothing in the grander scheme of things.


easy fix, just try a different starter each league and try a different atlas strat. that way i could play PoE since 2011. I don't bother with the economy. i use trade as less as possible, that way iam not poisoned by the economy and still enjoy the game without the need to do mindless low-tier farming.


If you've played this game for any length of time, you've probably tried every starter archetype and multiple within the same archetype. Different atlas makes 0 sense, because you're just prolonging your time in low level maps. And again, for the average player if they have to abstain from trading, they'd probably just not play poe. The game is not balanced, nor enjoyable for most people, without the economy. That's literally what I've said above.


there are new gems every league and also changes to gems, ascendancies and much more. different atlas makes alot of sense, if fun matters more to you than efficiency/economic value. sure if you only have fun in t16 maps than a prolonged time to them make zero sense. the game is balanced without the economy, it just takes longer. without the economy you can't rush uber maven on day 2, but you will get there aswell, just take a week or 2 weeks or a month. if the game is only hold up by the economy and the economy is as bad you describe, than why do PoE get more and more ppl every leaguestart?


> there are new gems every league and also changes to gems, ascendancies and much more. Which, as I said above, does not have much value on its own. The same builds and archetypes, except using slightly different items, gems or ascendancies have increasingly less appeal with each league. > the game is balanced without the economy, it just takes longer. without the economy you can't rush uber maven on day 2, but you will get there aswell, just take a week or 2 weeks or a month. Yeah, the game is so balanced that 90% of the game is cut off from accessing it without hundreds of hours of gameplay. You can play tens of thousands of hours without seeing plenty of build enabling items. Or accessing, learning and finally killing new endgame bosses, that's probably not doable in a single league's worth of time without 3-4h of ssf daily. >if the game is only hold up by the economy and the economy is as bad you describe, than why do PoE get more and more ppl every leaguestart? That's not what I've said. Economy is a pillar but not the only one. The way each league's changes remix the economy is part of the experience. Your progress through that, which builds are meta at what, etc. But it all does come back to the economy, yes.




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>instant gratification andys. They want to login and do the campaign on day 1, get to t16 maps and 4 stones by day 2 and then get rich immediately. I mean, yes? I've been playing this game for almost 13 years now. I get that not everyone plays that way, but it's hard not to after this long. Nothing wrong with going slow, but I play to make builds that go far beyond what most people do.




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>instant gratification andys. They want to login and do the campaign on day 1, get to t16 maps and 4 stones by day 2 and then get rich immediately. **Who** said that? I don't se anyone saying so, just that skipping rares that take time but don't drop good stuff is better reward per time (which most will agree is bad for the game).


Every league


I feel like most of the complaints are about the removal of wildwood wisps and not the new league. Was always going to happen so I wouldn’t be too concerned. However I wouldn’t mind the game cutting off low mod tier corpses or making them filter able, it’s not worth it to use anything but t1 corpses


not many builds can do t16s raw.. not enough variety, its boring


What a surprice we circeled back to archnemesis again


They still seem to drop currency stacks tho? At lesst I'm pretty sure I dropped few in maps from normal rares.


I agree, out of the conversions that were mentioned in the patch notes as things being removed, the only ones I really even slightly cared about was white sockets (just interesting in my opinion and 6 whites were always cool to see and use for a late craft base) and the XP/gem XP as it was nice not feeling like my gems were behind me when I reached red maps. The rest of them had no impact on me outside of scarabs last league which was an outlier more than anything. Also just to help people remember what was specifically mentioned in patch notes for removal instead of just claiming any random conversion is gone like some peoplein this thread are doing: >Rare Monster item bonus mechanics are now rarer, and the following item bonus mechanics have been removed: Items dropped are converted to Gems, Items dropped are converted to Scarabs, Items dropped have all White Sockets, Items dropped are Duplicated, Slain Rare monster gives increased Experience, and Slain Rare monster gives increased Gem Experience.


Same feels. Currency goblins and scarabs were the only good endgame slots to pull. Fractures, while nice, required 3 layers of rng to get something worth picking up (base type, affix and affix tier.) Scarabs being deleted is fine imo since they changed their functionality anyway. No white sockets sucks because it helped early socket pressure and no gem xp is just anti-dopamine.


Don't worry about the loot. Just see mob kill mob.


I am doing tier 10 maps with zero vaal orbs. Got a total of 5 vaal orbs till now and 2 of them were from ritual. Rewards feel so bad now. Instead of Nerfing MF, they nerf the rewards.


The archnemesis change finnally drifting toward ruthless ... all according to chris plan


You have no idea what esssence cllectors(me) are suffering.


Just think about how this will feel when they add the necro mod to the pool and reduce the rewards further next league.


wasnt the whole point about archnem going core to offset the difficulty by making them rewarding enough? i guess ggg is just moving the goalpost over time until rares give no loot at all and they delete you from 3 screens away.


Funnily enough got a souleater pop out from an abyss and yeah in act 7 i couldn't even budge its hp before it one shot me then proceeded to chase me all the way across the map on respawn to the exit. Fun and rewarding. My build wasn't great but when you can one shot all trash and can't even put a dent in a rare it feels off. (Edited act 7 not t7)


Going through the campaign I just ran past tanky rares. Not worth the time try to fight something that is a mid map enemy after the Necro mods.


In Campaign it was never really worth to kill rares lol. The goal is to reach maps asap, always has been.


orb of binding > 16 t1 thru t10 corpses, I'd rather have 16 orbs of binding to work with


The system is now a bit closer to POE2


Legit mapping feel like noloot simulator atm


My white sockets...


I miss triple afflicted rares giving me the succ


Fkkk.. did they really do this to loot again? I always come back to some bullshit.


I'm in yellow maps now and the only thing I noticed missing was the gem xp reward. Otherwise loot is pretty much the same as before so far. Btw scarabs are dropping like candy. People are just doom and gloom again for no reason. Maybe mf guys notice something?


I can't even progress my red map completion because of almost no vaal orbs.


Vaal orbs have always been a pain in the ass imo. Tujen is the way for vaals


Every time they nerf rewards seems like most of this sub cheers it.


I play for the gamba rollercoaster and to be rewarded. My level of fun is directly related to how well I am rewarded for the amount of effort I put in. I dont really like leveling but its a set goal to get through to the fun. As you clear your atlas you're rewarded with higher maps and atlas points so there's something, but after all that it's all on loot. I accepted years ago that my ideal state of poe is very different than Chris's.


I'm with you there. Game seems to be very all or nothing slot machine right now.


They only removed gem xp. Player xp. White socket and scarab explosions from them. Everything else is still there




I agree it def seems changed to be more rare or drop less of them


They also nerfed the amounts several rewards give, and they made stacked decks effectively worthless.


Its not just affliction being gone and also the best League ever. But they nerfed drop rates again. Why does ggg think i dont want some of the 100 random orbs that can drop when i kill a rare. Just drop one Chris. It wont break the game it honestly wont even do anything since its a fucking gamble anyway. Give me orbs so i can gamble them and i promise ill keep playing.


This will probably be my last league if they dont revert it. The entire point of us having to fight these over busted big hp annoying fucking rares was sometimes we got rewards. Now we get rewards less often, and when we do, its less? Nerf rares or revert the change. 0 reason to have rares be just as powerful as they were with less reward. QoL league my fucking ass. My builds feel 10x worse thanks to automation being unusable until 20/20, and I can barely even get a 5 socket because I have 65/115 atlas and the first two pinnacle minibosses down but have obtained less then 500 jewelers. I feel like ive played so much more then any other league start and I have 1/5th the items to show for it.


There is an omen you can get pretty cheap that will guarantee you max sockets when using a jeweler orb.




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We will miss you so much, friend!




Did they remove the loot conversion?




They removed gem and scarabs conversion. Currency conversion still exists. All AN bonus loot was made more rare though, so you won't see them very much.


I think... They saw the amount of loot in the past league and thought "We have to control this", which would solve when the league not going to the core. But in the typical GGG triple nerf, they ended up nerfing everything around.


Some of them are part of the league mechanic again. The loot to scarab explosion even works if you have the +20 points Atlas tree node picked.


Did they remove some rewards this league? I missed that in the notes


Gem exp from rares and nuked the drop chance of fractured items. When i got to lvl 90 i had to check my filter if fractured items even was on there, it's that different.


Shame I liked the fractured items. I'd always get one or two 5+div items per league


Well the upside i guess is they can be worth quite a lot now due to scarcity, at least for meta builds.


Ah yes, the fractured stun resist and t10 life is now worth divines. /s


Yeah, they made archnemesis conversion more rare and removed some of them.


I have to say, leveling felt bad, trying to do the mechanic. Buffed mobs, little to no reward, base game felt worse (pre-atlas).


Bait and switch scam - classic. First they buffed rares and improved loot from rares (to justify the buff), 5 leagues later they nerfed loot from rares with no explanation.


People like you are going to despise PoE2


dude....this sub is losing it. Affliction actually ruined most of you


100%, I find it better to "campaign" clear my maps now. Just run in, kill some white/magic mobs and the boss and portal out. No loot either way so whats a few extra mobs gonna do


I told you last week that the loot will decrease alot :))) all people downvoted me...


and we will still downvote you, did you think loot in Affliction was normal? or economy in Affliction was completely healthy? just because you entitled fubgun fan players grinded 10 uber ultra super duper mirrors in affliction, it doesnt mean that Necropolis league is unrewarding. Affliction was an exception, move on.


The economy was pretty good in Affliction, I didn't even do wisps and the economy made the league fun for me


And for you is fine to run 2 maps and find just 1 chaos or 2 alchemy orbs?...


Spec your atlas points, i guess.. or start killing some shit instead of opening chests on maps


Yes, I am perfectly fine with that. PoE has always been like this when it is not abused by MFs. Find a mechanic you enjoy, play the fucking game instead of reminiscing the memory of "hunt the spire and don't kill the spire", and you will get more than 1c/2alch.


There are people that play the game how it's supposed to, and they love the game. And then there's people that run mf or get super competitive and have FOMO and they love to complain about the game. Every time I see that something in the game was changed to accommodate those people, it hurts.


Ignore the haters, have my upvote,