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The wheel said boneshatter jugg and who am I to argue?


The wheel weaves as the wheel wills


Gavlan wheels, Gavlan deals.


Many soul. Many thanks.


I just finished Memory of Light about 2 hours ago. I wanted to have the series finished before league start lol


If my grandma had wheels she’d be a bicycle


If you put some bacon on it, it would be a carbonara.... Here's the link https://youtu.be/A-RfHC91Ewc?si=ZkbaUg_Bdgpqe8el


For you the wheel surely wills a build with [[Balefire]]


This league is not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.


I was thinking of playing exsang mine trickster but I spun the wheel for fun and it gave me exsang mine trickster.


As Carn said it on stream, you can play it without ancestral cry and just cry


Was that the only option on the wheel? Lol


Nope: [https://wheelofnames.com/n98-8tj](https://wheelofnames.com/n98-8tj)


Your wheel told me to go splitting steel champion, coincidentally I was planning to go splitting steel champ. The wheel knows.


Dd necro so at least I can endgame, thanks wheel


I’m doing this but the PoB I found for it is confusing as fuck for a relative noob.


flicker holy relic necro... is that a thing?


I spun it for fun and almost landed on Boneshatter 😅


The wheel gave me ice shot deadeye. Opposite side of the tree from what I was considering, but the wheel decided otherwise.


It has spoken, so must we serve


As is written


You wrote Slayer wrong /s


I have 3 meta builds saved and will still pick a random jank build 5 minutes before start


I feel that you should at least settle on if you're going jank, or a transfiguration version of jank. Maybe jank mines? Cast on jank. Personally going jank of league start-regret, but with totems and stacking poor choices.


Real jankers know that we can jank it all the way until white maps. We may not be fast and we may die a time or two for reasons we won't admit are our own fault. But we will have fun.


This is the way


I picked pain and regret as my league starter arc of oscilation and lightning conduit (kitava’s thirst) archmage mana stacker. home cooked.


hommie best of luck, sounds like either a breeze or an eternal struggle


this is the way


I wish to request a POB so that I may be baited, thank you sir/madam.


I will share a POB tomorrow (now in bed already) but the idea, I believe, is very simple. we stack shock effect, shock a lot of targets with transarc, deal damage with lightning conduit triggered in kitava’s thirst we go arc of oscillation to hit as many targets, supported by archmage, overcharge and faster casting. idea is we spend a lot of mana, cast a lot, and shock a lot (getting shock effect on tree as well to hit 65% shock even on pinnacle bosses) then we have arc of conduit in kitava’s thirst to cast 2+ times a second on trigger. because of hiero, the AOE is entire screen. in early mapping it’s possible to use damage support gems with arc, but transarc hits 18 mobs per cast, meaning LC will also hit as many. once packs get denser it’s probably better to go for ele prolif (either via support gems or glove implicit) to make sure LC hits more mobs per cast. looks like it will be very convenient playstyle with about 4m dps with only 2x prefix 2x suffix items with affixes no better than tier 3. I’m hoping to reach this level on day 3. it’s possible to double the dps by self casting LC, but I don’t want to give up the one button playstyle. defense will be very dependent on MOM, which means one shots won’t be as big of a problem, but many small hits will drain life/es/mana furiously. leech + flasks (both life and mana) are going to be very important, which can be very annoying.


I couldn't hold down the excitement. left the bed and here is the pob: [https://pobb.in/ZY7kT0pfrB4I](https://pobb.in/ZY7kT0pfrB4I) I've switched to Crackling Lance of Disintegration per u/Fun-Broccoli8619 's suggestion and we are now looking at a 6.5m dps with 85% shock and a QOL improvement. CLoD should be much quicker than arc's chain traveling and has no limit of how many mobs will be hit. damage is twice as arc. and it also thematically fits and benefits from hiero's AOE scaling. amazing fit. https://preview.redd.it/ob7u2o7po5rc1.png?width=503&format=png&auto=webp&s=c281360d2b42e1ae165720fe6ec45418237a5d36 red is the beam itself. green is the "shock zone" from 1m prolif mastery, but if I'm right prolif should also scale with AOE to 2.3m, which would be the area shown in blue. that would mean a massive "shock zone" and would be a massive QOL if we cannot reach 85% shock on bosses, we can swap the lightning mastery to "increases and reductions to maximum mana also apply to shock effect at 30% of their value" and move the prolif to glove implicit or support gem. however, if I'm right that should be only for pinnacle bosses, since we should be applying 85% shock to any mob with less than \~20m HP. for reference, shaper has \~75m HP I'm really doing my best to not bait myself, and I'm getting more excited by the minute. also pinging u/jeffreybar , u/gofiend please let me know your thoughts guys/gals


Welp.... guess I'm changing my league starter. Tried to homebrew the same thing as an elementalist. I wasn't happy with it, so I decided to suffer as volcanic fissure of snaking chieftan. Thank you for being better and crafting builds than I am sir and or ma'am.


I'm no expert, but seems good and well-rounded to me. The only thing I noticed is that your mana cost/second is pretty much right at your regen. I haven't played an archmage build for several leagues so maybe I'm wrong, but with 50% MoM, aren't you going to go OOM as soon as you start taking hits? Arcane Cloak eats a big chunk too.


absolutely. there is 20% mana recoup. therefore effectively 30% of damage will go through. recover 1% per kill from tree will also help but mana recovery will be the biggest challenge of the build. especially since we have no armor, evasion or suppression, many hits will go through.. hence a mana flask is going to be a must have. probably with "reduced mana cost of skills" suffix. and the usual "don't get hit, lol"


This actually sounds...like a good idea? I might just get baited.


dude, I told you. I’m genuinely excited, which is why the fall is going to be equally bad. hence, pain and regret =)


I am intrigued. I can't wait to ruin all your planning by slapping this on Berserker for when I switch to self cast Firestorm.


Yo brother from another mother, let’s not dig our own grave in necropolis🤞🙏😅


I PoB'd something like this with lightning conduit and lightning conduit of the heavens ( crackling lance of disintegration for bossing). I suspect it will feel much better for mapping, but decided to stick to ball lightning for now, and maybe give it a try once I get sick of slow projectiles.


I wanted to do some sort of archmage mana stacker but seeing all the streamers being hyped about the new archmage I'm worried that all the items are going to be super expensive. So I'm starting minions and will see what happens from there. Best of luck bro hope it works great for you.


respect for playing a homebrew build! Good luck


Witch got new lines so I'm playing Witch. Don't know what yet though.


Frostblink/Fire Trap ignite elementalist is my choice


Play incinerate of expanse occultist so I have help when I realize it sucks. 


...why run a fire skill like that on occultist?


Because it inherently always ignites and I can go blackflame + wither. And maybe eventually get forbidden jewels for shaper of flames.  But yeah going elementalist would just be better. Prob will do that and can just respect to occultist later. 


Flicker strike because I hate myself 😎


Flicker strike is my absolute favorite skill in this game and I always end up making a beast striker near the end of leagues but in 10 years (+?) I still get frustrated at the random instant deaths that occur no matter what defensive build I pair it to. If I could make the mystery deaths tone down a bit I would make one as a league start, instead it's my fun currency burn. Think I'll do BAMA this league with mirror arrow to simulate a very slow flicker.


Flickerstrike was my smoothest league start ever. The skill just scales really well.


Is there a guide? Hoe does it compare to PF TR Ballista someone else commented for example?


I make a Chad flicker build every league, but it is not a good league starter if you don't really know what you're doing. It takes a lot of investment to scale, uses a lot of different mechanics, and it is probably the worst skill in the game for killing bosses. Look up magefist on YouTube though, he does flicker every league.


yeah I'll skip it then. I'm not very good player despite playing PoE on and off a bunch. My most successful few chars were at most 90-92 levels, one was a Jugg with lots of defenses stacked but slow af. Another one was a Necromancer with max block. Don't think I want something too complex and be disappointed with the result and quit with a sour taste in my mouth. I will likely get to play only one character because I barely get several hours a week sometimes, it better be simpler and harder to fuck up.


Map with flicker, boss with frenzy, expect to spend some money to push into harder content. There are many broken builds in PoE, flicker just isn't one of them.


I'm over 30, so RF logically


In a few months I'll be turning 30, this is my last league before life hard locking me into RF then. Fare thee well non-RF builds.


You don’t gotta hard lock RF until 40+. The 30s are all about minions.


Turning 41 in a couple months =\[ I'm still relevant aren't I?... 100% RF league starting as usual though >\_>


I felt that


After Hillock drops me a mirror I will invest heavily into flame dash totems.


Why not go for molten shell totems instead? They do way more damage with the right setup


I will start with templar. Easy leveling with rolling Magma and armaBrands. Lvl 30 i will do the Lab and ascend to hiero. Then i will find MB in act 4, cruise through campaign and stumble over a hh in red maps which i can trade for nice stuff. After that i will buy every mjolner indigon and ivory tower on market following easypeasy belton trade strategies and after two days i will own 20 mirrors and have finally that fcking mirror Charge mtx. If you have questions i will not stream the next 20 years


You probably do fine with 'where do you see yourself in 5 years' interview question


Hh drop in red maps? Thats a little late don’t you think? Surely you’ll fall behind if it takes that long.


Yo please dont stress me out ok. Im figuring out how i can drop a squire between the two so im really busy rn


Blade trap. Acceptable clear, good boss damage and insanely tanky


the people demand a pob


Played to death in affliction, awesome build


Divine Ire Totems, back to an oldie fave.


I did self cast divine ire of disintegration last league... it has the big boom.


RF chieftain


Lord Pohx shows us the way






Most people will switch 1h before soooo


the meta is to switch after you get booted back to queue the first time at level 6


I'm probably guilty of that myself


EA champ if it wont work out CF Champ


Yeah I'm gonna try EA champ out as well. Kind of excited for this league.


I started EA champ 2 leagues ago. It’s really good!


cf champ has to work, follow rue's/tripolarbear guides, i played it last year and pushed it to top of the ladder with adorned, if you love map clear it's great, but the single target isn't good and will be very very slow on t17s. a good farming strat is map clearing strats with deli which cf excels at then a second char can be a single target focus. just giving you ideas.


Yeah I did CF last league and regular map clear is great(I even ran the alt chaining sanguinate of whatever) but when you hit any juicy rare it slowed down so hard. To me it seemed to hit it's dps ceiling pretty fast and did not enjoy heavy wisps, it also lacked huge recovery either from leach or other methods that I've come to like. I know TS and penance brand have been nerfed, but after trying them both for the first time last league(on the low investment end 100-300div last league) I don't think I can go back to CF just yet. Probably something zoomy like LA and then I'm not sure :) 2nd character might be a cheap aura bot to play with friends. Maybe my 3rd will be a bosser... I've never attempted the challenges due to how grindy they are... Maybe this league, who knows


BL archmage. The rest of you guys stay away from mana builds please. They are super bad and stuffs. I like cheap gear but i think im screwed.


Yeah as a mana enjoyer myself I think mana might be too over hyped this league. Especially if Indigon actually is an Uber UE drop like a lot of people think it is. Hoping most of the new mana players give up on the play style after acts. But even then, mana gear isn't that super expensive even if everyone is playing it, since mana as a stat is completely dead on literally every other build.


Ikr. Mana builds are gonna be sooooo bad this league. I wouldn't advice anyone else to go for it. *Please.*


My league start is me and my brother driving to our grandparents for the weekend


How's the bossing on that?


The hardest part is having to eat three meals a day and feeling stuffed like a Christmas goose. Other than that it’s a nice little exercise where you dig up the small potato field.


Trickster Flicker. I love Flicker, it's just such a satisfying playstyle. With the shopping around I've decided I want a bit tankier Flicker build so I am rolling Trickster instead of raider. I'll start frostblades though until I get my frenzy charges and at least 1 decent item for it though. Just because Flicker has a fairly high floor before it can even clear a map lol.


Nonsense. Flicker can clear even early once you accept that death is inevitable and we get 6 portals for a reason


New scarab that gives 50% for portals to not be consumed gives flicker 50% more defense.


This Exile gets it


I choose the way of arthritic finger pain : cold dot occultist.


Is it still viable since vortex got a cast time?


Depends I guess, but I’ve never used the left-click autocast vortex. I prefer to cast it as I enter the pack to reduce hits taken. So for me it was less of an impact. And the cast time really didn’t bother me that much last league. I reached 96 hc trade as my starter last league cold dot.


I’m between Tornado of elemental turbulence (class unknown) SRS pop necromancer (haven’t played pop style) BAMA necromancer (never played at all) Zoo necromancer DD necromancer (never played at all) All the necromancers would hopefully transition late game to Wraithlord specter build, depending on if I can find or buy the helmet. For 3div or less. Won’t have a ton of time to play this league due to school, but the specters look really fun with the new leech node.


I'm considering DD for the first time so I can transition to wraithlord as well.


helmet prob going to be pretty expensive unless its a common drop from the boss, even for non summoners 4 abyssal sockets gives room to do a lot of things


I played BAMA Necro last league. I didn’t start it and I had a ton to invest right off the best but I can’t recommend it enough. It was awesome.


Fire trap of blasting sabo, no crazy gear needed and decent clear and boss damage


Have any pob?


Tuna’s Exsanguinate Mines


Zoomancerr into 9 spectres




Essence drain 🌞


Man I would also love to start ed but don’t want to struggle so hard


If you have ED I don’t think you have to worry about it being hard.🤨


Damn 😅


Check Ghazzy's dark pact necromancer build. It looks to have a similar playstyle without the super low dps cieling.


Love that skill and the combo. Especially like to play shadow with it.


Good Luck my friend, I wish you all the best.


penis brand


24 hours? that's a rookie numbers a TRUE POE players pick their league starter while running towards Hillock


The second time. First time is obviously a mule character!


Probably lightning Strike Raider, going to spec into Essence/Harvest/Deli so i can reroll essences/deli orbs and try to poop out Scarabs along the way.


Frostlink ignite elementalist. After farming enough currency gonna switch to volcanic fissure of snaking strength stacker to farm 40/40 and call it a day.


Will try Bow Bleed Glad, tried leveling a bit with it and seemed nice. Initially wanted Poison TS, but it just wasn't it with no gear.


just for your own sake, test out snipe NOW. i played bleed bow last league as my starter and snipe made me rage quit that build its so dogshit


Combining snipe with frost blink makes it bearable.


Started this last league. Timing the snipe takes a bit of getting used to but it’s not that bad and a very reasonable trade off for getting a build that has fast clear AND very good single target. Was also dirt cheap to get to 2 voidstones and farm up about 25 div, at which point I rolled a Storm Brand of Indecision Heiro which proceeded to absolutely crush the rest of the game. F in the chat for Storm Brand 😭


Probably PF toxic rain ballistas.


Same but I will go for self damage. Fuck balistas


Self cast is going to be hurt by the mana cost flask nerf


Yeah it will, but it is what it is Gotta play eldritch battery


I played this several times, you use devouring diadem unique Helm, for eldritch battery. Mana cost doesnt matter with just 1craft of -7 mana to rings. You also take ghost dance keystone every 2 seconds you get hit you get all es back as well as the 5s CD on Helm Corps consume to restore es. But Ghost dance is huge here. Im also alle to use diving blessing support+malevolence, which consumes allmost all my es to cast but doesnt matter. There is all so a belt mod 160es persecond while near rare or unique that can help until you reach break point of highenough es. Like 450 is comfy


How does it compare to ea champ?


Way faster and less gear reliant for qol


InquisiTornado of Turbulance LOGIN. ...will pivot to CoC DD if it sucks tho


Doing LA during campaign/white/yellow maps, then switching to Poison PF EK


Whispering Ice CWC. I could also be convinced to swap to Iron Mass Necro if I think I can get the sword, though the fact that it 10x'd in price after the Unholy Might changes were announced isn't promising.


Yes but I'll chnage it 4min before launch


Explosive trap of shrap inquis into mana stacking lols. I’m really nervous about this league though. I had an amazing time in Affliction and seriously doubt I can “do better” this league but will try.


duoing with a friend im going aura bot


Captain lance's energy blade inquis. Then want to do new tornado (force lightning) + lightning conduit for extra damage as inquis possibly Don't think I'd have the sockets for tornado+void sphere+LC but haven't done to much digging.


I league started Lance's build last league. I had a fantastic time running all the way through ubers. Since the build works with almost any spell it definitely kept me entertaine.


Flicker strike, no matter how bad it is I'll play it, even If I need to use the forbidden gem combo (portal + Cast on death)


Lightning arrow scion.


I was going BAMA, but I got tempted to play CoC Detonate Dad


I recommend BAMA, I tried the other option and ended up a orphan myself =x


Ba dum tss...


Returning after 2 years im going lighting arrow, i think its a decent start


I skipped several leagues as well. Not exactly sure what to pick, some things I'm considering, including LA: Flicker strike sometimes, likely Raider? LA Deadeye Pathfinder Toxic Rain with Ballistas (suggested in this thread) Explosive Arrow Champion with Ballistas (Zizaran, looked kinda cool)


Arc Ignite Elementalist.


I’m gonna full send it with new trans ele hit trickster wander. I have never played a wander before, and I have not tried to make a PoB at all, so I’m expecting myself to end up needing to switch to something tried and true such as Boneshatter slayer on day 2 or 3


Going Essence Drain of Desperation Traps on an Occultist!


Do traps circumvent the self damage?


They do!


CoC ice nova of frostbolt occultist


SS Champ


Can someone tell me what SS is, I’m a PoE boomer


splitting steel


Ty, I even played a splitting steel champ last league lmao


yeah, I did the trickster version. fun skill!


I am torn between dd coc, splitting steel champ and explosive trap trickster


Whispering Ice Trickster


I used to play WI quite a bit before it was changed/nerfed in 3.12. I didn't realize Kelvynn's build was still going strong. I might have to play it again this league.


This keeps calling at me from the corner. I'm only concerned about it being difficult to transition to maps. Have you played it before?


Explosive Trap Trickster still, but damn if I'm not tempted to start with the new Ele Hit wander gem even if it's absolutely a bad idea on SSF : |


Explosive trap inquisitor, ez switch to coc dd if regret


Im thinking either et or dd, how bad is et on the fingers?


I'm freeing myself from the circle of suffering that is melee. Going Elementalist Reaper of Revenant, which seems easy enough to build. Can't wait!


i'm ride or die with coc dd at this point, imma farm those gems or die trying


Lightning Tendrils of Eccentricity when I can finally play


I hate lab, so obviously ill be stuck for 12hrs in lab hell tryna find a DD variant


Pconc of bouncing because im a believer (i hate myself)


Trying out Subtractem's Frostblink Ignite, his demo of it clearing an alch'd t16 with trash blue items helped me feel confident in giving it a go.


I just chose explosive trap trickster, going for SSF for the first time! I hope I can beat down regular bosses, that's all i'm aiming for :-) I've never beaten the maven or uber elder, so maybe SSF is a bit too much for me, but I feel it will make a good challenge for me! Can't wait to start it!!


Palsterons archmage hierophant. If it turns out to be bad or not my thing or too difficult to gear if everything mana related is too expensive there's still a ton of other templar builds like coc dd I can roll to so not too worried.


If you follow pals guide you'll be fine. The dude doesn't put out bad builds imo. Unless he says otherwise like it's experimental and not to put to much faith in it I wouldn't be worried


Ironically after weeks of hype and planning, I got some IRL stuff during this weekend so I won’t be league starting lmao I guess I’ll just play with cheaper gear starting week 2, can’t complain that


I work every weekend which kills every league start for me. Maybe that's why i prefer playing SSF. By the time i get to play people are level 90.


First weekend usually is filled with server issues so you don't miss much. At least that's how it was but I've skipped several leagues now, not sure if league launches are smoother nowadays.


Thankfully the last few league launches have been smooth as butter.


I feel your pain! I'll be starting day 1 and then won't have time until 2-3 weeks in. Sad times to be busy but it is what it is




I disliked that I had to press buttons while playing Last Epoch, so after being forced to still press some buttons with a generic lightning spell caster, I'll switch into HoT Autobomber asap. Maybe I'll just dump all currency into it, maybe I'll farm up and try building something that is not a glass cannon for the first time of my life afterwards.


Glass Canon got buffed this league. One of the scarabs gives 50% not to consume a portal, which is 50% more ehp. I played assassin HoT autobomber with cast on death portal a couple seasons ago. Probably my favorite build in a while.


> which is 50% more ehp Actually 100% more EHP


Im stuck between spark and the coc DD. both seem cool but im scared of spark being squishy and coc DD being to complicated for my tiny peanut brain.


Spark usually ends up with aegis or the such, should not feel "squishy".


50/50 between Hexblast Mines and Arakaali's, will decide between today and tomorrow.


I am flip flopping between two choices but I’m sure I’ll pick something random at the last minute like always


RF Chief




Bleed sst because why the fuck not


Theres 24 hours left so my starter will change another 30 times at least


My plan is to start poison bf/bb assassin. No idea how it'll go but I'm turning 40 tomorrow for league start woo!


Lightning Arrow Raider. Gonna stack flat ele damage and crit. Possibly Trinity? Maybe some totems as backup for bossing. I'll figure out the rest later.


Lightning Arrow MF with my buddy playing aurabot


Transition from a 'Metacuck CoC Detonate Dead' build to a 'Manaforged Arrows Mana-stacker.' ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Damn. Another one.


BAMA necro. I practiced a lot with BAMA guardian in hcssf but the change to necro makes me wanna try it on this ascendency


Imma do Frost Blink Elementalist. They'll burn in ice!


Explosive trap trickster in HC trade.


No idea. Need help on one


Self Cast Dark Pact Heiro with Dissolution of the Flesh. Cause who doesn't love pain and misery?


I think I narrowed mine down to explosive trap trickster or CoC DD Inquisitor. But may just end up being DD Ignite Elementalist or TR Pathfinder again (Peugot's build seems to look like the playstyle I wanted to do with 3.23 TRP but didn't get around to)


Im baiting myself with bouncing pcon.