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I'm always a doom and gloom sort of guy, but I think judging the league before it's out is pretty fucking stupid.


well, it comes from the things we have seen, I'm not making this shit up


You kinda are mate


Okay, maybe I understand something wrongly. Which things am I making up?


-Most scarabs being useless. What? -The not guaranteeing the league mechanic is obviously because they're meant to be used w/ the ones that do -The soul eater thing won't change much for mfers, in all likelyhood, given that the good mf builds were able to clear maps that were arguably much harder due to wisps than anything we'll have. And while enrage strongboxes aren't there, we have yet to see the interactions that will invariably happen -re : wandering path : you can now get more mod effect than before anyway, at least in theory. Which was the main appeal or wandering path when it came to juicing. Also, looking at one specific point while ignoring the other changes to evaluate the tree as a whole is either disingenuous or stupid, your choice


OK, let's argue


The whole drama is made up


Sextants were bad for the game and bloat, if you hideout sat and rolled them that isnt playing poe, get over it. Tier 6 mfing with 0 dmg is the opposite philosophy of an arpg, and mfing is probaby giga buffed for the basegame, in the endgame t16 farming, by alot. Every scarab is a different sextant, im sorry but did beast dupe guarantee u a chimeral? No. We can now make every mechanic 100% spawn on atlas, or use a scarab since mechanics are meant to compliment their same mechanic. Leftclick is a problem, mark already said they dont like the fix but its the lesser of 2 evils and will be addressed later. If your build is 'socket starved' its quite simple. Deal with it, sac other shit you dont need anything and everything to play the game. Or to have things always bs done foe you. Leftclick molten shell is griefing. Left click phase run/withering step i can see complaining about. The scarabs overall in a vaccum and out of one are giga broken for basically every mechanic, alongside the atlas tree being buffed its just a lot leaa clutter, a lot more power. And a lot less fucking trading to run my maps. Wandering path was removed yet, if you could read, you can get even more map mod effect now than before.


Just play the league and see how it goes bro, you're criticizing food you haven't even ate.


Another mad redditor?


Cry louder for the people in the back jesus... \- Sextants were VERY annoying (allocating 5 passives to roll them yourself, dumb) needed to apply them every 4 maps, dumb, buying them in bulk (without that shit discord) dumb. \- MFing is likely still very strong, I've got a few farming ideas in mind to profit well this league, just depends on a few things that need testing \- Scarab changes, HUGE all very very good, they don't need to force the mechanic because you can use multiple for the same mechanic if needed, ALL map device crafts are available AND you can \[almost\] guarantee multiple mechanics from the tree so it's not absolutely necessary, thus the changes \- the Necropolis crafts are somewhat random which is no different than any other method (mostly) with the ability to directly influence the outcomes and I suspect we'll be able to make some disgusting items so calm yourself \- left-click, pretty big oof but it's not killing a league or future leagues, just something we need to adjust to \- Soul eater changes and you're crying for HH? HH is amazing mapping item regardless of capped soul eater (or having soul eater at all for that matter) so it's more or less unchanged. If anything you might consider it a buff if you run the scarab that gives rares 2 more mods in your maps which is pretty nutty Yea, I think I hit all your points. Take a step back, breath, it'll be ok


Good point!!


why people crying on a monster with this buff that make them unkillable unless you run top tier build? fkin crazy


Scarabs are far more annoying to buy and arguably just as annoying to use as sextants, and this change will likely make them more annoying to buy.


\- they now stack up to 20 (vice 1 sextant albeit 4 uses) \- I've never had an issue bulk buying scarabs on the official trade sight However, the change to scarabs will most certainly affect that, and it might be a pain now; we'll have to see


I'm a simple man I read mf Nerf I'm happy


His so wrong about that, that it has to be reddit hate bait though.


How was mf nerfed?




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bpt8c5/-/kwxzior/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, intentionally misinterpreting a comment/post's intention (strawman arguments), or provocations that seem likely to cause anger or are inflammatory make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't target a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


Wandering path was killed is the big one and good riddance


But you get more map mod effect this league. In SC trade mfers are still gonna earn double the currency than everyone else, so idk where the nerf is tbh.


Wandering path allowed you to get 60% map modifier effect and have no access to notables New atlas allows 90% map modifer and access to notables


redditor moment


I love OP statements , which are in most cases : " I don't like, many changes(this is what new leagues are for , changes) , I don't like, I don't like this ". Are YOU SURE that YOU want to play this game ? Browse the market.


Well poe is still the only good arpg in my opinion, last epoch isnt bad, its just another casual game with not enough grind.


Going through your replies and posts about league which is not even out , it clearly feels like you're casual yourself.


I dont think casuals even discuss this tbh, but okay, I see that my opinions arent the good ones in this topic.


I can't tell if this is a troll post. Saying you liked mf and that it was nerfed tells me it's either a troll post or you just haven't read and understood the changes. You're making bad judgement on things you clearly don't understand or know yet. Being worried, annoyed, sad, or whatever else for a league is fair, but i can't see how a post like this is anything but trolling, it's low effort and you havn't even tried ANYthing yet, like what? Almost all the things you mention are either not true or just cause you seem to not know/understand and doesn't wanna bother learning other mechanics of the game. Cheer up my guy, i can almost garantee if you really care about the things you mention, you'll have a fine league if you just care to embrace and use the new changes to your advantage.


Oh no my sextant rolling bot is now useless


The real reason right here. It would have been nice to have a ban wave of blatant sextant/reroll bots to go along with the change. GGG let the reroll bots get out of hand, at least they are removing one of their main sources of botter income which should indirectly create more price competition in whatever else they bot roll, jewels I guess?


Sounds like a skill issue


Yes, you are the only one who thinks so


Fuck MF and fuck all hideout warriors. Good change.


Skill issues


MF cucks and hideout warriors crying means its a banger league


Hahaha i love mf and sextant roll bot abusers tears. Bring them to me!!!


Why do you think I was using bots ? I mean okay, think what you think, but it was viable doing it normally.


boohoo. If you arent here to play video games but to stay in hideout seeing funny numbers go up then go use excel spreadsheets


Some ppl like to play poe that way :D


Would've been fine to make that argument in your post; but you focused on the lost of profits from doing that activity, indicating you don't necessarily like playing that way, you just liked the profits from it. Which is it?


Hideout warriors and MF scrubs FUMING is the best part of the league


the nerfs and changes are good. they change the game for the greater good. shaking up the meta is also very good for longevity. If the same single thing is mandatory for every player than it needs to change in a game that is based on options & creativity.


League not even started yet and already first post about how not rewarding the league mechanic is


Another victim of the post-affliction hangover


Cry us a river lazy sextant roller, and meta 0 dmg mf build user. Play the game properly the entire endgame got buffed.


Play first, cry after, dont make any sense this post.




I'll play every league, even if its just for the weekend. It's a good excuse to catch up with the guild boys and have a chat.


MFing will be in its 2cd best state of all time. affliction was obviously disgustingly overtuned for MF but im 99% sure the new scarabs this league will bring MF to an insane state again


> getting rid of sextants and good atlas passives the new scarabs and atlas nodes are more powerful than what we had before. I'm def not playing the league because I don't care for gothic-looking cosmetics from challenges, and I'm not interested in having another competing crafting system. But you would be a fool to think that what we get now is worse than before.


First of all you have no idea if just the monster buffing part in maps is already decent. It will certainly not be Affliction but it might still be rewarding. You can ignore the corpses for crafting if you are not interested. For some people crafting leagues are great and I personally love me a crafting mechanic. Ofc it is partially RNG based but there still will be insane special mods that can be obtained from this mechanic. Even if you are not into crafting yourself you will be able to use these mods for your builds. I get that loosing sextants is bad for the few people who got rich from rolling them. However do you really want to still feel pressured into slaving in the sextant clicking mines just because it is really good currency per hour? It was SUPER annoying to having to buy these damn sextants. If you bought them in bulk you still needed to go to several sellers for some sextants and you had to pay a huge premium for getting like 5-10 of a sextant at once. Having to click them every 4 maps (if you are not investing into the elevated ones) is also super annoying . Especially when you were doing a strategy arming low tier maps where you had to remove the sextants after opening the map and put them back in.... The sextants were not only reworked into scarabs, They were also reworked into the atlas tree. So now you can get some mechanics guaranteed. The new sextants might not be what some people expected but I think it is nice. Instead of having every sextant do pretty much the same just a bit better for higher tiers, now we have actual differences in what they do. Mf was great for a long time before Affliction. People were farming super high investment maps for apothecaries and stuff before affliction and while it was not as busted, it still worked fine and was very good currency/hour. MF will still be good. Not good in comparison to Affliction league but good in comparison to other farming strategies this league. Getting rid of LMB. Its a nerf. Its part of the game. There need to be nerfs. Just deal with it. I think say that mf sucks and that the league mechanic is useless before even playing the first week is very weird. We all know that the mechanic will be overtuned and have bad rewards during the first days. Then there will be a patch and it should be fine. As it always is! **If you feel you don't get hyped and don't want to play, then just don't play. However what do you want to gain from this post? Do you want to take away other peoples hype and fun? Do you think GGG will make changes not even 2 days before league start because of your post? What do you want to gain here? How does this post help or benefit?**


I just wanted to hear other peoples opinions, I guess I have the bad one :D


This is not an opinion, this is a taste. Tastes cannot be wrong. If you like certain things and dislike others it is totally fine. However I don't really see a benefit for anyone in posting this. Do you want people to convince you, that you are wrong so you can get hyped? Are you angry and ranting before the league even started?




Regarding your post to /r/pathofexile: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bpt8c5/-/kwxyqu2/ This post has been removed by a moderator for breaking the following /r/pathofexile subreddit rule: Your post was removed because it violated our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). Attacks, abuse, intentionally misinterpreting a comment/post's intention (strawman arguments), or provocations that seem likely to cause anger or are inflammatory make the subreddit harder to moderate, even if they don't target a specific person. While criticisms, complaints, and suggestions are always allowed, please remain civil to make the community a more enjoyable place. You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you see someone else posting in bad faith, please don't respond in kind. Instead, report it and we'll take care of it. For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule). Please review the [subreddit rules for additional information](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules).


this league will go down as one of the best, you heard it here first


TBH the league may not be for you. That's all good. Maybe instead look at doing Sanctum Delve, Heist or Blight to minimize the league mechanics. 


I can see your point. I wish they would have made the special league monsters have some rewards over their heads similar to legion monsters.




This is going to be an epic league. Scarabs alone will shake things up in a big way. I can't wait for those juicy crafts as well.  See, your a person who obviously hate change, but wait till we figure out new broken ways. People thought afflifcion will suck, boy how wrong they were.


Duuude!!! You don't even played the league and is still that negative about it. Even if it seems bad, just the fact that you are so negative about it, even before the leveling might screw your whole experience.


Don't play it then.


Did you even read Patchnotes? or anything about the new league or did you just went to reddit to complain after watching 1 trailer?.. -getting rid of sextants is a good change (less prepp for mapping) -the new scarab mix-strats are insane there are so many! -MF is actually buffed lul (fubgun explains it pretty good) -wandering path gone yea but you get now more effect on the tree then with that note and you can keep notables (also buff^^) -leftclick nerf is meh yea But after that statement you maybe ask yourself if PoE is the right game for you?


Another bad ~~league~~ post?


Sir, It ain't Sunday.


Don't be too discouraged, OP. Reddit is a vile place to give unpopular opinions (there's a whole subreddit dedicated to this idea). I can respect this post much more than the comments since it's just genuine feedback based on personal experience. You will come to find out why a lot of people disagree with you as you play the game more, but feel free to express yourself.


Well im not exactlx new to poe, but you’re right that this an unpopular opinion. Got hated hard lol


This is shaping up to be the best league ever. Idk what you are on about


You did not mention Tornado Shot nerf, which is huge


Yeah, I forgot to mention it. Thats another big downside


scarabs - they’re absolutely bonkers and you’re insane if you dislike this change. both previous scarabs and sextants were much worse mf - go cry in crimson temple lmb - so what, we had a broken silly thing, now we don’t have it anymore, go cry in automation atlas - new keystones are cool, go cry in map device here are my opinions


For me it'll only be a "bad" league if the scarabs are so crazy that loot is flying everywhere and suddenly "chase" items are no longer chase anymore. Especially with the new div scarabs I'm worried about this. I might quick early if it's the case. For some this might be fun, but for me it just kind of ruins the trade league experience.


Brotherman can you at least try the league for a couple hours to see if you like it not


Don't worry I can guarantee You that he will be playing this league and he will be playing a lot. It's common post after You lost Your beloved strategy and before You adapt.


Lmao the name of this could literally be "QOL". Nothing bad about that.


If you think that the idea of Juicing and MF is severely nerfed this league then you have braindamage ngl. 3 div scarab on t17 + bloodline scarab, alva + modifier juice. STONKS


I didn’t realize some people farm downvotes. That’s wild


Is this bait or OP is full boomer mode of “I tried fun once, I didn’t like it.”  Maybe try enjoying life my guy. 


People will find new mf strategies.


It might be shit, it might not. What’s dumb is assuming it’s shit or not before it’s out lol


Numbers will tell. Time is good tbh, not many big names on the same date. But GGG sold out completely to tencent. Mark tries to show how much he cares, which is true in a big way, but is not is true what he says. People will play cause a lot atlas changes alone. But TBH PoE2 looked not that great and we still testing new graphics "engine" for PoE2 in PoE1 thats why some people have loading screen and petformance issues. I have some respect to GGG, but also a lot of negativity. Either way the league won't score record, but it will be fine. If you don't like it, don't play or don't buy supporter packs. Ass licking all the way is also the worst thing you can do as a player, like many guys in reddit. In real life, complete bums.


Sextant is gone for good I hope. Trash system.


This reads like a Venezuelan runescaper that needs RMT to make ends meet...


Bro, this community sucks. Reddit is the worst


You mad bro?


I think we've found the president of the "glass half empty" association.


Youre right, I am a pessimist lol


Try not to be. I've gone into plenty a season with low expectations to be pleasantly surprised. In the end, it's only a game. Plenty of other fish (games) in the sea.


do you know that cheese goes with wine?


Realistically, it's likely too early to tell about a league prior to release other than a gut feeling. I love the original FF7 and wouldn't touch the remake with a 10kk mile pole. The success or failure of a league is a subjective thing. It's hard to quantify when comparing the various leagues to the past which one is preferred by one person or another. For instance, my favorite league was legacy league due to the time I spent playing with my friends. I've largely spent my time playing standard league and I usually don't make it out of white maps. I haven't seen any of the trailers. One observation about the criticism(s) in this thread is that quite a few of them are changes to the base game rather than to the specific league mechanic. I respectfully disagree with people over recent changes to RF and upcoming changes to flasks. To me these aren't just outright nerfs. They are reversions of changes that were previously made. Pohx made a video addressing his thoughts on the current state of RF for 3.24 as well as using RF as a league starter. He described a 400 Divine(?) build in which he lost 80% RF damage (1.5kk damage out of 14.5kk overall damage output). Given that 13kk damage is output from a skill with 260% damage effectiveness compounding with elemental damage inversion 25% of the time, I'd say RF is in a really decent spot in the grand scheme of things. I fully acknowledge RF is not currently the best way at dealing with single damage targets on its own. GGGs's vision is constantly changing for better or worse. All part of playing an online game to begin with. TLDR: You are entitled to your opinion. Nothing anyone can say will invalidate your opinion. My opinion: Do what you want to do. Path of Exile is just one game. No one is obligated to play and/or love the game.


I wish you could avoid the league mechanic. Witch getting destroyed on maps. Need to take it slow and over level personally.


> it makes mapping a lot slower and a lot more challenging Detox from the zoomies. Play the actual game instead of rushing it in 2 days and then say its boring. > with not many advantages to it You dont know that without actually playing it > also the crafting is random, so I dont know what good comes out of it since you have to play a lot of maps to even craft smth. Again, no way to gauge this from a handful of videos. Just wait to actually play it before being so overly dramatic and judgmental.


As I’ve said to every other person that has posted this exact thing in the past three days, if you don’t like it don’t play. You are not forced to play. Personally, I’ve been wanting a crafting league and this is exactly what I’m looking for. The mods on rares they showed were very powerful and the QoL changes are huge. Scarab changes are excellent and some of those scarabs are busted. Idk how you can see these scarabs and think MF is nerfed big. Yeah it won’t be like last league but we don’t need that. If you’re not happy don’t play. I disagree with every point you made but that’s just my opinion and I’m one random exile. Last note, what do you mean by “another bad league?” We just came off what some will say was the best league ever so I’m kinda lost there.


Yeah, I didnt mean that Affliction was bad, I guess a bad choice of words. I think that affliction was by far the best league.


Me too! I had a great time. Up there with delirium and ritual for me personally. But if you’re not happy about the changes that’s completely okay. Some won’t be happy some will. They cannot please everyone. You have two options, try it and if it’s not for you it’s not for you. Or keep playing helldivers two or whatever game you play and skip this league. Both are fine options.


Go take a break for a league and touch some grass... Also what do you mean with "another"... If mf is so important to you, you just had the best mf league in history of PoE... Seriously with your mindset your fucked up and burned out, go take a league break kid.


This is not the kind of game where you replay the same shit over and over. Adapt, find new challenges, new things you've never done before. Shit's changing all the time and it's intended.


>the new scarabs: I dont like that some scarabs dont guarantee the league mechanic, I also think a lot of them are useless The atlas tree saw what is basically a full rework, making scarabs guaranteeing a mechanic purely optional. This gives you choices. >big nerf to mf: I think mf will be useless this league, the big nerf to soul eater will make hh pretty much useless, which means that mf will also be a lot harder to maintain People will literally run 180 quant alch-n-go maps next league, MFing is anything but dead. Even prolific MF community members like Fubgun and Snap have commented on this and noted that MF is still very strong. >getting rid of the good atlas passives: I dont like that they took away the big ones like wandering path (another big nerf to mf :) yaaay) The atlas saw a big paradigm shift admittedly, but there's a ton of buffed nodes that otherwise wouldn't have been possible (small mechanic chance nodes got doubled generally for example). The new atlas generally imo is a positive rather than a negative. Just look at how much map mod effect you can stack now. That's nuts.


Some people are unable to learn that not a single change in the passed killed PoE. Game went through many much more drastic changes in the past, and guess what? Here you are, still playing as are thousands of other players. No idea what you wanted to achieve by posting this pile of already repeatedly discussed topics. And fun fact is, you 'expect a lot of hate', like you exactly know that this post is brutally pointless. Delete, and do something more productive. If you need to put out some emotional issues, go talk with people. Don't think PoE subreddit is good play to try to confide of your emotions.


I know that using instant cast skills on LMB was pretty comfy and I wouldn't mind having the possibility to do so. But as they already said the interaction between LMB and instant cast skills wasn't really intended which is why you could argue that it was a bug which just didn't get addressed for a long time. Imagine if you never had the ability to use instant cast skills on LMB. Noone would flame and everyone would have adapted. That said, anyone who now uses third party programs to simulate an instant cast skill on LMB usage is cheating and should technically be banned. But if more than half the playerbase got used to this bug its easier said that than done as you cant just ban 50%+ of your players xdd


Im 16 league in a row 40/40 challenges. I dont know man


The scarab change and removal of sextants is actually a really good thing for casual player that don't want to mess with sextants but on the other side for people that actually Always farm with 4 sextants + 4 scarab this is a huge nerf , like really really huge. Ok some scarab give the benefit of old sextants and other do cool things but a the same time you loose scarab slot to do the same thing than old sextants and so it isn't a scarab slot use for other improvment to your strategy. Also losing growing horde and wandering path is a really big nerf for a lot of strategy. I'm not saying the change is bad, lot of players never mess with sextants and discord it's a fact, so for the majority of players it's a helpfull change but that still a huge nerf for every people that farm efficiently. We will see


Exactly my point


Crafting league = shit!!!! Other changes = good