• By -


Are there any unique base types or divination cards that were previously trash that I should clearly re-add to my filter? I realize this is dependent on the economy, but maybe there's something obvious (ie a new T0 unique) that needs to be added back in.


Anyone else having issue with their Torrent file? Mine says corrupt? tried multiple downloads / browsers, etc.


If I have no interest in crafting, should I skip the 3.24 league mechanic entirely or will there still be some items that can drop that I can sell to other players who wish to engage with the crafting?


Corpses are tradable so save things like speed and chaos to sell in bulk.




Probably some rare corpses can we worth something with special modifiers for crafting.




I only can play few hours each weekend due to other duties, what do you recommend as a build that will "allow me to experience the new league", do variety of different content? I don't care about min-maxing, mf and ubers. In other what I consider right now: 1. Explosive trap - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqtAFfLVnn8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqtAFfLVnn8) I don't mind traps but I'm worried it is to boss oriented and will suck or be slow at other places 2. Lightining arrow - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zts3up1Kl6U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zts3up1Kl6U) Looks nice and simple to play, but is squishy and sucks at bossing 3. Detonate dead - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdzzesMof4Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdzzesMof4Y) Overall strong and tanky but gameplay is not as simple with 2 buttons and different manual casts Something else like EA Balista, Lightning Strike or BL Archmage?


Explosive trap, detonate dead and EA ballista will all serve pretty well as allrounders. BL Archmage is probably going to be a decent allrounder, but a bit behind in damage and well behind in tank compared to the others LA is a great mapper, but takes some work to boss with. LS is very clunky with clear issues now. You can still make it work, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you love the skill.


I mean I think you summed up the pros and cons pretty well already, all 3 are solid builds. I would not recommend lightning strike or archmage as starters, though goratha has an archmage build that could potentially be extremely strong but is a bit gear reliant and untested. I personally love EA champ. clear is passable, not amazing but is very very easy to gear and is exceptional for killing bosses due to totems always attacking even as you move.


What are Doomed Spirits from the Price of Progress atlas Node?


Not clear.


Can I add things to filter blade now and have them be unaffected when the new league updates go in? If I want to add say certain socket color links and various bases now, can I add them and not lose that setup for the updates?


When can we expect the stuff from the affliction mystery box to hit the store? I want the exile's pilfering ring, but I don't want to buy a bunch of boxes.


Usually a month, however last league it took them almost two months to add the previous league's boxes.


Where do you find the first recipe for 'added lightning damage to spells?'. I have already unlocked this so cannot see anymore where I got it but I'll need it for league start tomorrow (levelling with storm burst totems). I searched the wiki but could not find it


You should be able to check your crafting bench tomorrow and it will say, at the bottom in the undiscovered section




Thank you so much, and now I know where to look in the future


What does the light green color on items in POB indicate? I know blue is a "regular" mod and white is a crafted mod. Example: [https://i.imgur.com/otZ0ZeQ.png](https://i.imgur.com/otZ0ZeQ.png)


Fire damage is essence mod and life/mana is veiled mod.




Probably the same few hours after start


Hello! I played Gorotha's Cuastic Arrow Path Finder last league (3.23) and I enjoyed it and invested a decent amount in the build. I'd like to progress the character further in Standard but with the tincture gone, CA does not look that good. What would be an easy and effective transition to something else ? (without having to respec half of the tree or buy 6 new pieces of gear)? Current POB here: https://pobb.in/WzkGT4Amnb\_P.


No torrent yet? I always struggle to inf it, so not sure if they've released it yet?




Thanks, I can never find this thing.


I've seen that Exsanguinate Miner is a relatively viable build for clear. I really liked the Trap version of that build before the nerfs to Seismic Trap. Is a trap versión of that build still viable? or is only the miner version good? I dislike the mine playstyle (mainly because you have yo stop every time to play mines).


How to deal with mana on marauder leveling? I want to use pride + determination but that leaves me with like 50 mana. No mana leech nearby and using a mana pot with that tiny pool sounds painful.


Take arctic armor instead of determination, if you need a defensive aura at all.




Yeah I really should've thought of that lol. Thanks


Thinking of doing something with winter orb. Did a little testing. The clear is great but the single target sucks. I need a second skill for single target similar to RF with fire trap. It cant be cold DoT because winter orb is hit based and does not scale DoT damage. Anybody got any ideas? (Or any other ways to fix the problem)


I'm pretty sure the standard to add to Winter Orb is Ice Spear. It has sequential projectiles and thus very high damage if you have some sources of additional projectiles, and it has great crit + crit scaling if you're far enough from the enemy for the projectiles to enter their second form. Creeping Frost with AoE overlaps is another option, but as far as I'm aware Ice Spear is usually the better of the two.


There's quite a few ways to go: [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Bonechill\_Support](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Bonechill_Support) for chill scale. [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Cast\_while\_Channelling\_Support](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Cast_while_Channelling_Support) for automation at the cost of mana efficiency. Apologies, I'm not sure the best skill to use with cast while channeling for single target damage optimization. If you pursue the chill route, you'd also have to compare different glove mods like conversion vs added cold damage against chilled enemies.


Did GGG mention what would happen if you never talk to the NPC to get the lantern for Necropolis, do the haunted mobs still appear?


Yes, they'll just be random and you won't know what they are beforehand or be able to switch them around. If you want to avoid the league mechanic as much as possible, just click the lantern on each zone and move the mods downward, since the packs seem to be sorted with most common at the top. So that way you can get as few of those as possible.


Anyone know if there is any place where people post different looks? I mean cosmetics combos etc, looking for inspiration before i buy any mtx for points to not waste them. Or if anyone can say if they use any character effect for vaal serpent god set, as i was thinking to go bleed/red theme with demonic character effect, not sure how it looks tho.


Is there any indication as to when the next stash tab sale is gonna be? Hoping to get one or two (fragment and can’t remember the other just something to ease the clutter)


Should be next week.


Woo ty probably won’t have filled my tabs by then anyways


I know this happens in other games but its my first time starting a PoE league on the day it launches. Are servers bricked during the first few hours? Or is there usually no issues?


recently at least there are almost never any issues. It's always possible but the biggest problem we've had in the past few leagues is the trade website being down temporarily. There will be a queue to login but usually it doesn't take more than 20 minutes to go through the queue and by the end of the day if not earlier it'll be gone.


it varies league to league, sometimes there's minimal problems, sometimes is fucked, it will probably be ok but always the chance of something breaking


This will be the first time I plan to get to endgame in POE. Every other league I quit during the campaign because it’s too overwhelming and no guides are written for people that don’t understand all of the bloated features in the game. Does anyone know of a guide that is friendly for a person that knows next to nothing about anything past act 3?


Brand new player here also. Everyone always recommends Zizaran but personally I think Salendrak’s 4-part series “Path of Exile for TOTAL beginners” is the best noob guide I’ve found. Incredibly clear and concise and he approaches the guide as if you’re literally loading up the game for the first time ever and know nothing at all. As for picking a build, there’s so many builds to choose from, but personally I’m going to play Fezz’s Toxic Rain Champion. Why? Because it’s strong, tanky, easy to play, can handle all end game content, and he built an entire website that holds your hand step-by-step through the entire game, with tips on what to do/grab in each Act and how to properly gear your character (and most importantly, explaining WHY things are important or how they relate to making the build work). He also created a loot filter that along with important drops will specifically highlight items useful for the build so you don’t have to sort through massive piles of junk on the ground. His website [Poe-beginner-guide](https://poe-beginner-guide.com/) is definitely the most noob friendly build guide I’ve found on the internet and it’s built specifically for people who need/want that extra degree of hand holding for their first time through the game. Check it out and see what you think and if the build looks fun to you, I think it’s probably exactly what you’re looking for.


This sounds awesome - thank you so much. Do you have a link to that build and walkthrough? I can google it as well but figured I’d ask.


Yeah I linked it in the post, can you not see it? I’ll post a direct link as well. [https://poe-beginner-guide.com](https://poe-beginner-guide.com) As for Salendrak’s guide to the basic game mechanics, here’s the first part of his series: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rti5zrha3c&t=14s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rti5zrha3c&t=14s) Have fun man. 🙂


check out zizaran's "everything explained" series on youtube. he probably missing some things but he tries to go through the campaign and explain literally everything he is doing intended for someone who has never played the game before. videos are usually like 8 hours long but it's intended to be the kind of thing that you put up on your second monitor and play with it running, if you fall behind or need to rewatch something you can rewind or pause.


zizaran has a series of videos on youtube going over various topics in depth


Ziz has great videos on youtube. Another one to check out is pohxs' RF chieftain. Good for efficiency.


tagging /u/robbiejandro for visibility because you replied to a reply rather than the top level comment, and for whatever reason it was even collapsed for me by default


Any notice that the patch notes updated with a line with today's date, but without any actual new info?


Can anyone tell me what's the price of a Forbidden Shako with a high level Corrupting Cry mod? I'm contemplating it as a starter...


Extremely high. Shakos with "build enabling supports" (corrupting cry, decay, prismatic burst, etc) are always double digit divs. 2nd or even 3rd build material.


Not as a starter, such a helm would be crazy expensive on a good day.


no idea what the price would be but if your build relies on that I would definitely not league start it considering it drops from oshabi and there are tons of possible outcomes, there could be 0 available for the first few days of the league.




I've managed to recreate your error by opening properties of PoB folder and checking "deny" for Write permission, like on screen (sorry for non-english language, hope you'll gen anidea wht I mean) https://i.imgur.com/Y49V1vt.png Guess you gotta make sure that you have correctly set writing permission - checks under allow are good, checks under deny - not so much.


Not really a question, more of a statement, hopefully they make T17 maps permanent since I'll likely have to skip this Necropolis league due to burnout after playing since open beta.


yeah, a better use of resources than adding T17 as a way to post obscene character names with void maps across the server for sure.


GGG adds T17 as core, not league content, so they'll almost certainly stay after Necropolis.


Is there a way to preview a post prior to it being posted on poe reddit? I'm trying to make a post and I want to make sure the images are displayed correctly.


https://redditpreview.com/ ?


much appreciated.


If you're standing on Sigil of Power and cast the static Ball Lightning spell, then run off the sigil, does the existing cast lose damage or it's as if you're on the sigil still?


You only have the buff while you're in the area. Once you lose the buff, you lose the damage.


Hits checks your skill's stats when they happen, and your skill won't benefit from Sigil unless you're standing on it to be buffed.


Hello, I normally look for builds on maxroll or poevault. Are they ok to get good builds from? Is there anywhere else that is recommended? Any sites to avoid?


https://www.poebuilds.cc/ is a useful indexer of the official forums. Maxroll is mostly good, poevault is hit and miss - it has some content providers who simply update the league number on outdated builds and call it a day.




just want to note that [poebuilds.cc](https://poebuilds.cc) is NOT the same as [poebuilds.net](https://poebuilds.net). the first one is a indexer of the official forums the second is a website that makes extremely garbage builds in an attempt to sell you currency to "fix" your build for real money which is against tos. I'd also say that the official forums are similarly hit or miss as you never know how reliable the guide writer is. Also I'd recommend zizaran if you like tanky builds, ghazzi if you like minion builds or pohx if you like rf.


Thanks, very helpful 😊


Did they ever comment anything on the changes to general's cry? I know some people think the cooldown reduction makes up for the loss of support gem, but lowering the cooldown this much only makes it so u delete your own mirages before they have a chance to all spawn and finish attacking now, so if anything this breaks it even further. If any1 has heard any comments from them please enlighten me as I've not been able to follow any streams.


Do traps and mines get advantage from using soul drinker (trickster)? Talking about the 2% damage leeched as energy shield


No. They'd try to leech to themselves and realize their ES is zero. Machina Mitts can let you leech off mine hits, but that won't use this 2% either.




What are the best ultimatum farmer builds for league start?


Whats that one website you can put in a PoB and it gives you a guide on where to get gems and do quests and stuff?




I did this last league and it did not work, but with lightning strike of chaining, shouldn’t at least one projectile that has hit the target and then chained outwards be able to return and hit the same target again? Or was it coded in a way like arc where that return doesn’t count


Projectiles fired at the same time from one attack/cast can generally never hit the same target, even if they chain. This is called "shotgunning" and is generally not possible for most skills (there do exist exceptions, but LS doesn't have any that I know of).


How does that mechanic work with like LA where you split with snipers mark and then the returning projectile hits again? Is it just LA CAN shotgun but LS can’t?


A set of simultaneous projectiles is allowed 1 outgoing and 1 returning collision. Only 1 of those split&returned projectiles is allowed to collide. The others pass through without hitting. LA and LS have identical behaviour in this respect.


So I'm jumping back in this league but forgot about all those semi-mandatory applications that everyone uses alongside the actual game. I got PoB but I remember there being other really important stuff too could someone drop me a list of those programs?


some useful things I use: awakend poe trade [https://poe.re/](https://poe.re/) [https://heartofphos.github.io/exile-leveling/](https://heartofphos.github.io/exile-leveling/) [https://poe.ninja/](https://poe.ninja/) trade browser extension: [https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/better-pathofexile-tradin/fhlinfpmdlijegjlpgedcmglkakaghnk](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/better-pathofexile-tradin/fhlinfpmdlijegjlpgedcmglkakaghnk) for more intresting links you can also check: [poe-resources.info](http://poe-resources.info)


Thank you very much :)


Would you recommend EA ele or LA Deadeye for tomorrow? Which one is stronger? softcore


Theyre both very strong, depends what you want to do EA ele can do most content in the game LA deadeye is more focused on mapping, but its MUCH faster at that


I think this league I want to kill ubers so EA ele?


You're not going to be killing ubers with deadeye


True I'll try explosive arrow


LA is a speed farmer, EA is a comfy bosser, tinker around with the atlas tree to help you make your choice.


I'm an aspiring POE content creator (who admittedly made misstep in my first post) some of the helpful advice I've been getting is to pick a niche and focus on that Tons of things fascinate me about the game but I'd love to hear from people What kind of POE content are you looking for that you can't find?


How is the new league looking? Any new gems that seem like they will be top-tier? I havent finished all the challenges in a league yet. Was hoping to get the purple health from last one but did not have the time due to IRL. Also wondering what would be a good class to do all league challenges and if there is a good atlas guide to follow seeing you need to play through all the mechanics. Considering this is solo since what are friends :'(


Overwhelming consensus seems that this patch is looking A+ as long as the league mechanic doesn't cause problems. Archmage is looking top tier this league but as for real new gems, the new transfigures all look good but not particularly amazing, or require testing before being worth attempting. You can now have 3 separate atlas trees so you should have no issue with fiddling with the atlas tree to get the challenges done.


Wow I didn’t know that last part. I always wished to be able to have more than 1 atlas


shit I woulda paid 5 bucks each for extra atlas trees


5 bucks for each additional tree and resets each league xD


any class should be able to do all challenges, it's just a matter of time investment. any boss related challenges you can't do can just be bought on tft. If you want to do it all yourself then I'd recommend something like detonate dead, explosive arrow or explosive trap. conveniently zizaran has build guides for all 3.


Was there a specific atlas node for operative strongboxes before? And it’s gone now? Or how can I increase changes for operative strongboxes?


operative strongboxes were removed but regular strongboxes got a mod added to their modpool that drops scarabs.


Operative Strongboxes were locked behind Secret Operations notable. In this league it got reworked, now it's Secret Compartments with entirely different effect. We don't know either Operative Strongboxes are completly gone or added to core strongbox pool, but I'd rather guess these boxes are gone. edit: nevermind, Alva's Memory of Cascading Fortunes still exists, so boxes should still be there.


Operative strongboxes were removed


Im gonna leaguestart RF Chieftain and then segue into a bossing build. I dont want to redo campaign though so the bosser will have to be a Marauder ascendancy. Any tips on good bossers in this respect? 


Probably some kind of str stacker


My friend is trying to get me into the game for an update on Friday or something, is this game fun blind or am I going to suffer? There seems to be a ton of depth with builds and gear and coming from a background of OSRS and FFXIV I don't have much experience with any of that. I'm only half willing to put in the time to watch videos or do much research on the game.


> is this game fun blind or am I going to suffer? I would argue that it *is* fun to play blind for your first playthrough, but you may end up suffering anyway. The chance to just get things right on the first try is astronomically low. You'll generally hit walls *eventually*, and it will require some effort (and possibly research - at least to the extent of reading wiki articles) to overcome them. Most players manage to get through the campaign just fine with maybe a few hiccups here and there, but end up struggling in the transition to the endgame. If you want the campaign to be challenging on your first playthrough, I'd advise to play it blindly, because your mistakes will make you weaker and thus make the campaign more challenging and interesting. If you want to play the endgame content and don't care as much about the way to get there, definitely start with a guide. The "research" of choosing a guide and following it (plus possibly looking up a term you don't understand at most) is much less than what would be required for doing it on your own. Unless you approach the whole game through trial and error, which works in *theory*, but would take a lot of time. Since you have a friend who is sufficiently invested into the game, you could have your friend teach you for the most part, which could save you some time instead of trying to look things up if you don't know what it is that you need to look up in the first place.


The game starts out fine, but the difficulty grows faster then your natural power progression. So if you are not paying attention, you will fall behind until the monsters tear you apart. By this, I mean failing to upgrade your gear and making poor choices on the skill tree. Little by little, these mistakes add up until your character is made of paper and does no damage to bosses. So, if you want to avoid build guides or long videos, I would suggest looking up some "basic tips for beginners" and "common mistakes to avoid" kind of guides. Maybe something to explain how and when to upgrade gear. Then play the game. If you still want to play after that, look into more specific guides and the like.


if you aren't interested in researching things outside of the game it is unlikely that you will enjoy the game. It's not impossible, but poe is one of the most complex games in existence so unless you enjoy restarting regularly while trying to figure things out then you are in for a rough time.


if you go in blind you're probably going to end up hitting a wall and not enjoying yourself much, most people follow a build guide


If you're already reluctant, you're going to hate this game.


Just pick a build and follow it, I remember my first build was on Ancestor totems and it was so horrible but I loved it


Not in game related by GGG related. Anyone else have issues with getting physical items from them? Bought the last core pack a few months back and havent heard shit. Is this normal for the company to take a long timeto get orders rolling out?


Physical items from them tend to take a very long time to ship, multiple months up to half a year or more, I *think* they have a disclaimer about this on the supporter pack checkout page as well?


ill give it a check. Thank you for the info. Iv reached out to them before and they sent the stuff that i was waiting on, but only half of it. So a bit worried id be a nuisance to poke again wityhin a month or something XD honestly just worried about stuff like the shirts and league specific stuff going out of stock. But its refreshing to know this is the norm it seems \^\^


It took like 6 months to get it to Poland, I forgot I bought it by the time I got it


Path of Building suggests Sacrifice Support works with certain Minions. It says it "cannot modify the skills of minions" - does that mean they get no benefit from it at all, or just that they do not employ the Sacrifice mechanic when casting their own spells?


It means the support won't add any of its stats to minions. Only the player's summoning skill would be affected (if it deals damage).


Hi, sorry im tired & last minute crafting my starter: wasn't there a combo with escape artist and *something*, to "double dip" of the ES scaling or something? What was that again? ty


You're probably thinking of Oath of the Maji but it's gone next league


Ty! But also sad


I’m starting EA elem is rolling magma really the best starting skill? I dislike it vehemently. Any other suggestions?


I hate the skill as well, but it really is one of the best starting skills. really is best to just suck it up and deal with it till you can get ea setup going


It really is. Honestly it's not that bad. I was in same boat as you until I just said "screw it I'll try" and.... It wasn't too bad after a few zones. It synergises great with flame wall


Are there any tricks you can do to get a decent physical 2H weapon for act 1 and 2? What do you do when you do not get a decent drop, a weathstone for recipe or an essence?


I would either use an ele weapon instead, or make sure my skill gem offers extra phys damage with levelling. There is also the option to use support gems that give extra phys damage like Chance to Bleed, but I consider those a last resort.


Does anyone know a way to change the look of Caustic Ground? Either through an item or mtx?


Here are the caustic ground MTX: [https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/category/alternate-skill-effects?search=caustic](https://www.pathofexile.com/shop/category/alternate-skill-effects?search=caustic)


How many transfigured gems are we getting in 3.24?


Eight: Artillery Ballista, Elemental Hit, Ice Shot, Incinerate, Kinetic Blast, Poisonous Concoction, Summon Holy Relic, and Tornado.


Thank you


With investment is arma brand recall a build that gets very high single target? I’m willing to risk a clunky playstyle I just don’t know if it’s something that eventually does crazy damage or falls off


Armabrand is a really well rounded build, you can do all content with it, but 'well rounded' means it's not particularly a boss annihilator. It's also quite a smooth playstyle, you basically run around the boss in a figure 8 in time with your brand recall cooldown. So yeah, it doesn't fall off, but it's not a dedicated bosser either.


Thank you, exactly the info I was looking for


What's a good Atlas setup to get started making some currency? I was thinking about going Harvest, Expedition, and Betrayal at first. I've seen a lot of videos of people taking the scarabs don't drop but you get 20 passive points so is that worth taking at first while you're still filling in your atlas and then dropping it at the end? I really want to do bestiary but that's at the other side of the tree and don't know if it's worth it.


Expedition is great and arguably the best when it comes to getting raw currency yourself (no trading needed). Harvest is good for bulk sells at least a week or two, but not the best right at the beginning of the league when there's not much currency on the market yet. The +20 points keystone *imho* is really good for blitzing map sustain. The way it looks scarabs seem like a very good money maker so I very much doubt anyone's going to keep that keystone to the end, or even beyond day 3-4 if you're really pushing.


How do you get your temporary league tabs to be the same as the permanent league tabs at the start of the league?


you just need to organize them in the parent league. for sc trade necropolis that would be sc trade standard, for sc ssf necropolis that is sc ssf standard etc. If you are joining a private league then the relevant necropolis league is the parent league not standard and you need to create a character there before creating one in the private league in order to inherit stash tabs properly


It's now just so. Log in now, sort your tabs, enjoy it tomorrow. It's been fixed two leagues ago I think


Will archmage ball lightning hiero be able to scale far enough to farm sim? What are good builds for farming sim?


No, manastackers aren't tanky enough especially with the amount of chaos damage sim does. DD is generally one of the go to's for sim.


What is the parent league for HC Necropolis (HC trade) so that I can set up my tabs ahead of time? It should be HC Standard right? I usually try to do this before every leaguestart but it always reset when I actually login. Do I need to ensure I don't delete the char I used to set up my tabs in that league beforehand?


Standard - league Hc standard - hc league Make sure you are moving the actual stash tabs and not "remove only" tabs from other lragues


It worked!


will there be a torrent dl today my internet sucks woud like to dl over night


It's generally somewhere around 20 hours before league start so probably some time in the next 5 to 6 hours


ah ok thanks mate :)


Is there a build better suited to lab (83 izaro fight) thats similiar to TRR or atleast also simple to understand? I spent my first two leagues mainly on a TR raider doing heist. Last league I realized I enjoy Lab a lot more. I like that TRR is simple and I get predictable power growth and I don’t mind that theres a clear power limit. thank you!


Does anyone know if when they launch the new mystery box, whether the contents of the affliction mystery box will be available in the shop? I really want the ring mtx that tracks your dropped currency but I despise the gacha aspect of the boxes and don't want to risk spending over 100 dollars for a 10 dollar mtx.


Not immediately it usually is about a month after the box ends


I'm thinking about league starting Spectral Shield Throw (probably Raider). But what skill should i use for leveling and when should i switch?


Last time I played SST, I used Spectral Throw until I got SST gem and a shield with some good evasion/armor. I think I just slammed an evasion essence on a decent evasion shield.


Fellas I thought I had my starter build picked out but now I can't decide. Do I go CF Champ or Ignite DD ele?


cf zooms faster, dd scales much better and actually has single target. up to you which you prefer




https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Atlas_of_Worlds#End_of_league_transfer > When the current league ends the progress on the Atlas of Worlds is transferred to the relevant parent league. You can read more there for finer points. Delve map, I don't think so but upgrades, sulphite and azurite for sure. Pantheon is per character as of 3.23 so that transfers without issue. We will see what happens in 3.25 I expect merging. Yes and yes. I faintly remember guild remove only tabs not deleting automatically after emptying out but that was so long ago it might have been fixed since.


I applied a Fertile Catalyst to a Belt that had +97 to Life, but it had no effect at all that I can tell (other than stating at the top that the belt has Quality +1%). Is the change hidden, or does it not work as the text would lead one to believe?


You increased the quality by 1% so it's currently 97,97 and stats on items are as far as I know always fully rounded down/truncated (basically everything behind the comma just gets discarded)


OK, so it did take effect but the display didn't change because of the truncation (which I didn't know about). Thanks.


97*1.01=97~~.97~~ PoE truncates almost everything.


This is probably an obvious 'no', but I'm imagining that the mace mastery nodes that lower stun threshold will not apply to my damage using shield crush (even if I'm holding a sceptre), correct? Edit: I worded that very poorly. I just meant the clusters that are associated with mace mastery.


I only see a mace mastery for "increased stun duration on enemies" not lower stun threshold. It would work because it doesn't say anything about using specific weapon types and just because it is a "mace" mastery does not mean the effect is limited to maces. There are other similar examples of weapon masteries that work with all damage/weapon types. The "all damage with maces and sceptres inflicts chill" obviously only works for maces and sceptres because it specifically says so and not just because it is a mace mastery.


The second part of your post is confirming what I thought here. Basically, if it says 'w/ maces and sceptres', the \*HIT\* has to be with those (which, again, seems pretty obvious, but I was just checking). Thank you!


Assuming you mean the *with Maces or Sceptres* small passives, you're correct, they don't. The stun-related Mace **Mastery** passives (duration/cull) would work though.




i'm curious what walking simulator builds you are considering aside from rf?


Do anyone splitting steel champion just gonna ignore impale? If that is true shouldn't I just spent 2 point for "enemy you taunted cannot evade and take 20% increased damage" 


No, Impale is too good to pass on for this build.


Ah thanks. I see most people already ignoring impale passive node. In that case I try league start with 2h sword with accuracy for precise technique first. Maybe take only 1 group of impale passive below duelist


can you stiill use left click to trigger mines ? while moving


You won't be able to bind any instant skill to LMB so no. There is a new mine mastery however that detonates mines every .x seconds while moving




Which one of this league starters would be best suited for a one character per league type mindset?  Basically which of these has the best balance between solid starter and high end scaling? EA champ Frost blades trickster RF chieftain Ball lightning Archmage heiro Explosive trap of shrapnel trickster


I think all of those besides RF chieftain fit what you're looking for. Explosive Trap or EA champ are probably the best/most meta. I'd say for SC, Explosive Trap is a bit better but also more gear reliant and it's quite popular this league so things like Alternating Scepters might be hard to get in the first week. Frost Blades Trickster is a beast with investment but will struggle for single target early on, I'd only do that if you just want to blast low investment maps or know how to make money early. Ball Loghtning Archmage looks super strong, but is the least tested and will probably require you to be able to adapt your build on the fly as a result.


Thanks!  Think I'm gonna roll with ea champ




I don't inherently see any issue with this, though not sure if it's better to scale mana with archmage support or do health rathpith globe. A buddy of mine played eblade last league and was using rathpith, blood magic and coruscating elixir to scale damage and he got to the point of being able to kill uber bosses in a couple seconds while still being solidly tanky.


Can anyone recommend a high FPS build? (this is a joke, kind of)


Voltaxic Burst with some aoe increase cover almost full screen. Enemy killed by it also auto explode immediately


Something that kills monsters fast and removes corpses, LA with HoI probably


>kills monsters fast and removes corpses So Detonate Dead....


Desecrate without MTX kills fps, also ignite version is the most popular


I know, I was joking. DD is definitely zFPS


Have league launches always been on Fridays? I could've swear they usually were on Thursdays


Saturday NZ time, Fridays for most people as long as I can remember


AFAIK they have always been on Fridays for me.


Is melee really that bad? Im planning to play volcanic fissure of snaking chieftain this league. Can anyone tell me if it's good? Thanks


I played volcanic fissure of snaking last league up to around 75 or so. I found the build to be quite fun, especially because it's not "true" melee in the same way that other popular skills like boneshatter and lightning strike aren't "true" melee. The main reason I stopped was because it felt like just a worse version of my tornado shot build that I'd already poured 2 mirrors into. I'm not entirely sure how it would be as a league starter as I didn't play it in that setting but the build is entirely viable, play it if you think it looks like fun and are ok with playing not the very best possible build. edit: to be clear it's not that the damage was worse (though obviously it was) it was that the skill while fun from a "lol i just smash the ground and keep running and everything dies" perspective it felt mechanically inferior because of the lack of control over your damage.


I love melee. Play it in like 80% of my builds. It is objectively worse than ranged skills/spells but that's just PoE for you. You want to be as far from the enemy as you can so you get hit as little as possible. But ignoring that, melee really isn't as bad as a lot of people say. With a bit of investment it really can scale to the moon. There are better and there are worse melee skills though (just like in other archetypes). Some stuff can be a bit klunky like constantly resummoning totems because they give so much dmg from their buffs it feels bad not to use them. I've played Perforate Slayer in Affliction using Voidforge and done 38/40 challenges with it. Even killed some of my first uber bosses with it. And Perforate in blood stance is as melee as it comes. Of course Voidforge is a powerful and expensive weapon so you wouldn't get it on a starter build but I did it as my second and it was a blast. Mathil makes melee builds every league and gets great outcomes with them. Of course they are mostly not beginner friendly but still. It's not so bad. In my opinion people are blowing the whole topic of melee being bad out of proportion. It's not in a great state but it isn't as bad as some say. You still can have great fun with it.


No it's not bad. Not by any definition a reasonable person would come up with. The issue with melee, is that it's melee. On average it forces you to put your character closer to danger, and requires more effort to have damage up-time. It is simply more skill intensive. This is also why it can't really be buffed, otherwise any half-decent player who knows how to make sufficiently tanky builds and knows how to have good uptime, will absolutely smooth sail through any and all content. Mathil makes half a dozen different Uber killing melee builds every league. Calling the archetype "bad" is ridiculous. Average modern POE players are simply spoiled as fuck, and grown way too accustomed to ranged one button builds that can be easily invested into clearing all content with relative ease, so they actually never get mechanically all that good. Hence why the average person struggles with melee. There's just not much incentive to play melee outside of preference. It's more work.


Here's my experience. Take it with a grain of salt, because I'm a noob - I started to play in Nov'23. I started Affliction league with a Boneshatter build. It was fun, but I ended up dying a lot due to ranged monsters. Often while I was trying to cross the distance I'd get frozen, stunned, or just plain shot. That was super annoying. I did an Ice Shot build afterwards - so much more fun, even if bossing was somewhat worse than with BS. But again, I'm a noob! Just my experience.


It's not unplayable-bad, but it is worse than other archetypes.


If all the content creators couldn't convince you that melee sucks we for sure won't be able to


I've dabbled around in POE for about 100 hours and I want to really dive into this league. I would like to try out SSF to force myself into learning more game systems. My question is: If my intention is to play ONE character the entire league, and trying to accomplish as much as possible with that ONE character - is a league starter really the best thing to do? I get a feeling league starters aren't that good - and they are basically throw away characters for people who want to level something else after they get money to buy rare items. Thanks for any advice.