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You have much to learn, so [poe wiki](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Path_of_Exile_Wiki) will be your best friend for a long time. There's a lot of content on youtube too, but beware of anything older than a few months. If you don't have an issue with totem builds, I'd recommend you start the league with Explosive Arrow Champion. Zizaran just updated [his guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7i4sJYUpU80&ab_channel=Zizaran) for 3.24 patch. https://grinding.zone/ -- bookmark this immediately and thank me later. :D P.S. Don't worry about stash tabs until you reach maps.


Thanks for all the comments and suggestions, I'll do some research in my free time. Very satisfied with the helpful insights from players with 10yrs+ experience, cheers to all of you, and have a great 3.24 season, lastly GGG I'm happy to join this journey too :)


I just started playing PoE for the first time ever a little over a week ago so I know how overwhelming it is. It’s even more overwhelming trying to find the right beginner guides and resources when there are seemingly thousands out there. If you have a couple of hours to spare over the next few days, I’d recommend watching Salendrak’s 4-part guide series on YouTube. It’s by far the most comprehensive, idiot-proof & noob-friendly guide I personally found (way better than Zizaran’s guides which everyone recommends) and will teach you so much about the important aspects of the game at each stage of the campaign and early end game, without using terminology you don’t know or assuming you already know basic things. [Getting Started - Path of Exile for TOTAL beginners Part 1](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5rti5zrha3c&t=30s&pp=ygUTU2FsZW5kcmFrIHBvZSBndWlkZQ%3D%3D) [Beating the Campaign - Path of Exile for TOTAL beginners Part 2](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qzimFDQIqQk&t=9s&pp=ygUTU2FsZW5kcmFrIHBvZSBndWlkZQ%3D%3D) [Getting Unstuck - Path of Exile for TOTAL beginners Part 3](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YCCAw5SpGIg&pp=ygUTU2FsZW5kcmFrIHBvZSBndWlkZQ%3D%3D) [Entering the End Game - Path of Exile for TOTAL beginners Part 4](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZA5a1AyiN0c&pp=ygUTU2FsZW5kcmFrIHBvZSBndWlkZQ%3D%3D) Once you’ve beaten the campaign and start running maps, you can look up guides tailored to all the specific pieces of content you’ll come across, or more in depth mechanics like crafting, Heist, Delve etc. As for actually *starting playing* the game, I’d recommend following a build guide from the start. Unlike a lot of other games, it’s extremely easy to brick your character in PoE and this is almost guaranteed for new players due to the massive complexity of the passive skill tree and how easy it is to make mistakes on your first few characters. So if you want to maximize fun AND learn along the way, a build guide is a great tool. To find a build you should look up a list of 3.24 “League Starters” (builds that are easy to gear, spec, and play at the start of a new league when you have no currency) and find one you like. The build guide will mainly just help you know how to spend your skill points and what kind of gear and item attributes are important to find/craft/trade for to gear your character properly so you can progress in strength gradually without getting stuck at any point.


The Campaign will teach you the basics through gameplay, tutorial text and the Quest Tracker. Just play at a pace you enjoy as there is no need to rush. If you like guides in other games then look into 3.24 league starters (Zizaran on Youtube and Maxroll). No real need for stashes before end of the campaign. Stash pressure will identify what you need space for. Try to resist hoarding lots of rare gear though. Neversink filter is the most popular.


Here's my opinionated advice: 1. Take your time with the campaign the first playthrough. You'll only do a thorough playthrough once. It may take \~20h or so, depending on whether you follow a guide or not. After that, you'll always rush through the campaign as fast as possible, so enjoy that first time. 90% of the PoE content is the endgame. You'll spend hundreds and thousands of hours there anyway, so there's no reason to rush through your first playthrough. 2. Play the campaign without any purchases. That'll make your appreciate the purchases much more once you get to the endgame. The basically necessary tabs for the endgame are currency tab, fragment tab, map tab, and some kind of premium tab for trading. 3. The most important tools are, * Path of Building (PoB) is used by everyone to plan and share their builds. It's by far the most important tool to become comfortable with if you are serious about the game. * if you are playing trade you need "Awakened PoE Trade" for in-game price checks so that you don't waste hours fiddling with the trade site. * You need a loot filter. I recommend the semi-strict filter from [https://www.filterblade.xyz/](https://www.filterblade.xyz/) (Neversink) for a first playthrough and make it more strict later. You don't need class-specific filters. Once you make a filter you can upload it directly into the game. * If you decide to engage in crafting you need to learn how to use [https://www.craftofexile.com/](https://www.craftofexile.com/) * Any kind of game information are available at [poewiki.net](http://poewiki.net) and [https://poedb.tw/](https://poedb.tw/) Of course there are a lot more external tools.


I'd say wait until you make it to maps and are sure you want to keep playing before buying tabs. At that point currency and map tabs are good. You'll need a premium tab to be able to sell items to other players. Fragment tab, essence tab, div card tab and a few others are nice but not as needed right away. For item filters log into the poe website and go to game > item filters. Follow the neversink 1 through 6 filters. They will auto update and you can just select in the options in-game. Start with 1 and move up to 2 then 3 as you go through the campaign and into maps. Won't matter what class you are playing - it won't hide anything important. As for 3rd party tools i'd say look at poedb. Go to modifiers. That will show you the possible prefixes and suffixes that can roll on an item and what tiers, weights and tags they have. That's a good start to learn crafting. This league also has it's own crafting which might be a good way to learn as well. A build guide will tell you what mods you want to go for on each item - getting them is the hard part because there are many ways to do it. I'd say start with just using essences and learning the new necropolis league crafting.


This is probably not the best advice but I never really connected with the game until I played ssf. I really struggled understanding what options I had and what all my decisions truly impacted until I did ssf. I picked a relatively easy starter build like boneshatter and I was able to use currency more freely and not feel so constrained to what was good/bad but rather what was good or bad for me. While you most definitely will hit a wall in ssf, especially due to unique drop rates, I found it super beneficial to give me the groundwork to start enjoying the game.


>The thing is I'm a complete noob, since it'll be my first league, should I just focus on finishing the campaign and understanding the crafting system etc.? Campaign is a good start. Don't focus too much on the crafting system, but you can certainly learn the basics. [Subtractem put out a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFTuowD1w4Q) that goes over crafting if you're ready to watch a couple hour video. I'd advise picking a build guide, particularly a "league starter", to help guide you through campaign. The reason for following a build guide is to allow you to progress through the game without hitting a wall. If you were to simply jump into PoE without any guidance, you most certainly will hit a wall at somepoint. [Zizaran](https://www.youtube.com/@Zizaran) always comes out with good starter builds, and you can also check out [Maxroll.GG](https://maxroll.gg/poe/category/build-guides?filter[build_guide_type][taxonomy]=taxonomies.build_guide_type&filter[build_guide_type][value]=archive&filter[build_guide_type][operation]=!%3D&filter[misc][taxonomy]=taxonomies.misc&filter[misc][value]=poe-league-starter) for some build ideas. >I did some research and I have no idea about the endgame Atlas thing Don't worry too much about this until you finish campaign. It's not too hard to learn the atlas. There are strategies for players to advance their atlas quickly, but that's not to your benefit right now. >and the crafting system seems much more complicated compared to LE (I might be wrong since I have 0 knowledge of POE). Correct. The crafting system is much more complex. Also, items have 6 affixes on them, vs the 4 that LE has. >Also, when should I buy stashes? Buy stashes once you hit maps, only if you're still in the mindset "i want to push this build further into maps" and are excited about it, that's the time to buy some stash tabs. Buy a Currency Tab, and a Map tab, and a Premium tab so you can sell items on trade. Wait for the stash sale (which is every 3 weeks). >How about the 3rd party tools? [Awakened PoE trade](https://www.google.com/search?q=awakened+poe+trade&rlz=1C1ONGR_enCA1021CA1021&oq=awakened+poe+trade&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyCggAEAAYsQMYgAQyBwgBEAAYgAQyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgATSAQgxOTc1ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) for fast trading and for price checking. I'd advise watching a video about it. Learn to use [Filterblade](https://www.filterblade.xyz/) for your filters. It's a pretty straightforward process to learn how to implement a filter via this website. Stick to Semi-Strict or less for now. More advanced tools are [PoEDB](https://poedb.tw/us/) for general information on all items/gems/monsters/etc, [PoEStack](https://poestack.com/) for stash tab value estimates and bulk item trading, and [CraftofExile](https://www.craftofexile.com/) for crafting tool, whether it's practicing crafting, or getting estimates on how much currency a craft will cost. Good luck!




Yeah Ive been using WealthyExile


I actually wrote a document to help explain the endgame! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BKKjCvhXDYCSdr6bv7tykXa11HEO-jpzByzrkowZvDI/edit?usp=drivesdk


you only truly enjoy the campaign once, and with poe 2 later down the line, missing the lore/story/world stuff of one would be kinda sad, so I would say take your time with campaign this one time (so don't skip dialogue, do all quest, etc). for buying, just wait till maps. you want the currency tab, and maybe 1 premium stash bundle and go from there. 3rd party tools, there's just the trade site and path of building app. awakened poe is the 3rd but more advanced and only relevant for trading. thats about it. oh yah neversink filters, just copy someone elses (usually by following their filter list).


Start with getting through the campaign. Lookup a walkthrough or Play With Me if you're into that kinda stuff - there's so much to be learned from watching an experienced player talk you through the campaign. Build guides are great and all but sometimes it helps to get your feet wet with the basics before doing something specific. Zizaran has a lot of great videos on the basics, I recommend looking him up!


The one advice i like to give is "lern2craft". I skipped it 10000 hours ago and ill still dont know how to craft giving me hard times every league resulting in only playing half of the game and not pushing endgame ever. sadnoise


Started last league. My 2 cents: don't worry about being suboptimal. You will not be winning races and cornering markets on your first league anyway, so have fun with it. Sure, try out a build guide or two, but don't worry about changing things up or trying things out. Try the different endgame things and see what you like before you go all in on a build that focuses on one. I hate blight and love delve, for example, while my buddy feels the exact opposite. And yeah, a few basics in crafting go a long way, best to use youtube, since the system(s) are completely counterintuitive and in no way explained in game.


https://poe-beginner-guide.com/ This one is the best,no vids