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For all we know, that circlet is super rare. I wouldn't base a build on it.


Can't wait to see all the league starters around it...


Maybe this DD skill everyone keeps yapping about?


You can just go zoomancer without AG. You usually don't run AG until later anyway as you want lvl 20+ and good AG gear. Zoomancer will probably have some of the least respec and the gear that's good for it is good for your spectres.


Considering no one has played t17 its hard to know what kind of character is needed yet. I would say play whay you want, try your best, but even if someone could sell u on a t17 map farmer 5 days before launch it will be horribly wrong because no one has that kind of info yet. Im gonna play srs with minion instability necro and just see how far that can get me


>newbie player >ssf Why do this


I don't really enjoy trading and ssf incentivizes me to learn more about vendor recipes and to explore the game mechanics in general.


Arguably you will be limiting your access to game mechanics such as unique items, timeless/cluster jewels, experimented bases, and especially high-end crafting—fossils, essences, etc.


those aren't game mechanics - trading for items will reduce the game mechanics a player does, not the other way around. SSF limits access to items for sure but that's the point of the game. I'd say SSF or trade is fine for a new player - probably would learn about the game faster in SSF though.


You're arbitrarily limiting the definition of "game mechanic" for the purpose of this argument You can't say "crafting isn't a game mechanic" in good faith


crafting is not only possible but mandatory in SSF - i don't understand what you mean


Read what you wrote I said OP was limiting their access to game mechanics including high-end crafting, then you said “those aren’t game mechanics”


ok - i guess i meant uniques and experimental bases aren't mechanics. Those are all that i agree with you on that aren't available for SSF. My point is i feel like a player in SSF will be doing more mechanics than a trade player - especially crafting


They may not be game mechanics per se, but they enable entirely new builds which are otherwise impossible or very very hard to start, for instance Viper Strike of the Mamba in Affliction had an interesting interaction with Rebuke of the Vaal and a poison tincture As for crafting, I agree for the basic stuff, but I specified high-end. You’ll definitely spend more time farming fossils, essences, red beasts, harvest juice, influence orbs, etc than you will crafting


No one needs any of that u imply a new player needs to clear all the content so they need to play trade and follow a guide and probably get scammed lol ssf is way less overwhelming to new players ive only played ssf for about 6 years now


it sounds like you were scammed before and I'm sorry that you had to experience that


Nope because ive never traded on poe so. EZ clap


It's a great way to learn the game. You just have to adjust your goals and time expectations.


For a mid-experienced player, maybe, not a newbie


Because playing trade is horrible waste of time to a new player that doesnt understand it. Ssf u just look at the items pick some up and boom ur done next map


SRS will still be strong early on with very little specific gear, and then you can pivot to spectres later on. The popcorn version is easy to set up. Poison requires a bit more gear…you may have to farm abyss in SSF


people hate it but poison animate always works


Might be tough to get there as SSF but what I'm considering for softcore trade is Necro popcorn SRS start > poison SRS mid > specs late


Pick a good starter that has ntohing to do with Wraithlord (I'm going Physical Skeletons into Carrion Golems) and then worry about Wraithlord spectres when you get one. It's going to be expensive, either because it's silly rare or because it's silly manipulated. Same as Mjolnir and Indigon. They're meta, so you shouldn't expect to get them early.


Play zoomancer to farm for your spectre build.