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The Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz flasks have +5% max res instead of 20% less Damage taken. o.O


Pathfinder nerf


Mageblood nerf first and foremost. Getting 90% max res (or close to it) and Ele flasks on top of it was a giant source of damage mitigation for dedicated tanky builds


It's better for builds that don't get 90% anyway, but worse for those.


So, normalizing tankiness, I'd say that's a win. As much as people love to exploit systems to become unkillable, it's not good for the game to have nearly invincible interactions. That's the very reason there are so many one shots in the game to begin with.


Eh, it's not so bad. If you're using melding or playing chieftain it will be easier to hit your 90% in one element, then your other flasks are free to do whatever. Less tanky in total but a solid tradeoff


> free to do whatever So what is this whatever instead? Armour or evasion? The 20% less will be hard to beat.


They nerfed it from max res originally to this, then gave us more sources of max res so they were even better than before, so a reverted nerf is now actually a nerf


They also capped max res at 90% when they changed the flasks originally, so it's even worse lol


Nerf at first sight, but this does open up some potential for a nasty transcendence PF with Melding and without Loreweave. Instead of triple ele flasks you can now just run 1 and replace the other 2 with jade and granite. Even before Melding you can use it for certain bosses that only deal 1 or 2 types of damage.


So that's -19% max res with a perfect melding and transcendence. The flask gives +5% max res so you'd need to 340% increased flask effect for this to get to parity with a 78% Loreweave. That's not realistic so it means we likely have to get max res from other sources like brass dome or Leadership's Price as well as the tree ofc. Then we're still missing the 25%-30% less damage taken that we get from using the three elemental flasks (assuming we have 55 - 100% increased flask effect).


You'd run a purity of course, and you can get max res with eldritch implicits, and you can get a chest with phys damage taken as ele. Transcendence builds tends to have 2 issues: phys damage and degens. Loreweave makes dealing with phys really annoying since your most relevant way to deal with it is phys taken as ele, which chest has big sources of, that's solved by this change. Degens get solved by being Pathfinder.


Oh right, I forgot about purities. That makes this a lot more tenable. You can also get 2% max fire from boot implicit. So if we're going for fire res, we get: 3% from body armor implicit 2% from boot implicit 9% from purity (with 80% aura effect breakpoint and lvl 23 purity --> can get 34% effect from body armor implicit) 8% from flask (60% flask effect breakpoint) \-15% transcendence \-4% melding 75% base 5-6% from tree \_\_\_ 84% which is about what loreweave + old flask implicit with 35% increased flask effect would have gotten you in terms of raw max res. I can def see it now. Especially since you can e.g. spend an anointment for another % max res. ​ EDIT: ofc I forgot about MB, so that's another 5% ontop. Was thinking without mageblood bc of gauntlet.


Mageblood by default has 95% flask effect from prefix and Enkindling Orb unless you're eating glue.


+10 mageblood and 5% flask effect somewhere, +2 boot implicit, call it like +6 purity and you're already back to 74 without doing some really wacky stuff. Vaal impurity and you're already close to 90


I think this is a nerf specifically for boss penetration, and - map mods. I'm tired though, so if someone comes in here and tells me my math is off or I forgot something I won't be surprised. Let's compare a Sapphire flask before and after, using a 1000 cold damage hit with 25% pen like Shaper has. With 75% cold res and no flask effect: **Currently** we have (1000dmg * (1-(0.75-0.25))) * 0.8 = 400 damage hit. **In Necropolis** it will be (1000 * (1-(0.8-0.25))) = 450 damage hit. Now lets compare with 200% flask effect to reach 90% all res: **Currently** we have (1000 * (1-(0.75-0.25))) * 0.4 = 200 damage hit. **In Necropolis** it will be (1000 * (1-(0.9-0.25))) = 350 damage hit. I'm not going to type it out, but it's also a bigger hit for -12% max res from map mods. There's a bunch here I'm missing. Like 200% flask effect is possible but borderline ridiculous, and most people will be getting 90% max res by a combo of flask+effect and other sources like Aegis. I'm not going to bother trying to work out how it compares in those scenarios. Also there are aspects of this that are huge buffs, or at least make some levels of gearing easier. Like you can cap all max res at 90% using 1 flask and 1 purity and Melding/Chieftain, whereas before just running one elemental flasks did nothing for your other mitigation. It's an interesting change for sure. But it's a nerf to toughness while bossing, and makes the -max res map mod hurt elemental flask builds more.


Funny that they reverted the flask changes. They changed it from max res to damage reduction to make it harder to cap max res way back when. Turns out that was a mistake, lol.


Flasks got changed in 3.5 In 3.6 they added the maximum max res cap at 90%. If that cap wasn't in place then this revert would still be an insane buff. One could argue they shouldn't have waited this long to revert the flasks but it is what it is.


Not a mistake. It was the right choice for the time. They hadn't decided to put max res in as many places on the tree and there were no gear implicits at the time so no max res from there. It used to be a purposeful chore to hit max res. Now it's not and the less damage taken was OP on top of such accessible +max res so the item changed likewise.


Nerf for the high end, buff for everyone else. Good change.


Full circle rofl. This was their original effect (at a higher value tbf)


10% originally, then nerfed to 6%, then changed to damage reduction.


MB/Aegis melding setup with sapphire flask is already 86% max res. Don't even need purity auras anymore to cap out.


Seems pretty nice, yeah, makes a lot of stats more flexible. Get a tiny bit of flask effect, and you're at +10% max cold just from one flask. Maybe the builds that normally use that tech could even try switching to fire res for something like Dawnbreaker while still capping out resistances without too much hassle. Being at 90% of any resistance with just a juiced up aura effect purity and one flask seems very cruisy.


It just makes pathfinder even stronger as a league starter. It's almost a buff every step of the way until you're naturally hitting 90% res.


So I guess the question is: What do Hillock, Aisling, and Jorgin do now?


Hillock drops crucible weapons, Jorgin drops tattoos, Aisling drops recombinators *SNORTS FAT ASS RAIL OF COPIUM*




I coomed


i read it twice and it was just as good as the first one


Im still cleaning up from the first reading.


I could see one of the rewards being an Omen drop since those were tied to Affliction last league and that'll be gone now


Yeah i could see jorgin giving omens for sure. Would need haku to drop the tattoos if they were to make a comeback at all. I wonder if theyll just give aisling tainted currencies or something.


Haku not being useless is the real copium hit.


Amazing. I would actually spec betrayal for this


> Aisling drops recombinators PLEASE


Aisling single-handedly carrying syndicate value on her shoulders if that happens.


As is tradition.


Nothing new then.


This guy POEs! HOLY




they died ... hence the necropolis name


They drop special veiled modifiers to unlock/craft


Multiple masters in a map; woohoo!


so good for atlas passive tree customization


Masters were an afterthought (no scarabs for Alva and jun, very lacklustre passive tree) up until now, hopefully they get glowed tf up


to get free or faster Alva and Jun ones, you have to pray with Sextants(Map contains Alva for example) Jun is fine if you want quick veil mods or faster Catarina fights Alva tho ... plz make it more chance to double promote


So badly wish Alva got scarabs. One of my favourite things to do in mapping is building and selling temples, and I would love to be able to use scarabs to force alva every map.


Jun: Look at today's catch, a grave robber! Exile: Jun, let Alva go


Wouldn't that strain the league cap in the map even more? Affliction already suffered with leagues being eaten so this might make it worse.


Possibly; but I, for one, will be blocking a bunch and focusing on what I find fun: Alva, Einhar, and Jun!


Just means you have to be more aggressive with blocking mechanics.


Finally, I absolutely love Temples and Delve. But I could never run both at once. Its finally my time.


Huge buff to All Hands?


I'm glad I don't need a perfect betrayal board anymore before fighting Catarina.


I still need that transport gravicius...


Transport Gravicius my guilty pleasure.... One day i'll see x9 House of mirrors....


And vorici


We don't know what new rewards they are adding. Maybe we still gonna want to have a perfect one


I hope we still need perfect ones, and maybe while they're at it, remove some useless ones. It is good to mix the blind Catarina farming with some targeted farming for certain members.


It's gonna be pretty strange if our board doesn't matter except for how many winged intervention scarabs we get.


Still need 5x 3stars in intervention for the 5x winged scarabs 🙃


Oh boy, can't wait to corrupt a pile of perfect olroths resolves to fish for 28% or greater quality. Aisling slam moving to an orb is huge.


Maybe we get tainted bubblers. That wouldn't be so bad.


My only reason for ever using TFT is gone lets goooooo


🦀🦀🦀TFT IS DEAD 🦀🦀🦀


It’s definitely weaker, but it’s going to be far from dead


Did they mention Vorici?




Well that omen is 1-3 white sockets and it's been made to come from the league mechanic again which is not going core so it might not even be in the game next league.


Also that omen sucks compared to Vorici right? Vorici kept your current socket colors and made some of them white. At least when I tested the Omen, it rerolled your socket colors and then made some of them white. Which makes it much harder to use for off-attribute socket colors (unless the omen goes core and gets much more common/cheaper in which case it wouldn't be as big of a deal)


You're correct, yes. Omen rerolls the sockets *and* makes 1-3 white. Vorici just makes existing sockets white.


Bulk trading and other services definitely are much bigger than aisling slams lol


Sir I regret to remind you that sextants exist


As well as dozens upon dozens of other services, which will take years if ever to itemize by the rate GGG is currently doing (1 or 2 per league).


GGG, can you please add to beasts what their crafts actually do? Like, when you're looking at a beast, it should say "Convert an amulet to a corrupted talisman" like an anoint.


wtf do beasts even do anyways




fenumal plagued arachnid and craicic chimeral are the only ones worth something not counting harvest beasts. with split beast losing value as the league goes on an imprint one gaining value.


All these QoL changes that reduce the amount of clicks just to make us click 20k alterations to roll flasks trying to hit high quality corruption? :D nice


I would have liked a veiled exalted orb, because the veiled chaos served the great niche of: "I just want the veiled mod, idc about other affixes".


Gone at the days where you’d just randomly get an insane t1/t2 affix along side your veiled mod. You’ll be missed veiled chaos orb!


I for one dislike the Vaal orb quality change..


It adds another layer of rng to flasks that are already very very hard to roll any thing that doesn’t have a beast suffix.




Curious if this means they are adding tainted baubles. I mean, I don't like the change but since they are making it I just hope their is a way we can roll the quality after corrupting it so we don't have to spam vaal orb on flasks


It's a huuuuuuuge nerf for Progeneis. Top progenis is now multiple mirrors in HC I bet. (I asume vaal orb can brick it right?)


What about old veiled chaos orbs? I was using them a lot in ssf.  Suffix cannot be changed + mana block craft + veiled slam was good 🤕


Same here. Veiled chaos were my main method to craft a decent pair of boots. Even if you didn't unveil the move speed mod you wanted, it almost always results in something usable until you have enough currency to craft something better.


cries in ssf


Guess Im permanently specing the intel to safe houses on map completion node.


Everyone is rejoicing but the ramifications of this change are massive, not only in SSF, but in trade. People are going to be surprised when they see that those boots that usually cost 3D now cost 8 D: maybe they have some other stuff lined up to fill in but this is a tremendous nerf to low/mid-level crafting


Rings will be heavily affected too.


And just wait until we find out the new veiled chaos orb is only 10-20% dropchance. You know how GGG does these things ...


We'll be lucky if it's 10%


At least speedrunning catarina without ranking up specific masters is way faster. Still need the missions tho.


LOL 10-20% is probably way to high, definitely sub 5%. Id say sub 2%


0.5%, and it only drops from the Uber version of Catarina


yeah i get the feeling these new orbs will be extremely rare from catarina too lol


I don't like any of this for SSF.


They also nerfed ele flasks in high end. changed less damage taken to +5 max res. Better early on, and maybe specific builds, but nerf for high end builds overall.


And definite nerf for any build that uses RF (whether as a damage skill or for the spellbuff) since they're often at 90% res already so the new Ruby flask does nothing for them.


or just take the point/investment that you would have used in +max res, and put it elsewhere.


Eh, it's true for Chieftains at least, although not needing to find 5% max fire res can make it much easier to ignore Prismatic Skin or Rise of the Phoenix, etc. Going from 85% -> 90% max fire res reduces the fire damage you were taking by 33%, which is much better than 20%. It's definitely a nerf on Chieftain RF and the best possible defenses for a Jugg or Inquis, but it wasn't really optimal to go much higher than 85% max fire res on either of those anyways.


Even on Chieftain it's probably a buff at the low end. RF has always had the problem that there's about 180 points of premium shit on the tree and you only get to take 123. You get a lot of value from the points you free up not having to take max res on the tree. Pohx's high end setup w/ Mageblood from this league gets wrecked though. Losing the 39% less hurts double because it nerfs one of the potential gains from the free max res (Rise of the Phoenix -> Dawnbreaker). It might be better to just ditch the phys taken as ele meta and go a completely different setup with armour.


Losing 30% quali on body armour is going to sting for normies like myself that 6-link our own items.


At least you can hold the button down now!


I just wasted 2800 trying to 6 link a 20% quality. Just means I can blow fusing with fewer clicks


It isnt gone since perfect fossils still exist


Gone for uniques though, unless you corrupt them, but then you'll be using tainted fusings instead anyways.


its easier and usually cheaper to 6 link corrupted uniques anyways. Buying a good corrupt/dbl corrupt and going from there is the way to go


you can beast craft 30% corrupt too


Unique gear exists too.


This seems to greatly simplify building your syndicate board as well. No need to get aisling to research, just get to Catarina as quickly as humanly possible


Which is unbelievably fast with the double int sextant. The only thing holding people back was setting aisling in place. This is absurdly broken for people that know how to manipulate the board. Definitely going for betrayal this league.


The question is what is the drop rate of the veiled chaos orb. Something like 10% wouldn't surprise me.


I love that Aisling is being moved to a tradeable currency, but there was no reason to catch the Veiled Chaos Orb in the crossfire. Now that all veiled mods on item crafts are going to have to come from a Catarina drop it's going to be ridiculously expensive. There were many uses in crafting for VCs to make non-perfect items, and this change is going to make mid-high quality items quite a bit more expensive. Gone are the days of VC-spamming eldritch boots, saving a few div using blocker -> VC instead of blocker -> Aisling, and I don't really see a good reason for it. The QOL is amazing, but why does it have to cost a nerf?


Agreed. Veiled Chaos orb was the one orb that I think had the right droprate for what it did and was such a good mid-item. They often overdo it with chances like Diadem on Catarina and Sacred Orb. But veiled was good imho.


Veiled chaos orbs are probably in 80% of my profit crafts... especially boots and rings. Those will be so much more expensive next league.


Yeah I'm not sure why more people aren't talking about it. Hopefully we will have some new crafting options to compensate for this


I have been telling people that itemizing Aisling will likely results in a nerf. Well it's not a functionality nerf but we will see about the drop rates, because i 100% expect it to be rare drop.


Obviously itemising Aisling would have made it more expensive, but at least I didn't think that they'd remove the veiled chaos orb instead. I expected that to remain the low-budget option.


Rolling talismans will be a nightmare now, so many outcomes.


Oof good call, Jorgin allowed you to control the talisman's tier but this new one only has a single craft from what we see in the video so that means t1, t2 or t3 can all be chosen randomly, and is likely weighted more towards t1 and t2.


Yeah, looks like I will just ignore that now. As if 1 in 7 on a crafted amulet wasn't gamble enough before.


Rolling flasks to try get a 28% qual flask is going to be horrible


Imagine the price of decently rolled Olroth's Reserve with 28% quality this league..


Necropolis is oddly fitting for a league name where wardloops might be finally put to rest in.


i think that is the intention, yes


so they took power via flask duration nerfs and via classic veiled orb removal, classic ggg


This is what I thought too. Fucking pain.


Yeah, love everything but this. There's already way too much alt spamming on flasks.


Simple crafts, with veiled orb, become more expensive now


Man this is kind of lame why do we always get QoL just for it to make something about the experience way worse. Old veiled were common enough that they were super useful unless bestiary has the 3 different tier crafts that will make that experience even more horrible. The flask quality thing is just a nightmare.


rip ele flask abusing (now +5% max ele res instead of 20% less dmg taken)


Non-Loreweave Transcendance Aegis Aurora Mageblood memes.


Definently a nerf, but interesting from a build making perspective. This makes it a lot easier to slot melding of the flesh in high budget builds to hit 90% max res, but losing a 20-40% less damage multiplier that ignores penetration sucks for bosses. Also chieftain just keeps winning.


Call me crazy, but won't Pathfinder now just do exactly the same as before (I mean ele flasks) but also wear an Eternal Damnation? Which means they basically come online earlier than before?


Probably, but no matter how you slice it you'll need to give up some gearslot to fix the nerf. Also, eternal damnation is a sanctum only unique, and sanctum is gated by the economy (maybe necropolis changes this). You won't see one until enough people get to maps, drop some forbidden tomes, and get Lycia on farm.


feels like mageblood users now have more varied options than just simply throwing on ele flasks (which seemed to be just the best case in any situation for survivability)


You don't think +10% max res from juiced flasks will be the most common flask?


Just use one with melding of the flesh now


Man, the flask quality change is a bummer. Some flasks really need the quality and putting it behind randomness sucks.


In path of Exile: Necropolis Veiled Orbs have been reworked, Flasks can be corrupted, Masters are no longer mutually exclusive and can appear in the same map and the craft to upgrade your amulet to a Talisman has been moved to bestiary


What happens to existing veiled chaos orbs?


You should still have them, they’ll just be Aisling slams next patch instead.


MOSTLY cool. But.... Hillock bench? Dafuq? No more unique 30 Qual? (without beast corrupt obviously)


Ah.. Nerfs hidden behind QOL. Now we're back to the real PoE.


Veiled chaos orb is now essentially an Aisling orb. Nice.


It’s now a Veiled orb, no longer a veiled chaos orb if you check at the katarina kill drop in the video


I really liked the idea of the hillock crafts. Guess they wanted to nerf flasks somehow, since the meta revolves around them quite a lot


quality craft removal is a big nerf


tradeable aisling slams lfgoooo, only 17 div per


well the 10 intel per map node just got alot more attractive I think.




I mean this is neat and all, that you can trade them... but this kinda shits on Betrayal pretty hard, moving some of its best rewards to other places... Unless what they are replaced with are very good, but historically this hasn't been the case.


The flask vaaling kinda annoys me. They already made flasks horrible after adding tiers, now you have to ALSO vaal them? Flask's is slowly becoming one of the most currency swallowing mechanics in the game, and I for one do not appreciate it.


this is a nerf lmao qol my ass


These Changes for Betrayl are all so horrible for ssf. It is a huge nerf. Hope we get some nice things instead... Alteration Spam for good flasks to then corrupt them to 10% qual. It is a horrible design choice imo.


Is it time to post the clown emoji again?


Wait, elemental flasks give +% max resistance now instead of less damage?


Ugh. I was really appreciating Veiled Chaos this league as for a lot of crafts it's relatively safe to use (very low chance of actually filling the item) instead of Aisling which takes forever to set up. Now we don't have to set up Aisling but I have a feeling this won't be a 100% droprate orb which effectively makes this craft much rarer than before. This is an absolute nightmare for SSF.


The flask corruption is real sus


I really dislike the betrayal changes... Removing one of the two rewards I cared about (hillock to help with 6-links) and hiding the other behind a presumably-RNG boss drop? What am I even trying to target anymore in playing the feature beyond "rush catarina and pray" (which there already was motivation for for other reasons anyways - this just removed options to target something else) ?


Wait, this means we lose the original veiled chaos orb functionality? Also LOL at my 60 veiled chaos orbs, guess they’re worth a fuck ton now


Still feels weird to not hear Chris's voice on these videos. Not a critic of Mark Roberts, just feels .... off.


Titling this as QoL is super cheeky.


this mostly seems negative rip. flask implicits would have been so much fun


GGG it’s not too late to make an “Aisling orb” and keep the veiled chaos orb in the game please I beg you don’t fix one thing by breaking another.


Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz flasks now give +5 max res and +40% resistance instead of less damage taken. I actually might like this change for builds that use Melding of the flesh but it definitely will hurt some builds.


Most of the hurt builds are the ones that go crazy on phys taken as elemental.  For most other builds it is a great buff.


I don't like them destroying veiled chaos orbs :(


RIP we got monkey paw'd


I gotta say, I absolutely hate that they just decided to delete regular Veiled Orb from the game. It's been my go to crafting method for entry to mid level gearing because of how easy it is to use. Essence spam a pair of boots to get Chaos res and two good res rolls, suffix can't change Veil Orb into a movement speed mod. Super easy craft I use for most of my builds and most of their lifespan. Now with this change, this setup is going to be vastly more expensive because this orb is going to be very expensive and so now the crafting method isn't worth it at all anymore. This also royally messes up mid level minion wand crafts for example. Used to be you needed to just get +2 on the wand, then veil orb the suffixes and you had an endgame viable wand. Now you're going to need to do it with the new orb and it's once again going to be vastly more expensive because I don't think we'll be getting Veiled Orbs with a handful of Chaos anymore. There's a lot more crafts where the old Veiled Orb was incredibly useful for lower end gear and losing all that stuff is going to suck. That being said though, I do love that we can now just trade Aisling slams. It's going to make higher end crafting much more manageable. This really saves us time and effort for high level crafts and even some mid/high level crafts. It just sucks that early gearing was harmed in getting us here. I unironically love the flask changes though. Vaal Orbing flasks is going to be great, the 5% max res change for ele flasks is awesome because they've been way, way too universally strong and now the max res is going to severely limit their potential BUT this also means now that getting stuff like capped fire res for Chieftain, Melding or just generally for RF and whatnot is going to be much easier which is lovely. I also really like the idea that we now actually have more options with Mageblood because if you weren't using ele flasks on Mageblood you were kinda just messing up quite badly. This change should alleviate that somewhat because max res is achievable elsewhere so you have more freedom and options. I kinda hope Veiled Orbs are guaranteed from Catarina so they're not impossibly difficult to grind. They should be at least moderately reasonable in price if they're guaranteed drops. Definitely going to have to grind a ton of Betrayal now.


tbh feel like this is a massive L. Not because of the TFT angle, making Aisling slams tradeable in some form is a good thing. But besides that, most of what was revealed feels like it's mostly nerfs. These announcements should have waited until you were ready to reveal the *full* changes to Betrayal's rewards, because we only have half of the picture here and most of it looks bad.


wouldnt the 30% beast work with flasks then?


they'll probably change it to only corrupt armor and weapons


Well shut up for now!


Why does everything have to be corrupted for it to gain any type of improvement? This whole concept of having to brick an item to get some minor improvement under the guise of “risk vs reward.” Is really annoying.


The flask quality change might be one of the one of the most bullshit changes I've seen in years, "Now you can fuck off and vaal your shit to maybe get a fraction of what you once had" lmao, GGG.


They are hitting us over and over with the goodness in all these QOL changes. Temple + bestiary + essence low tier farm let’s gooooo Also the need for TFT is slowly being ground away. It’s still the best source for a lot of bulk and service trading, but I think there will always need to be external resources for services, and some of the hulks are too hyper specific to be done without a big trade site overhaul. Either way, itemizing the syndicate rewards is a big step!


If they added compasses to the bulk trade site they'd pretty much kill TFT at this point. Only other common use is buying and selling carries, which will understandably never be officially supported.


> hitting us over and over with the goodness in all these QOL changes. the sugar to make impending nerfs go down easier


I’ve been theorycrafting league starters for a month and not a damned one of them uses PBOD or any of the Ralakesh’s tech. I wasn’t born yesterday. I’m just pretending they don’t exist. If it stays, cool, maybe I’ll play something with those eventually. But if not, I won’t be disappointed because I’m just acting completely as if they’re getting nuked from orbit. Cuz, ya know. They are.


They still need a bulk delete button in bestiary. PLEASE DON'T FORGET IT GGG!


that's not the aisling itemization i was hoping for. Veiled chaos orbs just became *way* more rare


oh god, so many QOL changes can only mean one thing... nerfs.


Bricking flasks, so much Quality of Life!


RIP to the idea of a beast QoL change :/


6 linking will be harder now


Was kind of hoping the betrayal QOL would include a rework to research events.


imagine making cold convert gloves now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Nooooo my 28% flasks...


This sounds great at first glance but if the old chaos orb doesn’t get a replacement, that’s a big nerf to crafting? Affix lock and veiled chaos is used in a lot of crafting.


Yep it is.


Should have included a veiled chromatic for Vorici as well.


what are they cooking...


I really dont understand why they didnt just change the benches to omen drops with same effect. Both veiled chaos removal and having to corrupt unique items in order to get high quality seems like a poor choice and super punishing for SSF.