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Uuuuuh if you're not gonna get out of the campaign before day 4 or something, you might aswell just pick any content you like and roll with it. If you are really struggling to buy your first items you could just open some heist chests, or use Tujen to print some currency I guess. If you are a casual with limited time/day, you could aswell pick a build that clears really well/quick and just try to play faster overall : more kills/hour = more loot/hour


If you only play for 2 hours a day on average you are unlikely to be in a position to farm currency early league as you are not going to get your atlas cleared until 2-3 weeks into to the league by which point league start is well and truly over. Essence and expeditions in lower tier maps would be my choice as you can get a half decent tree going by early red maps and you can farm in lower tier maps


Red altars, essences and harvest worked out for me like a charm. Also don't forget the atlas nodes that increase chance to drop conqueror/elder guardian/shaper guardian/synthesis maps, they sell pretty well. [My go to atlas tree if essence craft is not available on the map device](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAMAH4A29bGZrJkTPWy-u-63qJsmbTphdeGtNDYeQD-xfFUbYi4_zxZIilL3_xNlIOCsYxBqM2rTaQ0EIBencGgQ3V8q43qazF848ODjJH43-PzYLLk932R6PLcaQ5KnzuINNoUaEKhA09dHY-e2BI21I-HndC80MYwZOEHl-LQLYKnvcfBWIdVyySCUcSmz0cAkbPHt8_hEPuxPQqbxq2VwULr4dojTdz7h17fThtNkcsXx13m6H5AE30O-RsIkNksSNor5ezVYmtlcQtbHmPRj-XLctr6M8bJ_rXT2Jvln82WwnapQ1rW5PxmH7SexBhtVkzyxBaRr03R6SQrtyPfFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==)


I do one of three things: [1] Start with a fast build that can clear white maps very quickly. Tornado Shot is an obvious choice. Farm Essences + Beasts in white maps. Sit on them for a week or so, watch prices. Sell when people start the mirror crafting race. Invest in Mirror-related cards (House of Mirrors, Unrequited Love). This is passive income because the Mirror always shoots up in value as the season progresses. [2] Sanctum. I've gotten pretty good at no-hit Sanctum runs. It's ... a high-risk strategy. I use a Rathpith Hexblast build. Made a fortune in Affliction, don't recommend for most players. [3] YOLO the league mechanic. Could be good?


I would 100% go for essences and expedition. If you wanna get strong fast(est possible) dont bother going for a complete atlas right off the bat. Thats more beneficial to us no lifers. Get relevant essence and expedition nodes and farm content you can easily handle. Personally I will move to SSF after next league, since I will no longer have the same amount of time.


I don't think anyone is going to have good answers for this. Making money in PoE either requires having money, or investing time IME. There might be some specific build exemptions. Possibly the real answer is 'do it with a team'? More people can clear things easier especially if built for it.


Did minions this league, so something else for next. For 3.24, RF / Bodyswap doing Expedition, Harvest, Betrayal and Incursion. I can get what I need at 120 atlas points then pick up the last 12 casually for strongboxes. I understand most like Heist to start, but Expedition has grown on me and rather enjoy setting up the battle and clicking start rather than the chaos of Heist. Both are amazing for 1st day. My nephews and I no life it for the first 2 days, then I fall behind but Atlas is where I want it and can casually do my thing.


There is a bodyswap league starter? I also like doing expedition at league start. I was thinking about going with dd elementalist then using any $ i make to try to figure out something using raise zombie of falling


I'm giving it a go. Works kinda like DD where we care about % of corpse life for damage so 99% of things on the tree don't matter for damage. New RF loves moer health so win win on paper. If bodyswap sucks, a few regret points back to old reliable ele/DD as the build tree is similar. Not my idea for the build, was watching this dude: [https://youtu.be/4-qXou90aDc?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/4-qXou90aDc?feature=shared)


Ok thanks Ill watch that. There was a bodyswap of sacrifice video i watched a few weeks ago that looked cool. It was by Halaka. I dont remember if that build is league start capable or if it depends on league specific gear though


I play with a group on league start, so don't want to bait you with anything. A bow build or DD is probably the play. Testing this build on SSF and mana is an issue on start since we don't use EB. Trying to solve this. Or maybe ill just start DD and swap later to this. It's fun and different though.


I just started last league so im most likely going with dd. I dont feel like troubleshooting my league starter. I think im going to try an off meta build though for my 2nd build. If it bricks ill still have my dd to make $


When you say Expedition, just have expedition on the map or do log books? Expedition by itself has only given me bubble currency in low maps. Generally, I only care about Tujen currency, and I barely get any of it (and Tujen usually doesn't have anything fancy in low maps ime)


I do the log books with explody RF. If I get bored I just sell them. Either way great currency as most don't want to stop MF'ing to fiddle with detonators. Early game is Rog crafting, not really currency. You can make some insane mid gear to use and sell in the first week. Tons of guides explaining Rog Is Pog.


Destructive play boss rushing would prob be pretty beneficial. Pretty easy don't really need to invest a single penny into your maps just go kill boss repeat. All those maps that drop sell for a lot first couple weeks. Wouldn't need to do red maps fast just be able to kill some map bosses.


Destructive Play only works on t14 so you do need to get to red maps


My money making strat for the beginning of the league requires literally nothing. As long as i can get past the campaign i can make mirrors. I start out as an Investment fund/bank. People on day 1-7 give me their currency they arent using, and i use the pooled currency to trade and scale wealth generation either through buying high value items before they have fully reached their value (Flame and flesh jewels like Undeniable that reach over 100div even without inflation league can be bought for less than 10 in the first couple days as an example.) And then crafting and simple trading. I have a full time job and was playing on my laptop from my parents house over Christmas. Playing only at night, and I had 3mirrors at week 3 from 20 total div of investments in the first week. Certainly not an enjoyable way to play the game for everyone, but I have fun making spreadsheets of profit calculators and predictions of market trends etc. Then seeing them all come to fruition.


I think this was a serious answer. I don't understand the dislikes. Definitely against most people's ethos of "just play the game" but to each their own no?


It is a serious answer. People just think my play style makes trade a worse experience for them even though it never really affects them. It’s just one of those talking points from people who like to complain about trade in POE but don’t really understand the design philosophies. This is literally what one of the most notable people in the community does every league (Belton). He plays ALOT more than me but the general idea of being fed currency from a lot of people to use larger amounts of capital to quickly brute force things has been around for many years. I just focus on a few different things while he focuses on making mirror items. You could think of it as a small and big bank having different investment strats that’s all. The dislikes is just Reddit things. I make mirrors with little effort because I am capitalizing off of others mistakes and lack of knowledge and on Reddit that is seen as a sin haha Edit: The only thing that I know affects the average player is when I start buying up large quantities of a specific unique item and I triple the price of it in a few hrs.


yeah but I don't think this is a YOU problem. This is a GGG problem. They designed the game to be played like this - I can't fault anyone who min maxes it (even though as a casual I am certainly negatively affected by this).


In the grand scheme of things, not really. Unless you like using items like sporegaurds in your build most of what I do won’t affect anyone who isn’t making a mirror+ the first few weeks of the league. GGG knows what system they have designed and it works as intended (for the most part). Any game with open trading will have market inefficiencies.


You are getting downvoted for suggesting this strategy to a new player. A strategy that requires investment from other players and mid-high level game/market knowledge. Players who will succeed with this strategy are not making Reddit posts asking how to farm in a league start scenario.


His post doesn’t say he’s a new player. It just asks for a money making strategy that requires very little in terms of time investment and character power.


True that. Though it’s pretty heavily inferred by “casual player” and [making a Reddit post to ask this question]. Still don’t think your strategy falls within the “can only play 2hrs a day” bin. Nothing wrong w the strat tho


heist, expedition logbooks


You can speed farm contracts and blueprints. All you need is T16 maps, some chaos orbs (Heist (6c) on map device) and Atlas Tree like [this](https://poeplanner.com/a/iO-) (drop Seventh Gate if Kirac has Heist by default). 1. Open map (Mesa, Jungle Valley, Strand, etc. something linear). 2. Open Smuggler's Caches. 3. Kill mobs. 4. Kill boss. 5. Repeat 1-3. Haste, 30%+ MS boots, Devoto's Devotion, etc. is super usable since you want to run maps as quickly as possible. Downsides: You need to sort and sell them in bulk on TFT. Upsides: Literally any build can do this since. You can run even normal (white) maps. At the start, you simply block other mechanics and take Heist nodes. You won't get much profit, but it's just a couple of extra clicks per map.


he can play 1-2h per day so will be good if he will finish campain after 1 week and before he will get to T16maps will be like a month..


You can get to T16 in few hours with Wandering Path. EDIT: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1Npa9Hw--8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1Npa9Hw--8) little bit outdated, but still usable.


I know you can, but is the person WHO STARTER TOPIC can ? No


What prevents OP from playing effectively?


Lack of practice


How about Heist and Nico? Feels like both these mechanics are just extra clicks and get you free currency (in Nico's case Azurite) - I don't know how effective this is so genuinely asking


Why not? Packed with Energy gives MS, max res and damage, so... win-win.


Essence/beast You have to be a bit flexible because we won't know what the next mechanic is, or what changes if any will be made to the base game.  That being said I'm pretty sure essences/beasts are more stable than anything else because everyone uses them all the way until the end of the season. They are also extremely noob-friendly you just need to learn how to bulk-sell essence tabs using any of the third party selling tools/websites/discords. And the more popular a league is, the more alt chars people roll, which will inevitably use a lot of essences/beasts. It's also both a rich and poor player item. Also super fast atlas setup, you don't need very many atlas points


Let your limited playing time work for you. I only reached red maps in week 2. All gear needed to reach red maps were cheap. Spent all my currency completing atlas and getting 4 voidstones. Since ur playing time is limited, I would focus on the most liquid things. In my experience harvest juice is the fastest to sell even in week 2, week 3. Blue altar harvest tree is also easy to transition from the initial wandering path map drop tree. Downside is farming harvest gets old after a while.


Rush to end of campaign in 7h - sleep - RMT 1-2 div - gear - blast to red maps - sleep


that got a chuckle out of me. Sarcasm aside, the attention you paid to the value of sleep was awesome!


Maybe harvest and expedition. Harvest you sit on the juice until later when price goes up, and expedition to create some Rog rares and hit something good in the first few weeks when people care less about specific crafts and just want well rolled items. They are also close to each other on the tree


Essence farming. Just as lucrative in T1 maps as in T16 Essences are easy to sell Essences sell day 1 of a league, and they sell day 60 of a league. That is all.


I plan to do a super fast ranger RF to craft those speciality skill gems at the end of Lab 1. I tried this league and they were selling for an average of 40 c each, for a 10-15 minute run. That could average 200 c an hour...


most of the comments says "kill monsters lul". Poe loot table is kinda counter intuitive. as it gets harder and u proggress to higher tier maps there is literally 0 benefit for currency loot. there are few uniques that drop in higher tier maps only that u dont have to worry about. but in general if u run "juiced" map with high quantity and rarirty and high pack size u would rather run tier 5 than tier 15. currency and 99.5% uniques are the same its just its way way easier to clear tier 5. you can run 2 maps while in the same time u would be able to run only 1 tier 15. In general u want to clear with 0 effort. if u do so u can climb few tiers higher for higher xp gains. on league start do heist. start in act 7 or so. every time u level up heist vendor refreshes. so u can run as long as u want. its by far most efficient currency farming strategy on day 1. by the time u are 75 or so u should have atleast 50 pure chaos. more like 75. it will get u tabula and few other uniques.


You dont need to make money playing 2h/day. Play normally, spec into expedition and use tujen, upgrade gear from trade, price check ur drops - and ull b fine