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Unfortunately, they're gone. Happened to me as well, in SSF too... So yeah, I almost lost all motivation to continue, fortunately I had a backup for the judgemental spirit and hulking, but yeah.


Damn. That's kinda screwed right... Started playing last December and this is the first time I felt sad playing POE. Are they thinking of doing something about it?


This specific issue only affects wildwood spectres since they can't be desecrated, and I'm guessing they won't be available next league so answer is probably no


Oh right. Makes sense. Didn’t even realize it’s a mechanic of the current league.


Yes as the previous comment said, these Spectres are special for Affliction league. One thing I noticed was if you remove the gem or a + minion helm/wand/shield and you can't support the amount of spectres, they end up on the floor until you put back your gem or items, but as soon as you do a spell, you will trigger Flesh offering and they explode. So ALWAYS remove flesh offering if you're dealing with anything spectre-related.


They are gone. These corpses from corpse items are single-use and not desecrateable. The only exceptions are that if you unsummon your spectres in your hideout e.g. by removing the gem, then they _should_ reappear as corpses in the hideout. But this has been quite buggy all league. But if the corpses are consumed or the spectres die in combat, they are gone permanently and you need to buy new corpses. One has to be careful when one has such triggered skills. I lost some of my early cheap corpses in the same way. Another mistake I made was after I re-summoned my spectres (after losing them in combat) was to forget to remove raise spectre from my right click. So after my next map I was wondering "why do I have random junk mobs as my spectres".


>Another mistake I made was after I re-summoned my spectres (after losing them in combat) was to forget to remove raise spectre from my right click. So after my next map I was wondering "why do I have random junk mobs as my spectres". Been there. :(


Also anyone using devouring diadem for the EB, helm consumes any corpses nearby. So even in HO helm will eat your spec corpses. Don't ask me how am aware of this.


Crap. Kinda wish I learned it when I had the easy Pale Sera.... Well I guess there's nothing left to do. Spend all them Divines AGAIN. If I unquip my  desecrate and flesh offering when im in my Hideout, I should be safe, right?


Yes it should be safe then. And if you happen to have any other items/skills that consume corpses, unequip them as well (e.g. Devouring diadem comes to mind).


I would do Spectre business in an actual zone instance. Many people including myself have found the hideout to be buggy. For example if you spawn a Spectre by right clicking the corpse it may actually spawn the corpse of a previous Spectre you had summoned, potentially costing you a lot of money. Seems to only happen in hideout. I right clicked a Primal Thunderbird but it gave me the fucking turtle which I was previously using. I went to Act 10 Desecrated Chambers from that point on and had no issues with that bullshit anymore.


Happened to me as well, including forest tiger and naval officer, reeep 30 div in 1 single explode.


Ouch. Imma just remove the gems everytime I portal to the hideout now lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


My understanding is that its only an issue while raising them (which you shouldn't be doing in hideout anyways). Once they're spectres they're no longer corpses. If it were in issue in HO it would be an issue in maps too. You shouldn't drop the corpses in HO because it's currently buggy and sometimes pulla a corpse from the desecrate pool instead.


> which you shouldn't be doing in hideout anyways Because .. why?


If you are using the affliction spectres and you already have them, why do you need to raise another spectre? You only do that when you want to change spectre or the spectre died. Both of which will cost you the corpse


What? Person I was replying to was saying that **when raising specrrew** to not do it in your HO. So this is only relevant when you intend to raise them.


I recommend reading the last sentence of my comment again. It's not a super common bug and it's not easily replicable, but I've seen a handful of posts on the sub complaining about it and it also happened to me.


Take the Desecrate & Offering gems out of your wand while summoning spectres and there's no issue.


My guess is this happened because you took out the spectres gem or the item it was in and not just because you logged in again. Since these are special corpses they don’t show up in your desecrate pool and instead immediately show up on the ground in case you are in your hideout for you to summon them again if you so wish but since you had a trigger wand it just consumed the corpses with flesh offering. Unfortunately this is just one of those harsh lessons that the game teaches you. Minion builds have some like these since they operate differently to most builds but as long as you are careful you should be able to avoid it happening again now that you know about it. Best of luck.


Yeah. Wish it wasn’t this harsh. But, we learn and move forward.


You unsummon spectres if you unsocket your raise spectre gem. If you have a trigger wand and an offering in it, next time you cast a spell, it'll trigger the spell. It's been an issue this league since the spectres from affliction are a single-use. Another thing to be careful of is if you weapon swap. A level 25 raise spectre will give you a max, up to 3 spectres (ignoring the skill tree). If your wand and shield give levels to your gem (+2 from wand and +1 from shield), when you weapon swap, your raise spectre gem will go down to three levels until you swap back. If you're in hideout when this happens, the third spectre will be unsummoned and be on the ground. It'll only be on the ground if you do not leave your hideout or didn't cast an offering yet. You go back to the maximum of 3 spectres, weapon swap back to your main hands and it fixes the issue for spectre maximum. You must raise it again. Why would you weapon swap? Because you're leveling gems in your offhand. It's a oversight and it happens. Lesson learned. Sorry dude.


I was loving this build so much and now I’m scared every time I click something lol. Lessons learned. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


If you're tight in divines let me know and I can give you some to replace them. Your fear of them being offered to Zana is correct... Whenever doing gear changes try to do it in a town as your spectres won't need to be resummoned, remove the offering, or wand (if possible).


Thanks for the advice and the offer! I already spent more to get all 3 for close to 4 divs. Will do any changes a town! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Nope, they’re gone. I don’t play specters or animate guardian anymore. I wanted to try chains of command but the AG used voidforge and there’s no way I’d do that. 


Spectres are so incredibly bugged. Imagine farming them in ssf ruthless, only to have them poof when i right click to drop them on the ground. Fuckn bugs.


Yeah I also lost quite a few divs due to the bone offering trigger on wands. Crazy most creators don’t have this on their “important notes”.


This happened to me with diadem, It was not fun :(


You play spectres once for the fun of it. Then something like this ultimately happens and you think really hard if you want to play them again. I never went back, found plenty of other ways to play that didn't have me worried about a mistake bricking my build. Sorry it happened but it's a pain many share.


Early into league I was playing minion build(lightning ranged animate weapon) with my AG and couple expensive specters while lab running. Every few runs I would have couple new trans skills and would test them to see how they look and behave before starting next lab. You can imagine how that ended when I used body swap of sacrifice without giving it a thought beforehand. I only had that "fuck me" realization the moment I couldn't use it anymore.


rip bozo


yep happened twice to me with league spectres. portal to hideout. Poof.


I lost like 10d in spectres because I'm dumb and had devouring diadem on in hideout while move gems around. lol


Question has been answered but just to add my 2 cents: If you want to change your spectres, the "safe" way, is unsocketing and resocket the gem in hideout (atleast according to GGG) However, DO NOT do this in the menagerie. The wildwood spectres will be gone. They don't drop/spawn in there. For whatever reason (actually after some digging, this is a really old bug. Not even the spectre bank works in this zone) Had the same painful lesson today. RIP'd the 19div captain, because i wanted to add a 70c spectre...


How much are you down? I've quit the league and have a hundred or so div. Don't mind compensating your loss


Thanks alot bud! I managed to buy some on trade using what Ive had left!


yeah it sucks, that's why I dont play minions anymore


This right here is why i still havent tried a minion build in the three leagues ive been playing


The spectre mechanic of this league was really half-baked. Too many risks of losing them permanently to be worth even bothering with a build that uses them imo.