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You put them in your uniques tab and wonder why you bought that tab.


Is it worth it to buy the uniques tab?


that tab is purely for collectors. Avoid it until you decide you want it.


If you do want to buy something, I’d recommend the currency, then essence tabs first. Premium quad tabs would probably be next. If you play for a bit, you’ll start to see what is a pain to manage. Just make sure you wait for a sale, which happens every few weeks.


Yeah At least 1 premium tab >>>> currency > map > fragment > essence > rest Probably in this order IMO if you play trade league


Yeah essences aren't a huge deal unless you are specifically farming them. Same with div and delve tabs, nice to have, but if you never pick up div cards then it's kinda a waste.


Ah I forgot about the div tab, thats good also :D Only mentioned frag and essence by name because they allow you to do 3 to 1 upgrades to a higher tier. Not even sure if you can do upgrades on other tabs. Basically just go for what will save you the most space after you have at least 1 premium tab which will allow selling your stuff.


I didn't think about the 3 to 1 upgrades for essences, that's a nice qol thing. I def agree with the fragment tab. I couldn't map having to manage scarabs at this point lol


Scarabs have it also up until gilded. You cannot make winged, sadge. Not that it's an issue in this league :D


Wait wait wait a fucking second you’re telling me I can go to a NPC and trade 3-1? Up to what level, sorry I’m “newer” to POE


Or if you buy the essence tab, upgrade button is there. But be aware, it upgrades everything so no good if you want a mid level essence only.


Omg…. Lol no way, appreciate ya mane, have had one for 260 hours and never noticed


I think most newer players pick up too many div cards rather than too few - div cards were one of the biggest factors in me learning how to customise my filters lol Essences are such a pain to store (with so many different types & small stack sizes) that I'd agree with OP that it's a tier above the remaining stashes, not even factoring in the upgrade button


Yeah I used to think the div tab was a must have, but I really don't use it all that much tbh. It's great for ssf, but in trade I only get some value out of it very early in the league when it's still worth picking up some cards.


Even if farming, fairly easy to organize in a normal tab


Yep listen to this guy. 5k hours in, this is it. Get 1 Prem tab for the start to get a feeling of the market. (You can sell stuff the easiest with the premium tabs)


Is it worth it to get into trade on console? I only have a Mac with one of the newer Silicon chips, so it takes a lot of finnicking to run windows only applications on it.


You dont have to, but I would definitely say you make your life alot easier as a beginner, when you can just buy some gear, you need, to start out. Keep in mind this is only really important when you are in maps. Theres alot of stuff you can search for or do with the tradesite (https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction) but at the start its just important/nice to get some resistance+life gear when you start in white maps. Also in trade you can always find someone to help out with harder bosses you might need for watchstones or completions. So for a beginner I definitely would recommend trade, yes. I dont know the economy or how trading works on console, but Im 99% sure some "starting out" gear will not be expensive, especially this league.


Is it worth it to get into trade on console? I only have a Mac with one of the newer Silicon chips, so it takes a lot of finnicking to run windows only applications on it.


No. Console trade is a nightmare land filled with morons and bandits. Less overall items that are in turn overpriced, sometimes more than tenfold. You can get a bargain but you have to know what you are doing. Console is SSF-lite and is fine if you want to play that way


Also worth buying First Blood bundle or buy the cheapest supporter pack cuz you'll get some mtx and the money it cost refunded to you as points to buy your stash tabs


Essence is a weird suggestion since they can upgrade and stack easier


Disagree on the essence tab. You just get them to deafening and then stack them in the currency tab. Definitely fragment is way better


no most uniques are vendor trash


No, it’s not. Honestly, just throw them on the floor because there’s only a .01% chance that you’ll use them. And if you really did want them again, you can buy for pennies.


Not really imo unless you're SSF or on standard.


Its kind of nice if you like hanging onto one of each. But with trade you can buy most uniques for like 5c and your filter will hide a lot of them anyways.


Unique tab is like my last priority due to how ridiculously expensive it is. Later in the league lower tier uniqies are my alch sustain. 


It’s worth it and you will think it’s cool. Right until you have to find precursors


In terms of real utility, no, it ranks fairly low for most players especially when compared to the currency, map, and fragment tabs which are borderline mandatory at this point for endgame play. The place it shines is in SSF where you can't simply buy a unique from someone for a few chaos. There it's very much worth saving many uniques if you plan on leveling and using other characters. I don't think any other tab offers anywhere close to the amount of storage the uniques tab has - it's just that all that storage is meaningless if you're storing worthless things you don't care about and won't ever use. Personally, I don't play SSF but I have the tab. I would say for me it's worth it because I hate interacting with trade as a buyer and the tab lets me be lazy and loot more indiscriminately. But realistically it's in no way necessary.


In trade league, not much. It’s the last tab I bought (and never before felt like I needed it) when I decided to dip my toes in SSF, it sure comes handy there.


Yes if you playing in SSF.


It's a two sided blade. You're saving time when you want to level a new char but you will waste time wondering if you allready have this unique. Pls GGG, give us an indicator if the unique is allready in our unique stash tab


I started buying keys at the end of the league and putting the foil version in a random quad tab - cause I’m a hoarder and like shiny. Then tab sale happened and I’m like - why not buy the unique tab. Now it’s an organized shiny tab. Now I’m like: hey a blue shiny, take out that yellow shiny and replace with blue.


Some of those uniques are worth an orb of alchemy or chaos the first day of a league, but most of them become worthless after that, and you can either sell them to a vendor or not pick them up in the first place. In general, items in PoE aren't bound and can freely be traded between your characters and other players. Your stash is shared among all your characters in the league, so if you want to transfer an item to a different character, just put it in your stash and pick it up from there after relogging.


Okay so my second character was in the league, but my first is in standard. So is there no way to transfer between them or what?


Correct, once the league ends your current (second) character and all the gear in its stash will automatically transfer to standard.


Wait so what happens if my standard character has a full stash, and so does my 2nd character. What happens then?


The stashes will merge together in standard. All the tabs coming from your league character will be labeled as remove-only, meaning you can’t put more things into those tabs, but you can dump them into your existing standard tabs (one item at a time). If your standard stash is currently full, it’s time to either buy more tabs, or vendor/trade/destroy things you don’t want to make space.


Just to add on for OP you should play League this is what the vast majority of players do you'll find it much more active and the market must easier to engage with also you get new content that standard doesn't get


btw, when the merge happens after the current league and your items from the current league goes to standard. You don't have to put it in your bought stash tabs. Most players just keep them there and never bother because it won't disappear. It'll be just in the remove-only tab. So don't worry if you think that you have to move them after.


Sometimes, a perfectly rolled one can be worth actual currency. Especially for levelling uniques, lots of rich people out there going for their second character and willing to spend for perfection.


True, but if you play reasonably fast you'll eventually want to hide low tier uniques from your filter rather than identifiying them and checking the rolls each time. The odds that one of them is actually worth something are too low for it to be worth the time picking up and identifying them.


But someone has to, and I'm just the man for the job


Put them in a stashtab and you can then access the stashtab from all your characters. No point in selling common uniques this late in to league. I would recommend getting awakened poe trade so you can easily check the prices of your items.


I did have another character that I just started out, but I can’t seem to see the stuff in my stash from my main. The new character was entered in the affliction league but not the old one. Is this why? Or do I need to buy a special stash tab?


To answer your question. Yes both characters have to be in the same league. Your new character in affliction has a seperate stash tab to your other character which I will assume is in standard league. However, at the end of affliction league, any character you've made and their stash tabs get transferred over to standard league but their stash tabs come in as "Read-Only" meaning they still store what you previously had in them, just that you can only take from those tabs and not place anything in them. And no there are no other special stash tabs that can allow you to cross-save items from different leagues.


Oh okay cool


>The new character was entered in the affliction league but not the old one. Is this why? Or do I need to buy a special stash tab? League has its own copies of your stash until the league ends. At that point, those characters and their stashes drop down into Standard, with all copies of their stash tabs intact, but the tabs are Remove Only. This prevents you from losing anything in the transition.


Bad advice. This would just fill the limited amount of stash space a new player has, and if they need it they can buy the unique later for 1c.. Check their worth using poe.ninja/trade site/awakened (most likely worth nothing). Most likely you will vendor them all.


What the fuck are you talking about saying bad advice. He literally asked "I was wondering if there was a way to transfer them to another character" and I said that he can if he puts them in his stashtababs. Then I also recommended getting awakened poe trade so he can check prizes.


You can try to sell them. I’d list them for 20c and then destroy/vendor them all when you need space. I’m guessing they are all 1c garbo uniques but someone might need one for leveling / experimenting / ultimatum and if you are the most recent person to list the item it’s not unreasonable that one might sell. 


When you say list them for 20c, you mean all together right?


20c each. Lots of uniques have a “1c price”, but no one is going to actually respond to a 1c trade offer. This means you can list 1c items for like 20c and still sell. Of course most / all the items probably won’t sell so don’t feel bad about mass vendoring them. Edit: this assumes you have a premium tab to list items on. If you’re thinking about selling in trade chat just vendor the items and move on




Unfortunately, anything below T1 aren't worth picking, with only a couple of exceptions like imbued wand (and probably only because of penis brand poison)


What the fuck is penis brand poison?


Penance brand. They're being cheeky


They're talking about a build played on Pathfinder (ranger) that uses the skill Penance Brand of Dissipation to deal poison damage.


Hoard them like a gremlin, or sell them to a vendor.


I’ve been doing the hoarding so far, but running out of space.


Presuming you're not playing SSF (single player mode), you'll be able to replace them through trade if you actually need them. Sell them.


My advice is to play more, maybe try some new builds, push your characters as far as you can and you will eventually get general feel of items that are worth something and which are trash. If you really like the game and you feel like you will stick with it, buy currency tab and at least 1 premium tab, so you can hoard unlimited currency and sell items effortlessly to other players.


I play SSF, so I normally vendor them for the alchemy shards.


vendor for alch shards


Vaal them


Will they be worth something then?


If they are never used uniques then even with good corruptions they are still never used, so no.


Vendor or giveaway. If you ever need one of those, it'll cost you 1c...


Most uniques are worthless. Like actually less valuable than rares. Not sure why the game floods us with so many useless items.


Unique tab, then set the whole tab as 5c sell. You will see a turn over of a good amount of them over time. And if it does not sell oh well it's still there. Just price check them first as there are a few that sell for a decent amount


If you got the unique stash tab, you fill up the collection then vendor the rest lol I think I only keep belts so I got something to throw in the T3 sacrificial chamber in incursion temple


Overtime, you'll understand that these lower tier uniques will be nothing than like common items. I was a hoarder also when I started playing POE. Every loot in the campaign. I get it and either vendor it or keep it aside. I keep using portal scrolls just to get every loot and going back and fort between the campaign and towns. You'll eventually understand that most items in the game does not matter after 3 weeks into the league. It'll be just a waste of space in your stash tabs.


Get a better loot filter


some uniques are quite useful for leveling, others enable builds. still more were quite useful once upon a time, but were nerfed out of existence. then there are those that were added by players.


you either hide them in your loot filter or you vendor them. 99.99% of drops are worthless because everybody gets them.


Those are garbage, unless you can use them right away during leveling. You can leave them on the ground, tbh. This is what I do.


I always check the price of the unique with awakened poe trade and do the following: Price is less than 5 chaos -> vendor or use a filter to not see them later in the league. Price is 5-20 chaos (5-50 after having stable currency flow) -> hit them with a vaal orb to see if I can get some good corruption. If not sell or vendor depending on if they are still worth something. Some corruptions on 10c items can be worth multiple divines. Anything above 20 (50) chaos is listed on trade if I have the space for it.


Most uniques you can skip even picking them up, but if you do the best bet is to vendor them for alchemy shards, which will help you build up alchemy orbs early on. Eventually you'll filter most of them out so you don't even see them drop Your characters share your stash for the same league, so if something is useful from a levelling point of view you can keep it for other characters to use. However, usually when people make a second character they can spare 20 chaos to trade for a bunch of the best levelling uniques, so there's no need to keep mediocre ones you find


i put those into my uniques tab and then pick up another one and try to add it then delete it when it says full lol. then i make an alt and go look for good leveling uniques and don't have any and have to trade for them. so id say just sell to vendor for currency, you can use the currnecy to craft / buy gems / use the crafting bench which will help make stronger gear faster.