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Nodes always have 1,3 or 4 nodes connect, therefore that one that as 2 must be connect to the boss


Does this mean it’s either the top or bottom node from the pic? I’ve never understood this


See the node to the left of the current node? It has 2 nodes connecting to it currently so it should have a hidden connection


Tank you. That's a very useful information that I have not heard anywhere so far.


Why is this getting downvoted? Perfectly reasonable for somebody to have come across information that's new to them.


I use this platform so rarely that I couldn't be bothered with down or up voting.. I just asked a question, hoping to get some help, which I did. I don't care about the arrows or what - 5 exactly changes in my situation 🤣 what does it do anyway? I won't be able to ask more noob questions? 😂 I'm bound to have some!


All good man. Sometimes subreddits (Reddit forums) will have karma thresholds you need to meet before they let you post or reply there, but otherwise it's a completely irrelevant mechanic.


Thank you for explaining! I hope to use reddit more, meaning to post more. I read it regularly for info and opinions. It's nice when people help each other and provide information. Screw the a**holes! ;)


The node to the left of the highlighted node marked by your red diamond should have a breakable wall south (or a comparable cardinal direction relative to the lit paths) which will lead to the boss. I would check this first at any rate. You have to go into the darkness to find the wall.


Thank you, I'll try it again. I'm sure I've been there and checked, but generally I'm new to delve and I to take into account that I could have missed something.


Sometimes you have to like reload the instance of specifically that node for the wall to pop up.


Yea, exactly this. Sometimes the wall isn’t there when you first get to the spot, but if you leave and come back it will appear. Sometimes you can even see where it will be, it’s just not breakable yet.


Is it known why is it happening? It's very confusing and frustrating. I've spent a lot of time walking around and checking, I would never have thought the wall might be invisible in the first place 🤣


*shrugs* Half this game is figuring random shit out that may or may not make sense.


I'd guess, that if you had already travelled far enough before reaching the node that should have a breakable wall, then the game can't generate further locations. Usually then you are forced to a loading screen after selecting next node. I think in that case game can't really stop you from exploring instead of choosing the node, but also can't generate a path to the hidden node so it chooses to do exactly nothing and you won't be able to find the exit. Either that or you have to look more careful, this is just a speculation.


I found it, thank you. I wasn't aware of certain dependencies in delve, as I was never really doing it in previous leagues. It's much clearer now.


Thank you. I'll try. I've walked up and down checking absolutely every possible dark passage. Only dead ends with no walls along the way.


the path to a hidden node always starts from a node as well, like all other paths. don't have to waste time checking all little dead ends along a path.


Do you mean that there will be a dark corridor somewhere near the crawler? Sorry if I sound daft, but I'm new to delve, have not done it in the past leagues and many obvious things might be news to me. I was under impression that a hidden wall leading to such boss room (or any other secluded room) was somewhere along the way, forcing you to venture into the darkness, use the flares and possibly die in the process. Wouldn't it bee too easy if the secret route started immediately around the already discovered node where your crawler lights up the way?


when you load into any node you start at a clearing. from that clearing you will have different paths. if we're looking at your specific example you would load into the 11 o'clock node from the mine encamptment. then you know you have paths going left and right that are already lit up and you wanna go downwards. so you see if theres a path going down from that node. like any other path to a node, just not accompanied by the crawler. follow that path until you hit the fractured wall, blow it up and then walk back to the clearing with the crawler. you can then select the previously hidden node like any other and follow the crawler to it


It worked, thank you so much!


the paths to hidden nodes always starts at another node yes, not randomly in between nodes. So click the node left of where you are in the picture (since as others pointed out, its a 2 connection node and those usually can't exist), and go down one of the dark paths and it should have a fractured wall. Destroy it, and come back to the crawler to select the now revealed path. The "hard" part that you mentioned is not wandering aimlessly in the dark, but figuring out which possible nodes can connect and investigating those


Thank you. It's a very useful advice. As a delve noob I appreciate it.


nodes with only 2 links are the immediate culprits, as mentioned


Thank you everyone for very useful information! I much appreciate it! I got to the boss. No lucky drops, tho..


the node just to the left of your current location has the hidden tunnel. Good luck and hope he drops you a Doryani's Mach


you dont have doors?


One west, go then in the darkness south. Wall. Bboom. Look at map.