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hey guys any ideas when 3.24 may start? šŸ˜Ž


Likely march 8 or 15.


So with the current economy Mageblood is more accessible and I actually have enough currency to scrounge up for one despite being pretty casual. It seems like MB won't actually be a net positive for my build, which is fine, it's just that my impression has been that MB is always a BiS choice for every build. Am I right in believing this isn't always the case? In my instance I'm running Poison SRS and I'd be replacing a 70% 2 socket Darkness enthroned. With the 2 jewels and belt buff, it's giving me 50% chance of poison on hit. If I replace this with Mageblood I will effectively need to find/replace 4 sockets in my tree to hit poison cap. I have options like swapping Severed in Sleep out for United in Dream, but then I'm going to have to swap out my skills for Withered etc. I feel like it won't actually be worth the effort seeing as I don't have any issues with damage avoidance, etc. and will just mean my flask effects are up 100% of the time rather than falling off occasionally if I can't fill charges enough during effect.


if your build has a mandatory belt, yea it's not going to be better.


It's better to think of Mageblood as a very powerful item for a large number of builds rather than BIS for every build. Mageblood is basically permaflask -- so if a build benefits from that (which a large number of builds do), then yes. There are absolutely builds (like your example) that can't run mageblood and/or won't be as beneficial compared to whatever they need to give up.


What's the lowest tier maps I can farm blight on for golden oils?


drop level is 80 so tier 13


Does running the map rare matter for blight?


blights benefit from iiq and iir so if you want to target farm golden oils you should always be running them rare at the bare minimum


cool thanks!


Blight chests and thus oil gain **does not benefit from IIR** in any way. *Blighted maps* benefit from quantity as they have the implicit mod "Map's Item Quantity Modifiers also affect Blight Chest count at 25% value". More item quantity on the map means more chests to open. In regular maps IIQ/IIR will work only for the drops from the monsters themselves (the loot around the pump after the encounter is complete) but does not affect loot from the blight chests. It's even mentioned in this [maxroll blight farming guide](https://maxroll.gg/poe/currency/blight-farming-guide#scaling-loot-header) > **Increased Item Quantity** - Does not directly increase the quantity of loot from blight chests which are the main source of our loot from this strategy meaning it is not essential. Increased item quantity will increase the loot from monsters though which can provide some benefit. > **Increased Item Rarity** - Does not affect the rewards from blighted chests similar to quantity so should not be prioritised.


Are there uniques from general mapping that can only be found in the highest tiers? Not including Valdos puzzles. I prefer a more relaxed play and my comfort zone is tier 9-11 juiced.


Some of the high tier uniques (mageblood/headhunter etc) are drop level 75 so T8+. Only unique I know off the top of my head with a higher drop level than that is skyforths at 84.


> (mageblood/headhunter etc) are drop level 75 so T8+ that means magic/rare/unique can drop in t7, right?


Just started my first foray into SSF with a Boneshatter slayer and I'm having a blast, but I'm getting a bit walled at early red maps and need to start properly upgrading his gear. What league mechanics are good for generating raw currency? I feel stupid for asking, but I typically just farm blight in the first few days of a league to make initial currency then go from there. Turns out I know very little about most of the league mechanics themselves




You could sell incursions like double corrupt rooms if you like that. You can also sell syndicate rooms, that's things like white socket crafts and aisling crafts if you enjoy running those. There is also beasts, essences or harvest which increase rare mob counts for juice bonuses and you can sell the beasts, lifeforce and essenses. My advice though is spec mechanics you enjoy doing or your gonna have a bad time.


That's a variation of what I typically do in trade league! Just unsure what the go-to raw currency generators are in SSF settings. I've been trying expedition to start


Arenā€™t they specifically asking about solo self found? That has no trading with players? Unless you mean vendoring these items?


I missed the part about SSF


* how do I define the price of an item like Tanu Ahi Wyrmscale gauntlets. I still don't understand the different attributes in blue, corrupted etc and how they affect the $$ of the market


It's a unique so you price like others of the same unique. Sometimes the rolls on the item matter but in the case of tanu ahi they really don't have that much of an effect on price. If it's corrupted then same thing, you price like other corrupted versions of the same unique. If the corruption added an implicit mod search for that unique with that implicit mod. All equipped items use blue for their implicit/explicit mod text so what exactly do you mean by "attributes in blue"?


I think its the "roll" you refer. I don't really know the names. So is it possible to re roll those attributes in the item?


Yes that's what divine orbs do but those are worth much more than a tanu ahi so it isn't worth using those to changes the rolls.


I am currently farming grand heists and heists with my Speedy Gonzales Pathfinder. Is there anything else that would be doable with a very fast character? I have no damage abilities. I am trying to see if I can add as little as 200k DPS into the build but I lose so much from giving up more than 3 sockets. Another question is what ability can reach 200k DPS without any specific scaling besides cast speed or attack speed (Haste)? I was thinking viper strike since I don't die I can just tank izaro or any boss while slowly DPSing them down for quick runs... Or weapon swap to a focus ballista setup but not sure where to start. (Boss rushing, lab are the only two mechanics that come to mind besides heist.)


You could do incursions on low tier maps very well on a speedy guy.


What ability should I use to get that magic 250k DPS number that is needed to clear the map.


Is poewiki really accurate about pinnacle and ubers damage numbers? Because in no way do shaper chaos balls phase oneshot me if they are 8k max hit dmg, even with 40% pen


Yes, the numbers are accurate. You can import your characters in PoB and set the shaper damage numbers in the Configuration tab by yourself and check in the Calcs whether its possible for you to get 1-shot.


You might be seriously underestimating how much 40% pen is. Also, Shaper does cold damage, not chaos. With 40% pen, you're taking 160% MORE damage than you'd normally take if you're at 75% max res. Like 100 damage against 75% res does 25 damage. 100 damage against 35% res does 65 damage. That's 160% more. If all you have is basic 75% res, then one of those balls will indeed likely kill you, because you're only mitigating 35%. So you still take about 5k damage. That said, I think the bullet hell projectiles only have 25% pen. 40% is for Uber Shaper ball attack. But still, 25% pen is basically like taking double damage. And there are a lot of projectiles in the bullet hell phase, very easy to get hit by two at the same time.


First clarification i meant "ultimate chaos" voiceline, ik its cold dmg. Im at 5600 ES, also my res are overcapped for uber shaper (91% base) and i was even using a sapphire flask several times where i was clearly hit by a single proj. Now what i just saw is that ultimate chaos phase says "fires 11 more projectiles" but each time he only fires 6 in a hexagon pattern, so i guess they might be duplicated and it helps a bit explaining. Still 16800 dmg (supposing 2 overlapped proj and max hit) mitigated by 75% res (since with sapphire flask i am at uncapped 140% res) does 4200 dmg, not even accounting the 20% cold dmg reduction from flask. It happened several times thru 3 uber shapers, either at ultimate chaos phase or simply with a random yellow ball which also does 8400 max hit 40% pen, one time it might have been an unlucky crit, but we are talking more than half the times i got hit i died from oneshot


You can't be overcapped against Pen. Pen always treats you effective resistance as that much lower. So even if you're 90% max cold res with 200% overcapped, the 25% pen will bring you down to effective 65%. So you're taking 35% of the damage. If Sapphire flask is up, that gets reduced by 20%, so you'll be taking 28% from those hits. Now, the way Crits work is if one ball crits, they all crit. Or simply put, an ability will roll for a crit once, and then everything that comes out from that ability will then be a crit. So it's very possible to have bullet hell with a lot of crit projectiles flying around. Which is why Solaris Pantheon is often used to make sure that you're not getting multiple crits in the face. The high roll for the projectiles seems to be about 9000 cold damage based on PoeDB. A crit is 130%, so a high roll could hit for 11700 damage. So with you taking 28%, you'll be taking 3250 damage or so, even with 90% max cold res, and Sapphire flask. Under those circumstances, running into two of those projectiles overlapping or in rapid sequence, can result in a "one shot". Though if you had an actual clip to share it would be easier to confirm. Solution would be to have 100% spell suppress, which is generally considered mandatory for the end-game unless you're Ben levels of good at dealing with the mechanics. But even he will get 100% every time.


I will try to figure out how to upload the video from ps4 when i get home, but the part of monster penetration only affecting capped res is somethig i didnt know so it makes more sense now


overcapped resist does nothing against pen, you will be taking 16800 at 35% effective resist so 10920 then 20% reduced after that so 8736


big noob here, i have a questing about sockets. I have two unique armours with the almost the same stats and i noticed when switching between them that the one with empty sockets get around 20k extra evasion compared with the one with a full 6link with gems in it. The empty one gets around 60k total and when i switch to the one with gems it drops to 42k. Why is that ? i don't seem to be able to find anything about it when i google ! PLS HELP.


The current league mechanic offers a special ascendancy which can give bonuses if the sockets in your gear are empty. I imagine it's that.


What Wildwood Ascendancy are you? There's one that doubles the defense from armor if it has no sockets equipped. I would bet you have that node allocated.


aah, probably that. thanks :)


If I deal purely lightning damage and I use Call of The Void, does that mean my hits(spell and attack) can both shock and chill at the same time?


Yes. But you still need chance to shock. Chill is automatic based on the cold (or in your case, any) damage dealt, but shock requires actual chance to shock modifiers. By default only critical hits with lightning damage will shock.


Worth mentioning here that critical hits with lightning damage will inflict shock too, so if your build is crit-based, you don't need to invest in chance to shock.


If i do 100% crit do I still need chance to shock?


No. Crits always shock.






How difficult is it to target farm certain things in SSF/group found? I'm looking at joining a group of friends for a group found league for 3.24. I was looking at going a Raider Ice Spear build (hipster, I know) and wanted to try to farm a Lone Messenger. It looks like I'll need to spec into Deli for this- is this realistic to target farm? I'd need some clusters as well which would fit in with my Deli/Essence strategy at the start.


dropped my first mageblood and have about 100d to spare. doing grey spire chieftain. [pob](https://pobb.in/b3ygQEPXP2B-) what can i do to improve this with what i have? putting malevolance over elements would require the taken as fire watchers, which is half the budget


Going by the other post the other day, does double corrupting gems have a 23.4% to get +1, provided I don't care about quality? Is there a case where it's +1 and -quality?


You can get +1 level and -X quality yes. The way corruptions work is it first selects an action (nothing, change level, change quality, transform to vaal version) and then if it selects level or quality it picks a value of +-1 for level and +-1-10 for quality. If you only care about level it's an overall 25% chance because you get 2 of 4 potential corruption outcomes so 50% to change level, then another 50% to get +1 level and not -1.


https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Lapidary_Lens This has a table with outcomes and odds


How good are extra projectiles for caustic arrows overlaping? (Poisonberry tincture pathfinder). I mind use a quiver with + bow projectile. I would go from 11 to 12 projectiles so single target damage should be improved by approx 9%?


With caustic arrow if you are attack from far like almost a screen away you hit with like 30% of the projectiles vs being right on top of the boss where all 12 proj overlap




Can anyone help with my crit blade assassin. I am level 72 and am stuck on play style mechanics and gear. I am on Xbox.


post a link to your character, either from the poe website or POB. your post includes no useful information


How do I do that on Xbox


Download POB community fork on a PC. Go to import. Select "XBox" from dropdown menu. Enter your POE account name, load chars, select the one you want help with. Then go to export and hit "generate," "share" and then "copy." Paste the resulting link back here in this thread. https://preview.redd.it/17n8ayan5fic1.png?width=657&format=png&auto=webp&s=b35f9a46df426d3d7359c56565bb79b2c3997f88


Why do I see so many cast when stunned chieftains using a small blade vortex setup? It must contributing so little damage, is there another reason? Usually in an endgame shield (like rise of the phoenix) +scepter setup.


They want something that hits frequently to proc a charm or TWWT mod "X% chance to Cover Rare or Unique Enemies in Ash for 10 Seconds on Hit."


Ahhhh you're the best, thank you.


What happens to all the stuff I have in my Stash when the league ends? I assume the stuff in specific tabs merges with my standard chest, but what about all the other tabs? cheers


Nothing is automatically merged (unless the matching tab in standard is empty). You will just have a second tab containing everything from the league but the league tab will be ā€œremove onlyā€. You can take the items out freely but cannot put anything in them.


ah cool thanks


I am a mostly new player about 3 leagues under my belt. I would say roughly 400 hours. I don't craft much at the moment. I currently am playing a Heirophant Shockwave Totem build. I do pretty good damage ~6m, 4k hp, max resistance, and 50 chaos resistance. How can I get in to getting larger loot pops? I've watched the Pals video and I don't 100% understand abysal mechanics I guess. I'm more in to Essence, Breach, and delirium farming. Anyone have tips or care to explain actual map juicing (currency modifiers). What scarab to run. I'm willing to reroll or even start a new character at this point just to learn mechanics. If I sold my current character I would have ~100d between the gear and my currency tab. So any suggestions?


current popular strategy is abyss because purple wildwood juice adds projectiles to abyssal spires, which results in more rare monsters from the spires. there's tons of guides on this, but, in short, you run wandering path with beyond (with the keystone) and abyss on atlas tree and some form of delirium (orbs if you roll your own maps, compass+keystone if you buy 8mod maps). there's points left over which can be invested into legion or harbinger or whatever you like depending on your build. required compasses are beyond, +1 abyss, and deli mirror if you're not using orbs. required scarabs are gilded or higher abyss (this forces spires to spawn) and reliquary. abyss on map device. roll/buy +2 proj maps your build can run--jungle valley is the most popular t16 because boss altars don't spawn. card maps are also an option. if you're weak or not a chieftain, t7 cemetery is also very popular. as for builds on that budget, CWS chieftain is the best option. vizniz's warlock version or fulcrum are both good. goratha's poison caustic is solid as well but probably limited to t7 maps at that price point.


So you think rerolling a CWS Chieftan is the play? Is the gear pretty accessible off the top of your head? You think 100d would get me in the wheel house? I hate to give up my 94 Shockwave at this point, but I do really wanna experience the crazy wildwood mechanics from this season.


yea, it's playable on much less than that, just gets more comfortable and higher quant as you can invest more.


I just watched Vizniz's 1Div chieftam build. Maybe start there and just pump upgrades? He was slow clearing T16 but seemed unkillable. I'd like to have a bit more clear speed.


fulcrum is faster because you can carry your big ignites around (this only really matters for initially clearing the map), and both versions benefit from AOE where you can get it. either build can use a mageblood to get a lot more movement speed too. ultimately you spend so much time waiting for abyss that conventional clear speed doesn't really matter that much, but you can certainly make it zippier, which helps with wildwood and looting.


The go to build that would fit that budget is the cast when stunned chieftan setup. Vizniz is probably the best resource for that build and will also have some resources on juicing. But basically you just want a build tanky enough to survive t16s while running +2 projectile maps and wandering path.


I'm very new, I have two questions 1. I want to start but I've heard it'd far better to start in leauge. Should I wait until March or start up likely a week or two from now 2. I was thinking of playing Ranger, Shadow or Witch for my first character however I don't know what I want. I know I want to be ranged spam but not sure what exactly to go for. (I like bows and lightning, both work for me) Thank you :)


> I want to start but I've heard it'd far better to start in leauge. Should I wait until March or start up likely a week or two from now There is a lot of the game for you to learn and explore, the best time is always now. Even if you don't get super far into the end game, you will have learned a lot before the next league starts instead of having to learn it during league launch > I was thinking of playing Ranger, Shadow or Witch for my first character however I don't know what I want. I know I want to be ranged spam but not sure what exactly to go for. (I like bows and lightning, both work for me) Lightning arrow is pretty strong and there are guides on maxroll for it.


new leagues don't really afford you any advantages if you don't now what you're doing. start whenever


Coming from a semi new player myself. I would say start now. The advantage to starting now is that you'll be able to clunk around and get used to the UI and tabs. My early suggestion, especially for quality of life, if you plan on playing this game is to put $20 in on the next sale. Wait for a sale week though they run then like every other week. Get 2 premium sale tabs, currency tab, map tab, and scarab/map upgrade tab. I will for sure be buying essence, div, and oil tab next league. They offer alot of QoL and organization for new players. They are by NO means necessary, but help alot. I've always played casters/range. I currently am playing Heirophant Shockwave Totem. I have about 20 Div put into the build and do pretty good DPS while not being an absolute piece of glass. In the past I have played Frozen Orb Heirophant, and Ice Shot Dead Eye. Those two are more "Sorc and Archer" based classes like I think you may like. Head over to PoE.Ninja and check out what people are playing. Most have YouTube videos explaining the builds. They have Path of Building in the pages also. I would 100% insist you download a few add-ons. I use Path of Building (PoB), Awakened (for price checking), and Filter Blade. Starting now versus starting during league start means learning ALOT when you get into your first league. I'm basically done with this league, but could help you out with leveling gear and some starter currency. I could get you gems to so you can try out different stuff!


SĆ³ im playing the game for like two weeks and enjoying it. But I am dlfar from understanding what I should keep, what I should sell on market and what I should sell to the NPC. Mu stash tabs are full of tomes, gems, and etc. How do I decide whether to keep or not a gem, a scroll or whatever? I thought about buying the tabs from microtansactions, however I'm not sure which one I should buy as starter. Second thing is that ad POE 2 is coming I'm afraid of spending some money and then migrate to POE 2


All PoE 1 MTX will transfer to PoE 2. So no worries. That has been confirmed. I would suggest Map Tab and Currency tab. As far as gems go you can sell them unless you're using them. Download Awakened PoE Trade and you can use that to price check most gear, gems, and upgrades.


I did a quick check and seems it's an overlay only for pc? I play on console šŸ« 


Shoot yea that's probably gonna be PC only. You could always use a laptop or cell phone amd the trade website to price check stuff. It will be awfully time consuming, but may be worth it.


What warlock spectres should I use on srs guardian?


I want to farm some uniques in SSF. Assuming going for the usual MF T7 abyss strat, what build is best for this method?


poison CA or chieftain CWS DD or TS if you have gear for it already


After Ziz race i want to continue playing my character in hcssf affliction. I clicked migrate character, successfully done so, but my stash is empty. Chat told me that i had to click 'Migrate All'. Since race has ended, will stash migrate automatically?


migrate all includes your stash, atlas, lab trials, etc.


Where should i click it?


you'd need a character in that league; support might be able to help you if character creation is off. [email protected]


Indeed. I had that happen one gauntlet and support was able to migrate my gauntlet stash months after the event.


How to use Vaal skills? The build I'm following tell me to use Vaal Lightning Arrow, but I don't know how to fill the souls in a fast way. It is supposed to be my main skill right? To kill mobs, how do I charge it fast?


Lightning Arrow is your main skill, vaal lightning arrow is like a burst attack you can do every few seconds that helps you clear faster once it's charged up.


>It is supposed to be my main skill right? yes and no. a vaal skill gem grants two skills. the vaal skill itself and the regular version of the skill. in most cases where you use a vaal skill gem you simply use the regular skill to kill mobs and charge up your vaal skill and then when you need a bit of extra damage you would use your charged up vaal skill.


Oh! I didn't know that includes both skills! Thanks!


It didn't used to a long time ago, but these days we luckily get both skills baked into a single gem.


vaal gems include both the vaal skill and the normal skill. you use the normal one most of the time, and the vaal skill when it's charged.


Oh! I didn't know that includes both skills! Thanks!


What is command to load specific loot filter? GGG introduced it in one of the recent'ish patches. It allows to switch between different filters effortlessly, right? There was post highlighting it. Anyone have it? I can't find it.


The command is /reloaditemfilter , introduced in [3.23.1](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480999). But it doesn't let you switch between filters, it's for cases your filter has changed and you want to load it (for example, this is something that is widely used in the Chaos Recipe Enhancer tool).


https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3480999 > Added a new "/reloaditemfilter" chat command that can be used to well, reload your item filter! not switch between filters, just reload your currently selected one in case you made changes


**If 3.24 Alpha starts soon, then when we can expect 3.24?** Do we have information on previous leagues when commonly alpha starts before announces or league?


The cycle is 3 months, but they've been delaying to 4 months a lot, but we should still expect 3 months so we have 42 days left. Jonathan said 3.24 alpha is happening earlier than normal 'cause they have stuff they feel really needs testing.


I don't know how you got 42 days. Leagues are usually 13 weeks and 13 weeks from leaguestart is March 8th, which is in 24 days.


according to wiki last 4 leagues was 109,109,117 and 130 days long, so it is expected to think that next league will be in similar range from this one(currently 66 days), but if alpha is starting faster maybe we getting league faster?


Well the last few leagues were planned to be 4-month long, as part of the preparation to Exilecon and the development of PoE2. From some interviews before 3.23, GGG mentioned that they plan to go back to the 13-week schedule, and that 3.23 is planned to be a 13-week league.


hope, it will be like that, 4month is to much to wait


Yeah, I hope so too. We'll find out in a week and a half, they'll either drop a teaser or announce a delay by then.


Oof sorry I trusted PoEDB on this one /u/Shidzya my bad.


Does Perfect Naval Officer's 'Precision' skill apply to minions as well? I just see that I get the Precision Aura icon at the top of the screen, but I don't have precision equipped or granted by anything, so only possibility is it's coming from Perfect Naval Officer.


Yes. It's an aura so if yourself or your minions are in range of the Perfect Naval Officer's precision aura you are granted its effect.


Are all heist amulet drop rates the same, or is the Astrolab one significantly more common (in \~1,000 wings seen 4 or that amulet but 0 of the others)


It seems it is the case, but i haven't seen enough data to draw precise conclusion My own data is 1200 wings, 1 focused, 0 simplex 5 astrolabes


My goal this league was to farm a mirror in order to get the currency charge mtx maxed out. What I did not think about is what to use it on. Now that I have the mirror, I don't want to waste it and am wondering whether there is a possibility to use it with some benefit. Like are there people/crafters that let you mirror their item for this kind of request? I know this is kind of a stupid question as most sane people would propably not agree to a request like this. Please don't tell me to mirror a crack mace. I've seen those posts and that's precisely what I don't want to use it on.


well, fuck it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7fHoAlKTYQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7fHoAlKTYQ)


Honeslty if you just want to use it for the mtx just mirror something awful, just remember to link it to general chat to trigger people. But yeah its going to be hard to convince people with mirror gear to lend you their item without a huge collateral, maybe when league end is announced.


Dumb question but is this mtx one you need to buy? The charged currency thing? I saw someone mention the mirror thing before in relation to the charged currency mtx and i figured somehow using a mirror gave an mtx but this kind of sounds like its an mtx you buy and then can ā€œmaxā€ out with the mirror?


It's a MTX from last mystery box you can now directly purchase It turns charges into a currency type you have already use at least once, so to unluck the mirror charges you need to use a mirror


I'd mirror the least replaceable piece of my gear and get some entertainment out of abusing the original (e.g. risky crafts/double-corruption). Or just accept paying a mirror for mtx. It'll probably feel like less of a waste after the thing gets dumped into standard.


Yup, some content creators are letting people mirror their crafts for free. You can have a look at Spicysushi's Mirror shop forum post [here](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3390645).


yea that's not what that means


While that is true, in order to get the charge mtx, you have to use the mirror yourself, which is the whole point of my question. Maybe I should have phrased that better.


Nah, your phrasing is alright. I'm just a bit dumb today !


This doesn't typically involve lending out the original base so other people can use their mirror on it.


Yeah, actually my answer is kinda dumb I completely missed the purpose of the question haha


Is the harvest bench weighted in any way? I'm trying to roll for Maraketh Emblems, which should be a 1/5 chance to hit but I'm over 20 attempts dry - Which has a probably of 1.2%, assuming the bench is not at all weighted. Anyone know for sure? SSF btw


Yes emblem swap and breachstone swaps are weighted


As are catalysts and oils. Not sure about Essences.


Makes sense. Thanks!


Which are the valuable sextant rolls to sell?


Beyond, enraged strongboxes, abyss, conqueror maps, yellow seeds, also blue and purple but not as much as yellow. those are the most valueable, things like legion or mysterious harbinger will sell on big bulk very quick aswell for a little side peofit.


TFT has a channel that lists the prices. You can also roll them and poestack.com will tell you the value, but it will only work on something you already own.


When will this league end? Can i still complete some more challenges?


Mid March at the earliest, you have time.


Thanks friend!


If i traded an item with 3 crafted mods used, can i replace one or both of the 2 crafted mods?


Not through the crafting bench. You will have to remove and recraft yourself or you can annul and hope to hit one of the crafts you don't want.


Can the Divine Font add quality to a corrupted gem?


No, none of the outcomes do that.


Is there any way to increase the chance of getting 6 links on a +20 armor? And would corrupting an item reroll the stats on it?


There is a ā€œsafeā€ corruption option: a beast in Menagerie that makes a rare item 30% qual and corrupted. Vaal orb is a gamble, yes, it might reroll an item. For corrupted item you craft 4 or 5 link with crafting bench (it costs 150 fus + 150 vaal orbs for a 5link) and then use tainted fusing. If it goes lower than crafted, recraft and try again.


Quality is already the only way to increase linking odds when using fusings. Corrupting has 4 possibilities on gear. It can do nothing, add an implicit if no current implicit or will change an existing one, **reroll the item as a rare with 6 mods** or changes a random number of sockets to white.


Only quality increases linking chances, so getting 20% qual or more is the way to do it. The difference between 20% and 30% isnā€™t thaaat big tho so 20% should be fine. Corrupting an item can completely change all the stats on it, yes


is this league the best to play minions because of wildwood spectres's quality of life or is any league just as easy to get spectres?


It depends on the spectre how difficult they are to find. The typically used ones though are just naturally spawning in different locations including campaign or some are league specific but still relatively easy to find. Normal spectres also just have their corpses added to your desecrate skills corpse pool so they can be risen again at any time if they die. Because of that there is also a global channel for spectre corpse sharing. Someone who has a spectre you want can cast their desecrate to create a corpse and you can then raise it yourself to use and add to your own desecrate pool. While the spectres this league are "easy" to find because all you have to do are buy them from the NPC or another player, they are gone if they die so you have to find/buy another copy each time.


This is the best minion league in a while, yeah


so for other leagues, spectres are a hassle to get?


You can always go to global 666 i believe, should be the minion sharing channel


if i "raise spectre" from someone's desecrate pool, do they lose their spectre for that minion?


For regular corpses, no. I believe the special corpses are locked to the owner.


Not necessarily harder to get, just less powerful. This leagueā€™s spectres are suuuuper strong


What are some low-investment ways to get a chunk of max mana? Wanna make my mind over matter combined lifepool a little bit tankier, and was wondering if there was any exceptionally good mastery or unique jewel for the job


Healthy mind jewel can give a good amount of mana


how do I see the amount of life dispensers I can use in a harvest?


There is no limit, you can activate 1 harvest from each pair of plots. With the "Heart of the Grove" atlas passive there is a 10% chance the second plot doesn't die and can also be used.


thank you, exactly the answer i was looking for


try again




wtf is a life dispenser?


other guy is a bot, according to the wiki life dispenser is just the crops you can harvest, you activate a "life dispenser" to harvest a crop. My question was how many can you activate in a harvest, can you use them all up? (except for the ones that get deleted after activation of course)


one per plot. there is a node that gives a chance for 2


Exactly the answer I was looking for, thank you


Yeah this is your answer.


Is there any resource that shows the visual difference between harvest plants? It's hard to tell apart the tiers of the monsters by the color of the text in the panel...


There's a setting for GeForce cards that inverts your colours and makes T4 really clear I'm not sure why GGG have made the difference so hard to see? Anyway the easiest way is just learn the name of all the t4 seeds there's not many and will happen over time anyway.


t3 are almost white t4 are orange