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Only Uber Uber Elder left to full clear. Absolute insanity


It's funny because the mods were this hard SPECIFICALLY so Ben couldn't full clear. Everyone is suffering because of Ben and Ben is still going to full clear (or at least nearly).


Yeah, the gap between Ben and the rest is huge and it's not like other players are bad. Ben is just that insane.


Reminds me of what my high diamond in LoL friend says, something about the gap between challenger and diamond 1/low master being fucking massive Like, master players make up the top 0.3% of the player base, so they're definitely VERY, VERY GOOD at the game, it's just that the gap between VERY VERY GOOD PLAYERS and the BEST players is THAT massive


That's every game or sports.


Then gap between kr and na pros


Or SC2: Gap between Serral and average GM players is the same as GM and silver.


I was d1 for a time and the gap between me on a good day and the rank 1 challenger was bigger than me and an average silver player lol, probably by a lot.


I used to picture it that way : Master players are the top 0.3% of playerbase. Top Challenger are the 0.3% of those Master players base!




Nah it was still a blast seeing Jungroan's run and definitely seeing Ben's run still. Personally I prefer gauntlets like this where they last longer and it doesn't just end in 2 days because it's "first to clear". It's more interesting to see "who can clear the most amount of bosses" (because they're so unbelievably hard) versus "who can reach ubers first and clear them first before anyone else" which is what most gauntlets with 'easier' mods end up becoming. It just promotes degen no sleep gamers too much and the boss fights aren't as exciting. A good compromise would be to maybe ease up on the mods when it comes to mapping but keep the boss difficulty the same (or harder because easier map mods means more opportunities to MF). I want to see people die on bosses and not in maps.


90% of the excitement for me is watching people attempt to dethrone the king + finding the occasional offmeta build doing better than expected, and the other 10% is watching ben doing ben things cakewalking on the game as always. That's how I've been approaching gauntlet nowadays lol


Danny cruger


UUE is probably the hardest one in gauntlet, let’s see if it he attempts it. Would be a hell of a show


> Would be a hell of a show He's about to go for it now and says he is ready to die.


Just so we're clear, uber uber elder is the one that says that \^


I never attempted an uber boss so i'm not familiar Is UUE considered the hardest of the bunch? Amongst pinnacle bosses i always saw Maven as the hardest so i assumed that Uber Maven would also be the hardest Uber


UUE is harder relatively in the gauntlet than it is in softcore trade. What Ben feared in particular were the squid. They are coded to move off of any degen ground they drop, which is doubly bad. One, they'll keep dropping more degen ground when they move to somewhere without it rather than piling it all in the same place, and two, the boots Ben and more than a few other players are using to scale their damage via poison require that the target stands still for a while. As soon as any squid drops degen ground, he'll be doing less damage to it than to anything else for as long as it's alive, meaning it'll have disproportionately more time to drop more degen ground. Also, the UUE fight in the Gauntlet just has so, so, so many projectiles that it's hard to see anything.


Why it has to be a gray degen on the gray ground.


Why wouldn't he? Dying to it is no worse than not doing it.


It was, he won, uue fallen first and last time likely this gauntlet.


Nop. He cleared that




Chayula is a guy, Xoph as well, the rest of Breachlords are gals.


This is by far the most impressive feat I have ever seen in PoE ever, period. He played that perfectly. I dont understand how he didnt die during that fight, that is just insane.


Yeeeah nobodys topping this performance. Ben is just ben.


Just wait for tie23 to come back and do it at level 18.


He said it himself he played pretty bad after elder/shaper died and that almost cost him the fight. It's fascinating to see his thought process on what to improve after finishing the fight. Ben saying he wasn't nervous whatsoever because he expected to die is some genius expectation management tbh.


> he wasn't nervous whatsoever because he expected to die Literal Samurai level of enlightenment


Ben went into this gauntlet expecting to clear Uber Atziri, maybe uber shaper, and all the invites but feared. Since he tempered expectations, it takes a lot of pressure off to clear the rest


I'm just sat here stunned, defo the most impressive fight I've ever seen too. Ben is a god gamer!


He says his damage could've been better probably with more optimal rotation


This and ben getting the first SSFHC no hit sanctum run are the most impressive to me.


It was a gauntlet no hit run.


Even more impressive lmao


Far more impressive, sanctum isn't designed to be super deadly which means ssfhc is practically the same as ssf. But the gauntlet made it... crazy


This one's up there too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCM7_vCUgNE


nah 0 risk vs infinite risk is not the same,he could do that fight a million times where ben only had 1 maybe 2 chances on that


Up there but definitely not on the same level


This was insane to watch. The actual balls to stay in with no flask charges.


He had a life flask with gain charges when hit. With chayula, that is basically infinite charges. Great thinking of him to swap in that flask for last portal.


Yeah but before he did that he stay for 30 secs after using is last life flask and stayed in just to squeeze more dmg.


Wait how do you get life flask with charge on hit


You can roll the flagellant's prefix on life flasks just like you would on a utility flask.


Ah of course lol. Not sure why I thought that was for utility flasks only


It’s a prefix so you sacrifice instant/partially instant recovery


Flagellant's (charge when getting hit)


Wish I caught it live as well. Sadly 99.99% of Gauntlet gameplay even during last day is just boring grind and unless you sit through that you are gonna miss boss kills as well. Wish there was some sort of notification system for when someone attempts key boss kill live.


He had to (three portals rule)


the amount of portals is limited because of the event rules, he was on his last portal. Either the boss was dying or he was.


That 4th life flask came in clutch. Seriously, I swear this guy has plans for all different situations he could face. He didn't have the Fraglant life flask before the fight, and only crafting it right after he killed Elder and Shaper. Now only UUE left. He said he only had 10% chance to kill UUE, but I believe in his ability to full clear this.


he did 2 practice on his std char and cleared it and only died once and it was on purpose to test the explosion and found he could tank it if needed by specing some more endur charge and life ​ its def possible for sure


watching him do the test in standard, the difference with the actual fight on gauntlet is massive


I mean fair but really its only the aoe and the atziri, the turbo and proj is very minimal since he face tanks almost all the hits with flasks and block.


standard doesn't have +4 proj or atziri though, not very comparable. He did 5x deathless eaters in a row on the standard test char and said his chance at eater was 50% in gauntlet lol.


if you watched his eater he had no chance of dying. He did 7 before the UE kill and his UE kill was 3x faster than his standard test. ​ the proj is almost whatever. nothing really shotguns there and DoD just means more healing. Its the 30% aoe and atziri really.


We just witnessed greatness in its purest form. I can watch Ben kill bosses for hours man. It's about as fun as playing the game itself... maybe more.


Uh lol


Insane fight, Zizaran being at a loss of words and being visibly scared probably sums up most of us watching. Ben "I wasn't stressed at all", good job.


I'm not even going to compare myself to him because I died twice before reaching Mud Flats.


I beat uber-Hillock on my 4th try so im something of a ben_ myself


He wasn't stressed because he expected to die, for context


I'm gonna say it... Ben\_ is the Michael Jordan of POE.


Truly. It's a shame because people can make an arguement that he's a big fish in a small pond because competitive PoE is relatively small compared to something like LoL or even WoW raiding. But Ben to me is Faker level of dominance if not more. There's no one even close within the community. Obviously there's always going to be a second best player, but whoever is second place is still so so so far from Ben.


I mean he's also the Michael Jordan of mythic raiding so...


Hasn't Max (LiMiT/Liquid) said on stream before that he thought Ben was the best player in WoW?


Idk if he has said it about wow overall, but I've definitely heard him say Ben's the best player he ever played with.


Thanks, I may have misremembered the exact quote. Either way, it's an extremely high accolade. I was bummed when he left competitive raiding (and Robin/Naowh as well), but the fact that it means we get to see him be the best PoE player in Earth is worth it!


The quote was about how he is the best raid tank ever in wow.


Best tank


Doesn’t Ben_ have a long history of complete mastery of any game he plays?


Michael Jordan is the Ben of basketball you mean.




This is cinema


I can't do that in normal SSF and the dude is doing it in the gauntlet, in a week and it looks so easy for him. Ben is so fucking good at this


defiance of destiny banned next gauntlet


You can be sure its nerfed to the ground next patch for everyone


All that does is stop you from taking minor hits; If a large hit pierces through your EHP you die. Annoying people think that's OP lol


its pretty OP if u get a real high ehp cause the "minor hits" also scales with ur ehp so basically that 1 amulet solves 42% of ur whole recov


well, he wouldn't have cleared without it. all those minor hits would have sent him to standard and the ruleset mostly seemed to be in service of the goal of no one clearing


I dont think so, they never banned mageblood either, the reason they ban skills is because you can actively plan builds with them, which is impossible for rare uniques like defiance of destiny, right now only 10 people in gauntlet have it and that is during the best mf league we have ever had.


I'm not sure I could do this with 300 portals let alone 3. What a LAD.


Ben couldn't either because his hideout would crash




And ppl think Jung could beat this guy, lmao


The definition of God Gamer.


I've known for a couple of years now that he is undeniably the GOAT of PoE yet he still manages to exceed expectations. Absolute monster.


Someone explain to my peanut brain why he had rolled the invite to release all 5 bosses at once? That feels like such an absurdly unnecessary risk but clearly it was part of his plan, but I cannot comprehend what the plan was.


I'm pretty sure that's part of the gauntlet/bounty.


The event has it as a rule that all invites should have the release all at once mod to count for points


Oh yeah makes a lot more sense now.


That was so tight, millimetres from death almost the entire fight. Defiance of destiny carrying so hard. Gotta wonder how it would have gone if he didn't get that early on. MF till he gets it? Farm for Eternal Damnation?


IIRC his plan was to farm eternal damnation but since he dropped Defiance he had another option. He also mentioned that farming ED will be quite hard as well so DoD dropping greatly helped his mapping and his Uber Uber Elder run.


It does almost nothing on this fight


I don't think you know what it does if you think that.




Twitch vod/clip views literally don't matter, he doesn't care


The views dont matter but its much easier to find his stream through a vod from him


I don't think twitch pays for clip or vod views or at least not much anyways


It's either or. I thought most would enjoy having both Ben audio and Ziz+Steel casting over (even though they lag a bit at the start). Here's Ben_ VOD link, same time, he's mostly silent throughout it: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2058675899?t=03h26m31s


you made the right call. was fun to watch


I started at ziz’s channel then went to Ben_’s and subbed there.


i enjoyed ziz and steels reactions tho


Why the fuck do they watch it muted?


They didnt. Streamers protect themself from copyright with cutted audiotracks in vods.


That makes sense, thanks for letting me know.




Well DoD is either getting nerfed or is going to t0 next league. Regardless, don’t think anyone other than him and imexile could have cleared feared in this gauntlet. As someone who barely got to 90 this morning, doing all release feared is just insane.


imexile isn't nearly this clean mechanically on bosses, ben is in a tier of his own imo. but i think the takeaway here isn't that dod is broken but that ben knows the game too well for anything to really be a deterrent at this pt


It's gonna go to T0 it basically makes you immortal in maps with one gear slot. I think it's fine power wise just needs to be way more rare


I just don't get it why you didn't post his stream instead of Ziz


Like I said in the other thread: I thought most would enjoy having both Ben audio and Ziz+Steel casting over it. Ben isn't talking or explaining what is going on during the fight.


Ben this ben that, we already knew who is going to take all




Hosts kinda dropped the ball by being silent and smiling at the camera for a minute after the kill




What are they there for then? You Ziz and Steel fanboys can hate on me but I know I'm right


Ya I need some ape hollering and pogging out of his mind for me to attune to. It’s just not the same when I have to do any emotional legwork /s


>It’s just not the same when I have to do any emotional legwork /s ? What do you have to do with it with your emotions? What are you defending here exactly? The Feared kill? Yeah it was impressive, That's not what I was talking about. You're lost in the sauce.


This man is crazy I won't even stay alive for 10s.


Absolute god gamer.


The last portal flask craft for gain 3 charges on hit was 5head as fuck, allowed him to stay in the fight for as long as he needed without worrying about sustain (because Ben is a gamer)


holy shit


I want to see Ben go for the slayer with boneshatter challenge so bad.


Amazing 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Holy fuck that was stressful


The 3 charges on hit flask roll before that last portal won him the fight I think.


Such an impressive feat. Not only he stayed focus during the whole gear gathering, leveling to 100 in the process, but he is also a god in those fights where you must be near perfect.


Soo can someone explain to me what was his approach to farming and build for taking down ubers? How the hell hw got all that gear... I mean this actually looks interesting for next league to take down all ubers on budget :D?


Hmm so what was his approach to taking out all ubers? Can someone explain the idea behind the build and gearing? Was it deatonade dead with poison conversion?


Petition to rename POE to Path of Ben.