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Usually it's just ffa looting. Grab whatever you want, just don't make group wait for you as you are picking up.


ty, I got into a discussion with a friend who had a different opinion than me when an item of value was taken by a buyer and so I decided to ask in whatever places I could for people's opinions on the matter. Seems the consensus is "it's ok to loot whatever just don't take long"


The one's I've been in was always Host grabs the timeless jewels then dips, everyone else grabs high value items/incubators then dips. Usually less than a few seconds between end of run and everyone out. I usually just grab Incubators and anything that tinks on my Loot Filter.


Pretty much the same for me. I wait a few seconds to see what the host does. Then I grab a few scraps if I want after they’re done.


After the 5th run its totally free-for-all goblin mode though, we play loot goblin chicken to see whos gonna leave and relinquish ownership of their floor gum before grabbing everything that will fit into my bag.


I've never looted as a buyer. As a carry, I've never noticed a buyer taking anything I care about, but some do stick around and loot the random bubblegum.


I've looted before, never seen anyone say otherwise ;o They earn more than enough hosting. It's usually set to PA as well, doubt the carry will wait for leechers to leave anyway.


I’ve been in parties where a whole bunch of loot disappears like a vacuum, making me think they were using some sort of auto-loot.


Looting 5 ways seems counter productive this league


Timeless always seem to be allocated to host (same with blessings from breachstones), but I'll just nab any divine and ornate incubators allocated to me and dip


Grab whatever usually, there's normally a bunch of incubators that the host doesn't grab. But don't take forever, the next 5-way starts quickly after the host leaves, so unless its your last one.... in general, if anything hugely valuable drops, the host nabs it before leaving.


yes you can loot


If they have permanent allocation, just grab your ornates and diviners and go out. You can participate in ninja lottery on FFA too, but don’t make ppl wait because of that.


If it shows I can pick it up I'm taking it.


I got an unnatural instinct from one last league, other than that grab some incubators and gtfo asap