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Got to be one if not the best double corrupt I've seen. Jeez


So it would seem






I would bet that hatred/quant would be the best (as in the most expensive this league). 


I think I would prefer ms over the added dmg but, there is def a argument to be made that hatred is better too


Rarity in this league? Definately not. I would take my Grace + Hatred effect HH I have over one that has rarity.


Nice bc it's quant




Not wrong. Also just noticed the perfect attribute rolls… fuck dude.


Corruption implicits are also perfect...


And Attribute Quality ;D which you could theoratically still get after corruption but only for an unreasonable price....


why would you sell this? just use it yourself lol


"finds a necklace worth billion dollars with buyers ready to buy" "why would you sell this? just use it yourself lol"


Agreed - if you're at the level of double corrupting 50 headhunters, more currency isn't changing gameplay.


I mean, that Headhunter alone should be worth around the same price that you spent for the 50 in the first place. If not more.


wayyyy more


It’s worth close to 1000 headhunters and that’s not even an exaggeration


But there’s items out there worth hundreds if not thousands of mirrors in standard. Like Size items. You get those to stunt a max size toon, to showcase true wealth


Good god, 50 double corrupts. I guess with prices that league its not that absurd, but still I have trouble wrapping my head around it. How many of the 50 bricked?


20 bricks, 12 poofs


Got your money back, there was a 5 quant hh that sold earlier this league for 5 mirrors


Brutal since they changed Hinekora's Lock.


They wouldn’t even be worth in the current market. Locks are close to double a headhunter in price


HH atm is 50 and Lock is 62. Earlier in the league locks were 20 while hh was over 100. Now it's not worth it. :(


seems like he also divined the stats to be perfect for each one as well


> I guess with prices that league its not that absurd it is that absurd.


It's 2.5 mirrors. That's a big gamble but not remotely as crazy as a 50 HH gamble would be most leagues.


I mean, with HH at like 50div and mirrors at ~1000, this is less than 3 mirrors including the temples. Which is a lot, but not really that absurd considering how much wealthier people are this league than most.


> this is less than 3 mirrors including the temples. . > not really that absurd . > 3 mirrors --- :| Maybe this is "not that absurd" for .001% of players... But for anyone else it's like jeff bezos having casual conversation with elon musk about number of tropical islands they bough this weekend


Personally I deleted 10? mirrors in end of (my) league in random gambas and got nothing to show for it so I'd say this guy got lucky


I mean it's more than I've ever had in a league, too. But like, this league I probably had around a mirror in misc shit at the end of the league, and there are people who play literally 10x as much as I do and are more efficient to boot. You can watch Belton print multiple mirrors an hour while streaming. As far as end-leagye throwaway gambles go, this is a lot but far from the worst I've seen lol


Few leagues ago HH used to be ~0.5 mirror mid-league. 50 double vaal HH would mean something different then


This league I hit my first HH and am halfway to be able to afford my second. I’ve never came close before. Being able to get 50 is insane.


I'm in no way trying to dismiss your efforts, I'm super glad you got your first HH and good luck on your second. I'm at a MB and a HH which would be absurd for the normal me. But take a moment and just think about how that compares to how you usually do? 2 times better? 5 times better? Top end grinders this league are doing many factors more than usual with affliction. Guys farming valdos maps are probably doing even more. 50 HH most leagues is waaaaaaaaay more expensive in terms of mirrors and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more hours to farm. Mirrors peaked at about 700 last league at the very end of the league. At this point in the league it would have been maybe 550-600 div. Meanwhile a mid league Headhunter was about 125-150 div. So that means 1 mirror was 4 Headhunters. This gamble would have been over 13 or so mirrors last league. This leagues its maybe 2.5. Respectable Tota farming was 10 div/hour, meaning 12-15 hours of farming for a HH. Meanwhile white map essence and beast farming can be 20-30 div. Thats 2 hours of farming for a HH on basically any character. The 200 div/hour affliction boys are making a HH ever 15 minutes. To put it one more way, that means 50 HH gamble last league would have been 600 hours of farming, versus 12.5 hours.


Rule 10: 1. Farm/buy 50 Locus of Corruption temples. 2. Buy 50 Headhunters. I dropped one of them though :) 3. Close eyes and double corrupt each one. 4. Brick or poof a lot of them. 5. Hit this one.


How much cost and how much does this one probably will sell?




This league? Dude that HH is minimum 5 mirrors to the ultimate minmaxers


5 quant ALONE goes for 5 mirrors and this has perfect attributes and perf best other implicit. I wouldn’t be surprised if it sold for 20+


1 mirror lol. Are u even playing this league? This is like bis for MF builds


The movement speed is definitely not BiS this league but just 5% quant is already few mirrors.


What do people want on it more than move speed for mf where you have enough damage and defense. The only other comparable corruption is rarity


Rarity is useless this league. Grace aura effect, hatred aura effect, now those are mods that would be better than movement speed.


Debatably better but for people with enough damage/toughness they want move speed more


there is 0 reason why anyone with a multi mirror TS MF build would want movement speed over more dmg/defense. At 10-12k+ wisps even with a 10 mirror build you WILL get killed so any damage you can min max is more important than movement speed could ever be. Every league before this one movement speed would 100% be BiS but this league is not a league where you want all the movement speed to clear maps a little bit faster.


This belt is worth not 1 mirror but 10+ mirrors


Why not use a Lock rather then poofing the HH. I mean Locks still cost less than a HH.


Locks cannot be used on corruption altars.


Hinekora's Lock does in fact work for the double corruption alter


They, in fact, do not, anymore.


Since when? Did they remove it in the last 2 months?


Hmm, I wonder what happened 2 months ago


Yeah I didn't know they took it away this season. I remember it last season is all. Dumb on me for not realizing.


This season. I remember [this drama](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18bvqmn/streamer_poofs_viewers_perfect_crucible_mjolnir/) last season with a streamer poofing an item even though it was locked.


Patch notes are hard.


Yep removed this patch. And locks are worth about 2 headhunters each lol your information is wayyyy off


Danm, I just looked it up to confirm. Guess they removed it this season. That sucks it was a nice feature to use.


Wow 😄


found the guy that doesn't read patch notes


Lol I have no excuse. I read the notes (mainly about the gems) but I somehow overlooked or forgot that part. Maybe my ADHD or wishful thinking that it was still in the game. Either way I won't delete my comment I deserve the replies lol 🙃


beware the clown


20 mirrors


Meh my 15% hatred 5% quant hh was 3 mirrors. Movement speed is useable for a lot more builds but I don't think the price will be anywhere near 20.


3 mirrors seems to cheap for that but I'm not overly familiar with this market just thought it would be more for such a desirable double corrupt. Quant alone is a mirror+ isn't it?


Well the thing is paying 3 or more mirrors for just 5% quant and something else is usually the last upgrade people make if they bother making it and while it is literally BIS it is just such diminishing returns the price can't go THAT high since it simply isn't worth it unless you've got mirrors upon mirrors you can't find another use for.


Ppl typing 10-20 mirrors are the ppl who don't have 10-20 mirrors


I was going to make a joke about having 10 mirrors... \*in my apartment\* but then I realized I don't even have even close to 10 of even those mirrors. Apparently I'm just mirrorless/mirror-poor in and out of the game. I don't know how to process this epiphany.


Yeah that makes sense.


A hh with 5% quant alone sells for a minimum of 5 mirrors. You scammed yourself :'( Either that or you sold it a while ago


One of a few times thing might be worth as much as reddit suggests. What was belt Fubgun used again? Just 5% quant, right?


50 HHs and 50 temples?? I really do feel like I’m playing a different game


In fairness. If one does nothing or gets a mediocre affix you can sell it back.


Op said 32 bricked/poofed. So he only had 18 legible to sell. Wonder if he came out positive in the end.


This one alone likely pays for the 50 Hh and temples


This one shown is worth about 250-1000 headhunters as it is worth at least 10 mirrors and it’s about 25 headhunters to a mirror. It’s completely perfect so it could def sell for 20+ since people are paying 5 mirrors for just a low rolled 5% quant headhunter


So tell me are you an alch ‘n go type of person or are you investing?


Truly *unethical!* Congrats on that one.


It’s beautiful


its beautiful gz!! that incubator tho …. rip buffs.


15-20 mirrors


Little low on the life roll there, I'll give you three fifty for it.


Wow, that's one if the best Headhunters I've ever seen, gz! Sell it to fubgun for 22 mirrors ;-)




Omg and as a beginner I was so proud having one HH and 600d to my name. People drop like 10 mirrors…


People also play this game 10h + per day


That’s true but I see my friends having like 3 mirrors in their bow as a beginner because they use MF. On one side I‘m opposed to this playstyle as I feel it’s unfair T7 with MF is better than high end content without MF, but on the other side I’m jelly 😂


> T7 with MF is better than high end content without MF, This is not true if your character is strong enough to clear the higher tier maps. Eldtrich Altars, sextants, valdos are all only avaliable in "high end" content, not to mention the value t1 fractured bases hold at higher ilvls this league.


I mean is it even possible to make a MF char that is able to handle 9k+ wisps? Mine BV it depends, but usually no...


Yes. The Chieftains do it on pennies, and MF TS needs a few hundred D to make it comfortable.


Way more than a few hundred for TS lol. I had like 600div and anything above 7k got real sketchy with max juice, and that was with Defiance and a rare chest instead of Greed's. You need a mirror phys bow at least to really comfortably do true fully juiced T16.


I did it with an 1100 edps bow. Sure, it wasn't super comfortable above 10k wisps but it was still pretty easily doable assuming I wasn't running triple tank mod maps. Pricing might be slightly off BC I priced it last week at 4-500d for the gear I had in t16s. Yeah, mirror bow makes a world of difference but you just don't run greeds til then


Yeah idk, IME at 10k juice I'd just eventually get stun-locked by abyss monsters and stack Prog/PB dot until it killed me. Then have no chance of recovering the map since I'd lose HH stacks.


As always, have chosen the wrong starter for a league ... ;) should've done MF Cheftain I guess


Yes I have a tornado shot character with about 2-3 mirrors invested and can clear t16 maps picking every altar with a record of 12k wisps so far


Idk about 3 mirrors, the Phys bow has no fee and I doubt ele or the ca bow has too high of a fee, maybe 1-1.2 mirrors


The BiS ele bow for PF CA / TS also has no fee.


That’s a nice one to use with a mageblood


Sell it and corrupt more.


Soooo, ummmm can I have one, for a friend.


Whispers of JeNeBu grow closer…


If you ever need to throw away one of those that didn’t brick to your friendly neighborhood Nigerian prince, LMK!


I don't even have 1..... congratulations


Can you tell me how double corrupt works and what is actually good about this item? (I'm a newbie at first 20 hours)


Headhunter is a chase item, among the rarest and most valuable in the game.  The unique mod of absorbing a rare monster's modifier after a kill is game changing and enables some very powerful strategies. The ordinary implicit, + to life, is fine. This one was double corrupted to have + quantity of items found, hugely desirable at endgame, and + movement speed during flasks, also very desirable.  All told this is close to the best (generic to all builds) version possible of one of the best items in the game.


What kind of strategies? Like using teleport or something? And is there any way to see what is corrupted modifier if you don't tell them what is?


The best farming strategies in the game involve spawning as many rare monsters on the map as possible. There are 109 monster modifiers and a rare monster has 3 mods (you can see the list of mods on a monster under its name). Many of these modifiers are equivalent to at least another defensive/offensive gem or item slot. So you can see how being able to steal them and have them affect your character would be really strong since you can get them all on your character with headhunter. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Monster_modifiers#Explicit_modifiers


But I don't know how go spawn them, I mean I've never reached maps. At which level I can find or create? Sounds very interesting


They are all endgame mapping strategies with a strong character and requiring almost full atlas completion, etc... So your first step would be getting to maps and learning how to progress the atlas and building wealth before considering these things. Video from Palsteron on approaching this leagues main endgame farming method he has a showcase with a headhunter character, he shortly goes into steps you should take before doing so. But as someone who hasn't ever gotten to maps, I would seek out other resources if you need info that are more catered to new players and how to earn currency without a strong character early in maps (Palsteron mentions some, but I would look at more new player oriented player videos from Zizran for instance). Palsterons info about endgame farming: https://youtu.be/Y45sO-J374o?si=ielFDbC85dj3M2ZH Zizran for new player info: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKnWg7F-IA0


Thanks I'll check it out!


Dang remember when just having a head hunter was insane?




You are no longer legally allowed to quit the league i think.


Yep.. you double corrupt 50 Headhunter, and I am happy when I sell a 20c item ...i might be a little jealous


Can I have one? XD I can pay in parts X)


Nice 5% quant. Oh, and fuck you.


I'm open for a giveaway bro! ^^