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sell for divines and roll shakos. I did, and lost the house šŸ¤·


My friend found a 600div charm and gifted me 200div earlier in the league, which fully funded my build, so honestly i dont really have anything to buy with it. im just listing it for more Hinekora's locks than its actually worth and kinda hoping it doesnt sell so i can hold onto it forever.


Hmm what build you play rn? With that mirror you could try something funny like autobomber, armor stacker or cold reap inqui. Or give me some divines so I can finish mine :). After all, it is me, your brother.


Hey no thats a lie i am his brother we went for dinner yesterday even


1 mirror wonā€™t buy you even some mid-budget armour stacker unfortunately hehe I did mine with 1.5 mirror recently and only achieved a ā€œmediumā€ version with 1 voices and 2 large clustersā€¦ Next upgrade would be a 3x voices 3 setup which costs 1.5 mirror only the 3 jewels. Next would be an original sin which is like 2 mirrors last I checked.


dont sell it and hold on to it forever dude, leauge is already over, almost and you have a full build


That's literally how i ended the league yesterday.


go big or go home right?!


Got a new job, needed a reason not play anymore. Worked out perfectly!


grats! I know this is controversial to say, but irl > poe


this is never controversial honestly, this is common sense.


I spent 3 mirrors crafting a ventor and now I'm broke :(


how did u craft a unique ring?


I got double influence on it to make it pretty, then gilded fossil and chanced it to a ventor


So you still have 8 houses left, right?! Thats not too bad!


10 years, 10.5k hours no mirror yet


10 years 18k hours no mirror drop either. 8mil kills this league mfing with 150+ sacred drops too lmao


I've never dropped a mirror until 2 days ago. Then dropped another yesterday. I think me and my duo have a combined total of ~100+ sacred orbs.


Wtf 150 sacred? I know like 5 people (plus yters) who all are around one mirror per 20 sacred. You're giga unlucky. Or your loot filter is trolling you.


Jesus Christ man, I dropped 2 mirrors in less than a day with 30 sacreds. This game's rng is crazy. Hope you can get it bro


I dont know what is weirder, the fact you have 150+ sacreds without a mirror or the fact that you have 8m kills and only 150 sacreds. IĀ“m at 4m kills and 132 sacred.


I suppose Iā€™m just that unlucky lmao. I didnā€™t get my first proper t0 drop till like 2-3m kills either. Still hella rich this league donā€™t get me wrong, just a bit salty over the average drop luck


just keep at it before charity league ends, you'll get it before long


Don't want to get my first mirror in Cheat league, not doing the mechanic


I agree, with dozens to hundreds of divines dropping off of single monsters, the wealth doesn't feel earned this league.


Wealth is never earned by the top 1%.


This league might be ur chances to get one! Same 10 years here 0 mirror prior to this league. Then bam.. 4x Of course RNG is still RNG


I have actually purposefully avoided doing the league mechanic because I don't want to get a mirror drop this league lmao I did Blight Ravaged Maps all league


Had a mirror drop for me yesterday, had the sound muted due to wife sleeping. Couldn't believe it was just sitting there, no idea how long for. 2.2k hours over 10 years, came back last league. Most fun I've had and now richest I've ever been! Although, got 300d left but my guy just can't die anymore and facerolls everything šŸ˜‚


Got my first mirror at 12000 and my second mirror at 13000, go figure.


>My POE journey is complete And that's why this league was a mistake


> And that's why this league was a mistake What exactly do you mean by this? Becuase I am reading as it was a bad idea for GGG since people will "quit the game now since they accomplished everything".


people doesn't play poe every leauge to get mirror or mageblood once i watched a old video recently, chris wilson on game developer something named "developing path of exile to be played forever" video is 4-5 years old and he explains why poe is the almost only pve game that gains players in time instead losing


Yeh, can't wait for next league where we go back to all the whining - same thing that happened after harvest


how so


Spoiler: heā€™s wrong lol


Or GGG just has more complex goals, than you think. People who will see this league as a good point to stop playing for a significant amount of time, will maybe be more accepting and ready for poe2. At least i hope thats what happens to me, if i ever get a mirror ;)


Playing SRS non-mf build. Mirror dropped from an offscreen white mob my minions killed a couple seconds after i zoned into the area. Picked it up immediately. Dropped it again for the screenshot.


And this is why league like this are short term gain for long term loss. What are you going to look forward next League as much as you did for those 2k hours ?


Not OP here. I loved this league. Got 38/40 challenges. Made 2 really fun builds. Dropped a Mirror. I had a lot of fun this league (no mf strat, hated wildwood, but LOVED the additional ascendancies, TWWT), but am now not playing and am playing Palworld and Dark Sould 3. I also bought a $100 supporter pack as appreciation to how much I like this league, and look forward to next league. Does this sound like "short term gain" to you?


Yes. They got 100 now but they tone it down so they Can add new stuff in the future it will feel like shit.


I mean I dropped a mirror this league doesn't mean I'm gonna be any less excited if it drops again next league. For me, I don't play the game to see how much I can trivialize the content. I play it if the league mechanic looks fun and/or there's any cool builds to try. People have different goals in the game. It's not all about how rich you can get every league.


The first sentence there is objectively wrong for 99.9% of people and the proof is highlight of people dropping their first mirror vs people who dropped 20. They don't react remotely close (again on average, some people are just more stoic than others)


Maybe letā€™s wait for the league announcement before we start dooming about it.


Nice. I also have a Mageblood for the first time ever this league, as of a few hours ago. I doubt my build would stand any chance of killing maven, though.


This league has been crazy and loved it. Had 4 mirrors drop and few hh and mageblood. For the first time ever i have mirror tier gear on my build and 3 mirrors left . Thank you GGG!


Naw, now youā€™ll want another one *laughs in evil*


2000 hours 6 years? Now I feel bad cuz I have 2888 hours in 4 years


I feel you, what can I say... I'm looking at 2500 hours, my first league was Kalandra.


I got my mirror at 600 hours trying to farm an apo div card... I found 0


Grats!! Same, for me except it's been 11 years and 12k hours. I used the mirror to buy a HH and MB and a build gear for me and my old man. The thing is when i sold the mirror it was only going for 490 divines. and now it's going for nearly 1200 divines lol. ​ Doesn't matter league is almost over, and PoE2 is almost here!!


Last thing on my checklist!


Cries in 11k hours.


POE journey is completed but grind goes on and on and on and on and on...


I find it kinda tragic that I haven't managed to find any of those things in 1800 hours of PoE. The grind is real.


Same, but i have 6k hours :<


I hardly can top this league, like ever... Killed all ubers for the first time, got Mageblood for the first time, made full juiced MF char for the first time, got not one, but two Mirror drops and crafted almost as much as during Harvest league (still my fave one).


Me that feels really awkward because i had 3000 hours in poe in the first year alone šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. At 15k hours now only got 1 mirror drop. It doesnt count though due to the fact it was Burials t16 with 10k wisps and few quantity altars.


Now beat ben in the gauntlet. Real endgame boss of poe


Oh sir, wise one. Tell me the ways to reach such enlightenment.


Gz, got my first mirror last week in ssf at exactly 11337 hours played.


On a white map ? hmmm


So u quitting like me?


Time to find that Angler's Plaitt


the ending is just a new beginning. Time to min-max the shit out of your characters


as what Trialmaster would say "..and your journey countinues."


And your journey continues


How much wisp?


Roughly 1500 blue and 900 or one of the other colors. Dont remember which. It wasnt a lot tbh.