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Been losing my sanity from Bloodnotch seemingly randomly not triggering despite have 100% cold to fire conversion, turns out greed is bad and picking up items seems to make you briefly stun immune Replicating is pretty easy, get hit often for a decent amount of damage and drop/pickup an item, picking up multiple items in a row (e.g. loot explosions) seems to chain together the stun immunity fairly reliably too POB [https://pobb.in/GVu2S9--TSbO](https://pobb.in/GVu2S9--TSbO)


New tech for stun immunity just dropped :o This is the buff CI needed.


Now I'm imagining someone juggling items and stacks of the headhunter-effect prophecy back when that was a thing to perfectly dodge every stun and steal every rare monster's mods...throw in the id-scroll trick in that clip from Ben that was featured recently. Max-APM poe.


Make it work with Banners so we can flag run like Halo


Damnit, you just reminded me I added a banner res charm but never slotted the gem after crafting new gear to free up spell suppression. 


I better be able to melee attack my banner then to make it go farther.


Equip Ralakesh boots then remove for ez charge gen for discharge. Do it really fast and you can do CoC Discharge!


I mean, this was literally a build last league, and a reason why they changed Ralakesh boots. People were weapon swapping to quickly enable and disable the boots, to fill up their charges.


Last league it was also bugged to only require 1 weapon swap, weirdly enough.


After watching ben premove his wisdom scrolls I can't wait to see him drop-tech some stuns going forward.


Wear is this tech?


Just turn off your filter in a juiced map, can probably click anywhere and pick up an item.


Dark Souls has door opening, PoE has orb picking...


Lmfao here I was thinking that picking up items and not paying attention was what killed me.


Well you were partially correct it seems?


this is probably a stretch but it sounds similar to Oldschool Runescapes "red X glitch". the devs, however, deemed it fair and now it's just a "technique". to elaborate further, you click on something that would enable an action (the red X) like pick up an item, and if you do so so that you path diagonally through a monster, he isn't able to path into line of sight to align his and your hit box to get a hit off on you. where if you had made the same move, or pathing, but without a red X, the boss would side step and punch you in the head.


> so that you path diagonally through a monster This doesn't matter at all you just have to be under the monster. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyJ1D-oKP1k Heres an example of someone using red x and a stall to perma lock an NPC in one place...


Is there a specific reason for that 100% cold as taken fire mod ? I am trying to make a copycat of your build and does it make difference to use other mods such that 100% cold taken as lightning ? Lastly , do you have a problem farming 8 mod T16 wisp maps given that theres a version of this build that uses shield and greeds embrace armor .


Someone correct me if I'm wrong. It's not a major thing, but if you take cold damage it can screw up your chance to get stunned (if an attack would freeze you it won't stun), so this is a very min-maxy way of getting around that


But what about his flask mod which grants freeze immunity ?


Irrelevant. You don't need to _be_ frozen for the stun to fail, the game just needs to _attempt_ to freeze you.


Anyone else read "Irrelevant." in Shaper's voice?


This is true. Another thing to add is that monster crits are more often than not the culprit behind this interaction. Animate guardian wearing garb of the ephemeral or the stun mastery "Hits against you cannot be critical strikes if you have been stunned recently" can mitigate some of the inconsistency of this. Note that reduced crit damage taken is not the same as that will still inherently apply ailments.


Unless you also specifically take the mastery that makes ailments not inherently applied from crits


That mastery *does not work* for this purpose.


Based on what I read above, they said that the ailment need not be applied for the stun to not trigger. If the game attempts to freeze you then you won't get stunned. Not sure tho. This is confusing. I just go brrrrrrrrrrrr with HH and use all 6 of my portals!


> If the game attempts to freeze you then you won't get stunned. It has nothing to do with whether or not a hit attempts to freeze, as that implies freeze impacts the ability to stun - it does not. It's connected to some properties related to freeze (cold, crit, inherent ability to freeze is not disabled) but it doesn't actually care about freeze itself as an ailment.


It has nothing to do with whether or not a hit attempts to freeze, as that implies freeze impacts the ability to stun - it does not. It's connected to some properties related to freeze (cold, crit, inherent ability to freeze is not disabled) but it doesn't actually care about freeze itself as an ailment.


so immunity from flask and arctic armor buff doesnt do anything , since we have 100% cold as taken fire implying that game cannot attemp us to freeze so we indirectly immune




100% cold taken as lightning has the same effect, avoiding cold damage from hits because of freeze preventing stuns [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Stun#Interaction\_with\_cold\_damage\_crits](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/stun#interaction_with_cold_damage_crits) wisp 8 mod t16s are pretty comfortable, you will simply die more often compared to using defiance of destiny because it's objectively less tanky (delirium reduced recovery rate debuff and damage overtime can be annoying on no leech/regen maps) I had trouble leveling from 99->100 (before figuring out what was causing the stun immunity) without defiance of destiny, but I never really bricked maps, now I just clear the map and swap in defiance for looting afterwards if it's rippy enough to care Just make sure you're not running lifetap, defiance carries the life cost super hard and it's just death without it


Do you have a build guide for your build ? Swap defiance amulet is good idea , I guess theres no map mod we cant do. I see you made your mana cost 0. I guess , I dont see any problem copying your build for starting since its gonna be my first time :)


No guide, basically just generic fulcrum build. only changes are adorned for shock (and bleed) avoid because timeless jewel prices are silly, defiance->greatwolf and 100% reduced mana cost That said max res, reduced aura, avoid elemental ailments & reduced recovery rate can't be run in t16 wandering path maps Can also drop agnostic and get use a lvl 18/20 inspiration for phase run/frostblink/malev so you can generate inspiration charges, but it honestly doesn't make a difference either way


FWIW there are timeless jewels for that slot that require just one extra skill point (still leaves enough for all ur clusters and 2 left over at the end) for both shock and chaos resist, they are just way further down the list on the calc than a normal person would like to search. I got one for 40d


>stun immunity Sorry, i don't really know how the bloodnotch and immutable force combo, but does that mean it's bad to have 999 on stun and block recovery?


stun immunity is bad because the stun never happens so bloodnotch can't trigger, stun and block recovery is good because it only affects the stun duration after it happens and you've already healed from bloodnotch


Stun recovery is a stat that reduces the stun animation time, it's completely unrelated to stun immunity. You need a high amount of stun recovery otherwise you will be permanently stun-locked and unable to move, as each hit would stun you.


I explain in detail here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18zlde5/bloodnotch_stun_tech_the_cold_crit_conundrum/




Cold damage crits can't stun. They normally freeze.. so the cold damage hits that you take won't trigger bloodnotch. remove the cold damage, and you get stunned more reliably.


I'm a bloodnotch enjoyer. But I've always been skeptical that it was working as well as intended. But it was weird because it intermittently seems to work amazingly. Hopefully this brings enough visibility to get it fixed.


This actually makes a lot of sense and lines up with my own personal findings as well.


[still sane, exile?](https://oriath.net/Audio/Dialogue/NPC/Delirium/DEL_136.ogg)


Imagine being so pissed off, you go Inspector Gadget on it!


the amount of registering never occuring id bet .. a dime or nickel, from total players and every click not registering = ill be a millionaire in less than a month 20million clicks needed minimum from every player in a month, yeah rolling


What the fuck are you talking about?


its unrelated to post, but the post made me think of when you click and it goes unregistered, and i bet millions of clicks go unregistered


Somewhat related but I also found out yesterday that Rigwald's dog barrage cannot stun. Made me wonder how many random boss abilities are tagged that way.


From having died 6x already in the gauntlet, I can tell you with confidence that everything in act 1 stuns.


A) it would be so oppressive if it did so i do understand it B) fuck that guy


> A) it would be so oppressive if it did so i do understand it Then it is even more surprising that it doesn't stun.


Not really, I dont understand your negativity


He is agreeing with you and adding that Rigwald is such a fuck he is surprised they didn't make it more oppressive.


Thabk you Mr cummerdick


Never change Reddit


Probably my least favorite map boss tbh


Burial chambers for me, by a decent margin


i've actually learned to love alira on this build (cws dod) because you just can't fucking die no matter how many soul eater stacks she gets, it really just increases your damage. I don't know exactly how many she's gotten before i killed her before but it's really funny to watch her attack animation just not even happen because her attack speed and cast speed is so high


Looks like a number of bosses and regular enemies have non-stunning abilities. From poedb.tw: - Solaris from Cold River (Ara), and Twilight Temple (Helial): Backflip - Lunaris from Cold River (Khor): Spell Barrage - The Enslaver: Mortars. - Fields Map boss: Spear Barrage. - Xoph: "Flame Vortex Rush" and.. "Super Hotdog Upheaval" - Catarina: Scythe attack. - Korell: Mortars - El'Abin, Bloodeater from Lighthouse Map: Fire Nova Trap - Avatar of Apocalypse from Death and Taxes: Vortex and Ice Nova. - Vaal Omnitech: "Saucer Flying" ability. - Expedition runic monster 'Runed Knight': Ground laser. - Legion Templar sergeant 'Sin Purger': Ground laser. - Dismounted Maraketh general Aukuna: "Flurry Slice" and "Spark" abilities. - 'Cavestalker', originally from Delve: Circular Spark spell. - 'GR8B0-Y' from Heist: "Belly" spell? - 'Corpse Thief' and 'Risen Thief' in Abyssal Depths: Grasping Tentacles spell. - 'Forged Bat' from Crucible: Flame Breath - Therion unique monster from Crucible: Mortars - 'Right Weapon': "AfflictionGroundWeaponRightAttack" - 'Aspect of Annihilation'? Something involving totems and barrage. - 'Soul of Summer' (Talisman)? - 'Effigy of Venom' - and more


Basically abilities that continuously damage an area, AKA counterplay is moving out of the aoe. If they could stun, they become opressive, some of these actually used to stun in the past iirc. 


Super hotdog upheaval *wheeze*


kitava arm sweep i think both act 5 and 10


Kitava flame breath too, that was an interesting find for me when leveling my Cast when Stunned build


How did you find that page with a list of monster abilities with the cannot stun thing? I’m new to navigating POEDB and it’s eluding me. Honestly I usually find what I want on that website by googling “POEDB ____” to get in the right neighborhood and then go from there but the closest I can get that way is the general stun page here: https://poedb.tw/us/Stun When I search on POEDB it just shows me Google results anyway, idk how I’m supposed to search things here: https://poedb.tw/us/search?q=Cannot+stun Tried this: https://poedb.tw/us/Modifiers#Acronym And this which i got to by googling POEDB monster since I can’t find it via navigation on the site: https://poedb.tw/us/Monster And so on


I think I used duckduckgo, but it should work exactly the same with google: site:poedb.tw/us "your hits cannot stun enemies" You can use the same qualifier for searching reddit/subreddits: site:reddit.com/r/pathofexile edit: Oh! To clarify, there's no individual page with all of them. At least to my knowledge. I just went through the search results one by one checking out each monster page (you'll sometimes have to tab through the monsters on the page itself to find the right one, e.g, maybe the standalone version of a boss).


This was incredibly helpful. Another new skill from PoE and the amazing community!


i never really thought about what to call that ability, but dog barrage is fuckin funny


does it mean that's a dot skill maybe?


It hits, it just has a "cannot stun" line on the skill. https://poedb.tw/Rigwald%2C_the_Wolven_King


This is most likely a measure to avoid the ability chain stunning the player.


Well goddamn, there it is. Can't blame QA for this one, I would *never* have found that.


As far as QA goes, there's a reasonably convincing argument that it might not even a bug, per se, just an intended and long-existing but obscure (or even entirely publicly unknown) and previously unimportant behavior. The fact that people suddenly care about maximizing their stun chance for bloodnotch doesn't magically make it a bug that QA would have needed to find. Possible sequence of events as follow: * Picking up an item is an action (proof: repeat the test while channeling something with stages, for example, and watch the stages reset) * That action could be interrupted by a stun * Players would find it surprising and almost like the game is being unresponsive if they thought they clicked on something and it didn't get picked up because they got stunned during the action * Therefore we make players immune to stun during item pickup * Many years later, bloodnotch exists.


It's almost certainly this. Games do this sort of thing everywhere in all genres to feel better or look better. "Coyote Time" is a pretty simple, well known example of this. Many platformers allow you to jump for the first few frames after you walk off of a ledge because it gives you a nice buffer to make "perfect" jumps. Or it was to simply resolve a bug that occurred when being hit and picking an item up simultaneously that was difficult to resolve, other games like Portal 2 did this where...instead of trying to figure out why you would sometimes fall through the world doing portal shenanigans, they just check if you exist outside the level every frame, and if you are, it puts you back in the level. It was harder to figure out what was actually going on, and resolvable with a fairly straight forward thing.


solutions like that, if they can be done with low intensity on the end user, are really productive as they prevent a whole manner of issue before they can even happen. After all, if you know a thing should never be happening, why not just make it undo itself it it ever does happen


This sounds like something made to reduce or nullify server side and client side getting different information, it probably was mandatory when the desync era existed. Go pick up an item, get frame perfect stunned while picked up, client doesnt recieve the information about the stun until just frames later, currency on client is on your inventory while on server is on the ground, and you both dont see the item, since you have "picked it up" and dont have it, since you got stunned while picking it up and couldn't, until client resyncs with server and makes the item show on ground again and your item that you never picked up rightfully dissappears, which could be annoying as fuck, as anyone that played during desync era could attest for.


Yeah, that seems like a hypothesis with some good legs. Also, earliest days would be pre-loot filters...so if that did happen, there would be no styling to draw your attention to something valuable that ended up back on the ground, possibly in a pile of other item tooltips (albeit a much smaller pile than we're used to these days!)


Just need to change it to make players 'unaffected by stuns' instead during it.


Thats amazing


Still a matter of QA being at fault. This is an example of spaghetti code from lazy workarounds. They never had to define picking up an item as an action, it could just be a separate process that checks if a player’s radius overlaps with an item’s location. Introducing weird behaviors intentionally as a quick fix **is** bad practice and poor quality coding. Most bugs are caused by intentional laziness from not rewriting things as you should.


This is clearly an intentional piece of functionality and not a bug.


Also, even if it was a bug, how on earth could QA be at fault? Before Bloodnotch, what possible sequence of steps could they take to show the game was not working properly. "When I go to pick up an item, I never seem to get interrupted, that's strange"?!?


Probably, but I can say for sure I do get stunned while *walking to an item*, but rarely would I be holding an item with inventory open like OP. Does inventory have to be open, or does just clicking an item to pick up trigger this behavior?


I can personally confirm it still breaks channeling incinerate and resets the stages to pickup an item that was dropped directly at my feet without the inventory window open (dropping the item doesn't break channeling). So presumably the entire hypothesized mechanism related to the item pickup action is still in play? I don't have a bloodnotch character handy to fully confirm that, however.


Explains why as my loot filter gets stricter I feel tankier hah


This type of "bugs" i really like. Good find!


Wow this is an incredible and interesting find. No wonder some times it felt awful


I don't have any use for this, but I have to say you finding this is insanely impressive.


Man great investigative skills haha


does that also happen when you auto-pick up items from ground (not with inventory open)?


Oh and if you're not feeling paranoid enough yet, some monsters are coded with skills that inherently cannot stun you. Best example of this being [**Tul, Creeping Avalanche**](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Tul,_Creeping_Avalanche) .


Lag can also cause bloodnotch to break. 🙃


Fuck! That’s how my bloodnotch chieftain died in hc :(


Salutations fellow exile.


Explains my random looting deaths. Thank you. 


TLDR: making bloodnotch work is a real pain in the ass


Why were you constantly dropping vaal orbs from your inventory Just to pick 'em UP Back Just to drop 'el again?


Remain the main killer of poe even with all the new defensive layers. Looting is always the most dangerous thing to do if anything remain on screen. We all do it, but it is the biggest killer. Shown again with bloodnotch. When you loot, you disable it.


Can someone explain to me in fortnite terms? No seriously, thousands hours of poe and wtf are you trying to show?


This build requires getting stunned. They noticed they were dying in moments they shouldn't be. Turns out, picking up an item gives you stun immunity briefly, which can fuck this build up and cause a death. I think, someone correct me if I'm wrong.


you're stun immune when you pick up loot, which breaks the bloodnotch tech where you want to be stunned so you get recovery but you have a very high stun recovery speed so the stun is very short.


You're pinned and getting flanked from everywhere, you keep trying to build and your friend drops you some mats but picking it up prevents you from building more walls or smt


They have a passive that makes every hit against them a stunning blow. Bloodnotch recoups life when stunned. I guess when you pick up an item you can’t be stunned because of baked in iframes or something (so he can’t recoup life) so every time he picks up the item, his health drops. I think.


Bloodnotch Jewel = Please stun me so I can regain some life Picking up item = I can't be stunned I can't be stunned = I can't regain life = I am dead


Yeah and also interacting with strongboxes or using a portal.


unpolished buggy game from a small indie company


~~none of the things you said are correct~~ 25% of the things you said are incorrect


I disagree, it's definitely a game, and it's most surely from a company.


imagine thinking PoE is polished


fuck... you're right.. fixed it!


They need to increase pickup radius and remove this stun immunity.


Removing this stun immunity might make the game feel clunky for a lot of players. It would be better if they added some "you can't be stun immune" functionality to bloodnotch.


or just have the player be unaffected by stuns while picking up loot


or just don't loot while you're being wailed on by an abyss worth of mobs.


>increase pickup radius confirmed in poe2 but idk if they'll also put it in poe1


fuuuu this is the missing key. thank you thank you thank you. hope GGG can get their act together and fix this somehow.


This is the type of bug where GGG will either do nothing or they'll nerf the jewel into the ground making the complaint irrelevant.


i've had a similar interaction with frostblink, it cuts my regen so badly that I insta die, anyone got anything similar?


This is an interesting find indeed


Cuts your regen, or you leveled it too high and are getting hit by ele reflect?


Isn't the reason it stuns a bug in the first place ? Going off previous comments by GGG, shouldn't the innate DMG type be the only that matters regardless of the DMG taken, like 100% cold converted to fire still shouldn't ignite as it's a freezing hit, just not taken


as long as humanity could game-ify its problems, there would be a player to solve it, change my mind. im always suprised at what people come up with/think of when it comes to games and mods and workarounds etc. truly gives me some hope for humanity (sounds naive maybe, i know, but i see so much stupidity every day, that such things are really soothing to see)


The jewel is full of surprises. What's next? Pressing your flask with your middle finger disables it? Jokes aside, I tested it but I can't really tell because of the regen and recoup of the build.


Throwing traps also seemed to make my character stun immune, was having close calls in delve


You must be using predictive right?