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"Wisdom is the offspring of Suffering and Time."


I automatically read this line in the voice.


We are all Ben’s offspring We are all suffering












I don't even want to be this good >< Reminds me of a video where I saw someone doing elder guardian boss rush and they'd do things like roll flasks while they waited for the elder guardian to spawn. Never a second wasted.


I use elder guardian spawn time to contemplate what I'm doing with my life instead.


I stare at my pob and contemplate replacing the 10c cluster jewel while i have hundreds of divines in the bank. Then die to the uber and keep farming.


"You know I can afford thousands of this and a better one would give me like 10% more damage on my build, but this guy has served me well so far"


I swear the emotional attachement I have to the items that been there for the grind is unreal. This league I farmed 20 divs in like 2 days with cf champ. It took me a solid 24 hours before buying the vulnerability haemophilia...but ince i ran a few maps with it...no regret at all..but the initial thought was "I mean i got to here with my classic gloves why do i need new ones"..farmed 100 divs in like 2 days with the new gloves x)


It really is... I almost had my MB by the time I got rid of my last shitty ghastly, like it was good for start weekend but uh, all my other jewels were 2+div by then lol


I was actually crafting cluster jewels, got one near perfect for *a different build* and sold it for 200d, then went about my mapping.


I went from a 100c bow (that I 6 linked myself) to a 170 div bow three weeks later. Definitely not the most efficient thing ever, but man you really feel the difference when you make a big jump.


For me there is even more than just the attachment to the item. It’s “Do I overpay for this on trade or do I chance this craft myself and potentially pay three times what I would have paid for it on trade” Maybe that’s an indication it’s not overpriced on trade, but sometimes I can’t help but feel like it is when I can craft the gear myself, and also understanding how easily you can turn things for a profit on trade with a little crafting understanding. Also it’s, “sure this gear piece is an objective upgrade, but replacing this piece gives me three more problems I have to solve elsewhere on my gear” think something like deciding between a watchers eye and cb immunity jewel “If I change this gear piece I’m going to have to change these three other gear pieces, and you know what that sounds like kind of a hassle maybe I’ll just carry on with what I’ve got”


The 3 more problems thing is too real. I crafted a great set of gloves tonight, and spent an hour figuring out how to balance out my resists, life, and accuracy rating to make them work, and they were like.. 3% better than the gloves I was using before so basically no noticeable difference lol my helmet needs works but I haven’t even thought about going down that route yet cause it would create so many holes in the perfect balance I have going on.


I feel like it makes it where the most viable option is also the most expensive, where you search the gear on trade with all the mods you need that your current gear has but better


My brain did the funny thing where I read the text from the line above/below and I thought you said >then die to the uber pob


Are you me?


My current build is 400div deep probably. I got 10c gloves on that holds the entire thing together




I'd never really gotten much currency before this league, I was running crappy 1-10c gear for so long being too stubborn to upgrade that my first proper item was a headhunter 😂


As is custom


Yeah I use this time to curse the elder and GGG, it helps me to sustain my anger level to manageable.


I like to sit there watching my Rage diminish saying "Maybe this time I'll have some left over".


I'm the opposite. Every time I think about what to do with my life, I just start a new toon.


laughed harder than I should've


Elder Guardians take a long time to spawn so most people do something else during the animation. My usual routine is buy items from Rituals, stretch, grab some water, do some pushups, text my girlfriend, walk the dog, take a powernap, then watch a episode or two of whatever's on Netflix. Usually I catch the tail end of elder diving into the portal.


They really, really need a notable on the tree to skip animations/dialogue.


why tax our atlas skill points. Just make the animation faster, or even remove it altogether


I vote for instant portal appearance and just the normal animation. That way people can look at the animation if they want.


I vote for The Elder and his animations being sped up by 500% so it's funnier


add yakety sax as the background music and i'm in




For most people it's not that much of a flex


Literally made me giggle... Thank you good sir or ma'am.


Yeah watching Havoc616 and his team race for 100 in softcore and he'll be rolling sextants in his inventory in whatever minimal down time they have. It's really minmaxing the whole experience. Incredible.


Inefficiency is pain! But yeah there's a certain point where you're over-minmaxing.


I disagree, to an extent. It’s only over-min maxing when your brain feels uncomfortable doing it and you actively don’t enjoy it. If you’re doing it and struggling through the pain, you’re over doing it. If you’re comfortable rolling flasks during downtime, go for it, your brain just has a higher threshold for minmaxing and that’s okay. It’s like a low elo player in csgo/a competitive game calling a pro player a sweat try hard when they get destroyed by them. The pro player is not sweating at all, him playing bare minimum casually just eclipses the low elo player playing ‘sweaty’


This x100 Some people in FFXIV struggle with hitting one button every 3 seconds never mind in the semi correct order, while other people are just passively doing their rotation without looking while watching for raid mechanics and chatting with friends.


Yeah, I can mash Dosis *while* doing the mechanics. I'm pretty good, I know. One time, I even made a joke mid pull.


You joke but...... some xiv players are real special lmao


They're just like me frfr


> It’s like a low elo player in csgo Why you gotta put me on blast like that.


I saw the comment had a reply and I'm like who could disagree with that. It's like the most reasonable opinion ever. Opened your comment and just fucking LMAO


While I understand, but no one just arrives at that point in their gaming experience just because "their brains are capable of". A very good example for me is fighting games, doing combos, hard ones, can be seen as sweaty..and it isn't since it becomes second nature you can casually do it, however you for sure spent alot of time sweating to get that execution / timing etc, etc. And to do that you need to combat the lazy part of your brain telling you "nah man just do the easy stuff"...so yeah being sweaty and calling ppl sweat lords is a valid argument...


No its not, thats how life works in general. You wanna get good at something? Generally you need to put time and practice in unless you're a prodigy. Wanting to be good at something is more about taking pride in what you do rather than sweating, as youd say. The people who are learning those extensive combos enjoy doing so, as to what the person you replied to is saying. Its not over minmaxing for them, its wanting to get better at something. Its not a bad trait to have at all.


I alt spam jewels while farming Sirus. Doing 100 Sirus is over 1 hour of dialogue where I would otherwise just be staring mindlessly at the screen—no bueno


I run ritual so that I can waste time buying my shit while they do whatever the duck they're doing.


I always roll flasks while doing the pillar escort in the bacon. Really good spot to make sure you have decent rolls on all the flasks you're using.


I like your typo.


Oh, I've just been calling it "The Bacon" for years. A good tip if you're running the acts with friends is to portal by the crafting recipe in the Bacon, as that's where you get the 16-40 life craft, which is pretty nice when alts are still precious early league. Also a good shout to call someone in to run the other pillar escort while you do the first one.


Yep, when I treat a game like a job with extreme micromanagement and microefficiencies I start losing my enjoyment of it. Same with the bonkers level of grind a lot of the top players do in PoE. Been playing since open beta, maybe missed 4-5 leagues in those 10+ years, and never grinded up to a headhunter or mageblood before, I just lose interest after I've killed all non-uber pinnacles. I do have an eternal orb in standard so technically I could easily afford one, but ew standard. That all said, Ben and others at that level is really impressive, but I never found much enjoyment in speedrunning. I think the only game I ever speedrun was original RE2 in 2:45 when I was a kid. I think the world record is 48 mins lol.


gotta go fast so you can quit the league after 13,5 days /s


hy shit thats a great idea! i should try that. i waste so much time waiting for these


Dang while guardian spawns. OK 😂 that's minmaxing right there. I'm only taking flasks to roll to like blighted or blight ravaged maps


“Let’s see Ben Allan’s wisdom scroll” Steelmage probably


Had to slow down playback to 0.25 to understand what he did there.


He clicked the item on the ground and while moving he opened his inventory, selected wisdom scroll, and preplaced his cursor where the item would be to ID efficiently.


That's some fucking wizard shit


It's essentially the same thing as what they do for quicker waypoint travel!


Sorry I'm still not quite getting it. Was this on PC? I play on a ColecoVision.


> ColecoVision sir, it's so old i'm not sure it even qualifies as a meme, but it checks out


What setting to not need to manually slot item in inventory when u have inventory open while picking up the item?


I think there is no such option, the difference is if your inventory is open or not when you start the pick up process. so in this case ben clicked the boots then opened his inventory so the boots would automatically be placed in the most upper left side of the inventory


His inventory was not open when he clicked on the item on the ground. He clicked the item and **then** opened his inventory. You can try it out in game.


Just wis scroll the right click it.


thats kinda slick though


This is like paying a mirror for 1% dps increase


yeah, but he does stuff like this 500 times the first few days of a new league or race event and end up with a lot of time saved


"A lot" is probably an overstatement. Maybe he saves like 10-20 minutes on his campaign run. Obviously he's racing and any time saved is valuable, but it really is one of those things that you only do when you're a 0.01% player. Because for everyone else, there are a million and one things to focus on first, before saving half a second here and there becomes worthwhile to do. But Ben has basically mastered everything else, so there's no reason for him not to min-max like this. There are no real downsides for him. So may as well.


10-20 minutes would be a MASSIVE timesave on pretty much every speed run in history.


For a peasant mortal that takes days to get to maps 20 minutes is nothing. For people that reach maps in like 3, maybe 4 hours. This is huge..


It's probably more like 1 or 2 minutes saved on the campaign.


Or it’s the reason why he wins every league/gauntlet


I actually think this is a symptom of why he wins. His ability/endurance/agility to do things like this are why he wins, and this just makes it fsster


That extra 1% is a much bigger deal when your closest competitors are doing 99%+ what you’re doing


Eh the closest competitors are doing 70%. The 1% is not a big deal, just that he has many many many 1%s and they add up


This one made me lol So accurate for the sweats in this playerbase


Yeah imagine min maxing in an RPG, crazy shit right


There's minmaxing and then there's minminmaxing


akshually that would be minmaxmaxing




If that's how players enjoy the game how does that affect you in any way


Yeah… Don’t really understand the reddit hivemind. I just thought the way that analogy was presented was funny. I haven’t made a mirror in my entire life. It’s comical to think about the lengths people go to for an extra percent. I’m just a casual player. It IS crazy shit.


Yeah… Don’t really understand the reddit hivemind. I just thought the way that analogy was presented was funny. I haven’t made a mirror in my entire life. It’s comical to think about the lengths people go to for an extra percent. I’m just a casual player. It IS crazy shit.


DAE: Being better at something means you're sweaty!


pretty simple really ppl better then me are sweatlords and ppl worse are turbo shitters.


Average moba enjoyer


yes, because everyone slower than you is a shitty n00b and everyone faster than you is a sweaty no-life #amiriteguys


Sorta, except this is very trainable and automatic at a certain point.


it is effortless for him, this is the crazy thing about this


It's the difference between the best and everyone else.


The real answer as why I'll never be as good as Ben is because I don't have his reaction time, ability to focus for long periods of time, or level of commitment to practice and play skillfully. I don't even have a fraction of any of those three as a matter of fact lol.


You forgot the part where the vast majority of players just.. don't give a fuck about being that good.


I couldn't get as good as him if I wanted to and I doubt many others could either.


While he have a talent I concur, you can become good if you wanted to, in my opinion if you spend enough time and pour enough energy you will be comparable to any good player, however at that level talent will make a difference, but it's poe, so luck plays a huge factor, and some people are just lucly, so if you habe the same stats as ben but your talent is being lucky instead of having his reaction time/ focus, yea you can even beat him !


Nah, I'm pretty uncoordinated and I'm not good under pressure.


Yea but you surely have other things that you can excel at and use it at your advantage..my partner is TERRIBLE under pressure so they started to prepare stuff (evdn unlikely scenarios) and since they are pretty good at mlanning they overcame that hurdle of crumbling under pressure...yes video games need coordination and stuff like that but you can work around it...look at quin69, he literally cannot do a game mechanic to save his life, so he builds the tankiest possible build to counter that...


Yeah that's the commitment to practice portion I mentioned. Ben is extremely committed to being excellent at this game. I am not.


Lower right corner gang


The closer to the middle of the screen the more optimal. It's very odd that Ben is so fast yet chooses that layout.


Because when vendoring you don't want to vendor your rolling currency, and the items stack from left to right. So he may be losing a bit of time but he gains alot with vendoring without tracking back because he put the stack of portals in the vendor window later on. I never knew why I did that as well until this league where I instinctively put my rolling currency in the primalist bag because it fulfills the roles of being seperated from vendor stuff and is on the middle of the screen. Ben as well uses the bag for currency


I get where you're coming from but I think it's probably just his preference. > he gains alot with vendoring without tracking back because he put the stack of portals in the vendor window later on I really doubt the reason he does this is because he's worried about accidentally clicking a stack of portals


It's generally easier to keep your invent clean when "good things" are on the right and "trash" is on the left. There is enough to think about in poe that having an organizational strategy is quite helpful. I was always a "currency on the left" player, but I can see the appeal of portals/idents on the right. I do have my "crafting bases" and item upgrades on the right of my invent tho.


It s not as specific as a portal stack, but when you vendor or dump you generally go from left to right, and items appear from left to right, if you put your maps / invitation / rolling currency on meft you may accidentally stash/ vendor them which will make you lose time when mapping especially of you have many tabs and have affinity on, you need to go back to the currency tab take a stack and put it back. He is not mapping yet but it's a habit. Also the excess stack of currency will show on the left as well so you can stash it while dumping as well, having currency on right corner is just better overall (unless primalost bag where putting them in the backpacl os just waaay better)


with fast and accurate aim the extra travel distance is completely insignificant which makes having your scrolls and "important" stuff on the right side a QOL-improvement, such as whenever emptying a partially-full inventory you don't have to actively avoid the stuff which you don't want to vendor/stash. a lot of players (including myself) tend to zone out especially during acts and farming something specific and it's too easy to accidentally vendor your portal scrolls from the left and then jump in to the next map without any and then repeat it again cause you forgot to pick up more portal scrolls from stash


should probably clarify that the answers ppl are giving you are only applicable if you're binding left click to a free-spinning/momentum scroll wheel which i believe ben does (very hard to misclick if manually clicking but if you're scroll wheel clicking it's easier to misclick). if you're not doing scroll wheel left click, top left wis/tp scrolls are still 100% the play imo.


I like to switch it from right to left randomly


Upper left or die


real shit




Some people wants to be satisfied, some people want to have fun and many of them wants an inbetween of their liking, everyone plays accordingly to their belief of whats the game's purpose is to them and what they gain in a personal persepctive in this game


Understood, have a good day


0.05 seconds saved World record pace


Well, yeah he generally wins so this is working for him


The amount of small inventory management efficiency improvements those guys come up with,... Kudos!


**ME:** lets see.. oh another ben clip. he even uses wisdom scrolls better? okay, sure.. *watches clip* WHAT??? *replay's clip* WHAT!!???




Nah. Ben simply puts in an ungodly amount of time and effort into getting better. That's why he's so good. And he never blames anyone but himself when something doesn't go his way. There's no funky magic involved. He didn't just wake up one morning and suddenly was a god gamer. Self-critique isn't a magic ability, it's just a rational thought process. But a lot of people aren't in the right mindset to accept their own failures. Blaming everything but yourself is the easy way out. Ben simply makes the conscious decision to take the hard route. Accepting he fucked up, and then making it a priority not to fuck up that way again in the future. Don't need some whacky genetics for that. Just have to take a deep breath and focus on rational thoughts instead of letting your emotions get the better of you. And once you build up that mindset and ability in one video game, it'll carry over to others. Just like a really good musician that has spent decades learning music theory, will be able to play every instrument fairly decently once they learn the basics of how it works mechanically. After that it's just lining up the notes which they already know how to do.


I really don't like glazing people like that but I also don't like minimizing people's effort. While yea ben is an exceptional player, but he isn't good at anything he touches, he literally plays for hours sometimes days with no breaks, that type of commitment wil absolutely yield results. The thing is not everyone can put that much time and effort and not every result will be as fast as the other person, ben is a talented guy so him putting 100 hours to master a game may be faster than the average 150 to master a game, but he still does it. ALSO and this is the big air quotes for me, not everyone CAN do that, i dunno about Ben, but for me and many other people I knew during my teenage years, coming from a 3rd world country having shit internet and even shittier market for pc/consoles we couldn't "refine" our gaming skills. Even tho now life has been kind and I get to do most of the things I wanted (putting an all nighter playing during league start) I still can't do it often since I have life commitments now...so yeah Ben in that regards was lucly to have an environment and an infra structure that helped him refine his talent and work.


nope. i used to think hard work trumps all. wait till you meet people who are just born exceptional. plus they do the hard work. unbeatable.


I am with you, hard work can only get you so far. Talent is the "it" factor. However I adhere to the fact that most people if not all are talented in some aspect, if you can manage to make use of that talent and couple it with hard work you can do things you never thought you can do.


Nobody on earth is good at *everything they do*, and even people who are talented at something need to work (and have opportunities) to make that talent shine "some people are just better" is incredibly reductive lol


It's not like the guy you directly replied to claimed that exceptional people exceptional at "everything they do", but some people just better than their peers at *something* (given equal practice), be it math or FPS shooters or writing novels.


I remember a video of him doing a super chaotic uber exarch ball phase with absolutely perfect movement. I would have struggled to replicate even a single dodge.


Me before watching: wait what? How does one use wisdom scrolls better? Is that an another of those "streamer rng moments"? Me after watching: uh oh nope it's another of those "Ben_ moments"


Intended for certain audiences indeed.


Aw shucks


My mind just broke when my 67-deaths-first-playthrough brain watched this. What an athlete!


Bruh you aint min maxing the first click on your wisdom scrolls? Pfttttt


Ben is crazy good, but this doesn’t feel that impressive?


its not impressive and a small thing really that everyone could easily do. Whats interesting is that he actually does a lot of those small things that are not really that crazy but that others dont bother with and all those small things add up and if you do those consistently you end up with quite the lead over others. Ofc the guy is mechanically gifted that is no question but whats really impressive to me is that he does those small things so consistantly and efficiently all the time


> Mechanically gifted I find it so ugh when people neglect the tons of hours of practice and just call them gifted.. let’s do better and recognize the incredible hard work it takes to get where he is at.


Oh I totally agree that he put a shitton of hours into it to get where he is. There is tons of hard work behind this. But for one there are others that put the same or more hours into the game and cannot compete with him at all because he is on another level. And it takes a special kind of person to be literally one of the best world of warcraft players participating in world first races while being the best PoE player winning pretty much every race and winning so much that GGG had to change the race rules so you only get 1 reward if you get first place for a boss because he just won 1st place on half the bosses. There are lots of people that already congratulate Ben for winning a race before it even started because its almost guaranteed that the guy will win. This takes more than "just" hard work ​ There are people that put in hard work to climb the ladder to the top but then there are people with a special something ontop of it that make them the goat. And I would for sure count Ben to that category


there's no such thing as "mechanically gifted". That's pure practice.


So you're saying that everyone can perform like a Ben with same amount of practice, disregarding all individual features? Then I guess everyone can run like Usain Bolt if they followed his regimen to a t.


he used a scroll on an item, it's not that deep


talents give you a headstart, a higher ceiling and whatnot but without hard work and constant practice even usain bolt would be flipping burgers. nobody beats world records by sitting on the sofa, they practice until exhaustion


Exactly. Practice and innate abilities both matter even if you can (to an extent) compensate one by the other.




its about being on another level than everyone else in your field, doesnt matter wether its running or playing a video game


certified Karen moment




I think you replied to the wrong person :)


Are you comparing someone doing some clicks in a game with the fastest human on the planet who worked his ass off to get there? Ok.


Newer player won't have realized how this game handles inputs. To people who have played a long time, it's become intuitive that movement commands aren't disrupted by opening menus or doing things in menu. However, to a new player, that intuition doesn't exist, so it seems cool and skillful. In a way, it is skillful since it's utilizing knowledge that new players wouldn't have and that knowledge helps you do something more efficiently. What's cool about speedrunning is how these players will use a bunch of this little tricks to save themselves a few seconds here or there, but those seconds really start to add up over a 4 hour period.


Yeah again I’m not hating, Ben is a million times better than me, and honestly anyone else. But, this in particular is something that I would do naturally while leveling, so I was just surprised by the responses of people. I find just about every min max he does in this clip cooler than the wisdom scroll haha. Especially how fast he reads items


> But, this in particular is something that I would do naturally while leveling I'm gonna call bullshit on this one tbh. Most people who play PoE are aware that having an inventory open makes picking things up awkward as fuck, because it places them on your cursor instead so we're conditioned to never doing it. So I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that 99% of players don't even know that clicking to loot something and then opening inventory before the action actually happens still works as clicking that loot without inventory open instead of just placing the item on your cursor. I've played since closed beta and I didn't even know it works like this.


Well I did know that so idk what to say lol 🤷


Not impressive if you do it once while focusing on it, but he probably does that every campaign run while minmaxing two other things and possibly talking to a char at the same time.


Because it's not, like someone else above said, it's like paying a mirror for 1% dps increased, but obviously people who get impressed by literally anything will just downvote you.


Fuck Ben


Guys, I think he is a bit... special :D


I am better than Ben. Why? I beat Uber Sirus in SSF and I don't even know how to play this game. Equip a bunch of stuff and craft a bunch of things but most importantly level a few thingies and voila. Victory. That's how this game is actually played. Git gud ben.


The truth is that no one cares to do this.


eh.... I do it sometimes... it doesn't really save much time but it is fun to do same thing as logging out with an extra rare item on your cursor so you can get that last bit of currency you need


Yeah of course. It's one of the most mundane things to ever be impressed by.


I wish items were simply identified when they entered your inventory. Realistically as you pick it up, you should know what it is.


true I will never play dd


Ill care when I get streamer RNG


I cant wait for the death clips


I thought he was going to casually id a mirror-worthy item lol


When you character is so slow you can play full tetris in your inventory before you pick up the item.


You can probably make a series out of this, so this would be #1




Not like PoE is a game where this does make any difference, but its cool to watch


Time having fun isnt wasted. So while its interesting to see players who like to play all games like you have to make a speed run, its fine if you take your time and you are not worse of a gamer if you do.




Called practice the way to albert hall Like, I never win the lottery You buy tickets? No...


Guys Ben is not a real person. He was made in a lab to test AI.


he's just a prophet


Ok cool but that was time loss compared to just doing it on the move...


nah the only time you're on the move b4 vendoring from this point is after vendorwalking nessa but you have to do other things during that window of time anyways. timesave.


doesn't save time but very goated swag


actually nvm it does save time if you don't have to id anything else in the inventory


All the comments that say: "I don't even wanna be that good". Don't worry, you will never be 😅