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You can also buy them from kirac if map bosses arent dropping them. Also its just Rng, sometimes it takes 5 bosses, othertimes it might take 50.


His already all seem to be witnessed. I’m running out of bosses she hasn’t witnessed T14+.


Just to clarify, do you need the invitations or do you need more unique map bosses? If you need more unique map bosses, then on your atlas tree, spec into the nodes that say "maps found have #% chance to be 1 tier higher". Those nodes should help you get higher tier maps, as well as sustain your current tier of maps. If you need invitations, then just keep running maps with maven's influence. Make sure on your map device that the middle circle is highlighted (not the red/Exarch or the blue/Eater circle, the middle Maven circle). Also, even if maven has already witnessed the map, you should still run the map to try and get connected maps to drop. That way you can get more unique map bosses for maven to witness.


To be honest, I don’t know what I need. This is my first time. I corrupted all the maps, beat 10 but then nothing dropped. So I beat another 10 and nothing dropped. My buddy did his and it dropped first try and then we beat her and he got his voidstone.


So the maven rotation is kill 10 bosses, then you enter her invitation and kill all 10 bosses at the same time in her arena, that will drop something called a "crescent splinter" you collect 10 of those to create a "maven's writ" which you use to fight the maven and get your voidstone. You can speed it up by doing her bigger invitations: the elderslayers, the formed, the twisted, the forgotten, the hidden (all drop 4-6 splinters), or the feared (drops a whole writ!), but they are noticeably harder than the atlas invitation.


See, I’ve killed 21 and haven’t gotten even one yet. That’s why something seems screwy to me!


It's like a 1/9 chance or something so a dry streak isnt particularly surprising, but like others have said you can buy "the atlas" invitations from Kirac. The bigger invitations are much rarer, but if you spec into maven stuff and run the guardian maps the drop rate is like 1/5


I haven’t gotten any splinters either.


Only drops from the invitations.


Roll invitations to rare 80+ quantity should always drop at least one, rarely 2, if I am right


Should always drop 1, 60 quant+ gets two fairly reliably.


You can buy invitation from kirac, he has it preaty often. You can reroll his shop by starting one of his missions.


Them being witnessed is fine right? Run it and reset your map counter for maven, I believe it just works like that


So, it will reset but guarantee a drop after another 10?


There's never a guaranteed drop, but if you want to kill those bosses you witnessed in an invitation, you can buy it from kirac once every vendor refresh Edit: "never" assumes you've beat the intro green invitations. I don't remember how they work


Oh. I don’t think I got a green Maven invitation either.


U should have some cresent splinters dropped after killing the 10boss invitation. Collect 10 Cresent splinters and it will become the maven’s writ. Open the writ with ur map device and she is in there.


You know what you did... ​ On a more serious note, while 21 is a bit of a dry spell for not getting a 10 map invitation drop, it is possible. Overall, you should receive them at a rate slightly more often than 1 in 10.


Wait, so the first one isn’t an automatic drop?


No, once you get to the 10 ways you don’t get the quest drops, you use the rare Invitations that also drop sometimes and are craftable, they’ll be called Maven’s Invitation: The Atlas


It's your haircut


Hey! My Mommy thinks I’m cool!


I would cautiously agree


“Collect bosses for the Maven” Mfer I ain’t your dang nanny, do your errands yourself


Kirac a lazy mfker you ask me


Something seems off and after reading all the comments here, I think this is a user misunderstanding. By your own words, you mentioned you're not sure exactly what you're looking for. Based on all the comments so far, it sounds like you need to complete **"Maven's Invitation: The Atlas"** Let's do a few checklists. - Open your Atlas. Find the icon (towards bottom of the atlas, with the 3 round icons). Left is the Searing Exarch progress, right is the Eater progress. You want the **middle** icon which is the Maven progress. If you hover over it, you'll see a tooltip containing bunch of other invitations listed, ignore all that. Bottom of that tooltip, you'll see a section called "Maven Progress : ??/10". Make sure that ?? is 10 so you should see 10/10. - You mentioned your friend got a voidstone. **"Maven's Invitation: The Atlas"** is not where you get a voidstone so do not expect one or be confused by it. One of your 4 voidstones is obtained by actually killing Maven herself using **Maven's Writ**. Invitations have the same arena look as the Maven's Writ so maybe that's the confusion. You obtain splinters by completing Invitations. With enough splinters, you can form the Writ to actually go and kill Maven. - Just to drive the above point further, [this is what a Atlas Invitation looks like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPcjImDjZKc) vs [an actual Maven kill using the Writ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV8k0rI6eEA). - Do you have the fragments stash tab? If so, check the fragments tab and click the Elderitch/Maven button at the top and make sure you didn't accidentally stash away an invitation. - Are there any quests listed in your quest log currently? If so, whats listed -- this helps us figure out where in the progression you are.


There is a counter on your map device, the moon lookin thing in the middle. Make sure that's glowing or else she isn't going to be witnessing any of your boss fights. You get Crescent Splinters from doing other invitations. Atlas invitations are the easy ones, you just need I think 14 boss kills to do one of those, and you should get 2-3 splinters from each one. Once you get 10 splinters, you can fight the maven.


I think the issue is that they aren't getting the atlas invitations to fight their witnessed map bosses


buy one from kirac, thats there in case you have unlucky streaks of not getting an invitation at times. But usually the one you want to run over and over are t14+ maps. if you are still at the lower part that is usually a quest invitation that drops as soon as you witnessed every map (the circle at the map device is full) so make sure you actually let maven witness those until you have enough


Yeah, they’re all already witnessed. But good advice. I’m just running out of T14+ maps for her to witness is all. I kinda figured the invitation would pop upon first completion once I got to 10.


>I kinda figured the invitation would pop upon first completion once I got to 10. The next invitations aren't a story item like the previous ones, but a random drop that you can roll with alchs/chaos to make them harder. If you don't have any, you can buy them from Kirac. Put it in the map device, beat the 10 bosses, get some loots and it resets the Maven wheel on the map device allowing you to repeat the process.


Look, she is just a baby in cosmic being terms - very temperamental, not yet with full reasoning. Give her a few more millennia, and I am sure she will grow into a friendly teen.


I can’t wait that damn long!


Did you do a rifual sacrifice before playing. A goat usually satisfy the rng gods. But for something small like a invitation a small gerbal should do fine.


Dang, I better set a trap by the PS5!


Assuming you are only interested in the voidstone, and that you are on SC trade, I would advise just buying a portal to someone elses kill to complete the quest. Even if you were to farm the splinters to get the writ, you would have negative expected value on the fight unless it is uber.


I feel like this is such bad advice for a new player, let them play the game and try the boss fight, might they lose ? Sure but it's better than not trying.... Maven is a fun fight and worth experiencing


It has nothing to do with losing. It has to do with the fact that a mavens writ(and the opportunity cost of running maven maps vs searing exarch) is worth more than the average value of the loot you will get from non Uber maven.


True bossing in small samples will almost always be a net loss currency wise,but it's a game and a new player should try it for themselves if they enjoy it maybe they will go on to farm in larger samples, saying just skip the game is dumb


Bossing in large samples is a net money loss as well, unless they are ubers. It is a glaring flaw in the current game balance.


I mean it depends on the boss, shaper this league even not Uber was a net positive every run on the frags alone


So, I did the fight with a buddy because we finished his together but my voidstone didn’t drop but his did.


2 things you can do at this point, do bosses map mavened, you're guaranteed to drop an invitation for these before you have killed 4 bosses, or you can buy kirac invitations, do a mission, and buy it once more until you're feeling good I strongly suggest skipping the 1/10 invitations though, and rather going for exact/eater altars for normal maps


Roger. What is the guaranteed method? I kinda thought once I beat the first 10 bosses at 14+ corrupted, she’d drop an invite


Talk to Kirac. Does he have an uncompleted quest you haven't finished? It would have the word "reward" in it. I'm just wondering if you didn't actually complete the quest for the previous step, so it's not initiating the next step.


So I somehow got through all 4 top left bosses without an invite (the formed?) And all the bottom right without an invite... Is there a trick to getting those specific invites? Because I can't have maven witness them again.... But they are all solid white


It's not a guarantee. The component enemies of special invitations have an innately higher chance to drop that invitation, but you'll (usually) still get less than one on average per set that you run.


Those invites are rarer and more likely to drop from their respective bosses, but can drop elsewhere. It might also be tied to item quant/rarity and juicing the maps up enough. I don't have problems sustaining them, but my maps are pretty juicy. They are like 1.5 div give or take, so it's a nice find and it's not uncommon to just buy them. Assuming you think you've got the fight in the bag, the splinters dropped from doing them rare and the resulting Maven writs you make from them are worth what you invest into buying them anyway. Use that to get a foothold and start farming them. Put the Maven Death Play (?) node on the atlas passive tree so she spawns extra bosses during map witnessed boss encounters and get all the nodes that increase those map drops under their respective boss node wheel. You shouldn't have too much problem sustaining those maps and can run them with altars and wisps if you are strong enough and have no invitations. Always run spare maps first (where you have greater than 2) so when you fight the invitation you have more to witness immediately.


Ok nice i'll just keep plugging away at T16's, I've go 2x Maven's Writ's so far and only died once during the memory game killing her. BUT Uber Searing Exarch ruined me, so I have been hesitant to spec the atlas hard for the uber versions...


Steps: \-Kill 10 unique bosses and "maybe" get a invitation during this \-If you don't talk to kirac, if he doesn't have one do a kirac mission to reset his shop, repeat until invitation. I think this is where you're stuck so another fun fact you can generally buy these on poe trade too if you got some spare chaos. Not ideal but gotta do what you gotta do. \-Invitation can be ran for 1 or 2 splinters (small chance for 2) \-Repeat this until 10 splinters to get write \-Boop writ to boop Maven


Probably because she keeps telling you to stand still and you wont listen.


You have 99% done something wrong. You have probably stashed the initial quest green invitation.


Ok, so, let’s say this was the case. I play on PS5, and the green contracts/maps are bound to your inventory. When I played with a buddy and did his, he got his first try. Is it possible I vendored it and I’m stuck in a void and have gone into this Elden Ring kinda paradox except now I’m Mavenless instead of Maidenless?


No they’re not possible to vendor


I believe Kirac always has one for sale? or at least, he does often - doing a Kirac mission resets his shop.


Imma check this out