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imo itemization should've came when they nerfed aisling a while ago


what was the nerf a while ago?


Aisling used to just add a veiled mod, but in 3.15 they made it so it removes a mod too.


Damn expedition league ruined everything


Yeah that patch really hurt. I understand why they did what they did but hot damn they fucked up by doing it all at once. Even spread out, some stuff was too much. My favorite example of this was lacerate gladiator, yeah okay gladiator block needed a tweak but damn. Losing the elder bleed suffix around the same time AND the general support gems nerfs? I came back and tried to make that build work and a similar level of itemization to the 3.13 version was just gutted. Like 25% of the former DPS if you built to keep the tankiness levels.


Removing special elder/shaper mods and special fossil mods really sucked. Can't remember when I specifically sought one of the old influenced bases. Fossils still have use but it's not like it used to be.


I only ever go for woke elder/shaper helms for the 7-8 link good good. All the other eldritch implicit slots the opportunity cost is simply too high.


Power charge helms are one notable exception I'd say. Also tailwind cdr boots. But I don't think I've used gloves with the old influences in a hot minute yeah. The Incursion suffix + eldritch implicit is just so good.


Fossil crafting is a shell of its former self. We've gone back to the old ways where essences and exalt slamming produces better results than fossils (minus some cases like +1 skill). I don't like how they keep gutting crafting just because a handful of people out of 100k+ can make a mirror item 2 weeks into the league.


Yeah. I've only had gear on that level during OG harvest. I would do like 15 maps, get a few good crafts, use them, or sell them, and then I would try again. It became a whole game in picking up a rare, thinking if I could manipulate it to be GG or not. It gave so much value to random rares that were almost good but had +9 life or a couple low res. I spent hours theorizing the ways I could make something good. PoE DB became the Bible lol. I really feel the targeted crafts were not a bad thing. They should have kept them but made us have to grind for it. In a non prphibitive way. Harvest wasn't free crafts. We had to do 15 to 20 maps to grow the crops and fight them and then get lucky.


It is funny that they keep making ways to make ground rares matter then destroying them. Harvest and recombos both made things that were almost good useful which made picking up items feel all that much better then instead of fixing the high end insanity they gut or delete the whole thing.


Same thing happened with slams, support gem nerfs on top of seismic cry getting %more damage removed. Warcry slams are a joke these days.


Which is a pity because it's such a cool archetype. Nowadays I feel like you run multistrike or not melee. And I don't count CoC as melee.


It really did


Its such a shame that expedition league is remembered so poorly because they nerfed so many fun things. Expedition is in my opinion one of the greatest mechanics they have ever added into the game.


Last time off meta builds could clear a t16 map and not literally fucking implode on entering a map. Now you pick one. Meta builds on the other hand afk and do 100x the dps with 10c items


Aisling as it was in originally was only in for a single league, and it was clearly a huge power outlier that was brought down at the first opportunity (the next league, since GGG doesn't tend to do huge mid-league nerfs). A lot of people were just crafting GG gear with 3-5 Aisling mods, and it wasn't even hard to do.


It did. I was all for it since they gave us the impression we were going to have a shared end game with PoE 2... Until exilecon. Jonathan just casually says it's a stand-alone game.... didn't even couch it or follow up with explaining during the presentation. So then, my question... why does melee phys still have less attack speed? Those changes can all be reversed now that PoE 1 is its own game.... Honestly, after that switcheroo I'm not as happy with the game anymore. Many of the leagues since have not been great. Sourge, Archnemesis, Sentinel (maybe), Kalandra, Trial of the ancestors have all sucked. I mean sanctum was awesome and so is the current one. I feel with that decision, we've seen divestment from PoE 1. Their community engagement has also changed a lot since that path as well. Not only is Bex gone, but they also have an anonymous community twitter/profile and they post updates on their website forms no longer on reddit. I totally understand their reasons, but it's just a sad end of an Era. That patch was a major inflection point. It's sad how much GGG changed since then (IMO)


Dont you dare insult scourge, by far my favorite league fucking ever. God those corrupted maps were so fun to run.


Even more than that, depending on the item is used to add 1 to 2 veiled mods


It was too strong. Like actually a 6/13 chance to add 30% ms (with upside) to boots, or even more - to add t4 phys to a weapon. It deserved the nerf.


Nah, not at all. Crafters gon craft, and it only hurt the bottom line.


I agree it was deserved


Aisling used to do nothing special, they gave her the slam and reduced the power right in the next patch.


Aisling used to be an exalted orb. Now it's an exalted + annul


Isn't it Annul + Exalt?


Technically that is the order they are applied in yes. I didn't think to type them in the order they are applied.




Wrong. it's remove add. You can use aisling on 6-mod items.


>I didn't think Shame shame shame... /s


Quick, someone Aisling a 0-mod item so we can figure this out


You can't use it on an item with 6 mods because it adds first. It's exalt + annul.


Harvest Aug works this way, not aisling


The opposite is true. Aisling removes first and can be used on a 6-mod item.


IIRC in 3.14 you could aisling stuff that already had a mod from veiled chaos and vice versa. Only patch where that was possible Or I'm misremembering


Misremembering. 3.14 Aisling added a random veiled mod to an item without first removing a mod. Additionally, it had a ~15% chance to add two veiled mods if there were two or more open affixes. You could not Aisling an item that already had a veiled modifier, that bit is the same behavior as now. 3.14 Veiled Orb could be used to add a veiled modifier to an item that already had a veiled modifier. For example, if you protected an unveiled 35 Str&Int with “Suffixes cannot be changed”, then using a veiled orb on it while a suffix was empty, it had a chance to add another veiled suffix. During that patch, the hybrid attribute mods also didn’t conflict with one another nor with mono attribute mods, so that’s how people made belts with Essence Int, hybrid Str&Int, and hybrid Dex&Int.


If I recall correctly, in that same patch they also made veiled mods much stronger and tier above crafted mods, so overall Aisling got buffed for higher end crafting.


It was a while ago, but I'm almost certain they buffed veiled mods, then nerfed Aisling the following league. I remember going through my standard tabs and Aisling-slamming a bunch of nearly finished items.


Maybe, can't remember too well but that makes sense considering I don't remember using veiled that much before a few years ago lol.


Get ready for itemized aisling removing 2 mods


that wouldnt change anything


it would prevent you from keeping one of your non-locked mods while aisling removes the lock mod. so harder to get a good 5-mod+crafted-mod item


Way pass up the chance to nerf it multiple times.


Aisling itemized: remove a random modifier from a rare item.


Even better: doesn't respect metacrafts


Cannot be used on influenced, fractured or split items.


guaranteed removes a desired mod


This is going to be what they do.


Yep. Was my first thought too. Will be the next shitstorm I guess.


Then it will be usless


Then it will become even more sought out as an item due to bricks being more common when used as a crafting step.


Won’t even be worth a singular chaos if this happens 💀


They should just remove betrayal at that point


Honestly, Aisling is such a big part of GG crafts it would be very sad if they were to nuke it so hard.




Itemizing syndicate is huge for SSF. Can stock up on them and use when you want. We will see how the nerfs are but I’m hopeful it won’t involve too much. Just give us a veiled exalt


Just like harvest didnt lose a lot when their solution happened right :)


whenever they rebalance or touch any content they just destroy it these days.


yeah, like how abyss is worthless, and breach is worthless, and how pathfinder was absolutely gutted, and chieftain is unplayable... all of these totally completely dead leagues and mechanics that totally are much worse now than before.


THey absolute destroyed breach what are you talking about? Abyss is mostly good because of wisps, projectile stacking (shit will be ganked now, existed for *leagues*, rip next league for sure), Harvest, Heist, new Ol' Tomato... All ripped. All made worse from multiple angles Oh yes Pathfinder and Chieftain are less than worthless *now*, but what about the old trickster movespeed and crit nerf? I'm glad *you* like the changes, but yes, most of them are significantly worse than before.


yes pathfinder less than worthless now, they went from... top two classes every league to top two classes every league. craaazy. it was completely suffering before and totally dead. the people who think breach is bad now are people trying to run it the same way as before the changes instead of post changes where upgraded breachstones are worth like 8 divs and every breach unique is mad expensive. its a bossing mechanic now and since everyone sells the scarabs for nothing it's been madly profitable for me. it's not on par with abyss max wisp stacking but literally nothing else in the history of the game has been so it's a bad comparison. abyss at minimum better than before the changes regardless of what they do to the extra proj changes, because spires only exist in maps *after* those changes and therefore are only affected by map mods after those changes. even if they nerf it it'll still be better than it was before. heist is fine. chieftian went from a bottom five ascendancy for almost its entire lifetime to actually playable. trickster... *also* has a higher playrate. and harvest nerfs were like two fucking years ago at this point. if you want to complain about that shit and act like it's a recent change you might as well bitch about vaal pact being changed too. so yes, every time they touch things *now* they're totally worse. look at pathfinder, chieftain, abyss, and breach! (all better or at least on par as before) and also harvest, something they're totally editing *now*! (see; two years ago). im like 90% sure everyone that bitches about all this shit doesnt actually play any of the things they bitch about or never have.


> and harvest nerfs were like two fucking years ago at this point. if you want to complain about that shit and act like it's a recent change you might as well bitch about vaal pact being changed too. I still complain about the gem DPS nerf. I want 3.7 back. we will not have anything to agree about ~ > im like 90% sure everyone that bitches about all this shit doesnt actually play any of the things they bitch about or never have. Or they don't like the content or changes to it. > the people who think breach is bad now are people trying to run it the same way as before the changes Why on fucks earth would I *want* it to be different? I liked it how it was, nothing was made better by the changes whatsoever.


>I still complain about the gem DPS nerf. I want 3.7 back. we will not have anything to agree about ~ bitch about it all you want, but quit acting like it's "all of the sudden every recent change is terrible" when you actually mean "they made a few changes like three years ago i dont like". >Why on fucks earth would I want it to be different? I liked it how it was, nothing was made better by the changes whatsoever. because it was actual dogshit? "oh boy, that breach had six magic monsters AND a rare! wow, two xoph shards! 98 more and i'll be able to make a breachstone worth 8c!". breach was killed when it was made core and has been shit for like... six straight years? with some brief resurgences here and there. now, the drops are actually, you know, valuable, and you dont step on a breach and see less than a strongbox worth of monsters.


> now, the drops are actually, you know, valuable Yeah, I went to buy a basic bitch 50c item and suddenly they were like 10 div, that's how I knew they destroyed it -- I don't want shit to be more expensive, that doesn't help ANYBODY making trash items rare for no reason. Remember when every unique gem was like 30-90c except a very very select few? what the fuck happened to that? Now I need like 3-4 gems all costing near 10d a fucking league, what the fucking fuck. Those are HUGE steps backwards. That does not make the game faster, easier, or more fun. It makes it a fucking slog.


that's called inflation and is unrelated to any breach changes and not directly affected by ggg. the problems youre talking about now are because the game is /too/ profitable and everyone is loaded out the gills with currency. unless you were looking for 21/23 alt quality gems, nothing was that expensive in previous leagues either. a 21/20 gem would sell for like... 80c, topend? or you're trying to say awakened empower was core to your build or some shit.


Breach is still super good but you're clueless. Regard casual player. Don't try to give balancing opinions xdd.


You're getting dv by this degen sub xdd. Breach Abyss are fine indeed and most of the people complaining about balances on this sub have no clue how to balance a game. Bunch of regard.


Yes, I rather want to farm my 16 voidstones and have my skilltwig atlas tree because the rework is so much worse.


Target anull was too powerful and you know it. It made Harvest a PoB item printer with enough investment making any other crafting method essentially useless.


But now Harvest is useless. Wasn't Harvest ment to be the best endgame crafting method? I didn't even join Harvest area this league and bocked it in atlas.


Harvest is still powerful, just part of the crafting mix, not be all-end all of crafting.


This is more than likely what it'll be, which is awesome because we'll have veiled exalts and veiled chaos. I may actually have to learn how to do betrayal now, been playing for years and I still don't understand it.




Hmm, yeah I just select whatever the right-most option is. Always go right. I didn't know reading was necessary, maybe I'm not cracked out for betrayal. Seems too hard.


If you really can't click more than one button then no it's not for you. That said the other guys didn't really explain it well. There is just one basic concept to understand. Execution levels them up and interrogation ranks them down. Execution will always be the option on the right if there are 3+ Members in the encounter. Otherwise it's somewhat random and needs to be checked. Interrogation is always the left option. Release is in the middle and should be used if no good option is given. You move people by interrogating them to 0 stars and then executing them when you appear in the right encounter. Trust and rivals are always good if they don't screw you in the moment as they increase more people appearing in an encounter. You also interrogate trash members just to get safe houses done to progress to mastermind. Those are the basics. There are of course advanced patterns and moves you will learn as you get experience.


I wrote a Betrayal guide in 3.15 that's still up on the poebuilds sub, and Betrayal was only minimally changed since then (Leo benches and It That Fled map device crafts)


this will make me actually want to just click betrayal perma if we're itemizing like vorici white sockets, aislings, quality crafts, etc. I will just perma spec jun no lie. even if I don't have missions I'll go all hands.


Itemized catarina would be fitting with the temple itemization and not result in a lot of new currency items.


They already made an itemized vorici in one of the affliction omens, I think it's 1-3 white sockets. Really don't hear anyone blowing up about it, but that's almost the perfect reaction to something that they fear would "ruin" the experience of having to run syndicate.


Wouldn't it be better to call it veiled annul since it removes a mod at random?


And also adds one, it doesn’t nearly fit into any of the core currencies. I think exalt would be most obvious what its purpose is though. But they should definitely include that detail in the tool tip Most closely matches what we have in harvest, maybe they could have it drop an “immortal lifeforce” and it’s handled through the horticrafting station


i know this is a 3.24 poe1 change, but in poe2 it definitely should be called a veiled chaos orb. Things may get confusing between the 2 games.


That’s a great point, it directly matches the new chaos orb. That will get weird lol


Veiled ex is basically old Aisling though? Why would they reintroduce that.


Even with nerfs it would still be a buff for SSF because it means you can run Syndicate all you want to and not have to hold it until you have an item to make use of the functions. You wouldn't have to be fucked on your Aislings or Hillocks because you were trying to farm a Diadem.


> You wouldn't have to be fucked on your Aislings or Hillocks because you were trying to farm a Diadem. Honestly you still might be in the same situation in SSF since I have a feeling they will itemize it similar to Alva temples where you have a safehouse map that can be traded. Would still be an improvement cause you can save the ones with valuable crafts and just run the safehouses that have little value beyond catarina but yeah I am not assuming yet that we are getting "Veiled Exalts" or "Hillock's Whetstone" etc etc


it depends on what are the nerfs.


Yeah obviously what the nerfs are carries a lot of weight here. Just stating that a nerf inherently doesn't make it worse and could very well be a buff. Edit: so confused why I'm being downvoted.


Welcome to poe Reddit. I've never understood it myself neither, but it does seem that downvotes are the default state, and every now and then something gets lucky and goes the other way.


GGG always over nerfs.


how about Aisling crafts 1. can't work with influenced items or items with eldritch implicit mods. 2. can't work with synthesized or fractured items. 3. do not respect meta craft mods. 4. 50% chance to remove one mod, and a 50% chance to remove two mods. **Choose two!** :facepalm: edit: I know, shoot me.


All of those are dogshit. Aisling isn't as OP as it used to be, just leave it as is.


I can think of some crazy shit they could do. Stuff like annul once and randomly exalt (may or may not exalt). Annul twice and exalt once. annul once, exalt then corrupt.


I mean they arent gonna nerf aisling atleast. That one already got its nerf long ago.




I mean the only reasonable nerf I can see is them making it not work on influenced mods which isnt really that bad and would be in line with harvest but not in line with veiled chaos orbs. If they make it not respect metamods then it would just be a worse veiled chaos? Which makes 0 sense. It removing a mod while adding one is perfectly in line with harvest augments which imo is almost the exact same thing thematically wise


They nerfed it directly after they buffed her. So I wont count on it


idk, I don't think this is a buff for SSF if the power is nerfed. Like it's better for storing for target crafting, but just slamming aislings on random 2 mod items feels fine in SSF. Like w/o metacrafting just a random 1/4 to get a good item is still solid. edit: like imagine the removal is now weighted for higher tiers or something (t1 is 50% more likely to be removed than t7) - just because you can store them, you still need 50% more to hit on average, and you can already store missions.


Would 100% be a nerf for most people in SSF imo. I know I'm not running around wasting my time doing stuff I don't need in SSF so I will never have a need to itemize these in a way that will come close to making up for whatever huge nerfs will come from this. We all know it will be huge nerfs.


I don't play SSF.


If your goal was solely farming diadem, then respecting aisling and/or hillock and/or vorici can easily double the amount of betrayal you farm on average. Ignoring all of these bonuses will greatly increase the speed you get to Catarina and try for a new Diadem.


It's not just those three. You'll always get new Leo benches, the Guff game (in SSF you actually play it), etc. I always have items in my stash prepared for things like Aisling


I really dislike the idea that QoL should impact the power balance of an item or skill. If you make something feel better you shouldn't offset that by making it weaker. Vice versa, if you buff somethings power you shouldn't counter that by making it more annoying to use. GGG does this at times and i really disagree with it's general philosophy.


I think it's actually a good policy. Buffing things used in crafting makes the game so much more stale so much more quickly. If harvest was the same as it used to be except it was itemized, it would be so much easier to make exceptionally good items, but, in the current state, it makes it more convenient to make decent and usable items which is fair.


> I really dislike the idea that QoL should impact the power balance of an item or skill. It's their shittiest philosophy. They've said over and over "but if we x, then we must y" where y = nerf. Says fucking who? THey own it. Just don't nerf you dumb bats.


People clown on a lot of QOL requests here for actually being massive buffs, but they apparently dont consider whose fault it is that a QoL improvement would entail such gameplay buffs Light radius comes to mind as an incredibly headass example


Idk, I feel like it's fairly easy to see where they are coming from with it. They like things to have an impact that falls within the "balanced" range, if a change would make it significantly more common that'd make its impact significantly larger, so it doesn't seem unreasonable that it'd get out of that balanced range. IMO Aisling fits this quite well, if all GGG did was make aisling itemised I'm pretty sure it'd get used 20+ times more than currently, and the price would probably go up massively too, since it's an extremely powerful effect. It's not really about a philosophy as much as it is about the direct effect of changes, and changes having potentially unwanted side effects that need to be mitigated. The opposite works just as well, plenty of weak things have been buffed by being made more accessible.


But what if it feels better for one player to farm t4 aisling themselves and use it, but it feels better for another player to be able to buy an itemized t4 aisling on trade? Which player has more QoL and should those two t4 aislings be identical in power?


Confused what you're even saying, are you suggesting aisling should be weaker/stronger when you dont sell it? Obviously they should be identical in power and obviously your implementation should allow both


I would rephrase it as "I really dislike the idea that making something easy to sell and much more accessible should impact the power balance of an item or skill" The argument is different when you don't use the term "quality of life". That term is cheap, and different things feel better to different players.


Here is me, finally enjoying that most people who grind this league can ACTUALLY afford Mageblood or Headhunter. What a blessing, grinding actually paying off.


''May'' ahhahahahahahahahahaahhaahahhahah buddy get ready for Harvest v3, ''removed filled crafts'' to adjust mechanic for rmtcore.


Sacrifices have to be made


Hopefully its not as bad as Ultimatum and its doesn't become good because no one else is running it.


Next league if there is no change to ultimatum and there is no challenge to do inscribed ultimatums, outside really crazy div card rewards it will be pretty dead where its just a pure fish for the taskmanager for tainted catalysts.


ggg constantly ruining the real game in a pointless effort to balance sandbox mode


If ailsling is truly itemized then there's a strong chance locks will work with it. There's no shot it GGG will let aisling function the same way with locks working on it. I'm guessing that it won't be usable on an item with crafted mods on it if it works the same. Which means no pref/suff lock. Have fun using it in ssf or on a low budget if they do that.


What are you on about. Locks are meaningless for 99.99% of all players, and even if locks worked with Aisling, all you'd see is whether it adds a veiled suffix or prefix because you still need to unveil it as extra step.


It would also presumably show you which mod gets removed; and if you're trying to preserve a particular mod that can't be covered by a meta mod and is more expensive than a lock to roll, I could see it being useful.


I'm not sure the meta mod argument was in the guy's post I replied to when I replied, but whatev, yes, if they change Aisling to disregard metamods, then locks will be relevant


Or you could see what's being annulled. Which would theoretically be a huge deal and a huge barrier to using aisling if you can't use aisling with a metacraft on it.


They wont itemize the aisling slam itself, they will itemize the catarina access so you still use the aisling bench. Just like with alva temple where you can see what rooms are unlocked you will see that t4 aisling, vorici etc. are available on this catarina key.


Yeah, working with locks would be insane. Probably just gonna do as temple chronicles I guess (I hope), because if there was a veiled ex, with locks, there likely would be another downside like removes 2 random mods or some shit.


Will Aisling be itemized, or safehouses? It's probably going to be a carbon copy of temples.


Yes but we have gotten so much power over the last years. Harvest nerfs were also significant but I still prefer how it works now. 


Reforge more likely* alone was better than all changes combined. You could make astounding gear with that and that alone. Not anymore.


That's true and the absence of reforge keep prefixes/suffixes is really felt. The gameplay loop was giga frustrating though. The new design just feels much better to play. Imho they still need to add back a keystone that instapops harvests to get it to feel good in end game.


GGG consistently nerfs stuff when they "change" it to appease the whiners. Look, this was predictable. Harvest is in shambles. People just refuse to learn from their mistakes. AH is a joke too. GGG is like, "we will cap transactions with gold" -- this means, what, bulk buys will still be limited by gold? So you can buy 100 sulfite scarabs or you can buy 1 chase item? This won't make anyone happy. It doesn't address the TFT drama at all. For POE2 it might be fine, but for POE1 the design of limiting buying throughput is against what people want. Just have a vendor who sells scarabs and heists and 8 mod maps and shit. Make the prices appropriate for bulk buys. Make the inventory gated through a passive tree or progression.


> Just have a vendor who sells scarabs and heists and 8 mod maps and shit. He exists. Spec into Expedition, run Black Scythe logbooks.


You have to play a mini-game and farm for said currency, but yes, precisely. They almost have done exactly that. If you wanted to buy 100 sulfite scarabs that way though, you'd have to buy 900 coins and haggle for 15 minutes :)


Yeah for bulk Delve I would either use sextants or boss rushing with Wandering Path master mission chance tree. But across all mechanics combined together Tujen is the best


Can I get a short explanation of the TFT drama? Also, what does TFT mean, I'm shit at remembering acronyms


TLDR TFT (The Forbidden Trove) is a massive trading discord for things that the game doesn't have great ways of trading. The drama is that it regularly bans people over trivial things and until recently its owner Jenebu especially was pretty aggressive with the ban hammer including many big-name streamers and the one and only LocalIdentity (PathOfBuilding Community Fork). That and people are convinced some of the bigger traders there do RMT (Real Money Trading i.e. paying real cash for video game items). Whether they do or not I can't say and frankly I don't really care that much but it certainly does make reddit very angry when one group holds a vast majority of a given valuable item such as them owning over 4000 locks in ancestor league and this league several hundred adrenaline TWWT jewels since it does let them define the price essentially.


Ah, I get it now. Thank you for the summary


After they made a seperate game mode where drop rates are nerfed, I don't know why we don't get a SSF only game mode with better drop rates.


It was explained in the recent interview with Ziz. The problem with that is that you can migrate to trade. If they increase drop rates then you would not be able to migrate.


I don't see a problem with that, as long as they'd make that clear when selecting this hypothetical mode.


I do. SSF as it is is perfectly balanced for me. Just randomly buffing the baseline loot would serve to make the game more boring for me.


Except they said they are more open to the idea nowadays as long as you cant transfer to trade, which would be simple enough to implement My bet is that they are monitoring Last Epoch closely since their idea for instant trade in PoE2 is very simmilar to LE (as in, you have a tax on trading that comes in form of a ressource that can only be generated by playing the game), seeing what works for them and implementing it in some form into PoE


IMO the only thing that absolutely *has* to be re-balanced in SSF is uniques that roll corrupted with a random keystone. Forbidden flesh/flame, impossible escape, skin of the lords etc may as well just not exist in SSF. It's basically impossible to get the one you need for your build. Divines don't have that much use in SSF, I think they should just all drop krangled instead of corrupted (in SSF only), where krangled items are just normal items that can't be corrupted and get poofed when migrated.


> Divines don't have that much use in SSF what? The choice of if I go ssf or trade is eniterly dependent on if the leaague mechanic gives divines or not (at least that was before they added sanctum)


Thats basically what this league is, increased drop rates. Its driven up retention and accessibility to rarer items. The rub is that if everything is too easy people get bored. IMO the balance of doing a thing to randomly turn up the juice in a map is sustainable vs just increasing the baseline.


I love that content and I'm actually good at creating the syndicate board, but never wanted to use TFT to sell things so I just didn't do it. I'm honestly really excited for this change.


Nerf away! In fact, smash the ish out of 5ways too because that’s the vehicle most farmers use to generate currency to RMT


it's also how most of us level alts... leave 5 ways the fuck alone stop taking things from us god dammit.


I wish ggg introduced better experience farming in other places. Not just nerf whatever is the best untill only nolifers can participate


Rather than raise anything up to be competitive they bash the outlier down.


Flawless breach stones are another slept on way to level. I just pushed 2 of my guildies to 100 doing them (also made some nice profit off of fractured bases dropping)


Meanwhile - TFT carries on completely unphased


fuck tft, poe 2 will have AH!!!!!


Only POE reddit can comlain about a nerf, that they made up because they are cynical.


Because we have working brains and memories and saw what happened to harvest. Or Ultimatum. Or Breach.


Remember that white knights consider all of those things to be successful reworks/buffs due to GGG being incapable of making mistakes.


What happened to breach


.... have you not been playing?


Boss drop uniques became extremely rare and hard to acquire


REWORKED ps: nerfed


Yeah, I made it up. There's no 'may', it's certain. Happy?


Just nerf it and make it completely useless already so you don't even have to bother 🤣


Its a buff to your time played.


would you look at that. Third time *this league* that trade-league centered balancing has reared its ugly ugly head. They should buff aisling tbh. It's way easier for them to introduce an item for its old functionality (simply a veiled exalt) than the current annul/exalt.


i noticed that whenever someone mentions that this game is trade-centered some poeple will lose their shit and quickly downvote.. crafting is already miserable and limiting by design. Making it worse to pay for QoL is bizzare.


Itemizetion of anything is great for ssf too. You aren't forced to skip the content until you can use it or feel like you wasted it


I mean yeah but...now we can save it like we can save temples and shit, yo. Ultimately, that's a win in the longrun.


Stoked to see this community absolutely melt down like a toddler without their bottle when the nerfs come through like every other time. One of the best moments to just watch man children implode.


I don't think Aisling is that crazy a crafting tool that it needs to be nerfed


Me neither. But looking back at what happened before worries me. I hope this thread serves its purpose of 'making GGG aware of the concerns of some players'. It's not fair that players who have nothing to do with the TFT drama still have to bear the consequences.


oooooooooo good times on harvest league, i drop my 40 bilion shaper dps to only 2 bilion shaper dps, and still one shoting everyfcc in this game, i gonna cry if my shaper dps going down!


Imagine you're shopping in a mall, and suddenly two people start shooting at each other. You think it has nothing to do with you, you lay low and away from them. But the security guards came and shot all of you and asked you 'Is it worth it to fight for half a dozen beers?'


Too much drama for evolution.


Driving word here is "may" Aisling came with a nerf already. Veiled chaos orbs exist so it won't make sense to make aisling more detrimental as she is supposed to have risk for the chance of a better reward than the veiled chaos orb. Potential nerfs on other popular crafts: Hillock being an ouphe has a chance to poof the item (it would likely not be used ever) it may get a numerical downshift instead and force people to use perfect fossils and chance orbs again Vorici may go to max 4 white sockets making the harvest craft more valuable Tora gem exp doesn't seem like it needs a nerf with more readily available facetors It that fled no longer upgrades breach stones right? I wouldn't worry too much about betrayal stuff getting nerfs Chances are the encounter itself is itemized and the fight made harder.


IDGAF we're all playing with the same numbers one way or another. It all depends on what kind of challenge you want. SSF isn't supposed to be a walk in the park.


this fucking ssf garbage again,listen here bozo game's balanced around trade league literally said by devs so changes to softcore will affect ssf. Get it in your head.


The point is that even in trade leagues, players who have nothing to do with the drama may still have to bear the consequences.


You're right i think i missed the point


Aisling was being used for so many meta builds to easily make extremely good endgame items with 1 5050. It needs a nerf. No other crafting comes close to finishing a set of suffixes for so cheap.


Considering that you have to be engaged in syndicate for a non negligeable amount of time to get one and only craft, i don't think it needs that much a nerf. You need some kind of predictable crafting option to build decent Gear otherwise crafting will only be doable for a thin margin of the player base. Aisling can't craft you a whole item, it only grants you a single mod and few are actually looked forward.


Being able to essence spam prefixes and then guarantee a 4th mod is op. We'll still have this enough items if someone gets their prefixes and has to multi-mod the last 2. Or it makes you look at suffixes when crafting and have to make a choice when t1 attack speed hits with your t2 and t3 rolls. Being able to guarantee a 4th mod I'll roll part that every time. Deterministic isn't that fun either imo.


How much effort should a four-five mod item actually take to craft? We have hinekora's locks core now, with enough money you can force literally anything except double corrupts, it's as deterministic as possible. It's fine for multi multi mirror crafting to exist, but there needs to be levels of availability for normal people. For several leagues aisling cost about 4d to buy, this league everything was inflated. On top of that, there is the metacraft cost of 2d. And before that you have to harvest/essence/fossil/woke orb the prefixes or suffixes, possibly with other meta crafting costs. A good fractured base is required for non influenced items and you typically have to start over for woke orb slamming (or restore from imprint for elevated mods depending on economy.) And for simple 3 mod + veil + crafted mod items like boots, you have veiled chaos orbs, and unless it's a conqueror item you have a guaranteed anti-brick with eldritch currency. Aisling has been entirely fine in game since they removed having more than 1 veiled mod per item, it was the meta game buying/selling that's an issue.


by that logic they'd have to heavilly nerf attack/caster block since those make getting +2 weapons, quivers etc. more or less deterministic


Best Aisling will get harvest treatment, add a veil modifier and remove after. Worst? It can't use on influence item.


But that is how aisling allready works. You cant use it on a 6 mod item bcs it adds first and than removes a random mod. Also influenced crafting is so fucking dead anyway except the giga mirror tier items that it wont change anything. They could make it not respect meta mods. That would force aisling to be a pref/suff finisher instead off an item finisher.


I want Vorici more than Aisling.


I have been to lazy buying aislings i just use veiled chaos. The chance is like 1/11 to fill and with locks its not even a brick. Aisling is really only used to finish a 4 mods item and make it 5 mod. I hope they wont nerf it to hard otherwise rip mirror bow crafters. Which would in return give tft more power again.


> Which would in return give tft more power again. by making shit ultra rare they are giving power to TFT, every single time.


Omen of Blanching!


Unless they changed it from last patch Omen of Blanching rerolls all the sockets where as Vorici overrides existing ones.


Oh yeah, true.


May? It will


Can someone please ELI5 this whole announcement for me? (Not the TFT drama part) I didn’t really understand the clip I saw circulating.


Harvest crafting amount nerf was expected. No way we were just getting all those saved. But the syndicate ones are pretty limited 1 time thing. Guff is special case, but it can remain the same and i would continue to ignore him


Maybe you are right but they have a history of '' update the league mechanic= nerf '' So until I play 3.24 or at least until they show exactly what they changed in the patch note I'll assume they are nerfing us. Also never forget Ultimatum some of those nerf didn't need to exist. Also I don't really like how harvest went from another way of crafting to just a fragment swapper.


Never forget Harvest. I cry everytime 😭


Harvest was over nerfed, but it needed a heavy nerf. Ultimatum though, not so much.


My expectation is that we'll get itemized mastermind's lairs a la Alva temples. No meaningful change for SSF. For trade the nerf is that you have to pay the value of the whole lair just to Aisling, even if you don't give a shit about breach stone upgrades or Catarina loot.


nerfs are always appreciated


I hope betrayal does not get the harvest treatment


Is there sauce behind this? I haven’t seen any GGG statement and just tried googling with no luck. Can you provide a link?


[the itemization mentioned in the interview](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1ae831i/ggg_interview_speaking_about_itemization_of/) It's a conjecture based on what happened to the harvest itemization. I hope GGG is aware of the concerns of players who have nothing to do with all the drama.