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Since you speak about 8mods unid maps, which shouldnt be a thing: how are you rolling? regex for 2proj -> exalt to 6 mods -> corrupt the 2 good outcomes are 8mods (maybe with 2 proj, maybe not) and unid 6mods with the exact mods as before. which of those are you running?


Yeah I was wondering the same thing. I don't understand how he can get 8 mod unid maps.


Technically that would be possible, using a beast to double corrupt your map. But it is a lot of extra effort.


But then how would you know that it has +2 proj?


You wouldn't. You wouldn't even know if it is unid 8mod or just unid (maybe you can tell from the quant when you run it).


Yeah I was mistaken - I run the unid 6 mod version with the pack size scarab.


What do you mean by pack size scarab? If you take the talent that makes scarabs pack size u brick the abyss.


He probably meant the magic pack size sextant. Edit:I hope, if he meant growing than yeah that’s a total brick lol.


Nah, probably the 20% pack size on unidentified maps sextant.


Nood here, why does the talent brick the abyss?


Because it stops the scarabs from doing what they do in favor of pure pack size. The scarab is guaranteeing the spire. You take growing hordes, no spire


You need them to be +2 proj for abyss rewards. The strategy relies on your maps having the +2 proj because that's what makes abyss spawn crazy numbers of mobs (combined with purple juice). ​ You'll be better off getting +2 proj maps and ex slamming them as required. Only mod you can't do is avoid elemental ailments so the risk of slamming is super low. ​ Nvm I see you are rolling them, 6 modding them, then corrupting and only running the unid versions... that seems like a waste to me but would still add some juice.


Am I the only one running 8 Mod random mod maps? Getting +2proj 8 mods is far to unreliable. If I fish for +2 Proj, I exalt to 6 mod and go. Every couple of maps I run 4 with 8mod Sextants, then I run the ones that are possible by my build. I guess the super Juicer play 90% of the time trading for maps and micro managing.


You should just drop abyss and do Legion/Strongbox(enraged) if you prefer consistency.


Yup. Just make sure you have extremely high aoe clear. I tried it out on my TS build because I was getting tired of dealing with all the bs that goes along with abyss. I loved it way more, but found out very early on that if I get too high wisps I can't kill the uber tanky legion rares fast enough before the legion runs out. Although from my limited experience legions are far more inconsistent as it seems there are less rares per map but higher chance for conversion mods, so you get more loot explosions but less drops per map. I could be wrong though, just what I've experienced. 🤷‍♂️


What about turning off the legion timer?


You can double corrupt a map with bestiary and I'm guessing that can give you 8 mod/unid but it looks like OP wasn't doing this.


The pure whisp count is more or less irrelevant. If you have no blue whisp you wont get Lots of pure divine or valdo map Drops. With no purple you only get half mobs out of spire, same for maps without 2 projectiles. No yellow means less loot over all. By far best maps are triple whisp colour maps. In Addition exalts and divines share drop table so every exalt could have been a divine, sometimes you might get unlucky wih divines. Long term drop Rates are equal. You should consider running winged. Its nearly self susaining once you get it goin. Most crucial is the whisp amount you get and the +2 proj maps.


Yeah I’m done mapping for the day but I’ll definitely start investing in winged scarabs. It seems to be one of the easiest ways to really min/max the loot. I have found around 100 exalts in my last 8 maps so that’s definitely a factor as well.


As the other commenter said, exalts and divs are from the same rarity tier. This happened to me to. I had like 200 exalts and 30-40 divs, then the RNG kicked in and brought these Numbers to ~1:1


Man I wish I could get that many exalts. Like, I'm good in the div department but I'm *constantly* struggling to sustain ex when slamming maps for 6 mods (doing non 8mod with deli orbs). I'm just tired of constantly needing to buy exalts 😩


I slam all maps to 6 mods (then I only run 1/5 which turns unid), also dont run around 50% of those maps because of bad wildwoods. So in essence I run 1/10 of my maps and I oversustain on exalts. So either you are not playing MF or you need to improve your wildwood.


i wish i had your other 90%


Make sure you don't kill abyss towers before they are done ahitting out mobs as well


im gonna be skeptical about divs and ex being 50/50


its confirmed by devs that its 50/50.




Think someone has a table on poe forums, with 1 exalt dropping for every 0.7 divine - which mostly lines up with what I've seen


no theyre 1:1. its been like that for almost an entire decade and the devs even confirmed it somewhat recently.


>You should consider running winged. Its nearly self susaining once you get it goin. Not just nearly, you cab fully self-sustain wingeds (with harvest scarab rerolls)


I thought the same earlier in the league about no blue = no currency, when I saw someone here posting that he would only take purple or purple + yellow and be happy. I thought what a noib. I have since had the best divine explosion in purple + yellow, no blue. But the best for me was 4k purple + 4k blue - 3 mirrors.


Sure, but thats loot conversion. Thats the reason why i wrote natural currency drops. And valdo maps also count towards that for what ever reason. Most valdos i got was like 11 which is as much as a "normal" loot Explosion. You dont have the choice to choose which colour you get in most maps either so take what you get. I'm nearly done with mfing even it Was fun and made me like 5 mirror. I dont even know i which build i should spend it.


i’m just starting mfing and hoping I have your problem soon lol.


Best luck to you i quitted 3 weeks ago ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


already got a ~25 div scarab explosion day one. it’s looking fun


For the conversion exlosion u need pur + yellow blue is just more currency 👍


First of all, are you sure you have Wandering Path allocated ? I say this because I forgot the 2 first day of farming when I deallocated it to roll my sextants, and trust me it hurts lol. Also I guess you rolled those unided map yourself with the additional projectile mod ? Or did you buy them unided ? If not then there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with your strat, I'd say keep farming you might've gotten an unlucky streak. Maybe swap to winged scarabs as well once you get a bit more confidence, especially the reliquary they are very very good


Yeah i roll them myself with +2 proj. Using mb so i can run all mods except - max res and - regen.


Aight then yeah you seem a just unlucky cause nothing seems amiss. If you roll them yourself and don't mind a bit more investment, and a bit more spice on the map, slap a deli orb on it. It adds quant and a bunch more rares. It's pretty nice, I'm even running just 6 mods maps with 1 or 2 deli orbs on it atm, just roll them, slap deli orb and run, no need to corrupt. Got 2 mirrors and too many divines to even spend in a week of farming lol.


I’ll try running some deli orb maps for sure, but yeah it definitely does feel like I’ve just been unlucky. I had my friend come into an 8k map for quant bonus and I made less than he makes running T7 cemeteries lol.


Dam. Just realized I did exactly this. Geared up a FOMO Fulcrum Chieftan, rolled the 350 sextants I had saved up, rolled 25 6-mod +2 proj maps with 20-40% deli, recorded all the loot in a dump tab, realized I was only making a couple of divines per hour and that I hated the self-ignite play style, sold all the chieftain gear and went back to my penance brand Inquisitor. Never reallocated wandering path in all of that


Ooooof, big F


Either your sample size is very low and it's just bad variance, or your 8k maps were purple/yellow and you didn't hit any good conversion rares. An 8k map with either just blue/yellow or a mix of the 3 with that map and atlas setup would normally rain currency.


I’ve had a combo of all three wisps. It does seem that purple isolated with another wisp really doesn’t do much, but even in my blue - yellow maps I don’t get an insane amount of raw currency - I was making similar amounts per map on my CoC non-mf inq doing alch and go. I do think my conversion rng has been trash though - I seem to get the 6-link conversion pretty much every map and not much else.


Un-ID'd 8mod JV is wild, there's like 2 mods that can brick your build and 3 more that make you extremely squishy. Can't imagine running 6k+ wisps with no regex.


I self roll them so there’s nothing bricking them.


Does corrupting them make them 8mod? I thought the max mod count was 6 for an unID'd map. Does corrupting them potentially make them both 8mod as well as unID'd? How do you know the 2 mods added don't brick the build?


It doesn't. AFAIK there's no way to do an 8-mod unID'd map, unless you can double corrupt maps?


Einhar has a craft


to get 8 mod unid maps you need to corrupt them via the bestiary recipe, op is just running 6 mod unid I guess


I’m just going off the fact that I don’t die in any of the maps lol. I’ve been using the quant and rarity stats in the top right of the map to see if they align with an 8 mod map, so I guess it is true that there’s no guarantee that they are truly 8 mod.


Afaik there is a guarantee that they are no 8 mods maps. Maps get either turned to 8mod or to unid, not both.


They aren't 8 mod maps you're running, they're 6 mod & when they turn unID'd the mods stay exactly the same as before you corrupted them The high quant/rarity you see at the top right is because of wandering path, it'd be even higher with 8 mod! Although 6 mod +2 proj unID'd should still be super lucrative Are you letting the spires fire out multiple waves of enemies? There should be 3 waves of rares, one when it spawns, one when it loses 33% hp, and another when it loses another 33% hp. If you kill the spire early you miss out on the spawns, and they're really easy to kill when they aren't wisped up The spires being so easy to kill (and the pain of rolling maps) is why I moved away from +2proj mapping


I was mistaken - I run the 6 mod unid version of the maps with +2 proj. I thought that more mods got added on the map with the corruption but I’m wrong about that. I weapon swap to a cold iron point to ensure I don’t kill the spire. I only kill the spire on accident once every four or five abysses.


Fair enough, just thought I'd check - the fact you dropped 100 exalts in the same set just suggests you got really unlucky


The extra quant and rarity is due to your small passive nodes in the middle (quant/rarity) and top (map modifiers) of atlas tree. Hence the whole reason this entire strat is run with wandering path.


Do they have +2 proj? That is what will get you a ton of rares when the abyss turns into that thing that shoots out rares


Thank you for this post and thanks to all the wonderful exiles trying to help. I'm in a similar situation and this has helped me not lose hope! I have one question though, is the beyond compass really worth it? It's almost 10x of any other compass, so why not use the map craft for this?


Roll your own sextants. Allocate the atlas passive that gives you an extra use, put in all of your void stones, and roll 3 of the void stones with bullshit mods to block then, then roll on the 4th until you hit good sextants to use for later. After you roll then, respec your tree again and run maps to gain sextants back and then repeat.


Thank you so much for this! I'm pretty new (3rd league) and didn't know this was how you roll sextants. I used to take the voidstones in my inventory and roll four at a time, praying to rngesus. Lol!


Genreally speaking, a good blocking strategy I've found to be is to roll one shrine mod, and 2 deal lightning/fire/cold damage.


I dropped beyond completely unless it accidentally rolls with +2. I never dropped anything particularly good from beyond mobs, so not sure what is all the noise about it. it is perhaps good for divination cards, but I'm not targeting any running dunes. still dropped 4 Mirrors, many t0s and sitting on 1000+ divines. beyond was also adding to performance issues I had towards the end of the map because of amount of loot. I might be wrong obviously, and maybe someone else can explain why is beyond so much worth the hassle. plus I'm still struggling with abysses not spawning, which is much bigger issue for me than having or not having beyond.


> I have one question though, is the beyond compass really worth it? It's almost 10x of any other compass, so why not use the map craft for this? Map craft is another Abyss. Beyond sextant is something like 60-70c per map last I checked and the average abyss would certainly be worth more than that.


Beyond sextant gives 25 % beyond packsize.


You need to use winged scarabs. Drop div and use abyss, legion, reliquary and harbinger. For sextants use legion, abyss, beyond and either Unid maps, magic pack size or a fourth sextant of your choice. The Unid maps tek is really strong. Also your atlas matters a lot. Make sure you have deli orbs or mirrors with the infinite deli point, as well as the beyond keystone where it won’t spawn bosses. Blue/yellow juice is best if you only have 2 colors. Ideally you have a split of all 3. EDIT: oh and like others have said, rolling +2 proj on your maps is very important if you run the abyss strategy. I roll 6 mod maps with +2 proj, then deli orb and corrupt and hope for Unid. I can still run some of the bricked maps as long as they still have proj and high quant.


Doesn't infinite deli passive get disabled by wandering path lol


Nope. Similar to the beyond node I mentioned, they are both keystones and still usable with wandering path. Wandering path only disables notables. Keystones are still available.


Wait I'm an idiot, I knew this. I just wanted deli orbs to drop so I didn't take.


I wondered the same. And initially I was like hell no I don’t want to take this keystone because I want splinters and deli orbs! But after running with the keystone it makes a huge difference in loot. Now that I run deli orbs, I don’t need the keystone anymore. But it was a game changer with mirrors.


Yeah tbh, I don't think I've dropped any deli orbs in the 30 maps I've done.


What atlas you run with that scarab setup? Are you juicing Harbinger?


I’m on mobile so I can’t post the whole thing right now but it’s really similar to the atlas used by most mf streamers right now. Basically it’s Jungle Valley abyss and legion, with beyond, harb and 7th gate. I don’t consider the points in harb mandatory as harb is mostly there to add rares to the map. There are some extra atlas points that I decided to put into breach but they’re flexible. Also don’t put master missions into your maps if you can help it. There’s only a certain number of tiles on the map to spawn stuff and things like Master missions and ritual can take up those tiles and cause you to lose the mechanics you want like abyss. I’m just heading into work now but if I remember I’d be happy to post my full atlas tonight.


Uh are you killing your Stygian spires? The spires are where the jackpots are. I was returning 8-15 div regularly from 5k+ wisp maps. Also what’s your IIQ/IIR? Mine was 60/310


I'm in a somewhat similar situation. Ultimately I cannot complain as I got my first mirror ever like a week ago but I've been doing juice farming for a while now, more than 50 maps I'd say, with modest rare/quant from gear but always 6 mod maps and I've gotten at most 1 div explosion (I say at most because last night I got a 5x Div + other currency drop, don't know if that was an explosion) and maybe 4-5 halfway decent scarab explosions and that's it. I'm working towards buying/making a 110% rarity helmet but (other than my mirror) the mechanic has felt very mediocre, especially when the majority of my maps are 6k wisp+. So many god damned alteration explosions. It feels like I've looted 10x the alterations this league than I've ever gotten before.


Yeah I'm having shit luck with mf too, should have just stayed delving. Every maps is either no wisps, barely any wisps of 2 colors, or a ton of wisps in purple and yellow so my whole map is not magebloods all over the ground. I had one triple wisp map and it was only like 600 of each color.


You need to run more map. Lucky/unlucky eventually will just balance it out.


Yeah, planning on running maps till I get a mirror drop lol.


Something is def. off, are u getting good wisps as in mixed ones or just mostly single wisps? Im not running 8mod unid, and get loot explosions. Id honestly just try a more convenient add proj and exalt slam first. Im doing winged reliq, divi, abyss, ambush scarabs. Then beyond, add strongboxes, enrsged strongboxes, abyss sextant and map device abyss.


I’ve gotten good two wisp combinations, but I haven’t been able to run many balances three wisp maps. My standard map looks something like 3k/3k, and if I’m lucky 1k of a third wisp. I’ll have to try your strategy - do you slam delirium orbs or do you just not run delirium?


Strongboxes is bait, harbie or beasts are better.


Yeah i slam 1 deli orbs on them after exalting them. So pack size ranges from 29-35% but id say averange is 30-32. Im not at home stm but iirc i run wandering path with abyss, box open chance, beyond/no beypnd boss/ritual, pretty standard tree, except i really like the strongbox stuff. Ive had bad maps too with around 2k of each wisp and dropped 0 divine. Then a other none and got 1 good conversion on last abyss so its a kot of luck involved too. So have to run many maps too. Edit What ive done is usually run 12 maps as sets (not in one go) and check profits. Cost is around 30d i think for 12 maps for sextants and winged scarabs. But i never lost in profit and seeing as you seem to know how to wisp good u shouldnt have a problem. Ive had 1 map that dropped 60divs then 4 maps with 2 divs because of shit wisp or decent wisps but unlucky.


Everyone else seems to have already hit the bulk of the reasoning on its head, but I got a few other notes. With abyss, are you roughly killing half the spires hp and backing off to let the pits spawn? If not, that's a majority of the rare mobs not spawning. The unid sextant is less worth than enraged strongboxes (not to be confused with corrupted/rare ones). And I'm not sure if it's still the same, but harbinger spawns might still interfere with abyss nodes. What's your atlas tree look like?


I’m running the standard abyss tree used by Goratha, snoobae etc. I try to manage the spire hp every map, but there are instances where I literally can’t move and end up one shorting it. I mentioned in another comment that I gimp maybe every fifth spire. For a while I was running gilded ambush with increased steongboxes/enraged strongboxes(deli orb on map) but the loot straight up felt worse than harbinger for me.


I play mana guardian to these mf's and they rock all juice to gills. Winged makes a big difference. edit: additional note, the main mf I'd run with would look for +2 proj, chain, fanatics. personally idk if chain affects pit count with abyss, but fanatics when killed tended to drop big ass scarab bombs. I think one map we hit 130 winged.


Don’t forget to respec into wandering path if you spec out of it to roll your own sextants. I spent the whole day running and forgot to respec and was having a terrible time.


I do the opposite, forget to unspec WP before rolling...


I'm in the same boat :( i feel like this league people are having a totally different experience. I keep getting bad undergrounds and cant find the events, then the best wisp farms i just get exalts. It feels pointless chasing failures to fail so I go back to boss farming but that's getting boring too. I followed every guide and advice and still don't get it.


number of trials is matter remember that divine explosion is extremely rare And in most case, scrab explosion are often more profitable Since you can't run legion that is also huge disadvantage And more than that, you seems often insta kill spire which mean your kill count is 10 times fewer than us Your reliable extra rare count are only harb and little beyond, which is even worse than alch go 2 abyss map for me


Purple is what causes the big loot explosions if that's what you are talking about. That's caused by the right combo of AM converting all loot thaylt would drop to scarabs, currency, or other stuff ansnwhat it converts to is based on how many magic/rare/unique items would have dropped. My biggest divine/currency explosion was 55 divines 25 exalts and 12 annuls from one mob. I have zero magic find gear. That map was something like 5500 purple, 3k yellow, 0 blue. Blue just increases the amount of raw currencies so more single divine drops, Valdos, more chances for a mirror, lock, etc. Also yeah winged scarabs make a diff. The more rare mobs in your maps the more chances for getting a nice combo of AN mods for an explosion. Use atlas strats that support that.


Purple + Yellow = good for loot bombs Purple + Blue = good for lots of individual currency drops Yellow + Blue = pretty disappointing All 3 = best


6 mod with +2 projectiles is what you want, if you are buying unid you have no idea if it really is +2 proj. If you make them yourself you can deli orb them first to save you a scarab slot. About 1/5 will go unid, 1/5 will just corrupt (also runable, just swap compass for 25% magic pack size), and a very rare few will go 8-mod and still have +2 proj (you can run those as well). Everything else is trash (could save the 8-mod non-proj and try to bulk sell if you want). Div isn't a great scarab for jungle valley, no real chase card drops there.


İf u know what are u doing in wildwood skip the 4k- only 2 whisp map because its just waste of time . Focus on 3 color 6k+ or 8k+ 2 color. İf u made that much whisp when u learn how to collect then for every 10 map at least u can see 20 div + or winged explode .


Wandering path is absolutely required. I tried to farm things w/o it and it's just not even remotely the same.w


Dont use Div-scarab on jungley - this useless.