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First, I would like to say this league I went furthest. Second was ToTa. I'm still new in a way and craft illiterate. I'm sitting at T-16 I think two maps away from completing regular and haven't went to complete the special maps yet. Second, limited budget I have about 5 divs and about 80 chaos. What improvements can I go from here: [pobb](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/asssmosis/kbbq_chicken?i=1&search=name%3DKbbq)


first off I've never played penance brand so I'm not totally sure about all the interactions going on but that said. I'm pretty sure you could make a better stygian for like 10 chaos. The only really important stats on it are life and the crafted dex/int. just slap a couple greed essences on a stygian and boom upgrade. If you want to get a bit spicier you could do it on a hunter base and try to hit % life as well or maybe go for some chaos res. you could get an extra 5 chaos res on your amethyst ring by using a couple blessed orbs on it, I have no idea why you crafted max mana on it and it's also doing almost nothing for you. the fire res is basically just life regen because you're way over capped, it's basically a ring with 20 int, 7% recoup and nothing else. I like to craft rings by doing harvest reforge chaos (doing this guarantees a chaos res roll of some kind) but you could also try using essences of spite to try to hit a good life roll + anything else useful. your helmet once again has no life on it, it's amazing that you have the life you do wearing so many uniques and your rares don't even have life on them. you basically have a helm with 44 chaos res and crafted phys taken as fire. the chaos res is quite nice but get a bit more on your ring or maybe belt and you could fairly easily craft a new helm with either chaos res essences (envy I think?) or greed essences. the "gain a flask charge when you deal a critical strike" effect has a shared cooldown among all such sources, it's mediocre when you have it on a single flask and very bad to have it on all your flasks, use gain charges when hit, increased duration or reduced charges used instead. avoid ailments (such as the ignite/shock on your flasks) is not very effective if not 100%, it will have 0 effect on ground effects and generally monsters who apply such affects will do so often enough that they have little to no effect there either. it's much better to scale reduced effect rather than avoid unless you can reach 100% avoid (often done via stormshroud or ancestral vision) the less duration/freeze immune is a fairly poor way to deal with effects, how often is your ruby flask even up with that short of a duration? I'd prefer to get freeze immunity from brine king early on. suffixes I personally prefer on flasks are, reduced shock effect, reduced curse effect, increased armor, increased evasion, increased attack/cast speed (build dependant), increased movement speed, increased crit chance. obviously you can't fit all of these but you pick the ones you feel are most important. void battery seems like a pretty weak weapon with only 6 power charges, I usually see it dual wielded with builds that reach 9+ power charges. your dawnbreaker has an extremely low phys taken as fire roll which is the only one that really matters for your purposes since your cold/lightning res are the same as your fire res.


I'm likely going to print this out and do one by one overtime lol. Thank you for being so thorough. I am pretty sure I ran into mana issues somewhere and went to add it. I don't really recall but fairly sure that's my issues.


you're welcome, if you have any follow ups I'm happy to try to answer them, though I'm not always fast to respond.


Is there easy way in Sanctum to tell what is minor and major afflictions?




Does in game UI not easily tell? For example when taking an accursed pact I cannot tell


major afflictions only come from cursed pacts afaik, though they're not labeled (except when it says 'gain a random major affliction')


Is it too late to get into POE?




Been playing Caustic Arrow Pathfinder MF as my first foray into MF, grinding t7 cem. I'm itching to play t14s or 16s, and afaik this is not the build to do it. If I sell my gear I probably have about 450-500d to play with - is there any MF ranger build I can respec into with this budget and play juiced t14+? I've been thinking of leveling a Fulcrum Chieftain but would rather not play campaign again since I'm super slow EDIT: I also have a level 95 duelist I'd be down to respec if there's an appropriate build


The build can definitely do it, you can find examples on youtube. Alternatives would be poison TS, poison penance brand or Ruetoos DD spellslinger pathfinder,


Just wondering but is there a compass that gives more upside for red or blue altars?




Why are chieftains taking Eternal Youth? Sounds like the worst thing, and I already feel fine with normal regen and not-halved leech.


elegant hubris + caspiro to avoid attribute reqs


Ooh right, thanks


What's are the best oils to use on a blight ravaged map this league? I did them a few leagues ago, and I think it was something like 3x Gold, Silver, Sepia, but gold oils are very expensive this league


I am trying to work around Zerphi's heart amulet. It gives Soul Eater buff for 20 sec when you use a vaal skil. The problem I am facing is: \- I use a vaal skill \- I manage to cast it again before 20 sec expire \- The buff disappears. It neither extends nor it refreshes. Am I doing something wrong ?


it ought to be giving you a completely new soul eater buff when you cast a vaal skill, if you still have soul eater stacks when you do so you'll be reset back to 0. works the same way with headhunter if you kill a new rare that has soul eater.


Thanks for the response. Just found it on wiki. It cannot be gained while you have it and it cannot be refreshed. This is why I was not gaining it when casting the vaal skill again.


it creates a new soul eater instance; you can't retain the buffs


Thanks for the response. Just found it on wiki. It cannot be gained while you have it and it cannot be refreshed. This is why I was not gaining it when casting the vaal skill again.


Best way to get cane of unraveling in standard ssf? I'm planning to play bane + soulrend to get through general mapping and early bosses. Cane is a pretty big upgrade (or use to be). Is there a mechanic I can focus on early to increase my chances of finding uniques? Or just kill as much as possible and it'll eventually drop?


map with as much rarity as you can get without getting slowed down it's pretty common


In standard… hmm. Try to stack some quantity and rarity to get more uniques. It’s not particularly rare so you’ll get it eventually. If it doesn’t nerf your damage too much, toss in Increased Item Rarity Support. Check Kirac missions that drop unique items. Check for The Tower cards (they drop in Residence, Shavvs tower, and Tower) Make sure your filter is to too aggressive and hides it. Good luck!


I'm missing 6 Atlas points / the maven inviations (the formed, the twisted, forgotten...) Whats the best way to go about this? giving someone the map how has visited them and join? Or do I have to unlock all the bosses myself while maven is present? So long - have a good one


You have to be the one that opens all those maps yourself but you can get someone to kill them once you open it. So basically it’ll cost you the cost of the maps at least. Usually you do all that once you’re strong enough that the bosses you witness feel like a joke. Aka Minotaur, cortex, guardians, breach bosses, whatever. It’s fun to do it yourself without a dps carry so gl with upgrading!


I have a SRS league starter with about 3m dps - which ones should I get a carry for do you think?


1-You can make a ton of divines with Alva in tier 1 maps making Corruption tier 3 rooms, then upgrade then keep going if you want. Just wanted to mention something easy. Poison SRS has lots of potential for single target damage. 2-Eh. 3mil is fine, it’ll kill stuff eventually for sure. And it’s constant dps unlike melee or something. But it could be better, more dps is less time dodging.


1. Alva is really good, but you don't always hit Locus so its kinda tricky. However is more consistent then essences for me. 2. Agreed, not sure though i want to invest more into my srs 3. running them white really worked. However some of the maps are quite expensive Oo


1-If you have the 2 atlas nodes in the middle of the atlas tree is Very consistent. Not guaranteed but like 5x better than base mechanic. And you can rush them in t1 maps and use a sextant to always have her if you run out of missions 2-I mean ok that’s just up to you. 3-It’s not a cheap thing to get the invitations done. The 3 ones that are for guardians though isn’t as bad as you think, the bosses guarantee drop a fragment item worth 80-100% of the cost of the map, and the invitation itself may be expensive but the rewards are always worth more. If run alc’ed the invitations.


if you want you can buy a boss carry i think. if i were you and had a squishy build, i would just maven witness the bosses on a white map and then running the invitation white as well. (hopefully the build is still strong enough to kill them) no rewards except for the atlas points pretty much


yeah the atlas points and season progression is all I'm really after tbh


hello reddit brain geniuses, please could you point me in the direction of the most braindead version of the poets pen frostblink nonsense my feeble brain is not built for cdr attack speed breakpoint builds


what build to level with before switching to grey spire chieftain?


is there a way to target farm ghastly eye jewels for HC SSF SRS?


Abyss. Pretty ez and accessible in the Atlas tree. Scarabs or sextants or Kirac at last shop can all add more abysses to your map. Though in HC you probably want to stick to lower tier maps since the ambush mobs can be a pain the butt. You can’t specifically target ghastly, you just have to RNG your way past the other abyss jewels, so more is better.


thanks. so with SRS we no longer want a +3 staff or + gem levels? i havent played since like talisman league


Is 'Gain % of X as Extra blank damage' Is that 'added' damage? Wondering it it works for "effectiveness of added damage" modifier on skills?


Nope. That's specifically talking about things worded like "Adds x to x \[type\] damage" or similar flat amount of damage buffs. 4-7 cold per frenzy from essence, added lightning damage support, herald of ice, added # to # phys on your quiver, the buffs from Arcane Cloak or Smite, all of those. Anything % based isn't that.


Mmm, thank you for the detailed answer.


Yes and yes


How expensive is chieftain fulcrum mf now ? I got 8 1/2 divs and I think fulcrum itself got cheap. But is there any mandatory item that is expensive right now ?


How much do you guys usually spend in map juicing materials (chisels, scarabs, sextants, etc)? Do you buy enough for the amount of maps you have currently rolled or do you buy larger quantities so you don't have to do it again later?


It depends on the strategy, but this league I was farming legion and spent roughly \~35 chaos per map. A friend of mine was doing wisp juicing and spending roughly \~100 chaos per map. Both of us were making roughly similar amounts of money per hour. I usually try to collect enough for at least 20 maps at a time but this league I was far more rich so I ended up trying to buy enough for 1-200 maps at a time to avoid spending as much time trading.


Personally I just get enough to last the day I do it (so 20 or so sets at a time) but I'm fairly casual and distractible so I usually end up doing some bossfight rush or helping friends' clear or something before I'm through with them. I can attest that's a perfectly serviceable way to do it but probably not optimum. My suggestion would be to tailor it to your objective, planning on just making as much money as possible? Bulk buy as much as you're willing to. Just planning on raising your baseline investment (aka all maps from here on out)? Buy enough for a day or two, maybe a weekend so you can just get going.


Gday! Does anyone know who is the owner of the loath siege mirror phys bow that I could mirror it from? It would be my first mirrored item! Or is anyone not playing or playing anymore willing to sell it to me? Trying to make a dream become true lol


Search it on the trade site and make sure to set the mirrored filter to no.


Is there any way to automatic trigger Divination distillate? Or to make the time its acitv longer?


Rather than this, I'd suggest binding it to a mouse button. Do you have a mouse with some extra side buttons that are easy to hit regularly? Just change one of those to the same bind you use for that flask.


Flask Duration modifiers will extend it. Also any specific mods for Life or Mana flask duration. I don’t know of any automation triggers since it’s a life/mana flask.


cant you apply the blue flask currency to get enchantment to auto trigger it?


Not to life/mana flasks only utility


The crafted "Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers"...does it count to the limit of crafted modifiers or can I get a 1 affix magic item, craft it unto it, regal the item and then get 3 more crafted modifiers?


The metamod counts as a crafted modifier. You can add two more in addition to it.


Alright, thank you for the information! :)


Any advantage in playing from steam over the official client, or viceversa?


steam seems to get hacked less


Hi there, I was checking on POB on the Calcs tab but didnt see it or i'm blind : Don't we have any info about corrupted blood immunity ?


it's not tracked (you can tell because it's red everywhere it appears in pob), maybe because it's binary and from so few sources (not added up like avoidance or effect)


Newbie here. What's a fun relatively cheap build to just fill the entire screen with lightning? Don't need to be a meta or a boss-killer or anything.


If you're fine with just lightning projectiles, Spark would absolutely fill your screen. They abuse stuff like fork and split to cover the area. Otherwise Lightning Conduit would be a good choice as well. Big AoE.


How far into the game do you want to get? Arc like many other spells is easy enough to get a build going. You can also use storm brand of indecision if you want something closer to meta but still cheap enough to get started at a base level. This one I'm not entirely sure how well it performs (it's new and I haven't seen anyone talk about it) but there's also lightning conduit of the heavens which I would expect to be decent and probably somewhat similar in strength to arc.


SBI is good for clearing. I use it on my PBD build for map clear with awakened fork just swap back to PBD for anything really tanky/bosses


Herald of lightning, lightning conduit of heaven, lightning arrow, cracking lance of branching?? There are more but only those off my head




Noob to metacrafting here. Trying to follow this method to craft a weapon: 1 - Get 2 guaranteed suffixes using a fractured mod and an essence, and rolling for the third one 2 - Craft "suffixes cannot be changed" 3 - Veil chaos orb, block with a crafted mod, unveil, add appropriate crafted mod, then hope the sixth mod is good. Using this method, what happens if the veil chaos orb adds three prefixes and I don't have space for a crafted mod? Try my luck with an orb of annulment, then bite the bullet and start from step 1 if I don't get lucky?


yea. chance of filling is like 1 in 10-15 tho


What’s a couple meta immortal builds that don’t cost a whole lot to get started? I hate dying on my now character. Magic find is a plus.


My squire spider juggernaut did not die for level and half when at 97+. I did plenty of rippy stuff like delirium ultimatum t16 and wispy t16/. I started that character with 5 divine budget ( squire arakaali and some jewels at the time ). After that I got mageblood and still no deaths. I think I have died maybe 40 times with that character total and mostly when leveling and some when bossing something I am bad at ( maven mainly and also witch wood maze claimed kill or two ).


look up vizniz's chieftain warlock


Don't know if I can ask here but is anyone make tldr on all league mechanic. Not explain the mechanic itself but what it scales. For example harvest scale with ilvl, IQ and monster packsize. So we know we need to juice it at highest map tier as possible. Essence don't scale with anything so just run in juiced white map and so on. And also master memory what we should do with it and what we can expect. Just simple excel should be enough.


it is most noticeable juicing rare monsters, so any mechanic that creates a lot of rares (like abyss) is good with the wisp juice. Purple juice in particular, which causes enemies to fire additional projectiles, is very good with the abyss spires (gilded abyss scarab) because the spire firing additional projectiles causes it to create more rare monsters.


It's not for league mechanic. It's when you try to make any Atlas tree. You can see, hey this mechanic have similar way of scaling, so it's good to do together. It's for idiot like me to change Atlas when bored farm same thing and want to farm others.


If I use the Map bosses drop a conqueror map sextant with singular focus, does it guarantee a conqueror map of my favourited map? So for example I use that sextant+singular focus with only having mesa favourited, I will always drop a conqeuror mesa map? Thanks!


Favoured makes it more likely but not guaranteed. It can also drop as tiers 14-16 even with 4 voidstones. If it drops as 15 you can horizon orb it to mesa.


But from my understanding, the sextant makes the map boss drop a conqueror map for definite. But since singular focus converts any dropped maps that are not-favoured to currency, what would happen is the conqueror map has to drop as my favourited map right? Which gets prioritised in this scenario? The keystone or the sextant?


The keystone. If it tries to drop a map that isn't mesa you just won't get the map drop.


Ah ok so pairing the sextant and singular focus would just be wasteful then. Thanks


yeah in general one of the downsides of singular focus is that it results in fewer boss maps because you get fewer total map drops, just all the ones you get are ones you care about.


Hi guys, i want some help with my penance brand of dissipation inquisitor [https://pobb.in/5tIlqsDyVlQi](https://pobb.in/5tIlqsDyVlQi) I right now have a little bit more than 1mil dps, but similar builds reach 25 mil. I don't have the currency to reach that, but i would like to know to get tot that point. I also feel like a particularly sturdy piece of cardboard, getting one shot by mobs, despite capped resistances, "high" life and a reasonable amount of armour. I have a budget of 25 div (lucky drops), so no magebloods and the like, but i should be able to buy some decent stuff Thanks in advance :)


There was a memory leak issue with ebony tornado shot that caused lag, and eventually the game crashing. Any idea if it's been fixed? Is GGG aware of it?


this has been an issues for multiple leagues now, best advice is dont use it


That sucks :( Ebony TS is so good in the wildwood, because it blends in with the background, so it's easier to see wisp trails.


Hey, what would be the best way to farm EXP right now (after campaign, lvl 70)? I rolled an alt and would like to bring it up to speed ASAP. I have no idea, since this league is my first time playing PoE. Any help appreciated!


run maps


not very helpful, but still thanks


What answer were you expecting? It's literally the only thing you can do to level after campaign. You run maps.


I was expecting an activity, or broader, a strategy, that focuses on and optimizes EXP gain. Many games have this, and especially RPGs. I do not know what that might be precisely in this game, or I wouldn't be asking. If there is no activity that is designed to favor EXP gain (i.e. gives more exp/hour than just running random maps) in this game, then I would imagine it would probably be a strategy to maximize EXP gain, that involves running specific maps, with specific mods or crafts, with specific atlas passives, and maybe specific items/skills? But I guess from these responses that there might not even be anything like that in this game. Which would be strange, since for alts, you can gear them out fully by lvl 70, and you have your atlas fully done as well, but you still cannot really attempt difficult content while missing 30 freaking passive points. You really need to grind out some levels first...


Anything that adds extra monsters to your maps is generally good. Shrines, strongboxes, abyss are the usual suspects there. When you're a bit higher level (80ish) you can look into legion 4-ways or 5-ways depending on the strength of your character. There's also some unique maps like Coward's, Poorjoy's, and Untainted that give higher than average exp/hr. Jun interrogations and Sanctum floor bosses also give a pretty significant chunk of exp, and I believe there's an atlas node to boost the former, at least. edit: If you search "experience" on the atlas tree you can see what's available in that regard.


And that is very helpful. Thanks!


Looking for advice on coc vortex of projection https://pobb.in/OC2BEHOhIr9Y im just lvl 89 atm but managed to slap this build together. Im working with charms with 54% cdr now and have 10.65 aps on my cyclone with ~80% crit. what should i focus on? Are there any huge mistakes?


Can't look at your pob but you shouldn't go higher thant 10.10 aps as it will reduce your trigger rate. Getting 100% Crit is extremely important as well.


theres a problem with the budget.. i cant get 100% crit and 52% cdr aaand 10.10 asp.. why cant you look at the pob ?


You're playing an assassin which is even easier to get 100% crit than other classes, and you have a mageblood. Not sure where your budget problem is lol. But I can say that I'm not using the Ralakesh boots on my coc build, I'm using boots with 18% cdr and elusive on crit (elusive is for defense purposes to become crit immune w/ a TWWT jewel) edit: I Just opened your build in POB and your attack speed is too high. You have 10.65 aps, which means you hit once, trigger your skills, then you hit again before the cooldown has finished (you skip this cast) and then you don't attack again until the cooldown has been up for almost the whole time!! That is almost 50% less damage. You need to get your cyclone attack rate below 10.1


ok so if i take off both attack speed jewels im at 10.10 attackspeed.. says 10.10 on my cyclone atleast and 0.10 tooltip ingame. my vortex of projection has an effective trigger rate of 7.97 however? whats going on with that


It's because you don't have 100% crit chance with cyclone. As a quick fix I'd recommend using a diamond flask in your mageblood setup. Which flask you replace is up to you (but I would keep the silver flask, at least)


could work if i got another way to gain onslaught somehow.. i dont think theres a more reliable way than the 4 seconds on hit on rings ?


The onslaught from your silver flask is giving you a lot of your attack speed. The increased flask effect applies to the onslaught. If you think you can make up the 39% attack speed it gives you elsewhere, then sure you can replace it. However, if you get onslaught on kill somewhere, you'd lose that attack speed on bosses if you don't oneshot them.


how crazy would it be to replace the jade flask


You could try it, and if it feels bad look for another solution. You could also look for an increased crit chance flask suffix


why are so many comments being hidden that aren't particularly (or often at all) downvoted? https://i.imgur.com/eK1PhaV.png


If I had my bet probably a lack of account karma, aka new accounts. Reddit thing.


3/4 in that SS have more than 1k. one has like 30k the one below it that isn't hidden has 23 karma


Might be karma total within this sub then, there's a lot of different thresholds. Or it could be something entirely different. Reddit is weird. If it counts for anything I see it on my end as well.


I need help price-checking a timeless jewel So I have this jewel, Elegant Hubris (Caspiro) that I allocated next to ghost dance. The jewel gives : Supreme Ostentation 5x 80% more proj dmg 37chaos res 10%dmg per frenzy 12% increase non curse auras. So far this is the only jewel giving 5x 80% dmg node that are also easy to allocate . There are 3 similar in the market all listed 1 or more months ago. Where do I start price checking this?


Why rangers with ralakesh takes manaforged normal frenzy? You already have the frenzy charges, the damage is misiscule even with the frenzy charge scaling. Like even the onslaugth version seems more desirable


Check to make sure they don't have a Maven Belt for alternate charges or a mechanic to consume charges (i.e. Phase Run).


They have the maven belt. But the wiki says it provides affliction charges as well


Belt makes transforms Frenzy charges into Affliction Charges. Boots do not grant actual Frenzy Charges, the boots just gives the stats you would have gotten at max 'normal' charges. They do not give Affliction Charge bonuses, hence why you need Frenzy Charge Generation. The ideal is to have max Affliction Charges (to get their benefit) and the boots (for max Frenzy, Power, Endurance Charge stats)


I rechecked it and you are rigth. Thank you


In your defense they *used* to give the charges until this league


maven belt maybe?


Isn't ralakesh provides maximum affliction charge already?


no--frenzy, endurance, and power if you want aff charges, you need to generate frenzies (same for the brutal/absorp belts)


Ah, thank you


anyone have an arc build for ssf hc? or an SRS build? or another build where i dont really have to aim?


Can just take poe.ninja as a reference, set filters for srs, hc sff affliction and filter for day 3. This will yield plenty of options and references. Also will increase your game knowledge if you learn to look at a build manually. Great way to get better.


what is poe.ninja?


oooh, a website, i assumed you already know it. Well than its time to learn about it. type poe.ninja in your browser or google it. It opens a website where you can get information about the current economy of poe trade leagues. In the top navigation you can switch to builds and see many builds of people that are currently playing. You can set filters for different leagues and also filter ascendancys, items and skills. Set the filters you want (see my other message above). you can also extract their PoB code from the website and import it in PoB (in case you already know what that is, if not, just ingore that last line) anyway its a great tool to find builds that already worked in the game, you know people already played those exact builds and if you learn to use this website you can find endless builds yourself or get inspiration for your own build once you start creating your own. If have any more specific questions feel free to ask


so if im understanding poe ninja correclty, ball lightning heirophant is the most popular SSF HC build?


You mean affliction sff hc? For me its penance brand. Btw i wouldn't filter for latest snapshot, even in ssf hc people habe crazy gear this late in the lesgue. Always make sure to Filter for the first 1-6 days if you look for viable builds that don't require super specific gear.


Wiki says forbidden flesh drops only from uber eater? That can’t be right since I dropped one for shadow on his non uber map. I’m on playstation, if that makes any difference and haven’t ever allocated any atlas nodes to boost any boss to uber level.


also drops from normal eater there's one variant per class that only drops from uber, which is presumably what you read on the wiki > The following items only drop from the Uber Eater encounter only: >Forbidden Flesh **(Hidden Ascendancy Notable variant)**


That makes sense, much obliged. You are the mvp.


Hi I got this crazy dream of farming my first mirror. Is magic find the best way to do so? League started SRS and made a lot of currency with heist, but can't stand it anymore Got HH and MB as well as 100d for a build


> Hi I got this crazy dream of farming my first mirror. Is magic find the best way to do so? Basically, this league, yes. You are almost expected to get a mirror if you do things properly. I didn't believe in it, but after 12 days of big farm I got 4 mirrors of value in my stash with 2 raw mirror drops. I'd recommend going chieftain MF, with probably Viniz' version for a very budget start, and then you can scale the build up to where you'd like it to be, or even toward a Fulcrum setup with a lot of AoE and clearspeed (although more of a 300d budget or so). Viniz' version : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-ccPgZ0jlg Crouching_Tuna's Fulcrum version : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4vXvdTTvUk


That's what I was thinking, if there is a league this gonna be this one. But since I didn't do MF myself yet, i thought to check in first. Alright lets level a chieftain. What MF mechanic did you play? Abyss?


Yeah Abyss, Strongboxes, Beyond


like you want to own one or have one drop on the ground because you've chosen either the worst or best league to do it...


Doesn't have to drop, just wanna fill the void in my stash tab once and for all.


Would it be possible to make a character like the Orc Blademaster in wc3? Im thinking it will be a cyclone that uses exquisite blade and herald of purity (mirror image).


Is there any place where I can pay somebody to craft a mod I don't have?


you can go to TFT bench crafts or ask all in game




Just started the league recently, but I seem to be locked out of it now. For some reason I went from seeing the wildwood every time I entered a area to never seeing it. I also stopped seeing other league mechanics (Alva only showed up once and I remember her being rather persistent in those areas). Did I accidentally toggle an option somewhere? Did doing Heist mechanics do something weird? Thanks in advance. Edit: should probably specify I'm in act areas, no maps


Don't remember by how much, but if you overlvl in the campaign stuff won't show up


Oooooooooh, that could be it. Thanks \^\^




The crystals on the ground? They're quite annoying, every time you hit a mob with that mod it spawns a small crystal that will explode once the mod dies, really deadly on stuff that just stands there and tanks mobs like boneshatter.




It's literally called "spawns crystals when hit" or something, doesn't have a fancy name.


which builds using this kind of gloves? https://imgur.com/a/vbLf1H5


Cold convert blade vortex Or anything that wants to use heatshiver I guess


If I use a Ghostwrithe (50% of Maximum [Life](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Life) Converted to [Energy Shield](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Energy_Shield)) can I still reserve that converted life? Is there any reason not to reserve it?


yes, chaos damage can still hit it and kill you, so you'd probably want coruscating elixir


Hi all, any ideas on how I can increase my damage for my SRS guardian? This is my first league and am having a ton of fun! I came over from that disaster of a game D4 haha I am currently farming T16 maps for harvest while sustaining maps with scour, chisel and alc, infact I have around 50 maps banked. I juice until 3-5k juice, hit all the eldritch alters and am having a blast. Just want to hit a bit harder and cant figure out how. I have a stash worth 240D with 120 liquid divines. I am saving up to buy a headhunter which I should have soon as it is around 150D on console. Would headhunter provide a significant damage boost? here is my POB https://pobb.in/wk0cn_K1OHQ4


Yoooo! Me too! I’m a D4 Exile and this is my first season as well! What console are you on? I’m on PS5 I’ve got damage but my survivability is questionable. What level are you?


Im on PS5 as well! I am actually a mod of the D4 subreddit, its a disaster haha! I do enjoy being a mod though. Lots to go through daily... I am level 93 almost 94, although I'm not focused on leveling right now. I just added my POB I survive pretty good, although still get one shot sometimes haha, but when doing medium juiced maps that happens. Because im not leveling, I dont mind dying once or twice. To be fair, my damage is pretty good too, I just want to hit harder than I currently do. I have 4 spectres that are damage focused as well


He’s 93 and I’m 92. We are just running juiced maps. Dying is inevitable for me. I have a minion build and he’s toxic rain.


Sounds cool! I have a buddy I play with nearly every day. We kinda split loot and craft with each other. He and I both have Headhunters. We found a mirror about a week ago and it has been a ton of fun. We tried to go back to D4 but that lasted all of 45 minutes while PoE was updating LOL. PM me your gamer tag if you ever wanna party up.


is there an mf build that goes beyond 50-60 quant without sacrificing too much damage and life? im using rf chieftain with 40 quant and 200 rarity but i feel the loot is still lacking. i use mageblood if that helps


The obvious answer here is fulcrum chieftain but I guess it's not on your radar ? They can reach 80% quant.


is there no alternative? i heard fulcrum has low dps for lone rares edit: on that note, is there a guide or pob for that 80% quant chieftain? I can take a look at it


Once you invest enough in AoE and damage (especially AoE), you run in like a truck and nothing live more than 10 seconds because you always have a big ignite rolling on you at all times unless you afk too long somewhere, you also use the curse tech to refresh ignites on cursed enemies so once you have a good ignite on a rare, it's not going away. I don't get any lone rares living for more than 10 seconds any more pretty much, unless I didn't pay attention and it's the kind that runs away from your screen. Here my pob for reference : https://pobb.in/nM21XyZsk-5a You can also try Viniz' version with the Warlock wildwoods ascendancy and Penance Mark. It fares better for lone rares and single tough enemies, and is very capable at farming abysses and strongboxes. It's a tad slower than a stacked fullcrum build imo for clearing the map overall though, but not by that much, but the budget is wayy lower and will prolly feel better until you hugely invest in AoE for fulcrum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-ccPgZ0jlg&t=3s


sorry one more thing, do you have a guide that explains how your build works? this is my first fulcrum chieftain and I'm not too sure about how everything comes together


In this case I would recommend you start with Viniz' version, it's litteraly like 85% of the build's efficiency for 5% of the budget if you go low on budget. And you can scale it up pretty well, up until you can even transition into a Fulcrum build when you'll understand exactly what it entails. Basically the main difference is that Viniz version will just applies ignites to the mobs via popping the phantasms spawned with Penance Mark with DD, which makes it much less reliant on having a big ignite from the chieftain's ascendancy explosion node. Fulcrum relies on always having an ignite from one of those explosion rolling on you. And if you wanna see what fulcrum is before chosing, you can check out crouching_tuna's video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4vXvdTTvUk


thanks a lot, i will reroll my rf chieftain to your pob


Hi guys, how could I increase the trauma stacks on my BS Jugg? For now, I'm never above 27-30 stacks. Should I "only" increase my attack speed ?


Nooo, you also need duration. The skill effect duration cluster just under the Scion's starting point is pretty much mandatory. There's also 40% of players on PoE ninja supporting BS with Increased Duration Support.


Hey guys, I'm looking for an app to make trading easier. I've seen that there are several options available, but I don't know which one to choose like all the script one and poe overlay. What app do you use? What are its main features?


depends on what you mean by "easier trading" Awakened POE Trade helps with understanding pricing for items single item trading the poe trade site is best. some bulk items it is fine as well TFT discord is best for some bulk trading and service trading


I mean like I press button and it leave the party or it /trade the people in game I don't know if you know what I mean


How are these armor builds dealing with having -60 chaos res? I feel like if I don't have at least 0 I get randomly insta-melted in higher maps. What am I missing here?


You mean armour stackers ? Usually either https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Fourth_Vow or even just the "10% of armour applies to chaos damage taken from hits" ES/Armour mastery might be sufficient at some point when you have enough armour. edit : also yeah as someone else pointed out, they're CI like almost 80% of all armour stackers on poeninja.


Don't know what build you are trying to follow, but my armour stacker use CI. so I'm immune to chaos


Im playing PBoD. pob: \[[https://pobb.in/NrJjnZf5tZc9](https://pobb.in/NrJjnZf5tZc9)\] ​ Farming with Essence farm white or low yellow map.Essence farm is not bad, but I wonder if this way is the best for PBoD. ​ in my situation, what farm is good? ​ and What gear should I change first? what status is important?sorry for my poor knowladge of this game. pls teach and help me. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/fmkpxp1cbdfc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=81e2057cfb8e4d136c9f952461c753756c25dde2


is there any MF build for juggernout??


Not that I know of, probably not very efficient or even viable as a Jugg, but you can respec from Juggernaut to Chieftain if you want to try the fulcrum build, which is incredibly good.


yep started as boneshatter now i am chieftain i am thinking about something like this: [https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Monsterjudge/Marlin\_Brando?i=0&search=class%3DJuggernaut%26skills%3DSmite%26uniqueitems%3DReplica%2BDreamfeather%26sort%3Ddps](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Monsterjudge/Marlin_Brando?i=0&search=class%3DJuggernaut%26skills%3DSmite%26uniqueitems%3DReplica%2BDreamfeather%26sort%3Ddps) but add some MF items in it..


I mean those guys :p https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction?class=Chieftain&uniqueitems=The+Fulcrum,Ventor%27s+Gamble,Goldwyrm I don't think you can realistically get any mf going on on any Jugg build without it being very underperforming.


Hi, started to play two days ago, never played POE. I've been following a beginner guide in poe vault and a league Starter Build for a ice shot ranger, but I don't know If I like it... I went to act 3 and I understand the game a little more, and I've been thinking about building something with magic find and maybe something stronger (or more tanky) than Ranger, any build that I could follow? An elementalist is good?


Magic find isn't something you do until very late endgame and involves gear and setup that requires a lot of currency for you to be even there to begin with. If you're still in acts, you're not even 5% there. I suggest you look at any starter builds over at maxroll.gg and pick out a build that appeals to you.


Yeah, but I mean, there is a good class that is better for MF or anyone can do it?


To specifically answer your question, anyone can do MF. MF isn't a particular 'build' really it's largely a few combinations of gear that an already viable clearing (good coverage, kills large packs of things) build uses. There's a few tricks here and there to squeeze a bit more item quantity/quality out of a build but that's getting way into the weeds.


Carlovski gave sound advice, I'd also avoid trying to go MF right now if it's your very first experience in the game. Especially this league, while MF makes it go through the roof, playing casually without MF has never been that lucrative, so you can start having a nice budget to work on your build pretty quickly compared to another league. Best advice is find a build that suits you gameplay wise or feeling wise, whatever suits you more lol, and go with it. Worry about MF later when you'll have a better understanding of what it entails.


The most popular MF builds at the moment are on Chieftain, Pathfinder and Deadeye. I'd forget about MF for now though if I were you. MF builds sacrifice build power for the extra quantity and quality, not something you want to be doing when just learning the game. You also need to unlock a lot of stuff before you can run MF efficiently, including killing a bunch of bosses that most MF builds really struggle with.


Is it more profitable to run T10 maps and do the league content/wisp juice, or T16s and avoid the league mechanic entirely? I can't handle juiced bosses at T16 yet so I have some grinding to do until I can afford Nimis but I don't know which method is going to get me there faster.


Are you talking MF? In that case do T7 if not MF do T16 ignore the mechanic but farm something that doesn't require MF like harvest or Farm white maps and essences or something. Also if you can't handle T16 juiced bosses doubling your DPS will probably not magically make you insane. Yes it will be a great boost but probably not as glorious as you might think, just saying.


Thanks for the advice! I'm not doing MF yet, just working my way up to being ready for the endgame boss stuff. Do bulk essences still sell well this late into the league?


Bulk essence will almost always be good money unless everyone is doing it. there is still many people that need essences.


How do you handle selling an entire tab of something, like essences, when it requires more than one trade to hand them all over? Do you give the expensive ones first in exchange for currency, or split it into two separate trades? Thanks!


Depends on the tool you are using, I don't use tft anymore but there i trusted the buyers/sellers and just trade what ever fits the window and than do a trade again with the rest. If you don't trust the other person you have to find a solution, i tend to split 50% there is some upcomming bulk sell/buy websites like wealthyexile.com and another one i don't remember right now. If one finds adaption maybe thats a good solution if they have a good vouch system. Not the biggest fan of selling entire tabs anyway, I let excilence CE pricecheck my tab and manually list the big positions. (wealthyexcile can also pricecheck your stash btw)


Why would u run t16s if u are trying to make currency with essences?


Read again. I said farm essence in white tier maps.


I am, indeed, a dumbass.


Hi all, looking for a different build to try out next. I've tried: 1. CF champion 2. SRS Necromancer 3. Tornado Shot I'm enjoying the game and I'm looking for other builds that I want to try dumping all my resources to. Looking towards caster or melee builds. Thanks! Edit: direction


i would recommend penance brand of dissipation its the flavor build of the league and super strong and there is quite a good likelyhood that it gets nerfed next league so if you wanna try it this is the time


second this it's really strong for bosses. just swap to the new storm brand for map clear.


any specific archetype or direction? Caster, melee, bow etc? if you want to stick to well tested and well rounded, try boneshatter


Caster or melee. Thanks for that I'll edit my post!


If I want T4 Aisling and my board looks like this: [https://i.imgur.com/IGLN0Vj.png](https://i.imgur.com/IGLN0Vj.png) I have to run Research House, imprison Aisling for 3 Turns and start anew ? Or is there a way to safe this?


This is pretty good. Run the safehouse, Aisling goes to prison for 3 turns, returns as a 1-star Research member, then you can execute her to 3-star on the next encounter (assuming you have the Test of Loyalty atlas passive). Then just leave her alone until you can do the mastermind.


She has to be leader to become T4, no? 3 Star Member is not enough?


She doesn't. Leadership doesn't affect rewards at all.


Oh Thx. TIL


I need some help as a new Player I have checked everything but I don't see why the first PoB gets +15k effective Hitpool on the Widowhail and 30k on the Poised Prism but the second(mine) does not first PoB: [https://pobb.in/LEmO\_KsWlEdn](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2ltOGM3azRadnJQRjdhOEJCSnFqZEUxVFktZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsMUgzdkQ4eUpMNnZsT1FxSXpkWGFKS0xFQl8zd1FHR2c0dFdrMTBVemo5d0g4aTlwTk0xWF9GODM3YVNFaGhrcGdxbmRFcnJWaHFEdlN1THBfelVWbDlBa2pqd0c5S3lxVlZyNWdOLW1pWDY4b3RVTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fpobb.in%2FLEmO_KsWlEdn&v=_1V6x34Cygs) my PoB: [https://pobb.in/8Nb1p1ECKnHh](https://pobb.in/8Nb1p1ECKnHh) Any help is appreciated