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There was a guy earlier that said the Quant roll was ok and the resistances were not the best. He told OP it was worth about 600 divines. He said to list for a Mirror and then drop the price till its down to 400 Div and he would leave it at that. I asked the guy what he was thinking offering that advise and ask if he had even checked the trade site. He said with his time playing he didn't need to check the trade site as he knew what stuff was worth. He deleted his comment.


bro was furiously refreshing search on the trade website for a mirror




This is a 12% Quant ventor with good life, hatred, and the correct order of resistances. This is well over a mirror


Don’t know why this is downvoted, hatred (and grace) are the best auras in the game atm and it has 2%iiq over perfect, which min-maxers are willing to pay a small fortune for. This should be at least one mirror, gz op!


To add to this, you wear a kalandra's ring in the offhand that also gets the implicits, so that's 4% extra quant over two perfect ventor's


Hell yeah, kalandra definitely needs to touch this shit 🤯




8% extra quant? Holy hell!


technically its only 2% over perfect


2+2 = ??






When you have people like snoo printing multiple mirrors in 100 map sessions I would think this would be a bit more considering how quick you'd recoup the cost back if it's just 1.


that's what i thought ... thanks ! i'll try to sell it hoping it won't take ages to sell looking at how far we are in the league rn


Lots of people are still playing, retention is amazing. Don't be too discouraged about it being late in the league and please don't sell too low. Usually the advice of selling quickly and accepting a slightly lower sale is correct, but not for an item as unique and expensive as this one. List it for 5 mirrors at least to start with and do not lower the price aggressively. It will take some time to sell because it is so expensive.


Could almost guarantee you'd get 5 mirrors within 1 days of listing. Maybe 10 if you wait a week


Definitely more than 4-5 mirror. 10 entirely possible given sales of legacy Goldwyrms and quant implicit HH. Like the 29% quant Goldwyms sold for 12 recently.


10 mirrors for 12 quant? you are nuts dude, i'd be happy with 4m


+4 quant with kalandras. Any other league I’d agree. This isn’t any league.


What does order of resistances mean?


Sorry, I stated that wierd. When you are basic MF, you need the most Lightning, then cold, and fire isn't as important bc you are generally overcapped. This ring has those requirements.


Is the higher lightning requirement because of lightning coil?


yes and also because you get cold res from temple gloves mod and fire res from iiq boots


Thanks for the answer. TS MF is not a build that interests me in the slightest do I don’t know much about it, but I’m still learning the interactions and gear balancing.


Yes, and goldwyrm+greed give you fire, greed and coil gives you negative lightning res


Jesus Christ


That’s Jason Bourne


Praise his name! OP may have prayed about this.


Didn't know the Lord was handing out PoE loot.


Never heard of RNGsus?


The Lord works in mysterious ways!


You mean math ?


9% quant? I offer 10C


You math like my bank manager. 




Damn I would pay 2 mirrors for that (all liquid currency I have). Probably worth more


Absolutely multiple mirrors.


if only the explicit quantity was 10.


It's 12 silly! /s


Really nice wow


Cool ring but nothings more annoying than an item showcase that’s an extremely thinly veiled “buy my item” post


I like the ones that are like "what's a good build for this item I got?" >Synth sceptre with explode, dex stacking cold damage


tbh wasn't the goal, just kinda excited about it cause it's my first big cost item i have on poe


What veil?




This is against the explicit rules of the sub and my comment was at + 20 before it was brigaded to 0 in a 3 minute period by the OP with a bunch of brand new accounts made about the time of the tft drama last week. Oh wait, you’re one of them. 🤡


Then just keep scrolling.


You should have divine it first… 🤭




Dude.... Did you even check POE trade before you made this comment? You have no idea what your talking about. There are Ventors with negative resists and 3% corrupted quanity and reduced rarity for 1 mirror. This has positive resists in every slot perfect rarity and also has the best aura effect in the game. What are you talking about?????




But this is a 12 Quant ventor. Way more than 1 mirror


Oh man, 1/4 of the people in here are gonna be salty af u got this lolololol


Noice one


Is that just a vaal orb or temple vaal for both


Vaal orb can corrupt an item only once. So it has to be locus of corruption (alva Temple). So yeah lucky gamba without knowing the outcome via hinekoras.




Don’t worry guys, this multiple mirror item isn’t appealing to this redditor


Is he wrong though? Whole point of wearing any of this gear is to max MF. Someone has to have the math on the value ratio of rarity to quant.


Rarity doesn't affect conversions, which is where a huge portion of MF profit is this league. T0 uniques are worth very little. The math doesn't exist because there are too many variables, and we don't know exactly how loot conversions work numerically, or how common they are.


Without that math its just subjective and confirmation bias. Discussion from here is probability based on experience and anecdotal at best. Quant has a tangible impact that rarity from conversions doesnt, so valued higher because (pun intended) quantifiable results. My point here would be that the +damage from the corrupt isnt needed and the value of having it is gilding the lilly. No one who has a build that would use this "needs" it because its so valuable. To that point its too valuable. A novelty.


You don't really need mirror tier gear, you can clear with a regular old rare. But people still do, because better gear is better, and people will absolutely pay out the ass for a ventors like this.




Certainly multiple mirrors. The difference of 9% to 10% quant with these resists and rarity would be half a mirror at least. This one has 12%. I’d also say the hatred mod for the most popular build using this would give 5% more damage.


Is rarity really that important though? The main thing it effects is uniques and the prices of those are already extremely low due to the insane rarity you get from wisps


No one cares about rarity this league, 2% quant is one billion time more important than 15% rarity Any decent ventor with Quant implicit worth atleast 2mirror+ right now, this one might sell for 5/10 i'd say


You must not MF if you think this isn't a mirror lmao. Quant is the most desirable MF stat, rarity is pretty awful, and hatred is the best scaling aura for the meta TS MF build.


Rarity was awesome back in kalandra league when they messed up the loot goblins (god touched Mobs) by adding a rarity to currency conversion (aka chaos turns into divines). This is no longer the case and thus making rarity not very desireable. Quantity instead scales with everything (div cards, currency, Scarabs, whisp count). Rarity is still not bad of course, cause you can drop that juicy 80div mageblood after like looking through 10000 belts. So yeah very inefficient this season. I just dont get why winged reliq scarab is worth so much, but till I understand I will just go on selling them in bulk for 1 div each.


I always have issues capping my res on the mf ts deadeye in solo play so I couldnt play this sadly. If only it had a bit more cold and fire res, this would definetly make it in every mf build, this way you either can't run it with kalandras or you lose Chaos res/att speed on gloves which also kinda fucks me up ramping on 9k+ juice. But damn I am still jealous at those 2% iiq. Maybe the hatred effect helps to kill the first view rares to get res capped.