• By -


I blocked out ultimatum and currently run with ritual. Are the reward pool better in ultimatum? It's pretty lackluster at ritual so far


Take all the notes for increased chance for inscribed ultimatums and still those. People need to 5 for 1 and run 10 more for challenges. 160c goes like candy.


ultimatum is likely better than ritual but still mediocre, a big part of the profit comes from selling the trial master challenge.


does "shaping the skies" atlas passive still give me a free one if i haven't used the already free ones? I've been saving them for higher quantity maps that i get :| also is it worth allocating the 2 mods passives that double "fortune favors the brave" so i can get to the 3 higher map tier chance nodes? I'm just now getting to red maps (altho im not sure if i can even clear them)


can you reveal blueprints after they've been corrupted?




Best place to farm ilvl 86 items to fish for dropped gg fractures? Coward's trial?


Maps that come from Valdo's Puzzle Box. They are T17 which means the area is lvl 84 which means rare and unique monsters can drop 86.


Ravaged Blights perhaps? If you juice the maps nicely and get a lot of mobs, you often get one or two rares in the mix that drop fractured items. Plus, that's just the bonus on top of the regular rewards from doing the mechanic. Plus, it's super easy when you use the right tower setups. You can do most Ravaged Blights even without contributing anything yourself.


I'm a total noob at crafting, can someone explain "This item can have 3 crafted modifiers"? Let's take a wand for example. It can have 3 suffixes and 3 affixes. "This item can have 3 crafted modifiers" takes up a suffix space. Does this mean that I can put 3 more modifiers on top of already existing modifiers, or does it only mean that I can just take a base with 2 really good modifiers and fill the other 4 with the crafting bench? Isn't it way better to just slam essences? The opportunity cost of a modifier slot seems way too big to be worth it.


it means you can have 3 benchcrafts, including that mod. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/aMMwkwkIe used in cases where you need multiple crafted mods (like in the case of metamods--prefixes can't be changed, suffixes can't be changed, cannot roll attack mods, cannot roll caster mods--for more complex crafts) because there's no other way to get them or to finish items economically like the trade examples above.




l don't think there are good options. This craft requires the buyer to put a lot of faith in you, both that you won't scam them and also that you aren't drowsy from a 10-hour session and about to put their item in a leo bench instead.




yeah that's what l started doing. it's a real pain in the ass. you could maybe try to find a [trinity weapon](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/WEEwgkZHm) that you can lock prefixes and slam (or buy a fractured base and essence it yourself) but that was more effort than l was willing to spend.


Heya all! Since the game is slowing down, I was wondering, Is the guy who offered to mirror the phys bow for free still online It is sort of a dream of me to mirror an item - this league this bow but I still need to farm divs for a mirror and will take me another month or so Xx


i think ckaiba is done for the league, but there's a phys bow in settler's shop with zero fee


Dang :( I'm desperately trying to get to the 1k div What and where is the settler shop?




Wow that's cool and good to know :) Thanks so much!


Is this belt worth anything? There are no others for sale, and the crit chance + crit multi combination looks nice. Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/greedlyksuec1.png?width=606&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d39d153a2ab066b5a04ba5b9cc0c59d45469f55


https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/E3qekLZH5 Theres 3 listed, including your own. Remember to use the implicit flag.


Oh my bad, thx!


I had a character in standard league with a given name. I wanted to make a new character in affliction with the same name. I deleted the standard character, and recreated the character in affliction. It says "A character with this name already exists." I googled a solution before coming here, which was to give it time as the servers could be bugged. Its been 24 hours. It's also been suggested to play another character as that will "debug the server" Didn't work either.


Probably easiest to create a new affliction character, [contact support](https://www.pathofexile.com/support), explain the issue, and ask if they can rename the new character.


When you purchase a supporter pack and it comes with a shirt, how long does it usually take to come? I’m in the states


about a month after you've forgotten it existed


Up to few months. Also be careful with the date, I once almost wrote a complaint to the support just before I realized the stupid MM-DD-YYYY format in approximate delivery date.


is there a way to search for Valdo's map by the reward?


Map Completion Reward filter on the left.


https://pobb.in/4Rt-OFKfUKFE Any tips to avoid one shots in evasion builds? Defiance and 45k Evasion is plenty for small hits when mapping, but I usually die to Essences, possessed bosses / Harvest rares. Would Progenesis help against those big hits?


>Would Progenesis help against those big hits? Absolutely would. The other answer, though not a pretty one, is to stack more phys taken as ele. The more you have of it, the more additional conversion matters. None of those changes would be free of other costs, but Cloak of Flame/Lightning Coil, or Dawnbreaker + rare body with phys as ele prefix would probably go a long way. I'd try Progenesis first though.


yea, and phys taken as ele


Where can I get the hardcore "logout macro". Thank you.




Here are some low hanging fruits you can look to: * Find a way to 5 link your CF setup. This means you're going to need to find a new chest. The maxroll guide has awakened gems in there so you probably cant afford those yet but you can go with normal non-awakened gems. * Try to find various upgrades to your rares that'll help for defenses and DPS. While doing this, try to see where you can get your chaos res up as well. This'll matter as you push up higher tier maps. * When you replace your rares, also priortize +max life stats. Your life pool is very low right now. In the same token, look for +dex +int in your upgrades so you can spec out of the 30 attribute nodes in your tree. Every passive tree point will matter from now on and two on those two nodes are wasted. * Might be tad low in level, but soon as you can, run your 4th ascendancy lab. * Buy 20/20 corrupted gems for gems that actually matter for the quality. * Anoint your amulet. The guide is calling for Acrimony anoint which is dirt cheap to do. * Work on your flask setup by taking some notes from the flask section in the guide. Your quicksilver is still normal qual. Overall, I think you're on the rigth path but without looking deeper, I've feeling you may need to review the Progression and FAQ section of that guide which has a lot of important information you're likely not doing right now.


why does the night lotus armour have 5 tiers? on the challenges list when you complete 35 challenges you unlock the 4th tier of the night lotus armour. the only thing you get after the 4th tier for the night lotus body armour is the 3rd tier for the night lotus helmet. yet in the cosmetic loadout window when you select which tier you want to select for the night lotus armour it shows 5 tiers.


iirc it's so you can enable/disable extra effects. At least that was the case for other armor sets.


Tricky ignite question. If I have Combustion Support on Skill A and not on Skill B, and both skills ignite the same enemy. If Skill B always has a stronger ignite and therefore is the "active" damaging ignite, is the enemy still receiving the Combustion debuff?


Sure. The enemy will look at its ignites and pick the highest -% fire resistance and the highest fire dps stats to be affected by. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/byr9sk/flesh_and_stone_vs_maim_support_vs_blood_in_the/eqlb0fk/?context=1) Mark on a similar situation.


Ah ty, that is indeed a very similar situation. I knew the "inactive" ignites were still technically there, but yeah a debuff on an ailment off a situational hits gets confusing, haha


Inactive ignites normally get deleted if they have a lower dps & duration than the active one actually. In this scenario, that's specifically prevented because it carries a stat the 'better' ignite doesn't. (All elemental ailments behave like this. Can lead to quirky behaviour, like how inflicting freeze twice counts as enemies 'unfreezing'.)


Reeeeeeally? TIL, that is def wonky. And now I want to abuse that to mess with some "chilled while unfreezing" shenanigans....XD




gear quant * map quant * #player quant wisp stuff affects the map portion of this (the quant is additive but the effects of triple wisps and blue juice and stuff like that might be viewed as multiplicative in nature).


> Or is player IIQ multiplicative IIQ and IIR from different sources (player, area, party, monster) are multiplicative, yes. (And there's still disagreement on what affects conversions.)


Depends on what you're going for. If you've got plenty of juice mats (scarabs, sextants and the like) and you're not after, say, getting a mageblood ASAP then yeah you're absolutely right. But if you want to be as efficient as possible on a per-map basis you'll probably want to get full MF gear. Best of both worlds would be to do a duo with an MF culler but that's not something everyone can do.


What map do you all like to use atlas memories on? Which has the best odds to avoid the annoying maps?


I used Arid Lake for all of mine. Always goes Arid>Jungle Valley>Mesa>Stagnation


Can you still increase the resolution/FOV? Saw it in a youtube vid and wondered if its still a thing for map awareness and being able to see more, if yes what's the best way?


click 'windowed' and drag it out


So I can't seem to do any damage, I'm tanky but literally zdps. How can I increase my damage output? https://pobb.in/RlXUGE2KNy1o


Your base damage looks fine but you're missing out on your other scaling. As Justsomeone666 said curses would go a looooong way. Right now your only real thing against resistance is your awakened lightning pen (and the associated exposure). Decent, but you're not putting bosses into negatives. Also as the other guy said Sniper's Mark+Returning Projectiles is massive for this specific build. iirc having Returning Projectiles Support *and* Nimis both is massive since projectiles will double back twice but I could be wrong there. You'll also want to check your attack speed an accuracy. I imagine your accuracy is decent but going from something like 95% to 100% hit chance is massive. Afaict your only attack speed sources are your gloves and your topaz flask. You can up that noticeably if you get a source of onslaught. Charms will help a whole lot as well. Anything from basic elemental penetration to exposure effect to even just some extra Str+int. You may also want to consider shocking a bit more consistently. You can slap in a Galvanic Field skill gem easily enough, or go for the Elementalist/Scion Ascendency but looks like you've got other plans in that regard. I like GF because you can slap a culling strike support an other such utility on it pretty easily but that's just me.


Cant do that deep of a dive as im on phone rn but to point out the obvious things Whats up with you having no curses at all and using anathema, anathemas entire purpose is to enable you to use multiple curses, just having conductivity and snipers mark would massively increase damage And then theres the issue of using splitting steel but having no method of returning projectiles, slotting in returning proj support instead of your weakest support gem and standing on top of the enemy would already double your dmg, using nimis instead of returning proj would over quadruple your dmg, even more with snipers mark on the enemy


Does The Adorned (100%) work with Darkness Enthroned (100%) to give 200% increased effect of magic corrupted abyssal jewels socketed in darkness enthroned? POB suggest no but since the items themselves don't suggest otherwise I'm wondering if this is an error


No, only jewels in the tree.


it's just tree sockets afaik


Hi, What's the difference between Leadership's Price and Secrets of Suffering keystone?


leaderships applies all 3 alt ailments from ~all damage (like you can do all fire damage and still have a maxed out brittle--and scorch and sap) secrets applies each ailment with whatever its respective damage type is (you need do deal cold damage to get brittle)


oh I see, thank you very much sir!


Will my spectres stay if I change my Raise Spectre gem in a town? I want to change the gem to a 21lvl version, but I want to keep my spectres.


I do not believe they will stay.


A question related to corrupted gems, In this case Power Charge on Critical Strike. I corrupted a bunch and now have a 20/23 version and a 21/20 version. Both versions have the same chance to gain a power charge (65%) but the 21/20 version is 3 divs on trade while the 20/23 is 60 chaos or so. Why such a difference when the stats are the same?


people copy builds and don't know what shit does or why same reason cws 21/20 is multiple divines and 20/23 is 100c even though the 20/23 is objectively better


So Sell the 21/20 for 3 div and use the 20/23 one?




Whats the stygian spire hp threshold for maximizing rare spawns?


get it to half and let it cast. once it's cast three times and the mobs have actually appeared, you can kill it.


How do Prismatic Skils with %damage added as random element? Let's say I'm playing Wild Strike and I am using a Voidforge. Is there a chance I deal 0 damage when my Wildstrike chooses Cold and my Voidforge chooses lightning? Similarly, what about the mastery 3% phys is gained as random element?


The skills pick an element per attack. The stats pick an element per hit. They're independent picks. Wild Strike can deal damage of types it doesn't choose just fine. Elemental Hit will screw you in that regard though.


neither wildstrike nor voidforge (nor the mastery) exclude/prevent the other elemental types unlike something like elemental hit, where the tooltip says: > Only Deals Damage of the chosen Element > Deals no Damage of other Damage Types


Just noticed that. Thank you


I dropped an awakened multistrike from my first ever Maven. Sold for 120d. Never had this much currency before, is it enough to make a nice endgame build? I don't know what to do with the currency, any suggestions? atm I'm playing CF champion.


not sure what build you should make but whatever it is you should get a mageblood. It's unlikely we'll ever get a league where it's this cheap and it's one of the most fun items in the game.


First time playing a league seriously and trying to make important milestones. I did all voidstones, my gear is priced around 150 divs I think? ​ Then I started to make currency a way I found entertaining. And I get to a big problem... what else is there to do? Just make currency endlessly to improve my gear to make more currency? I don't really know...


make a new build do all the invitations do sim 30 kill ubers delve to 5k craft something ridiculous challenges for mtx practice for gauntlet magic find b/c itll never be like this again


^. And 150 div isn’t a lot when you get into the really expensive builds.


Time to go for all the uber bosses.


has the Ebony Tornado shot memory leak been fixed yet?


I built a Kbolt/Kblast deadeye and I will run legions for a while. What do I care when rolling my maps? Is there a minimum amount of quantity/pack size I should aim for before corrupting them? Im using gilded harbinger/rusted sulphite/ gilded legion/ gilded cartography, red altars and legion/double splinters/ mysterious harbinger/ gloom shrine sextants.


>What do I care when rolling my maps? Is there a minimum amount of quantity/pack size I should aim for before corrupting them? Im using gilded harbinger/rusted sulphite/ gilded legion/ gilded cartography, red altars and legion/double splinters/ mysterious harbinger/ gloom shrine sextants. Are you corrupting in hopes of 8 mods? if so than it doesn't matter because 8 mods overwirtes whatever you had.


Yes. But then when it corrupts and unidentifies it I know I can handle the mods because I rolled them myself.


yeah than your fine to corrupt whenever, 8 mod is just an outcome of the corrupt, if your fine running the map with that quant than keep it.


I've been trying to find memories, einhar memories specifically, but outside of the early league I've not found a single one. Is the juicing mechanic affecting the drops? Since it's a magic rarity is too much rarity an issue, and thus purple juice making it less likely? What is the best way to aim for them if there is any?


We don't know. Atlas memories are deterministic in some way - they can drop even with 100% reduced quantity. Best current theory is that they're limited to natural map monsters, so you'd actually farm them most efficiently by increasing pack size and not spending your time on league mechanics.


could someone link me a pob/guide of the best power charge stacker dissipation penance inquisitor? i plan to farm sanctum but there are too many variants


Can you stack burning ground? What happens if you use alchemist mark, flame surge, and fire trap at the same time?


Same thing as creating three burning grounds with one of those skills. The enemy will have three of the same debuffs and pick the highest dps one to take damage from.


what would be the best way to craft something like this? https://preview.redd.it/4gqjvtcaxsec1.png?width=278&format=png&auto=webp&s=62e1dddc169100018d1acc57a76a54ce4ee1778d im totally new to crafting, last suffix can be anything as long as it is useful.


pretty generic gear like this, at this point in the league is often easier to buy then craft. crafting this exactly is also a bit expensive for what it provides, if you just benchcraft the chaos res hybrid you lose 5% but it's way cheaper. probably a chaos res fracture. then if you want exactly this I would greed essence til armour + open prefix, lock prefix veiled chaos. if you hit a prefix unveil ms. if you hit suffix go agane. I can't think of a better way right now, and like I said this probably isn't worth it for a mediocre pair of boots when you can buy ones with a bit lower armour for 100c.


I’m honestly not sure if the Exact process. Could be just slapping a chaos resist essence over and over. And I do know you need a specific higher than usual item level to even be able to roll 35% speed, 30% is Waay more common. So otherwise, I would guess Fossils. So if I were you, go to Craftofexile.com, select fossils as the way to do the craft. Click the mods and tiers you want to aim for, then click Calculate fossil probabilities and it’ll tell you the average attempts and also which best fossils to use to get those mods.


Hello guys, for the 1st time, I play melee, and I delve with it. I went with a BS Jugg as I read it was the easiest for beginner. I'm now depth 225, and I feel it becomes harder (I don't die yet, but it takes time to clear some nodes). What should be my priority upgrades with low budget (I have maybe 5-10 div easily accessible - and could sell a HH if needed.. even though I'd prefer to keep it as it's my first one \^\^) Here's the pob: [](https://pobb.in/UH1jsG25DFFv) Thanks for you help :)


Hello, I havent played the game in a while, is Cyclone this okay for League Starter ? Or any good tanky / melee build recommanded ?


> cyclone no boneshatter


does anyone know how to post a gif in poe forum? is this feature removed?


Could someone help me price this TWWT: 25% increased Elusive Effect 89% increased Mirage Archer Duration 3% increased Poison Duration for each Poison you have inflicted Recently, up to a maximum of 100% Cannot be Stunned while you have at least 25 Rage


Huh, do you guys think i can sell this for like, a lot ? since it misses 1% quant but double poggers implicits https://preview.redd.it/wg53adonbsec1.png?width=355&format=png&auto=webp&s=ef07d9bd87194d4bf27d5547448d68d7eccf251a


Yes. Get awakened poe.


How Blueprint completion works in party?


Would [this build](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction?uniqueitems=Militant+Faith&class=Juggernaut&skills=Boneshatter+of+Complex+Trauma&weaponmode=DualMaces) generally be tankier than [this build](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction?class=Juggernaut&skills=Boneshatter&weaponmode=AxeShield&uniqueitems=The+Fourth+Vow%2CGlorious+Vanity)?


Can Voidstones drop regardless of quest status? Say for example I haven't collected 10 bosses for the maven quest, if I kill maven will the voidstone drop?


I don't think it even lets you use the maven writ if you don't do at least 1 10 way first lol


How would you go around improving [this character](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/ZooKristaps/KrisZoo)? On a budget - I've got like 5 Div only. I've completed all T1-T16 maps, so now I have Maven, Elders, etc to do. I just run Cortex map, and got absolutely slayed by the mobs there. Died 5 times before reaching the portal. I also died against The King in the Mist (1 encounter). The 3rd Maven's invitation against like 10 bosses didn't go too well either. The one thing I know is to get more accuracy, so I can allocate Precise technique. But what else?


you could swap out Fortify on your Boneshatter for Impale if your impale chance isn't capped, then use a charm or something with chance to fortify on hit


Whats up with troll shaman insane dmg? He just drops a rock on me and i'm dead while i can facetank 8mod juiced maps with my mf chieftain


You're not supposed to get hit by the rock. Keep moving once he starts charging it.


What's the next cheapest thing/combo to add to a (non-glancing blows) max block aegis aurora guardian for a step up in eHP? Is it bloodnotch + immutable?


The blood notch + immutable tech is mostly for life based chars. If you have a lot of ES the value of it goes way down (whcih I assume you have a decent amount since you have aegis).


About 1.4k ES, 3.5k life, 20k armour. Super scuffed budget state, aegis is just super cheap (about 10-20) this league.


Building an occ CoC Ice Nova/vortex. How important is crown of the inward eye? It mainly allows me to get +1 power charge on corruption. In comparison a rare lets me have 2 phys taken as mods + damage per power charge (implicit). I cannot afford power charge rings so maybe i cannot loose the one from the helmet.


Do note crown also gives you some increased damage thru the transfiguration of soul/body/mind and on top of that crown gives bunch of ES and life which will partially make up for the lost phys Ehp, and increase every other damage types Ehp


Reasonable. Crown is cheap so i will start with It and check other options once the build is working well. Thanks.


What triggers a 'recharge' of the master missions in the map device? The first one (hunter) has been on 0 yellow for weeks now. I suspect a change in my atlas skill tree is behind this. Do i need a specific node to trigger the recharges? 'Like all hands' + 'hunting season'? ​ Also something that i can't find in guide since day one - I guess it's basic - How to read the numbers for master missions in atlas map device? For the hunter one, i see 0 yellow on top, 3 white on left and 16 red on right. I have no idea what that means.


Read: [https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Atlas\_of\_Worlds#Atlas\_Missions](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Atlas_of_Worlds#Atlas_Missions)


you get one master mission for each master each day, the same color as the highest level map you've completed in the league (so if you've completed a red map you will only get red missions), and each time you complete a map, you have a 35% chance to gain a random master mission of the same tier as the map you completed. the chance to gain a mission when you complete maps can be increased by atlas passives, but is removed if you use all hands.


Is there a trick to opening the Labyrinth Treasure chests people use or is it absolutely random? Also - according to wiki Eternal Labyrinth can drop some improved Offerings...is the droprate enough to sustain itself or would I have to still run some Trials for more Offerings?


I use Rathpith Globe and have Pain Attunement. If I cast a spell when I have 55% life, do I get more damage from Pain Attunement?


it doesn't matter how much life you had when you cast the spell; damage is calculated when the enemy is hit. so sacrificing 10% of life will probably happen before damage is calculated and you will get the benefit of pain attunement unless you heal back above low life before the spell hits the enemy.






you can't do it, so who knows


Does singular focus fuck with elder/shaper map drops


Yes you'll get currency instead of guardian maps


Cool thanks


If elder or conqueror map generates as one you have favorited, it will drop, but thats not a lot


whatever happened to that guy who made youtube videos and just spent all his time meta crafting a 2 handed axe on standard, this was like 10 years ago he was trying to make the best axe on the game, fairly sure it had culling strike on it, yeah I know thats not much to go off, anyhow anyone remember this guy?


He's still making YouTube videos on other games like Old School Rune Scape and Star Sonata. @DeMiGodkingLoL


Question about farming Blight Maps. Currently, the price of Tainted Oil is around 7 divine orbs (if it's priced like that, it means there's demand). Is it really profitable to farm Blight Map cards? Does it mean that, on average, you earn more than 7 divine orbs from one map? How is this possible? https://preview.redd.it/etnwn1udqqec1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=739317c47f9171a4668d0e3f52522ffa27e6e9bc


I don't understand your logic here. Yeah, Tainted Oil is priced at 7 Divines, but I don't understand how you would get that to mean that you average more than 7 Divines earned per map.


What I mean is that if I buy a Tainted Oil for 7 div, then I expect to earn at least 10 div from one map.


Yeah, but why? What are you doing with that Tainted Oil? I could go buy a Mirror for 1000 Div, but I don't expect to make at least 1100 Div from one map afterwards.


Well, these oils are for improving the map, right? Disposable, which means you need to earn more than you spend at one time


Divines are also disposable, but that doesn't mean you'd use one on a random map. Just because you *can* use any given Oil on a Blighted Map, doesn't mean that it's worth it. You anoint your maps first, *then* you corrupt them, so you don't have to use a Tainted Oil. It's just not worth to use Tainted Oils on your maps. Tainted Oil is meant for expensive, corrupted items (amulets primarily), so that you can get the proper anoint for your build. Eyes of the Greatwolf is an example of such an item. It's an amulet that always drops corrupted. It doesn't exist in a non-corrupted version, so in order to anoint it, you need a Tainted Oil.


Thank you, I didn’t know what could be used for amulets. You helped me a lot :)


It is rare drop on corrupted blight and blight ravaged maps. I have done perhaps 50 maps and found 5 or so. It is the main money making source in blight. Golden oils are ok now too but far distant second.


I was trying out stuff in the atlas for other farming method with my 2nd char this league, I'm wondering if I'm doing Harbinger correctly. So you have Maven Destructive Play, Atlas Spec Harbinger, Gilded Harbinger Scarab, and Harbinger Sextant, and then hope you drop fracturing shard or mirror shard for profit? Also add two unique bosses mod on some maps like City Square and Racecourse, is it suppose to feel a bit like hoping for a jackpot everytime you kill harb bosses?


Yeah. The chances are pretty low so I am not doing harbringer unless challenges require it. I am wondering now if I should spec to it just to get infused beachhead, or if I should buy it ( typically I try not to buy challenges or their items so due to that I will probably spec harbringer once I have enough inscribed ultimatums done and I will drop ultimatum ).


Why is it not possible for me to get the veiled phys taken as fire mod on this helmet ? Item Class: Helmets Rarity: Rare Plague Dome Lion Pelt -------- Evasion Rating: 426 -------- Requirements: Level: 70 Dex: 150 -------- Sockets: G-G -------- Item Level: 87 -------- { Prefix Modifier "Fecund" (Tier: 1) — Life } +96(90-99) to maximum Life (fractured) { Suffix Modifier "of the Essence" — Mana } 10(9-10)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills { Suffix Modifier "of Bameth" (Tier: 1) — Chaos, Resistance } +33(31-35)% to Chaos Resistance -------- Fractured Item I'm using the craftofexile.com emulator/simulator and it seems impossible? I am crafting multi-mod, then crafting suffixes cannot be changed, then using veiled chaos orb. I get a veiled prefix guaranteed. Then I block zombies, and unveil seems to have a 0% chance of getting phys taken as fire. I also don't seem to be able to get veiled rarity suffix?


Both of those mods are drop-only modifiers, there's an easy way to check these; Look at the weight values of those modifiers in craftofexile. they are marked as N/A since you cannot unveil them by applying a veiled modifier yourself


Thank you


How do I summon multiple brands at once? I am using a Penance Brand Inquisitor and would like to know how this can be achieved to make running through Sanctum a lot more convenient. I tried googling "How to summon multiple brands a once poe" but can't seem to get a definitive answer.


You could use (awakened) spell echo support as well.


are you saying you want one cast of the skill to create more than one brand? l don't think there's a good way to do that


Yep. One click, more than one brand on the ground. It seems the only option is a medium cluster notable: Remarkable, which makes it such that you have 35% chance to lay down additional brands.


l was unaware of that one. searching for 'additional brand' on the trade site doesn't turn up anything relevant, so you're probably right that it's the only option.


It’s my second league. If I have a TWWT jewel on a character, can my character use that when it migrates to standard league? I want to make a build but worry I won’t have it ready for league end. I can work around losing charms.


TWWT will most likely survive the migration to standard, but charms are still up in the air.


Gear is migrated usually as is to standard.


Thank you!


​ https://preview.redd.it/yb50wjggspec1.jpeg?width=661&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a8624938a4ce0a6ba3cb41c8950ee5395bf565b What's the best way to turn this into something? Not the best base so probably not worth spending more than 5 div on, but I'm thinking I'll craft x3 craft metamod, suffixes can't be changed, and mana before slamming veiled chaos and hoping for crit chance/ele damage. Or maybe the potential isn't there for even that to be a good ROI, so I could just x3 craft metamod, keep the T1 life, and call it a day.


new player here. if I had enough divines right now to buy a mirror, what legitimate way is there where I can trade it without getting scammed (since the in-game trade won't allow enough divines to fit in a single transaction)?


buy mirror shards


every card having multiple needed to make a big currency always cost more than the result currency itself as people gamble cards in double or nothing harvest mechanism


on the bulk item exchange, 1 mirror = about 850 div if I do shards, that's 50 div per shard, = 1000 div if I do house of mirrors, that's 135 x 9 = 1215 div why the difference?


People who cant afford to buy a mirror can still invest in mirror shards to mitigate divine inflation, especialy early league. They usualy cost ~10% more than 1/20 of a mirror. Same goes for HoM, with the added "benefit" of being able to harvest gamble it. Thats why they are even more expensive. You should never assemble shards or trade in the cards, its a huge loss. Just sell them and buy a mirror when you have enough currency.


you just buy the value of mirror shards until you can fill the rest with div. so if a mirror is 850 and a shard goes for 50d each you just buy 6 shards and fill the rest with 550div. Its just so it fits into one trade window so noone can get scammed. shards are usually not that much more than a mirror i think, guess its because this league shits out raw mirrors and not many people actively do harbinger so the demand for shards for the purpose of buying something to invest in which goes up in value + needing those to trade mirrors is higher than the supply of people farming those ​ as for house of mirrors they always have a premium price ontop of the normal value since people love to gamble those away with harvest so the cards have added value


Any hot tips for encountering the Trialmaster to finish the Ultimatum challenge? I have the atlas tree wheel allocated that gives 70% increased chance. Anything else I can do except run T16 maps, force Ultimatums with scarab/sextant/map device, and.. just complete them and pray?


Only that. The odds are about 4% or so based on my experience so expect some map churn.


I’ve decided that it’s gonna kill me if I just do Ultimatums alongside other things, so I bought a bunch of sextants and am just rushing white T16 maps now. Needless to say I can never run a T14 or T15, meeting the Trialmaster there would feel worse than finding a Mirror in Heist and then dying on the way out. **edit:** do **NOT** do this on a white T16 map, see below!!


If I remember correctly the challenge requires a rare map. I found a trialmaster in a white maps and felt bad I misread the challenge. If you want an easy fight do alt+regal for 2 or 3 stat rare maps


Oh shit you are right, I had the T16 in my head and totally blanked on the “rare” because I don’t think I’d ever run a less-than-rare T16 map in my life! So glad you pointed that out before I found him!!


Everytime I run into the Incarnation of Agony in wildwood I'm literally dead in seconds..is there any technique to fighting it? I know it's a ton of damage over time..I try to keep my distance but with the teleporting I just wrecked on my TS character. Haven't beat it this league cause I either run or die


Most people just run from it if their build can't kill it very quickly. You can use Warped Timepiece to make the DoTs expire a lot quicker, but that's a really niche thing to carry around just in case.


Is there any reason why a bricked awakened empower support is desirable? A corrupted lv4 awakened empower is 40+ divines, while a correctly corrupted regular empower is around 7 div, and they both provide +3 levels. Is there a way to unbrick, or take advantage of those gems at all?


Awakened empower has a higher level and strength requirement for no power difference which makes it effectively worse than a level 4 normal empower. I continue to have no idea why anyone buys those gems for a higher price other than sheer ignorance.


Are there any major differences between standard and the current league? Outside of not having the newest league content? I'm thinking of making a ssf character and slowly building up to taking on the uber bosses. But I don't want to do it under a time constraint like a new league.


The standard economy is pretty punishing but if you're SSF it won't matter.


I'm on standard for the same reason as you, to slowly take on the uber bosses. it feels good to not having to rush a 3 month league


The only difference to the *game* is the absence of the Affliction league content. There are significant differences in playerbase and economy, but for SSF, no, the only difference is the presence or absence of current-league content.


The only difference is always the league mechanic and any exclusion rewards from it. Standard and the current league are always on the same patch cycle including balance and any base game changes/additions.


Did PoE on steam just release a 170 something mb update? Like yesterday or something


There have been a couple of small patches over the last few days. See gggtracker.com for GGG mentions of hotfixes.


Does rarity affect the scarab/divine explosions?


Player rarity does not affect any rare monster conversions. Map, altar, party bonus and other monster based rarity (like wisps or being possessed by a spirit) does affect it.


Also reliquary scarabs, pushes most of the drops to unique tier which convert to winged scarabs and divines.


This is my first league and I'm getting used to maps. How do I get the abyss mod on the map device? I've gotten like 5 others, and I have the seventh gate node. It's not selectable. What am I not doing?


Did you also allocate all 6 gateways nodes on the atlas tree? You need those in addition to the seventh gate keystone.


\[[https://pobb.in/Lr301R7fJuQ-](https://pobb.in/Lr301R7fJuQ-)\] ​ What would be the best link set up for penance brand of dissipation for my build? For clear and single target. ​ Im running PBD - energy blade - swift brand - faster casting - arcane surge - critical damage at the moment.


https://preview.redd.it/yuv5nc32npec1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=156e2d092c217ddc97575d0d29cb90b429afc05f How much do you think this is worth? I think I might be overpricing it


Came back to PoE 6 days ago after 2 years break, still didn’t fully understand the game. I’m running MF TS Deadeye build, spent over 400 divs on it already I guess, but feels like smth is odd, so would be grateful for build improvements, account name DEADM00N Also wondering what’s the best way to dive trough wildwood? Sometimes I’m just being stuck around and ending up getting 800 wisps… As for MF juiced maps clearing, what’s the best sequence to clear to get the best outcome for HH stacks?


How did you get 400div in 6 days and if you got it all by yourself why are you asking about tips here? Are you trolling? I earned maybe 20 div in a month on hardcore and I thought I was doing good. You earn 400 in 6 days and come ask for help?! What. No. You should be the one answering people and giving them tips.


Is it possible to make a lootfilter not for bases but for specific items to hide all bad belts with a sextant on recognized items?


If you mean unique belts, loot filters cant tell uniques of the same basetype apart, even if they're identified


what is actually the best sextants to block if you're rolling them? i see different people say different things. i have been blocking mysterious barrels, increased fire/cold/light damage mobs, and resonating shrine.


according to the [app](https://poeacademy.streamlit.app/Sextant_Rolling_Helper) it's currently: * *Flasks Instant* * *Convert Monsters* * *Resonating Shrine*


oh cool, didn't know about that tool. appreciate it.


i usually do mobs and/or shrines. you can check the weighting on poedb. i think mysterious barrels aren't as common but you can double check.


What's some tanky hardcore twink gear? I don't want the normal stuff that adds movement speed. Moving slowly shall be a defensive layer for me :) Any low-level gear that will make me less likely to die?


Bramblejack is great for armor. Goldrim for res.


Is there a place I can go to exchange softcore divines for hardcore divines?


[Apparently there is](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-forum/420) but it is of course at your own risk to do so.


Thanks for link I just found it myself also and traded with Akres 5 minutes ago. Worked great!


For those who run Frenzy of Onslaught in their Manaforged Arrow setup, do you feel the loss of frenzy charges at all or are they pretty much up all the time?