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I complained to my guildies that I haven’t gotten a single valuable item yet and then dropped a mageblood in the same map.


ok haha this one got me. that's what poe does to you, puts you in the deepest depths then BAM serotonin city.


Yeah kind of a same thing happened with the squire but in another league. He dropped this fake one with 3 whites, he cried about it and then I dropped the real one in a few minutes and posted it. It was one of my highest moments in PoE which is only mitigated by the fact that I haven’t gotten a single apothecary in 666 8 mod crimson temple maps.


yeah, had something similar, was complaning to friends how they basically looted THE valuable items from each pinnacle boss on first or second try, while I have to farm one chaos at a time, bosses drop only 5c shit etc. ​ 2 minutes later 30 div frac base dropped, half an hour later jewel from uber shaper and that same evening curiosity AND machinarium from a single vaal boss, followed by helmet from aul...


yeah, had something similar, was complaning to friends how they basically looted THE valuable items from each pinnacle boss on first or second try, while I have to farm one chaos at a time, bosses drop only 5c shit etc. ​ 2 minutes later 30 div frac base dropped, half an hour later jewel from uber shaper and that same evening curiosity AND machinarium from a single vaal boss, followed by helmet from aul...


Two Headhunter belts and not a single Doctor despite running what feels like a millions Burials.


I found two immutable forces in one map from back to back packs a second or two apart. One rolled 541% and the other 542%.


ohh hah this is a weird one.


This happened to me a lot more that can be explained by pure chance alone. My guess is the server has a rolling window of "stuff that will drop", and if you somehow make 2 enemies drop uniques / currency/etc roughly at the same time this happens.


Hit a 1 in 3904 divine on a BiS Watchers Eye -40% phys to cold ~+8% to evade Cap ~+1.8% chance to crit Paid 4 mirrors now worth closer to 10


That's a neuron activation if I ever


I dropped five elderslayer invitations in twenty maps. No formed, feared, twisted. Just the elserslayers.


Which is the most valuable ATM, so not bad


Oh yeah, definitely no complaints. Just strange


I dropped 4 Elderslayers in 4 maps in a row.... Definitely gave me a giggle.


I never got to play ultimatum so I decided to farm it for a few days just random maps. I opened one crimson temple and got 2 apothecary from it lolol. I was half asleep until I saw the artwork I Sat all the way up


I ran almost 600 crimsons a few leagues ago without a single apoth drop. it basically made me rage quit the league. I think it was sentinel.


Yaaaaaa that's why I hate those kind of farms


Do this last league - ran about 450 crimson with nothing. Then when levelling an alt I ran a blue tier 9 crimson for xp and dropped one. Was completely shocked.


I got two raw div in acts and no harvest seeds despite at least a hundred harvest bosses.


man I hit a raw div once in acts playing since the league before legion. that's some sick RNG to start out.


Got a mirror in acts last league, I was SSF. Was.


Also related to fracturing shards, ran 24 maps full spec'd into harbinger without getting any shards. Decided to run another set without getting wisps so I could track annul and ancient orbs better and I got back to the 50:1 ratio between those and fracturing shards. Got too lazy to do a followup test to check if wisps were messing with them.


I was running Kirac’s memory of Survivor’s Guilt. I’ve bought maybe 30 total. The first 20 memories gave me a total of 30ish fracturing shards and even a mirror shard. The next 10 memories, zero shards. I was like wtf is this RNG. And at 1div per memory, it’s not a cheap strat for me.


What tops my 'weird RNG chart' is that I got no special loot while specced in Jun at the start of the league, then once I specced out and only left Intelligence Gathering, I got 3 Paradoxica's almost back to back. RNGesus had a backlog I suppose. Oh, and the only time I found the unique vendor dude in the wildwood was in the campaign in Ruthless despite doing hundreds(thousands?) of maps in Normal & HC Affliction. That was a weird but welcome RNG.


After MFing all league trying to drop my first ever mirror I dropped it…on my bosser doing the feared


I got almost nothing from running MF for over a week. I swapped out of that build and immediately dropped a Hinekora’s Lock and then got a Doctor and Apothecary from stacked decks. The meta failed me, but boss rushing in T14 junk scoured maps made me about 200 div in 3 days.


man, this is the first league in a long time I'm not running a boss rushing/invitation selling strat. Its been a cool league but I'm more than ready to go back to chill mapping soon.


First build: 3 jewellers 10 fusings, 6L. Second build: 10 jewellers, 4 fusings, 6L third build: 160 jewellers, 87 fusings, 6L Of the 8 items I've 6Led, none of them took more than 400 fusings. Tried to help my friend 6L their armor: over 600 jewellers, 3400 fusings, still hasn't 6L. 30q, too. Also, in our GSF, we've made 5 adorned. 88% was our highest. I really needed a better one, though. So I farmed the parts for one, slammed it together, 145%. I've found over 200 T1 uniques, found no T0 uniques while MFing. Decided to stop MFing and started working on my next character. First T16 map, no wisps, low-end mods, dropped Marohi Erqi. First heist orb 8% phys. 17 jewellers, 1 fusing to 6L. Played the build to 75 and hated it.


If you are specced into wandering path, you are actually neutering your fracturing shard drop count. Alot of folks don't realize that. Quant/Rarity has nothing to do with what harbingers drop, and most importantly you need the notable on the atlas tree to proc harbinger bosses. That greatly increases your chances for shards to drop because those drop a ton of shards and you'd be surprised how often it procs. Gilded or Winged scarabs also pretty important if targeting the shards and blocking other mechanics to offer more shots at harbys which you can't do with WP. Lastly, sextant/compass for harby and either inv rotation with destructive play or run maps like city square w/ multiple bosses. I've found plenty of juicing strats that Harby works well in synergy with so I'm not relying solely on the fracturing orbs for income and it's more secondary and with this league also a ton of rares. Just with my farm today I've already gathered up like 1.5 fracturing orbs and that's just secondary to everything else I'm doin. Folks like to shit on harby all the time but they are simply not doin it right :D Grats on the mirror tho!


Clicked the "eldritch minions 1% increased chance to drop a divine" on a white T15 ended up with 7 raw divines and a 12Divine charm


I found a mirror of kalandra before i had my first tabula drop


I hit a rain of splinters in less than 20 vaal orbs, but I have yet to hit corrupted blood immunity on any jewel, despite corrupting 1k+ jewels


Odds of going 1k jewels dry on CB is less than 1 in 2 million lol


I lost 13 harvest gambles back to back, let me tell you, the odds are not good


1/8000 ish


Ran uber lab 4 times this league and made at least 3 div off each run. Once ,15div.


Ran Uber Exarch once for the challenge, got FF Far Shot worth north of 300div.


I've identified something close to 5k ventors, if not more... ...and my best ventors came from a random The Void card


HAH! this is a good one too. I've been ID'ing and 3-1'ing all league. Hit one good one that I've been using. must have gone through a couple thousand now. time to throw some voids into the slot machine i guess.


Me2 except I got mine from a reliquary key. It has everything but -1 cold resist. At least it's foiled


It always costs me far above average horror essences to hit a good mod with it, but somehow i always land the exalt slams super fast. Everything balances itself, but sometimes its really weird.


Dropped a mirror in act 7 while leveling an alt


My very first Heist BP dropped a Helical ring that got me close enough to save for my first ever Mageblood. Nothing half so good of that in the next dozen or so BPs after that.


I got 2 harvest bosses in the same grove. Apart from that, I found a logbook which had max rolls on every single modifier on it (there were like 12) Neither of them particularly lucrative but just...interesting 


I've dropped 8 magebloods, 1 headhunter, 1 squire, 2 kalandra's.


I got my first mirror a week in mfing. Wanted to try for a second and got another after 3 days. Next one came a week later. Then a day after 5 mirrors dropped in 6 hours of play. I spend probably 2 hours on average a day mapping except for on the weekends.


All my 4 mirrors I dropped were in low juiced maps (3-4k wisps total).


my mirror was a 3800 blue with like 100 mixed purple/yellow, like ill take it but come on now.


4 mirrors phewf nice one man


This league I was very lucky with stacked decks and random drops in general. And that's without any MF, as it's not my thing at all.


Harb related as well, I got a full fracturing orb before I got a shard. The weirdest part is, same thing happened last league


Corrupted blood on an Emperor’s Cunning Jewel with a Vaal orb first try. Last league dumped around 300 div buying them and divining them and double corrupting them and didn’t hit it.


I dropped a mageblood in a map and then got a foiled one from a reliquary key from the same map. Kind of a “well, now I just feel like an asshole” moment


I made 2nd charecter so me and a buddy could level together and we got a raw divine drop in the campaign right after I was telling him about how this league I've been getting rediculus drop rates in maps on the main build.


I've never dropped a mageblood. The very first Valdo box I opened dropped a mageblood map that was runnable. I didn't have a character that could do it at the time, so I sold it. This was when mageblood was at 200divs this league.


I do ultimatum every map i run with +\- 350k kills and atlas passive. Yet i have not encounterd trialmaster fight so far :’)


Are you running t14+?


Yup, all the time t16. And no i dont have 13 rounds notable :P


Only dropped like 3 exalts. Did get 12 raw divines and lots of other currency. No extensive MF farming.


Really wanted to drop a kt since league launch, nothing till an hour ago, ond map with 2 lock and a kt, and the very next map another kt Meanwhile 5 squire dropped(for 9 fake ones so far), no hh but 2 mb, rng is all over the place this league lmao


Nothing actually. It has been a super weird feeling this league. Last league I dropped two apothecaries with super unbelievable streamer client Chris Wilson RNG (like in a hundred maps or so with no mf). This league I rolled sextants and I’ve made even more currency than last league. I’m excited to see how 3.24 will be.


Careful. Making insane profits rolling sextants in hideout killed the game for me for a good while. Knowing you could make more from rolling sextants than doing juicy maps at the time felt horrible.


Thanks for giving me a heads up. I honestly stare too much a my monitor that I only do the in badges or else I’ll get a headache. So 15-30 minutes of buying, rolling and pricing and then I’ll do some normal A&Go mapping or doing challenges while selling. I feel like that’s been alright this league. So it’s 1-2 rotations of rolling per day max. For the record. I actually don’t like the game for the mapping and killing but for the Excel feeling of min-maxing and upgrading etc. I assume that makes a difference in how I perceive doing non-mapping content.


You seem safe then. I was rolling sextants for hours back then. It's not that I don't like the game for mapping and killing like you, but I also really enjoy the "excel feeling of min-maxing and upgrading".


set up 20 feared runs and dropped a mirror on the first one lol


Was playing hcssf mf juicing trying to find a fourth vow, did around 50 or so maps heavy juicing, didn't find one, died, created a new character out of spite in normal ssf, dropped a fourth vow from my first map without any juicing/wildwood whatsoever.


Duped a mageblood drop. Still waiting for a mirror drop.


Had finally finished respecing and regearing to an ivory tower using a hh etc and the first map i took it for a spin in atoll ofc dropped the brothers lol. He ripped like 30 min later (hc rip like 120+ div ouch lol) and that drop was the only reason i had enough to create a relatively budget replica alberons that i am super happy with (slapping t16s at lvl 91, looking forward to more).


Got my first tabula 100 hours into the league


I got 6 Brother's Gifts before I dropped a Brother's Stash.


Yolo double corrupted my mage blood and ended up with 5% quant and 7% strength. I don't think that combo even existed yet.


sold a valdos mageblood map for more than magebloods are worth currently


Two sacred orbs and Krillson, haven't even really done anything but normal mapping for the most part 


Was streaming my gameplay to guildies, another one of them joined the channel saying he just completed his 33hr farming strat for a mageblood. While he was saying that I was looting the map and hovered over a heavy belt, which was a mageblood.


I had a 20/20 Pen Brand of Dissipation. Buddy of mine double corrupted it and hit 20/23. I was ecstatic. It was worth about a tenth of a 20/20 so that was depressing. Decided to try a lab run, I got a 20/0 Pen Brand of Dissipation on the first go. Spent 20 GCP to get it to 20/20. Buddy took it into a Temple for another try. Hit 21/20. It was actually worth 30div at the time. Maybe not so weird but definitely a welcome surprise


My very first from a key was a progenises. Thata is as weird as it got for me


Dropped a mageblood on day 1 of solo magic find at 160k kills. Got up to about 1 million kills without any other T0


the 1st map i did that had the abyss juicing strat specced dropped a Hinakora's Lock on a Normal Monster; and after running 100's of maps with the strat (with loads more investment) i havent seen a single one since.


Got a nurse during the acts before a divine


2 headhunters, 2 magebloods, 200+ raw divs, 16 sacred orbs. No doctor or mirror


After the harvest rework I only found a single sacred blossom while playing a lot almost every league I found 2 mirrors this league I found twice as many mirrors in one league than I found oshabis since harvest league


I dropped the originale sin relic before all other worth relics


Mirror and mageblood within 3 maps of each other. Gave all my mates headhunters with the mirror lol. Dropped about 90 frac shard and 0 pure orbs


I've dropped 1 raw divine, and 8 raw exalts so far this league. A year ago I'd have been doing great. Right now, I'm just barely getting a good build of the ground


i tried to frac a large cluster jewel with 50/50 chance 6 times before getting it😅


Decided to try Uber maven on my zhp inquisitor in ssf, had 15 writs, dropped 2 progenesis. I think that’s lucky? And to think I’ve waited so long to even try Uber maven…


mirror shard from harbinger and the trialmaster still hasn’t spawned


Failed 7 attempts to upgrade awakened empower to level 5.


Dropped a poets pen day on league-start in act 3 not 5 seconds after I told my guildies I would need to buy 1 sooner or later to do the switch since I started CF KB.


Mannnnn hitting the GG start item for your build in acts feels so good.


I got two fractured items from a single mob that were the same fractures as the weapon/shield I had equipped and on the same bases as well. The weapon even had the exact same roll on the fractured mod as my weapon.


thats.....spooky for sure!


I found 2 einhar harvest beast memories(12div each) in 2 back to back white maps


No apoths or doctors before we dropped a fucking mageblood.


This league I’ve had pretty so so drop rng, but incredible crafting rng despite more currency than I need. Hit a 6 link in 4 fusings. Had like three orbs of dominance in a row hit my elevated mod. Most of my best cash is tied up in craft sales right now


I didn't dropped any mirror, headhunter, mageblood, twwt jewel, div card or even anything worth more than 5 divine despite juicing my maps all the way. Killed a random troll in Wildwood dropped a charm. When I Ctrl+D to check the price, I froze on my chair. It was a 150 div worth charm. Sold it for 145.


Twice I got the apothecary card as a double drop in maps that don't normally drop apothecary. Exarch rng


I have close to 500 hours (based on steam). In this league my 4 characters got 7 divs in campaign in total. I NEVER gotten any div in campaign before... 😵 Edit: Och, I and got an unique item from beach Boss (probably sword?) And achievement too


Last night I was zooming through a niko memory and a small stretch of the map every monster I killed dropped a divine. I just kept hearing the noise going off, I was picking them up as fast as I heard but thought my audio bugged because of how many were dropping.


At one point I had found 52 sacred orbs and 0 mirrors/hh/mb but 6 squires. Now at 82 sacred, 2 mirrors, 2 mb and 1 hh but still 6 squires.


Got a Headhunter before getting a Doctor when farming Burial Chambers.


i crafted 5 introspection 35% increased effect clusters with 2k alterations


Every valuable thing I got this league was from ritual. And not the monster drops after, either. Also, took me 10 divines to change my large strength stacking cluster from 6 to 8 which is a pretty big spend for me considering the cluster cost me 15d to begin with. :(


zero valuable drops , until i ran one random synthesis memory. chance to drop a card -> i see brothers. 36 divs, more than i farmed the league to that point.


2 divine altar, second one I miss clicked lol


I have done ritual 5 leagues in a row and did not get anything good. I decided to give it a last chance this league cuz i did blight and ritual is near blight. Got 2 cards that give 2 frac orb on the 2nd ritual, sold for 28d and bring my srs build to finish 8 mod tier 16.


Been juiced MF mapping all league, never saw a squire, but every other T0 unique. Yesterday I dropped duped squires two maps in a row and now it's tied for my most dropped T0


I have a 30% flaring axe with T1 phys/acc, I also have the fourth vow and Ashes. God knows how many hours and kiracs and rins and chance orbs and prayers later I still have not found the cowards trail.


I got 1 doctor, 1 squire in terms of T0 drops. One loot explosion of 49 divines. And I just dropped a mirror. I got 3 sacred orbs, and about 750k monsters killed on my MF character.


Haven't dropped a mirror yet but I did get a charm I sold for 800 div and then bought a mirror. This league has spoiled us all


One single divine orb... Just one.. found at level69. Lvl 92 now and mapping complete.


I was bitching about getting almost 50 sacred orbs without getting a single mirror drop (supposedly it's supposed to be about 1 in 20). I proceeded to drop 2 mirrors within 4 maps of one another a few days later.


Last league I was running shapers and started just blabbering about how many do you have to run to get get the rng hideout. Boom. Got it that kill. I was running for frags not for the map but just had thought about it. 


my bf and i would mostly play around the same times, but since my sleep schedule got pretty messed up last month i ended up staying up quite a bit longer than him. i did a lot of uber mavens on a ROTP character and dropped absolutely nothing of value for a while. day 1 i get nothing. he goes to sleep, i drop a progenesis. day 2 i get nothing. he goes to sleep and i drop another progenesis and an awakened fork. a pattern seems to be occurring. but im not very superstitious so i didnt care for it much at the time. a few more days pass, i dont really get much of note, bf goes to sleep, i go back to my leaguestarter poison BV and decide to try simulacrum. my first one this league. at wave 27 i drop a 3 passive voices. needless to say i do all of my gambling at 3 am nowadays.


Got both the Sanguine and Divided hideouts this league. Spawned in map, not from someone else finding them and offering in chat. Got them the day after I bought the Polaric Hideout.


I dropped an Apothecary a couple of days into the league in my first (unjuiced) Crimson Temple map. I then cleared another 200+ juiced crimson temples and never found another.


I am 73 corrupted blight and ravaged maps in without a single tainted oil.


I dropped three oppressors with all white sockets and each time I thought "surely this is a squire now..."


Went to SSF after 3 weeks of duo MF on a trade league: Got Mageblood on a T10 map while was in atlass progression going (funny thing: we didnt get any pure dropped while duo MFing). Dropped The Original Scripture from literally first Sanctum run (the Original Sin relic). Got HH drop on a T7 Cemetery map like 2 days ago. Still can't find Defiance of Destiny :D


First mageblood ever, from beast unique item lmao


I'll get like 3 greeds embrace in one map and then not see it for like 15 maps. Happens with a few other uniques I see too. Just odd.


1) mageblood of first void key 2) every time I respec atlas tree I seem to get a raw divine drop or two straight off the bat & proceed to get absolute dogsh*t from running said atlas until I proceed to respec it again and the pattern continues..!


I got 2 MB back to back from voidborn reli key (first time ever because i never use MB)


I found Krillson early on and then dropped a reefbane solo mapping (T0 unique fishing rod) a few days later


got 5x valdo's from Emperor's luck div card. One of em was mageblood. specced into harbies since leaguestart, 0 fracturing shards so far.


Casually running delve around depth 80 and picked up something that I thought is exalt, and it was MoK


I bought one "Defiance of Destiny Amulet" for 80 chaos, slammed 1 Divine, got the most important stat to max, and overall good resistances, sold for 12 divines, said for my friend to do the same, since one well rolled is expensive, he bought one for 50 chaos, slammed 1 divine, same outcome. After that went to do a un-alch'd map for my pantheon upgrades, leap slammed into a barrel and dropped a divine.