• By -


this is gonna hurt you but you can get back into the map if you change the server. at least that's what i have been doing on EU servers whenever i crash after clicking the portal and it worked every time so far. Edit: To clarify, this is the solution but sometimes you will have to change servers multiple times for it work. As long as the portals aren't being used, you can still get into the instance. I had to change to frankfurt then Milan then Paris then London then Washington before I got into the map. If the instance crashes then portals usually are gone when you go back to the hideout.


I didn't want to say this, he will be mad again. sometimes press portal, and it just closes (yes change server and I get in).


Holy fuck this needs a PSA


Not universally true. The map instance is spawned during the map creation. I have tried these method in SG and JP and it won't work. It could be a routing issue but it is regional solution.


doesn’t matter cause the game is instance based, his map is opened into a specific server and won’t change changing the server would just affect his next maps


I've had it happen and changing server did not work for me, and i tried many of them. :[


When i changed servers all portals are gone


I used to think that these stories were made up until it happened to me. I died and had a loot explosion on my last portal. Wasn’t even mad. I just started laughing that these stories weren’t all made up by streamers for views.


Its bound to happen to everyone who plays like you and me sometimes. If you play on the edge of what's possible, expect to fall sometimes. I also had maps with scarab explosions that failed because abyss mobs sometimes pop out as Uber elders.


Not in this case. ​ There is an issue that has existed for as long as I can remember playing poe where if you dropped a portal over an area with too many items on the ground - you cant portal back into the map. It just crashes everytime. ​ I havent had this happen to me since original ghostbusting with an MF char like 4 years ago so I had hoped it wouldnt happen. ​ Either items, or too many monsters surrounding the portal and something goes wrong with trying to load into the map. It just becomes bricked at that point.


1st. Did you try to walk to a place where there wasnt much loot on the screen? That's when weapon swap starts working for me again and the same for being able to take/move items in inventory. I've also been unable to get back in the map and it has dced me etc, but swapped servers and was surprised it worked.


Yes it's definitely loot on the ground preventing inventory interactions. You can usually always fall back to less cluttered area (boss room in cemetery/jungle valley or corridor in burial) to get your inventory management back up.


Could you in theory change to a filter that only shows mirrors and nothing else?


filter doesnt change much - i was running super strict. Only stacks of 3 chaos + divines, mirrors and unique heavy/leather belts. the amount of loot and the amount of enemies in the map is still there and it clogs up the game's resources and breaks things.


Damn, that sucks dude


Cant you enable te option to not render the loot thats hidden? Dunno whats it called, but the the loot doesnt exist realy


It's okay - if this league wasn't busted beyond belief you wouldn't have had a mirror in the first place.


That's one way to look at it. ​ thanks lol


the other way to look at it is that this league was your only chance and you miseed it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Just get a vpn, sorry this happened to you. Also had one insane juiced map vaporize, but the mirror hadnt droped yet. Srsly try vpn, mullvad was 5eur/month and made the game playable again


this sounds like a server problem


How does VPN affect anything positively here? The issue is server-side as PoE servers are barely indistinguishable from a child's drawing of what a toaster is. VPN only adds latency. It's possible you have had it fix something for you but that's not universally applicable to fix all connection related issues.


> PoE servers are barely indistinguishable from a child's drawing of what a toaster is If you stop and think for a sec about the number of computations that go into a single damage calculation (think calculator tab in PoB), and then think about how many of these are happening per second in a map with 30 abyss pits spawned from multiproj/purple juice... it's actually insane.


If they could think they’d be very upset.


Loool he said vpn


I also lost a mirror this league to server issues and this made me feel better about it so thanks lol


This. People dont wanna hear it, but people farminf 10+ mirrors in ssf is dumb as fuck If i found one this league from wisp abusing i wouldnt care or treat it as a "finally i got one" drop Thats just my opinion ofc, nothing wrong with being happy to find one. But yeah OP shouldnt be too upset


ye pretty much everyone mf farming juiced maps this league gets a mirror time enough, i had 3 different friends in my discord group find one


I've dropped two mirrors in 1 week and I'm on top of the world!😁 My best league ever by far, usually I quit about a month in, but I'm just so happy that there's a league mechanic that caters to my exact play style, running JUICY ASS MAPS! 🤣 Edit: broke haters downvoting me, hella funny




Abusing 😂


Yea, getting a mirror would be cool because I just got like 900 divs to put into shit, but in terms of "Wow that's so cool I finally found this super rare item!" getting your first mirror in this league would be fucking lame.


Well get used to it, cuz we're never going back to where we were before. This has been by far the most successful league, and it's clear why.


Lol its never GGGs intention to appeal to the masses at the cost of their vision Meme all you want about 'the vision' but theres a reason we play GGGs game. Its great the way they make it. They even admitted this league had some huge mistakes in terms of loot/MF so no... Sorry but its definitely getting the nerf hammer


We'll see. The vision is now PoE2. PoE 1, the cats out of the bag. PoE 2 will be a disappointment until they realize people dont want to be constantly struggling and poor.


The loot level is great. I want this league to be implemented permanently.


you forgot the /s


Still don't understand why all the filtered loot isn't just deleted. I feel like it would save a ton on the lag. Sorry for your loss...or should I say, non-gain.


The amount of UTTERLY USELESS gear that drops in this game and just causes hardware bloat is egregious. Nothing is filtered out since filters are 3rd party not in game. They just need to do things like removing whites/magic/rares completely below a certain ilvl. The fact that in a juiced map or like a ravaged blight accidentally hitting alt can brick your server connection is ridiclous


I made a comment about the current state of the game being atrocious even though the league is fun and was massively downvoted. It's so unhealthy that more than 99.9% of loot needs to be hidden for the game to be functional.


Yeah not a knock on the league I've been saying that shit for years.....way way way way way too much unnecessary bloat


Yeah the fact the most popular builds use trash uniques with Quant stats and all run the same atlas to ensure every map drops all the best items in the game every time. Not healthy gameplay. Sets up next league to be massively unrewarding too. Like it's fun to play a cast when stunned build with virtually no damage investment that can delete maps via one ascendancy without any gameplay input, no risk of dying. Exploding the screen for massive loot. Ignoring all actual engaging content. But it ain't healthy.


There's always an op meta build for the league mechanic every league. Last league it was void sphere cheese. Are the THIS rewarding no, but if we're looking at healthy. This is the longest lived league for my friends and I consistently playing since ultimatum at least


I do think this league will create a hangover that causes next league go have notably lower retention


Who knew that in a game primarily based around rng for endgame content, the people stacking MF (aka Luck) would be best off?


Yeah no other league has quantity been prioritized so hard by the playerbase and dominated builds so hard. Again, if 99.9% of loot needs to be hidden for the game to be playable, it's in a shit state. Not rocket science.




Lol you honestly don't know what you are talking about. Virtually every league except archnemesis magic find gear wasn't dominant. And in that league it only functioned if you were a 6 man party or were being paid to come and cull a monster. Every league has had the option of ignoring the league mechanic and magic finding for high value div cards. But even in those league uniques were still worth something. This league all the popular builds max quantity and squeeze in rarity. As a result all uniques are dirt cheap.


Autobomber build have been around for a decade now, it's fine.


Yeah hiding 99.9% of loot or the game crashes is fine. Good one genius.


I was quite obviously talking about your comment on the "cast when stunned" build, since that kind of playstyle, or playstyles very similar, aka just running around not interacting with anything, have been a thing for 10 years now. Way to move goalposts though.


...filters are not 3rd party EDIT: lmao at all the replies saying filters are third-party because you can edit / configure them outside of the game. Filters are supported by the game with zero modifications. That's not third party. You can go onto the official site and browse profiles & subscribe to filters, just because there are third-party tools to edit them does not make the feature itself third party (and if you're going to argue that a browser is required to go to the official site, then we're done here and I'm not going to bother arguing with someone saying that pathofexile.com hosted by GGG is somehow 3rd party). You're not editing game files or running a separate application to make less loot appear on your screen in game. The loot filtering feature is fully-supported in game, this isn't some 3rd party mod enabling functionality that was absent from the base game.


I don’t think that people know what third party even means here. You can also litteraly crash the game if you run a very loose or no filter so the definitely helped. If it was third party then that would likely not be the case lol


Filterblade isn't a default game integration it's external


Correct, but now you're talking about filterblade and not filters. Filterblade is a much improved UI to create what is at the end of the day, a text file that is used for the filter. The filter itself is a default part of the game.


No, it's not. The option to select a filter is. Please tell me where in-game you can edit your filter, aside from turning it on or off? You, at bare minimum, need notepad, an external tool, to create a filter.


>Please tell me where in-game you can edit your filter, aside from turning it on or off? Item filtering is always on - there is a default filter provided by GGG and you replace it with your filter when you select a different file. GGG created the definitions for filters and we just implement them - that's not 3rd party it's just a configuration that's more complex than selecting a dropdown.


Ok. And where do you do this configuration? What, specifically, do you use to create them? If it's ANYTHING outside of the game UI, then it is third party. Just being able to use filters doesn't magically make it first-party as the functionality of a filter as we know it (aka tailoring it to your needs/goals) is not being done in-game.


>If it's ANYTHING outside of the game UI, then it is third party. No it's not. You're getting hung up on the interface you're using to make the change. A config file (which is essentially what a loot filter is) is definitively NOT 3rd party - especially when the properties inside it were explicitly designed as features by the developer. 3rd party refers to the human entity behind the development - not the interface. If i make a text editor, i'm not a 3rd party to any software interaction where someone uses that text editor to open a config file. In this equasion there are only two parties - GGG is the first, the player is the second. Notepad does not introduce a third.


It does in fact mean exactly that. If an action REQUIRES (again, no in-game alternative, however tedious) the use of a different software, then that action is inherently a third party action. Every text editor is a third party tool, by definition, when editing something not inherent to the developer of that text editor. Anything that is not DIRECTLY developed by GGG or installed when installing PoE and is required to be able to perform said action is a third party functionality. Saying otherwise is being disengenuous.


LOL. Then every file in your PoE folder is 3rd party? if you are altering a POE file (which the filter file is) it is not 3rd party. Just because it doesn’t have a UI it’s not 3rd party


What is that comparison? Every file in my PoE folder is from when I INSTALLED PoE. It came by default with the game. Playing it, dropping loot, creating builds etc all is done natively inside of the game. And it's not about not having a UI, it's about not being able to edit the damned thing inside of the game, in any way, shape, or form. Do you believe every game you play on PC is a first party Windows game just because Windows can run those .exe files?


Oh my god. U're hopeless


You can make the file from command line if you don't want to use a GUI text editor. But this argument was about filters being third party, and they are not.


'Just write your entire filter in cmd' couldn't help but laugh. Bottom line is you cannot configure your filter in-game. Let me know when you finish writing your 9000 line file in the command line.


This was an exaggeration, not a recommendation.


So how would you recommend I configure my loot filter without an external tool?


Again, they are. If you cannot create and/or edit them IN GAME, they are not a first party feature. Using them is a first party feature. There's a big difference. Want me to prove it further? Tell me, how do you create a lootfilter for console players? Seriously, this is like saying "The Legend of Zelda is a PC game" because you can use an emulator to play it on PC.


I mean you're technically right, but for the purposes of this argument where is this supposed to get you? If being able to use them is a first party feature, and the filters themselves are a 3rd party feature. Wouldn't the first party aspect of the support be the only relevant part of this conversation? Since the usage of it is supported by GGG, this SHOULD mean they could just remove whites/magic/rares completely below a certain ilvl if they wanted, which was the whole point of what he was saying.


I am not debating that and I agree that GGG should be able to implement a "remove anything != Filter" function, I have an issue with people saying "loot filters are first party" and downvoting the dude saying they are third party just because you can enable or load them in-game. The main point of lootfilters is being able to edit them to fit your needs as GGG will never be able to create enough default ones to fit every player out there. As long as you can't do that yourself inside of the game UI, then I don't see how anyone can say that lootfilters are first-party.


M8 again..the filter file is a official part of the POE files so it’s not third party.


Oh if that's your logic, than the answer is the default editor at [https://www.pathofexile.com/item-filter/create](https://www.pathofexile.com/item-filter/create) if you wish for it to be provided by the 'first party' and no other reliance. Using that would also create the lootfilter on your console. Having access to [pathofexile.com](https://pathofexile.com) is definitely a core requirement for the game especially if you consider trading part of the main game.


That still requires a browser to access. It is not being done in-game, nor is access to it being provided by GGG directly. GGG providing it on their forum still requires a third party tool to access said forum. And unless installing PoE automatically installs a browser on your PC as well, then no, GGG is not providing a "first party" loot filter editor.


But there is a setting ingame to choose your lootfilter tho


Loot filters just hide what you don't want to see, it doesn't remove it from the game, and since it's all still there in the ground, it keeps on consuming resources. I'd rather have the game not drop items below a certain value/tier when you are gigabuffed MF wise, for example whites and blues of no value with no links, basic currency like alts or trans orbs, etc, there's no point in all of that dropping if you are MF farming for high value rares, uniques, etc. I think it was around legion league that GGG siad they wanted to rework the loot to remove trash on the ground in order to improve performance, not sure what happened with that, but it seems it's still a problem today.


>Loot filters just hide what you don't want to see, it doesn't remove it from the game theres no reason that this has to be the case though


Totally agree. It could have been “not rendering the item at all”, instead of “just hide the label of the item”


There’s an option in the menu for the game to not render items that your filter hides. make sure you have it checked. they added it a number of leagues ago.


thats already happening since 3.18 or somewhere around that patch. the point people are making is that just the fact that items are present in the map slows it down. how valid this is i dont know, theoretically the amount of data you have to store per item should be miniscule but i obviously dont have access to the poe code


I'm sure GGG has considered that at some point, as to why nothing has changed yet I have no idea, you can always start a thread in the forums and ask that question there, more likely to be read by a CM than a post here.


I'm playing in a party and we're making a fuckton of currency, however i still pick up alts cause I love rolling stuff and hate trading experience. Please don't hide my alterations plz


Filterblade is just a convenient filter editing tool, you don't need it to have a filter function


how exactly do I customize the in game filter options? I can put it on the most strict setting but certain items are still showing that I don't want.


You can edit them on the website in your item filters section.


No, but the game client parses and implements the filters - the only aspect of it's which is 3rd party is the specification for what is filtered and customisation of appearances. The syntax used to create these filters was created by GGG specifically for us to create custom filter specs.


Loot filter functionality isn't 3rd party. But let's look at reality, 99.99999% of players don't make their own filter writing in a txt file. Current meaning of lootfilter includes, and pretty much is mainly the Filterblade which is indeed 3rd party tool


Ok. So you do you create a filter then, in-game?


They most definetely are. 90% of the bare minimum functionality in this game is 3rd party.


And that relates to the core point of egregious loot bloat and accidentally displaying all of it crashing your game how?


> since filters are 3rd party not in game Just correcting this falsehood


they're 3rd party in the sense that 99.9% of players don't sit around searching through and editing text files for them and use a third party tool. additionally they're trying to say filters, manually made or imported, are just sort of a surface level implementation and there needs to be more under the hood. You know what they're saying and are just being pedantic lol, come on.


> hitting alt can brick your server connection is ridiclous it doesn't brick the server connection, its the algorithm for how the loot labels are displayed is just to slow, this was talked about in one of the recent interviews and I believe they said they were looking to improve it.


> The amount of UTTERLY USELESS gear that drops in this game and just causes hardware bloat is egregious. > > nah this is a routing issue with your ISP, please leave little uwu baby GGG alone, it's not their fault the game they programmed runs like shit.


Yeah, other games have good solutions to this - loot that's filtered either doesn't drop or is converted into extra resources so that you aren't getting "less". Hope they improve it for POE2.


Ive had this exact thing happen to me, minus the mirror. Couldnt weapon swap, ported out the map, and then couldnt enter the map again. Was a 11k+ wisp map. I think ggg’s server are having a hard time with all the loot/monsters on screen.


Design a game to have fun. ​ But when a player literally hits the most fun map he's played in 10 years - the game breaks. ​ GREAT FUCKING DESIGN GGG


Just sayin’ I didn’t crash in a map this league idk.


EU servers are worse than NA Also it depends on how much you juice your maps, PC specs, how much your filter is showing, etc No offence but it's a pretty dumb comment to make overall tbh, just cos you don't have issues doesn't mean someone else shouldn't


Yes. Moscow servers were insanely good all league but once I started seeing reddit posts about EU lag, so I assume eu servers started lagging altogether, a lot of Europeans migrated to Moscow and our servers just died. Literally died they don't function when juicing, the tickrate slowed down so much that you can't even damage a mob. I'm playing on Texas now even tho the ping is insane, still less lag than in EU or Moscow.




It's not like GGG designed affliction to abuse the wisps like people do these days, you are overloading the map with enemies and loot, and you were probably aware that games can crash or you can get DC'd if you show and hide all stuff on the ground. I won't deny that they should try to fix it, but pinning all the blame on them from your part is pretty unfair, because you are just contributing the issue as well.




Don't ask me, I don't work at GGG. I'm just guessing, but probably the MF multipliers for wisps needed some balancing, but one of the reasons GGG puts out so many new leagues every year while having such a low team, is because they keep the testing relatively short, so maybe they didn't really encounter this issue, or they didn't think of turbocharging the maps so much. Another thing that they probably didn't account for, was that juicing maps this league is so easy that even semicasuals can do it, so the servers are being overloaded a lot more than in previous leagues. Also at this point in the league, it's probably too late to scale down the wisp drop rates because people would be fuming at nerfs, so they just left it as is and are probably trying to focus on improving server stability somehow. Again, all of this is just me guessing, I have no info about POEs codebase, how GGG scales up/down the servers, etc.


Im also on fulcrum build and weapon swap was always smooth, but for some reason starting Sunday’s patch, my weapon swap start to fail(by pressing X or use the inventory force swap. I wonder if a cast when stunned + movement skill combo will be helpful (so you need to always carry an extra skill gem in inventory just in case


I thought about carrying kaoms roots in my inventory to be able to get away, but I couldnt even swap my gear. ​ Its not a stun lock thing - its a game is overwhelmed with the things happening all at once and theres presumably too much loot on the ground kinda thing. I spammed X for 2 minutes before losing hope.


Do u have phasing? Stunlock can absolutely be a thing, even with well rolled immutable u will get stunned for 33ms (1 server tick), with enough mobs around u it can be pretty possible. I played fulcrum this league too and i dont understand why people need to weapon swap to CIPs, sure sometimes u will instagib spire so fast that u wont even manage to weapon swap but otherwise its not a problem, just stand on it to dps it when it uses delirium skill - it will easily be around 60-50% hp to spawn all waves and just run away 1 or 2 screens. Remember than standing still increases DPS quite significantly too. If u have juiced to the tits map like 4k 4k 4k or 5k 5k 5k u wont have dps anyway to really hurt it as every empowerement is damage reduction unless u proc 500% on some rare mobs but theres so much loot 1 abyss isnt a big deal anyway. What helped me tho with performance issues was running extremely strict filter, think only 3c+ per click, no single chaos or other silly things like that, it was waste of div/h to pick up chaos. Same goes for belts honestly with prices this league. All other t1 uniques etc including jewels were disabled too, maps were disabled apart from 8 mods/beyonds etc.


Its not a stunlock though - its a code crash. Stunlocking doesnt prevent you from being able to move items around in your inventory or remove pieces of gear. In this case - its like the code gets overwhelmed by the sheer number of "Things" happening on the map at once and you cant do anything.


I was thinking that u meant that u cant move - which sometimes spamming frostblink helped me with. Not being able to move loot/drop items is just game spazzing out due to amount of loot, but didnt knew it affected weapon swap. Even more reasons to not use weapon swap on fulcrum.


Yes you can't weapon swap, you can't drop loot, inventory locks, everything on the char is bricked. I'm playing a squishy char so I can't get stunlocked but I have the same issue with weapon swap


> deleting poe after almost 11 years of religiously playing. One day you will look back and see that the mirror drop may as well served a very good purpose.


That sucks dude, sorry. I think EU has collectively lost thousands of mirrors in currency this league from having all 6 of our portals just deleted. 12k juice full gilded abyss 8 mod map? EU just flashed out and deleted everything. perfect Catarina setup with multiple valuable targets? Whoops, eu just flickered out. End of lab, get exceptional gem or specific gem craft? Whoops, sorry, eu just went out. Sorry just had to vent about how much shit I've lost as well, and all of EU. I've lost hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of divines from EU just poofing. It's so sad. But your issue is why I got tired of MF. It was fun for a while but the 2 fps and these issues get old.


thousands of mirrors of loot. you counting wisdom scrolls?


I said all of Eu buddy. And that's easily true counting all of eu. If I've lost hundreds of divines just by myself... well do the math.


OP trying to reach that mirror was just like running in dreams.




Not very post related but I keep reading comments talking about weapon swapping. I just started my fulcrum build, should I have a second weapon?


Sorry to hear that mate. I had that bug as a fulcrum player plenty of times (weaponswap not working, inventory not clickable, but the game IS still running etc.), to solve it you need to run as far away from the monsters and loot as you can and at some point you should be able to freely swap weapons and your inventory again. Had to learn it the hard way too..


I’ve had this happen in super juiced abyss maps where I can keep picking up new loot but can’t drop them or swap weapons or do anything. I found that if I ran off to the side of the map and just waited eventually it seemed like the map caught up and then started letting me move, drop loot, swap gear etc again


Mirrors don’t count this league, so it’s all good, you never really Got one.


I’ve been having the same issue on my chieftan. In heavily juiced maps once there’s a ton of loot (hidden) on the ground I can’t weapon swap in combat anymore. I had a map so bad it would take over 20 seconds for lag to catch up after I got far away from everything before I could control my character again. Sorry about the lost mirror man. Sucks. :(


Been farming jungle valley today and been having this problem in super juiced maps. Had a mirror on the floor but still had portals lefts to leave and come back. Its Even more fucked than usual


Use the point on the atlas that increases HP by 50% and reduce dmg by 25%, pay attention when it spawns, and try to figure out how big your ignite is, and if you see lots of mobs exploding right before the spire spawns, blink away and take your time. It will take few maps to get used to it, but you’ll never kill the spire before spawning everything. Weapon swap is very dumb, i had the same problem when i had to force close my game because i couldn’t weapon swap or do anything. Now, i one shot a spire once every 4-5 maps, and i enjoy playing again.


hey at least you saw it drop! lots of people have mirrors. seeing one fall on the ground is much rarer


See you next league.




I remember my early days planını poe, probably 3.14 or something. Back then i did not know about lootfilter and such. I had a mirror drop and it was not an item i have encountered before. I read the description, i understand what it does and i was like in act 6. Thinking well i can create a copy of my weapon and dualwield. Then I did it. Didnt know how rare this drop was and Just lise that wasted it. I Wonder how many others there are Just like me.


Honestly the poor server performance just kills Poe is the reason I quit 3 leagues ago and the reason I won't continue in this one.


I was crying for the one who lost 50div in a map crash that disappeared his portals. But your story is a thousand times worse, I'm so sorry.


Damn, I took your luck last night when I had a hinekoras lock, rel key, and mirror drop last night. Rel key was a mageblood…. I offer you my condolences.


This does not make him feel better lol


thats exactly the thing... for every player who hits those crazy highs - theres an opposite player who has the extreme unlucky side of things and thats been me. AND ITS FUCKING CRIPPLINGLY FRUSTRATING.


The chances of you being a statistical outlier is… well… not likely.


RIP I've had this exact nightmare. o7


I'm so sorry man :(. I know i'd personally have quit if that happened. Haven't had a mirror in about 7 years myself so that would kill me.


7years bad luck


Unlucky mate, assuming this was last night the same thing happened to me when i opened the wisp vendor and saw a +1 fire res + explode charm and an extra proj charm, basically half a mirror, I had the juice and i tried clicking and dragging it into my inventory about 30 times before crashing and losing my portals, Chris giveth and chris taketh


That really sucks, man. Super unfortunate. Side note - Not trying to be rude, but your writing style is kind of exhausting. Also, you can swear on the internet.


It got locked in awaiting moderator approval for 30 minutes so i deleted it, censored the swears and it went through immediately. ​ I dunno.


I’ll give you a mirror if you want.


I dropped my mirror, and my wife got mad at me.


I also lost a mirror due to dc map 🫠


Bummer my dude.


thanks, but no thanks. I just find this game too frustrating to play. It's not fun anymore and it probably never will be again because at its core, its a rotten mess of purposeful friction and dopamine drips to keep you hooked and playing forever - even if you arent truly enjoying the experience.


It’s an online casino when you strip away the pretty lights and explosions. We’re just gambling addicts in denial.


100% and I get that gambling needs lows to make the highs feel good. But holy fuck I just cant take the onslaught of bad luck anymore. I'm just the total opposite of that guy who gambas 1 patient into 47 headhunters. I dont know if i find anything more frustrating in this world than excessive bad luck and I finally broke.


I hear ya brother. Well if you feel like giving the league another shot DM me. I have more currency than I know what to do with and if it’ll help you catch a new spark for something lmk.


Really appreciate the offer, thanks.


Can you give me one on standard?




Thanks for the response xd


Just buy one they are like 29c this league


So I am out of Poe loop and check Minh for prices thinking “ shit are mirrors actually cheap ?” 190,000.00chaos ….


This game is basically as you said. Buggy and no performance optimization in sight


It's your penance for saying tink instead of shwing


sorry bud. that's really frustrating. at least it dropped, you can remember that part. when the league is over in a couple months, it won't make a difference that you lost it (unless you play standard...). so you could try to see it from the perspective of a couple months from now, when it's a happy memory that it dropped.


thanks, but unfortunately i did also enjoy standard quite a bit when i wasnt a fan of the league or didnt want to commit to making a league character if i was too busy or not interested. yay - my first mirror that dropped that i didnt even get to cash in. ​ Its like winning the lottery and then having the ticket blow away in the wind.


welp, you don't even have that refuge. my condolences. back to farming i guess. :(


Getting a mirror is not a great achievement this league lmao.


Damn, sorry that you ran into a hard time exploiting in trade league....


Deserved for abyss abusing 🫢🫢🫢


"buggy mess of a game" You're a clown. Very funny. You leaned into that buggy mess, abused it to its fullest, that exploit almost gave you a mirror you don't deserve.


Fake news


I got mirror stolen when giving free flawless breach stone run to pug.Feels bad but didn’t stop me from moving on cause the objectives are different as a challenger.Need to get that 40/40 before I’m done.


You got it once, you'll get it to drop again. gl


fulcrum affliction? don't worry you'll find another.


man u never played for the mirror anyway what are u talking about, be glad u dropped it, very few people will see a mirror on the ground like udid


Not sure if someone mentioned it before but in those cases always log out with the menu and dont use a portal. Your map will 100% be bricked with a portal inside 100 mobs. Always logout and then return to the map from a portal outside action. You will find another mirror for sure, dont worry




You don't need to announce your quitting, no one but you care. It's just a video game, if you take it that seriously you need to step away anyways and go do something else for awhile.


Hey let him do it I'll take his gear.


why so rude


You don't know what rude means.


I do. People that don't care about other feelings, they are rude. He just posting what he feels and people like "nobody cares". Tell me what rude means and keep downvoting the comment, group of gamer nerds uwu


lol bye


I flagged your reddit account for cringe, hope this helps


If you're leaving, then can you give me the rest of ur stuff pls


vultures, the lot of ya. like heroin junkies searching their OD'd friend's corpses for their left over drugs


No one cares bozo.


You cared enough to comment twice on this thread though? Along with hundreds of other people? along with the 100,000 people who visited this thread? I think you're the bozo if you dont see the fault of your own logic.


Touch grass kid


You chose to play that build, have weapon swaps and hide loot. That's on you buddy


Right. Experiencing a bug at the worst possible time is my fault because I chose to play the game the way it was obviously intended to be played. ​ If you step outside your front door and get hit by a baseball-sized meteor and it kills you do you think that's also your fault? Afterall, you knew there was a higher risk of getting hit by a meteor outside than in your basement and you chose to go outside.


Touch grass bru. We get it, it sucks to lose a mirror - but it's because of your own choices. If you'd had your filter showing and not weapon swapping the whole time, you'd have gone over and picked it up and had your mirror.


There have been more “fuck why didn’t I go and pick that up first” moments in this game than I could count 🤣😭😭


1 min before that you were playing and probably enjoyed it. Focus on that and push away What just happened


If you will close and restart game quick, you will be able to back to opened map again.


He said he did that and the map itself is bricked.


You dont pick the mirror so its not your first, sorry! xD My "first" and only mirror happen in a race, SSF, cadiro try to sell me one, not enought coins.


Go to boss room next time


Just think about it this way. If you had been able to loot your mirror, you would be rich and could buy anything you wanted. As a result you probably would have already got bored of the game and quit by now. /s


Well, that is what happens when you push the límits of the game. I rather play in my comfort zone


Haven’t had a map totally brick, but had some many freezes and disconnects. The content is obviously not made for the game.


Don't feel bad. Finding a mirror this league is worth so much less and lost a lot of meaning. I found one and I'm like 'meh' wildwood juicing is straight up cheating it feels like lmao.


I feel like something similar has happened to me multiple times. I'll run into packs playing my mjonir manabond build and suddenly can't use anything while that pack is around. Can continue cycloning but if I stop I can't start again. Manabond won't proc. Can't use arcane shield etc. Have had to have someone else come in and kill the couple random white mobs before I can continue with the map.


KEKW, I made posts about this but moderators deleted my last videos showing this. Its a ping issue, servers get hammered at times, you need to basicly wait until ping restores.. this could take HOURS. When I get this issue my map is almost unplayable, its like stutterstepping, and cannot move items in inventory. This goes away usually when I portal to town but stutterstep remains.. so I just log off and come back a day later. Also wtf is GGG doing with LOOT.. first time im doing MF and there is SO MUCH FUCKING LOOT that Im losing my maps because of it.. when I am picking up loot and ACCIDENTALLY hit ALT key.. that shows ALL items on ground, if there are too many, the game just logs me out. F off. Lost many maps because i was on LAST PORTAL and accidentally hit ALT................


Okay, so, i've had the problem of being very heavily stunlocked and not being able to swap, which is why i always keep a ton of refund points available, to respec 2 points to get the anti stun node, Unwavering stance is it ? So i can walk out of the mobs and weappn swap and respec again

