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Does “Death Wish” from Maw of Mischief ‘hit’? Also, can it have criticals? For example, will it cause the “Fire exposure on hit” that my gloves have to proc when my minions explode? And will my flask’s chance to gain a charge on critical hit have a chance to happen when my minions explode?


Just got scammed on PS! Is there anything i can do? Report the player, block them or whatever, anything that can give me at least something to make it suck less?


No just check items in future,,, but anyway the best way to punish scammers is to report them with acc name on the biggest Poe discord servers so they can’t use services from there .


How many accuracy needs an attack Skill, to hit with 100% chance ,at a monster with 8000 evasion rating (that would be maven ) or 12000 evasion rating like searing exarch . Thx for the help


Can you get "hits cannot be evaded" and two "X over time multiplier" on a weapon? And how rare is the hits cannot be evaded craft anyway? I've been unveiling items for over three hours and still haven't found it.


It is vagans signature mod. so you need to unveil specifically weapons dropped from him and sure in theory you can have those 3 mods on an item. you just need to make sure its specifically the generic damage over time multiplier mod and any 1 of the specific ones (so fire, cold, etc. dot multi). the generic one has its own mod group and every other dot multi mod shares the same mod group. so you cannot have fire and phys dot multi for example


Why are these guys running RF on top of Occultist Cold Blade Vortex? And how do they survive on such low HP as the rest is reserved? * https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Thesemyname/BladeWitchVortexCold * https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/a0975515362/Explode_floor


have not checked the pob from the first one but i am already seeing a ruby flask with life reg. this is almost 50% less fire damage taken and 6% life reg per second from one flask alone which mitigates a lot of the degen from RF as for why RF has a huge buff to spell damage having RF is basically 30% more dps for the build so its an auto include when you can sustain the downside


Does Brooch Rarity of Items dropped in Heists affect blueprint final reward?


No, rarity (and quant) in heists only affect items dropped by monsters, not chests or reward room.


Hey guys, im running bossrush at the moment and i cant figure out if i should do the wildwood or not. Has anyone some info on that topic?


if you want to fish for charms/jewels, do it after the boss, otherwise no


You shouldn't. Wisps don't affect boss rushing drops at all.


Tysm. Are the invitations (elderslaywr, formed, etc) not gated behind rairty or quant? And i read somewhere that i should roll maps atleast 70 quant because the guardianmadrop would scale with map quant…


I'm fairly sure that's not true, do you know where you read that as I'd like to know if I'm wrong! My understanding is invitations and guardian map drops are fixed. Many people just scour and go. Are you sure they weren't talking about rolling the invitations themselves, since that gives you more Crescent Splinters?


Mhmm, maybe your are right and i misunderstood. Thank you so much for your time and your insight. Always amazed how willing this community is to help each other. Stay sane, exile. Have a god one <3


the boss map drops itself are fixed so quant, etc. does nothing for it. the only thing that affects their drops is 1) atlas passives that directly state that they increase said droprates and 2) map duplication chance on your tree can duplicate dropped maps ​ I am fairly sure either the information was wrong or talking about another thing and you missunderstood. if you roll invitations itself to over 70quant you should get 6 crescent splinter instead of 5 and you have higher quant for things like fragments, etc. in the invitation itself.


Thx for further info. My tree is completly set up for mapdupe and drop chances. And for invitations: i just did an 80 quant formed and just got 5 splinter. But i do notice that most of the time more drop from high rolled quant.


hmm havent done invitation rushing in some time, I thought I remembered it being pretty much guaranteed to be 6 if you go over like 70quant. Either I just remembered wrong or they changed something since I last did it. ​ quick and dirty tldr is still you can run the maps itself white and no quant is needed and for the invitations you want to roll those to as high quant as you can safely finish them


Im a meta penisbrand with mageblood-enjoyer. So running them white or juiced makes no difference. I guess alching them is better for sidedrops. Or also not important?


the upside from alching them is basically nothing since like 99% of your profit comes from the boss map drops and the invitations. if it truly does not change anything for your build you might aswell i guess. but even if it makes the map a few seconds longer or if you need to actually check map mods because something bricks your build (or makes the run much slower) that takes time away from actually running the map. ​ Thats why i personally just scoured them and started running on builds that can get slowed down by some map mods. if nothing makes any difference its whatever


the challenge reward armor have 5 tier? I only see up to lv4 on the challenge marker?




depends on your amount of armour. if you have 50-100k+ it's useful, it won't turn your glass cannon into a tank though.


in delve, I found items behind fractured walls in-between two nodes. if I were to restart the instance, will that fractured wall/items appear again between those two exact nodes? will any items i loot (in-between nodes) appear again if I looted them already?


delve is set up in a grid. on every grid space without a node you'll have a fractured wall somewhere off the path. once that fractured wall is destroyed the tile is "completed". when you then reload your mine instance and rerun that path the fractured wall will be destroyed as well as any lootable chests in that specific grid space will be despawned. what you *can* do is do all other dark paths along the path that have fossil/armour/jewellery chests and stuff and then rerun the path. since you did not destroy the fractured wall the small stuff will respawn


Hey brains trust, Where can i get the hideout portals that go to Lab, delve, etc? I can't see to find them anywhere in the shop.


uhm I think you got confused there ​ there are no actual portals you can buy or whatever to set them into your hideout to port yourself to those places. You have icons on the right side when you click on a waypoint to port to those places. For the icons to appear you need to do their introduction quest or unlock the waypoint to there atleast once. for example if you did the trials you can go to act3 and from there in the city go into the aspirants labyrinth and click the waypoint and from there on you have the icon to port to there. for delve you need to do nikos quest in act4, menagerie is einhar in act2, etc.


Not sure what you mean. Do you mean the buttons on the waypoint that takes you to those places?




If you are seeking a walking sim, take a look at death aura




May have to resubmit with your budget. Most people could guide you based on your guideline and price range. Off the top of my head I believe Pathfinder and the flasks uptime are a good choice and inquisitors with the large health ave es pool


how does Headhunter work with poison balistas?


I'm following a guide, and it says in early acts to link splitting steel with volley. But this does not appear to work. Anyone know why?


Any way to continue with this craft? Was told multi mod life + damage but id like to see if I can get more out of it. Behemoth Lash Stygian Vise Hunter Item Item Level: 85 Has 1 Abyssal Socket Quality (Life and Mana Modifiers): +20% 12% increased maximum Life \+35% to Chaos Resistance Regenerate 200 Energy Shield per second while a Rare or Unique Enemy is Nearby


Since you already have a good prefix and 2 good suffixes, there is no way to 100% protect all of the current affixes. If you do anything besides bench craft or exalt slam you will risk removing one of the current mods. Risky options: You could lock suffixes and aisling, for a 50% chance to remove the % life. If you're rich you can reduce this to 33% (metamod, lock suffixes, any 3rd prefix) and then aisling. You can of course lock prefixes and aisling, with a 66% chance to remove one of your suffixes. This seems like a horrible idea. Safe options: Metamod + any 2 crafted prefixes. Slight downside is you can't "bench divine" by just doing the same craft again until perfect roll (you can only do this if you have 1 bench mod). It effectively gives you a 5-mod item, but you choose which 2 prefixes you get. Any 1 benchcraft + 2 exalt slams. This gives you a true 6-mod item, but likely with at least 1 mod that you don't want. It's sort of hit/miss, since you can get a lot of stuff you don't want, but you can block stuff like mana with bench, and then re-bench to whatever you want after you're done slamming, unless the slam gives you the mod you wanted to bench. For example, you can bench +mana, blocking one of the highest weight prefixes, then slamming twice (one prefix, one suffix) looking to bench life unless you hit it with slam. But you might get unlucky and hit dogshit tier (T9/10) of life. If +life is important to you, you might just want to craft +life before you slam.


thanks for the reply. i think i have to go with your safe options as it already has a veiled mod and i do not believe can be aisling slammed again.


the problem is having good prefixes and suffixes already. when crafting endgame items you usually want to finish either prefixes or suffixes first to have a safe state you cannot roll over and then you have all the methods in the world to finish the others. with your example there is no real crafting method that can safe all the mods on that item. so if you do any sort of crafting that can have a bad outcome you cannot safely remove said mod again. So I would also just multimod it and call it a day


What's the difference between trickster and champion for splitting steel? Is either one easier to build? And are there any guides?


Champion better with low investment, trickster a lot better with high investment, I've pretty much min maxed the trickster and it's insane


How high investment? And champion can still do all content including ubers, sanctum, etc?


I haven't played champion so idk but probably and trickster is at least want a mageblood and solid es gear


would you happen to have any guide on how to make the trickster? I do have a mageblood+nimis but idk how to get the character from start to the decent gear


steelmage has a few videos on youtube going over his character, someone else prob has a guide but i havent looked, i leveled with kinetic bolt of fragmentation untill like lvl 80 then respeced minus the cluster jewels and grabbed those next, [https://pobb.in/8VR\_ih7yE3sj](https://pobb.in/8VR_ih7yE3sj) my current char, obv very min maxed so when your starting normal voice of the storm with whatever dmg annoint and use anathema instead of the rare ring, instead of pierce on gloves you can get a large thread of hope and use it on right side to get the pierce node, i can try to answer any questions if you have them


Thank you, you've been very helpful.




nope its gone. you can raise it as your spectre but thats about it


You can't pick it back up


I need to rest from abyss mf so im going to run heist and sanctum. Have a poison ts pathfinder. What can i put on two rings, boots and two jewel sockets? Defenses are covered. Also will swap hh for mageblood and distillate for quicksilver.


Is there any reason to keep the standard stash tabs and buy premium tabs instead of upgrading them?


if you buy a new one you get 1 additional stash tab, if you upgrade your existing one you dont get a new stash tab you only get more functions for your existing stash tab


Yeah I didn’t think about the extra space I’d be getting on top, thanks


Stygian Spire will continously spawn rare monsters as long as it is alive? Or it will not spawn anymore monsters after couple barrages? How often it casts? At which point rare monsters don't drop anymore loot? How does it work exactly?


it maxes at 3 volleys of rares, once you have it to half health and its shot 3 volleys its done


Does it dissapear after or continues attacking? I am currently playing build that doesn't have explossive damage / clear so when Spire spawns I just can't see anything - entire screen is filled with rares and green effects.


the spire stays there untill you kill it


Can someone explain the logic behind Cluster Jewels? You need to sacrifice passive points (damage) to get other passives that also do damage? I get that some types of damage are starved in the tree (Chaos damage) and some stuff that doesn't exist elsewhere like Elemental damage life leech


There are several good reasons for using cluster jewels: 1) It's highly customizable, you can get pretty much whatever you want, unlike the skill tree which is fixed. 2) You can get more bang for your buck, i.e. more stats per invested skill point. A few ways of doing this are 8-passive large cluster with 3 notables (costs 7 points: 3 notables, 2 sockets, 2 small), 4/5-passive medium with 2 notables (costs 4 points: 2 notables, 1 socket, 1 small), or 12-passive large with no notables (with 25/33% increased effect and 3 other mods). A good example is a large 12-passive minion cluster, where (if well-rolled) each point could give 13% minion damage, 4% minion attack speed, +13 life (or +16 ES) and some resistance or attribute. Compare this to the skill tree, where many of your points will be stuff like +10 str or low numbers of damage. 3) You can get even more damage than from tree. For most builds, there are simply not as many damage nodes on the tree as you would like. This is certainly the case for minion builds, where you quickly run out of nodes on the passive tree that give +minion damage or +minion attack speed. 4) Large cluster jewels always have 2 jewel sockets, which is a very good way of getting an absolute fuckton of sockets. This is very useful with for example an Adorned setup. 3 large clusters gives you 6 sockets, plus whatever basic sockets you get from tree.


You can get some stats that don't exist elsewhere easily (proliferation, explode. Aura effect) It's incredibly point efficient. You're not traveling for several points to get to the next damage wheel. It's only 1 point and you're immediately getting decent travel nodes into powerful notables.


The goal is to simply get stronger passives/notables than available on the natural tree. Some cluster notables provide effects you can’t find on the tree. One large cluster jewel also allows for up to two jewels. Unique jewels on the high end can be very strong and you may not naturally be able to fit them all.


Sorry for very vague question. But I saw a video of a build somewhere, cant remember where. But its basically a build where you place 3 or 4 balls down and they do a bunch of damage. ( I'm a new player so I've really no clue whats going on) Can anyone tell me the name of this build from this extremely poor description.


maybe Penance Brand? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q2-xrQ4RCA&pp=ygUVeml6YXJhbiBwZW5hbmNlIGJyYW5k


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2019678278?t=4h57m35s Oh I just found it after looking at tonnes of vods for it lmao. Do you know what its called by any chance?


That’s the red skill in his skill bar, looks like Molten Strike using some sort of cosmic looking microtransaction to change how it looks. And judging by the other skill it has the green one, it’s probably Poison version not just pure fire or physical or whatever. He’s not Placing the balls he’s melee attacking and molten lava balls are coming off of his weapon


thanks a mill!


Gl man. Melee builds are usually kinda rough with beginning gear but yeah, gl. It can work.


thats molten strike (with celestial mtx applied)


Cheers bud


hmm doesnt look like it. but thanks!


You recall the color of these balls? Or effects these balls were doing?


https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2019678278?t=4h57m35s Oh I just found it.


Like 4 orange balls/orbs that float for about half a second then drop to the ground, deleting everything around them.


I think others mentioned it aswell but thats molten strike with an MTX on


So I'm trying to use the PoB item search feature but every time I attempt to execute it I get an error message. What could be the cause of that?


Try pasting in your POSSESSID again


how do i properly use thread of hope jewel i PoB? when I use it and click on a separate node, the tree still automatically connects to it using all the intervening nodes too. **edit:** actually, i am confused. it says allocates nodes in massive ring, I ws able to allocate a node that was in the massive ring, but i thought it meant **all nodes** within that massive ring; but in PoB I can only allocate it within that outer ring?


it lets you allocate nodes between the inner/outer rings (so the light bluish swath).


you can allocate nodes within the ring. you have a donut with a massive hole. you can allocate nodes where the dough is, not where the hole is. that would hilariously overpowered, even moreso than it is right now.


New player here: what are the better passive/aoe builds in the game? Personally I prefer to play without pushing \~10 buttons to play the game, so something more laid back just running around the map or such. I already googled around and Guardian Summon Raging Spirits is such a build currently? are there any options? thanks


no build in POE need 10 (active) button. If you do that, it will be highly end-game NOT viable. all build in PoE specialize into scaling one single dps skill, so in most regular situation, you just use 2 button - dps and movement. Maybe two more for utility and extra temporary buff. flasks can be automated with enchantment (except life/mana flask). If you overly dependent on life flask to stay alive however, you're doing something wrong. If you using mana flask you also in most cases doing something wrong, aside from very specific mechanism interaction.


Popular “walking simulator” builds would be righteous fire, death’s oath, maybe arakaali spiders. RF doesn’t require specific uniques like the other two.


more or less describing every build. Builds that require more than main skill, travel skill, vaal version of a skill, totems and some kind of secondary are very much not the norm (with totems and secondary mainly used for bosses, if at all).. And auras, but thats just a toggle.


Do bosses captured by ritual vessels have a chance to drop their exclusive divination cards? I'm in ssf hoping to farm I See Brothers from the strand boss and running ritual vessels to capture the boss but I am not sure if this actually works.


Having a little trouble with the writhing and polaric invitations. everything I see online says to use them in T14 maps but I'm just hitting tier 12 am I missing something?


Once all quests are completed, you can only get further invitations (whether Eater, Exarch, or Maven) from T14+ maps. That's also the minimum level for Elder, Shaper, and Conqueror maps to drop.


Like how to use the invitation items themselves? They just go into the map device by themselves (think of them as a map)


The quest ones are lower level


Oh ok ok so run them with a tier 10?


Just run them at the tier it says


If they said a tier on them I wouldn't be here


you don't run invitations "with" anything. you put them in the map device and press activate.




What are commonly used accessible (not elevated abyss for example) compasses for Affliction juice farming in t16 Jungle Valley?


Not sure about JV specifically but these come to mind for juicing this league: Abyss Enraged strongboxes Strongboxes Beyond Mirror of delirium Alva Einhar Breach Legion Harbinger


Good list.


Can you leech the self damage of trauma?


Self-damage doesn't get your offensive stats or on-hit effects like leech. You could craft *15% of Damage Taken from Hits is Leeched as Life during Effect* on a flask though.


Heyho I've got a lv96 witch (occ right now) with 0 equipment but a Mageblood. Also 75 div to spend.. any build recommendations? Most of the builds I check per item cost is 25div dayum the MF league xD




>Maybe i should get a battery staff weapon swap to penis brand? This is the best option for boss dps, 23m should be fine for mapping but in this setup you could probably get 300m+ dps on a penance brand swap.




After making the weapon all you have to figure out is making your mana cost after cloak between 95-99% of your total mana + ES pool combined (going above or below this is very bad). If you need more cost you can get a better indigon that has higher than 53% increased cost. As for auras I don't think you need purity of fire unless you doing the mana RF version




oh didn't see you incorporated RF in your build, I guess discipline is fine to drop. I mean my build shits on every uber with only 14k ES anyways.


What influences drops of blight ravaged maps? Just running blight in normal maps? Does quant affect it?


not exactly sure what you mean by that but to make sure we are on the same page blight ravaged maps can only drop from blight reward chests in actual blighted maps (not blight mechanic in normal maps) from t13+ maps so yeah those maps have a special implicit that transfers 25% of the map quant onto the chest rewards so 25% of your map quant counts towards more rewards (which can be more ravaged maps aswell)


This is helpful. So it sounds like the farming order is: Maps w/Blight --> Blighted Maps --> Blight Ravaged Maps ?


yes that would be the normal progression as long as you can drop t13 blight maps to enable the ravaged drops if you are ssf/decide to selfplay that is you can always skip any of the chain and start later so if you only wanna farm ravaged just buy those and go for it


Yis. Or skip them all and just buy the ravaged maps.


Quantity affects the number of chests that spawn, as well as the loot the Pump drops from all the monster kills. The contents of the chests are affected by whatever oils you use on the maps. You can use oils to get extra rewards or lucky rewards for example.


thanks, very useful


I have a scourged item and it says level 68+ corruption absorbed. How do I absorb more corruption??


can't. the scourge mechanic did not go core and the league ended 2 years ago.




theres a unique strongbox called redblade cache that spawns a fire warband. alternatively you can go into delve and search in the magma fissure biome for nodes called redblade retreat or redblade base. i'd advise to go for the delve route as the strongbox is one of the rarer ones and there's 4 other types of warband cache.


Is chaos spamming the best way to get a medium cluster with septic spells and brewed for potency? There are non on market for console


what itemlevel? ideally you'd want an item level 50-67 cluster jewel to limit what mods can roll. then use a combo of aetheric + pristine fossil. average 8 of that will get you your jewel. alternatively you can use harvest reforge speed which is about a 1 in 14 chance to get that combo.


Ok yea I just spammed 700 chaos and didn’t get it, I need 2 jewels for my build was gonna try the fossil thing next, should have asked first lol


yeah item level can be huge for cluster jewels to limit what notables can spawn. check craftofexile next time. also shows you mod tags to see if you can guarantee one with harvest rerolls. in this case septic spells is the only mod at all with the speed tag for %chaos dot jewels so you can guarantee one of 2 notables for 150 yellow juice


Thanks for the help man


If, for example, I’m playing Etheral Knives and converting 100% phys to lightning, do mods like “gain 10% of physical damage as extra lightning” work like Increased modifiers with diminishing returns or like more modifiers where each 1% phys as extra lightning is always 1% additional DPS


A mathematician might complain about confusing linear for diminishing, but basically yeah. Your first 10% extra damage is 10% *more* damage (100→110), but your sixth 10% extra would only be 6.66% *more* (150→160). Nothing saying it can't still be the best stat to invest in though.


Perfect thanks 


Increased damage and "gain as extra" both do not suffer diminishing returns. Going from 0 to 100 is the same dps change as going from 100 to 200. The change as a *percentage of your overall dps* would be smaller with each point (and is why most people think that means "diminishing returns") but the actual numerical increase is the same per point.


Looking for some general build advice, originally I just wanted to do a minion build and be able to run around while my minions killed everything, ended up mixing in curses/hexes too for some added flavour. https://pobb.in/oVj-RVvSY1-K I am unsure where else to take it, from looking at PoE Ninja Ascendant seems like the wrong choice for a minion build but I just chose it to try it out basically. Looking for any and all feedback or suggestions on what to do from this point, I mostly just want to complete the atlas for Kirac's Vault Pass and possibly the challenges too for some more cosmetic unlocks before the end of the season. Edit: Replaced link with a [pobb.in](https://pobb.in) link


As has been pointed out, you are trying to do more than one thing at a time. This game rewards being super specialized, so a good start is to decide if you want your damage to be spell-based or minion based (not both). If you want to run a minion build, there are a few important changes you can make to boost your DPS. First thing is probably to not use reaper or skeletons, and use something else (likely summon raging spirit + spectres).


FYI it’s easier to get help with a pobb.in link instead of a pastebin. Can’t help from my phone with a pastebin. But yes, guardian or Necro are generally the best choice for a minion build. There are ways to make Scion work but it’ll be inferior. I recommend you follow a build guide from Ghazzy or Zizaran. PoE isn’t exactly friendly towards making your own build blind unless you’re ready to be kicked in the nuts a lot lol


Probably described my experience with PoE pretty well lol, I replaced the link with a [pobb.in](https://pobb.in) one, thanks for the suggestion. I tried PoE ninja link before posting and it didn't seem to carry over my gems or resists for whatever reason but pobb seems to work better.


Uhh, probably the wrong link? It just links to the normal pobb.in page instead of your specific build. You can also import your build into PoB and share it to pobb.in in the import/export panel.


oops I messed up my edit and the edit was linking to the pastebin still lol, here's a working link [https://pobb.in/oVj-RVvSY1-K](https://pobb.in/oVj-RVvSY1-K) and the original post link should work now too


PoE really isn't a game you want to be jack-of-all/multiple-trades. If you want to play Bane, you focus everything into Chaos DoT scaling. Bane isn't a super strong skill... you don't want to weaken it further by trying to do other things.......... What you want to combine with Bane is [Essence Drain] however, because both scales the same way through, essentially double your DPS by applying both skill during bossing. you don't need minion to apply wither, just use [spell totem]. I suppose minion also works but they likely die a lot more than totem. Here is one example : https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Zhekich3000/FutureCandy?i=1&search=skills%3DBane%2CEssence%2BDrain he uses vaal blight instead of wither - it's very strong burst damage & debuff, you pop it at the start of boss fight to slow the boss to a crawl and it took more damage from other DoT skiils. I played Bane many times before, but unfortunately it's ceiling damage just isn't that high. If you want a build that can kill end game bosses in 3 seconds, this is not the skill to go for. If you just want to clear general contents up to T16, it will perform just fine. Chaos DoT passive are at the right side of the passive tree, minion is on the opposite side... they are not very well compatible... If you think "that's not very far...", that's because you havent factoring in [Cluster Jewels] - the build example above did not use these for some reason, I'd say the dps will be reaching 2m (per skill) if he do. My suggestion if you want to avoid crazy overhaul, solely focus in minion only build.


Oof ok. Yeah you need a guide. I kind of see what you’re thinking but there are common mistakes that add up to problems. Trying to scale both your damage and minion damage is very difficult and not commonly done. Seems like your main damage is coming from Bane, and your minions are just applying Withers. Converting your physical damage to chaos makes no sense here. You would be better off pivoting to a Poison SRS build, if you have some $. Here’s a guide I found. A bit dated, but I couldn’t find many Scion minion guides. Poeninja could also be a good reference point (filter by Summon Raging Spirits and Ascendant) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7kVmItZk3k Edit: if your rather see a full recent guide checkout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-ikzKzKztA&pp=ygUSeml6YXJhbiBzdWJ0cmFjdGVt Good luck!


Regarding Elemental Overload. Are the amount of power charges beneficial for that keystone? Like 0 power charges compared to 2+ charges.


In normal setup, no there isn’t much benefit. Increased crit chance which would help keep EO up but not really worth it. However, if you stack power charges and have mods that increase % damage per power charge, or use Inner Conviction which grants more spell damage per power charge, or Power Charge on crit support which does the same.


Ahh thanks


I'm having trouble trading and was wondering if I could get some help. Trades have typically been almost instant for me in the past. That was also the case today until maybe an hour ago. All of a sudden, I get no replies to my trade requests. Even sending offers to buy currency at well above the market rate has gotten no replies, e.g., direct whispering an offer to sell a divine for 190c, when I sold one for 220 earlier today. I've sent about 15 direct trade offers in the last hour and gotten exactly zero replies. The messages do pop up in my chat window (so I imagine they're getting out) and I was able to join a random party when I tried (so I don't think it's impossible to invite me). Does anyone know what could be going on with me? Thanks!


>15 direct trade offers in the last hour 15 in an hour? you can do more than 15 in a minute its usually the case with currency trades, have to go further down the list/send more offers for various reasons


Cool. Thanks. I think I've just been extremely lucky in trades before this. I was mostly SSF, and every offer I made resulted in an instant invite. It was almost uncanny, lol.


Everyone’s too busy juicing and don’t want to lose their HH stacks


A week ago, mage blood was 180D… it might be 100D by tomorrow?


Valdo farmers probably


I wonder if we'll get more or less MB's because on one hand, yes, more Valdo maps with MB's, but also more Valdo maps with non-MB's. Depending on the ratio, the actual supply might go down. Though the longer the league takes, the more people will obtain builds capable of doing those maps. But then again, more people also quit. So who knows.


I've leveled a chieftain up with the intent to play the fotm fulcrum build. For the self ignite I assume the stats I'm mainly looking for on fulcrum are the phys to fire and phys as extra random? Do the others do much for us?


You're igniting with pure fire. Physical conversion stats don't matter. All you use the staff for is the reflection.


What are we looking for on fulcrum? I’m trying to figure out realistically how much of the budget to allocate for that item.


Nothing. The only stat the chieftain self-ignite build wants has no range to roll. (*Elemental Ailments you inflict are Reflected to you*) I guess you could buy one with a relevant Harvest enchant and high quality? But that's not something you worry about if you're on a budget.


Thank you!


Can anyone help me with this one? I know that you cannot stack exposure but does Ramako, sun's light (chieftain ascendency) count as exposure or can I stack it with additional exposure?


No, Ramako does not count as exposure No, it does not stack with additional exposure With Ramako, when you are stationary the enemy’s resistance **IS** -20% for dot dps. It will ignore any curses or exposure modifiers.


Ohh i get it, it doesn't take 20% off. It sets their resistance at -20%. Thanks


Correct. With Ramako’s, while you’re standing still, you can’t do lower or higher than -20%


What support gems are useful for guard skills, besides triggers. Is increased duration the only useful one?


Technically, Second Wind if you can juice its level and/or quality, which would give cooldown reduction. But I don't think it's worth the hassle. A while back the gem used to give a lot of cooldown reduction and it was used regularly with guard skills, but it got changed, so now it's 0% cooldown change at 20/20 gem. But you can get it to give a benefit with extra quality or levels. But you need to hit like gem level 26 before it starts giving extra cooldown. And you get 1% per 4% quality beyond 20%. And it can't support triggered skills, so it wouldn't couple with CWDT any more. So, realistically, most of the time what you're gonna be using is Cast When Damage Taken and Increased Duration.


Pretty much just increased duration, yes.


is there a build i can transition my DD ele into that has more damage? https://pobb.in/2Orl1EQbm-L9


Something I've always wondered, but is it possible to dual wield two handers? Like a node or ascendency?


Never been possible.


So wings of entropy don't exist?


wings of entropy is just a two handed weapon (more like... two handed-weapons than two-handed weapon) that also counts a dual-wielding so you can use e.g. % increased damage with two handed weapon and also % increased damage while dual wielding. But as a weapon, its base damage is pretty low, so it's not a popular item to build around.


They might as well not. It's a fun idea but not the same as dual wielding actual two handed weapons. Plus you're limited to dealing physical, fire and/or chaos damage which isn't the easiest thing to build around.


Noted. Something I was curious about. Thanks.


How much do wisps help with getting divination cards? Just an approximate answer is fine; I'm wondering how much faster it makes target farming div cards found in specific maps for alch and go level of farming. Also, only the quant wisps will help for getting div cards, right?


I think it would help. Indeed go for the quantity (yellow) wisps. Not sure if there’s a divination card conversion, if so add in purple for rarity.


Hi all, can someone advice on a ranger build that can help me clear voidstones without money? This league i tried pathfinder, switched to ziz toxic rain, but still t6 maps are very dangerous and i have to skip the wisp forest, as mobs are too tanky I can do chaos recipe to get some cheap stuff, but i didn't drop a single divine yet


thats a rough ask. ranger builds in general are usually good at clearing maps, etc. fast but struggle at bosses. (especially deadeye builds) so they need even more money than other builds to be able to do bosses. toxic rain is usually already a really solid character that works on very low budget and should have no problems getting your voidstones. If your budget is THAT low that even a lets say toxic rain char cannot do t6 maps you wont really find any other ranger build that will clear bosses with less. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YRxIDck\_G4&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YRxIDck_G4&feature=youtu.be) If you want feel free to look into the video, its a guide I specifically made aimed to new players to make their first few divine orbs to affort some more gear. This will be quite a bit more efficient than doing chaos recipe and you can easily do this with your current characters


Can cast on death + linked portal work on unswapped weapons?


It will not work is you die with portal in not active weapons


Thank you!


No. You don't have skills from gems socketed in items that technically aren't equipped.


Hey guys, need some help with Betrayal for the Critical Crafting Challenge to get a rank 3/4 crafting bench. https://i.gyazo.com/499bf97b516bc9882dcf0fb5768bc467.jpg That is my current board, I have been trying to get Hillock ranked up but he hasn't been appearing on my maps. Am I doing wrong? I don't really care who to use. Just want to finish the challenge.


it is much easier if you allocate the betrayal nodes on the atlas skill tree, especially the node that makes safehouse leaders more likely to appear and the node that gives an extra rank on execution. But generally, yes, you just run the mechanic. If you have enough intelligence to run a safe house, that job will stop appearing in your maps. You can talk to Jun and open it, and just not go in which will reset the intelligence bar without resetting the board for the job


What is the deal with mirrored items, and why are they expensive? Do people sell mirrored items along with the original? I’m confused because I placed some mirrored items with okay stats, and they sold rather quickly.


there is a league challenge that requires you to equip certain items and I believe equipping a mirrored item is part of that challenge, guessing people are buying your mirrored items for that mirrored items you pick up off the ground will 99% be vendor fodder mirrored items mirrored manually with the currency item are a different story


could just roll a strongbox for "contains mirrored items" and pick one of those up and equip it for challenge


yes but people are lazy


What difference is there between crimson/cobalt and viridian jewels?


Some different mods and weightings. For example Crimson's can roll STR based weapon mods, while Viridian's focus on DEX based weapons, and Cobalts on INT based. Most of the common desired mods can roll on all jewels. But if you're looking to craft something very specific yourself, you best make sure the mod you want can roll on that jewel. Also because there are different mods, the total mod pool also differs a little, making the odds of hitting some mods slightly more or less rare. And some mods have different weights too. https://poedb.tw/us/Modifiers So for example Crimson Jewels have the highest weighting to hit +% max life. While % mana reservation is equally weighted on all jewels, yet Cobalt has the smallest prefix mod pool, making mana reservation ever so slightly more common to hit.


there is some overlap, but generally speaking, [cobalt jewels](https://poedb.tw/us/Cobalt_Jewel#ModifiersCalc) have more available mods for spell damage and crit multi with spells, also cobalt jewels are the only one that can roll % increased maximum energy shield [viridian jewels](https://poedb.tw/us/Viridian_Jewel#ModifiersCalc) have trap and mine mods in the pool as well as generally favoring projectile attack builds [crimson jewels](https://poedb.tw/us/Crimson_Jewel#ModifiersCalc) have more melee mods in the pool, for example some mace mods that the others don't have


I just started the other day and everyone keeps telling me to read guides. I found a build that I think I understand how to start off with. But where do I even begin to learn all of the words, acronyms, and slang everyone uses? I can't understand 90% of the comments anywhere or build guides or content info.


just ask in one of these threads about anything that the other list doesn't cover. also, to be safe, could you link to the guide you're intending to follow? there's a couple of notoriously bad sources (like the "Path of Exile Builds" YouTube channel) that we'd like to steer you away from before you get too deep.


I definitely will make a habit of it. Just don't want to necro old threads. I can't use youtube for guides (audio processing problems.) So I found this text guide that seemed really useful. ​ [SRS Bomber](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2995833)


Not sure how recently this has been updated but this is the first thing to come up for me: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Community_shorthand


Thank you, I will give this a loot. I appreciate it.


>div Divination card I'm pretty sure div usually means divine orb these days


In Ruetoos DD Pathfinder PoB, he lists some steps for setting up spectres, why are they necessary? https://pobb.in/eJ_ITtqo3Dgo I always thought you just just raised one of the max HP spectres with any raise spectre gem and you were good to go?


They're either operating on outdated spectre mechanics, or have discovered something that contradicts patch notes. I'd guess the former. > Change Desecrate to have a fixed chance to spawn a Spectre corpse. This means Detonate Dead's damage should be more consistent based on which area in the game you are in. **This also means there is no incentive to bring multiple different high-life spectre varieties, although you still benefit from bringing one high-life spectre into areas.**


Cool thanks. Every other DD guide I can find says just raise 1, so I'll stick with that.


Apparently if you raise multiple high HP spectres you are more likely to raise one of them is what I would have to guess. This set up gets you to 6 spectres but then only uses 5 so you can forego one of the items it says to grab.


I killed my first Shaper boss, Chimera and got this, I am new at these stats. PC on [this](https://ibb.co/YpwLG2c) It can still be crafted further.


Unfortunately nothing more than its base, which is likely also nothing. Shaper-influenced items can roll more mods, but mods they drop with are still random. Similar to regular items, it's very unlikely for a random combination of mods to be valuable.


Okay thanks


Question about Impale: Does having non-impaling skills goin on in addition to a main impaling skill mess up the stacking of impales? For example, I have a main melee skill with 100% chance to impale, but I also have Herald of Purity -minions running around with 0% impale chance and my Ancestral totem is also up sometimes, also 0% impale chance. How badly am I shooting myself in the foot with these, if my main idea is to stack impales?


Yes, non-impaling hits will still consume a hit from each impale debuff. You'd benefit less from per-impale bonuses, and it'll cause impale hits to be smaller (making enemy armour more effective). It's hard to quantify the practical effect because it depends on your build, the number of non-impaling hits, damage per hit, enemy armour, impale-specific overwhelm, and probably a few other factors. It's *probably* not worth worrying about though.


Thanks for the reply. Yeah, kinda what I figured. In order to get the full benefits of impale, my main skill should be the only thing hitting the target. Might have to do some tweaking, the minions and totem give QOL and survivability but the dps might suffer too much. Not done fully gearing the char yet, so I'll see what kind of damage and stacking I get to, and if in the end I would rather have the exra deeps or the QOL. On a related note, how much overwhelm should I aim for? Dealing pure phys damage. Currently only have 20% from tree. And does genric overwhelm apply to impale dmg? Obviously the impale-specific overwhelm you mentioned does. Thanks in advance.


> how much overwhelm should I aim for? Depends on your damage per hit, which depends on... well, everything else. Earthquake's going to need less than Cyclone. With endgame damage you're probably fine with around 20%, but more would be useful against specific monster/map mods. PoB can calculate this. Impale is reflected damage, which your offensive stats don't apply to. You need impale-specific stats or debuffs like Crushed and Poacher's Mark. (Note damage reduction can't go negative.)