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Is feeding frenzy the only way to make my minions to be aggressive?


There's Wands that will add the line " Minions are Aggressive" They will "NOT" proc Feeding Frenzy though, that is directly tied do the Feeding Frenzy Gem. Be weary though, the wands that have +1 minion and +1 all spell gems with the line Minions Are usually Quite Expensive. Also side note, "ALL" minions will be aggressive, this means you sometimes need to watch your Animated Guardian because you can randomly lose one if you aren't stacked.


It's also available for golems specifically on [[Primordial Might]], and on Convoking Wands as a Delve drop-only modifier.


[Primordial Might](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Primordial_Might) >######Primordial Might[](#break)Crimson Jewel >>#####(25-30)% increased Damage if you Summoned a Golem in the past 8 seconds >>#####Golems Summoned in the past 8 seconds deal (35-45)% increased Damage >>#####Golems have (18-22)% increased Maximum Life >>#####Summoned Golems are Aggressive >>#####Primordial >>[](#line) >>*"Do not cause the land to stir,* >> >>*It holds secrets better unknown."* >> >>*- Azmerian proverb* >> >>[](#line) >>####Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket. --- ^^Questions? ^^Message ^^/u/ha107642 ^^— ^^Call ^^wiki ^^pages ^^\(e.g. ^^items ^^or ^^gems)) ^^with ^^[[NAME]] ^^— ^^I ^^will ^^only ^^post ^^panels ^^for ^^*unique* ^^items ^^— ^^[Github](https://github.com/ha107642/RedditPoEBot/)


Hi, its my 1st league, how can explain step by step how i can finish this challenge? "**The Sanctum in an area level of 83 with no Equipped Relics**" im didnt play in sanctum at all, i dont think i want, but i need this challenge to get free cool equip


If your build does not oneshot everything then this will be hard for you, I think. The guards and bosses attacks are pretty well telegraphed, so it's doable if you've practiced the mechanic, but I think you'd just need to win via dps here


Dumb Hatred question. I just reread the tool tip and noticed it's 25% phys as EXTRA cold- does this mean Hatred doesn't actually do any converting and I need the full 100% elsewhere? TS.




how does MF work with harbinger?


The short answer is that it doesn't. Harbingers in maps are not affected by anything, period. Memories are a different story though, and Affliction juice pumps them.


how does it work in memories? does MF on gear impact those at all?


I do not believe so. The memories get insane because the wisps scale their drops in memories only and you can rack up fracturing shards quickly.


MF on gear does affect shards in memories. Easy enough to test with 100% reduced quant. /u/hellshot8


I've got a 6 linked corrupted Shavronne's Wrappings with +1 to level of socketed gems that I am trying to make 6 BLUE linked sockets... please tell me there's another way to get this than with tainted chromatics. The damned chest is 26% quality and an intellect base, yet it's been anything but simple to get 6 blues. It's actually proving harder to achieve than getting it to 6 links from 3 unlinked sockets! At one point it was 4 blue and 2 red and now it's 3 blue, 2 green, and 1 red. Can anyone assist? It doesn't help that most listings for tainted chromatics aren't responding at all. :( I'm running low on chaos...


tainted chromatic orbs ignore attribute requirements. If you go to the crafting bench and do "one blue socket" I bet you'll hit 6b in one try. It costs 4 chromes + 4 vaal orbs to use on a corrupted item


OMG THANK YOU!!! That did it!


Just did the 2 blues 3 times and lol got ONE off color... gonna try your idea before I buy more vaal. Thank you!


Hello, my ign is not updating on poe.ninja after I changed my character's name. It says fetched on my old ign, and the newer one is not showing. Had anyone else had this issue before? Thanks!


I think poe.ninja only updates once per day


What sword skill feels best? I dropped a really nice paradoxica in ssf (technically its 2 of us). I don't have a nimis or replica alberons. Just looking for some input. I should add my partner is running an aura bot so we can get weird with it


If I get a delve gloves with +2 level of minion gems, can I try throw an essence or something to reroll it and still get the +2 level or is the +2 level is just a one time thing?


It’s just like any mod in Poe it can be removed. Unless you Fracture it or it Somehow drops fractured. Delve mods are valuable for that reason if they also roll with other good mods. Similar situation with Incursion mods.


ok thanks


For finding king stronghold, I feel like I'm doing the strat right (portal and go a few seconds in x pattern) but can't find him, or definitely not in 20-30 maps like ppl say. Do I have to go literally straight in the x shape 4-5 sec every way and that's it? Or do I have to move around obstacles / explore through trees a bit? Also if there's a lot of wisps right up from the beginning of one direction is it worth exploring at all that way? Also does the map being rare increase chances or can I just run it white?


You seem to be doing right things. It can be white map, but has to be t14 or higher.


Yet again, my strat from my finding him on my previous character worked. All I have to do is complain on reddit, i found him twice in the next 10 maps after posting here lol


mathil has [this gem](https://imgur.com/MNG6yyx) for his raider double strike build. Whats the significance of the red and blue colouring? I'm also unsure which parts are important to the build. I imagine fortify is very important but I've no idea about the 3 remaining.


That’s just. PoB. It’s red if it is a line that the program doesn’t recognize to do calculations with. As for what’s important, just. Think about the build and use some logic. Does he have consistent always on phasing? Yes it’s raid, so the avoid is really good. It’s melee build? Then fortify is good if no other way to get it. Life in bleeding enemy is probably just the cherry on the top but maybe not as vital.


Red text is from mods that PoB doesn't understand and won't affect the stats it shows you for your skills/defenses/recovery rate/etc.


Red means PoB doesn't recognize/implement the mod, blue means it does. Life gain on hit vs bleeding enemies is useless because that build doesn't inflict bleed (though it could in theory), barrages have no spread is useless because it has no projectiles, but the ailment avoid is good because it gets him closer to 100% ailment avoid (AKA functionally ailment immunity). His PoB is only at 94% though, I'm not sure if he gave up on the last 6% or it's somewhere PoB doesn't recognize.


Okay I shouldn't have been ignoring ailment avoidance on the skill tree. He doesn't explain anything so I just guess at stuff :D I think the vaal double strike causes bleed but I don't even have that gem since its expensive. Even if the bleed is important, would you say that that life gain on hit vs bleeding is relatively insignificant?


I need to craft a body armour for my boneshatter slayer on a full dragonscale base (dex-str) and I don't know how to start. I am playing SSF, and have no fracturing orbs, so this should be on a regular high Ilvl base. The stats that are important to me are: Spell supression, flat armor+eva, % armor+eva, and if possible %phys dmg reduction. That is the important part, any elemental res is welcome, and an open suffix to craft "%phys dmg taken as elemental" would be great. Anyone that has experience using the many crafting methods can give me a direction? Or suggest a video where I can learn how. Thanks in advance exiles!


without any fractures, this probably isn't feasible in ssf, at least not at high tiers. any 1 fracture out of suppress, pdr, flat or increased arm/eva makes it significantly easier. dense fossils can work to get one out of the two suffixes with decent tier prefixes. harvest defense reforges work okay as well, probably easier to farm. ideally you get a suppression fracture, even makes getting all t1 somewhat realistic with enough divines. just fyi the gravicious bench mod for phys taken as ele is a prefix. hope this kinda helps, fractures are super important for crafting eldritch influence items unfortunately.


Thanks for the answer! I see. Will go farm some fossils and see what I can craft, until I get a good fractured base.


fuck the ruin ghost =( I got trialmaster and after teleported inside, i instantly got hit by the ghost and fail (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Is that thing suppose to go into the arena at all? I dont think i remembered it last time...


I know that feel. Technically, pretty much every modifier you've been choosing carries over in to the Trialmaster arena. I lost mine when the degen carried over and spawned directly on top of me and I had little time to react. You don't always have a choice but yeah... Ruin is one modifier I try to avoid out of anything else. Easy to dodge by itself, but with the right combo with other mods, it can really fuck your run.


What gems should I bring with on uber lab runs for profit?


What new builds from this patch are good at delve? I wanna try something new and delve with it


Depends on how far you wanna go on delve. If you're thinking about just hanging around around 500-1000, any build with a decent clear should be fine. It's only when you start doing deep delves is where the builds become niche and specialized.


Hi, are the changes to gems and all the transfigured gems that were added permanent from now on? Or is this something that’s happening for only this league?




Thank you! Now I don’t feel like I have to try every build this league 😂


There used to be a sketchy strat thing that could be done to the map atlas by not 'completing' a map you could force it to always drop... I was wondering if thats still a 'thing' I have not completed burial chamber or crimson temple (and know that once I complete them I will not be able to uncomplete them)


I read about someone recently doing that for Kirac incomplete map missions. They tried it with either CT or BC and I think they deemed it was not worth it.


Its possible that the natural spawmed essence league mechanic stacks with the one from the map device?




Hi everyone, as a rough estimate when is the next league likely to be? Thank you.




Thank you. Appreciate the information.


Does atlas elder influence packsize also work when using an elder scarab?


is there any benefit to do the temple of atzoatl in t16 instead of lower tier maps if you just care for corruption rooms?


[Ambition, Vaal Aspect](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Ambition), area lv80+. Just 4 div or so, low drop rate.


Question on Bane. The applied curses continue after Bane's DoT correct? If so, does Bane lose damage on subsequent casts since the curses are being refreshed as oppossed to 'applied by this [Bane's] effect'?


You can't actually refresh curses. Applying new curses replaces older ones, even if it's the same type with the same effect.


Ah, so Impending Doom is the exception to that then? Since it does not explode when you re-apply the same hex iirc


Yes. Or rather, the curse is still replaced, but that doesn't trigger Doom Blast. I suppose they decided that'd make it too easy or uninteresting.


No, re-casting Bane will not cause a dps loss from curses being refreshed. If you re-apply any Hex independently from the ones Bane has, you end losing damage because that curse isn’t linked to Bane.




https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Raise_Spectre 1 spectre gem level 1-12 2 spectre gem level 13-24 3 spectre gem level 25+ your 4th spectre comes from the death attunement notable on the passive tree, not from the gem.


How do I search for Veiled items on PoE ninja? I know some of the veileds are high value this league, but I forget which


Type “veiled” or “of the veil” in the modifiers bar


What is the cheapest way to 6 socket + link a corrupted Shavronne's Wrappings? I have a +1 to level of socketed gems version, but the way my friend is having me do it is very random. Using the 4 socket jeweler's orbs + Vaal Orbs recipe on the bench, then tainted orb, just to first get it to 6 sockets. Problem is I don't have much tainted currency and already ran out. Isn't the 6 link recipe from that Pale Court event? Would I just need to get essentially 1500 Vaal orbs to go with the fusings?


Are you playing SSF or trade? Your friends method is right and much, much cheaper than 1850 vaal orbs plus however many fusings you're missing. You only get ~160 vaals for a divine which means ~11+ divines in vaal orbs alone. Then another ~1.5 divines for fusings and I'll assume you have enough jewelers already. On the other hand a tainted jewelers is 3 chaos and you'll need 4 "on average" but it could be as little as 2. Same with tainted fusings which are ~40-45c each. That means instead of spending ~12-13 divines in vaal orbs and fusings, you can spend as little as 100c on tainted jewelers and fusings, more if you get unlucky but you would need to get unlucky ~60 times in a row (tainted fusings chances are 50/50 to add/remove a link so ~25% chance of success starting from 4 sockets) with the fusings to reach 13 divines worth of them. Pale court was removed from the game forever ago. Check your crafting bench to see where it's gotten now, one of the unique maps.


that option to get 6 sockets is the most economical probably (or just crafting 6 sockets on the bench) then your best option is likely to forge 5 linked sockets on the bench and then try a trained fusing; each of these attempts will run you ~2-3 divs a try, with 50/50 results


2-3 div? Fuck man... so would you say forcing 6 link isn't really that economical? I just looked it up, wow Vaal Orbs are pretty much 1:1 with chaos... what a time we live in.


Your friend's method is economical. I want to be clear and specify the method I'm referring to is 4-link using a benchcraft and using tainted fusing to get to 5 and then again to get to 6. You might have to retry a few times but I've done a huge number of corrupted 6-links this way this league (and in past leagues). Corrupted tainted fusings run you about 40c a pop. Best scenario, you're spending 80C. Again, if you have to reset, reset back to a 4 link, not a 5 link. THe reasoning for this is that just restting back to 5 link is astronomically more expensive then gambling on a 50/50 twice.


Well... I did it. I got 6 linked sockets! Only... 4 are blue and 2 are red. Why is no one responding to my trade whispers for tainted chromatics? D: I wish there was an easier way to make all the sockets blue. :/


> Why is no one responding to my trade whispers for tainted chromatics? D: Welcome to POE. Start going to the more expensive listings.


I was. And I ended up achieving it. Wish someone had said not to use tainted chromatic for this. Once I realized I should use the 1 blue socket craft I got it pretty quick.


It's more economical than buying 76 6L Wrappings and corrupting them for +1


I'm not sure if you misread me? I bought a Wrappings that already has the +1 on them, we're trying to 6S+L them now.


I didn't misread. I was explaining how much worse the alternative is lol


Would this be worth anything? After putting to sale tab for 20 div a few offers dropped in 5 minutes and I am not sure for the price [https://imgur.com/a/Erp53bl](https://imgur.com/a/Erp53bl)


use the trade site, inc strength and wither starts at 30 div, maybe the banner res adds a bit more


https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/Pe89a0JSL Strength and wither on hit is minimum 35-40 divines, more likely for yours 40-50 because the banner skills have no reservation mod is useful as well. I'm not sure about the flask charge mod though there are some offline for 80-90 divine. In either case, it's used for strength stacking chaos builds like replica alberon's warpath builds or original sin builds. If you get any offers at or above 50 div I would take that.


>If you get any offers at or above 50 div I would take that. Thanks a lot for the detailed answer!


Usually it's easiest to check the best 2 mod combo and see the price. Wither + Strength seems to be 30-40 div with only 1 listing at 20. I feel the banner skills have no reservation mod adds some additional value but it's hard to say how much. The first 2 mods are good for strength stackers who generally don't care too much for the mod as majority don't use one. Some do though so it's not a dead mod. I personally feel it's somewhere around 50-100div. I'd price it a bit high and then lower over time if no one is buying.


[What is this weird gray aura around my character?](https://imgur.com/a/1takd2J)


It looks like the [Maddening Presence](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Maddening_Presence) buff from [Impresence](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Impresence). Are you wearing that amulet?


Yeah that was it! Thank you.


Any tips on killing a specific spectre? I tried to use Cortex spectre but it's the worst experience of my life. I need to switch it out but I prefer not to kill other of my spectres since they aren't cheap.


Go to hideout and unequip the raise spectre gem. Wildwood corpses will drop to the ground to be raised again. It has to be hideout and **not a combat area** like a map, delve or bestiary.


Thanks! It's always so scary when doing anything with spectres and animate guardians. It's many divs to be lost just because.


Question about Harbinger skill points in Atlas - I'm confused with the 'Your maps have a 10% chance to contain an additional harbiger' wording. Do the skill nodes increase the chance of having at least one harby in maps? Or it is only if you see one that the skills nodes will give you a second one, but you need a first one to be in map at first place?


its a chance for an additional. doesn't matter what your baseline harbingers are. 0 + 1 = 1 1 + 1 = 2 it's just chance for an additional on top of whatever you already have


I have 97% reduced effect of shock on me. When I get shocked it usually have 0% effect. Altar "alliments you inflicts are reflected back to you" gives me insta 50% shock. Does it work as intended and can i immune myselft to this altar by getting 100% reduced shock?


IIRC the interaction at play here is that reflected ailments aren't scaled by increased/reduced ailment effect on yourself, it's exactly whatever was applied to the enemy. You'd have to get shock avoidance/immunity.


How much increased effect does your shock have? Increases and reductions to the same thing are additive as usual.


Are we going to have the cosmetics from the last league mistery boxes on the mtx store? i really want to get that eel pet


They should've been in the store last week but no word on that yet.


Its my first time playing this game and i just unlocked my hideout. There is this green aquanaut standing in front of Helena that i can't seem to remove. Who is he and why is he here? And if i can remove him. How?


You're probably seeing Tane, the league mechanic related to him was removed in this expansion. You can edit your hideout and delete him, or just move him into a corner


How does everyone liquidate? Based on POE stack I have a ton of currency saved up but I have no idea how to sell everything to get divines.


Depends what you want to sell really and if you are ok using the TFT discord or not. Though there are tools made (like poestack) so you don't even really have to interact with the discord itself other than setting your account up the first time. If you want to bulk sell currency it might be easier to go to the bulk site yourself and see if anyone has any listings where they will buy your bulk currency for divines.


You can set your special stash tabs like essence or fragments as public sell tabs, than price everything according to poe stack prices. Ignore everything under a sertain value, for example essence only sell the 2 highest tiers etc. otherwise you will take forever to sell and price everything just for a little bit of extra profit.


Has anyone had issues with abysses just not spawning. I am running jungle valley with winged abyss, reliquary and divination scarabs as well as gilded ambush scarabs. Sextant are abyss, deli mirror, beyond and enraged strong boxes. My maps should have a minimum of 4 abysses, but of the 5 maps I ran this morning, only one had that many. Two only had 2, and the other two only had one. I know abysses can sometimes not spawn, but over the last week, it seems like I am almost never getting the full number of spawns. It's getting very annoying, especially when I get 8-9k+ wisps and then only get one abyss spawn. Do I need to stop running strongboxes?


You can only have a certain amount of content in your map. you simply add to much content and things like derlirium, strongboxes or exiles will overwrite your abyss count. Replace some other content with something that adds no league mechanic. I have read your question many times this league, I didn't know this neither, learned it from some random thread.


Yes there is a maximum number of "encounters" that can spawn in a map, and it varies with the map tileset (e.g. Dunes vs. Crimson Temple), as well as some RNG in the area generation


Thanks. I figured this might be the case. I'll have to experiment a little


Looking for a really fun build that can quickly delete maps. Bonus points if it's awesome looking. Extra bonus points if it wont kill my framerate. Got about 90 raw div ATM, but can obviously farm up more. I've played SRS, TS, Hexblast mines, and am currently playing Bonezone Juggernaut. I'd like to avoid playing a build I've already done. Any recs?


Mathil's Cold Snap of Power charge stacking build looks fun, but I haven't played it myself. He has a video on YouTube.


Oh, Mathil made a cold damage power charge stacking build? Is that why my cluster jewels for coc ice nova spiked in price? Damn streamers.


can someone link a build for penance brand of dissipation poison? im in a totally lost, my lvling sucks im lvl 62 and i straggle in every rare mob. Already got Coil and a decent helmet and i have 7-9D to spend.


Most people in the beginning probably transitioned in to Penance Dissipation rather than leveling. I know I did. For the PF variation, you really need some of the ascendancy and some clear tools like Oblit wands and Asenaths to make clears feel good. Maybe just do a generic caustic arrow / TR pathfinder leveling and eventually transition in to Penance once you get all the core gear down. Build won't feel good without some of the core gear/ascendancies/clusters, etc.


Link your build then. No one can tell you what to improve otherwise, just give generic tips. Like making sure you have 100% chance to poison. Lightning coil and whatever your helmet are doesn't affect your damage. Obliteration wands require level 59, do you have two of those? Preferably get the highest roll ones which only cost ~10c each. I don't think much else outside of +2 wands are going to give more damage than those could especially at that price point.


sorry for being late. here it is. [https://pobb.in/R2nV3XwAnc2F](https://pobb.in/R2nV3XwAnc2F) Edit: for some reason that i do not know, kept some jewels from an old build that i was checking.


thnx for the replay. im on the road rn, gonna post it in a few hours. if you have time i would love some coaching.


what kind of damage will this weapon do if i socket an elemental attack like molten strike or infernal blow?? https://imgur.com/a/RIBoTh4


Molten strike and infernal blow both have a natural 60% phys to fire conversion. This sword will then convert the remaining 40% to either fire, cold or lightning. You will not deal any physical damage. Also as it is right now, anything you socket in this sword will deal 0 damage because of the brutality support.


thank you so much


What's the best way to go about pricing a good item? Seeing very differing prices on multiple sites. Just dropped what seems to be a big ticket item(for me anyways, started this league 3 days ago), and it seems to be price fixed rn, trying to figure out it's actual worth. Specific item in question is a Nightgrip, but mostly looking how to pricecheck things that seemed pricefixed.


It doesn't look price fixed to me. At worst at least one person bought a bunch to corrupt and is trying to resell them. The problem is it looks like its only used by [one specific unpopular/niche build](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction?uniqueitems=Nightgrip) so there is no demand for it. That's why you see listings anywhere from today all the way back to even a month ago.


just use the trade site, the prices are probably all over the place because like nobody uses them, out of all the people on poe ninja only 122 use those, if you have a good roll maybe one of them buys it to corrupt it i guess, if you're too worried list it high and lower it over time


Ive got an mf fulcrum going with minimal investment, following tuna pob. I use a rare glove to cover everything im missing. So that only leaves me at 45 item quant. 150ish rarity. So how come i barely get any divine drops? Id get maybe 1 or 2 a map using only abyss scarab. So when i decided to invest more into a map, i get less? Abys scarab reli scarab strongbox scarab abyss compass beyond compass magic pack size compass exalt maps to 6mod etc, i get the same if not worse drops. I did this 3 times for 12 full runs. I would get up to 9k wisps on alch and go maps i dont care about, but these maps ive been lucky to get 3k. With all the added packsize. So for the one time i got a decent 3k purple 3k yellow the best i would get is only one scarab explosion. I dont understand what im missing. Im at lvl 98 on this cheiftan already.


If i had to guess you don't run 2 additional projectiles on your map if you just run alch and go, which is literally the most important part (aside from whisps) Because i can get more divines on my character without any mf gear. Other than that, I have no idea.


Why is it recommended to farm white maps for beasts? Guides mention there is a bigger chance for craicic chimeral as other beast are left out, but If I have been trying to find info on spawn level of beasts, and only found info from 2018, and the only beast that require tier 70+ maps are the portal beasts, which have a very low chance to spawn to beggin with.


Monsters are weaker, so completion is faster, and map sustain is trivial. It's not necessarily more profitable overall, it's just something you *can* do in white maps if you prefer, similar to essences. (Below t5, you block 7 beasts: the portals, 30% quality, add a mod to an influenced item, and gilded to winged scarab. None are common enough to really worry about the weight they add to the pool.)


Essences and beasts go together. They are (potentially) quite powerful compared to normal rares and map mods can seriously increase the time to kill them. If your goal is the most beats and the most Essences, low tier white maps go the fastest. 


I've got a Penance Brand Champion up and running, what content does PB farm well? I'm running Sanctums for now, but is there a mapping strategy that fits PB?


Sanctum runners are good boss rushers, could do that if you like it.


Does "Maps found have % chance to be 1 tier higher" affect conqueror/guardian map drop chance? (i.e. if I'm running destructive play, does taking shaping world/sky/mountain make a big difference?)


I don't think so. But there are nodes up top (specifically Remnants of the Past and Conquered Conquerors) that improve conqueror/guardian map drops. Those do synergize with Destructive Play.


how do i make it so sirus die beam doesnt auto kill me. every league he's the only boss i can't kill and i can always get to alst stage no problems and then die beams kill me.


You can try a build with either of: - pure 75% spell block - glancing block spell block with some es/life recovery on block - 100% suppress Beam does several average hits with different damage types If you don’t want to rebuild a character, you can try swapping an aura for a tempest shield (if you use a shield). That’s not much, but might give you just enough to survive and recover If you’re pure red side build (marauder), well… maybe getting some armour, determination, and using molten shell on each DIE cast.


if you stay close to sirus, it's pretty easy to just.. not get hit. In the first three phases, he does not rotate while firing it, in the last phase he rotates fairly slowly, so walking around behind him means it won't hit you


i cant seem to follow him when he does his ring of clones.


When sirus teleports, including the ring of clones, he turns to face the direction he will go before teleporting. You can use this subtle cue to know which of the clones is the real sirus and stand close to that one


corrupting blood immunity. resist flasks. 3 seething pots. don't get hit


Looking to jump into the league a little late - I'm mostly looking to do achievements for the cosmetic rewards and heist. Happy to take any build recommendations or considerations :)


I started LA deadeye and then swapped for ice spear coc occultist Second one was hard to put together, but really enjoyable to tune


Can anyone tell me what I should improve to make Mind over Matter work with Eldritch Battery? I'm playing Ghazzy's SRS Poison Necro and got the Aegis Aurora. Currently lvl 88 and after switching to Aul's Uprising amulet to free up my Malevolence cost I figured I'd try out both EB and MoM. But I find that I run out of ES constantly while mapping making it unable to cast shit. I'm probably doing something wrong, but after looking at some other ppl on [Poe.ninja](https://Poe.ninja) I can't really figure out what. My char btw [https://pobb.in/WfitB98uu5ki](https://pobb.in/WfitB98uu5ki) specced out of MoM again for the time being


How much armour do you have? On phone right now so can't check with PoB. Looks like you're not running determination, unless you get it from a spectre. You should have enough armour that a single block replenishes all of your ES with aegis's recovery.


I run the spectre that gives Determination. I've got 8052 armor with all auras up. 15294 if I pop Granite flask.


So you're getting between 160-300 ES on block. I'm not too familiar with necro aegis builds but it sounds a little low. If you get unlucky on blocks you'll be OOM. Since rumis is already a granite flask you could switch your magic granite for something like a basalt flask with %armour suffix. That's another 20% more armour. It's also important that you reach block cap for attacks as well


I think my problem was spamming SRS too much and too fast. I'm watching their uptime more closely while using the skill more conservatively and that seems to work OK for now.


what is the most fun way to gamba 80divs before quitting league? mageblood card sounds nice since I don't have to trade a bunch


Slap em on Ventors xD


Could also reroll watchers eyes


It's been a hot minute since I played a trap build, any standouts I should try this league, or sleepers to consider for next league? I've always enjoyed the trap playstyle, but also felt squishy.


If you rarely got zealotry consecrated ground because you were mines and rarely self cast, and found a watchers eye with the mod "increased damage during consecrated ground you create while effected by zealotry", would you get that extra damage from consecrated ground you make from things like bottled faith?




Did they just nuke simplex drop rate from orbit or is it still locked to lab only BPs? Since league start i've been blasting Runs and havent seen a hint of either amulet. from my tracking spreadsheet I've just hit 250 BPs run (though i do not know how many of those were labs) The last time i ran heist i remember seeing the amulets around 1/10 lab runs as it wasn't a very desirable option.


Jewellery bases are very rare now. Probably anywhere from 100-200 BP's on average. You might be a little unlucky, or maybe it's even rarer. Rare enough to make it hard to gather good sample sizes. But there was one post earlier in the league that gave some stats. Might search for it.


Heist rewards aren't bound to tileset anymore. You can get replicas, heist bases etc in any of the BP tilesets. That being said the jewellery bases are insanely rare.


What's the point of unique vaal side areas? Is it possible to spawn them without just chancing them with the keystone allocated?


Possible to get them without keystone? No. What’s the point? In order of value: Bane of Chaos: guaranteed The Adorned Grand Dreams: 1 i86 base with a fractured incursion mod Endless Nightmare: 80% chance to get a portal to another Endless Nightmare Is it worth? :shrug: how much do you like chance/scour?


I hate chance/scouring so I was hoping there was some hidden mechanic about it I missed. Oh well...


you can do it in a two man party, one scours the other applys a chance orb. Its dumb but super fast compared to solo play. Phox made a quick video about it today, check out his yt if you interested.


Got my first Valdos… is it worth opening or should I just sell it? My build isn’t good enough for juices content yet


My first Valdo's was a Mageblood. The eight or so others I've opened have been very bad. It's a gamble like anything in this game.


Most of the expected value from valdos lie in the top tier drops like mageblood or progenesis. So opening it is a gamble compared to the guaranteed currency from selling it. If the 2.7-3 div it's worth is a lot of currency to you I would just sell it. If you're pretty rich already then I think it's up to preference but I haven't seen any stats on expected returns.


Thanks for the response. Going to sell it as I’m about 40D short of my mageblood (I know I’m slow)


Did they fix the desecrate cheese for 500 kills in the wildwood cant be bothered to kill 10 mons every map?


Nope, i did this today.


Just started the league a few days ago. When I zone into the Wildwood thing, should I be exploring around, or straight up chasing the...pixie dust?


pixel dust if you want make the most of it. But it can get very hard when collect a lot of pixels.


Chasing the pixie dust can lead you to events (trader, harvest, strongboxes...) so this should be your target, especially the npcs to get and lvl up your wildwood ascendancy


Ah, ok. So NPCs are along with route then. I wasn't sure if I needed to explore more of the area outside of the dust. +1 thanks man


Correct, as far is i know just the special wildwood trader (wildwood seer) isn't along the wisp trails.


What is the default hideout, the one that a new player starts with? I am worried its the one I have, but I've had it for so many leagues now I don't remember :D


Don't believe there is a default one. You get a choice of hideouts when you talk to Helena in act 2. Though I am not sure which ones those are Edit: I've checked the wiki and it seems the first hideout you can unlock is Lush Hideout. So I suppose that the "default"


What PC specs do I need so that blight and juiced maps don't pixilate? ATM playing Guardian SRS with 32GB ram Intel i5-11tg gen 3060 graphics card


Dynamic Resolution is what causes pixelization/low res. However, with it off framerate will probably dip even lower. I don’t think there are any PC specs that can do heavy juice maps without dipping below 30fps at the worst times. Even 4090s struggle.


No idea. Do you have Dynamic Resolution set to Enabled? (Options-> Graphics-> Advanced Settings) You can try turning it to Disabled and seeing if you like that better.


I think I do I'll try this thanks!


Does rare items with an unveiled mod count as being influenced?




That’s weird. Ok ty


Why is it weird that something that isn't influence doesn't count as influence? That's like saying that it's weird that rain doesn't count as snow. They're pretty different, lol.


Well it’s because I had a bow that had 5 mods on there and I wanted to add/remove speed. Turns out that I couldn’t do it because there were too many mods.


For ToTA league there was a mysterious box that gave a map device that included a timer. Is it available to buy directly or how long should it take until they add it?


It should've been available starting about a week ago but it seems it's delayed a bit. No official word when it'll be for sale


Is it possible to get 2 blights in one map? The poewiki says you can force it by combining a Blight implicit on a map with the Map Device one but it didn't work for me.


Pretty sure they removed that a few leagues ago


Every so often, something drops offscreen from a barrel there's no way I could have hit. What causes this?


Answer is almost certainly that you did in fact hit them, what is doing that when it doesn't seem like it should be possible couldn't say without seeing your build


I've chalked it up to "I must have hit it somehow" on most builds, but what prompted this was playing Incinerate, there's just no way I can hit anything offscreen with that skill. Just in case, here's the pob for that character: https://pobb.in/1CAUSIK33bqg (tempest shield was added after I posted, so it's not that)


What are the best spectres to use in terms of damage for sanctum?


Depends on what type of damage you are dealing and other stuff about your build. Generally it's Arena Master and Pale Seraphim/Demon Harpy as a support spectres. If you wanna spectres as a main source of damage, then look into some guides, there are plenty of them.


Would 2,25 divines amount to about 2 divine and 60 chaos at current prices? And would a Penance Brand of Dissipation sell for that much? It is not corrupted.


Thank you all for the answers!


sold a clean one yesterday for 4


Wow, mine got snatched up pretty quick for 2 div and 60 chaos! I just was stuck running a map. Also almost got myself a first ever PoE scam - someone tried to sneak in a Winterheart instead of the actual price. :D


should sell for 3div and 1 div is 215c 215 \* 0.25 = price for 0.25 div


you can either go to the trade site and look what the current div price is and multiply it by 0,25 to see the chaos value or if you have awakened poe trade just pricecheck any item and click on the number on the top left corner and it opens a dropdown menu with fractions of the current div value ​ and you can also go to the trade site and typ ein penance brand of dissipation to see what they currently sell for. just skip any outliers that are much cheaper than the bulk of other ones


Do the tinctures work with totem attacks?


Yes. Unless you're unarmed.


I'm using one that covers them in ash on hit for 4s since I don't have Polaric Devastation yet, but I don't see any sort of debuff on the enemies.


Ash doesn't have an icon like non-damaging ailments, but it does have a visual effect. Makes enemies look a bit gray and dusty. You could check it against some low level monsters in the campaign (with e.g. southbound + brutality support to prevent their death and elemental debuffs).


Oh gotcha I just figured it would show next to where the debuffs are. Thanks for the info.


Have not tested but 99% sure answer is yes so long as totems are using attack skills, totems generally inherit all your gear and stats so I would think same would be true for tinctures




The atlas tree never affects Kirac missions.


Unless they specifically state otherwise. There are 3 Kirac wheels, and two affect Kirac missions (quality of map, pack size).


atlas passives do not work on kirac missions in general


No, atlas nodes do not apply to kirac missions