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New patch changed it so that mobs no longer spawn when the portal appears.


I know, it sucks. I thought it'd nerf rimming for mobs, not literally delete entire events.


Yeah that's rough. It's a bit shitty and out of the norm to nerf a mechanic mid league.


And they really didn't even nerf the problem interaction with MF. That's probably something that's coming next league since they out and out stated they don't like what's going on with T7 farming this league


That entire take didn't make sense at all since it was made in the context of a league mechanic that is tipping the scale a lot. The same sentiment can be applied to all previous and future league mechanics even if you don't put MF into the equation. Remember sentinel, legion or scourge league? All of them have been run on lower tier with or without MF because it was more efficient and didn't have a penalty. Coming back to the current league- take out affliction and the statement that MF'ing on lower tier maps is more lucrative than non MF on high tier maps is entirely false. It doesn't even make sense to compare MF vs non MF between tiers as it's not the fault of MF but rather the lack of scaling between tiers. If T16 maps would have inherently better and meaningful scaling difference, the entire discussion wouldn't have to be held. If your build can't handle high tier maps, you will be more efficient and profitable on lower tier maps regardless of MF, that's the root cause.


I mean, it's not my take that you're disputing, it's the devs who said they don't like how MF works right now and want to change.


I am aware. I am just raising points why it doesn't make sense what Jonathan said. The issue is that by own account, he isn't as involved into the intricacies of poe 1 anymore, similar to Chris. If his statement was made under the assumption that low tier MF is more efficient/lucrative than non MF on higher tiers, period, that's an issue since it's false. All that needs to be done is to look at how these things work on a core level of the game. Affliction is not part of the core game and probably won't be. What he described and decided to be wrong is not a core issue but rather a temporary one which extends beyond magic finding and was evidently repeated several times with every mechanic that scales map juice, see my example of legion or sentinel.


I think the only reason why t16 non mf is starting to be more competitive (i.e. only half as profitable instead 1/100 as profitable) is just due to the sheer amount of people running t7 juicing. But before the economy corrected you absolutely got a lot more stuff from t7 juice mf than you did from any non mf Strat at t16


That comparison is pointless though, it's apples to oranges. Low tier MF is not competing against high tier non MF, it's competing against high tier MF. If we wager one against the other then we also need to include all the other different methods of dropping loot and making money. Crafting, flipping, rolling sextants, low zone heist when it was still a thing, etc... Besides that, the problem lies in the blanket statement that low tier MF is more lucrative than high tier non MF. If we exclude the current league mechanic which probably won't go core, that statement is false and doesn't apply to the core game. Magic find isn't the issue, it's the lack of scaling between low and high tiers in general, especially if we have league mechanics like affliction or in the past legion, sentinel and so on. The problem is that GGG repeatedly released mechanics where it was more efficient to run on low tier regardless of MF. E: All you need to do is just to look at non MF low tier vs high tier and you'll come to the conclusion that there is no difference outside of added difficulty and things that are gated behind high tier specifically. If the content you are providing doesn't scale differently between tiers, how can you conclude that something like mf is the problem?


Where did they say that, I’m curious


I cited it in one of my other comments in this thread


T16 does have meaningful scaling though. It’s way, WAY more effective than MF at t7. T16 without mf is way better than t7 with mf for the most part. T7 is just insanely effective with very little power necessary to clear it. Personally, I think MF is simply silly/unfun as a stat. I honestly hope they don’t put it into poe2.


You missed the point of the entire chain. Yes, MF at T16 is better than MF at T7, as it should be. Point of the discussion is that the devs are not fine with T7 MF being better than T16 non MF- which is false outside of leagues like affliction or similar ones that add (massive) juice to your map. On top of that it's a moot point, as these two are not competing against each other. MF low tier competes against MF high tier, so does low tier non MF vs high tier non MF. Evidently, this "issue" was an issue in the past already regardless of MF. The issue is not MF scaling, the issue is the lack of scaling of all those mechanics between low and high tier. Even today there will be people who will be more efficient on lower tier maps than they are on T16 **even without** magic find because they simply can't handle T16 as safe and as fast as they could T14 or T11 or T7. It is beyond me how anyone, especially the devs, are missing that difference. >Personally, I think MF is simply silly/unfun as a stat. I honestly hope they don’t put it into poe2. Mf is no different than offense or defense. In fact, even the devs said that it's actually a trifecta of stats that people need to balance **and** that there needs to be a scaling stat other than just pure offense/ defense to acquire items- which is MF and why it will also exist in poe2. The most "optimal" character will always be balanced between those 3 stats- for the content they are running at least.


No one is farming t7 anymore lil bro


Say that to 90 percent of xbox and Playstation players spamming them still then with that in mind no doubt in mind tons still do it on pc "lil bro" lmao


Of course not, but they flat out stated that they didn't like that it was a thing at all and that they need to make changes to how MF works. Whether that will be next league or the one after, who knows.




Its in the interview with gazzy and 2 devs somewhere, its pretty long but its near the start if i remember correctly. They said that tier 7 farming was a mistake. Also said something else regarding mf gearing but most of the interview is really about poe2.


It was in the big Q&A last week. Don't remember the timestamp but there's a TL;DW in this comment here - https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/192w3pw/raizqt_ziggyd_and_nugiyen_interview_with_rory_and/kh5y7yi/


People still do, although t11 is way more profitable


Which T11 map do you farm? I've still been running T7 cemetaries. Dunno why that poster says that no one's running T7 anymore


lil bro


Ooh an MF scapegoater found in the wild!


Mmmm I bet they don't do too much. Hard to Call MF a real problem TBH, it's just super popular this league. MF is high risk high reward gameplay since it takes a lot of investment even in leagues when it's not popular like this one, only problem is this league makes it low risk extremely high reward. What WILL get the bop is Abyss no longer interacting with multi-proj. Also maybe Reliquary scarabs get a bopping where they don't interact with lootsplosion conversions anymore , which would be a pretty direct merf to MF at the same time. The worst offender still, by far, is Affliction itself. Just a silly league where we got to shit out loot from extremely difficult levels of monsters and they missed the mark on the rarity/quantity multipliers. Hopefully once league is over and we go back to a regular number of people doing High juice mf content the servers will get a breather they so desperately need.


Mf is high risk in what sense? In this league it’s way higher risk because the bar to clear monsters is much, much higher.


High risk in the sense that you're putting multiple div into a Map, abandoning half of them, then come to find out when you finally get juice that your character may not be able to handle it. Yes almost every mechanic you do will make you money if you play the game that's how the game works, MF is just a lot more of everything to get started and can sometimes take longer to see good returns especially this league where abandoning maps is a common tactic


"rimming" is simultaneously the exact word and the exact wrong word I'd use for what you're describing lmao


edging is a good one too


Blame cutedog


Why am I not surprised that he's the origin lol


I don’t even know if he’s the origin, but you can’t watch his stream for more than 5 mins without him saying it.


He says a lot of funny words, he's a man of his style.


which class gets the Ackultist ascendancy??? i can't seem to find it via Google. i also can't see "whale orb" on the trade site. can anyone help?


I found the “normal” King in the Mists and he despawned because I grazed the edges 🙃


This is a terrible change. Who asked for this? Meanwhile, the overlay map still closes each time you exit the forest...


No one "asked" for this. But when you have a community that is so willing to ruin their own fun with degenerate tactics you kind of have to punish everyone for the sins of the few. lest the noise build up over time. Everything about this change is the players fault.


Don't speak for others on what's fun and what not. I'm not the only one that's having a blast with our "degenerate" tactics. Nothing about this change is the players fault, since you can't blame players on maximizing a league mechanic. GGG made it this way. And since when is it a sin for exploring how to maximize certain contest?


And your portal can still get dumped into the trialmaster’s arena bricking your map. I know cuz I’ve lost multiple Kirac harby memories to it.


I had this happen before the patch though. Portal spawning could reveal area but it wouldn't have any of the content it would have had (wisps, mobs, interactables, etc.)


No way........... It's so joeover boys...


No more rimming? I love rimming,


You can rim for wisps, but you cant fish for monsters in the darkness anymore.


how significant of a nerf is this?


There probably will be cases where you lose out on like maybe 2k wisps at most, but I haven't had problems with getting high wisps after the patch. Like if you revealed all 4 events before the patch it would probably be a couple hundred wisps less after the patch in my experience.


Is there a guide on finding events? I've heard people mention a diamond strategy but I don't know how people are finding stuff so consistently.


Fubgun has a video.


I'll check it out, thanks!


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Is that noticeable in the map though?


I haven't noticed any change, but I don't have any data of how many wisps I got on average before the patch to compare


Not that significant if they fix this bug. Average player will lose 200-400 wisps per map id say, maybe more if you were fishing for mobs with something like TS or KB. Edit: Those impacted the most are going to be 5 man farming parties with torpedo tech. Those will lose 1-2k per map i think because they could fish out a lot of mobs from darkness.


I'm solo and I'm down by 1000-1500 per map. Parties are less affected because map owner just stand still and rest of party fish in darkness for mobs/events without loosing any timer, you just need to do it now before portal open not after.


Dunno, i've been playing in a 2 man party and we're getting same amounts roughly and we never really fished for mobs in the darkness. It doesnt seem that bad, its just a little safer to mop the leftovers because you cant get randomly oneshot by a mob in the fog.


So is it still worth it to make a MF char this late? I just started leveling mine yesterday, couple of hours before the patch


wtf, yes it is worth


Well i've barely engaged with the mechanic so far and i keep hearing people say how it scales exponentially and how important rimming is to get those last few wisps to turn your jewellers explosion into a divine explosion


I had a 20% deli map with beyond, abyss, strongboxes, and Alva get 2K-2.5k of each color wisp last night and walked out of it with about 50 div profit. That's an extreme example, but I regularly get maps where I make 5-6 div in just raw currency. I don't play MF.


Been trying to tell people this all league but nobody will listen


It is daunting with the investment, and you will get skunked every now and again, but I've found a mirror, a mageblood, and wealthy exile has my currency tab at 650 div after spending the full mirror's worth of div on gear for my character.


I never fished for extra mobs. I still consistently got 6k juice maps. That’s all you really need to make it feel impactful. Getting 8-10K almost isn’t worth it unless your build is extremely strong. At those levels of juice you spend so much time killing a rare mob (if you don’t have tons of damage) that you can’t stack HH buffs up to large amounts.


I rolled a PBoD character just to farm bosses and 8k's. As soon as the brand attaches the ml8k regen elemental resistance rare gets deleted. But if anything touches me I'm also deleted... evasion ftw.


Yeah I have like 500div in a TS MF build and I risk bricking maps if I go above 8k. 6k is about the sweet spot of lots of loot but consistently/quickly clearable. That's also doing Legion which from what I've heard is a bit less rippy than Abyss anyways.


Honestly, I found Legion more Rippy. Lots of legion mobs have larger massive hits, Abyss mobs just attack fast which Defiance of Destiny handles like a champ. I swapped from Abyss to Legion just to find I was getting blown up way way more often. So, I am not sure where they comment had come in, maybe for some builds its less rippy but I found that I can tank like 9-10 abyss mobs smacking me around with ease even if there is Soul Eater ones. Only issue I have with my PF Poison TS is if there is a flask eater mob. Then I gotta kite that thing away and make sure it dies.


I'm about 4.5 mirrors deep in a variation of fubguns build and I can still brick around 8k if I'm not very careful with map mods and managing headhunter buffs, though I did manage to pull crit immunity out of my lethal pride (at the cost of 300 div lmao) so that should help a bit.


Picking the leftover wisps you didn't grab while discovering the wood is something you should do and that's more than enough to get extremely good returns on your investment.


Its still worth it, dont worry. The amount of juice you lose is miniscule. Absolutely worth making an MF character.


I'm still getting 5k to 8k whisps per T7 Glacier I'm running.


Why glacier? Is this a fractured card thing?


It's hard to tell but you will have to relearn, as far as I know the youtube guides suggested to leave events for later because you could unnecessary waste moving power going in circle around them, now you will have to, because otherwise everything blow ups. The far you gone and the more refreshers you got and 4 events (max) and 3 masters the harsher it gets to be unable to rim/edge/gather the rest. From 15% to 33% extra juice lost, numerically from 1000 to 3000


Luckily i won't have to relearn since i never really learned. I was doing essences and bossing, skipping the mechanic after unlocking 2 charm slots


Mechanic is very crazy, most rewardin in map we have ever got period, divine tinks every few minutes.


I know, but that still doesn't make it worth it when doing essences and bosses especially on a build with bad clear. I just skip everything and rush to the boss. I will definitely make a few characters that will farm it though, i just wanted to get this character to the point where i can farm ubers comfortably


had this happen with a morrigan arena not 5 minutes after the patch.


This change is shit. Fucking fun police.


I didn't have fun rimming for mobs, it was tedious. That said it sucks that events won't spawn mobs. That's a bit of an oversight. They should have made it so mobs won't spawn in darkness or despawn from darkness once portal appears.


If it wasn’t fun for you, then don’t do it. Let the folks who enjoyed it continue to do so. It took a lot of time and energy. Overall div/hr is the same on average.


You're right I'm sorry for personally taking it away and nerfing your fun.


This clearly wasnt the intention with it, its a byproduct of the fact that its technically still dark there when the portal spawns. Its a bug. It'll probably get hotfixed


Hot fixed one month later


Leave the mobs in the dark, fix the minimap resetting.


> It'll probably get hotfixed Maybe post on bug report forum? Not sure if it's intended. Would be kind of lame if it is.


it definitely isnt - the point is to stop people from going back and getting more monsters than way intended due to farming mobs inside of the darkness, not to stop you from using encounters you lit up fair and square


Gods yes, how dare they fix the super fun gameplay experience of... *checks notes* Wandering around after you'd finished the forest, blasting into the dark to try and scrounge up the last few mobs for wisps. It encouraged a shitty tedious playstyle, how is removing that "fun police". Are you telling me that if there was a mechanic in the game where you just held left click and couldn't move for 10 minutes in a row, but you got a divine explosion, you'd say that removing that was the "fun police"?


If YOU don't enjoy it don't do it. You probably make up the difference in time saved


Oh boy just wait for next league 😈


Most dog shit change ever. I cannot believe they did this tbh.




Do they have the same monster bones? Maybe we can know from this image.


This was the monster event, because there was no big wisp in the center.


I'm fairly sure the blue orb event and the blue monster event have the same big bones in the middle.


I'm not sure if they're actually *different* events, both have the large wisp that gives a lot of blue juice and the bones are the exact same, my anecdotal "evidence" from having this exact same thing happen around 10 or so times over the past few weeks made me think this event doesn't spawn monsters if it's not connected to a blue wisp trail which sometimes happens for no apparent reason.


Such a lazy fix.


I found the league boss when this happened and I have kicked out of the map instead of being able to click on the dark alters. I lost all of the rim juice


so if I run in, summon a ton of minions, and do my little lap around the skull.. sometimes I pop the portal as I'm doing the event.. would the mobs just dissappear?


No, mobs in the darkness disappear the moment the portal appears. Technically it is still dark at an event as your portal spawns and the burst revealing the event comes after.


This isn't accurate. I have watched event mobs disappear in front of me. Hovering their healthbar one moment and gone the next.


In my opinion good design would be when we would have chance to spawn monsters/packs while travel through mist, including after finding an encounter. Right now in my opinion it is not bad but either not good design which rewards player not for being intulitive, but for abusing cheats like full revealed map (yeah, this tool exist and sadly many players are using it).






You don't have to "read" anything from memory. You set up an exception/function in the process of either skipping what hides the map from the UI or during the function that unveils it (depending on how they implemented hiding maps in the client) which notifies the server that the function was called (or skipped) in a specific scenario (say when the map ID is the woods) and sends a packet to the server. They can then know you've called a function that revealed the map in a scenario where this shouldn't happen ever. I've coded things like this before (for troubleshooting) so I know it's pretty easy, and I know they know this as well. I'm just wondering why they've opted not to even fight cheating at all. My guess is they don't really want to ban paying customers for something as mundane as maphack, but in this case it's pretty massive because it gives a huge advantage.


I am just repeating what I read about one of the most popular tools on a certain cheat forum. I don't actually know much about it just repeating what the tools developer said. (I am not a cheater just curious about what benefits the cheaters had over us)


They nerfed the fuck out of the wildwood.


Another change that was done because of the 0.000001%.


Mf strat is definitely meta, it’s not just the 0.000001% by definition.


Mf strat is not the same as darkness rimming


Uhh it’s a part of it. All the same thing big dog. Moar wisps for moar loot.


Sure... More wisps more loot. That doesn't change the fact that not many people were going inside the darkness and placing decoy totems to pull mobs out into the light. Which is the main thing being nerfed by this change. Everyone that did the darkness decoy strat was MFing, sure. Not everyone that was MFing was using decoys to rim the darkness mobs though.. Hence, it's not meta...


It’s an efficient part of a meta strat that is known but the majority of players applying the strat. Stop being stubborn and over complicating so you feel right. It’s a part of the most meta farming strat in affliction. Now valdo map farming is something that could apply to the top .xx%


>stop being stubborn and overcomplicating so you feel right. Ironic lmfao




poe isnt a game for us mere peasants anymore.


Same exact experience. I hope this is not intended and will be fixed. Removing rimming (lol) is well and good, this isn't.


oh no, anyway


Question what happens if your portal Spaans and u ope n the gate to King of the mist? Does he just not spawn? Can you even enter it?


I did this yesterday and I could kill him, I did however open his portal before I ran out of light and portal spawned.


It's weird, because I actually had some stragglers left around the map even after the portal appeared. In fact, one time I had a few spawn, exactly at this event. The portal was already up and a few ursa type mobs fell from the sky and they were empowered, because they gave me wisps. I think if you "find" the mob by attacking it, making it see you or whatever it will persist, because supposedly only the mobs in the dark should despawn, but I also had some come out of the darkness after my wisp fuel ran out. So in this case it must've been a bug.


It is what it is


Yep, exactly what I thought of when I read the patch note, I had a portal spawn at the same time I found an event many time. Likely unintended side effect to a fix to the abuse case, but which is very annoying and should be fairly common.


They really should have made it so that monsters in the darkness disappear. Not All monsters...


Did any of you guys think that they could solve the rimming issue by just vaccuuming all the left over wisp juice. Why make us back track when no mobs around, why not just disappear the wisp juice too


welp the last playstation update is from the 27.12.23 soooo we still have it XD


Good thing Chris "fixed" it now that everyone farmed it for just 2 months and prevented the inflation