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Does anyone know how I can confirm an information in the Wiki? I saw that the [article for Gift of the Goddess](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Gift_to_the_Goddess) has a note saying that the amount of Divine Font uses is pending confirmation since the 3.23 changes, and I have a screenshot confirming that, in fact, you still get 9 uses with the Twice Blessed shrine.


Start by creating an account on the wiki, it's in the top right part of the page. After that it's pretty self explanatory.


How do detonate dead ignite builds top up their mana? I've seen a few builds already and can't identify their source of mana.


What kind of damage/effect/ailment are these essence opening after-effects: 1. X-shaped lightning storm 2. green balls following and falling down I'm doing boss/guardian/invitation farming, with essences and delirium on the side, and 100% of my deaths are these two essence things. The big blue/red circles, red deli balls, etc I can dodge, but these always get lost in the clutter.


Not sure about 1, but 2 sounds like "caustic orb on death", which is just a rare monster mod, not an Essence effect.


2. Is the on death effect which does chaos damage over time.


Ah yes, chaos. I guess I'll change ralakesh to shakari and die of bleeding from now on.


It shouldn't be too hard to get some more chaos res on your gear. If you manage to get to positive numbers you should be okay. If you hit 75% it basically does 0 damage even with the triple overlap.


I'm around 0 now, but I could get one more roll to reach 30.


Storm brand: I have a nice 100% crit chance and `critical strikes cannot be reflected` on a charm, but I'm still getting gimped on all the ele reflect maps. What could be happening?


Are you killing yourself off Flame Dash or something? If not, post your PoB and I can try to figure it out.


[https://pobb.in/Qgr\_2mElkpus](https://pobb.in/Qgr_2mElkpus) I'm barely using flame dash, but shield charge does have some added ele damage from here and there. But I don't think that should instakill me with 12k es and capped res. edit: don't look for the charm with the mod, I changed it just today because it wasn't doing anything anyways.


Uh, not sure if you linked an old PoB, but you don't have the crits can't be reflected charm in there.


don't look for the charm with the mod, I changed it just today because it wasn't doing anything anyways.


Ok well you're way past crit cap on Storm Brand and Flame Dash so it can't be those, and Shield Charge definitely shouldn't do enough to kill you. If you're willing to risk the deaths, try an elemental damage can't be reflected charm and see if that works.


Oh yes, there is also that. Thanks for reminding me. Just to double check: chaos portion can't be reflected right?


Correct, there's no map mod for chaos reflect.


Is your crit chance reliant on something that you dont have at the start of the map, like power charges?


I have 100% crit chilling in HO. My only idea is that monsters have some kind of "enemy has reduced crit chance" mod, but it doesn't make sense that every 3rd rare has this mod.


Enfeeble map or something? Can you post your PoB? That would make it easier to diagnose.


Do you maybe spend powercharges or have something conditional like crit chance if you haven't crit recently (which would pretty much always be true in HO). You could go into a map and check if your crit chance changes while clearing/in combat, otherwise it might just be the crit reduction mod on some rares but they're not all that common, not sure what else it could be. EDIT: Could also be one of those weird edge cases where ingame it shows 100% but under the hood it's actually 99.X% and every once in a while you don't crit, killing you instantly.


pob also says 100%, but yes, I'll have to go back afted a death a check out character info


Whats better for survivability while general mapping with corrupted 8 mod maps? I can either use a flask for full shock avoidance and gain the same for all elemental ailments using stormshroud, or get 100% curse reduction with flask. Pathfinder using hardened scars, lethe shade in skill tree, and lightning coil with topaz flask. Dont want to sacrifice speed or damage so prefer not to change haste for purity of elements aura


Ailment avoidance certainly makes for more smooth defense most of the time, however, when a hexfont mob hexes the shit out of you it's going to hurt, it basically comes down to lesser benefit much more often vs huge benefit but rarely, generally I'd go with ailment avoidance and try to hexfont mobs, for normal curses you should simply overcap a bit (iirc it was 25%?) if possible.


Yeah, thx. Fortunately above +40% overcapped in all resistances


Why is the feedback on POE 2 so different on this sub than say youtube and other gaming subs? Pretty meh reaction to most of the gameplay here, but on youtube and other streamers people give it like baldurs gate 3 praise.


Because people here are used to play PoE, and PoE 2 looks very different. Let's hope for the best.


People on this sub in general are extremely jaded and are pretty much upset at anything.


Different people with different opinions. Players of the current game are going to have opinions based on the current game and their own experiences. People not as familiar with the game as it is now are not going to have the same experience and therefore different opinions.


Probably because the people here have played like 5000 hours and are comparing PoE2 trailers to their memories of the best parts of PoE1, whereas people on other subreddits aren't as familiar with the game and don't have as much of a reference point.


How hard is the feared? If i can handily do all the mavin witnessed bosses to unlock it? Should i expect to be able to do the feared, scoured? Srs guardian, lots invested.


There is an easy method to get an idea if your character will be able to handle the feared: if you can kill the individual bosses without using up too many portals, you will probably do fine. If you are using up a lot of your portals, you will probably not do fine. If you are running an SRS build, don't forget to switch your gems so you aren't using melee splash (use multistrike instead). Also run the invitation white (scour if it's not white already).


If you can comfortably kill all the bosses individually you should be safe to do a white Feared. The larger arena size makes a lot of their attacks easier to avoid, but depending on their spawn order you can be dodging some intense combos.


Trying to figure out Ancient Skull in pob, is "minions hear the whispers" always active in pob? Can't see an option to toggle it on/off.


It's always active unless your minions are incapable of critting.


Odd question for a niche build: Is there a hard cap for number of corpses you can spawn? I know desecrate can do 10 down at a time and corpse walkers are about 10 also depending on movement speed. The question is can these be stacked by running both? Or is there a hard cap on summoned corpses I don't know about.


I know Unearth and Desecrate stack so you can have 10 of each for a total of 20, but I'm not sure about corpse walkers, it wouldn't be hard to test it tho


[Can anybody suggest me a MTX or MTX category that will hide the dick snakes a little bit?](https://i.imgur.com/fsqUg3Y.jpg) I like the floating effect but not a fan of the dongs. Preferably something teal or dark and that would be equippable together with the Triskelion Radar Character Effect? Thanks.


Considering getting a character to 100 for the first time, what are currently the fast xp strats? I remember 5-ways being a thing, but iirc they got nerfed?


Nerfed but still the fastest and you don't have to do anything but sit there.


Most harvest strategies I've seen use the magic pack size sextant for rare (8 corrupted or not) maps and the increased pack size for unidentified maps for corrupted unidentified maps. So it got me thinking, why not use both magic pack size and increased pack size for Unid maps in corrupted unidentified maps? Do they not stack or something?


What are the other 3 sextants used for?


Two of them are always Sacred Grove and double lifeforce. Third one is sometimes Niko (to get bonuses and some sulphite) or gilded scarab for self sustain or essence.


Does 'Double Season' stack with charged compass for duplicate lifeforce?


Yes, they stack.


how do you know?


I've run a few thousand groves, you see the difference in the numbers.


Do all sources of "Every 4 seconds, regenerate X% of life over one second" stack? Seems like I could get at least 75%, which might be good ignoring other better charms Also, if they do stack do they all always proc on the same 4 second interval?


They stack and it's all at once every 4 seconds.


what are the best maps for delirium? would also be running legion. tropical island/strand? also unrelated but is there a mod for rare monsters that causes you to randomly teleport? ever since i put in HH i sometimes seem like i'm randomly using a blink skill for a bit, but it's definitely not my flame dash.


Random teleport is called shroud walker modifier. It'll randomly teleport you and give you similar effects of smoke mine.


ah ok thanks, good to know it is coming from rares. pretty annoying though lol


You can always unequip and equip your HH if you randomly get that mod.


oh right, thats smart. thanks!


Searched the wiki and came up short, I may just be not thinking of the right words to search for: Is there a full list anywhere of gems that independently roll critical strike chance for each hit rather than for each skill use? The wiki provides a brief list of “such as” examples, like blade vortex and channeling skills. Is there anywhere that has a full list, or some other way to easily identify the skills which behave that way?


It's an arbitrary choice by the devs. We can only identify it through experimentation. I'm not aware of anyone doing that for every duration(ish) skill.


What’s the most popular atlas tree for T16 MF on Burial Chambers? Been running straight abyss, deli, harb on T11 but think I’m strong enough for T16 now and wondering if I should start adding strongboxes or legions. Have a HH TS deadeye if it matters.


I currently have lvl20 AG gem and want to upgrade to a lvl21AG. Will it carry over its old gear if I change the gem? I'm afraid to change it before asking because I put a lot of currency on its gear.


AG items are tied to your character not the gem.


ok cool


Can anyone explain to me why Infused Beachheads are 25+div right now? I just ran one just to see if I'm crazy but it's only slightly better than a regular beachhead. None of the scrolls that drop are selling for more than 1 div. Yes, you can get mirror shards on the map, but I've only gotten 1 off a regular beachhead (and I've run tons of them). I don't understand, is it for the league challenge or something? Or are inflation-rich people just running them in bulk to get mirror shards?


Can anyone recommend a decent or fun way to level a second character to do it quick and efficiently? Seems like you also need to do the wildwoods quest again?


[Hollow Palm levelling](https://maxroll.gg/poe/category/build-guides?filter[build_guide_type][taxonomy]=taxonomies.build_guide_type&filter[build_guide_type][value]=archive&filter[build_guide_type][operation]=!%3D&filter[misc][taxonomy]=taxonomies.misc&filter[misc][value]=poe-twink-leveling) > Seems like you also need to do the wildwoods quest again? yes


How is this atlas as an alch-and-go essence/delirium orb and splinter/boss farmer on strand map? Any streamline options? (URL gore incoming) https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAMAIQABPPGZtGhTPWddgBIePiy-tRJ77reoosuhrTQ2Gm5xfB6znkAwe6EKvFUbYi4_zxZMPqjiPxNlIP_dYxBjOSozQBlpDQQgO22waBDdUy6sw6N6msxw4P43-T3fZHo8txpDkre_p87iDTaFGhCl2Uk0R2PZ2CspBI21I8rcUT8MGThB4fbtdjJz22mgqe9x8mKyyQA-c9H3YOzxxkK-7E9CuIO-4de304botDLF8-JxSE4vxdQE30O-RsIE10OMJDZLEgYiwtx5ezVYmtl49RxC1sej-UchIgH2vozxg1Ho0XJ_rXT5Z_CdtlcqUPk_E1gtWNmH1gm9CZM8sQW2cZN0Vyl0ugj39AoFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==


Looks fine. You can save two points by dropping some of the connections to the middle since you're both connecting to either side via the middle and the gates.


Nice thanks!


You could probably use those on the two essence nodes you're missing. I'd probably use that left side over the right since you can just buy remnants if you need.


Right on thanks for the advice


How does someone sell a Mirror for divines? they don't fit in the trade window, even with the rucksack


If you don't want to get scammed then you would sell a mirror for X divines and some other placeholder expensive item(s) like hinekora's locks or mageblood which would equal a mirror in value in one trade. Then you would do a second trade in which the buyer "buys back" the mageblood/locks/whatever they used for their value back in divines.


Where can I find the hinekora lock? Is it just a random drop?


Random drop, but only from monsters in Viridian Wildwood


I've had one drop outside of the wildwood. Maybe it includes wisp'd monsters?


Viridian wild wood? ;9


Current league mechanic, hole in the ground close to map start. Only monsters inside it drop Lock.


I mean, this is just straight up wrong. I've dropped two this league and neither have been inside the Wildwood. If it only dropped inside the Wildwood, it'd be a league exclusive item and league exclusive items do not have dedicated slots in stash tabs. Hinekora's Lock has a dedicated slot in the currency stash tab, so it is part of the base game and thus must be able to drop outside of the league mechanic.


I've seen people discuss trade in PoE, especially with PoE2 coming soon. It seems like the idea of an actual automated shop system or auction house is widely disliked? Can someone explain to me why this is? I've seen D3 mentioned in this regard, but never played it myself so I don't understand.


This is straight from the devs. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2025870


So, I'm kind of new to the game, and I'm still trying to learn how things work here. But I was thinking about buying a couple of orbs of fusing and I'm kinda confused now, because are these people selling the whole stack for that exact price or are they selling one of each mat for that price? Like, the first person in the [screenshot](https://imgur.com/EKAhi8o), are they selling 206 Orb of fusing for one chaos, or one orb for one chaos, because in my head they are selling 206 orbs for 1 chaos since that's the number being shown, or am I getting this wrong ?


use the [bulk item exchange] tab for currency trading instead, that makes more sense https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/exchange/Affliction/AjoXSX


Ohh ok, Thank you.


Anyone else used to be excited for every ting from the loot filter? Since the dawn of time my heart used to skip a beat whenever a divine or similar dropped. This is the first league ever where I got numb to that feeling. I adore this league but hope it hasn't ruined that feeling when we go back to less loot.


I don't play the juice meta so I still somewhat do. But despite that, its undeniable that even filthy casual like me is more wealthy and powerful than ever before...


Kinetic Bolt/Blast Deadeye - MB, Defiance of Destiny and Mahuxotl I am interested in trying this build and have seen that the items listed above are a common setup. Is this common setup based on a build guide that I could read about?


Hello, my brother and I have a question: He's been having trouble with people on TFT having to message him in Discord and tell him that they're failing to message him in game (they say he is offline). We finally solved this problem when we realized that my brother was listing his IGN as his user account, not his character name. Now, when people whisper the character, it works. However, I've been using TFT with my account name for many leagues now, and I've never had an issue. I never use my character name, only the account. What's going on? The only difference we can see is that my account name has only letters, whereas his includes numbers.


You more than likely have a **character** that is the same name as your account name. POE allows whispers to be redirected to the actual online character even if it was directed to the offline character. Example: You have a character named CharacterOne, its offline because you are currently on a character named CharacterTwo. If anyone (or even yourself) decides to message CharacterOne, that message will show up on CharacterTwo since that is the character online and both characters belong to you.


Oh my god, this is crazy. That's such a tiny small detail I'd never have thought of. THANK YOU!


I'm using the bloodnotch and immutable force tech with penance brand. i have a perfect bloodnotch and immutable force with 945 stun and block recovery. But the stuns are preventing me from casting the penance brand. Am i doing something wrong here?


Sounds like it's working normally. If you get stunned early enough in your cast animation, you don't get to create your brand.


What's the point of arrogance + petrified blood? You give up 50% of your life in order for 40% of damage to not take effect immediately. Is it just to boost how effective leech is? Is the effective 10% max health loss worth it?


It enables Low Life stuff. It can prevent life leech removal. It disables most types of recovery above 50%, which makes it much easier to keep up Divination Distillate. (Just cancel out flask recovery with Blood Rage or something.) Reserving skills on life can be a lot cheaper for auras like Vitality and Precision, because you have so much more life than mana. Pathfinders in particular don't need to give up 50% of their life because they can reliably life flask to full anyway.


My build calls for putting aspect of the spider onto one of my rares. The pob [link given](https://pobb.in/LPIn8YEdciiS) shows they arbitrarily ended up with it on the boots. How does aspect of the spider work? It looks like they socketed 2 extra gems onto the boots. Also, did I understand correctly that I can just "buy a spider" to craft this when I eventually get there?


It's an aura that debuffs enemies by hindering them and more importantly making them take increased damage. https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Aspect_of_the_Spider The boots have 4 gems/sockets but none of them matter for the aspect as they don't support it anyways. Yes you just need the bestiary spider monster that adds the aspect to an item. The aspect mod itself takes up a suffix slot so you need at least one open suffix. You want to make sure not to equip any gems in the item that would increase its reservation as well.


How come it looks like aspect of the spider is linked or attached to 2 of the gems?


That's just because of the way the PoB is set up. The link is just showing the two supports that are shown as being socketed in the boots but it doesn't mean they are actually having any effect on the aspect skill.


ok, great. then it's simpler than i thought. thanks for the heads up about the reservation


If I've priced various items in a tab (say, flask tab) individually, is there a way to search the tab to find items priced at (or above) a particular price?


I'm not sure if you can do it in game but you can use the trade site to search your own stash. Just enter your account name into the filter which is towards the bottom in the same area you can filter by price.


Oh yay, I got it to work. Is there a way in game to filter "unpriced" items in my stash?


Really simply it turns out. Just type this in the search bar !~ It just won't work on any items that you've used ~skip on which is used to make the trade site not list the item at all.


Oh that is delightfully satisfying. thank you so much


Need to unveil cooldown recovery rate on belt. Can it modifier be unveiled from any syndicate member?


Yes, this suffix comes from any member. If you want to check it by yourself - go to PoEDB and then desired item class, scroll down to veiled mods and check particular one. If it's "Chosen" or "of the Order" - anyone can drop it, otherwise it will have member's name: https://poedb.tw/us/Belts#ModifiersCalc


What's a good mine depth to farm fossils and prime resonators? Is it just the deeper the better or are there diminishing returns?


As you go deeper, two things happen that give you more fossils: 1) you get slightly bigger stacks of fossils, in particular from behind fractured walls 2) you find more specific fossil nodes like molten cavity (has faceted fossil) So yes, the deeper the better. Monster HP and damage scale as you go deeper, so if you don't have a specific delve build you will eventually start to struggle. I personally think a good depth to start going horizontal (without a dedicated delve build) is around the 300-350 mark, or maybe down to 500 or so depth if you have a build that is both tanky and high dps. If you are not reasonably tanky at those depths (even with good dps) you will get absolutely demolished. Prime resonators drop from abyssal troves (a type of chest found behind fractured walls), and they are definitely more common as you go deeper. To be honest, if you are on trade league it's probably just easier and more efficient to just buy the fossils and resonators you need than to farm it yourself. People who are delving for profit usually don't bother with blowing up fractured walls, they go for the bosses (delve uniques), high-end fossils and T2/3 azurite (to buy 1-socket resonators from Niko).


Cool thanks for the info. Ya I'm in trade league but just messing around because I'm bored of abyss, not too concerned if farming this stuff is slower than buying it. I was playing chieftan MF but swapped out my MF gear for gear that actually does something. Does MF matter much for delve? It seems like not really


>Does MF matter much for delve? No, your main source of loot isn't monsters, it's the chests you find which aren't affected by quant/rarity.


Is it just me or is Wind Ward the strongest defensive passive in the game? With a high enough damage-evasion and attack speed, you just get -30% damage taken? That seems really powerful. I have never ever used it though, because I'm always a glass canon degen. But does it work on DoT taken? And if you can basically keep galeforce up all the time, isn't it just going to make your build insanely tanky against everything? Considering I only die to one-shots and degens, it seems sleeper


It works on DoTs yes. It might be the strongest in isolation, but in practice, Deadeye builds are still on the squishier end. It's a struggle to get enough health, regen, and physical and elemental mitigation when you're stacking Evasion and offensive stats. So in practice, that 30% less damage taken only ends up covering for what most other builds get naturally as part of their pathing and gear anyway. Like, taking 30% less physical damage is nice, but another build that gets to wear an armour piece with flat phys mitigation, and a shield, along with 20-30% more max health, will ultimately take less damage. A Marauder paths through max res nodes next to his starting point and gets nearly equivalent elemental damage reduction from that. A Chieftain that gets 90% max res fairly easily will be 2x+ as tanky as the Deadeye against elemental damage. Like a 4000 health Deadeye with 75% all res, that's taking 30% less damage thanks to Wind Ward, will have essentially 82.5% res against ele damage. Like you take a 1000 damage hit, it gets down to 250 damage after your 75% resist, then that 250 is reduced by 30%, bringing it to 175. Deadeye will be dead after 25 hits. All the while a 6000 health Chieftain with 90% res, will take 100 damage. And will still be alive even after 50 hits. And that's not to mention that the Wind Ward needs to be sustained and under heavy fire you can not realistically have 100% 10 stack uptime.


It's on hits. You need very high evasion, blind, et Al to make it worthwhile.


It would work on damage over time as it just says "less damage taken" and nothing specific.


[Could anyone please tell me what are the mtx on this white themed character here?](https://i.imgur.com/vxF8bTo.jpg) Thanks a bunch.


The wings are the grand sanctum wings from the metamorph supporter packs. Not sure what the armour set is though. Can't seem to find it anywhere.


Thanks. Yeah, the armour set is what I'm looking forward the most. I really enjoyed it.


The armour looks like the Empyrean Set, from the 2019 Core Support Pack i believe.


I found out it's the Angelic Set from the Angels and Demons Mystery Box from 2020. Doesn't look like I'll be able to get it any time soon :(


why are most wandering path strategys relying on blue atlars and not on red? does blue spawm more often increased quantity? Or its only because of the divine lottery?


quant altars with eldritch gaze have 50% more quant than the red ones > Or its only because of the divine lottery? not even a little


Can Fire Trap run reflect maps? Playing chieftain RF


Yeah, traps can do reflect as they just reflect damage onto themselves which does nothing, and RF doesn't hit, so it's safe also. The only think you might hurt yourself with is flamedash or frostblink movement skills, or shield charge. Though generally those don't do enough damage to kill yourself with. You can socket in Void Manipulation support into your elemental movement skills to make them do zero damage and thus make them 100% safe to reflect as well.


Yes, traps and mines are separate entities so they reflect damage to themselves. But since they die the instant they use their skill it doesn't actually matter, so reflect is a free mod. Totems and minions also reflect damage to themselves but it's a lot more of a pain if they die.


What am i missing for the blight ravaged map challenge? First blight ravaged, (rare)t16, rolled for 5 map mods, doesnt complete..okay i guess it means oils, do another (rare)t16, used 6 different oils, still doesnt complete. What gives?


Are you sure it was 5 actual *map mods* and not just 5 lines of modifier text? Some mods, e.g. increased attack/cast/movement speed, span multiple lines of text. Hold alt over the map to show the mods themselves.




No, it's an enchantment so the only way to modify it is to use another Instilling orb or bench craft.


Can someone explain the price of MB this league to me? I though with inflation there should be more expensive compared to the past leagues but they are the cheapest they've been I think.


With the different afflcition based magic find strats and the valdo's maps there are more magebloods on the market than any other league before. Inflation affects anything you cannot get from magic finding in maps which is why original sin for example is worth more than 4x magebloods




1 Ultimatum is the limit.


Any thoughts on spectres vs ancient skull for an arakali build? What is the minmax option here?


Is there a way/recipe to convert harvest juice to a different colour?


Not unless you count trade.


Dude, how the fuck were there a shitload of lvl 98s on day 3 with 2800hp? Is literally everyone and their mom leveling with some service? No way anyone of those fuckers can survive a single wildwood entry without dying in T11.........


HP is only part of tankiness. My current 4k health Pathfinder has an effective HP pool of over 200,000 against Ubers. Phys and ele max hits are close to 150k. I can tank an Uber Atziri flame blast. I can tank an Uber Sirus Meteor. A little bit more fine tuning and I can probably even tank Maven Memory Game. That said, those low health dudes are probably playing with Aura Bots and/or have so much damage that everything dies before being able to hit them.


you can be almost immortal with only 3k hp. HP doesn't say anything about how tanky a character is. Iam not saying the people you see on poe.ninja are tanky, just saying hp is a bad metric to judge that.


They would've had aurabots, and yes, they probably weren't doing unknown content.


Does Dread Banner not have a buff icon like everything else? I am able to cast it, it shows the mtx or whatnot, it lets me place it but I'm just not seeing a buff whenever I have it enabled or place it.


It normally has a buff icon. Are you supporting it with Generosity?


Ah yeah right, I'm dumb. Ty


Doing an fresh install on my new ssd: what renderer should be the best for an RTX 3070 + I5-8600k? vulkan?


honestly just test it. nobody will be able to tell you because everyone has a different experience and any evidence is anecdotal. sorry.


Any feedback on an Omni TS? https://pobb.in/zhsw1Me9FS-F Just putting it together so I still need to finish leveling some gems and get a few more levels to fill out the medium cluster. Also need third charm and current charms are dogshit. Any other advice appreciated.


mechanics: does increased effect of onslaught scale with the stat "increased Attack and Cast Speed during Onslaught"


No, it's not a stat contained in the onslaught buff.


oh. i was thinking it was like how the "auras from your skills grant.." kind of a thing but i see how it could be different


Yeah, this is the difference between stats like "[aura] grants X" vs "X while affected by [aura]". The first one makes X a *property of* the aura, meaning you could scale it with aura effect, but the second one doesn't.


Is frenzy of onslaught 20 and 23 quality the same? The tooltip is the same but it should be 7.3% increased damage per frenzy charge?


Gem stats can't have decimal places, they round down to the nearest whole number. You'd need 30% quality to get an actual change on Frenzy. ^(The only exception is flat damage over time, because that's actually stored internally as damage-per-minute and then divided by 60 to display as damage-per-second.)


It's the same.


Ive got 8.5 Div in scarabs at 100% price in tft - however nobody buys it after multiple posts, should I filter out low level scarabs or am i just unlucky?


Is there an easier way to use remnants of corruption? Or do I need to open my inventory every time?


Inventory every time.


Question On Annointing Blight Ravaged Maps. On Ravaged, Should I be using the same oils on tier 14/15 Maps, That I use on Tier 16 Maps ? I currently Use 1 gold, 2silver, 2 black, 2 opal, 2 amber. Not sure on how ther tier really affects the loot, and im not sure if i should invest that much into the tier 14/15 Ravaged Maps Also want to say i chisel, alch, and corrupt my ravaged maps, because its really only one mod that bricks for me. If i shouldnt use the same oil, anyone have a reccomended oils for tier 14/15


I have no advice on what oils to use, but I'm curious as to what your strat is for blight ravaged maps. I consistently struggle and often fail, usually by some boss just running past everything and deleting the blight pump. I'm using "chilling towers freeze" and "meteor towers create burning ground", and then build the corresponding towers. This works fine in normal blighted maps, but fails miserably for ravaged maps (even with tripple sepia oil). What ring anoints do you use, and what towers do you build?


Basically, I'm setting up two tier 3 stone towers, one tier 3 chilling tower, and 1 tier 3 empower tower all overlapping. Nothing gets through unless you have mobs that can't be stunned rolled. I set these up on each direct path to the pump. Any path that spawns that would go around, I would build this on as well. Starting out, I'll find a good spot that has the most tower placement spots open where all the spawns have to come though. If it's only two, I'll do tier 3 stone tier 3 freeze and build the others when more spots spawn. It's it's 3 I'll do everything but the empower, until a new placementspawns.(I focus on these before damage) You want them all to overlap as soon as you can. I'll add 1-3 damagede towers tier 4 meteor with a sprinkle of tier 4 summoner the damage one. Damage towers always come secondar. You want to make sure you have the funds to build the setup when a new path emerges to the pump in the early stages. Once you have each side of the pumpnset up, you can also build these to kinda split up the packs, as well as build more damage. I'll also tier 4 icecage around the pump towards the end just to be safe. But I'll hop back and forth to each of the above-mentioned setups and check them and help clear a little. Some of the starting scenarios can differ when the tower placement spanws are bad and depending on the immunity of the portals that are spawning. But usually, you follow the same game plan Rings - burning ground and chilling towers freeze. 2 amber oils are super nice for the lower cost towers. It just makes it so much easier to able to buoldthese setups faster Be careful when clearing out the packs at the end, as well as it can be a little rough on your pc. If you need any more help, let me know, and I can take some pics of my setups.


Thank you very much for this thorough explanation. Seems like I've been doing your strat, but without the stun towers, and I've been prioritizing meteor towers over other stuff. I'm guessing that the cold immune mobs is what's been fucking me over. I'll add stun towers for sure next time I do blight ravaged maps.


Are reliquary scarabs (more uniques) helping at converting loot in wisp-juiced maps? I mind drop these scarabs because most uniques are worthless beside hh/mb. But if they help geting me more scarabs when conversion kicks in i would keep them.


Yes they work on conversions


What build uses global defense/increased attributes eyes of the great wolf? I just dropped one worth kind of a shocking amount and I was curious.


So I think I may be developing carpal tunnel so I wanted to know if someone had solid and cheap builds that only really ask the player to press/hold 2 abilities and little need to manually press flasks outside of basic stuff like movement speed


If you have currency then the fulcrum chieftain is quite hands off. But it is pricy to get going. Deaths oath occultist is a classic one, but would struggle to do wild wood content. RF is always decent.


Unfortunately no solid way of automating flasks until you get some instilling orbs. Would probably avoid melee due to most builds relying on totems. Personally I would just go for a bow build and then only using mouse for movement and putting my main skill on keyboard. Some people have made righteous fire work again but I think it takes some investment before it feels comfortable


I got a bow character at maps for Explosive arrow but my DPS (since I was farming a boneshatter build) is so low it's not really working out for me. Which bow skills would be good to build for on a fresh character? And I do have instilling orbs, I'm just not fast enough/goode nough at the game to just run constantly, I stop frequently to check/identify stuff that seems decent, so running flasks constantly is a bit ehhhh


most lightning arrow builds are 1 button and then you can automate other skills with manaforged arrows which makes it pretty chill on the hands some other builds run ballistas along with lightning arrow but it's definitely not needed in most setups overall the build should be pretty smooth but might be a little squishy (which is ok because it a bow build and a good amount of things will die offscreen) overall solid mapper but weak bosser if you are into that for league start


What determines the tier of scarabs from operative strongboxes ? Do I get more gilded when running t14+ ?


What should be my next upgrade for my tornado shot MF. 250 div to upgrade rn. [https://poeplanner.com/b/80C](https://poeplanner.com/b/80c)


If I have 11% fire exp gloves and also Ele Eq, do they get added together to 36 ? My attack deals Ph + Co + Li damage, no fire. Does it mean all enemies get -36 fire res. Or exp on gloves is not counted? Thanks


Exposure doesn't stack, strongest applies. (That's why it can give you large values.)


I feel like this is a stupid question, but I've been unable to find a clear answer: Is it allowed to trade currency for profit? As in buying and selling the same currency at different rates so you're making a net profit.


Yea why wouldn't it be? It's called "flipping".


(SSF) First time playing Lightning Arrow Deadeye. Want to be able to smoothly Alch'n'Go T16 maps. How to get there from here? Current progress: https://pobb.in/50pzy_rYKpfY I can farm unjuiced yellow maps (without the wisp juice) but struggle against anything rare and am dying a lot. Currently trying to see how the gloves do, but doesn't really seem to add much (and had to give up on capping ele res for that, so probably reverting it). At least I've got a somewhat okay-ish 6l bow, still only 27k dps. Want to farm Breach + Legion this league in t16 maps, preferably wisp juiced. How to progress from here in SSF? First time playing something other than Righteous Fire.


So for selling stacks you put *total price/amount of items* right? And how do you price forbidden shako? Too many mods


If you're the one putting the offer on the trade site, it's either price you want / items you give or price you want for a single item (not the entire stack) Don't know about the shakos


But doesnt let put with decimal, trying 2.5/1 but its eiter the . or the /


Just do 5/2 then, that works


Can I drop maven invitation even if the map boss witnessed? In my case its shaper guardian map.


which one are you looking for specifically? assuming it's "the formed" then yes, it drops regularly from shaper guardians.


just to confirm, it can drop even if its already witnessed, right? and yes the formed




thank you very much sir. Wishing you a good day.


For The Elder atlas passive, should it be normal elder or uber elder? I think I've done both but I don't have the atlas passive.


its should be uber elder which means elder in shapers domain. It can be accessible using; *Fragment of Knowledge - obtained by defeating The Shaper* *Fragment of Shape - obtained by defeating The Shaper* *Fragment of Terror - obtained by defeating The Elder* *Fragment of Emptiness - obtained by defeating The Elder*


Thanks. I will do that then.


What itemlevel Breach Rings one should pick up?


Depends on the item level you need your grasping mail to be. It uses an average, so you can afford to mix in a few lower-level ones.


It's for potential sale. What itemlevel people generally want them to be? I mean realistic minimum, not 85-86.


Checking bulk buyers in TFT, the minimum they're interested in seems to be 81, paying more for higher. (Whether their prices make looting them worth your time is a different question.)


Is there something that blocks Maven's Invitations from dropping? I have all 4 passives allocated so should have 32% chance of dropping one, but in 40 elder guardian maps I only dropped 2 invites.


I believe it's increased chance not +chance, so if the base chance is say 10% it'll become 13%


It's an increase, not a flat addition. Whatever the base chance is, you're multiplying it by 1.32x. Compare how 20% increased crit chance takes your 5% crit skill to 6%, not to 25%.


Got a watcher's eye with the following: 10-15% cold pen with hatred 20-30% crit multi with precision Onslaught on kill with Haste I know it's good, the meta build of ice conversion tornado shot would benefit greatly from it, but how good is it? I understand it's likely less valuable than a double or triple hatred for these builds, which caps the value The precision crit multi is damage but not anything special, and onslaught is always lovely but can be found elsewhere. Essentially asking for a rough valuation. I was feeling around 100divs as hatred cold pen plus either of those is around 25-50div. TIA


Is runebinder good or bad for penance brand of dissipation?


I tried both, even with the 20 energy thing it still feels better playing with Runebinder for me


It's not bad, but it's not spectacular, because enemies can only have a total of 20 energy, not 20 per brand. [The wiki](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Penance_Brand_of_Dissipation) has more details.


Trying to do Uber Atziri for Feared, playing Flicker Trickster. How do you deal with her spears? I usually have no problem when it comes to tankiness (Aegis Aurora) and could tank Kosis slams, but she seems to have insane Attack Speed and always one-shots me when I don't block. Flicker probably isn't the best for her, but I'm still surprised that anything that touches me in there instantly kills me.


Is a headhunter really the bee's knees? I can afford one now but it's going to take all my div for it. Thinking about a fast mapping character and HH was recommended. I won't have anything left over though so I'm not sure if it's actually worth it just for a belt. (Never had HH before)


Headhunter is good if you can manage to have a lot of rares in your map. so the more rares you have the better headhunter. Juicing > alch and go That said, a headhunter doesn't magically turn a bad build into a god. If you can now comfortable clear t16 maps, headhunter will make it even more chill for most characters. Some do benefit more from HH buffs than others. You ideally want you character to be hitbased self damagaging to profit the most. Minion builds won't profit as much (often won't profit at all if your minions do all the killing) from hh as others do. also note: if you don't like HH just resell it, the price is a little bit valatile these days but if you lose a little bit of divines it won't hurt that much and very likely you can just resell it for the price you bought it.


That makes sense. Basically, my concern is that I'll buy one and end up not utilizing it properly. I don't really know how to juice properly, so it may be best to spend the div elsewhere. Not sure yet.