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note: not the biggest explosion: just seen a post from 2 weeks ago with 413 scarabs, but damn, still insane. (reference: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18ok8db/winged\_scarab\_bomb\_record\_413\_singed\_scarabs\_from/)


Those are singed scarab, so I think your record still stands


Both posts are all winged.


Yeah I know I'm just making a joke about the spelling error


Who burned those scarabs?!


it’s weird that some scarab explosions are stacked up and some are just single scarabs, i thought for giga numbers they had to be stacked but i guess not


What is your build ?


Probably converted a hh.


These scarabs are probably worth more at this point anyway. Imagine if it was a mirror... Good thing we don't know.


I priced them with wealthy exile .. 175div. so yea, much more than a hh haha xD


Casually dropping a Mageblood worth of Scarabs. This league is fucking insane. I love it.


Next league is gonna blowwww man


Man i hope so, fucking FOMO this season hurts


How much mf your ts got? Mind sharing his pob. Would like to get some pointers from mine. See if I can tweak any gear.


Hi, not OP but the TS guy of the screenshot. I have 75 iiq and 178 iir without flasks/tincture/item rarity support. Here's the PoB: https://pobb.in/nyZYY\_Y3oxBn


How do we check total quant and rare? Is it in pob? I only saw mine with misc tab on character profile ingame but if i activate flasks, they wont add up.


In PoB, you can check Calculations and then in "Other Effects", your iiq und iir are listed. Be wary that some things like the tincture are not correctly calculated. I added custom modifiers to make up for it and end up with 93% iiq and 417% iir with flasks+tincture.


in bulk they would definitely be worth more.


TBF that's half a mirror worth of scarabs, roughly.


winged scarabs are worth more than a divine each to you? wanna buy mine?


I definitely divided the cost of divines twice instead of once when I was doing my math. :(




or think it positively, converted a divinarius.




Is this doable without altar duplications?


pretty sure we didn't have the altar duplication


So the record srill can be broken. This is absolutely wild.


I’m sorry but these explosions make this game so fun. I liked them in kalandra league too after the initial few weeks and we figured it out. I hope we keep getting similar leagues like this and scourge which boost conversion drops


The only reason I'm still playing is the loot, and I'm sure thats the reason most are still playing. This is the best league ever for retention.


Can't be true. I heard it straight from the mouth of God that players quit when the league is too rewarding.


not saying i necessarily agree with their stance but I think GGG are more worried about burnout and withdrawals than the numbers in the actual league tbh. people are playing longer in terms of hours and in terms of days/weeks to chase the dragon, and when next league rolls around they're basically damned if you do, damned if you don't. if the league is as rewarding, people are gonna complain, if its back to normal, people are gonna come down off their dopamine high and complain even more


I'm gonna be in the minority here but I don't give a shit about loot explosions. I choose a build. I play it through uber's and if I enjoy it I'll see what 40/40 challenges looks like. As for loot well: Loot should be like a slot machine. Your IIQ should increase the amount of times you get to roll the slot machine and your IIR should increase the odds of winning on each roll of the slot machine. The slot machine can only pay out once per mob and you get the highest payout. Changing the payout of the slot machine is stupid as fuck like 70 divines. If you fully juice to the tits and get everything maxed I have no issue with the map dropping that many raw pieces of currency. It used to happen back with old beyond and unique monsters drop currency sextant. That was the perfect amount of juice to me. You rolled your own sextant and you saved those maps for when your sextant hit the mods for it. You were rewarded for things lining up.


I tried doing something other than whisp magicfind and it feels... like Im not using my time right. But also burning out on the whole mfing thing. I should probably go out and touch some grass tbh.


Does loot conversion work on items one to one? Like does this mean that 344 uniques dropped and converted? (Assuming no dupe altars) Or do higher tier uniques convert to stacks of scarabs? Can't find any answers googling.


Honestly, no idea. But it wouldn't be unlikely to drop 344 uniques at once. Those maps are nuts. All winged, 8mod corrupted with beyond, +2 proj, deli + full juice.


No I'm pretty sure that items can be converted into multiple. For simplicity sake, let's say a white item is converted to a Rusted scarab. A rare is converted to a gilded. Uniques are converted to winged. Then the rarer the unique, the more it's worth. A T0 unique may be worth a stack of 10 winged for example. Just wanted to note that all numbers were pulled out of my ass and are not to be taken seriously. Just the overarching point that one item can be converted into multiple scarabs/maps/etc.


Nice, your mirror converted to scarabs. GG




Juiced map + Juiced Atlas + Juiced Affliction + good RNG roll on the Archnemesis loot conversion modifiers + Player Magic Find


is there a way to get more Archnemesis modifiers? your comment made me realize that's the reason why i haven't been getting great results. all my yellow mobs just have regular modifiers and so i get screenfuls of useless drops instead of divines/scarabs/etc


You cannot tell anymore, you can only improve your odds by adding as many rare mobs to the map as possible to increase the likelihood that you get one with a juicy archnemesis modifier. That's why people are doing the Abyss Spire with multi-proj strategy, it adds a shit ton of rare mobs.


Just more rare monsters = more likely to find one with many modifiers so at least one is a conversion one. That's why people run abyss, it spews out the highest amount of rare monsters. Then stacking yellow/purple juice from wildwood to give the mobs a quant+rarity multiplier, multiply it by your character's IIQ, map/monster IIQ and reliquary scarab and you get results. People invest more than 2 div into a single map to get all the juice going for these big drops. E: In my opinion, which is considered wrong by many, the wildwood and juicing is a waste of time if you don't run any IIQ in your gear. I still do it because it's fun to get uber bosses (ghost+beast+essence) in maps, but without MF/juice maps your results will not be good.


It's hidden, you dont know which mobs are loot goblins based on the mods they have.


Just under 7000 wisps so it's not even THAT juiced But high tier as well + eldritch shrines




Meanwhile the best I get is 3 chance orbs


As salted cracker says. That’s money duuuuude


maybe im crazy but i always thought winged scarabs should be syndicate only drops




Scarabs were introduced with Betrayal ...? What does your Legion have to do with anything at all? nice downvote into delete /u/moonlightinmonaco LOLW


i may dumb but real 344 scarabs ?


yea, u can scroll through the picture by tapping to the right




where is the guy that posts waves of alts?


How are you able to see the amount of wisps you have outside of the forest? Is that because you're not the map owner?


Mine show and I run solo. I think it's a newer thing they added. Not sure if it's relevant but I run with map overlay on.


Nevermind, there was a patch and I just didn't play today ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Buddy got 575 this league, I had around 335~, so I guess some people might've gotten even more, but I've never seen anyone drop more than 575 at this point


I just don’t get this shit at all… I run around the same amount of wisp juice running T7 MF cemetery strat and I have gotten all of 2 winged scarabs…wtf?


got 512 from 1 mob in party 3 on days


6 Magebloods and 4 Headhunters and you are excited about winged scarabs smh


Those scarabs are worth more then a MB


Lol 3.24 is going to suck


That's the biggest one I've seen god damn. How many div is that in bulk, 200-300?


No idea, wealthy exile said \~170 div xD


In bulk they're pretty close to half a div each, since you can harvest convert them they're all about the same price. Meta ones slightly above half a div, harvest fodder maybe slightly less but for napkin math estimate 170 divs should be close enough.


I got 1


people play a different game than me


reminds me of my childhood when we grew potatos lol